From: LAPACK <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 25 Nov 92 09:51:47 -0500
Subject: LAPACK's Second Update
Our second "minor" update occurred on October 31, 1992. The
version number of this update is 1.0b. Instead of our previous
policy of only having the affected routines reflect the new version
number, we have decided that it is better to have all LAPACK routines
reflect the current version number with the date on the routine
indicating when it was last modified. In this way, the user can
be assured that he has the most recent version of a specific routine.
For example, after this update if a routine does not say
version 1.0b then it could possibly be an outdated version. You
must refer to the date stamped on the routine in order to determine
when it was last modified.
As in our previous update, this update encompassed many minor corrections
to documentation, argument checking and so on. In addition, a few
significant errors have been corrected. Namely, a serious bug
was introduced in the 1.0a revision of SSPEVX/DSPEVX which has now
been fixed. Also, a special version of ilaenv.f needed in the TESTING
and TIMING directories was inadvertently left out. This special version
of ILAENV.f allows XLAENV.f to work correctly by influencing the
performance when input parameters (such as blocksize NB) are changed
in the input file. It has now been included.
We have also noticed that a number of the driver routines (specifically
all of the -EVX drivers and xGESVX) have incorrect workspace requirements
specified (WORK for the real routines, and RWORK in the complex routines)
in the Argument sections of those routines. One of the -CON routines,
xGTCON, also had WORK requirements specified incorrectly. Please note
these changes.
Due to a user's suggestion, added functionality has been incorporated
into the expert driver routines that involve equilibration (xGESVX,
xGBSVX, xPOSVX, xPPSVX, xPBSVX). Namely, the option FACT='F' now permits
the user to input a prefactored, pre-equilibrated matrix. The testing
routines in TESTING/LIN/ that involve these routines have also been modified.
Several routines involving symmetric pivoting (SSYTRF,CSYTRF,CHETRF)
have also been improved. For consistency the packed routine equivalents
have also been changed. The swapping in these routines now avoids
overlapping array references in the same loop. The interchange blocks
in the inverse routines have also been combined as had already been done
in the factorization routines.
Check the errata lists in the release_notes for more information.
Via xnetlib, there is a tar file of changes that you can obtain and
simply untar on top of your existing LAPACK directory. The file is
called revisions1.0b.tar.z. The release_notes file contains details of
the changes made to specific routines. The entire package available
in lapack.tar.z includes all revisions made in release 1.0a and release
Additional features included with version 1.0b of LAPACK:
-- improved on-line manpages for LAPACK driver and computational routines
-- on-line manpages for the Level 1, 2, and 3 BLAS
-- improved functionality for the equivalence utility which aids in
the conversion of LINPACK and EISPACK to LAPACK
The manpages are available as a compressed/tar file of troff files and
an equivalence program and may be obtained via xnetlib. A README file
of instructions is included with the files.
If you have any questions/comments please contact us at [email protected].
From: Moody Chu <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 Nov 92 16:20:26 -0500
Subject: Lanczos International Centenary Conference
December 12-17,1993
North Carolina State University
Raleigh, NC, USA
To celebrate the birth of Cornelius Lanczos in 1893, North
Carolina State University together with other sponsors will
hold an international conference from Sunday 12 December
through Friday 17 December 1993. The conference will reflect
the wide interests of Cornelius Lanczos in computational
mathematics, theoretical physics, and astrophysics.
The program of the conference includes approximately twenty-one
invited plenary speakers and twenty-five minisymposia which will
deal with the research topics listed below. The invited plenary
papers and the minisymposium papers will be published in the
proceedings of the conference. Also, the conference will include
sessions of contributed papers in the form of twelve minute talks
and poster sessions. The contributed talks and posters can be on
any topic in the areas of computational mathematics, theoretical
physics, and astrophysics.
The closing date for receiving abstracts for the contributed papers
is 1 April 1993. Please see FURTHER INFORMATION for how to submit
an abstract.
Computational Mathematics:
James W. Cooley Lanczos and the FFT:
A discovery before its time
Jane K. Cullum Lanczos algorithms for large scale
nonsymmetric and symmetric matrix
eigenvalue computations
Roland W. Freund The Look-Ahead Lanczos Process for
Nonsymmetric Matrices and Its Applications
Gene H. Golub Extended Applications of the Lanczos
Algorithm in Matrix Computations
Anne Greenbaum The Lanczos and Conjugate Gradient
Algorithms in Finite Precision Arithmetic
Martin H. Gutknecht The Lanczos Process and Pade Approximation
Beresford N. Parlett Do we fully understand the symmetric
Lanczos algorithm yet?
Pal Rozsa On Generalized Band Matrices and
Their Inverses
Youcef Saad Convergence Analysis of the Lanczos
Algorithms for Eigenvalue Problems:
An Overview
G. W. Stewart Lanczos and Linear Systems
John Todd Reminiscences of Cornelius Lanczos
Theoretical Physics & Astrophysics:
James B. Hartle*
Christopher J. Isham Quantum Gravity
Roger Penrose*
Tsvi Piran Gamma Ray Bursts
John J. Stachel Lanczos' Contributions to General Relativity
Yasushi Takahashi Ignorable Coordinates and Collective Modes
Claudio Teitelboim
Kip S. Thorne
Michael S. Turner The Remarkable Success Story of the
Big Bang Cosmology
John A. Wheeler
*To be confirmed.
Computational Mathematics:
M. Berry Software for Lanczos-based Algorithms
A. Bjorck Least Squares
Dan Boley Control Applications
D. Calvetti Moments in Numerical Analysis
M.T. Chu & John Lewis Eigenvalue Computations
J. Cooley Development of the FFT
T. Rivlin Chebyshev Polynomials
R.J. Plemmons The FFT in Signal Processing
H. Van der Vorst Iterative Methods for Linear Systems
E. Ortiz Tau Method
Theoretical Physics & Astrophysics:
J. Blondin Computational Magnetohydrodynamics
in Astrophysics
A. Kashlinsky Galaxy Formation and Large-Scale
Structure of the Universe
M. Scholer & D. Winske Numerical Simulations of Collisionless
Space Plasmas
C.M. Will Detection of Gravitational Radiation
from Astrophysical Sources
J. Isenberg & V. Moncrief
Cauchy Problem of General Relativity
D. Garfinkle Cosmic Censorship
P. Dolan & A.H. Taub Lanczos H-tensor
M. J. Gotay Symplectic Techniques in Physics
K.V. Kuchar Canonical Quantum Gravity and
the Problem of Time
J.J. Halliwell Decoherence and the Foundations of
Quantum Mechanics
L. Smolin New Variables and Loop Quantization
P.H. Frampton, T.W. Kephart & M. Sher
Black Hole Evaporation and Thermodynamics
SSC Physics
C. Carlson & A. Szczepaniak
Open Questions in Particle Theory
# The advisory and organizing committees will be open to the
consideration of a few additional minisymposia until 15 January
We have applied to the NSF for support of 50 to 100 advanced Ph.D.
students or junior researchers to attend this conference. Please
see FURTHER INFORMATION on how to apply for support.
A first circular has been sent out through the SIAM, APS and GRG
mailing list. A second circular giving details about the program
and related information will be distributed in the Summer of 1993.
If you wish to receive the second circular, please complete and
return the reply form attached in the first circular, or write to:
Cornelius Lanczos International Centenary
Conference, Attn: Sheehan/Heggie,
NCSU, Box 7401, Raleigh, NC, 27695-7401, USA
or contact through e-mail:
[email protected].
A mail server has been set up to answer most your questions.
Simply include the text "send information" in the subject line
of your e-mail message. More information with instructions on how
to submit an abstract, how to apply for financial support and etc.
will automatically be forwarded to you.
Computational Mathematics:
Robert J. Plemmons (WFU)
Honorary Chairperson
Moody T. Chu (NCSU)
Theoretical Physics & Astrophysics:
James W. York, Jr. (UNC)
Honorary Chairperson
J. David Brown (NCSU)
Donald C. Ellison (NCSU)
Computational Mathematics:
Moody T. Chu (NCSU)
Jane K. Cullum (IBM, NY)
Gene H. Golub (Stanford Univ.)
Martin H. Gutknecht (ETH-Zentrum)
Beresford N. Parlett (UC, Berkeley)
Robert J. Plemmons (WFU)
Theoretical Physics and Astrophysics:
Jacob D. Bekenstein (Hebrew Univ. of Jerusalem)
Charles R. Evans (UNC, Chapel Hill)
Werner Israel (Univ. of Alberta)
Tsvi Piran (Harvard-Smithsonian Ctr. for Astrophysics)
John Stachel (Boston Univ.)
Yasushi Takahashi (Univ. of Alberta)
James W. York, Jr. (UNC, Chapel Hill)
From: Diethelm Wuertz <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 27 Nov 92 17:15:48 +0100
Subject: PASE 92 Workshop
Third announcement and information for participants
For late registration please contact:
[email protected] ***** [email protected]
Prague, Czechoslovakia, December 7.-8. 1992
The PASE'92 Workshop follows previous successful workshops,
held around the same time last year in Zurich and two years
ago in Dublin. The purpose of the Workshop is to bring
together researchers working towards applications of new
information processing systems in statistics and economics.
The Workshop should help to identify the theoretical and
application areas in statistics and economics, where
important progress can be expected in the years to come. The
scope of the Workshop is mainly oriented towards artificial
neural networks and related topics. Two main blocks appear in
the program:
a) neural networks theory and applications in general,
b) neural network applications in banking and economics.
The Workshop includes invited survey lectures and contributed
research presentations. There will be also a possibility for
poster presentation. A post-Workshop meeting on December 9
aims to continue existing joint projects, to find promising
fields for future work and to develop collaborative projects.
On the first day of the Workshop a panel discussion will be
organized on the topic of philosophical aspects of
connectionism and modern mathematical methods. A panel
discussion will also be organized on the role of neural
networks in the treatment of large data collections, and what
our priorities can or should be in the coming year. A post-
Workshop tutorial of Professor Madan M. Gupta on fuzzy neural
networks will be held on December 9 in the afternoon.
The Workshop proceedings will be published in the special
issue of the International Journal on Neural and Mass-
Parallel Computing and Information Systems Neural Network
World in No. 6, Vol. 2 , which will be available during the
The Workshop will be organized by the Institute of Computer
and Information Science (ICIS, Prague), Interdisciplinary
Project Center for Supercomputing (ETH, Zurich) and the
Statistical Office of the European Communities (EUROSTAT,
Luxembourg), with the help of Friedrich Naumann Stiftung,
Czechoslovakia. Special thanks are due to Petr Hajek,
director of the Institute of Computer and Information
Science, and Mirko Novak, editor-in-chief of the Interna-
tional Journal Neural Network World .
o Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Czechoslovakia
o MasPar Distributor AG, Zurich
o Parsytec Gmbh, Aachen
o SINCO Ltd., Prague
o Siemens-Albis AG, Zurich
o Swiss Bank Corporation, Basel
Witeli Dunin-Barkowski Russia John Frain Ireland
Igor Grabec Slovenija Madan M. Gupta Canada
Robert Hecht-Nielsen USA Leonidas Kioussis Luxembourg
Rudolf Kober Germany Olga Kufudaki Czechoslovakia
George M. Papadourakis Greece Goffredo G. Pieroni Italy
Michael M. Richter Germany Tamas Roska Hungary
Alfred Scheidegger Switzerland Michael G. Strintzis Greece
Ivan Sujan Czechoslovakia Dieter Wenger Switzerland
Hans Georg Zimmermann Germany
Hynek Beran (chairman) ICIS Prague
Martin Holena ICIS Prague
Fionn Murtagh Munotec Systems Dublin and Munich
Emil Pelikan ICIS Prague
Vaclav Sebesta ICIS Prague
Diethelm Wurtz IPS ETH Zurich
Hynek Beran
Institute of Computer and Information Science
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
182 07 Prague 8, Czechoslovakia
Phone: 00 42 2 815 3241, 00 42 2 815 3220
Fax: 00 42 2 858 57 89
E-mail: [email protected]
Further information will be available from anonymous ftp:
ftp maggia.ethz.ch. (
End of NA Digest