Saturday, June 20, 2009

IZ THE WIZ obituary

Thanks to Pink Smith for sending this in.

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Invader and WK Interact this summer at Jonathan Levine Gallery, NY

Invader is back in the States, so if you're in NYC, keep looking up.

JLG shows some interesting art ... the upcoming Houser and Dalek shows for example.

Jonathan LeVine Gallery | 529 West 20th Street, 9th Floor | New York, NY 10011 | Open Tuesday through Saturday, 11am to 6pm | 212-243-3822

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

IZ THE WIZ candlelight memorial tonight in NYC

The flyer for the event reproduces a magazine article from 1998 in which IZ explains his illness and warns against the dangers of spray paint.

Thanks IZ.

Wear those respirators, kids.

Haven Arts Gallery, 7-10 pm ... bring a candle.

50 Bruckner Blvd, Bldg A
Bronx NY 10454
+1 718.585.5753


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IZ photos by Steam

Steam156 has published some of his extensive photo collection, this time of IZ THE WIZ shots, in memory of the King.

Thanks, Steam!

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IZ THE WIZ left this Earth June 17, 2009.

He will be missed forever, yet hIs legend lives on.

His work is still on view at Tuff City Tattoo in the Bronx, but it's no longer for sale.

Memorial activities will be private, for close friends and family.

Sincere condolences to those he leaves behind.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009

Tats Cru x Obama x Won ABC

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How and Nosm

How and Nosm have a new website!

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Fake StayHigh149 tries again

As I posted last year, with TATS Cru, there's a fake StayHigh149 online, apparently now on MySpace.

Lately, he's been dropping my name and the names of prominent writers in NYC, trying to get other writers to endorse him and his website, events, and so on. Don't be fooled. It's a pack of lies. If you get email from "StayHigh149" you can be sure it's fake.

It is ridiculous that someone would try to pull this off, but I guess some people will do anything to try to steal someone else's fame.

The real StayHigh149 is black, and he still lives in NYC as far as anyone knows.

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Harlem Wall of Pride going condo

Better go get some photos now.

Thanks to Omar for the tip. Thanks to James T.O.P. for all you do.

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February 20 NYC - An Evening of Hip Hop History

Join The Hip Hop Culture Center as we celebrate Black History Month with an Evening of Hip Hop History.

Friday, February 20th

The Hip Hop Culture Center
2nd Floor of the Magic Johnson Theater
2309 Frederick Douglass Blvd
Harlem, New York City

"An Evening of Hip Hop History" will observe Black history month and Hip Hop through a presentation by Jamel Shabazz, art exhibitions, film screenings, and special performances.

6:30pm-7:30pm ?The Lesson Plan?
Screening of ?The Lesson Plan?, a short film about the impact of Willie Lynch. Q & A
following by director Eddy Duran.

8:00pm-8:30pm Renaldo Davidson?s Obama Art Series
Talented Artist , Renaldo Davidsonintroduces his 44 series, a retrospective collection
of Obama & family portraits

8:30pm-9:30pm Hip Hop Photo Legend Jamel Shabazz
Noted Hip Hop photographer and author, Jamel Shabazzpresents his work and vision.
?Back in The Day?, ?A Time Before Crack?, and ?The Last Sunday in June?. Q & A and
book signing.

9:30pm-10:45pm Hottest Poets host Old School Hip Hop Tribute & Poetry Jam
Rapathon Alumni pay tribute to KRS 1, Nas, Brand Nubian, Biggie, and Jay Z. This
segment will also include Hip Hop Questions for prizes and performances with poetry.

10:45pm-12:00pm After Party featuring DJ Mike Doelo
Music & Mingle


MC/Spoken Word Artists with best freestyle of the evening will win cash prize of $100


Call 212-234-7171 for more info

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Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Guia Rivera does "Graffiti"

Thanks to Breaker Ray for the tip!

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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Blade, King of Graff

Check this graffiti gallery in Denmark for Blade's artwork from the show and other Danish graffiti delights.

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Sunday, January 04, 2009

Amtrak photo contestant arrested by Amtrak police in NYC

The linked article shows what idiots some train company police can be (arresting a photographer during an Amtrak photo contest and then lying about why), but nonetheless it's legal to take photos in public places in the US unless a sign prohibits it.

If you actually resist arrest, though, train security might shoot you dead, like a BART officer in Oakland did to Oscar Grant, just days ago. Oscar was not taking photos, but there too, the train police confiscated cameras and phones from witnesses after one of the cops killed Oscar. Some youtube footage is surfacing anyway, because so many people witnessed the killing.

The right to take photos is one we must all continue to fight to keep, but take that fight to the courtroom for your own safety, and to benefit everyone.

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Sunday, December 28, 2008

Pixelator subvertising

Elegant, low-tech, visually pleasing solution to unwanted video advertising in public.

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Saturday, November 15, 2008

The NYT spoof - Yes Men and others claim responsibility

We've seen The Yes Men in action before, and they are some of the coolest pranksters ever.

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

A NYTimes parody

Too funny. Must be a cynical week all over. Rumor is these folks not only spoofed the NYT but they also printed hard copies and distributed them in NYC, so be on the lookout if you're in the City.

Thanks to Katie for the tip

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Thursday, October 30, 2008

NYC high school rents out its graffiti roof room

This is the same space I posted about a while back, Seward Park High School in NYC, that let some of the Kings come in and paint. This article explains the rooftop space's influence a bit more and mentions in passing that it's also a rentable party space. Support their school and the Old School at the same time. Sweet. Open air.

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Friday, October 10, 2008

COMET, PJAY, DUSTER, CAP, SEEN - canvases and sketches

For sale online, in France. worldwide delivery.
Font size
info: [email protected]

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Banksy's Pet Store in New York

Banksy's "Village Pet Store and Charcoal Grill" will be open until October 31st (Halloween) daily from 10am until midnight. And you can see the stuff through the window too, so just go.
While New Yorkers have been consumed by the stock market meltdown, a tiny little pet store quietly opened four days ago at 89 7th Avenue between West 4th and Bleeker Street in the West Village of New York City.

It's an installation with no live animals (finally). And it's stencil and graffiti free. It would be hard to believe it's Banksy's if Wooster Collective hadn't said so. Follow the link to see their video of some of it.
Wooster: From Banksy:

?New Yorkers don?t care about art, they care about pets. So I?m exhibiting them instead. I wanted to make art that questioned our relationship with animals and the ethics and sustainability of factory farming, but it ended up as chicken nuggets singing. I took all the money I made exploiting an animal in my last show and used it to fund a new show about the exploitation of animals. If it's art and you can see it from the street, I guess it could still be considered street art."

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Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Diaroogle - Search for bathrooms in New York City

The mobile-ready NYC toilet search engine with the unfortunate name. No really. And you can add your own favorite water closets as you go.

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Friday, August 15, 2008

Satanic Plumber Archive

400+ news articles from over two decades on underground New York City subjects..... City Hall Station, graffiti writers busted, Hickey + Ski interview, the Ket saga, the High Line story, WTC diagrams, subway blacksmith, TATs profile, Freedom Tunnel, Caine RIP....... it's all there and more.

via SaneSmith

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Monday, August 11, 2008

TATS Cru sues over mural removal in NYC

Another shameful moment for Rev. Al Sharpton.

Only unpopular speech needs free-speech protections. This legally done mural on private property was censored by people who didn't agree with it. And that's just not the way we do things in the USA.

The "Stop Snitchin'" mural, painted on the side of an East Harlem bodega with the permission of the building's owner in 2006, featured a rat with a noose around its neck and the phrase that police say has left many of the city's crimes unsolved.

In July, City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, the Rev. Al Sharpton and others painted over the mural and invited the media to watch, charging that the mural hampers the justice system and promotes violence.

The Hunts Point-based Tats Cru, which has turned its street graffiti into a worldwide commercial enterprise, says the city's action has violated its right to free speech.

Stacey Richman, the group's lawyer, says city officials violated federal defamation and slander laws by painting over the mural.
"If you or I or anyone else did this, we would be arrested for criminal mischief," Richman said. "It was not about endorsing a negative connotation. It was about getting discussion going."

The mural destruction mob claimed the owner said they could erase it. TATS representatives say the owner was threatened with fines if he did not agree. Perhaps they will get another demonstration of the Streisand Effect for their trouble.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Mare139: Day 5

Showing you how the chrome 3D is done.

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Carnivalesque Dreams of Os Gemeos

Video interview with the twins at their NYC show going on right now at Deitch Projects
via KR

New York: June 28 - August 9, 2008
Os Gemeos: Too Far Too Close
212 343 7300

Open to the public Tuesday through Saturday from 12PM to 6PM
Deitch Projects - 18 Wooster St, New York NY

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Mission Graffiti

Some great historical photos here.

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Friday, February 22, 2008

The StayHigh149 controversy

Bio and TATs have asked me to publish this letter publicly.

Regarding the StayHigh 149 wars
First, I would like to point out that I usually would not involve myself in internet gossip but this has become a real problem. I have too much respect for the graffiti culture and admiration for the old school to allow this to continue. I have just recently learned that you are using my name as well as Per in supporting your claim to be StayHigh149. I will not speak for Per I can only speak for myself.

I cannot say who wrote what first because I was not there. I have been writing for 30 years so I cannot comment on what happened in the 70s. I can only go by what I learn from the old school writers who were there. I know that when we first met you told us you were StayHigh149 and we were like "no way." We even asked you if you were the guy who painted the stick figure smoking a joint and you said yes.

We had no reason to doubt you back then we weren't around in the early days to know and StayHigh had not been heard from in years we took your word for it. I have to say maybe you did write StayHigh149 first (your claim) but you are definitely not the one that people are referring to or the one responsible for all the photos we have seen published throughout the years. What I'm saying is that whether you were first or not you are not the guy who made the name famous.

No one would even be talking about any of this if it were not for the efforts of StayHigh149, Voice of the Ghetto. The man who brought us the smoking stickman. I don't have anything against you personally, you were a cool person but I cannot support you in this matter.

I now know the truth and have since met the original StayHigh149. I look back and realize that we were fooled -- the signs were always there but we just ignored them. I remember Seen UA bringing you some photos of some StayHigh pieces on trains and you said you didn't remember doing them. I found that strange but let it slide. I also noticed that the tag and stick figure you use to tag looked a little shaky but I dismissed it thinking you might be rusty. I also remember speaking to Phase 2 and he told us that the original StayHigh was black.

I remember we were starting to doubt that you were StayHigh then you went and got a StayHigh tattoo and I remember thinking damn I doubt anyone would go to those lengths if he wasn't the real person. I remember going to a Hugo Martinez gallery show with you and all the old school writers saying that the original StayHigh149 was a black guy. At this time I realize that we had been fooled.

I don't think we made a big deal of it at the time because we had become cool with you. I'm sorry that I have to speak about this publicly but you have made it a public matter. I am not attacking you but I cannot allow my name to be used in an effort to change history when I know that you are not the StayHigh who made graffiti history. Bg183 who also painted with you feels the same way. I have nothing to gain by discrediting you but I will not let history be distorted. I'm sorry but credit goes to where credit is due. I wish you much success in your other artistic ventures.

Bio Tats Cru

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Fuzz One needs our help: Buy his book now

Sadly, Fuzz One's mother just passed away and he is trying to raise funds to cover her funeral costs. So if you were thinking about buying one of his new books, this is the best of all possible times to do that. Here's the info:

Fuzz One
The Last of the Old School
by Vincent Fedorchak

This one you have to buy directly from Fuzz because it's not available anywhere else.
[email protected]

Fuzz says:
Book is 8 1/2 by 11 inches. Heavy and almost 400 pages. All raw text of hardcore NY history.

US customers: No PayPal at all. Only checks allowed from a U.S. bank. Check or money order only. For one book only and extra artwork, the total to send is $40.00. All shipments get sent with Priority Mail and include new artwork I am doing. If you want more than one book, e-mail me for prices.

Any other country: No personal checks. Only International Money Order or U.S. dollars in cash. No Euros or other currency for now. This gets you one book and Priority Mail shipping (airmail). You can send it certified mail so you know I got it, but that is an extra expense for you. It's US$ 50.00 for one book to get sent to England. I have had a few customers from there already. It should be close to that for other European countries but I ask that you e-mail me first from where you are in order to determine if it will cost more. Send inquiries to [email protected]

I will sign each book and in most cases will add my own graffiti artwork by doing something for you and include it with the book. No other authors do that.

More than one book: If you want more than one book, send me a note to tell me how many you want and where you are. New shipping prices will be given to you.

Not doing business with any bookstores or distributors. Write your name and address neatly so I can read it when sending your payment.

Send any payments here:

Vincent Fedorchak
PO Box 111
Port Jervis NY 12771

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Saturday, January 26, 2008

SprayMasters to premiere in NYC Feb 13

SprayMasters, the new film by Manfred Kirchheimer, produced by Manny and his son Gabe, will be opening MoMA's Documentary Fortnight series on Feb. 13 at 6 p.m. in New York City.

The film features interviews with seminal graffiti artists Futura 2000, Lee, Lady Pink, and Zephyr, plus rare footage of painted trains from the late 1970s and its original soundtrack from Studio Chill includes Mark Shine, J-Illa, The Cultures of Rhythm, Ezekiel, Al Street, and Matt Ray.

This film is a follow-up to Kirchheimer's underground classic "Stations of the Elevated" (1980)

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Saturday, January 19, 2008

Alex Grey exhibition in NYC

See psychedelic artwork like no other, until February 8 at the Microcosm.

See more stuff online and in NYC at Cosm

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Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Graffiti art classes in NYC - with James TOP

Students at the University of New York's Hostos Community College in the Bronx now can enroll in a 19-week class on the street art of graffiti. The class, "Graffiti: The Art of Hip Hop," is offered as a non-credit continuation course in the school's art program.

James Cade, known as Jee2 or James TOP, teaches the "hands-on" class. Cade will teach students graffiti art using local art galleries and field trips to view commissioned murals around the area.

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Tuesday, January 01, 2008

NYC graffiti artists make creative space on high school roof

New Design High School, 350 Grand Street, 212.475.4148
Jesse Pais, dean at the design school organized this project

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Ket speaks to Urb about his trial and tribulations

In part one "The Taking of Alan Ket," an interview by Michael Vazquez of URB magazine, graffiti veteran Ket discusses the nature of his prosecution; his regrets about storing and jeopardizing archives; the silence regarding his case from international museums and art organizations. In part two, he discusses the responses he'd received online about his case; his work with companies who have not taken an interest in graffiti prosecution despite their use of the aesthetic vernacular which is honed in the streets; his own hard lessons learned; the logical extension of what his prosecution means to others the world over. In part three he discusses his life-long immersion in graffiti culture, and the artists who meant the most to him when he was young.

You can comment on this at URB at the link above.

Ecko gained everything from Ket and the other graffiti artists that have made that company what it is today. Ket made their graffiti game happen. Ket was arrested because of fighting city hall for Ecko's NYC event. Where was Ecko when Ket needed help? Where is Ecko now that the NYC PD won't give the graffiti archives back to Ket? Time to stop supporting corporations that just want our money. Marc Ecko needs to put his money where his mouth is.

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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

NYC prohibits unlocked paint, markers for under-21

"The law, authored by City Councilmember Peter F. Vallone Jr., outlaws the possession of graffiti instruments in public places by people under the age 21. Under the new bill, it will be a criminal violation to carry spray paint, broad-tipped markers or etching acid unless it is enclosed in a locked container, or if the tools are needed for educational or professional purposes."

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Support Ket

Benefit in NYC on July 28, online + NYC auction too, at link above:

Ket needs our help in his legal battle, because he's being persecuted by city hall in NYC and the outcome will affect many writers as well as all those who cherish free speech, free expression, and the right to free assembly.

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Monday, July 02, 2007

Ket: benefit auction and donation website

The Walls Belong to Us

June 25, 2007 (New York) -- On August 1st, 2007, The Hip Hop Theatre Festival will host a silent art auction and benefit for Alan Ket?s legal defense titled, THE WALLS BELONG TO US; at the POWERHOUSE ARENA. THE WALLS BELONG TO US will feature the largest line up of global graffiti, urban art, and photography ever assembled in one space, with over 120 pieces and 105 artists involved. Canvases, sculptures, prints and silk screens from world-renowned artists including, but not limited to: Martha Cooper, FUTURA 2000, Lee Quiñones, Lady Pink, Jamel Shabazz, GHOST, Grotesk, DELTA, Guy Gonzales, IZ THE WIZ, Jose Parla, Henry Chalfant, REVS, ZEPHYR, Shepard Fairey, EWOK, Joe Conzo, DAZE and Brett Cook Dizney.

In addition, THE WALLS BELONG TO US auction will play an instrumental role in raising funds to combat social injustice. Presently, Alan Ket [Maridueña] is the defendant in three cases in New York City. He has been accused and arrested for alleged graffiti crimes stemming from an October 2006 search of his home and office. In March 2007, police arrested him after a five-month investigation. He is charged with over a dozen felony charges [all graffiti-related] that if convicted could place him in prison for over ten years. Alan Ket has no prior criminal record. He is being represented by Daniel Perez of the law firm of Kuby and Perez LLP.

Since 1986, Alan Ket has documented the New York City graffiti art movement and been an active participant as a painter and supporter. From launching STRESS (1995) and COMPLEX magazines (2001) to serving as an art curator for the 2006 video game ?Marc Ecko?s Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure?; he has made sure that graffiti art is recognized as an important and legitimate art movement by documenting its pioneers and its protagonists. Traveling to universities nationwide, Ket has been an outspoken advocate on graffiti history, criminalization, and issues concerning public art. Today, as US publisher of From Here to Fame Books, he publishes books that celebrate Hip Hop, street movements and graffiti history.

The open-invite fundraiser will feature an open bar with beer and cocktails, music, a silent auction, and art raffles of books supplied by From Here To Fame. Alan Ket?s friends and supporters are donating works exclusively for this auction event to support his legal defense and to show solidarity to a fellow artist.

A preview of the exhibition will commence on July 25th and run through until the actual auction close date, August 4th, 2006. In addition, art patrons can visit: to view and/or bid on pieces featured in the auction starting on July 25th as well. The auction will be held online with select pieces being auctioned exclusively at the fundraiser event on August 1st.

Admission is $30 (minimum donation). Capacity for this event is limited and pre-registration online via credit card is strongly encouraged to guarantee admittance. Admission at the door is cash only and will be on a space-available basis. Pre-register via starting July 5th.

THE WALLS BELONG TO US, an art benefit for Alan Ket?s legal defense
August 1st, 2007; 6-9pm
Music by DJ Soul

Exhibition Preview starts July 25th, at:
37 Main Street
Brooklyn, New York 11201-1021

The lineup includes: FUTURA 2000, Lee Quiñones, MICO, COCO 144, Jose Parla, Lady Pink, SMITH, Joey Krebs, Steve Marcus, Jamel Shabazz, GHOST, Joe Conzo, STAK, ESPO, Barry McGee, Grotesk, MICKEY, COPE2, Erni Panicolli, T-Kid 170, SONIC, Rob-O, Machine, MILK, SENT0, Henry Chalfant, VEN, WOLF, TEAM, VEEFER, Chris DAZE Ellis, CRASH, ZEPHYR, DONDI, Martha Cooper, MIN ONE, CORNBREAD, FREEDOM, TOOFLY, QUEEN ANDREA, PURE, NOAH, WANE, DOC, WENT, SABE, CAVE, FRAME, PERSUE, RISKY, Jani Tolin, EWOK, MARE 139, KEL 139, POSE2, WEB, ATOME, BATES, BLUSTER, CERN, CES, MED, DELTA, CYCLE, EZO, FREEDOM, FUZZ, GANO, WEN, Eric HAZE, Guy Gonzales, IZ THE WIZ, HENCE, HEWS, JA, JON 156, NYC LASE, KAVES, Matt Doyle, Joshua Griffler, MAC Crew, Mai Lucas, MERES, Ruedi One, REVS, PART, QUIK, Ricardo Cortes, SEAK, Shepard Fairey, SKUF, VIRUS, WEST, DUEL, OVIE, ZEKIS, KOE Rodriguez, Jim Prigoff, Harley Spiller aka Inspector Collector, PEAK, DIVA, SPACE YMI, JAES, POSE2, NOXER, Brett Cook Dizney and a few additional surprises.

For more info please contact: Sara Rosen, Publicity Director, powerHouse Arena
37 Main Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Tel: 212-604-9074 x105, [email protected]
Images are available upon request.

Sponsorships are available. Please contact Joanne Carolino, Associate Publisher, Mass Appeal magazine, (718) 858-0979 ext.110, [email protected]

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Friday, May 18, 2007

Recent Ron English billboard masterpieces

... on Supertouch

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Tuesday, May 08, 2007


Heard the sad news only today, but Semz left us a couple of weeks ago.

Hugs to IRAK and Semz's friends and family.

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Monday, April 30, 2007

Baron 357 RIP

Baron 357 passed away April 23, 2007 after a long fight with ALS. He will be greatly missed, even as his legacy lives on. A documentary short film about him is in the works. See the link above for details.

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Ket busted in Ecko-Vallone free speech struggle, NYC

Will the rule of law triumph over the rule of the mayor?

This reminds me of Rudy G's vendetta against Espo after the effigy and elephant dung episode.

There will be benefit activities for Ket's legal defense fund, to be announced.

3 other guys are facing 43 counts for painting tunnel walls in New York. The city claims an unlikely $10,000 in damages, and for that they want 7 years of these young men's lives. Sounds like they need a good lawyer too.

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Monday, April 09, 2007

Graffiti-printing bike misplaced by NYPD, rider arrested to prevent protest

It turns out that in the land of the free and the home of the brave, you can get arrested *before* you participate in a political protest. I feel safer already!

His bike's worth a look too. He converted it to use spray paint chalk to make dot-matrix lettering on the pavement.

The bike and the arrest are old news, but the extent to which the gov will go to prevent protesting is a story the media seems ready to start telling, finally. Too bad we can't seem to get a better gov instead, one we don't need to protest against all the time.

Until then, though, it's important to keep legal protests legal no matter where you live, because it's the governments you can't protest against that do the most damage. You'd think a unionized police force would already know that.

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Monday, March 26, 2007

The New york graffiti war (wtf?)

" the works of popular public artists rise in value, so do the neighbourhoods around them. The work of popular street artists, inadvertently or not, spurs processes of gentrification and urban renewal. In New York, the majority of chosen works have been in the Lower East Side, a neighbourhood akin to Montreal?s Plateau, where trendy bars, vintage clothing shops, and small boutiques reign. The street art is used as a selling point, helping to reconstruct the image of the neighbourhood into one of bohemian charm, art, and culture."

Who would have thought that people would drop the broken windows litany and start kvetching that unauthorized painting causes property values to rise? Or maybe it's only stickers and stencils that are good? So ... a balance of graffiti with the street art would maintain equilibrium? I'm having trouble following the logic, if any. Except, of course, someone with little going for them but no-style splashing and a manifesto has somehow gotten fame (again). Now that I do get.

It makes you wonder, though, whether graffiti and property value are actually related at all.

If so, I guess the vigilante has the situation well in hand. Buy the local art and your neighborhood value goes up. Destroy the local art and your neighborhood remains ugly but cheap for the art-destroyers.

Maybe we should just aim for one nice, even coating of outdoor art in all our neighborhoods and stop this game now.

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Monday, March 12, 2007

Advertising: NYC's true graffiti problem

It's a little annoying to have graffiti equated with advertising, but GRL makes their point again. It's true that advertising is worse, more pervasive, and a bigger problem. But of course, it's not about how obnoxious ads are, it's about how much money is paid. And graffiti wants to be free.

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Friday, January 26, 2007

Police make fake MUL site

NYPD have apparently set up a fake MUL website to trap the unwary.

The bogus site is

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Monday, January 08, 2007

11 Spring St NYC - closing party news (Dec 17)

Outside of 11 Spring St on graffiti archaeology
(via Gothamist)

ireallylovecake's Flickr slide show of Dominican Republic walls and gallery (Doze Green and others) and inside 11 Spring St. for the last show.

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Friday, January 05, 2007


Every late Saturday/early Sunday morning at 1:30 am (NYC time -5:00 UT) on Channel 67 on the MNN network. Watch live on that link if you've got the right plugins. Visit James TOP's myspace page at the top link.

Info courtesy of Tyesha, via Tools of War.

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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Leather billboard murals NYC

Timberland Billboards will be on display throughout the holidays. Proceeds benefit local community partners.


Brooklyn - Alan Ket (KET) is a Brooklyn-born artist who has painted all over the world. He is an active participant in street art and hip hop culture and helped to launch Stress and Complex magazines.
Location: 3rd Avenue and Flatbush
Community Partner: Billboard will be donated to Publicolor, a local organization dedicated to bringing color and art to New York City public schools


The Bronx- Andre Trenier is a highly regarded artist and founder of Tangible Thoughts. The collective is known for its custom sneakers and recently collaborated with New Era on a line of caps reflecting the different elements of hip hop culture.
Location: Creston South and 118th Street
Community Partner: Billboard will be donated to the New York City Chapter of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society


Harlem - PART is a New York City legend who started his career in Harlem and is well known for bridging the gap between the old and new generations of street artists.
Location: 125th Street and 5th Avenue
Community Partner: Billboard will be donated to the READ Foundation and displayed at a local Harlem school

And get this: they will make 3 pairs of BOOTS out of the billboards. We'll show you those too when it happens.

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Sunday, November 19, 2006

RIP ACB - and her New York memorial service

Tragically, the young and beautiful ACB (Andrea), from Chile, lost her battle with cancer today. She was a sweet and happy woman and we will all miss her very much.

Thanks to Been3 for letting us know.

From Andrea's sister:

"We invite her friends and family in New York to come pay tribute to our wonderful sister, share a story about her glorious life, and offer a prayer on her behalf.

Date: Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Time: 6-9 PM
Where: La Peña del Bronx
Address: 11 Bruckner Blvd., 3rd Floor (corner of Lincoln Avenue and Bruckner Blvd.)

Directions: From Manhattan and Queens: Take No. 6 Train to 3rd
Avenue/138th Street Stop. Take last subway car, and exit at rear of the train station. You will be on Lincoln Avenue, walk towards the Major Deagan highway, walk underneath overpass, until you reach Bruckner Blvd.

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