User Guide and
Reference Manual


January 2000

Next : Configuring an Internet connection
Previous : Basic Unix concepts

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Chapter 2 : Using KDE

Before we introduce KDE, it is useful to understand the basis of the graphical interface in Linux and Unix on which KDE is based: X Window System.

X Window System (abbreviated to X) is a project initiated by MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), whose aim was to supply a graphical interface to Unix systems. Today all Unix and Linux systems (with XFree86) use it. X Window System is based on the client/server model. X servers drive the hardware -- graphics card, monitor, keyboard, mouse, pen tablets etc. X clients are all graphical applications. This model provides numerous advantages:

The X Window System itself cannot manage windows: this role is left to a special X client called a window manager. Without a window manager, windows would have no extras (title bars, operating buttons etc.); you would not be able to resize them or place them in the foreground or background, or even hide them (iconify them) unless the application itself asks for it, which would not be very practical. The number of existing window managers is impressive, as is always the case with free software. Some come with Linux-Mandrake, for example, Fvwm, AfterStep, WindowMaker, and the utmost simple, old and venerable Twm.

There remains the most serious problem for the final user: coherence. In fact, the applications communicate to the X server but are totally unaware of each other. A window manager is only aware of the applications in so far as they are windows: it does not know whether the application is a word processor, a terminal or something else. X in itself does not know about Drag'n'Drop, it does not even know icons. And this is where KDE comes in.

Is Unix ready for the desktop?

KDE provides coherence which is lacking in the X Window System. KDE is a free[1] project initiated by Matthias Ettrich, whose goal is to provide a complete desktop environment for Linux. This goal has been so successful that today KDE is the most widely used desktop environment in the Linux world. It has even penetrated the commercial Unix world where some administrators are happy to use it instead of window managers supplied with their systems!

KDE comes with its own window manager. It also provides all the tools expected by users accustomed to graphical interfaces: a toolbar, a very efficient file manager, contextual menus, balloon help, and drag'n'drop functionality.

KDE also brings some new ideas. The web-oriented desktop is one example, and the possibilities provided by the icons are another. It is also highly intuitive and very configurable. It is a complete working environment that can save you lots of time.

A short presentation

You can see in figure 5.1 a typical KDE desktop with its main components:

A typical KDE desktop
Figure 5.1 A typical KDE desktop

Each of these items can be configured. Before going on, we would like to point out a special feature: virtual desktops. This function is widely used in the Unix world and KDE is no exception. In the KDE panel you will find a pager as seen in figure 5.2.

The pager in KDE
Figure 5.2 The pager in KDE

This pager enables you to access all the virtual desktops with one click. Each virtual desktop can have its own windows and settings, and some parameters are unique to each desktop -- for example, the background color or image.

The panel

The panel is one of KDE's main features. It is the main application starter and it contains KDE's main menu -- the K menu, which you will easily recognize as shown in figure 5.3.

K menu entrance point
Figure 5.3 K menu entrance point

This menu is divided into three separate sections. From top to bottom you will see:

Configuring the panel

Located in the Panel section of the K menu, you will find many ways to customize the panel and menus. Select Edit Menus to change the KDE menu to your liking, and try Add Application to add your favorite application to the panel. The Configure submenu is sufficiently explicit, but we will come back to the Disk Navigator tab which configures the application of the same name. The Desktops tab only allows you to change the name of the various desktops and the pager size -- you cannot make changes to the desktop numbers here.

Disk Navigator

The Disk Navigator enables you to quickly navigate through the filesystem by using a menu. This tool can prove to be very practical... if there are not too many files in the directory!

The configuration menu for Disk Navigator (figure 5.4) can be accessed by choosing Options... menu. It speaks for itself, as do almost all KDE's configuration menus. Note that the files which are hidden in Linux and Unix in general apply to files whose names begin with the character '.'. If you decide to change your personal links, you will have to create your entries in a classic KFM window; we will come back to how to create these entries. You can only change the overall entries from root!

When you select a directory using Disk Navigator, it will open the directory in a new KFM window. If you select a file, KFM will determine the file type and launch the appropriate application.

Disk Navigator configuration menu
Figure 5.4 Disk Navigator configuration menu

If, on the other hand, the type of file is unknown to KFM, you will then have to tell it how to open it, as shown in figure 5.5.

Dialog box to open an unknown type
Figure 5.5 Dialog box to open an unknown type

If you select Browser, you will see the list of KDE menus from which you can select an appropriate program. Otherwise, you can always enter by hand the name of the program in which you want to open the file, but you will have to specify the location of the file in the command line by %f; this is shown in figure 5.6.

A sample showing the use of this dialog box
Figure 5.6 A sample showing the use of this dialog box

In this case, less, being a program in console mode, you will also have to tick the option Run in a terminal. You will also be able to associate a program with a type of file which is unknown to KFM; we will see how to do so later on in the chapter.

The file manager KFM

With the control panel, this is the second basic component of KDE. It is an extremely powerful tool, and its possibilities go way beyond those of any existing file managers. It naturally shares all the functions of similar tools:

There are several additional functions which make it extra useful:

Using KFM to display files

You can open a KFM window in at least two ways:

The figure 5.8 displays an example of a KFM window.

Your typical KFM window
Figure 5.8 Your typical KFM window

This is probably not the view you will get by default because the configuration for this window has been changed from the "basic" configuration. However, some things do not change: you still have a Location text zone where you can enter the URL to be consulted, the toolbar and the menu bar. The local files are represented by URLs whose prefix is file:, so here you can see the contents of the /home/fg directory. You can already see some of the characteristics of the manager:

When looking at the window you will have guessed that there is an icon for the types of files it does not know (in fact, the file ircnewbies-ops.welcome is a simple text file, but the .welcome "extension" which, in fact, is not one, makes it try to find a MIME type corresponding to this sort of file). If you click on the grepmail-3.9.tar.gz file in this window, for example, KFM will start the application associated with the MIME type of the file associated with the "extension" .tar.gz -- an archiving program.

Let us now look at the basis for configuring KFM -- which can be found in two menus. The first is the View menu, as shown in figure 5.9.

The View menu
Figure 5.9 The View menu

The following options are available:

The Options menu allows you to customize how the window itself appears. To make any of these changes permanent, choose Save Settings.

Finally, you have a dialogue box where you can configure other aspects of the window manager, obtained by selecting Options/Configure File Manager.... The option titles speak for themselves. In the Other menu, the Allow per-URL settings option applies to the window's options: its size, the display of the various components, etc.

KFM as a web browser

KFM can also browse the Web. Some of the links present on the Linux-Mandrake basic desktop in fact point to web sites: for example, try a right-click on the icon called news and select the URL tab; you will then see the tab of figure 5.10 which is, in fact, a URL designating a web site. After closing this window, now left-click on this link, and you will obtain a KFM window which will load the web site, as shown in figure 5.11!

The URL tab
Figure 5.10 The URL tab

KFM and the Linux-Mandrake site welcome document
Figure 5.11 KFM and the Linux-Mandrake site welcome document

You can see from the appearance of web pages viewed through KFM that it may not be your primary browser choice, but it could come in handy as it uses far less memory than many other web browsers.

For the moment there is no plugin support for KFM, but it does know how to work with MIME types. An example of MIME types is when you click on a link, such as a MPEG file, and the web browser starts the appropriate program to play the file. Or you can save the link to disk by selecting it and dragging it to another KFM window, or even to your desktop!

KFM as an FTP client

A very interesting feature of KFM is its ability to function as an FTP client. A window displaying an FTP site will appear very similar to how it looks when displaying local files, except that the Location field will begin with ftp://. Or you can enter a site address directly -- if it begins with ftp, KFM will then automatically give it a prefix...

For example, if you enter in the URL field, KFM will automatically give it the prefix ftp:// at the beginning and will effectively then open the corresponding FTP site, as shown in figure 5.12.

KFM at work on a FTP directory
Figure 5.12 KFM at work on a FTP directory

You can see that KFM associates icons in the same way as local directories, and can carry out the same operations for the file types, except that it will first download a copy of the file locally. The directory icons "surrounded with a belt" mean that you do not have access to them, as applies to local directories.

From this sort of window, you can drag and drop and therefore download a file from the FTP site to your personal directory using the icon corresponding to the file!

However, the way that we have structured the URL naturally means that the FTP directory is anonymous, so that you do not have write access to the remote directory. If you have write access to a remote directory via FTP (for example, your ISP provides you with space for a web site, and gives you FTP access to the directory containing your HTML files), you will have to specify your user name on this server, together with the FTP site address, in the form:

ftp://[email protected]/

For example, if your login name is john and the site name, you will then enter ftp://[email protected]/ as the URL. A window will appear, asking you for your password. You can not only drag and drop from your local directory to the remote directory, but you can also edit your files on the remote directory locally. After making the changes, KFM will ask for confirmation before upgrading the file on the remote site.

Configuring the HTTP and FTP navigator

The options for configuring these two functions of KFM can be accessed via the menu Options/Configure Browser.... You will see the picture displayed in figure 5.13.

The Proxy screen configures what its name suggests: if you are connected to the Internet and your ISP has a proxy, this is where you can configure it for both FTP and HTTP. The HTTP screen tells the navigator which languages it has to be able to accept from the web sites, as well as the character sets (Cyrillic, Chinese etc.). The default options are generally sufficient.

The Proxy tab
Figure 5.13 The Proxy tab

The User Agent screen is a little more "tricky": it allows to give a false reply when a Web server asks you which navigator you use. In fact, some sites send different contents depending on which navigator you use! This tab allows you to get round the problem. If a page looks different, depending on whether you use KFM or Netscape, you can enter the name of the server in the On server: text field, and enter the string identifying Netscape (Mozilla 4.61) in the login as: text field, then click on Add...

As to the Cookies screen, it configures what its name indicates: the attitude of KFM towards cookies, with the possibility of specifying a different policy for one or the other site. As you can see, KFM is a complete web navigator :)

Manipulating MIME types and applications

KDE uses two types of data to associate files with applications: applications on the one hand, and MIME types on the other. Each application is associated with one or more MIME types. When you left-click on an icon representing a recognized type of file, KFM starts the default application associated with this type of file. If you right-click on it, you will see the list of applications associated with this MIME type, below the menu items. The one at the top of the list will be started by default.

Editing and creating a MIME type

MIME is the acronym for Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions. At the beginning, MIME types were used to identify the type of a file attached in an e-mail. A MIME type has the form main-type/subtype. For example, the image/jpeg MIME type identifies a JPEG image. Note that a MIME type is independent of the extension!

The KFM file manager takes over the MIME types in order to associate a description with the files. First of all it uses the file type and its access permission (this is how it recognizes the directories and other special files, see the Reference manual), and if neither of these two items gives it any information, it will place its confidence in the extensions of the file names.

You can edit your MIME types: open a KFM window, and then choose Edit/Mime Types from the menus, to see a list similar to figure 5.14.

List of MIME entries under KFM
Figure 5.14 List of MIME entries under KFM

For example, let's take the MIME type corresponding to the JPEG images, that is image/jpeg; go to the image directory for this, right-click on jpeg and you will get the screen displayed figure 5.15.

The JPEG MIME type
Figure 5.15 The JPEG MIME type

Select the Binding tab. This is where everything happens. The Pattern text field contains the file extensions to be associated with this type. The Mime Type field contains the name of the type and the summary of the type of file.

We are now going to create a MIME type for the LyX files: KLyX is a word processing program supplied with Linux-Mandrake, but it is not registered in the list of KDE applications (we will do this afterwards), and initially we have to be able to identify the files. These files have the extension lyx. The type will be called text/x-lyx. So you have to go into the text directory, and from there right-click and select New/Mime Type. After specifying a name in the New/Mime Type window that will appear, you can then edit the MIME type as shown in figure 5.16.

Editing a MIME type
Figure 5.16 Editing a MIME type

After naming it, you have to tell it which extension the file should normally have, which is done in the Binding tab, shown figure 5.17.

Editing a MIME type --
Binding tab
Figure 5.17 Editing a MIME type -- Binding tab

Now you have to declare the application.

Editing and adding an application

To see the list of applications defined in KDE, you have to start from a KFM window and select Edit/Applications. You will then be taken to the list of applications already available in your personal directory, that will resemble figure 5.18.

List of applications already available
Figure 5.18 List of applications already available

To add KLyX to it, right-click on an unoccupied field in the KFM window and select New/Application, as in figure 5.19.

Adding a new MIME type
Figure 5.19 Adding a new MIME type

Now that we have created the application name, we have to go to the Execute tab and fill in the required fields. Note the %f in the Execute field: you need it to designate the location of the file name(s) in the command line; this is explained in figure 5.20.

What to execute for this new MIME type
Figure 5.20 What to execute for this new MIME type

Now you have got to the point of associating the application with the MIME types associated with it. In this case there is only one, which we have created above -- text/x-lyx, as figure 5.21 recalls us.

The application and the MIME types associated to
Figure 5.21 The application and the MIME types associated to it

Note that the comment and application name are free.

To confirm creation, click OK. After creating the application, you can now reedit the corresponding MIME type and associate KLyX with it as the default application.

The desktop and icons

The KDE desktop behaves almost exactly the same way as Windows, although it has extra functionalities:

Configuring the desktop

You also have contextual menus on your desktop. Right-click on an unoccupied desktop field, select Display properties.

As you can see, this screen (shown figure 5.22) configures the desktop background. And this is where the usefulness of virtual desktops begins to become apparent: if you wish, you can select a different background for each desktop (by deselecting the radio button Common background) by selecting each of the desktops in turn. The other options are very similar to those you may be already familiar with from Windows: possibility of selecting a plain background, a gradient one, various arrangements of the background image etc. If you want to have a bit of fun, select a wallpaper at random and make a list of your favorite background images!

The KDE desk configuration
Figure 5.22 The KDE desk configuration

The Screensaver tab configures the screensaver you want for your environment. The menu of figure 5.23 should also look familiar to most of you.

Configuring the screensaver
Figure 5.23 Configuring the screensaver

You can select a screensaver from the list on the left, configure it where possible and test it. You can also choose not to have a screensaver at all. Remember that, by default, you will be typing your password blind; if you want to display asterisks for each character you type, you will have to enable the Show passwords as stars option.

As an exercise, we are leaving you to find out what the Colours and Fonts tabs are used for -- you shouldn't find that too hard :)

However, the Style tab, shown figure 5.24, is a bit more complex.

Configuring the 'style' of KDE
Figure 5.24 Configuring the "style" of KDE

Here is a description of the three radio buttons above:

Finally the bottom frame allows you to select the size of the icons appearing in the control panel (Panel on the desktop and in KFM, (File manager and desktop icons), and in the other (Other) contexts.

Icons and Drag'n'Drop

Icons are created in the same way as adding an application to KDE applications. To create an icon on the desktop, right-click on an unoccupied field within the desktop and select New/Application; you simply fill in the fields in exactly the same way.

You can also go to the KDE applications list, and drag and drop from the KFM window to the desktop: a menu will ask you if you want to move the file, copy or link it.

Icons themselves are Drag'n'Drop aware, and this is particularly useful for applications. For example, if you look at the properties of the printer icon in the Execute tab, you will see the plain command lpr %f: this simply means that if you drag an icon representing a file over to the printer icon, KDE will execute the lpr command with the name of the file concerned, (%f), which is exactly what we want (lpr is the program used to print all types of files). You can thus change the existing icons to provide them with this function. If you bring over several icons, the names of all the files represented by these icons will be passed as an argument.

The KDE control center

The KDE control center (shown figure 5.25) brings together all the aspects of the KDE configuration. You can access it directly from the K menu.

The KDE control center
Figure 5.25 The KDE control center

Some of the settings have been mentioned in previous pages so we'll review some of the most interesting aspects.

Desktop/Theme manager

As its name suggest, this tab allows you to choose a theme for KDE. A theme may contain its own icon design, window buttons, sounds, screen background images and other features. Take the time to try out the various themes available: there are a lot of them.


If you were wondering where the screen power-saving functions were, look no further: they are here. DPMS stands for Display Power Management System, and this is what is used to black out the screen after a certain period of inactivity. If you activate DPMS, do not forget to adjust the various parameters at your convenience.


In this tab, you will find a whole range of information on the system. Note that everything you see here, and more, is available from a terminal.


In this tab, you can adjust the different window parameters at your convenience, from the title bar colors to the type of focus used, via the mouse movements in the windows, the title scroll configuration, the button positions and others. You have a great freedom of choice -- make the most of it!

Next : Configuring an Internet connection
Previous : Basic Unix concepts

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