From: Mike Boucher <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 1992 09:15:56 -0600
Subject: Parallel BLAS3 for SPARC
In response to the query about an optimized BLAS3 for SPARC in the last
issue of NA Digest:
We use a library from DSS that is both optimized and parallelized. It
includes optimized versions of BLAS1 and BLAS2. It includes optimized and
parallelized versions of BLAS3 and LINPACK. For more details, contact the
company at [email protected].
From: Giulio Giunta <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 SEP 92 15:09 N
Subject: Multidimensional Laplace Transform
I will appreciate references about the multidimensional Laplace Transform
(theory, application, inversion).
Giulio Giunta
Istituto di Matematica, IUN
Via A. De Gasperi 5,
80133 Napoli, ITALY
From: Christian de Polignac <POLIGNAC%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1992 09:17 GMT+1
Subject: Trivariate Interpolation
Trivariate interpolation
Suppose we know f(x,y,z) for the points
i.e at the corners of a cube. We then seek a simple expression for the
values of f(x,y,z) inside the cube.
The expression is going to be used in a computer program, where this
expression is required several hundred million times.
Christian de Polignac
Institut Laue Langevin
156 X
38042 Grenoble Cedex
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Per Christian Hansen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 92 13:58:31 +0200
Subject: Bibliography on Rank Revaling Factorizations
RRF Bibliography - a Bibliography of Rank Revealing Factorizations
The RRF Bibliography is an attempt to create a bibliography of literature
on rank revealing factorizations, such as RRQR, RR-URV, RRLU, etc.
The bibliography is intended to include papers addressing all issues of
rank revealing factorizations, including:
- theoretical issues
- implementation issues
- applications
The bibliography currently consists of 48 entries, and it is available
in LaTeX format by anonymous ftp from wuli.uni-c.dk (,
located in the directory pub/RRFbib. The file name is rrfbib.tex.
Please send comments and suggestions for new entries to me, as I
intend to keep the list updated.
-- Per Christian Hansen
-- [email protected]
-- UNI-C (Danish Computing Center for Research and Education)
From: Gerald W. Hedstrom <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 14 Sep 92 10:17:20 PDT
Subject: Physical Review E, Computational Physics
On 1 January 1993 Physical Review A15 will become Physical Review E.
Beginning in January the journal will include a new subsection,
Computational Physics. The most appropriate papers for this section
will be those which seek to reach a wider audience of physicists than
that reached by specialized journals. We welcome papers describing
general computational methods that address significant physics
problems. Specific listings of programs, algorithms, etc., should be
reserved for supplementary material that would not appear in the
published article. Submissions to this new section are invited at
this time.
I might add that Irwin Oppenheim, the current editor of Physical Review
A15, will continue as editor of Physical Review E and that I will be
associate editor for the Computational Physics subsection.
Gerald Hedstrom
From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 16 Sep 92 08:12:33 CDT
Subject: Two Special Issues of LAA
Special Issue of LAA Honoring Ingram Olkin
Contributed: Richard A. Brualdi < [email protected] >
The deadline for submission of papers for the special issue
of LAA in honor of Ingram Olkin on the occasion of his 70th
birthday has been extended to December 31, 1992.
Contributions should be appropriate for publication in
Linear Algebra and its Applications and will be subject
to the usual review process. All papers that fall within
the scope of the journal, including the use of linear
algebra in statistics, can be submitted for this special issue.
Papers should be submitted to one of the special editors
of the issue:
Friedrich Pukelsheim
Institut fur Mathematik
Universitat Augsburg
Memminger Strasse 6
D-8900 Augsburg, Germany
George P. H. Styan
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
McGill University, Burnside Hall 1240
805 ouest, rue Sherbrooke Street West
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6
Henry Wolkowicz
Department of Combinatorics and Optimization
Faculty of Mathematics
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1
Ion Zaballa
Departamento de Matematica Aplicada
Universidad del Pais Vasco
Apdo. Correos 450
01080 Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain.
Including papers presented at the International IMS-ILAS
Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics, University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand, 4-5 December 1992
Special Editors: Jeffrey J. Hunter, Simo Puntanen, and
George P. H. Styan
The purpose of this announcement is to solicit papers for
this Fourth Special Issue on Linear Algebra and Statistics
of Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Anyone may submit
a paper for this issue; contributions should be appropriate
for publication in LAA and will be subject to the usual
review process. All papers that fall within the scope of the
journal and which include the use of linear algebra in
statistics, can be submitted for this special issue. We
expect that several of the papers will have been presented
at the International IMS-ILAS Workshop on Matrix Methods
for Statistics to be held at The University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand, 4-5 December 1992.
The previous Special Issues on Linear Algebra and
Statistics of Linear Algebra and Its Applications were
published as vol. 67 (June 1985), 70 (October 1985), 82
(October 1986, pp. 143-279), 127 (January 1990), and 176
(November 1992).
The deadline for submissions is 30 June 1993; publication
is expected in early 1995. Papers should be submitted to
one of the three special editors of the issue:
Dept. of Statistics, Massey University, Private Bag,
Palmerston North, New Zealand. (email: [email protected])
Dept. of Mathematical Sciences, University of Tampere, PO
Box 607, SF-33101 Tampere, Finland. (email: [email protected])
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6. (email: [email protected])
From: John Butcher <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 92 16:39:25 NZS
Subject: SCADE93 Conference in Auckland
Travel to Auckland for SCADE93 Conference
Because January is within the New Zealand tourist season,
travel to Auckland for participation in the International
Conference on Scientific Computation and Differential
Equations, January 4-8, 1993, is becoming increasingly difficult
to arrange. This reminder is to urge the many people who
have indicated an intention to take part in the conference
to arrange their travel to Auckland as soon as they possibly can.
We would, of course, also appreciate registration for the
conference at the earliest date possible, to assist the
organisers with detailed planning. For some airlines
there are already waiting lists for travel to Auckland during the
Southern Hemisphere summer and it may already be too late to
come on a date you might prefer and at a favourable price.
John Butcher [email protected]
Horst Gerlach [email protected]
From: Tony Chan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 18 Sep 92 14:37:13 +0800
Subject: Householder Symposium on Numerical Algebra
The Householder Symposium XII on numerical algebra will be held
during the week of June 13-18, 1993 at the UCLA Conference Center, Lake
Arrowhead, California, about a 2 hour drive from Los Angeles. This
meeting is the twelveth in a series, previously called the Gatlinburg
Symposia. It has been agreed to rename all subsequent Gatlinburg Symposia
to honor Alston S. Householder, one of the pioneers in Numerical Linear
Algebra and organizer of the first four Gatlinburg meetings. The meeting
is an international conference of experts in the field of Numerical
Algebra. The meeting has traditionally been held in an isolated location
and is very informal in style. Extended talks are given during
the day and special workshops organized by the participants in the
evening. There is no formal program, but traditionally a few topics are
emphasized; for this meeting this includes parallel computation issues,
signal and image processing, control, wavelets, nonsymmetric conjugate
gradient methods, domain decompositon and multilevel methods and
industrial problems.
The meeting is being organized by the Householder committee, in
cooperation with the SIAM Activity Group on Linear Algebra.
The local organizers are Tony F. Chan of UCLA and Gene Golub
of Stanford University. The venue is a first class rustic alpine
resort with modern conference and recreational facilities. The room
charge is $92 per person for a double room and $120 for a
single/private room and INCLUDES ROOM AND 3 MEALS A DAY
(spouses are allowed but not very young children).
It is hoped that we will have the whole conference center to ourselves.
There will be a modest registration fee (less than $100) to help
defray organizational costs.
The traditional format of the Householder Symposia requires that the
attendence be limited. The organizing committee invites all qualified
persons to apply to attend. For planning purposes, please let us know
of your intention to attend as soon as possible, preferably before December 1,
1992. We'll maintain a mailing list and keep you informed.
The actual application should consist of a vita and
an extended abstract (about two pages) of a paper you would present if
you desire to speak and are invited to speak.
The latter will be used by the committee in planning
the program. Material (preferably in machine readable form) should be
sent to us before February 1, 1993 (but the earlier the better) to:
Householder 93
c/o Babette Dalton
Department of Mathematics
University of California, Los Angeles
405 Hilgard Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90024-1555
e-mail: [email protected]
HOUSEHOLDER AWARD VI (1993): This is awarded to the best thesis in
Numerical Algebra written since 1 January 1990. The award will be
announced at the 1993 meeting and the candidates on the short list
will be invited to that meeting. For nominations, please contact
Prof. Beresford Parlett at Dept. of Math., U.C. Berkeley,
Berkeley, CA 94720. Email: [email protected].
More details will be announced shortly.
From: George Anastassiou <[email protected]>
Date: 14 Sep 92 16:54:17 CDT
Subject: Conference on Approximation and Probability
May 20-22, 1993
University of California, Santa Barbara
The main purpose of the conference is to bring together national
and international researchers in approximation, probability and
related fields in an intense and intimate environment conducive to
interacting. The emphasis is on the interplay of important topics
in approximation theory and probability.
Topics will include:
- approxmation of functions by polynomials, splines operators and
their applications to stochastics.
- numerical methods for approximation of deterministic and
stochastic integrals.
- orthogonal polynomials and stochastic processes.
- positive linear operators and related deterministic and
stochastic inequalities.
- multivariate approximation and interpolation.
- approximations and martingales.
- deterministic and stochastic inequalities.
- stability of deterministic and stochastic models.
- signal analysis.
- prediction theory.
- wavelets and approximations
George Anastassiou
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Memphis State University
Memphis, TN USA
Svetlozar T. Rachev
Department of Statistics and Applied Probability
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93106 USA
Paul L. Butzer
Stamatis Cambanis
Zuhair Nashed
The Meeting
The International Conference on "Approximation Probability and
Related Fields" will take place at the University of California,
Santa Barbara, Department of Statistics and Applied probability,
Santa Barbara, CA 93106-3110, on Thurs, Fri and Sat, May, 20, 21
and 22 of 1993.
Main Speakers
The following have already accepted an invitation to be main speakers.
R. Adler, Technion University
P.L. Butzer, RWTH, Aachen
S. Cambanis, University of North Carolina
P. Erdos, Hungarian Academy of Sciences
R. Karandikar, Indian Statistical Institute
J.H.B. Kemperman, Rutgers University
G.G. Lorentz, University of Texas
M. Maejima, Keio Unversity
C. Micchelli, IBM, Yorktown Heights
L. Ruschendorf, University of Munster
G. Samorodnitsky, Cornell University
G. Strang, M.I.T.
M. Taqqu, Boston University
W. Vervaat, Catholic University at Nijmegen
From: Stephen L. Campbell <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 22 Sep 1992 16:39:38 +1100
Subject: Workshop on Real-Time Vehicle Simulation
Army Research Office Workshop in
Modelling and Analysis for Mechanical Systems and
Algorithms for Real-Time Vehicle Simulation
November 5-7, 1992
Brownestone Hotel
Raleigh, North Carolina
Computer simulation is playing a greater role in the design and analysis of
complex mechanical systems, the goals being improved designs and faster, more
reliable design processes. Often, the computer simulation must be performed in
conjunction with other devices or humans, such as in vehicle or flight simulat-
ors. In the case of human interaction it is essential that the computations be
carried out in real time. These issues are critical for military systems, as
the decline in defense spending shifts the emphasis from the procurement and
maintenance of vast military hardware to the capability for rapid high-techno-
logy responses to a wide variety of situations. They also have many obvious
implications for the improved competitiveness of American industry. Particular
applications to the Army include the design and stability analysis of vehicle
systems and weapons platforms. Thus, a workshop on Modelling and Analysis for
Mechanical Systems and Algorithms for Real-Time Vehicle Simulation is timely
and is both highly relevant and complementary to existing Army research activ-
ities. The need to bring together the diverse groups of engineers, control
theorists, numerical analysts, and computer scientists working in this field
led to the 1989 NATO Workshop on the Real Time Simulation of Mechanical Sys-
tems which was held in Snowbird, Utah. The meeting was uniformly praised by the
participants for the interaction that it spawned. Considerable progress has
been made since the NATO meeting. This ARO workshop may be considered to be the
first follow up meeting to the NATO workshop.
Themes of the Workshop:
The focus of this meeting is to bring together researchers from academia,
national laboratories, and Army scientists to stimulate collaboration on
problems of common interest arising the numerical simulation of the dynamics
of mechanical systems, especially vehicles. Topics to be discussed include
- Recent developments in sequential and parallel algorithms for
real-time simulation of ODEs and constrained systems, with
parallel and/or distributed computing architectures (e.g., trans-
puters) as an underlying issue;
- Delay-differential algebraic systems;
- Recent results of fundamental mathematical importance in differential-
algebraic equations (DAEs) related to constrained mechanical systems;
- New numerical methods/analysis;
- Investigations of stiffness in actual systems with DAE models;
- Modelling of vehicle systems;
- Software environments for real-time simulation
and related issues of adaptive nonlinear control. One important aspect of this
workshop is the intent to invite both Army and non-Army participants to pose
real problems encountered in complex vehicle simulation with the hopes of
stimulating discussion, posing solutions, and initiating future
Further information can be obtained by contacting one of the meeting
organizers listed below:
Professor Stephen L. Campbell Phone: 919-515-3300
Department of Mathematics email: [email protected]
North Carolina State University Fax: 919-515-3798
Raleigh, NC 27695-8205
Dr. Kenneth D. Clark Phone: 919-549-4256
Mathematical and Computer email: [email protected]
Sciences Division [email protected]
US Army Research Office Fax: 919-549-4288
Box 12211
Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2211
Professor Linda R. Petzold Phone: 612-625-2013
Department of Computer Science and email: [email protected]
Army High Performance Computing Fax: 612-625-0572
and Research Center (AHPCRC)
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455
From: Rik Littlefield <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 23 Sep 92 14:49:07 PDT
Subject: Positions at Pacific Northwest Laboratory
A major program for basic and applied research in the molecular
sciences is underway at the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). Our
current significant capability in scientific computing is being
expanded to support the theoretical and experimental elements of the
molecular sciences program.
We need researchers with expertise in a variety of parallel scientific
computing technologies, such as:
Performance Modeling and Machine Evaluation
. Performance modeling of scientific applications on MIMD massively
parallel computers; development of modeling methods and tools;
evaluation of parallel algorithms, programming environments, and
Parallel Numerical Method & Toolset Development
. Identification, development, and evaluation of parallel numerical
methods and toolsets, including linear algebra, eigensystems,
PDE's, and nonlinear optimization.
Nominal requirements include an MS or PhD in Computer Science, with
graduate work or 1 year experience in a computational science
discipline, or PhD in Applied Math, Chemistry, or Physics with BS or
equivalent experience in Computer Science. Three years experience in
parallel computing is desired.
PNL is a rapidly expanding multi-program national laboratory with
missions in the areas of Energy Research and Environmental
Preservation, Remediation and Restoration. PNL is operated by
Battelle under contract to the U.S. Department of Energy. At PNL,
Battelle conducts over 1,700 research programs for more than 94
federal and state agencies, 302 industry clients, and 9 foreign
countries, valued at over $350 million.
Our location in Richland in southeastern Washington offers all the
advantages and quality of a small community lifestyle, excellent
schools, and the unique recreational opportunities of the great
Northwest. Battelle offers outstanding facilities and equipment, the
challenge of growth, excellent benefits and competitive salaries.
If interested, please send a resume via email to:
[email protected]
or on paper to:
Rik Littlefield
MSRC/CIS High Performance Computing Group
Pacific Northwest Laboratory, MS K1-87
P.O.Box 999
Richland, WA 99352.
fax: 509-375-6631
From: Dave Dodson <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 24 Sep 92 14:33:14 -0500
Subject: Position at Convex Computer Corporation
Mathematical Software Development
Background: CONVEX Computer Corporation designs, develops, manufactures,
and markets affordable supercomputers for the high-performance engineering
and scientific computing marketplace. CONVEX's Mathematical Software Group
is chartered with producing efficient, robust mathematical software,
packaged as subroutine libraries, that can be incorporated into FORTRAN
programs to ease program development, conversion, and optimization.
Responsibilities: You will develop and maintain highly efficient
mathematical software routines for inclusion in the CONVEX VECLIB Library.
Ingenuity will be required to devise and implement vector and/or parallel
algorithms to solve problems that occur frequently in engineering and
scientific computing. In addition, you will serve an important role as a
company resource in numerical analysis, program optimization, and high-
speed scientific computing.
Job Requirements: U.S. Citizenship or Permanent Residency. Strong
background in scientific computing or numerical analysis. Experience in
programming algorithms in numerical linear algebra, the finite element
method, or signal processing. Two or more years of FORTRAN programming
Desired Experience: Five or more years experience in scientific computing.
Programming experience on parallel or vector processors is a plus.
Familiarity with mathematical library software development. A working
knowledge of UNIX and an assembly language is desirable.
Education: Preference will be given to applicants with a Masters or Ph.D.
degree in a relevant discipline.
Special Skills: Excellent interpersonal and communication skills are
For immediate consideration, please send your resume, in confidence, to
Human Resources, Attn. David Gray
CONVEX Computer Corporation
P.O. Box 833851
Richardson, Texas 75083-3851
CONVEX is an equal oportunity employer, M/F/D/V.
From: Richard Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 12 Sep 92 12:10:45 CDT
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Contents Volume 176, November 1992
Jerzy K. Baksalary (Zielona Gora, Poland)
and George P. H. Styan (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Preface 1
Sujit Kumar Mitra and Robert E. Hartwig (New Delhi, India)
Partial Orders Based on Outer Inverses 3
Peter Semrl (Ljubljana, Slovenia)
On Rank Additivity and the Polynomial Equation p(A)=0 21
James A. Calvin (College Station, Texas) and Richard L. Dykstra
(Iowa City, Iowa)
A Note on Maximizing a Special Concave Function Subject to
Simultaneous Loewner Order Constraints 37
K. Balasubramanian, A. Dey (New Delhi, India) and
P. Bhimasankaram
(Calcutta, India)
Diagonally Range Dominant Matrices 45
Jerzy K. Baksalary (Zielona Gora, Poland), Simo Puntanen
(Tampere, Finland), and Haruo Yanai (Tokyo, Japan)
Canonical Correlations Associated With Symmetric Reflexive
Generalized Inverses of the Dispersion Matrix 61
Haruo Yanai (Tokyo, Japan) and Yoshio Takane
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
Canonical Correlation Analysis With Linear Constraints 75
Jorg Lauterback and Peter Stahlecker (Oldenburg, Germany)
A Numerical Method for an Approximate Minimax Estimator in
Linear Regression 91
Erkki P. Liski (Tampere, Finland)
On a Relationship Between Minimax-Linear and Admissible Estimators
in Linear Regression 109
Erkki P. Liski, Simo Puntanen (Tampere, Finland), and
Song-Gui Wang (Hefei, People's Republic of China)
Bounds for the Trace of the Difference of the Covariance Matrices
of the OLSE and BLUE 121
Markku Nurhonen and Simo Puntanen (Tampere, Finland)
Effect of Deleting an Observation on the Equality of the OLSE and
BLUE 131
A. C. Georgiou and P.-C. G. Vassilious (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Periodicity of Asymptotically Attainable Structures in
Nonhomogeneous Markov Systems 137
G. Tsaklidis and P.-C. G. Vassiliou (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Periodicity of Infinite Products of Matrices With Some
Negative Elements and Row Sums Equal to One 175
Jorma Kaarlo Merikoski (Tampere, Finland) and
Graciano de Oliveira (Coimbra, Portugal)
On k-Major Norms and k-Minor Antinorms 197
S. W. Drury (Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
On Symmetric Functions of the Eigenvalues of the Sum of
Two Hermitian Matrices 211
A.-M. Parring (Tartu, Estonia)
About the Concept of the Matrix Derivative 223
Yasuko Chikuse (Takamatsu-shi, Japan)
Properties of Hermite and Laguerre Polynomials in Matrix
Argument and Their Applications 237
Yasuko Chikuse (Takamatsu-shi, Japan)
Generalized Hermite and Laguerre Polynomials in Multiple
Symmetric Matrix Arguments and Their Applications 261
Contents Volume 178, January 1, 1993
Alfredo N. Iusem (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) and Alvaro R. De Pierro
(Campinas, Brazil)
A Characterization of the Set of Fixed Points
of Some Smoothed Operators 1
George Labahn (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada)
Inversion Components of Block Hankel-like Matrices 7
Alexei Yu. Uteshev and Sergei G. Shulyak
(St. Petersburg, Russia)
Hermite's Method of Separation of Solutions of Systems of
Algebraic Equations and Its Applications 49
R. B. Bapat (New Delhi, India) and Donald W. Robinson
(Provo, Utah)
The Moore-Penrose Inverse Over a Cummutative Ring 89
S. W. Drury and B. Cload
(Montreal, Quebec, Canada)
On the Determinantal Conjecture of Marcus and de Oliveira 105
Lily Kolotilina (Leningrad, U.S.S.R.) and Ben Polman
(Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
On Incomplete Block Factorization Methods of Generalized
SSOR type for H-Matrices 111
Ronald L. Smith (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
Some Interlacing Properties of the Schur Complement
of a Hermitian Matrix 137
Lucas Jodar (Valencia, Spain)
On the Nonhomogeneous Second-Order Euler Operator
Differential Equation: Explicit Solutions 145
Edward Bach (Dublin, Ireland) and Takayuki Furuta (Tokyo, Japan)
Counterexample to a Question on the
Operator Equation T(H1/nT)n=K 157
Wen Li (Guanzhou, People's Republic of China)
On Regular Splittings and Graph Compatible
Splittings of an M-Matrix 163
R. O. Hill, Jr. (East Lansing, Michigan)
Certain Rank 2K Updates Act Like Rank K 173
Mark Copper (Miami, Florida)
On the Gauss Decomposition of a Matrix 175
Arno van den Essen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands) and
T. Parthasarathy (New Delhi, India)
Polynomial Maps and a Conjecture of Samuelson 191
Peter M. Gibson (Huntsville, Alabama)
Permanental Mates of Doubly Stochastic Matrices 197
Che-Man Cheng (Hong Kong)
Cases of Equality for a Singular Value Inequality
for the Hadamard Product 209
M. Pilar Benito Clavijo (Logrono, Spain)
Lie Alegebras With a Small Number of Ideals 233
F. O. Farid (Calgary, Alberta, Canada)
The Spectral Variation for Two Matrices With
Spectra on Two Intersecting Lines 251
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 09:35:50 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Applied Mathematics
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Vol. 52, No. 6, December 1992
A Theory for Transient Discharge in Tubes with Applications to a New
Type of Viscometer
C. V. Easwaran and S. L. Kokal
Flow Effects in a Vertical CVD Reactor
G. W. Young, S. I. Harihan, and R. Carnahan
Numerical Simulation of the Motion of Rigid Spheres in Potential Flow
Hyun S. Kim and Andrea Prosperetti
On the Dynamics of Chains
Dmitry Jacobson and John H. Maddocks
Reflection Coefficient Problems for Weakly Nonlinear Wave Equations
Jishan Hu and Martin Kruskal
The Conductive Boundary Condition for Maxwell's Equations
T. S. Angell and A. Kirsch
Identifiability of Semiconductor Defects from LBIC Images
Weifu Fang and Kazufumi Ito
Perturbation Techniques for Models of Bursting Electrical Activity in
Pancreatic a-Cells
M. Pernarowksi, R. M. Miura, and J. Kevorkian
Singular Hopf Bifurcation to Relaxation Oscillations II
S. M. Baer and T. Erneux
Stable Periodic Solutions to Discrete and Continuum Arrays of Weakly
Coupled Nonlinear Oscillators
G. Bard Ermentrout
Low- and High-Frequency Oscillations in Three-Dimensional Food Chain
Simona Muratori and Sergio Rinaldi
Occurrence of Chaos in Higher-Dimensional Discrete-Time Systems
Akitaka Dohtani
Optimal Search among False Contacts
D. V. Kalbaugh
The Gated Infinite-Server Queue: Uniform Service Times
Sid Browne. E. G. Coffman, Jr., E. N. Gilbert, and Paul E. Wright
Multiple Alignment, Communication Cost, and Graph Matching
Pavel A. Pevzner
On Random Imperfections for Structures of Regular-Polygonal Symmetry
Kazuo Murota and Kiyohiro Ikeda
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 15 Sep 92 14:22:43 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Scientific Computing
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing
January 1993 Volume 14, Number 1
The Convergence of an Exact Desingularization for Vortex Methods
T.Y. Hou, J. Lowengrub, and M.J. Shelley
Some Numerical Aspects of Computing Inertial Manifolds
Robert D. Russell, David M. Sloan, and Manfred R. Trummer
Fast Solution of Nonlinear Poisson-Type Equations
Brett M. Averick and James M. Ortega
A Domain Decomposition Method for Incompressible Viscous Flow
John C. Strikwerda and Carl D. Scarbnick
Some Practical Aspects of Exploratory Projection Pursuit
J. Sun
Parallel Algorithms and Subcube Embedding on a Hypercube
Eleanor Chu and Alan George
Stability and Computational Methods for Constrained Dynamics Sytems
Uri M. Ascher and Linda R. Petzold
Reducing the Symmetric Matrix Eigenvalue Problem to Matrix
Shing-Tung Yau and Ya Yan Lu
An Implementation of the Look-Ahead Lanczos Algorithm for Non-Hermitian
Roland W. Freund, Martin H. Gutknecht, and No l M. Nachtigal
Wavelet-Like Bases for the Fast Solution of Second-Kind Integral
B. Alpert, G. Beylkin, R. Coifman, and V. Rokhlin
An h-r Adaptive Approximate Riemann Solver for the Euler Equations in
Two Dimensions
Michael G. Edwards, J. Tinsley Oden, and Leszek Demkowicz
Interaction Splines with Regular Data: Automatically Smoothing Digital
Chong Gu
A Collection of Problems for which Gaussian Elimination with Partial
Pivoting is Unstable
Stephen J. Wright
An Optimal Two-Level Overlapping Domain Decomposition Method for
Elliptic Problems in Two and Three Dimensions
Xiao-Chuan Cai
A Note on Computing Eigenvalues of Banded Hermitian Toeplitz Matrices
William F. Trench
Exploiting Structural Symmetry in a Sparse Partial Pivoting Code
Stanley C. Eisenstat and Joseph W. H. Liu
End of NA Digest