From: Carlos Moura <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 92 15:07:01 EST
Subject: New Address for C. A. de Moura
Back to Rio, my email has changed from now on to
[email protected]
Best regards
Carlos A. de Moura
LNCC - Brazilian Laboratory for Scientif Computation
C. P. 56018
22290-160 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
From: N. Papamichael <NICKP%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 08:45:49 EST
Subject: New Address for Nick Papamichael
As of Oct.10, my new address is:
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
University of Cyprus
P.O. Box 537
Nicosia - CYPRUS
Tel: +357-2-366186 Fax: +357-2-366198
E-mail: nickp at cyearn.bitnet
Home tel: +357-2-312457
From: Tony Chan <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 92 15:37:37 +0800
Subject: Families at Householder Symposium
"Small Chilren and Householder Symposium"
After our recent annoucement of the Householder Symposium on NADIGEST,
there have been many inquiries concerning the issue of whether "small children"
are allowed at the conference site. The rule as stated in the announcement
was imposed by the conference center, not by the organizers.
Since then, we have been able to convince the center to make an exception
in our case because it is anticipated that we will have the whole center
to ourselves and will not be affecting other conference groups.
The new rules and prices are:
Children 3 years & younger are no charge.
Children 3-14 years are 1/2 price (of the $92.00).
Children 15 & older are full price.
In case of capacity overflow, conference participants will take
priority and accompanying spouses and children will be accomodated
at a first-come-first-served basis. There are also off-site hotels
in the Lake Arrowhead area which individuals can explore (and we
can provide some information on those.)
From: Jan Korvink <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 92 13:17:42 +0100
Subject: Renumbering of Mesh Nodes
Does anyone have, or know where to find, a routine
in C (or if it must be, FORTRAN) that optimises the
numbering of mesh joints. This is needed to obtain
a reduced matrix "profile" for repeated finite element
computations on the same mesh using a direct linear
The routine will take as input the connectivity
of the mesh, and return a list with the optimised
nodal order.
Thank you in advance,
Mohammad Tabatabai
Jan Korvink
Computer Science in Engineering
email: [email protected]
[email protected]
From: Craig Barratt <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 92 11:24:26 -0700
Subject: Postscript and LaTeX
Subject: Overlaying postscript figures with LaTeX fragments
A new version (1.1) of the PsFrag macros is now available. This version
handles a wider class of postscript figures, allowing PsFrag to work
with packages such as Freehand and Mathematica.
The PsFrag macros make it easy to overlay postscript figures with
fragments of LaTeX. These macros allow you to get the best of both
worlds: you can generate a postscript figure as usual using your favorite
drawing or plotting program (for example, xfig, idraw, freehand, matlab,
xmath, or mathematica), but each piece of text can be selectively replaced
with high-quality LaTeX formatted equations, text, or pictures, when it
is included in a LaTeX document.
The LaTeX fragments can be optionally rotated, scaled, and repositioned
relative to the text being replaced. The LaTeX fragments automatically
track the postscript text position as the postscript file is updated,
or as the scaling and offsets of the enclosing \special or \epsfbox
are changed.
PsFrag is available via anonymous ftp from isl.stanford.edu
(internet address Set binary mode and get the
compressed tar file
Extract the archive using uncompress and tar xvf (or gtar zxvf).
See the files README, USAGE, INSTALL for detailed information.
If you can't ftp then I can email you a uuencoded version.
Note: PsFrag uses ghostscript (gs) from the gnu distribution, and assumes
that your dvi to ps driver is Tomas Rokicki's dvips (Radical Eye Software).
You will need both of these programs to use PsFrag. Basically, PsFrag uses
ghostscript to interpret the postscript figure and spit out a LaTeX
picture environment that exactly lines up with the postscript figure.
Craig Barratt
[email protected]
From: Jeremy Levesley <jl1%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 92 12:05:57 BST
Subject: Leicester University Numerical Analysis Day
Numerical Analysis Day at Leicester University, UK
Wednesday 18th November 1992
A Numerical Analysis day is to be held on Wednesday November 18th 1992
in the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of Leicester University.
The two principal speakers are Professor K.W. Morton (OUCL) who will be
speaking on ``The Box Scheme and Related Finite Volume Methods'', and Rick
Beatson (Canterbury, New Zealand) on ``Fast Evaluation of Radial Basis
As well as the two invited speakers there will be a number of shorter talks
from other people attending the conference. If you wish to present a talk please
contact one of the organisers (email and phone numbers below), by Friday 30th
October. If you want only to attend please reply by Friday 6th November. The
cost of the day is \pounds 10, including morning and afternoon refreshments,
and lunch. Please make cheques payable to ``University of Leicester''.
Jeremy Levesley
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
Leicester University
University Road
Leicester LE1 7RH.
[email protected]
(0533) 523897
From: Jonathan Borwein <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 92 15:49:34 EDT
Subject: New Center at Simon Fraser University
Simon Fraser Centre for Experimental and Constructive Mathematics
This Centre located in Burnaby British Columbia (Greater Vancouver)
is intended to further research and graduate education in Computation in
the Mathematical Sciences. The Centre aims to provide a sophisticated
environment for Mathematical research on topics that require a substantial mix
of computation, experimentation and mathematics. Of interest are questions on
how one uses the computer: To build intuition? To generate hypotheses?
To validate conjectures or prove theorems? To discover nontrivial examples
and counter-examples?
The centre will commence full operation July 1, 1993. Activities will
include the following.
(i) Provision for and sponsorship of Post-Doctoral Fellowships in areas related to Experimental and Constructive Mathematics.
(ii) Sponsorship of regular short-term and longer-term research visitors
to the Centre.
(iii) Organization of regular Colloquia and occasional Conferences on
advances in Experimental and Constructive Mathematics.
(iv) Participation in the training of graduate students in Experimental and
Constructive Mathematics.
(v) Establishment, development and maintenance of accessible software
(vi) Collaboration with similar centres and appropriate individuals at
other Canadian and foreign Universities and Institutes.
The initial steering committee consists of J. Borwein (Director), P. Borwein
and R. Russell. Enquiries can be directed to [email protected] .
The Centre is soliciting applications for two Post-Doctoral Fellows
commencing after July 1, 1993, in any areas compatible with the interests
of the centre. The stipend will be set on the NSERC PDF scale. These are
primarily research positions though some teaching may be involved. Potential
Post-Doctoral Fellows should send a curriculum vitae and arrange
for three letters of reference to be sent to Dr. J.M. Borwein,
Department of Combinatorics and Optimization,University of Waterloo, N2L
3G1, Ontario preferably by December 15, 1992.
The Centre will be soon be soliciting applications for the position of
Computer System Administrator commencing April 1, 1993. Salary range is
$42,846-$54,955. This person will be responsible for the installation and
operation of the CECM computing facility and will be expected to provide
technical leadership for this and related projects. A post graduate degree
in Computing Science or Electrical/Electronic Engineering and five years'
experience (or an equivalent combination of experience and training) are
From: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 1992 03:43:12 EST
Subject: Computational Neuroscience
SYMPOSIUM 1992 (CNS '92)
University Place Conference Center
Indiana University-Purdue University
at Indianapolis, Indiana
In cooperation with the IEEE Systems,
Man and Cybernetics Society
The Computational Neuroscience Symposium (CNS '92) will highlight the
interactions among engineering, science, and neuroscience. Computational
neuroscience is the study of the interconnection of neuron-like
elements in computing devices which leads to the discovery of the algorithms
of the brain. Such algorithms may prove useful in finding optimum solutions
to practical engineering problems. The focus of the symposium will be
forty-five minute special lectures by eight leading international experts.
KEYNOTE LECTURE: "Challenges and Promises of Networks with Neural-type
NICHOLAS DeCLARIS, Professor of Applied Mathematics, Electrical Engineering,
Pathology, Epidemiology & Preventive Medicine; Director, Division of Medical
Informatics, University of Maryland.
"Teaching the Multiplication Tables to a Neural Network: Flexibility vs.
Accuracy" JAMES ANDERSON, Professor of Cognitive & Linguistic Sciences,
Brown University.
"Supervised Learning for Adaptive Radar Detection" SIMON HAYKIN,
Director of Communication Research Laboratory, McMaster University.
"Neural Network Applications in Waveform Analysis and Pattern Recognition"
EVANGELIA MICHELI-TZANAKOU, Chair and Professor of Biomedical Engineering,
Rutgers University.
"Signal Processing by Neural Networks in the Control of Eye Movements"
DAVID ROBINSON, Professor of Ophthalmology, Biomedical Engineering &
Neuroscience, The Johns Hopkins University.
"Nonlinear Properties of the Hippocampal Formation"
ROBERT SCLABASSI, Professor of Neurosurgery, Electrical Engineering,
Behavioral Neuroscience & Psychiatry, University of Pittsburgh.
"Acoustic Images in Bar Sonar and the Mechanisms Which Form Them"
JAMES SIMMONS, Professor of Biology & Psychology, Brown University.
"Understanding the Brain as a Neurocontroller: New Hypotheses and Experimental
PAUL WERBOS, Program Director, National Science Foundation and President,
International Neural Network Society.
Please contact the Conference Secretary for registration information.
Ms. Nancy Brockman ~ CNS '92 Conference Secretary
799 West Michigan Street, Room 1211 y Indianapolis, IN 46202
tel: (317)274-2761 ~ fax: (317)274-0832
H. Oner Yurtseven, General Co-Chair
Sidney Ochs, General Co-Chair
P.G. Madhavan, Program Chair
Michael Penna, Publication Chair
From: Piet Wesseling <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 92 12:02:11 MET
Subject: European Multigrid Conference
Second Call for papers
European Multigrid Conference, EMG'93
July 6-9, 1993
The Netherlands
Following earlier conferences in 1981, 1985 and 1990 EMG'93, the fourth
European Multigrid Conference will be held in Amsterdam, July 6-9, 1993.
The conference aims at providing a forum for the presentation and
discussion of recent research in the general area of multilevel methods.
Participation is expected to be worldwide.
Themes of the conference will range from basic research to industrial
applications, including but not limited to the following subjects:
* computational fluid dynamics,
* reservoir engineering,
* semiconductor device modeling,
* statistical physics,
* parallel computing,
* adaptive computing,
* numerical analysis of multigrid methods.
The program of the fourth European Multigrid Conference will consist of
invited lectures in plenary sessions and selected presentations in 2
parallel sessions. Members of the program committee are P.W. Hemker
(CWI/University of Amsterdam) and P. Wesseling (Delft University of
Contributions to EMG'93 are solicited. Send 3 copies of an extended
abstract of no more than 2 pages to the conference administrator. The
deadline for submissions is 15 December 1992. Notifications of acceptance
will be mailed on 30 January 1993.
Invited lectures will be presented by:
* A. Brandt * C. Douglas
* L. Fuchs * W. Hackbush
* P. Lauwers * K. St\"uben
* S. van de Walle * C.H. Venner
* G. Wittum
P.W. Hemker
F. Snijders
P. Wesseling
S. van der Wolff
EMG'93 - European Multigrid Conference 1993
c/o CWI
Ms. Simone van der Wolff
P.O. Box 4079
1009 AB Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Tel. 020-5929333
Fax. 020-5924199
email: [email protected]
Pieter Wesseling
Faculty of Technical Mathematics and Informatics
Delft University of Technology
P.O. Box 5031
2600 GA Delft, The Netherlands
Tel. +3115 - 783631 Fax +3115 - 787209
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Venkat V S S Sastry <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 9:57 BST
Subject: One Day Tutorial Introduction to MATLAB
One day Course
MATLAB: a tutorial introduction
16 November 1992. Applied and Computational Mathematics Group,
Royal Military College of Science.
The course is specifically designed for scientists, engineers and
lecturers who either use routine numerical/matrix calculations in
their specific application area or teach the subject at various
levels. No specialist knowledge of programming or computer science is
required, but participants are expected to have basic knowledge of
computing and to be educated to HNC or degree level.
Every participant will receive a comprehensive set of lecture notes
illustrating various features of MATLAB.
The course provides hands-on experience of the MATLAB package, and
will be followed by an in-depth presentation of case studies which
deal with specialist topics from Signal Processing, Control System
Design, Numerical Computations, Splines and Optimization. Most of the
afternoon is devoted to tutorials and the participants will have ample
opportunity to work on a specialist topic of their choice.
The course lectures will be given by the teaching and research staff
of the Applied and Computational Mathematics Group under the direction
of Dr. Venkat V.S.S. Sastry.
The fee of #150 (pounds) includes morning coffee, afternoon tea, a
copy of lecture notes and all computer facilities used. (Academic
staff: #112.50 (pounds), research students: #75 (pounds)). Cheques
are payable to RMCS(Cranefield).
This one day course forms part of a longer course entitled Re-Usable
Software Systems, Libraries and Packages, 16-20 November 1992, which
also covers Mathematica, PAFEC, NAGFE, SENAC and NAGGRAPHICS. Further
information is available from Mrs. P. M. Moore.
To reserve a place on the course please write to Mrs. P. M. Moore,
Applied and Computational Mathematics Group, RMCS, Shrivenham,
Swindon, Wilts., SN6 8LA or Tel: (0793) 785317 or e-mail:
[email protected]
From: Chris Bischof <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 13:12:25 CDT
Subject: Postdoctoral Research Position at Argonne
The Mathematics and Computer Science Division of Argonne National
Laboratory is inviting applications for a postdoctoral research
position. The appointment is for a one-year term (renewable). The
successful candidate will participate in a project for sensitivity
analysis and design optimization of large-scale computer models. At
the heart of this effort are techniques for the automatic
differentiation of computer programs. Argonne researchers are
spearheading this effort, and, in collaboration with Rice University,
have developed the ADIFOR automatic differentiation tool for Fortran
We are looking for an individual to implement and investigate recent
theoretical advances in automatic differentiation, and validate them in
application contexts. We are investigating the utilization of automatic
differentiation in the multidisciplinary design optimization of flight
vehicles in a joint effort with NASA Langley. Hence, applications of
particular current interest are sensitivity analysis and design
optimization of advanced CFD, structures, and finite-element codes.
This project is interdisciplinary in nature and interfaces with
efforts in numerical optimization, parallel computing, large-scale
simulation of physical processes, compiler construction, and
programming tools. Project members have access to state-of-the art
computing facilities, including a 520-processor Intel Touchstone
DELTA. Nominal requirements include a Ph.D. in computer science,
applied mathematics, or an applied science or engineering discipline. A
good algorithms background and hands-on experience in some aspect of
scientific computing is necessary.
Argonne is located in the southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering the
advantages of affordable housing and good schools, as well as easy
access to the cultural attractions of the city.
Applications must be addressed to Nancy Griparis, Box mcs-postdoc,
Employment and Placement, Argonne National Laboratory, 9700 S. Cass
Avenue, Argonne, IL 60439, and must include a resume and the names and
addresses of three references.
For further information, contact Christian Bischof, [email protected],
Fax: (708) 252-5986
Argonne is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
From: Richard C. Allen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 05:50:29 GMT-0900
Subject: Fellowship Positions at Sandia National Laboratories
Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Fellowship
Computational Sciences, Computer Sciences and Mathematics Center
Sandia National Laboratories
The Computational Sciences, Computer Sciences and Mathematics Center at
Sandia National Laboratories invites outstanding candidates to apply for
the 1993 AMS Research Fellowship. The Fellowship is supported by the
Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Program of the U.S. Department of
Energy. AMS Fellowships at Sandia provide an exceptional opportunity for
innovative research in scientific computing on advanced architectures and
are intended to promote the transfer of technology from the laboratory
research environment to industry and academia through the advanced training
of new computational scientists. Candidates must be U.S. citizens, have
recently earned a Ph.D. degree or the equivalent, and have a strong interest
in advanced computing research.
The Center maintains strong programs in analytical and computational
mathematics, discrete mathematics and algorithms, computational physics
and engineering, advanced computational approaches for parallel computers,
graphics, and architectures and languages. Sandia provides a unique parallel
computing environment, including a 1024-processor nCUBE 2, a 64-processor
Intel IPSC-860, a Connection Machine-2, and several large Cray supercomputers.
The fellowship appointment is for a period of one year and may be renewed
for a second year. It includes a highly competitive salary, moving expenses,
and a generous professional travel allowance. Applicants should send a resume,
a statement of research goals, and three letters of recommendation to Robert
H. Banks, Division 7531-XX, Sandia National Laboratories, P.O. Box 5800,
Albuquerque, NM 87185. The closing date for applications is December 31,
1992, although applications will be considered until the fellowship is awarded.
The position will commence during 1993.
For further information contact Richard C. Allen, Jr., at (505) 845-7825
or by e-mail, [email protected].
From: Carlos Moura <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 92 15:24:05 EST
Subject: New Publisher for Mat. Aplic. Comp.
Starting with Volume 11, 1992, Matematica Aplicada e Computacional
(Computational and Applied Mathematics), a journal under the auspices of
SBMAC - Brazilian Society for Computational and Applied Mathematics -
will have as its publisher Birkhauser Boston. Editorial policy and
interests, as well as Editorial board will remain unchanged, except that
Jim Douglas, Jr. became one of the main editors (C.S.Kubrusly and C.A.de Moura,
from LNCC, Rio are the other two).
Mat. Aplic. Comp., V. 11, Issue 1, 1992
J. Douglas, Jr. and P.J. Paes-Leme
Finite difference methods for a model for immiscible displacement in
naturally fractured petroleum reservoirs
O. H. Bustos and A. C. Frery
A contribution to the study of Markovian degrade images:
an extension of a theorem by Geman and Geman
M. Krizek, P. Neittaanmaki and M. Vondrak
A nontraditional approach for solving the Neumann problem by
the Finite Element Method
V. A. Bravo
Controllability and the rank condition of the control vectors
J. E. Munoz-Rivera
Asymptotic behavior of energy in linear thermo-visco-elasticity
From: Iain Duff <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 92 09:58:14 GMT
Subject: Contents: IMA Numerical Analysis
P D Robinson Variational bounds on the entries of the inverse
and A J Wathen of a matrix
A Iserles Unified approach to spurious solutions introduced
and A M Stuart by time discretization Part II; BDF-like methods
G Mullenheim Solving two point boundary value problems with
spline functions
J M Borwein Fast evaluation of the gamma function for small
and I J Zucker rational functions using complete elliptic
integrals of the first kind
B Cahlon Numerical solutions for functional integral
and D Schmidt equations
P K Jimack On steady and large time solutions of the
semi-discrete Moving Finite Element equations
for one-dimensional diffusion problems
C Bernardi Mixed spectral element approximation of the
V Girault and Navier-Stokes equations in the stream-function
Y Maday and vorticity formulation
End of NA Digest