Thursday, April 10, 2008


Recently, DIAR KYT DTC was in a terrible car wreck and has been paralyzed. He's been clinging to life and has pulled through and is beginning to show big signs of improvement. We are currently organizing art shows and a benefit CD. 

Clout magazine has been spearheading an art show and they offer the best way to contribute on that front. Check them out online at or contact them at

Goonie is currently organizing musicians to put out a benefit CD. If you are interested in contributing a track, please hit him up on and he can get you more information. 

Those who pray: pray. Those who spray: spray.

The first benefit is in Long Beach (Los Angeles) CA: April 11 - 12, 2008
Crime 79 / Cope 2 in California
flyer with the 411

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Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Live action train footage wanted for music video

"I am looking for a train or metro-graffiti for a music video clip.

"At the following link, you can see two examples:

"I pay $ 1000 and do not need a finished video, only the material that I can edit.

"If you are interested, send a message to :
[email protected]

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Thursday, December 06, 2007




The Womanhood Learning project is a two-year initiative that explores women's roles and leadership positions in different sectors within Hip-Hop culture and the community. This project is intended to bring unity within women in Hip-Hop by creating a space to learn, build, and bring about concrete change through an online platform -, a book, a case study, and a marketing campaign empowering women around the world.

We are searching for illustration and photographs that depict women in Hip-Hop, be it rhyming, b-girling, Djing or just representing Hip-Hop through social art, activism and entrepreneurship for the website.

If your work is selected, you will receive contributing credit on the website, special thanks in the forthcoming book entitled - Fresh, Bold and So Def: 100 Influential Women in Hip-Hop, get international exposure by having your work included on our website and you will get invited to partake in exclusive events and discussions related to the Womanhood Learning Project.

There is no cost or limit to the number of entries you can submit to THE WOMANHOOD LEARNING PROJECT.

Images should be 300DPI, CMYK, TIFF or EPS.

Please send your submissions or inquiries to [email protected] by December 19, 2007.


We are declaring 2008 "THE YEAR OF THE HIP-HOP WOMAN" and we want to create a global events calendar to promote activities that focus and promote women in Hip-Hop.

So please email us at [email protected] by December 21, 2007, and send us the dates and a short description for your event and a flier or a link to a website if you have one. This way we know what's up and we can support all the "Hip-Hop Ladies" worldwide next year.

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Monday, August 13, 2007

40 million have HIV-AIDS (SIDA) + 4 million more this year alone

Teenagers and young adults (and their babies) worldwide are being killed by this incurable disease even though it's preventable.

We must each save ourselves, our friends and our loved ones, because the world can't afford to save us. Even if someone makes a vaccine (and no one knows if this is even possible yet), it wouldn't help you if you're already infected.

Our governments, churches, families and schools are afraid to give us any information that involves sex and drugs. In many countries where the number of infected people is rising most rapidly, the governments won't even alert the public to the threat! They would rather let you die than admit you are having sex.

So it's up to us to bring the news to the kids who need it.

Here's the bottom line: Use condoms and don't share needles. That's what works best.

Condoms show you care about yourself and your partner. Condoms are about germs and sperm, not about morality. Let's be practical. They are not a perfect solution, but this is what we all must do if we're to stop this global pandemic and avoid killing ourselves, our lovers, and our children. We need to get creative about making them more available too, such as providing them at parties and clubs.

Spread the word, please, on your blogs and personal pages ... and on the walls.

Here's a good place to buy them online (in business since 1994) and they ship worldwide:

I'd like to show more paintings on AIDS prevention too.
[email protected]

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Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wanted: Films and Poster Designs for Film Fest in CA

[Got this today, thought some of you might be interested ...]

The 7th Annual Tiburon International Film Festival (TIFF) will be held March 13-21, 2008 in Tiburon, California. Deadline to submit films and posters: December 1, 2007 (Their website, linked above, has details about submitting films.)

Poster Contest

If your poster design is selected, your design will become the face of the Festival; it will be on the cover of the program books, t-shirts and much more--unlimited and priceless exposure. We will also post your photo and biography on the festival website for one year for greater exposure.

Poster Guidelines:

The contest is open to all artists. All entries must be received by deadline. There is no limit to the number of entries submitted.

Use colors and design concepts that create a strong graphic presentation. The design must be easily translated to a variety of print materials such as posters, newsprint ads, cotton t-shirts, bus ads, film, etc.

In the artwork, incorporate the following:

- 7th Annual Tiburon International Film Festival
- March 13-21, 2008
- Our motto: Understanding the World through Film ®
- The theme of the festival this year is: Toward A Global Cinema
- Our web address:

Entries will be evaluated based on appeal, content and marketability. The decision of the judges is final. The Tiburon International Film Festival does not assume responsibility for submissions. The winning design is selected by a panel of judges in the fields of design, arts, public relations and marketing. The winning poster will be unveiled in January 2008 in Tiburon.

IMPORTANT: Entries must be mounted on a board 8.5 inches wide x 11 inches high. Include your name, address, email and phone number with each submission. Send submissions to:

Tiburon International Film Festival
1680 Tiburon Blvd
Tiburon, CA 94920

Phone: +1 (415) 381-4123
[email protected]

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