GBIS Benchmark Header File: tick2

   ===                                                            ===
   ===           GENESIS Distributed Memory Benchmarks            ===
   ===                                                            ===
   ===                           TICK2                            ===
   ===                                                            ===
   ===               Measuring the clock multiplier               ===
   ===                                                            ===
   ===               Versions:  Std F77, Subset HPF(F90)          ===
   ===                                                            ===
   ===               Author:   Roger Hockney                      ===
   ===     Department of Electronics and Computer Science         ===
   ===               University of Southampton                    ===
   ===               Southampton SO9 5NH, U.K.                    ===
   ===     fax.:+44-703-593045   e-mail:[email protected]       ===
   ===                                                            ===
   ===          Last update: May 1993; Release: 2.2               ===
   ===                                                            ===

1. Description

Most computers measure time by counting the number of clock ticks, 
then use a multiplier to convert this number to seconds. This 
benchmark tests the validity of this multiplier, by measuring the 
same time interval with both the computer TIMER subroutine, and an 
external wall-clock, which can be your own wrist-watch.

The time interval is started and ended by a keyboard input. We 
suggest you time in interval of 5 minutes, which is timeable to 
about 0.1% with a wrist-watch. If this multiplier is very variable 
or badly in error, it probably means that you are using a 
CPU-for-this-job-only timer not a wall-clock timer. You must use a 
wall-clock timer for parallel benchmarking.

*** BEWARE *** : The returned value of the popular Sun Unix timer 
ETIME is not a wall-clock timer, even though it is called the 
elapsed time.

2. Operating Instructions

To compile and link the benchmark type:   `make slave'.  On some systems
it may be necessary to allocate the appropriate resources before running
the benchmark, eg. on the iPSC/860 to reserve a single processor,
type:    getcube -t1.

To run the benchmark type:     tick2

Output from the benchmark is written to the file "result"

$Id: ReadMe,v 1.2 1994/04/20 13:17:50 igl Rel igl $


High Performance Computing Centre

Submitted by Mark Papiani,
last updated on 10 Jan 1995.