Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Wacom Cintiq 12WX: LCD Drawing Tablet

I hope this one will finally be reasonable enough to buy ... but if not, I can recommend the Wacoms without the screen on the tablets. I liked mine a lot and miss it every single time I have to draw a line with a mouse. Has been a while though, and I wouldn't buy the cheapest model these days.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007

Ebay users beware, especially when buying cars

There's a new Trojan that has been helping thieves steal from innocent ebay users. It makes fake websites on your infected computer that make the thieves look legit. All you have to do is click on an attachment that looks like it came from ebay and your computer is theirs.
The Trojan installs a scaled-down webserver on an infected machine that masquerades as eBay and several third-party destinations frequently used to sniff out fraudulent offerings, including, and
When a victim browses to one of these sites, the webserver creates a parallel universe of sorts, in which the victim sees counterfeit pages designed to counter fraud protection mechanisms offered by eBay and third-party sites.

"To think that somehow they got software on their system that managed to spoof all the validation sites - that's a shit-scary story," said Roger Thompson, a researcher at Exploit Prevention Labs who specializes in web-based attacks. "It's fiendishly clever."

If you really want to read a scary story, though, it's all about Storm Worm.


Midwest Teen Sex Show

Sex ed by and for teens. Video podcasts. Also available on iTunes. Watch theirs, make your own. Scholarship prizes.

"Young people (15 to 30) are invited to submit new digital videos showing how they envision the sex ed experience. The grand prize winner will receive a $3500 scholarship or cash equivalent."

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Graffiti Trading Cards

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Monday, October 15, 2007

Martin Lee Anderson's killers go free

This is insanely wrong. I hope there's an appeal, quickly. The people who beat Martin to death should go directly to jail, all of them. And their pet doctors too. The worst irony is that if his parents had beaten him themselves instead of paying someone else to do it, the parents would go to jail.

Just say no to booting out your children.

Flee children, flee.

Martin Anderson, RIP.

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Blade Runner Art Contest

The PR firm for the movie just contacted me and suggested that you and yours might want to submit some inspired ideas. See the link for details.

"In celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Blade Runner, we are seeking artists of all mediums (film, photography, painters, designers, writers, etc.) to submit a personal piece that has been inspired by the film."

UPDATE: Logan Hicks says not so fast, read the fine print.

Dang. Another artist-unfriendly rule set.


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White House parody site
Too funny.

via Web Heads

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Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Martyring of Che Guevara

Interesting summary of Che's role in history, his assassination 40 years ago, and the absurdity of obsessing over Communists.

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Saturday, October 13, 2007

Detroit murals and graffiti

We haven't seen much Detroit artwork on the Web so far, but here is a nice sampling. Here's a tasty one:

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

I wish Carter was back in the White House.

What we need in elected office are more human beings like former US President Carter. He's the champion behind Habitat for Humanity, a guy with practical plans of action, such as peace talks. A person who stands up for what he believes in, such as fair and trustable election processes, plus he is smart enough to be entrusted with managing complex political realities. He's too religiously motivated, but he's got a good heart.

CNN reports: "The United States tortures prisoners in violation of international law, former President Carter said Wednesday....Carter also said President Bush creates his own definition of human rights."

Reuters reports that Carter also "denounced Vice President Dick Cheney as a 'disaster' for the country and a 'militant' who has had an excessive influence in setting foreign policy."

Carter also criticized some of the 2008 Republican presidential candidates, calling former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani "foolish" for his contention the United States should be open to use force on Iran.


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Street art: Orion and Blu

Ossario : Alexandre Orion


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