Thursday, March 31, 2005

Taipei Taiwan opens 4 parks to graffiti art

Congratulations to Taiwan's graffiti artists! If only other countries were this civilized.

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

11-year-old female video blogger speaks. Why? "Because I Can."

Want to join the media revolution? It's cheaper than you think.
What you need:

* Mac Mini ($479 if you're in school), just add keyboard, mouse and monitor.
or ibook (under $1000)

* imovie (and why not ... "garageband" might be real handy to have too, also on this page)

* isight (vidcam for chat, net phone, videoblogging)

* Blogger (free or real cheap, depending on where you put it)

For students: Apple's Education discount store. The same price is offered at retailers too but you have to ask for the education discount or maybe buy it at a university Apple store.

Collaborative Art Online

This site:

just got passed along to me..which lead me to the above site that has all kinds of collaborative art.

I didn't find any graf, but it's not too late. Someone should start a piece that continues forever. Let me know if you do.

Monday, March 21, 2005

CNN Piece on Devious Doze

This web article is a seriously nice piece that has Doze talking about the transition from writer to graphic designer to fine artist.


Thursday, March 17, 2005

RIP Patrick Elasik

Patrick, one of the founders of Mass Appeal magazine, was tragically killed in a third-rail accident while crossing tracks at a station.


Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Congratulations to won SXSW's web award this year!
Mare139 had a lot to do with the site's success.

He and his brother Kel1st had their own portfolio site online, Voice of the Ghetto, in 1994 when Art Crimes was still just a gray blur on the screen, so it's no surprise they keep rising to the top of whatever they do. (Kel is now designing custom belt buckles in precious metals among other things)

World Spray Crew calls for anti-war action ...

... this weekend.

Art Crimes has a war art section too, which welcomes high-quality contributions at any time.


Sunday, March 06, 2005

Reminder for AOL users - parental controls block email

I get a lot of mail from AOL users that I am unable to reply to. The problem seems to be that the parental controls on the AOL account are set to not accept email from the internet or something similar. So all my replies bounce back to me and you never see them. Maybe your mom does, I dunno. So if you have an AOL account and you wonder why I'm not replying to your mail, that's the most likely reason.
