From: Viviane Pierrard <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 11:35:35 MET
Subject: 2-D Surface Fitting
Software and algorithms wanted to find best estimate analytical expressions to
approximate the function: z=f(x,y). We know z(i) at 500 grid points x(i), y(i),
not evenly distributed. Automatic test of different types of fit functions
approximating f(x,y); automatic selection of the best estimate. Who can help
me find such software?
INSTITUT D'AERONOMIE SPATIALE DE BELGIQUE (Belgian Institute for Space Aeronomy)
Avenue Circulaire 3 B-1180 Uccle Belgium
phone: +32-2-374.81.21 (switchboard) fax: +32-2-374.84.23
+32-2-373.04.17 telex: 21563
email via unix or EARN (BITNET) : [email protected]
From: Nick Higham <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 09:42:17 BST
Subject: Manchester Centre for Computational Mathematics
The numerical analysis groups at the University of Manchester
(`the Victoria University of Manchester') and at UMIST
(the University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology)
recently joined together to form the Manchester Centre for Computational
Mathematics (MCCM).
The members of this centre are
Professor C.T.H. Baker (Director)
Dr R.W. Thatcher (Associate Director)
Dr T.L. Freeman
Dr G. Hall
Dr N.J. Higham
Dr D.J. Silvester
Dr Y-S. Smyrlis.
Dr R.M. Thomas
Professor J. Walsh
Dr J. Williams
Affiliated with the group are members of the Computer Science Department
(in particular from the Centre for Novel Computing, Director Professor
J. Gurd) and members of the Applied Mathematics group (headed by Professor
P. Hall) in the Department of Mathematics, both of the Faculty of Science.
The possibility of other individuals and groups forming this type of
affiliation also exists.
The staff co-operate at various levels, including the provision of an
M.Sc. course and postgraduate research supervision.
The interests of the numerical analysts cover
- sequential and parallel algorithms,
- numerical linear algebra,
- approximation of functions data,
- numerical integration,
- numerical solution of initial-value and boundary-value problems in
ordinary differential equations, algebraic and delay-differential
- parameter fitting,
- location of zeros of functions,
- optimisation,
- integral and partial-differential equations,
- industrial applications.
From: T. R. Hopkins <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 21 Oct 92 11:52:16 +0100
Subject: University of Kent Reports Available via FTP
An electronic archive of internal reports from the University of Kent's
Computing Laboratory is now available via anonymous ftp from
unix.hensa.ac.uk ( All the reports are in compressed
PostScript form and reside in the directory
misc/ukc.reports/comp.sci/reports; an index giving authors and titles is
available in misc/ukc.reports/comp.sci/index.
These reports include updated versions of the cumulative indexes to the
ACM and Applied Statistics algorithms (reports 24-92 and 25-92). The
bibliographic databases used to generate these indexes are in the
directory misc/netlib/bib (acm.dbase and as.dbase), along with Bibtex
versions (acm.bib and as.bib) and a Perl script for manipulating the basic
database format (bibop.sh).
unix.hensa.ac.uk is a general unix-based software archive for the UK and
currently contains the uunet, netlib and statlib archives. It is
accessible via anonymous ftp, electronic mail and an interactive browsing
system; for further details e-mail
[email protected]
the message
send info/hensa.unix.general
From: H.J. Stetter <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 18:01:00 +0100
Subject: SCAN-93 Symposium in Vienna
First Announcement of
S C A N - 9 3
International Symposium on
Scientific Computing, Computer Arithmetic and Validated Numerics
V i e n n a (Tech. University)
26 (Sunday) - 29 September 1993
This conference continues the series of SCAN-xx Symposia which have previously
been held at Karlsruhe, Basel, Albena(Bulgaria), and Oldenburg, under the joint
sponsorship of IMACS and GAMM.
These conferences have traditionally treated the numerical and algorithmic
aspects of Scientific Computing, with an emphasis on the algorithmic validation
of results and on arithmetic tools for that purpose. Contributions relating to
the use of parallel architectures will be particularly welcome.
Organizing Chairman: Hans J. Stetter, TU Vienna
Scientific Committee: G.Alefeld, Karlsruhe; G.Corliss, Milwaukee; A.Frommer,
Wuppertal; J.Herzberger, Oldenburg; S.Markov, Sofia; D.Matula, Dallas;
A.Neumaier, Freiburg; S.Rump, Hamburg; H.J.Stetter, Vienna.
Organizing Committee: W.Auzinger, J.Schneid, G.Schranz-Kirlinger, H.J.Stetter.
Extended abstracts will be due by the end of April 93. Outstanding submissions
will be selected for presentation as highlighted talks.
For more information early in 1993, please, submit your name, affiliation, and
e-mail address to
[email protected]
or to
Prof. Hans J. Stetter
TU Vienna (115.2)
A-1040 Vienna
From: Pierre Leca <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 17:27:48 GMT
Subject: Parallel CFD '93 in Paris
Implementations and Results Using Parallel Computers
Paris - France
May 10-12, 1993
The organizing committee is pleased to announce the PARALLEL CFD
international conference adressing development in the use of parallel
supercomputers in computational fluid dynamics and multidisciplinary
This conference will be held in Paris (France) with the help of the
GAMNI-SMAI and IMA organizations in association with CNRS.
Organizing Committee :
A. Ecer, Purdue University; L. Fezoui INRIA; A. Geiger RUS Stuttgart;
J. Hauser, Technical College of Braunschweig; D. Keyes Yale University;
E. Krause RWTH Aachen; P. Leca, ONERA (Co-Chair); A. Lin Pennsylvania
University; K. Morgan IMA; R. Pelz, Rutgers University; J. Periaux,
Dassault- Aviation (Co-Chair); H. Simon, NASA-Ame s/CSC
Advisory Board :
R. Agarwall McDonnel Douglas; R. Blech NASA-Lewis; A.Dervieux INRIA;
Ch. De la Foye DRET; T.A. Elgof United Technologies; D. Emerson SERC;
R. Hirsh NSF; J.P. Ferrier CNRS; K. Hessenius NASA-Headquarters; L. Long
Penn State University; G. Lonsdale GMD; D. R. Mc. Carthy Boeing;
Y. Morchoisne ONERA; O. Pironneau Paris 6 University; B. Richards Glasgow
University; Sakell AFOSR; M. Salas Nasa-Langley; V. Saxena IBM;
P. Schiano CIRA; W. Schmidt MBB; D. Scott Intel; J. Richardson TMC;
M. Walker CRAY Research
ABSTRACT DEADLINE : January 15, 1993
Proposed title and 2-3 pages extended abstract should be sent to :
Europe and outside USA USA
P. Leca Pat Fox
ONERA Purdue University
29 Av. de la Division Leclerc School of Engineering and Technology
92320 Chatillon FRANCE 799 W. Michigan Street Indianapolis
Indiana 46202-5160 USA
Tel : (33) 1 46 73 43 74 Tel : 1 (317) 274 0806
Fax : (33) 1 46 73 41 50 Fax : 1 (317) 274 4567
E-mail : [email protected] E-mail : [email protected]
From: Ralph B Kearfott <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 08:58:43 CDT
Subject: Computer Systems and Applied Math
19-23 JULY 1993
Organized by Center of Modern Communications, University of St.
THE AIMS of the Congress are to provide an interdisciplinary forum for
the exchange of ideas between Eastern and Western scientists and to
bring to practicing researchers recent advances and the state of the
art in all areas of computer science, scientific computing, software
engineering, applied and computational mathematics. The official
language of the Congress is English and only papers submitted
in English will be considered.
THE TOPICS highlighted by the Congress include, but are not limited
to: Programming Languages; Numerical Analysis; Differential
Equations; Inverse Problems; Fluid Dynamics; Quantum and Statistical
Mechanics; Applied Probability and Statistics; Theory of Computing;
Scientific Computation; Parallel Processing; Supercomputing;
Optimization and Operations Research; Software Engineering and
Compiler Construction; Symbolic Computation; CASE Tools; Fuzzy
Systems; Databases; Networks; Neural Nets; Artificial Intelligence;
Expert Systems; Computer Graphics; Computer Vision and Image
Processing; Data Security; Simulation and Modelling; Electromagnetics
and Semiconductors; Medicine and Biology; Mathematical Education;
Dynamical Systems; Economics and Management; Environmental Science;
Manufacturing Systems; Material Science;
The Program Committee invites you, as a potential organizer, to submit
a proposal for a minisymposium. A minisymposium is a session of 3-6
speakers focusing on a single topic. The organizers should submit
the title(s) of the session(s) they propose to the Program Committee
as soon as possible. Minisymposium organizers are responsible for the
scientific quality of papers in their sessions, consequently all
papers invited by organizers are automatically accepted.
The program will also include contributed paper sessions (20 -
minute presentation), posters, and industrial exhibits. Authors are
invited to submit to the CSAM'93 Program Committee a one page
abstract and indicate if they prefer an oral or poster session.
Authors may suggest the title(s) of appropriate session(s) for
their paper. Manuscripts of papers presented at the Congress will
be published as CSAM'93 Proceedings after the Congress. A volume
containing all abstract of the accepted papers and description of all
minisymposia including titles and speakers known by May 1, 1993, will
be available to the participants at the Congress. Late papers and
sessions, if accepted, may be presented at the Congress and will be
listed in the Supplementum to the final program.
Minisymposium proposals: As soon as possible; Early submissions due:
February 1, 1993; Normal submissions due: May 1, 1993; Late
submissions: After May 1, 1993.
Booths and tables will be available to companies wishing to display
their products and/or services.
Send inquires for further information, proposals for minisymposia,
and two copies of the abstract to:
Dr. Sergey S. Voitenko
Director, Center of Modern Communications,
University of St. Petersburg
14th Line 29
199178 St. Petersburg
e-mail: [email protected]
Outside of Ex-USSR and Eastern Europe proposals for minisymposia and
From: Valerie Fraysse <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 92 10:11:15 GMT
Subject: Workshop on the Reliability of Computations
Centre Europ\'een Institut National
de Recherche et de de Recherche
Formation Avanc\'ee et de en Informatique
en Calcul Scientifique et Automatisme
First Announcement
New trends in the assessment of quality for
numerical linear algebra software and algebraic processes.
March 30--31, April 1 1993, TOULOUSE (FRANCE)
For an engineer or a researcher, having confidence in the results obtained
from large-scale computational codes and the robustness of the underlying
models is of the utmost importance. Indeed, the widespread availability of
supercomputers has replaced physical experimentation by intensive numerical
simulations, even for problems at the edge of instability.
Unfortunately, tools for obtaining information on the quality and the
reliability of computer results are rarely used in industrial environments.
However, there exist some new tools, developed in the framework of linear
algebra, which can offer the best possible solution to a given problem.
One has to discover and learn how to use them.
The aim of the workshop ``RELIABILITY OF COMPUTATIONS'' is then twofold :
* to present an overview of the new concepts influencing the design of
LAPACK, the Linear Algebra Library released in 1992,
* to show how the user can get meaningful information even from results
where all the digits can be wrong. Such computational problems are
considered so difficult that they are called ``impossible''.
List of sollicited lecturers
M. Arioli, IAN--CNR Pavia and CERFACS
I. Babu\v{s}ka, University of Maryland
J. C. Berg\`es,arily ne CNES
J. P. Boujot, CISI Ing\'enierie
T. Braconnier, CERFACS
J. Cullum, IBM Yorktown
V. Frayss\'e, CERFACS
S. Hammarling, NAG
N. Higham, University of Manchester
B. K{\aa}gstr\"{o}m, University of Ume\aa
Organizing Committee: M. Arioli, IAN--CNR Pavia and CERFACS
F. Chatelin, THOMSON--CSF and CERFACS, I. S. Duff, Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory and CERFACS, V. Frayss\'e, CERFACS.
This workshop is organized by CERFACS with the support of INRIA and IBM.
Scientific coordination :
Val\'erie Frayss\'e Tel : (33) 61 19 30 18
42 ave. G. Coriolis Fax : (33) 61 19 30 00
31057 Toulouse CEDEX Email : [email protected]
From: Janet Peterson <PETERSON%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 16:47 EDT
Subject: Position at Virgina Polytechnic Institute
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Department of Mathematics
The Department of Mathematics at Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University is seeking qualified applicants for an anticipated
tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of
Computational Mathematics/Numerical Analysis. We seek applicants with a strong
research potential as well as the ability to be an effective teacher.
A vita, a brief description of research interests, three letters of
recommendation including at least one which addresses teaching,
and any supporting materials should be sent to
Janet S. Peterson, Chair, Computational Mathematics Search Committee
ICAM--Wright House--0531
Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0123.
Applications will be accepted for as long as there
is a possibility of making an appointment or until March 15,1993;
however, applications completed by January 1, 1993 will be included
in the first round of evaluations.
Virginia Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. The
University takes its affirmative action mission seriously and is especially
interested in receiving applications from women and people of color.
From: Fritz Keinert <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 19 Oct 92 10:58:57 CDT
Subject: Position at Iowa State University
Subject to budgetary approval, the Department of Mathematics of Iowa
State University will hire a tenure-track assistant professor or
associate professor in numerical analysis, starting in August 1993.
The position will be full time during the 9-month academic year.
The successful candidate should have a Ph. D. or equivalent and should
have a strong interest in teaching at both the graduate and
undergraduate level. He or she should maintain an active research
program in some branch of numerical analysis. The candidate will be
expected to apply for externally funded grants. Senior candidates
should have a strong record of publications and grants. Start-up
funds for a workstation will be available. The salary will be
commensurate with qualifications.
Iowa State University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
Employer. Women and minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
The department will begin screening applications January 15, 1993;
applications will be accepted, however, until the positions are
filled. Applications (vita, description of research plans, and three
letters of recommendation) should be sent to Stephen J. Willson,
Chair, Department of Mathematics, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa
50011. Inquiries may be directed to the head of the hiring committee,
Jim Cornette ([email protected]).
From: Jorge More <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 23 Oct 92 10:01:02 CDT
Subject: Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing
Mathematics and Computer Science Division
Argonne National Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for
the 1993 J. H. Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing.
This fellowship was created in memory of Dr. James Hardy Wilkinson, F.R.S.,
who had a close association with the Mathematics and Computer Science Division
as a consultant and guiding spirit for the EISPACK and LINPACK projects.
The Wilkinson Fellowship is supported by a special grant from the
Applied Mathematical Sciences program of the U.S. Department of Energy.
The Wilkinson Fellowship is intended to encourage young scientists
actively engaged in state-of-the-art research in scientific computing.
The candidate must be a U.S. citizen or permanent resident, and must
have earned (or be about to earn) a Ph.D. degree during the past three years.
The appointment will be in the Mathematics and Computer Science Division,
which has strong research programs in scientific computing,
software tools, computational mathematics, and applied analysis.
There is special interest in numerical methods for
linear algebra, optimization, and partial differential equations;
software tools for parallel computing;
and state-of-the-art numerical methods for computational science problems.
The appointment is for one year, and may be renewed for a second year.
The benefits of the appointment include a highly competitive salary,
moving expenses, a generous professional travel allowance, and
access to high-performance scientific workstations,
a scientific visualization laboratory, and
state-of-the-art parallel computers (including the Intel Touchstone DELTA).
Applications from qualified candidates should be addressed to Nancy Griparis,
Employment and Placement, Box J-MCS93, 9700 South Cass Avenue,
Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL 60439-4832.
Applications should include a resume',
a statement of research goals, and the names of three references.
The closing date for applications is January 22, 1993.
The applications will be reviewed by a selection committee and a
candidate announced in March 1993. The position will commence during 1993.
Further inquiries can be made by calling Jorge J. More' at
708-972-7162 or by sending electronic mail to [email protected].
Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
From: H.J. Stetter <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 18:00:39 +0100
Subject: Contents: Computing
Contents: Commputing
Volume 49, Fasc.1 (August 92)
Y.Ding and M.A.Weiss
Best Case Lower Bounds for Heapsort
H.Blum, S.Lisky, and R.Rannacher
A Domain Splitting Algorithm for Parabolic Problems
Numerical Existence Proofs and Explicit Bounds for Solutions of Nonlinear
Elliptic Boundary Value Problems
The Implicit Midpoint Rule Applied to Discontinuous Differential Equations
A.Frommer and G. Mayer
On the Theory and Practice of Multisplitting Methods in Parallel Computation
Z.Xu and X.Shi
A Comparison of Point and Ball Iterations in the Contractive Mapping Case
X.Chen and T.Yamamoto
On the Convergence of some Quasi-Newton Methods for Nonlinear Equations with
Nondifferentiable Operators
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 20 Oct 92 11:21:49 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Applied Math
SIAM J. Appl. Math. Vol. 53, No. 1, February 1993
Stability of Coexisting Phases for Compressible van der Waals Fluids
David Hoff and M. Khodja
Pseudospectra of the Orr--Sommerfield Operator
Satish C. Reddy, Peter H. Schmid, and Dan S. Hennington
Subsonic Potential Flow and the Transonic Controversy
A. J. Guttman and C. J. Thompson
Second-Kind Integral Equation Formulation for the Slow Motion of
Arbitrary Shape Near a Plane Wall in a Viscous Fluid
Henry Power and B. Febres de Power
Chaotic and Resonant Streamlines in the ABC Flow
Xiao-Hua Zhao, Keng-Huat Kwek, Ji-Bin Li, and Ke-Lei Huang
Bifurcation Analysis of Cellular Interfaces in Unidirectional
Solidification of a Dilute Binary Mixture
M. D. Impey. D. S. Riley, and A. A. Wheeler
On the G-Closure in the Polycrystalline Problem
V. Nesi
Two-Front Travelling Waves in Filtration Combustion
K. G. Shkadinsky, G. V. Shkadinskaya, B. J. Matkowsky, and V. A. Volpert
On the Density of Traction Traces in Scattering of Elastic Waves
George Dassios and Zafiria Rigou
Solution of Convolution Integral Equations by the Method of
Differential Inversion
R. G. Hohlfeld, J. I. F. King, T. W. Drueding, and G. v. H. Sandri
Mathematical Modeling of Semiconductor Lasers
Xinfu Chen, Avner Friedman, and Li-Shang Jiang
Modeling and Analysis of Laser-Beam-Induced Current Images in Semiconductors
Stavros Busenberg, Weifu Fang, and Kazufumi Ito
The Owl's Odyssey: A Continuous Model for the Dispersal of Territorial Species
Joseph E. Carroll and Roland H. Lamberson
Should a Park be an Island?
Robert Stephen Cantrell and Chris Cosner
Self-Sustained Firing in Populations of Integrate-and-Fire Neurons
Carl Vanvreeswijk and L. F. Abbott
Mode Localization in a Class of Multidegree-of-Freedom Nonlinear
Systems with Cyclic Symmetry
Alexander F. Vakakis and Cetin Cetinkaya
Lypunov Exponent and Rotation Number of Two-Dimensional
Linear Stochastic Systems with Telegraphic Noise
Kenneth A. Loparo and Xiangbo Feng
Exponential Limiting Distributions in Queuing Systems with Deadlines
M. Drmota and U. Schmid
End of NA Digest