Thursday, May 24, 2007

Wanted: Films and Poster Designs for Film Fest in CA

[Got this today, thought some of you might be interested ...]

The 7th Annual Tiburon International Film Festival (TIFF) will be held March 13-21, 2008 in Tiburon, California. Deadline to submit films and posters: December 1, 2007 (Their website, linked above, has details about submitting films.)

Poster Contest

If your poster design is selected, your design will become the face of the Festival; it will be on the cover of the program books, t-shirts and much more--unlimited and priceless exposure. We will also post your photo and biography on the festival website for one year for greater exposure.

Poster Guidelines:

The contest is open to all artists. All entries must be received by deadline. There is no limit to the number of entries submitted.

Use colors and design concepts that create a strong graphic presentation. The design must be easily translated to a variety of print materials such as posters, newsprint ads, cotton t-shirts, bus ads, film, etc.

In the artwork, incorporate the following:

- 7th Annual Tiburon International Film Festival
- March 13-21, 2008
- Our motto: Understanding the World through Film ®
- The theme of the festival this year is: Toward A Global Cinema
- Our web address:

Entries will be evaluated based on appeal, content and marketability. The decision of the judges is final. The Tiburon International Film Festival does not assume responsibility for submissions. The winning design is selected by a panel of judges in the fields of design, arts, public relations and marketing. The winning poster will be unveiled in January 2008 in Tiburon.

IMPORTANT: Entries must be mounted on a board 8.5 inches wide x 11 inches high. Include your name, address, email and phone number with each submission. Send submissions to:

Tiburon International Film Festival
1680 Tiburon Blvd
Tiburon, CA 94920

Phone: +1 (415) 381-4123
[email protected]

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