NA Digest Sunday, November 8, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 42

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Gil Strang <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 92 17:17:31 EST
Subject: Request for Good Matrices and Exercises

REQUEST for good matrices and good exercises (especially using MATLAB)

I am writing a new linear algebra text. It is at a more basic level than
my present book ( because student preparation is so varied). The new
book will have short MATLAB codes for the main constructions of linear
algebra. It needs good MATLAB exercises - not difficult but interesting.

Could you send any favorites to me at [email protected] with a copy to
[email protected] ? They could involve a special matrix ( tridiagonal,
Pascal, Vandermonde, ...). They can be on any basic topic: LU, inverse,
basis and dimension, nullspace, least squares, QR, det, evalues,
applications!! Pencil and paper problems are welcome too. They will
be gratefully received, and acknowledged in the book.

Introduction to Linear Algebra will be published this spring for fall 1993.
The manuscript goes from Wellesley-Cambridge Press to the compositor at
Christmas. (Corrections go later.) For printed exercises or codes,
my address is Room 2-240 MIT Cambridge MA 02139. 617 253 4383 fax -4358.

Thank you.

--Gil Strang


From: Boerre Johnsen <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 92 14:39:59 MET
Subject: Displacement Non-Newtonian Flow

I am Looking at 3 dimensional modeling of non-Newtonian flow in an
eccentric annulus where the surfaces are irregular. One fluid is displaced
by another, the flow regime is laminar. The fluids have different rheology
(Power-law, Bingham) and density.

At the moment I looking for code to do compute the velocity field and
code to transport the fluids given a velocity field.


From: David Handscomb <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 17:43:42 GMT
Subject: Classification of Books

Classification of books in specialist NA + Computer Science libraries

Can any member of the na-net strongly recommend through experience any
particular system for classifying books in a specialist mathematics library
with substantial holdings in numerical analysis and computer science?
My instinct is that Dewey is too coarse-grained for the purpose, while AMS,
though good for general mathematics, falls down on computer science.
Any comments would be welcome.

David Handscomb
Oxford University Computing Laboratory


From: Craig Douglas <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 1992 17:30:52 -0500
Subject: Re: Direct Poisson Solvers / Rapid Elliptic Solvers

Nested iteration multigrid methods solve the type of problems referred to
in Atul Chhabra's note in O(N*N) time. A good reference is Hackbusch's

author = "W. Hackbusch",
title = "Multigrid Methods and Applications",
publisher = "Springer--Verlag",
address = "Berlin",
year = "1985"

There are fast codes for Poisson's equation in 2 and 3 dimensions as well
as more general elliptic solvers in the MGNet anonymous ftp repository
on To get on the mailing list, please send e-mail
to [email protected].

Craig Douglas


From: Tim Kelley <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 07:31:16 EST
Subject: SIAG/OPT Prize


The SIAG/OPT will present its first award at the SIAM Annual
Meeting in July 1993. The award is to be given to the author(s)
of the most outstanding paper, as determined by the prize
committee, on a topic in optimization published in English in a
peer-reviewed journal.

The deadline for receipt of nominations at the SIAM office is November 30.

If you are planning to make a nomination, now is the time. For a copy
of the official call for nominations send e-mail to me ([email protected]).

-- Tim


From: S. N. Chandler-Wilde <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 92 20:03:20 GMT
Subject: Boundary Element Day at University of Bradford

One day meeting on

Wednesday 25th November - University of Bradford


"Inverse Problems Using the Boundary Element Method"
Professor Derek Ingham, University of Leeds

"Electromagnetic Scattering by Dielectric Obstacles"
Dr Paul Martin, University of Manchester

"The BEM Calculation of Electromagnetic Scattering"
Mr X. Q. Mao, Teeside University

"Refined Variational Boundary Element Methods for Acoustic Modelling"
Dr Jean-Pierre Coyette, Numerical Integration Technologies N.V., Leuven, Belgium

"The Application of Boundary Integral Methods in Applied Acoustics"
Dr Y. W. Lam, University of Salford

"Perturbation Methods for the Interaction Between a Structure and a Light Fluid"
Dr Paul Filippi, CNRS Laboratoire de Mecanique et d'Acoustique, Marseille

"Boundary Integral Equation Methods for the Helmholtz Equation in Exterior
Dr Sia Amini, University of Salford

"A Boundary Element Method for Outdoor Noise Barriers"
Dr Simon Chandler-Wilde, University of Bradford

N.B. There will be an opportunity to see, during coffee and lunch breaks,
a demonstration of the SYSNOISE software, which analyses acoustic and
coupled acoustic-structure interaction problems using a mixture of finite
and boundary element methods.

For further information, contact:
Chandler-Wilde, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Bradford,
Bradford BD7 1DP, England by 20th November.


From: Margaret Chapman <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 4 Nov 1992 15:54:20 -0800
Subject: Object Oriented Numerics Conference


(Sponsored by Rogue Wave Software in Cooperation with SIAM)

Sunriver, Oregon
April 25-27, 1993

Theme: This conference will concern itself with Object-Oriented Numerics:
the use of modern object- oriented techniques in the design of software
solutions to numerical problems.

There will be three separate focus areas:

1. Reusable software components - One of the promises of object-oriented
design is easily reusable code. In this area, papers are invited on the
design and implementation of libraries of numerical classes intended for
use as building blocks in applications.

2. Applications - Only rarely can a large application be built entirely
from off-the- shelf components. More often, application-specific classes
are built by putting together existing components and custom-built
components. In this area papers are invited on application-specific
designs and their object-oriented implementations.

3. Parallelism - Although parallel processing allows far larger numerical
problems to be solved, the algorithms can be difficult to implement. In
this area papers are invited on the use of object-oriented techniques to
manage the complexity of parallel models of computation. Both new
languages and innovative uses of existing languages will be considered.

4. Object Oriented Compiler Technology - Performance with respect to both
memory utilization and speed must always be addressed for numeric
applications. Papers presenting difficulties encountered with current
compiler tools and languages as well as advances in either compiler
implementations and/or language characteristics will be considered.


Papers Due: December 31, 1992
Notification to Authors: February 1, 1993
Camera-Ready Copy Due: March 15, 1992

Richard Bartels, University of Waterloo
Jack Dongarra, University of Tennessee/
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Mike Holly, Cray Research
Cleve Moler, The Math Works
Allen Robinson, Sandia National Laboratories
Al Vermeulen, Rogue Wave Software

Why OONSKI? The conference is being held in Sunriver, Oregon where you
will find some of the best spring skiing in the country on Mt. Bachelor.
Come Saturday the 24th of April and have a full day of skiing or enjoy one
of the top golf courses in the US. Family members welcome.


For general conference information and registration, contact:

Margaret Chapman, Program Coordinator
Rogue Wave Software
PO Box 2328
Corvallis, Oregon 97339

email: [email protected]
phone: 503-754-3010
fax: 503-757-6650


From: M. Paprzycki <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 1 Nov 1992 19:36:04 GMT-0600
Subject: Two Positions, Univeristy of Texas, Permian Basin

of the


Department of Mathematics and Computer Science seeks a chair at
the rank of Associate Professor or Professor, starting
September 1, 1993. Candidates should have the Ph.D. in computer
science and be able to contribute to both the teaching and
research missions of the department. Preference will be given to
applicants with interests in information systems, database
systems, and software engineering. The teaching load is eight or
nine hours per semester and scholarly activity is expected. The
chair will be offered a nine month appointment with salary up to
$50,000, depending upon qualifications and experience. The
department currently has eight full time faculty and growth is
expected in the next few years. Computing facilities include
several VAX systems and access to a CRAY Y-MP8/864 via remote
login to the UT System Center for High Performance Computing.
UT Permian Basin was, until 1991, an upper level and graduate
only institution. Freshmen were admitted for the first time in
the fall of 1991 and sophomores in the fall of 1992. The State
of Texas requires all faculty in higher education to be
proficient in both written and spoken English. Candidates whose
first language is not English will be expected to provide
evidence of such proficiency.

Interested candidates should send a resume and the names and
addresses of three references to:

Dr. D. F. Hale
Division of Natural Sciences
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Odessa, Texas 79762
[email protected]

Review of files will begin February 1, 1993.

The University of Texas of the Permian Basin is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


of the

Pending approval of funding, tenure track position in the
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the rank of
Assistant/Associate Professor, starting September 1, 1993.
Candidates should have the Ph.D. in computer science and be able
to contribute to both the teaching and research missions of the
department. Primary teaching responsibility will be in the areas
of information systems, database systems, and software
engineering. Computing facilities include several VAX systems
and access to a CRAY Y-MP8/864 via remote login to the UT System
Center for High Performance Computing. The State of Texas
requires all faculty in higher education to be proficient in both
written and spoken English. Candidates whose first language is
not English will be expected to provide evidence of such

Interested candidates should send a resume and the names and
addresses of three references to:

Dr. D. F. Hale
Division of Natural Sciences
The University of Texas of the Permian Basin
Odessa, Texas 79762
[email protected]

Review of files will begin on February 1, 1993.

The University of Texas of the Permian Basin is an Equal
Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.


From: Layne Watson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 2 Nov 92 08:10:27 -0500
Subject: Chairman Position at Virginia Polytechnic Institute

of the opening for the position of
in the
Department of Computer Science
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University (Virginia Tech)

Applications and nominations are invited for the position of Professor
and Head of the Department of Computer Science at Virginia Tech, with
a desired starting date of July 1, 1993.

The Department

Established in 1970, the department currently has 26 faculty members,
250 graduate students (150 in off-campus programs), and 450
under-graduate majors. It offers a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in Computer
Science, as well as a Master of Information Systems. Since 1985, the
department has required freshmen to purchase personal computers
running UNIX.

The department's primary research concentrations are in human-
computer interaction; software engineering and systems; numerical
analysis; parallel computation; image processing, multimedia, and
information systems; modeling and simulation; and artificial
intelligence. Facilities include over 100 workstations and personal
computers (DECstation, NeXT, SUN, Macintosh, Amiga, IBM, etc.),
parallel processing units (Sequent, Intel Hypercube), and special
facilities for image processing, multimedia, robotics, and AI.

The University

Located in Blacksburg, adjacent to the scenic Blue Ridge Mountains,
Virginia Tech is a land-grant university of the Commonwealth of
Virginia. Highly selective in admissions, the university enrolls in
its nine colleges some 18,000 undergraduates and 5,000 graduate and
professional students.


A strong research record in human-computer interaction is preferred,
but all major fields in computer science will be considered.
Dedication to excellence in graduate and undergraduate education and a
demonstrated potential for leadership and administration is essential.


Please send nomination details or applications --- including resume,
cover letter, and the names, addresses, and phone numbers of four
references --- to Professor Edward A. Fox, Dept. of Computer Science,
562 McBryde Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0106. Informal
communications may use electronic mail ([email protected]) or
telephone (703/231-5113).


December 15, 1992, or until position is filled.

We are particularly interested in receiving the
nominations/applications of women and minority candidates.
Virginia Tech is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action employer.


From: Daniel B. Szyld <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 5 Nov 92 17:27:04 EST
Subject: Positions at Temple


The Department of Mathematics seeks to fill one or more tenure-track
positions at the assistant professor level. The search is for talented
researchers and teachers in one or more of the following fields:
Scientific Computing, Nonlinear PDE, Mathematical Physics.
Outstanding applications in other fields will be given serious
consideration as well.

Send applications, including a vita and at least three letters
of recommendation by Dec. 20, 1992 to: Search Committee, Department
of Mathematics, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA 19122-2585.
Temple University is an equal opportunity employer. Women and
minorities are encouraged to apply.


From: Ian Gladwell <H5NR1001%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 92 07:42:12 CST
Subject: Positions at Southern Methodist University

Southern Methodist University
Department of Mathematics

The Department of Mathematics at Southern Methodist University invites
applications for a senior mathematician and for two tenure-track assistant
professorships, with employment beginning in Fall 1993. All applicants
must have an excellent research record in physical applied mathematics,
numerical analysis or scientific computation, and a strong commitment to
undergraduate and graduate teaching. Senior applicants must have the
ability to supervise doctoral dissertations; a strong grant record is
desirable. The standard teaching load is two courses (six hours) per

The Department of Mathematics has an active doctoral program in physical
applied mathematics, numerical analysis and scientific computation;
research interests include asymptotic and perturbation methods,
bifurcation theory, dynamical systems, fluid mechanics, mathematical
biology, mathematical software, nonlinear waves, and the numerical
analysis of differential equations. Fourteen of the seventeen faculty are
applied or numerical mathematicians. Senior faculty include W.E. Ferguson
(numerical partial differential equations), I. Gladwell (mathematical
software), R. Haberman (nonlinear waves), M. Melander (computational fluid
dynamics), G.W. Reddien (numerical bifurcation theory), D.A. Reinelt
(fluid dynamics), and L.F. Shampine (numerical ordinary differential
equations). Southern Methodist University has good Internet connections
and a 20 processor Sequent Symmetry for research use.

The application deadline is January 8, 1993. Send a letter of application
and a vita to: Professor I. Gladwell, Department of Mathematics, Southern
Methodist University, Dallas, Texas 75275 (Tel: (214) 768-2506; Fax:
(214) 768-4138). Junior applicants should arrange for three letters of
recommendation to be sent directly to Professor Gladwell.

I. Gladwell's email addresses:
[email protected]
[email protected]

SMU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action/Title IX employer.


From: WSKDPL <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 92 09:47
Subject: Special Issue of Quaestiones Mathematicae

A special issue of the (usually rather pure) journal Quaestiones
Mathematicae has been devoted to papers presented at the 17th South African
Symposium on Numerical Mathematics held at Umhlanga Rocks on July 15-17,
1991. Ben Herbst and Dirk Laurie acted as guest editors, and all papers
underwent the normal refereeing processes of the Journal.

Non-subscribers can order this special issue at $10 per copy from:

Professor J.J. Grobler
Potchefstroom University for Christian Higher Education
2520 Potchefstroom
South Africa

QUAESTIONES MATHEMATICAE Volume 15, number 3 July 1992

Table of Contents

Mixed finite element methods for one-dimensional problems: A survey
B.D. Reddy

Computing the combined effect of wake-passing and free-stream
turbulence on gas turbine blade boundary layers
D. Greenblatt

Review of geometric continuity, with application to the
construction of $G^2$ continuous curves
M.A. Coetzee and M.L. Baart

Accuracy evaluation of code for the characteristic initial value
problem in general relativity
N.T. Bishop

Order stars and the maximal accuracy of stable difference schemes
for the wave equation
R. Renaut and J.H. Smit

Stable, multi-state, time-reversible cellular automata with rich
particle content
M.J. Ablowitz, J.M. Keiser and L.A. Takhtajan

Numerical homoclinic instabilities in the sine-Gordon equation
B.M. Herbst and M.J. Ablowitz

Stratified sequences of nested quadrature formulas
Dirk P. Laurie

Methods of obtaining collision outcomes for 3-D lattice gases
P.J. Lake


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 05 Nov 92 14:40:37 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Optimization

SIAM Journal on Optimization
February 1993 Volume 3, Number 1


A Theoretical and Experimental Study of the Symmetric Rank-One Update
H. Fayez Khalfan, R. H. Byrd, and R. B. Schnabel

A Cutting Plane Approach to the Sequential Ordering Problem (with
Applications to Job Scheduling in Manufacturing)
N. Ascheuer, L. F. Escuerdo, M. Grtschel, and M. Stoer

Error Bound and Reduced)Gradient Projection Algorithms for Convex
Minimization Over a Polyhedral
Zhi-Quan Luo and Paul Tseng

Black-Box Complexity of Local Minimization
Stephen A. Vavasis

Mesh Independence for Nonlinear Least Squares Problems with
Norm Constraints
Matthias Heinkenschloss

A Superlinearly Convergent Polynomial Primal-Dual Interior-
Point Algorithm for Linear Programming
Yin Zhang and Richard A. Tapia

Numerical Continuation and Singularity Detection Methods for
Parametric Nonlinear Programming
Bruce N. Lundberg and Aubrey B. Poore

Remarks on Convergence of Matrix Splitting Algorithm for the
Symmetric Linear Complementarity Problem
Wu Li

Global Convergence of a Class of Trust Region Algorithms for
Optimization Using Inexact Projections of Convex Constraints
A. R. Conn, Nick Gould, A. Sartenaer, and Ph. L. Toint


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 06 Nov 92 14:08:11 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Discrete Mathematics

SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Vol. 6, No. 1, February 1993

On Error-Correcting Codes and Invariant Linear Forms
A. R. Calderbank and P. Delsarte

Algorithmic Aspects of Neighboring Numbers
Gerard J. Change, Martin Farber, and Zsolt Tuza

On the Structure of the Strong Orientations of a Graph
John Donald and John Elwin

Garden of Eden Configurations for Cellular Atoumata on Cayley Graphs of Groups
Antonio Machi and Filippo Mignosi

The Weighted Sparsity Problem: Complexity and Algorithms
S. Thomas McCormick and S. Frank Chang

Exact Formulas for Multitype Run Statistics in a Random Ordering
Macdonald Morris, Gabriel Schachtel, and Samuel A. Karlin

Characterization of the Homomorphic Preimages of Certain Oriented Cycles
Huishan Zhou

Matchings in the Partition Lattice
E. Rodney Canfield

Communication Complexity and Quasi Randomness
Fan R. K. Chung and Prasad Tetali

Discrete Logarithms in GF(P) Using the Number Field Sieve
Daniel M. Gordon

Polyhedral Properties of Clutter Amalgam
P. Nobili and A. Sassano

Hamilton Cycles that Extend Transportation Matchings in Cayley Graphs of Sn
Frank Ruskey and Carla Savage

A New Triangularization for Simplicial Algorithms
Michael J. Todd and Levent Tuncel


End of NA Digest
