Tuesday, January 28, 2003

The real state of the union.


Sunday, January 26, 2003

Boneheads: How [not] to get killed by trains

Monday, January 20, 2003

Review of William Pepper's extraordinary new book, "Act of State - The Execution of Martin Luther King" by David T. Ratcliffe

Thursday, January 16, 2003

Protest Net - Worldwide action calendar

Recent protest in Los Angeles, photo by Sano

A scholar's ink lasts longer than a martyrs blood - Irish proverb

the Greens/Green Party USA

Piracy is Progressive Taxation, and Other Thoughts on the Evolution of Online Distribution [Dec. 11, 2002] ?

Your Mailinglist Provider - stop sending all your email addresses out to your list. Use a real mailing list solution. Free.
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only $25 per month and you can create a discussion community in email.

Stop spam with Sneakemail 2.0, the spam stopper, anonymizer, email forwarding, spam filter service

Tuesday, January 14, 2003

the UN petition circulating in email is a hoax. This one isn't:
MoveOn's antiwar petition
They could use volunteers also.
Next two weeks: lots of protests. Check the schedule at unitedforpeace.org

On the lighter side, check out these beauties:
artwork made from spraypaint

Saturday, January 11, 2003

More than half of Americans oppose war with Iraq
at least under the current circumstances. But in America the sheep are ruled by the weasels, so expect carnage.


Dondi T-Shirts
Morons on the Web (how not to be one)
Fawn E. Gehweiler
*Disney Girls*
featuring new work by Fawn
at Meltdown Gallery
7752 Sunset Blvd . Hollywould
January 17th
7-11 pm
Federal database spy site fading away - If only we could be sure.
What you copy can be stolen, such as your password ZDNet |UK| - News - Story - Users warned over IE clipboard exploit
Newswire : SF Indymedia (news you can use)
Bowing to pressure from the Dow Chemical Corporation, the internet company Verio has booted the activist-oriented Thing.net from the Web.
Internet service provider Thing.net has been the primary service provider for activist and artist organizations in the New York area for 10 years.
On December 3, activists used a server housed by Thing.net to post a parody Dow press release on the eighteenth anniversary of the disaster in which 20,000 people died as a result of an accident at a Union Carbide plant in Bhopal, India. (Union Carbide is now owned by Dow.) The deadpan statement, which many people took as real, explained that Dow could not accept responsibility for the disaster due to its primary allegiance to its shareholders and to its bottom line.
Dow was not amused, and sent a Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) complaint to Verio, which immediately cut Thing.net off the internet for fifteen hours. A few days later, Verio announced that Thing.net had 60 days to move to another provider before being shut down permanently, unilaterally terminating Thing.net's 7-year-old contract.
Affected organizations include PS1/MOMA, Artforum, Nettime, Tenant.net (which assists renters facing eviction), and hundreds more.
"Verio's actions are nothing short of outrageous," said Wolfgang Staehle, Thing.net Executive Director. "They could have resolved the matter with the Dow parodists directly; instead they chose to shut down our entire network. This self-appointed enforcement of the DMCA could have a serious chilling effect on free speech, and has already damaged our business."
RTMark, which publicizes corporate abuses of democracy, is housed on Thing.net. Please visit https://secure.thing.net/backbone/ to help Thing.net survive Dow's and Verio's actions, and to develop a plan to avoid such problems in the future.
Contact: [email protected]

gmtPlus9 | a daily weblog from Osaka, Japan Great art and trend pointers
Earthjustice: Because the Earth Needs A Good Lawyer
Fallout Shelter News
California Dept. of [billboard] Corrections (don't miss this)
:: www.StencilArchive.org ::
Rooting Out Evil - Mission USA (funny! pathetic!)
stereotypography :: all your favourite news (for design heads)
Sundance online Animation festival
Wired News: Beware the Latest MP3 Worms
:: errata erratum :: DJ Spooky's electronic art experiment
Macromedia - Flash : Usability Tips (guidelines for making Flash sites)
Freespeech.org (has good articles but doesn't host graffiti sites)

Friday, January 03, 2003

I'm no luddite, but Genetically Modified food really scares me. This article in The Nation frightens me that much more.

Read how Biotech firms let their biopharmaceutical crops get away from them and contaminate a food source soybean crop. Wow. Now tell me why haven't these problems been reported in mainstream media?