From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 92 10:57:06 PDT
Subject: National Science Foundation News
Frederic Wan Named Mathematical Sciences Division Director
9 OCTOBER 1992
Frederic Wan has been appointed Director of the Division of
Mathematical Sciences at the National Science Foundation. Wan is
currently Professor of Applied Mathematics and Associate Dean for
the Sciences of the College of Arts and Sciences at the University
of Washington. He will begin his term at DMS on January 1, 1993.
Assistant Director of DMS Bernard McDonald will serve as the
Acting Director until the end of the year. Wan succeeds Judith
Sunley, who is now the Executive Officer of the NSF Directorate
for Mathematical and Physical Sciences.
From: John Nash <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 05 Oct 92 22:14:21 EDT
Subject: E-mail Address Change for John Nash
This is to let you know that my userid has been changed from jxnhg
to the more comprehensible jcnash. Therefore my email handle is
[email protected]
Best wishes,
John C. Nash, Professor of Management Science,
Faculty of Administration, University of Ottawa
Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 6N5 Canada
(613) 564 5776 fax 564 6518
From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 09:38:24 CDT
Subject: Special Issue of LAA for Fiedler and Ptak
Special Issue Honoring Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak
In view of their major contribution to linear algebra and to this
journal, LAA will publish a special issue in honor of
Miroslav Fiedler and Vlastimil Ptak
to mark the occasion of their retirement.
The purpose of this announcement is to solicit papers for this issue.
The deadline for submission is 30 August 1993 and the issue is expected
to appear about 15 months later.
Papers are invited concerning any aspect of linear algebra, its
applications, and its interactions with graph theory or functional
analysis. All contributions will be subject to the normal reviewing
Submissions should be sent to one of the special editors of this
Wayne Barrett
Department of Mathemtics
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 84602
Email: [email protected]
Angelika Bunse-Gerstner
Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Universitaet Bremen
Postfach 33 04 40
D-W-2800 Bremen 33
Email: [email protected]
Nicholas Young
Department of Mathematics
Fylde College
Lancaster University
Lancaster LA1 4YF
Email: [email protected]
From: Ralph B Kearfott <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 7 Oct 92 16:14:18 CDT
Subject: Automatic Result Verification Conference
The following items have changed since my last posting for the
conference on Numerical Analysis with Automatic Result Verification.
* The deadline for abstracts for the preliminary program has been
extended to November 1.
* The deadline for preregistration has been extended to November 15.
* The National Science Foundation has recommended funding for the
Baker Kearfott
From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 9 Oct 92 15:05:25 CDT
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at Minnesota IMA
IMA announces at least 4 one-to-two year positions in
Industrial Mathematics, effective September 1, 1993. These
appointments are in addition to the regular program and are
funded jointly by the NSF and participating industries. They
are designed to prepare mathematicians for research careers
involving industrial interaction. Applicants should have
fulfilled all requirements for a Ph.D. in Mathematics or
Applied Mathematics by September 1, 1993. Familiarity with pde
and/or numerical analysis is desired, but no knowledge in
engineering is required. Postdoctorates* will spend 50% effort
working with industrial scientists on one of the following
topics: (1) Signal processing and computational ocean
acoustics; (2) Diffractive optics; Maxwell equations in
periodic structure; (3) Computational fluid mechanics; (4)
Scattering of electromagnetic waves from complex objects; (5)
Magneto-optic recording media; the writing process; (6)
Semiconductors; (7) Solid state physics & computational
chemical physics; (8) Problems in mathematical photography; (9)
Air quality modeling; (10) Control theory; (11) Imaging
analysis; (12) Micromagnetics; (13) Near-infrared imaging; (14)
Applied statistical information theory and data fusion; and
50% effort in the regular IMA program.
The following materials must be submitted (all material
should arrive by January 15, 1993):
(1) Personal statement of scientific interests, research plans,
and reasons for wishing to participate in the Industrial
Postdoc program. (This is an essential part of the application.)
(2) Curriculum vitae and a list of publications.
(3) Three letters of recommendation, to be sent directly to the
*The actual hiring title will be ``Research Associate''.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator
and employer.
The application forms are available via anonymous ftp:
ima.umn.edu or call (612) 624-6066.
All correspondence should be sent to
Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church St. S.E.
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0436
[email protected]
FAX 612-626-7370
PARTICIPATING INSTITUTIONS:Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Indiana University, Iowa
State University, Kent State University, Michigan State
University, Northern Illinois University, Northwestern
University, Ohio State University, Pennsylvania State
University, Purdue University, University of Chicago,
University of Cincinnati, University of Houston, University of
Illinois (Chicago), University of Illinois (Urbana),
University of Iowa, University of Kentucky, University of
Manitoba, University of Maryland, University of Michigan,
University of Minnesota, University of Notre Dame, University
of Pittsburgh, Wayne State University
PARTICIPATING CORPORATIONS:Bellcore, Cray Research, Eastman
Kodak, Ford, General Motors, Hitachi, Honeywell, IBM, Kao,
Motorola, Paramax, Siemens, 3M
From: Oliver McBryan <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 1992 20:49:51 -0600
Subject: Positions at University of Colorado
The University of Colorado has been awarded a 5-year $4.5M NSF Grand
Challenge Applications Groups award in High Performance Computing. The
research will focus on three related areas: interactions of structures and
fluids (e.g. aerodynamics), turbulence in geophysical and astrophysical
environments, and computer science areas related to HPCC.
Several post-doctoral positions are available immediately in Computer
Science for qualified applicants. We also encourage applications for next
year and from prospective HPC graduate students in Computer Science. Success-
ful candidates will not necessarily have computer science backgrounds, but
must have experience and interest in one or more of parallel computing (per-
formance analysis, program transformation and parallelization, heterogeneous
computing, fluid dynamic applications), scientific databases or visualization,
and must be interested in pursuing these activities from a computer science
perspective. Research will occur in a multi-disciplinary environment consist-
ing of computer scientists, physical scientists and engineers.
Applications and letters of recommendation should be sent to:
Dr. Oliver McBryan,
Dept. of Computer Science,
University of Colorado,
Boulder, CO 80309.
[email protected]
The University of Colorado at Boulder has a strong institutional commit-
ment to the principle of diversity in all areas. In that spirit, we are par-
ticularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of peo-
ple, including women, members of ethnic minorities, and disabled individuals.
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 09 Oct 92 10:53:59 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Matrix Analysis
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications
Volume 14, Number 1 January 1993
Improved Error Bounds for Underdetermined System Solvers
James W. Demmel and Nicholas J. Higham
Approximations of the Spectral Radius, Corresponding Eigenvector, and Second
Largest Modulus of an Eigenvalue for Square, Nonnegative, Irreducible Matrices
Orna Gross and Uriel Rothblum
On the Solution to Matrix Equation TA-FT=LC and Its Applications
Chia-Chi Tsui
Factorized Sparse Approximate Inverse Preconditionings I. Theory
L. Yu. Kolotilina and A. Yu. Yeremin
Estimation of the Optimum Relaxation Factors in Partial Factorization
Iterative Methods
Z. I. Woznicki
On a Conjecture of Pierce for Permaments of Singular Correlation Matrices
C. L. Frenzen and I. Fischer
Interval Matrices: Singularity and Real Eigenvalues
Jiri Rohn
Matrix Generalizations of a Moment Problem Theorem I. The Hermitian Case
Miron Tismenetsky
The Additive Inverse Eigenvalue Problem for Lie Perturbations
Christopher I. Byrnes and Xiaochang Wang
Decreasing the Displacement Rank of a Matrix
Victor Pan
On the Convergence of the MSOR Method for Some Classes of Matrices
D. Herceg, M. E. Trigo, and M. M. Martins
More Matrix Forms of the Arithmetic-Geometric Mean Inequality
Rajendra Bhatia and Chandler Davis
Some Results on Homogeneous Matrix Equations
Dietrich von Rosen
Spectral Properties of Preconditioned Rational Toeplitz Matrices
Takang Ku and C.-C. Jay Kuo
Bi-Directional Chasing Algorithms for the Eigenvalue Problem
David S. Watkins
Deferred Shifting Schemes for Parallel QR Methods
Robert A. Van de Geijn
Bounds on Perturbations of Generalized Singular Values and of
Associated Subspaces
Ren-Cang Li
Precise Matrix Eigenvalues Using Range Arithmetic
Oliver Aberth and Mark J. Schaefer
On Finding Supernodes for Sparse Matrix Computations
Joseph W. H. Liu, Esmond G. Ng, and Barry W. Peyton
A Note on Nested Dissection for Rectangular Grids
M. V. Bhat, W. G. Habashi, J. W. H. Liu, V. N. Nguyen, and M. F. Peeters
Orderings, Multicolorings, and Consistently Ordered Matrices
David L. Harrar II
Forward Instabililty of Tridiagonal QR
Beresford N. Parlett and Jian Le
For more information about the SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and
Applications, contact Beth Gallagher, Production Editor,
[email protected]
End of NA Digest