NA Digest Sunday, October 4, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 37

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Luis Reyna <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 15:10:26 EDT
Subject: Special Issue for Farouk Odeh

A special issue for Farouk Odeh is going to be published in the journal:

Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization.

Farouk Odeh was on the editorial board of this journal.

People wishing to contribute in the special issue should contact
either Olavi Nevanlinna ([email protected]) or Luis Reyna
([email protected]).


From: Craig Douglas <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1992 13:05:07 -0400
Subject: Temporary Address Change for Craig Douglas

I am on sabbatical this academic year at Yale. I can be reached using the
following information:

Professor Craig Douglas
Yale University
Department of Computer Science
P. O. Box 2158 Yale Station
New Haven, CT 06520-2158
(203) 432-1200
[email protected]


From: Richard Brent <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 16:37:47 EST
Subject: Publications Available by FTP

My recent publications are available by anonymous ftp from (login anonymous, cd pub/rpb_pub, get README).

Richard Brent


From: Kevin Burton <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 92 09:18:24 CDT
Subject: Symbolic SVD and Eigensystem Algorithms

I am starting to work on adding some features to Dave Gillespie's Calc
program and would like to request some assistance. (Calc is a symbolic
arithmetic package written in Emacs Lisp.)

First, I need a "correct" SVD algorithm. (I have been told that the one
in Numerical Recipes is buggy.) If you have Lisp code so much the better.
I also would appreciate any suggestions as to the problems with making
such an SVD algorithm symbolic. I noticed that Mathematica's SVD command
only works numerically so this may be an intractable problem though I
can't see right off why.

Second, I need to have suggestions for an eigensystem solver. One solution
would be to solve the matrix numerically if it only contained numbers and
use Calc's existing polynomial routines to solve the characteristic equation
symbolically if there were symbols involved. Perhaps there are algorithms
available that better handle the general symbolic matrix. I also am not
well versed on the the best algorithms availble for recovering eigenvectors
given the eigenvalues. Again if you know of any Lisp code available it would
be appreciated.

Thank you for any assistance.

Please reply to [email protected].

This is not an official statement of Noran Instruments. No warranty is
expressed or implied. The information included herein is not to be construed
as a committment on Noran's part.

Kevin Burton
Noran Instruments voice: (608) 831-6511 x317
2551 West Beltline Highway, Room 532 FAX: (608) 836-7224
Middleton, WI 53562 email: [email protected]


From: Beresford Parlett <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 29 Sep 92 17:56:42 PDT
Subject: The Householder Award VI


Nominations are solicited for the Alston S. Householder
Award VI (1993). The award will be presented to the author of the
best dissertation in numerical algebra submitted by the recipient
of a PhD earned between January 1, 1990 and December 31, 1992.
The term numerical algebra is intended to describe those
parts of mathematical research that have both algebraic aspects
and numerical content or implications. Thus, for example, the
term covers linear algebra that has numerical applications and
the algebraic aspects of ordinary differential, partial
differential, integral, and nonlinear equations.
To qualify, the dissertation must have been submitted to
fulfill requirements for a degree at the level of a United States
PhD. Candidates from countries in which a formal dissertation is
not normally written at that level may submit an equivalent piece
of work.
The Householder award, given every three years, was
established at the 1969 Gatlinburg Symposium (now renamed the
Householder Symposium) to recognize the outstanding contributions
of Alston Householder to numerical analysis and linear algebra.
Before his retirement, Householder was director of the
Mathematics Division of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory and a
professor at the University of Tennessee.
The most recent award, Householder V, was given jointly to
Alan Edelman (MIT) and Maria Beth Ong (University of Washington).
Other recipients of the award include James Demmel (University of
California, Berkeley), Ralph Byers (Cornell University), and
Nicholas Higham (University of Manchester).
Entries will be assessed by an international committee
consisting of Ludwig Elsner (Bielefeld), Beresford Parlett
(University of California, Berkeley), Axel Ruhe (University of
G*o*teborg), Paul Van Dooren (University of Illinois), and Olof
Widlund (Courant Institute, New York University).
The candidate's sponsor (the supervisor of the candidate's
research) should submit five copies of the dissertation or
qualifying work, together with an appraisal of the candidate's
work, to Beresford Parlett (Department of Mathematics, University
of California, Berkeley, CA 94720) by February 28, 1993.
The award will be presented at the Householder Symposium
XII, to be held June 13-18, 1993, at Lake Arrowhead, near Los
Angeles. Candidates on the short list will receive invitations to
the meeting.


From: Walter Gautschi <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1992 15:08:40 -0500
Subject: Mathematics of Computation, 1943-1993


Under the auspices of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), and
in celebratation of the 50th anniversary of the journal Mathematics of
Computation, an international conference

A half-century of computational mathematics

devoted to all aspects of computational mathematics will be held on
the campus of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada,
August 9-13, 1993, immediately prior to the joint AMS/MAA/CMS Summer
Meeting. As part of the meeting there will be a two-session
minisymposium on Computational Number Theory dedicated to the memory
of D.H. Lehmer. Invited speakers will be presenting survey and state-
of-the-art lectures in plenary sessions. In addition there will be
poster sessions and 15-minute talk sessions for contributed papers.

The invited (and confirmed) speakers are:

James H. Bramble, Cornell University
Johannes Buchmann, Universitaet des Saarlandes
Bjorn Engquist, University of California at Los Angeles
Donald Goldfarb, Columbia University
James N. Lyness, Argonne National Laboratory
J.C. Nedelec, Ecole Polytechnique Palaiseau
Andrew M. Odlyzko, AT&T Bell Laboratories
Frank W.J. Olver, University of Maryland
Carl Pomerance, University of Georgia
Larry L. Schumaker, Vanderbilt University
Hans J. Stetter, Technical University of Vienna
G.W. Stewart, University of Maryland
Roger Temam, Indiana University

The deadline for submission of contributed papers is April 1, 1993.
Abstracts should be prepared on AMS abstract forms (available at most
universities or obtainable from the AMS upon request) and should
indicate whether they are submitted for a poster session or for a short
talk session. They should be sent in duplicate to the Chairman of the
Organizing Committee. Decisions on acceptances will be made by May 1,
1993. All invited lectures and contributed papers are to appear (subject
to the usual reviewing procedures) in a Proceedings volume published
by the American Mathematical Society.

The deadline for registration/housing is June 6, 1993. Registration
and housing forms can be obtained after February 1, 1993, from the
Mathematics Meetings Service Bureau, P.O. Box 6887, Providence, RI
02940-6887. There will be a registration fee of $50.00. Inquiries with
regard to registration and housing should be directed to that address,
or by e-mail to [email protected], or tel: 401-455-4143. Other inquiries
should be sent to the Chairman of the Organizing Committee.

Sposorship by the National Science Foundation is pending; additional
funds for travel and support are sought from the National Security
Agency and the Department of Energy.

The Organizing Committee: James H. Bramble
Walter Gautschi (Chairman)
Department of Computer Sciences
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
Eugene Isaacson
Vidar Thomee
Hugh C. Williams


From: Stanly Steinberg <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 27 Sep 92 15:40:20 MDT
Subject: Conference on Expert Systems for Numerical Computing

Third International Conference on
Expert Systems for Numerical Computing
Sponsored by IMACS
May 17-19, 1993
Purdue University
West Lafayette, Indiana USA

Many diverse groups have started work on projects to aid in the use of complex
software systems, and to guide nonspecialists in the many choices that have to
be made when they want to use computers for scientific applications. This
international conference will bring together active researchers to exchange
ideas, viewpoints, and techniques.

These include, but are not limited to:
* Artificial intelligence and expert systems for numerical computing
(e.g. for numerical solution of ordinary or partial differential
equations, integral equations, linear systems...)
* Knowledge-based systems for scientific applications
* Expert systems for mapping applications to parallel architectures and
to support parallel processing
* Advisory expert systems for general-purpose scientific software libraries
* Tools and methods for knowledge acquisition about numerical computing
* Problem solving environments for scientific/engineering applications
* Natural language for scientific interfaces

The conference will include invited and contributed papers. Authors
should submit three copies of an extended abstract (two or three type
written pages) by January 15, 1993. Contributors will be notified
regarding acceptance by February 28, 1993. Deadline for final
manuscripts is June 1, 1993. Abstracts and inquiries should be
sent to the conference coordinator:

Dr. Elias Houstis
Purdue University
1398 Computer Science Building
West Lafayette, IN 47907
(317) 494-6181
FAX (317) 494-0739
Internet: [email protected]

Preprints consisting of a collection of the abstracts will be available to
the attendees at the conference. A conference proceeding is also planned.

Organizing Committee:
Elias Houstis, Purdue University, USA
John R. Rice, Purdue University, USA
Robert Vichnevetsky, Rutgers University, USA

Program Committee:
W. Enright, University of Toronto, Canada
E. Gallopoulos, University of Illinois, USA
E. Kant, Schlumberger Laboratory for Computer Science, USA
T. S. Papatheodorou, University of Patras, Greece
R. L. Peskin, Rutgers University, USA
F. Rechermann, INRA, France
S. Steinberg, University of New Mexico
Y. Umetani, Hitachi Ltd., Japan

Local Arrangements Chair: Elias Houstis Purdue University, USA


From: Zhijian Huang <[email protected]>
Date: 28 Sep 1992 15:31:15 -0500 (EST)
Subject: NATO Advanced Study Institutes Programme

Algorithms for Continuous Optimization: The State of the Art
September 5-18, 1993
Il Ciocco, Castelvecchio Pascoli, Tuscany, Italy

COURSE DIRECTOR: Prof. Emilio Spedicato
Department of Mathematics
University of Bergamo
Piazza Rosate 2
24100 Bergamo
Tel. (0039)-(35)-277514, Fax: (0039)-(35)-234693

SCIENTIFIC COMMITTEE: Prof. L.Dixon (Hatfield), Prof. D.Shanno (Rutgers)
Prof. E.Spedicato (Bergamo)


F.Giannessi (Pisa): Optimality conditions
G.Golub (Stanford): Algorithms for linear algebraic systems
J.Martinez (Campinas): Algorithms for nonlinear algebraic equations
A.Bjorck (Linkoping): Algorithms for linear least squares
R.Fletcher (Dundee): Algorithms for unconstrained optimization
M.Biggs (Hatfield): Algorithms for constrained optimization
A.Conn (New York): Methods for large scale constrained optimization
G.Di Pillo (Rome): Exact penalty methods
J.Stoer (Wurzburg): Interior point methods for nonlinear optimization
E.Spedicato (Bergamo): Nonlinear optimization via ABS methods
R.Shnabel (Boulder): Parallel algorithms for nonlinear optimization
J.Zowe (Bayreuth): Nondifferentiable optimization
L.Dixon (Hatfield): Automatic differentiation and neutal network optimization
J.Judice (Coimbra): Algorithms for complementarity problems
D.Shanno (Rutgers): Algorithms for linear programming
N.Deng (Beijing): Nonquadratic models in unconstrained optimization
/ Nonlinear programming in China
Y.Evtushenko (Moscow): Deterministic global optimization
/ Nonlinear programming in former Soviet Union


Course attendance is by invitation only for qualifield participants (the
maximum number is 80). Prospective participants should send information in
support of their application (current interests, brief curriculum,
recommendation letters). The application form must be received by May 31,
1993. Notification will be given by June 15, 1993. Participants are
expected to stay for the entire period of ASI.


A registration fee of Italian lire 300.000 is charged only to participants
from the industry (details on payment are sent with final notification).
Participants are expected to stay at Il Ciocco, which provides full board
at a cost of about 95.000 lire per day in double occupancy room (115.000
lire in single room). Full board costs have to be covered directly by the
participants. Participants from NATO countries and East European countries
who do not belong to "for profit" organizations may ask for a contribution
towards boarding expenses. Participants from Greece, Turkey and Portugal
may also ask for a grant for travel expenses. Send to the course director
a motivated letter requesting such a grant (for graduate students, add a
recommendation letter from the thesis advisor).


To review the state of art and the trends in algorithms for continuous
(linear and nonlinear) optimization, with special attension to large
dimensional problems and parallel implementations.
The topic will be covered in about fifty hours of lectures by leading
A limited number of contributed papers can be presented. Proceedings will
be published by Kluwer and a complimentary copy will be offered to the


The course is organized at Il Ciocco, a first class hotel and conference
center often selected for NATO courses. Il Ciocco is beautifully located
in the wooded Tuscany hills, not far from the art cities of Lucca, Pisa
and Florence, from the Tyrrhenian sea and in view of the Alpi Apuane,
where the Carrara marble in mined. A rail station is at short distance
from Il Ciocco. Bus transportation to and from the international airport
in Pisa is provided at selected times in connection with the meeting.
Weather at Il Ciocco in September is usually dry with daily temperature
between 22 and 26 centigrades.


From: Steve Leon <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1992 15:06 EDT
Subject: 1993 ATLAST Linear Algebra Workshops

ATLAST 1993 Linear Algebra Workshops

ATLAST is an NSF-ILAS Project to Augment the Teaching Linear
Algebra through the use of Software Tools. The project will
offer five faculty workshops during the summer of 1993 on
the use of software in teaching linear algebra. Workshop
participants will learn about existing commercial linear
algebra software packages and will be trained in the use of
the MATLAB software package. Attendees will learn how to
effectively incorporate computer exercises and laboratories
into undergraduate linear algebra courses.

Participants will learn to design computing exercises at a
level suitable for assigning to an undergraduate linear
algebra class. These exercises will be class-tested during
the school year following the workshop and then submitted to
the project director for inclusion in an edited manual which
will be distributed to the workshop attendees. A selection
of these exercises will be included in an ATLAST Project
Book. This book will be published by one of the mathematics
societies with the provision that its contents will be
public domain. Participants' contributions will be
acknowledged in both the manual and the Project Book.

The ATLAST Project provides room and board for participants
attending the workshops. In addition, participants will
receive a $200 stipend for their submitted exercises.

The ATLAST project was conceived by the Education Committee
of the International Linear Algebra Society (ILAS) and is
funded through the National Science Foundation Undergraduate
Faculty Enhancement Program. Steven J. Leon of the ILAS
Education Committee is serving as the ATLAST Project Director
and the Assistant Director is Richard E. Faulkenberry. Both
are in the Department of Mathematics at the University of
Massachusetts Dartmouth.

This is the second year of ATLAST workshops. The five
workshops offered during the summer of '92 were a rousing
success and we are confident that the '93 workshops will be
even better!

ATLAST '93 Workshop Sites

Workshop site: Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan
Workshop dates: June 17-19, 1993
Workshop Presenter: Dr. Steven J. Leon, UMass Dartmouth

Workshop site: Los Angeles Peirce College, Woodland Hills, California
Workshop dates: June 24-26, 1993
Workshop Presenter: Dr. Jane Day, San Jose State University

Workshop site: University of Houston-Downtown, Houston, Texas
Workshop dates: July 8-10, 1993
Workshop Presenter: Dr. Eugene Herman, Grinnell College

Workshop site: Georgia State University, Atlanta, Georgia
Workshop dates: June 15-17, 1993
Workshop Presenter: Dr. Kermit Sigmon, University of Florida

Workshop site: University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland
Workshop dates: July 22-24, 1993
Workshop Presenter: Dr. David Hill, Temple University

All teachers of undergraduate linear algebra courses at
colleges or universities in the U.S. are invited to apply
for the ATLAST workshops. The deadline for applications is
March 12, 1993. Late applications will be accepted on a
space-available basis. Each workshop will be limited to
thirty participants. A screening committee will review
applications and notify applicants of its decisions by the
beginning of April.

Send any inquiries you may have concerning the ATLAST project to:

Richard Faulkenberry
ATLAST Project Assistant Director
Department of Mathematics
University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
North Dartmouth, MA 02747
Telephone: (508) 999-8928
FAX: (508) 999-8901
Email: [email protected]


From: Univ. Washington <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 09:19:03 -0700
Subject: Position at University of Washington

University of Washington
Department of Applied Mathematics

The department is seeking a candidate for a tenure track Assistant Professor
position effective September 1993.

The department offers the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics and its
teaching responsibilities within the university include advanced undergraduate
and graduate level speciality and service courses. The research interests of
the current twelve faculty members are strongly focused on applications in the
physical and biological sciences, ranging over various aspects of modeling,
analysis and computation.

All applicants should have an applied mathematics background that is compatible
with the departmental teaching requirements and research ambitions. Applicants
with an interest in applied scientific computation are especially encouraged
to apply; however, all specialty areas within applied mathematics will be

A resume and the names of three people familiar with the applicant's
qualifications should be forwarded to:

Professor Robert E. O'Malley, Jr. Chair
Department of Applied Mathematics, FS-20
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195

The search committee will contact references when appropriate. Priority will
be given to applications received before December 31, 1992.

The University of Washington is building a multicultural faculty and strongly
encourages applications from female and minority candidates.


From: Daniel Baltzer <[email protected]>
Date: Mon Sep 28 12:59:56 1992
Subject: Contents: Numerical Algorithms

Editor-in-Chief: Claude Brezinski
[email protected]
Volume 2, nos. 3 - 4 (1992)

P. SABLONNIERE: A short note on the generalized Euler transform for the
summation of power series
M. GASCA and G. MUHLBACH: Multivariate polynomial interpolation under
projectivities II: Neville-Aitken formulas
T. HUCKLE: A note on skewcirculant preconditioners for elliptic problems
P. VERLINDEN and A. HAEGEMANS: An asymptotic expansion in wavelet analysis
and its application to accurate numerical wavelet decomposition
T. TOMMASINI: A new algorithm for special Vandermonde systems
A. CROFT: An application of convergence acceleration techniques to a class
of two-point boundary value problems on a semi-infinite domain
G.A. WATSON: Linear best approximation using a class of polyhedral norms
R.D. SKEEL and H.-W. TAM: Limits of parallelism in explicit ODE methods
G. MAC DONALD and W.H. ENRIGHT: Implications of order reduction for implicit
Runge-Kutta methods
C.H. BISCHOF and P.C. HANSEN: A block algorithm for computing rank-revealing
QR factorizations
A.C. MATOS and M. PREVOST: Acceleration property for the columns of the
R. REEMTSEN: A cutting plane method for solving minimax problems in the
complex plane.

Requests for free sample copies can be sent to: [email protected]


From: K. Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 11:05:19 EDT
Subject: Contents: Applied Numerical Mathematics

Volume 10, Nos. 3-4 - September 1992

A festschrift to honor Professor Garrett Birkhoff on his 80th Birthday
R.S. Varga and R. Vichnevetsky

How high-precision calculations can stinulate mathematical research
R. S. Varga

On wave propgation in almost periodic structures
R. Vichnevetsky

Failure of uniqueness in transonic flow
P.R. Garabedian

Optimal numerical algorithms
W.F. Ames, F.V. Postell and E. Adams

On the use of rational iterative methods for solving large sparse
linear systems
D.M. Young and B. Roubolo Vona

Collaborating PDE solvers
H.S. McFaddin and J.R. Rice

On the error in multivariate polynomial interpolation
C. de Boor

Symmetry and explicit solutions of partial differential equations
By: P.J. Olver

Fundamental solutions of none-point discrete Laplacians
R.E. Lynch

Computations of blow-up and decay for periodic solutions of the
generalized Korteweg-deVries-Burgers equation
J.L. Bona, V.A. Dougalis, O.A. Karakashian and W.R. McKinney


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 30 Sep 92 11:24:32 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Computing

SIAM Journal on Computing
December 1992 Volume 21, Number 6

D.Z. Du and F.K. Hwang
Reducing the Steiner Problem in Normed Space

James Renegar
On the Computational Complexity of Approximating Solutions for Real
Algebraic Formulae

Wei-Kuan Shih, T.C. Chern, and Wen-Lian Hsu
An O(n2 log n) Algorithm for the Hamiltonian Cycle Problem on Circular-Arc

Zvi Galil and Giuseppe Italiano
Fully Dynamic Algorithms for 2-Edge Connectivity

Charles Martel, Arvin Park, and Ramesh Subramonian
Work-Optimal Asynchronous Algorithms for Shared Memory Parallel Computers

Jie Wang
Polynomial Time Productivity, Approximations, and Levelability

Wolfgang W. Bein, Jerzy Kamburowski, and Matthias Stallmann
Optimal Reduction of Two-Terminal Directed Acyclic Graphs

Greg N. Frederickson and D. J. Guan
Preemptive Ensemble Motion Planning on a Tree

Martin Tompa
Lower Bounds on Universal Traversal Sequences for Cycles and Other Low
Degree Graphs

Stephen Bellantoni, Toniann Pitassi, and Alasdair Urquhart
Approximation and Small-Depth Frege Proofs

Helmut Prodinger
External Internal Nodes in Digital Search Trees via Mellin Transforms

Brandon Dixon, Monika Rauch, and Robert E. Tarjan
Verification and Sensitivity Analysis of Minimum Spanning Trees in Linear Time

Mohammad Amin Shokrollahi
Optimal Algorithms for Multiplication in Certain Finite Fields Using
Elliptic Curves


End of NA Digest
