NA Digest Saturday, September 12, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 35

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Michael Knorrenschild <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 3 Sep 92 17:17:24 +0200
Subject: Change of Address for Michael Knorrenschild

As of Sept. 1, 1992, my new address is:

Michael Knorrenschild
GSF - Forschungszentrum
Projekt PUC
Ingolstaedter Landstr. 1
8042 Neuherberg

e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +49-89-3187-2953
Fax: +49-89-3187-3369


From: Jean-Jacques Droux <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 10:06:24 PDT
Subject: Position Sought

I am seeking a position for this November in the numerical analysis field.
My background is the following. I have studied mathematical engineering,
and then obtained my Ph.D. in the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
in Lausanne, Switzerland. The subject of my dissertation was the numerical
simulation of solidification of mechanical pieces casted in molds, with a
strong emphasis on implementation of efficient algorithms on vector/parallel
computers. For the past year, I have been under a research grant in the
Division of Applied Mechanics at Stanford University.

If you are interested in my application, please contact me for any further

Jean-Jacques Droux
e-mail : [email protected]
Phone : 415 - 723 8089 (work)
415 - 363 8478 (home)
Fax : 415 - 723 1778


From: Wolfgang Marquardt <[email protected]>
Date: 07 Sep 92 10:41:45+0200
Subject: Eigenvalues of Large Sparse Matrices

We are working on bifurcation problems of large systems with applications in
chemical engineering. Bifurcation phenomena are studied by means of a
numerical continuation technique. Since no codes seemed to be available for
large systems (with sparse, non-symmetric and indefinite Jacobian), we have
started the development of our own code some time ago. For monitoring the
the system properties along the continuation path and especially those of
singular points, the problem eigenvalues are of particular interest. We
were not able yet to identify a computer code or an algorithm which would
allow a reliable and efficient computation of all the eigenvalues or at
least of all those eigenvalues located in strip around the imaginary axes.

We would appreciate any reference to computer codes, known algorithms or
work in progress on the large sparse eigenvalue problem (for non-symmetric
matrices) or, more general, on numerical continuation techniques for sparse

Thank you for your help.
Wolfgang Marquardt


From: Christian Cabos <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 7 Sep 92 14:50:01 +0200
Subject: BLAS3 on Sparc-stations

Since we currently installing LAPACK at our site, I am looking for a set
of optimized BLAS routines for SUN Sparc-stations (source or binary).

There is an optimized FORTRAN source code for BLAS 3 available from
"ibmblas3 from misc" at netlib. It is tuned for the IBM 3090 Vector
Facility with high speed memory cache. We experienced a factor 2 to 3
speed improvement by using it on our mainframe. By simply compiling this
3090 code on a SUN Sparc IPX the routine "dgemm" achieved 5.2 Mflops as
compared to 3.3 Mflops with the standard dgemm source code. One reason
for this might be that both machines have a 64 kByte memory cache.

Does anybody have code optimized specifically for Sparc-stations ?

Christian Cabos
e-mail address : [email protected]


From: F.W. Wubs <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 92 15:49:00 METDST
Subject: Numerical Inverse Laplace Transform

Inverse Laplace Transform

As far as we know, in existing codes for the inverse Laplace
Transform the input function is supposed to be known analytically.
Our question is whether there exists a code which can take
emperical data as input. Does anyone have pointers to such a code?

Freddy Wubs
Kees Rinzema
E-mail: [email protected]


From: Stratis Gallopoulos <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 92 22:02:30 -0500
Subject: Change of Address for CSRD

Please note that the
Center for Supercomputing Research and Development (CSRD)
has recently moved to the new
Computer and Systems Research Laboratory (CSRL) building.

The new mailing address is:

Center for Supercomputing Research and Development
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
465 CSRL
1308 West Main Street
Urbana, IL 61801-2307

Phones and e-mail remain the same (I also believe that the
first two lines ines are not essential).

Stratis Gallopoulos


From: Dugald Duncan <dugald%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 10:34:08 BST
Subject: ICMS Newsletter

The second copy of ICMS News - the newsletter of the International
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Edinburgh is available as a
plain Tex file by emailing [email protected] or on paper
by post to

F. Donald,
International Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
Department of Mathematics,
Heriot-Watt University,
Edinburgh, UK. EH14 4AS

This details the past and forthcoming activities of the ICMS.

The International Centre for Mathematical Sciences is a joint venture
of Edinburgh and Heriot-Watt Universities, in cooperation with the
City of Edinburgh District Council, Lothian and Edinburgh Enterprise
Limited and the International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste.
It is supported by the Royal Society of London, the Royal Society of
Edinburgh, and the London and Edinburgh Mathematical Societies. It also
receives financial support from three Edinburgh Life Assurance Companies,
Standard Life, Scottish Widows, and Scottish Provident.

The mission of ICMS is to:

To create an environment in which the mathematical sciences will
develop in new directions.

To encourage and exploit those areas of mathematics that are of
relevance to other sciences, industry and commerce.

To promote international collaboration, with particular reference
to mathematicians working in developing countries.

The activities of ICMS consist of :

Research programmes and workshops, aimed at stimulating the chosen
topic by bringing together researchers with different backgrounds
and different perspectives, who might otherwise not have the opportunity
to work together.

Courses of various types for wide audiences, including courses for
post graduates, and courses aimed at participants from industry and

Participation by mathematicians from the developing world is particularly


From: Jim Bunch <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 16:28:16 -0700
Subject: Program for Parlett/Kahan Conference

October 17, 1992

DAY PROGRAM: Math Sciences Research Institute (MSRI), Berkeley,
(near Lawrence Hall of Science)
Start at 8:30 am

James Bunch, University of California, San Diego
"Three Decades of Numerical Linear Algebra at Berkeley"
G. W. Stewart, University of Maryland
"On the Perturbation of Matrix Factorizations"
John Reid, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England
"Taking Advantage of Sparsity within 2x2 Pivots When
Solving Symmetric Indefinite Sets of Linear Equations"
Horst Simon, NASA Ames Research Center
"Spectral Algorithms--A New Approach to Some Discrete
Optimization Problems in Scientific Computing"
Larry Nazareth, Washington State University
"The Newton and Cauchy Perspectives on Computational
Nonlinear Optimization"
James Ortega, University of Virginia
"Solution of Nonlinear Poisson-type Equations"
Anne Greenbaum, Courant Institute, NYU
"Matrices that Generate the Same Krylov Residual Spaces"
Bahram Nour-Omid, Scopus, Berkeley
"Ordered Modified Gram-Schmidt"
Peter Tang, Argonne National Laboratory
"Recent Advances in Rank-Revealing QR Factorization"
David Scott, Intel
"A High Performance Out-of-Core Dense Equation Solver
for the Intel Parallel Supercomputer"
Scott Baden, University of California, San Diego
"The Role of Heuristics in Parallel Computation of
Scientific Problems"
James Demmel, University of California, Berkeley
"Recent Progress in Parallel Eigenroutines"

EVENING PROGRAM: Berkeley Conference Center, 2105 Bancroft Way
(at Shattuck Ave.)
Start at 6:00 pm.

Banquet Speaker: Richard Lau, Office of Naval Research
"What I Have Learned in Washington"

Open Microphone: Tales about B and V.

Note that the deadline for registration is October 1. If you have
not obtained the registration form already, contact Toni Sweet:
[email protected] or (510)642-5244.


From: Uri Ascher <[email protected]>
Date: 2 Sep 92 18:39 +0100
Subject: Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

The sixth annual Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar
will be held this fall at the University of British
Columbia. Here is an outline of the schedule.

Pacific Northwest Numerical Analysis Seminar

Saturday, September 19, 1992
Room 3, Instructional Resource Centre (IRC 3),
UBC, Vancouver, B.C.
Welcome at 8:50 am

Loyce Adams, University of Washington, Title TBA
Martha Salcudean, UBC, Computational Fluid Dynamics - an Engineering Tool
Allen Raines, Washington State, Hamiltonian - Symplectic Methods for Solving the
Algebraic Riccati Equation
Gene Golub, Stanford University, Cyclic Reduction: History and Recent
David Collins, Calgary, Nonlinear Multigrid Methods for Near-Well Reservoir
Sebastian Reich, Simon Fraser University, Numerical Stabilization of
Invariants in ODE's with Application to Constrained Mechanical Systems

Dinner at 6:00, Jim and Carolyn Varah, 5609 Balaclava, Vancouver.

Posters: If you want to present a poster, let us know in advance
so we get enough poster boards and so you get on our list.
Send us a title by e-mail.

Numbers: Please let us know (by e-mail if possible) if you are coming
to the seminar and to the dinner (number attending please!)


From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 10:02:15 CDT
Subject: International Linear Algebra Society

The fifth ILAS meeting will take place in the week of 21-26 August 1995 at
Georgia State University, Atlanta GA, USA. The co-chairman of the organizing
committee are Paul van Dooren (U.Illinois) and Frank J. Hall (Georgia State
U.). The latter is also the chairman of the local arrangement committee.

Other scheduled ILAS meetings are:

17 - 20 March 1993, Pensacola, Florida, USA, J. Weaver (Chairman),
(for details see the IIC file PENSACOL 93)
15 - 19 August 1994, Rotterdam, Netherlands, H. Bart (Chairman).


From: Tim Kelley <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 92 12:25:00 EDT
Subject: Celebration at N. C. State

September 25, 26, 1992

Through the efforts of faculty and administration in the College of
Physical and Mathematical Sciences of N.C. State University, the Center
for Research in Scientific Computation has, after a brief period of
reduced activity, been reorganized. To celebrate this and the new
efforts in the CRSC, we have invited several distinguished colleagues to
campus to give lectures on September 25 and 26, 1992. In addition to the
expository lectures scheduled for Friday afternoon and Saturday, the
CRSC will host a reception at the N.C. State Faculty Club on Friday
evening. This reception will be catered and reservations (before
September 21) are necessary. To make reservations and to obtain
information (if needed) regarding local accommodations, please contact
Ms. Dionne Wilson at TEL: 919-515-5289; FAX: 919-515-3798; e-mail:
[email protected].

Our lecturers are truly distinguished. Two have served as President
of SIAM, the premier society in applied and computational mathematics,
two have served as Vice-President of SIAM, four have served as Managing
Editors of SIAM journals and they each have received international
recognition for their leadership in educational and research endeavors.
We cordially invite you to share in welcoming them to the N.C. State
University campus.

Friday Sept. 25
Harrelson Hall, Room 100
2:00 - 5:00 pm

W. Gear, NEC Research Institute, Invariants and Methods for ODE's or
Computational Inaccuracy: Sin or Error
W. Fleming, Brown University, A Risk Sensitive Control Approach
to Disturbance Attenuation

5:30 - 7:30 pm
Reception, NCSU Faculty Club

Saturday Sept. 26
Harrelson Hall, Room 201
9:00 am - 3:00 pm

L Berkovitz, Purdue University, A Theory of Differential Games
J. Burns, VPISU, Computational Issues in Optimization Based Design and Control
G. Golub, Stanford University, Cyclic Reduction: Historical Perspective
and Recent Developments


From: E.C. Gartland <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 5 Sep 92 14:32:23 EDT
Subject: Computational Problems in Liquid Crystals

A Conference on
November 13-14, 1992
Kent State University
Kent, Ohio

Invited Speakers

Haim Brezis Rutgers Univ./Univ. de Paris VI
Gary D. Doolen Los Alamos National Lab
Dan Frenkel Inst. for Atomic & Molecular Physics
David S. Kinderlehrer Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Maurice Kleman Univ. de Paris-Sud
Frank M. Leslie Univ. of Strathclyde
Mitchell B. Luskin Univ. of Minnesota
Ole G. Mouritsen Tech. Univ. of Denmark
Gregory Ryskin Northwestern Univ.

The Conference is interdisciplinary in nature, bringing together
computational and theoretical physicists, chemists and engineers, and
applied and numerical analysts, to explore some of the many challenging
computational problems in the area of liquid crystals. In addition to
the invited talks, there will be 12 short talks and a session of
contributed posters.

The Conference is being co-sponsored by the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science and the Liquid Crystal Institute at Kent State
University. Sources of primary support are the Institute for
Mathematics and its Applications (IMA) at the University of Minnesota
and the NSF Science and Technology Center for ``Advanced Liquid
Crystalline Optical Materials'' (ALCOM), a consortium of Kent State
University, Case Western Reserve Univerity, and the University of Akron.
The Conference is being organized in cooperation with the Society for
Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM).

For information about registration, contributing a poster, etc., contact
the Conference Secretary:

Brenda L. Buck Phone: 216-672-2654
Liquid Crystal Institute FAX: 216-672-2796
Kent State University e-mail: [email protected]
Kent, OH 44242

Organizing Committee

E.C. Gartland, Jr (Co-chair) M.B. Luskin P. Palffy-Muhoray (Co-chair)
Dept of Math & CS School of Math Liq Cryst Inst & Dept of Phys
Kent State Univ Univ of Minn Kent State Univ


From: Jiang Erxiong
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 92 14:35:57 CDT
Subject: Shanghai Conference on Numerical Linear Algebra


The 92' Shanghai International Conference on Numerical Linear Algbera
and Its Applications will be held at Fudan University, Shanghai, China
during October 26-30,1992.


Owe Axelsson ( the Netherlands)
C. G. Broyden (Italy)
Tony Chan ( USA)
Francoise Chatelin ( France )
Biswa N. Datta ( USA)
William B. Gragg ( USA)
Ilse Ipsen ( USA )
Axel Ruhe ( Sweden)

The Chairman of the organizing committe is Professor Jiang Erxiong.

Professor Jiang Erxiong
Department of Mathematics
Fudan University, Shanghai
200433 CHINA

Fax : (0086) 21- 5491875


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 09 Sep 92 10:19:30 EST
Subject: SIAM Conference on Geosciences

SIAM Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences
April 19-21, 1993, Houston, Texas


For those of you who have not sent in your abstract for a
contributed presentation, either for a 20-minute lecture or
a poster format, please do so now. SIAM encourages
electronic submission of abstracts. To help in formatting
your submission, plain TeX or LaTeX macros are available
upon request. SIAM standard abstract forms are also
available. We look forward to your participation. Contact
SIAM now by e-mail: [email protected]
fax: 215-386-7999
phone: 215-382-9800


From: Diethelm Wuertz <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 15:18:34 +0200
Subject: PASE Workshop 1992

Call for Participations
PASE '92
3'rd International Workshop on Parallel Applications
in Statistics and Economics
Prague, December 7-8, 1992

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together researchers
working towards applications of new information processing systems
in statistics and economics. The focus will be on the simulation,
theories and algorithms and their applications.

The following topics are indicative of chosen orientations, but are
not meant to be exclusive:

o Artificial Neural Networks
o Dynamical and Chaotic Systems
o Fuzzy Logic
o Genetic Algorithms
o Stochastic Optimization

The workshop is supported by EUROSTAT, the Statistical Office of
the European Communities.

Conference Chairs:

Diethelm Wuertz, IPS - ETH Zurich
Emil Pelikan, IICS Prague
Fionn Murtagh, Munotec Systems Dublin and Munich

Chair of Organizing Committee:

H. Beran
Institute of Informatics and Computer Science
Pod vodarenskou vezi 2
182 07 PRAGUE 8, Czechoslovakia
Phone: 00 42 2 815 3241
FAX: 0042 2 858 57 89
E-mail: [email protected]

A post-Workshop meeting on December 9 will attempt to continue
existing joint projects, to find promising fields and
cooperations for future work.

The Workshop will be held in the historical St. Agnes Convent in
the centre of Prague. An optional sightseeing and cultural programme
is also available from December 6, 1992 and during the workshop.

Further information will be available from anonymous ftp:
ftp (


From: Phil Broadbridge <[email protected]>
Date: 8 Sep 92 12:58:57 U
Subject: Faculty Position at University of Wollongong

In July, there appeared an advance notice of a vacant position at the
University of Wollongong. The official advertisement appears below.
Accordingly, previous respondents may submit an amended application
or they may assume that their original version will be considered.


Continuing Appointment

The Faculty of Informatics teaches and researches in Computer Engineering,
Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Information Technology, Mathematics,
Statistics and Telecommunications. The
Department of Mathematics' main current research interests are in industrial
and environmental continuum mechanics, partial differential equations, harmonic
analysis, logic and applied statistics.

The successful candidate will be expected to: take up duties in July, 1993;
strengthen the research effort of the Department in Industrial Mathematics;
have a record of publications or work experience in Industrial Mathematics;
take a leading role in the teaching of numerical analysis, involving computer
laboratories; and, hold a Ph.D.

An interest in modern analytical dynamics would be an advantage.

Further information from Professor Philip Broadbridge (042) 213252 or
e-mail [email protected]

Salary range (annual) Aus $41000-48688 (Level B) or $50225-57913
(Level C). Further information on conditions of appointment from Mr Ross
Walker (042) 213934, or Fax (042)213700. Applications should
contain details of qualifications, employment history, research interests,
publications, and the names and addresses of three referees and be forwarded to
the Recruitment Officer (Academic Staff). A secure FAX is available at
(042)213700. Please mark envelope "Confidential- Appointment". Closing date,
22nd December, 1992.

Equality of employment opportunity is University Policy. Implementation of a
smoke free environment is in progress.


From: Youcef Saad <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 8 Sep 92 10:24:27 CDT
Subject: Position at University of Minnesota


The University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, invites applications and
nominations for the position of Head of the Department of Computer
Science. The Head is responsible for providing leadership and helping
to focus the intellectual, research, and educational directions of the
department, for representing the department's interests on campus and
to external constituencies, for planning and overseeing the
development of its academic programs and its research activities, and
for the administration of the department. The department Head, as a
faculty member, is to engage in the educational and research
activities of this unit. The Head reports to the Dean of the Institute
of Technology.

The Department of Computer Science is one of eleven departments that
comprise the Institute of Technology. It currently has a faculty of 26
tenure and tenure track members and a budget of approximately $ 4.7
million. The Minneapolis -- Saint Paul area is a major center for high
technology and the computer industry. Faculty in the Department of
Computer Science have access to outstanding computer facilities both
within the department and at several high performance computing
centers on campus. These facilities include a Cray-2, a Cray X-MP, a
Connection Machine model CM-200, a Connection Machine model CM-5, and
a 16-processor Ncube-2.

Applications and nominations must be received by November 20, 1992,
and should be sent to:

Chair, Head Search Committee
Department of Computer Science
4-192 EE/CSci Building
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, MN 55455

The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity employer.


From: Mark Kent <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 10 Sep 92 17:45:55 PDT
Subject: Numerical Software Position in California

The Xmath group is looking for a proficient programmer who enjoys
numerical analysis and numerical linear algebra in particular.

One of the primary purposes of the numerical side of Xmath is to bring
algorithms written by experts to the Xmath prompt^* level. Hence,
we are looking for someone who would enjoy this kind of work.

The ideal candidate should be well versed in object oriented design,
should have written at least one significant program in an object
oriented language (C++ for example), and be familiar with Xmath and/or
Matlab (or maybe even Clam).

If you know of anyone who might fit this description please contact me
or have him/her contact me. I can be reached by e-mail as

[email protected]
[email protected]

or by US mail as:

Mark Kent
Integrated Systems, Inc.
3260 Jay St.
Santa Clara, CA 95054

Ph: (408) 980 1500
Fax: (408) 980 0400

Thanks for your help,


With our X/Motif user interface we actually don't have a prompt.


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 11 Sep 92 09:49:47 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Review

Tentative Table of Contents
SIAM Review
December 1992, Vol. 34, Number 4

Macroscopic Models for Superconductivity
S.J. Chapman, S.D. Howison, and J.R. Ockendon

Analysis of Discrete Ill-Posed Problems by Means of the L-Curve
Per Christian Hansen

Iterative Methods by Space Decomposition and Subspace Correction
Jinchao Xu

Singular Second-Order Operators: The Maximal and Minimal Operators, and
Selfadjoint Operators in Between
Mojdeh Hajmirzaahmad and Allan M. Krall

Classroom Notes in Applied Sciences

Problems and Solutions

Book Reviews

An Introduction to Combinatorics (Alan Slomson) Brian Alspach
Practical Time-stepping Schemes (W. L. Wood) David C. Arney
Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance (Stephen P. Boyd
and Craig H. Barratt) Guanrong Chen
The Riccati Equation (S. Bittanti, A. J. Laub, and J. C. Willems,
eds.) Luca Dieci
Intersections of Random Walks (Gregory F. Lawler) Richard T. Durrett
Order Stars (A. Iserles and S. P. Norsett) Desmond J. Higham
Algorithms for Discrete Fourier Transform and Convolution (Richard
Tolimieri) Robert B. Kelman
Comparison of Statistical Experiments (E.N. Torgersen) Lucien Le Cam
Applied Multivariate Data Analysis, Vol. I: Regression and
Experimental Design (J. D. Jobson) Robert F. Ling
Generalized Hypergeometric Functions (Bernard Dwork) Francois Loeser
An Introduction to General Relativity (L. P. Hughston and K.P. Tod)
Jorma Louko
Generalized Additive Models (T. J. Hastie and R. J. Tibshirani) Daniel F.
Code Recognition and Set Selection with Neural Networks (Clark
Jeffries) Anthony N. Michel
Mathematics in Industrial Problems: Part 4 (Avner Friedman) J. R. Ockendon
Chaotic Behavior of Deterministic Dissipative Systems (Milos Marek
and Igor Schreiber) Clark Robinson
Wavelets and Singular Integrals on Curves and Surfaces (Guy David)
Richard Rochberg
Stability of Functional Differential Equations (V. B. Kolmanovksii
and V. R. Nosov) Emilio O. Roxin
Point Processes and Their Statistical Inference (Alan F. Karr)
Ramalingam Shanmugam
Two-parameter Eigenvalue Problems in Ordinary Differential
Equations (M. Faierman) B. D. Sleeman
Introduction to Optimization of Structures (N. V. Banichuk) P.S. Symonds
Solitons in Physics, Mathematics, and Nonlinear Optics (P.J. Olver
and D. H. Sattinger) Henry Warchall
Natural Minimal Surfaces: Via Theory and Computation (David
Hoffman) Huseyin Kocak


End of NA Digest
