Saturday, October 22, 2005


The Family of
Gregorio Lawrence Sessoms, AKA PCKid, Graf Artist Extraordinaire
November 29, 1963 - October 19, 2005
regretfully announces the passing of their beloved son.

PCKid passed away at his home in East Elmhurst Queens, New York, USA.

He is survived by his mother Rita Gonzalez, his father, his younger twin brother William, his older brother Michael, eldest brother Jeffrey and his nieces. 

His commitment to the world of art was unquestioned, and we are grateful for the acknowledgement of his genius and generous contribution to the artistic community.

Please join the family in the celebration of the life of our beloved son.

Date: Sat Oct 29th, 2005 - 3pm

Location: Cobb's Funeral Home
98-08 Astoria Blvd
East Elmhurst NY 11369

Please contact [email protected] for more info or if you would like to offer comments, condolences, or words for his memorial ceremony.
