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The TOP500 List

Table A.1 shows the 500 most powerful commercially available computer systems known to us. To keep the list as compact as possible, we show only a part of our information here: [tex2html_wrap2127]Position within the TOP500 ranking Manufacturer Manufacturer or vendor Computer Type indicated by manufacturer or vendor Installation Site Customer Location Location and country Year Year of installation/last major update Field of Application #Proc. Number of processors [tex2html_wrap2129] Maximal LINPACK performance achieved [tex2html_wrap2131] Theoretical peak performance [tex2html_wrap2133] Problemsize for achieving [tex2html_wrap2135] [tex2html_wrap2137] Problemsize for achieving half of [tex2html_wrap2139]

If [tex2html_wrap2141] from Table 3 of the LINPACK Report [13] is not available, we use the TPP performance given in Table 1 [13] for solving a system of 1000 equations. In a few cases we interpolated between two measured system sizes or we scaled by cycle times. For models where we did not receive the requested data (e.g., Hitachi S3800/480, KSR1-256, bigger models of Paragon XPS), the performance of the next smaller system measured is used.

In Table A.1, the computers are ordered first by their [tex2html_wrap2143] value. In the case of equal performances ([tex2html_wrap2145] value) for different computers, we have chosen to order by [tex2html_wrap2147]. For sites that have the same computer, the order is alphabeticly.


[email protected]
Fri Jun 3 12:02:18 MDT 1994