From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Wed 09-02-1992 8:11:35.20a
Subject: Schedule for the Digest
Oak Ridge is having hardware problems and I'm going to be traveling
later this month, so the schedule for NA Net Digest in September is,
and will continue to be, somewhat erratic.
-- Cleve
From: Anthony Skjellum <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 92 11:10:48 PDT
Subject: Introduction of SC-Net
For those of you who have access to electronic mail, we are
pleased to announce the formation of a monthly electronic
newsletter for the benefit of the SIAM Supercomputing Activity
Group. Called SC-Net, we expect to transmit this newsletter to
you on or about the first day of each month, beginning this
Our newsletter will be a digest of conference and seminar
announcements, current developments and late-breaking news. If
time-sensitive announcements warrant, we will create mid-month
interim editions. We plan to include highlights from the
electronic newsletter in the quarterly paper newsletter for the
benefit of those without access to electronic mail.
The e-mail address for material submissions is [email protected]. Anyone
can submit material. If you have material for an upcoming issue,
please send it to this e-mail address right away.
Important: In order for the newsletter to reach you, we need
your current Internet electronic mail address. Please send an
e-mail message containing your name and your Internet e-mail
address as soon as possible to:
[email protected]
We hope everyone in the group will contribute to this newsletter.
NOTE! This newsletter will go out to members of the Society of
Industrial Mathematics (SIAM), who are also members of the
Supercomputing Activity Group. To get information on SIAM,
send e-mail to
[email protected]
Join today! We already have about 1,000 members in this activity group.
From: Dominique Bennett <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 1992 09:25:29 +0200
Subject: Wanted: Photos of Machines Past
CERFACS, the European Centre for Research and Advanced Training in
Scientific Computation, Toulouse, France, is mounting an exhibition on the
October 16th and 17th,1992.
We are looking for pictures of the following :
* Pascal
* Babbage (and Ada Byron if poss)
* Von Neumann and the ENIAC machine
* IBM 300 and IBM 360/90
* the BULL machines in the 50's
* UNIVAC 1108
* CDC 6600 and 7600
* Paragon
* Propal
If anyone can help with supplying pictures, interesting data or information
sources, please contact Dominique BENNETT on
[email protected]
With thanks,
Dominique BENNETT
Communication Administrator
From: Per Grove Thomsen <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Aug 92 11:36:43 CET
Subject: NORTIM meeting and Gene Golub Prize
The Nordic Society for Applied Mathematics, NORTIM, has had its 6'th annual
meeting at NTH in Trondheim, Norway last week.
At the meeting we heard contributions from PhD students from Nordic countries,
all of a very high standard. These contributions competed for the Gene Golub
prize, annually presented to the best such contribution.
This year the prize was given to Morten Bjorhus from The Dept. of Mathematics
at NTH for his contribution on "Dynamic Iteration for Time Dependent PDE's".
The comittee wished to recognize the talents and skills of a young Applied
Mathematician who has a great potential for research in Numerical Analysis.
The meeting was followed by minisymposia on
Mathematics in Engineering Education
Numerical Linear Algebra
Statistical Methods in Image Processing
Reliability Theory
Wavelets andrelated topics.
About 80 participated in the meeting and enjoyed the atmosphere in Trondheim
and the quality of the program.
Per Grove Thomsen, Dept. of Numerical Analysis, DTH.
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 92 11:44:33 EST
Subject: SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
SIAM Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
October 15-19, 1992
Snowbird, Utah
September 21, 1992 -- deadline for hotel reservation
October 2, 1992 -- deadline for advance registration
For those of you who have already preregistered and made
your hotel reservation, thank you very much. For those
participants and attendees who have neither preregistered
nor made their hotel reservations yet, now is the time to
beat the deadline.
To make your hotel reservations, call 800-453-3000. The
rates are: $60. Single/Double - Cliff Lodge;
$63. Studio/Efficiency - Lodge Inn;
$21. Dormitory Room - Cliff Lodge (students only)
To preregister, contact SIAM now. Telephone: 215-382-9800,
e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 215-386-7999.
From: Ralph B Kearfott <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 92 17:06:21 CDT
Subject: Automatic Result Verification Conference
Since our last posting, we have received 57 abstracts from 16 countries
for our conference on Numerical Analysis with Automatic Result
Verification, in the areas of Linear Systems, Applications, Arithmetic,
Computing Ranges, Nonlinear Systems, Global Optimization, Automatic
Differentiation, ODE's, PDE's, and others. Additionally, Vladik
Kreinovich has been assembling abstracts for an associated workshop on
Interval Methods in Artificial Intelligence, to be held as an integral
part of the conference.
We have decided to extend the deadline for abstracts (originally August
first), to allow wider participation. In particular, we encourage more
participation from researchers in the western hemisphere. This meeting
will be a chance for colleagues throughout the world to exchange ideas
and views.
Please let me know if you would like a copy of the complete annoucement.
Baker Kearfott
[email protected] (Internet)
From: Steve McCormick <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 92 13:49:24 -0600
Subject: Copper Mountain Conference on Multigrid Methods
Copper Mountain, Colorado
April 4-9, 1993
The University of Colorado at Denver
Front Range Scientific Computations, Inc.
The Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Air Force Office of Scientific Research
Department of Energy
National Science Foundation
Tom Manteuffel and Steve McCormick,
University of Colorado at Denver
Joel Dendy, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Van Henson, Naval Postgraduate School
Jan Mandel, University of Colorado at Denver
Seymour Parter, University of Wisconsin
Joseph Pasciak, Brookhaven National Laboratory
Boris Rozovski, University of Southern California
John Ruge, University of Colorado at Denver
Klaus Stueben, Gesellschaft f. Math. u. Datenverarbeitung
James Thomas, NASA Langley
Pieter Wesseling, Delft University
Olof Widlund, Courant Institute
Paul Frederickson, RIACS
Craig Douglas, IBM and Yale University
Preliminary Proceedings
Student Paper Competition
Special Journal Publication of Proceedings
Advanced Software Development Techniques
Domain Decomposition Methods
General Iterative Methods
Multigrid, Multilevel, Multiscale, Multiresolution Methods
Abstracts Dec. 15, 1992
Student Papers Dec. 15, 1992
Papers for Prelim. Procs. Feb. 15, 1993
Lodging Reservations March 1, 1993
Early Registration March 1, 1993
Anyone who wants to give a talk and will not be in the regular
session may do so at one of the Circus sessions. Each session will
begin by asking who wishes to speak and setting the Circus schedule
accordingly. To provide a more informal atmosphere for discussion,
there will also be time set aside for Workshops on specific topics
of interest. The schedule for the Circus and Workshops will be
determined each day according to demand.
Travel and lodging assistance will be awarded to student authors
judged to have the best research papers. Papers containing
original research due mainly to the student must be received before
December 15, 1992. They must be singly authored and may be no more
than 10 pages in length. Sending only an abstract is unacceptable.
A panel of judges selected from the program committee will
determine the best papers. The authors of the three best papers
will be given a travel stipend, free lodging and registration, and
they will be expected to present their papers in a special session
at the conference. A number of other students who participate in
the competition will be awarded free lodging and registration
depending on the availability of funds.
There will be morning and late afternoon lectures of approximately
20 minutes each. Evenings will be reserved for the Circus and
Workshops. Afternoons will be open for more informal workshops and
Potential contributors should submit an abstract of no more than
200 words to:
Copper Mountain Conference Coordinator
Computational Math Group
University of Colorado at Denver
Campus Box 170, PO Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
[email protected]
TeX or LaTeX is preferred (include any special style or font file
that is used), but plain ASCII is acceptable.
[email protected]
[email protected]
From: Center For Nonlinear Analysis <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 31 Aug 1992 14:15:52 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Workshop on Computational Methods in Materials Science
Carnegie Mellon University
Center for Nonlinear Analysis
Workshop on Computational Methods in Materials Science
September 16-18, 1992
Location: Software Engineering Institute Auditorium, 4500 Fifth Avenue,
Pittsburgh, PA
M. Luskin, School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota
~Numerical Computations of the Dynamics of Martensitic Microstructure~
J. Dougherty, Materials Research Laboratory, Pennsylvania State University
~Nonlinear Dielectrics~
R. Guenette, Department of Applied Mathematics, Ecole Polytechnique of Montreal
~Numerical Simulation of Nematic Liquid Crystal Flows~
L. Tartar, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University
~How Should One Compute Microstructures and Composites~
J. Chapman, Department of Mathematics, Stanford University
~Macroscopic Models of Superconductivity~
D. Fredkin, Department of Physics, University of California, San Diego
~Numerical Micromagnetics~
M. Gunzburger, Department of Mathematics, Virginia Polytechnic Institute
~Models and Computational Methods for Type-II Superconductivity~
I. Babuska, Institute for Physical Science and Technology, Univ. of Maryland
~Theoretical and Practical Problems Related to the Design of
Constitutive Law for Plasticity~
L. Ma, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University
~Efficient Algorithms for Micromagnetics~
P. Voorhees, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Northwestern U.
~Morphological Evolution of Particles in an Elastically Stressed Solid~
R. Almgren, Department of Mathematics, University of Chicago
~Computation of Crystal Growth in Two and Three Dimensions~
C. Collins, Department of Mathematics, University of Michigan
~Computations of Twinning~
N. Walkington, Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University
~Algorithms for Computing Young Measures with Applications~
There will also be two sessions of contributed papers.
To register for this workshop, please contact Francine Johnson,
Department of Mathematics, Carnegie Mellon University, (412) 268-3554,
or [email protected].
A block of rooms has been reserved at the Hampton Inn at Playhouse
Square, 3315 Hamlet Street, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. The hotel will hold
these rooms until September 4, 1992. Hotel arrangements should be made
directly with the Hampton Inn at (412) 681-1000.
From: Cliff Addison <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Aug 92 10:31:24 +0200
Subject: Two Positions at Liverpool University
University of Liverpool
Department of Statistics and Computational Mathematics
Lectureship in Computational Mathematics
Applications are invited from suitably qualified persons for a
lectureship in computational mathematics, tenable from an agreed
date after 1st October, with initial salary in the range
GBP 12,860-23,739 (under review).
The appointee will be to expected contribute to the research
activities within the department these currently
include: parallel computing, sparse linear algebra, time
series analysis and forecasting, locational analysis, Bayesian and
medical statistics. Applications form candidates with interests in
operational research are particularly encouraged. They
will also be required to participate in the departmental teaching of
computational mathematics at all levels.
Informal enquires to Dr R Wait (051 794 4740 or email [email protected]).
Application by c.v. with the names of three referees to the Director of
Staffing Services, University of Liverpool, L693BX, quoting reference
number RV/433.
The closing date for applications is 28th September 1992
The University of Liverpool is an Equal Opportunity Employer
University of Liverpool
Centre for Mathematical Software Research
Research Post
A vacancy exists for a suitably qualified person to work on parallel
processing algorithms and software as part of a newly-funded collaborative
research project targetted at applications in the petroleum industry.
Suitable candidates should have, or should soon expect to have, a PhD with
a background in one or more of the following areas:
Computational Mathematics
High Performance Numerical Computing and Software Design
Signal Processing
Sparse Linear Algebra
A demonstrated ability to work independently, to generate and communicate
ideas and to meet deadlines is essential.
Salaries are determined by the standard university scale and will
probably be in the range of GBP 12129 to 14359 (under review).
For further information contact:
Dr. C. A. Addison
Centre for Mathematical Software Research
Victoria Building, Brownlow Hill
University of Liverpool
Liverpool, L69 3BX
U. K.
Phone: 051-794-4738
FAX: 051-794-4754
E-mail: [email protected] or
[email protected]
Applications should be to the above, including a CV and the names of two
referees, no later than 21 September, 1992.
From: University of Dortmund <UMA019%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 01 Sep 92 10:51:45 SET
Subject: Position at the University of Dortmund
Am Fachbereich Mathematik der Universitaet Dortmund ist ab sofort eine
Universitaetsprofessur (C4) fuer Wissenschaftliches Rechnen zu besetzen.
Es handelt sich um eine Stelle aus dem Hochschulsonderprogramm II zur
Foerderung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses.
Vorzugsweise ist an einen Vertreter oder eine Vertreterin gedacht, der
oder die sich in der Forschungsrichtung
Behandlung partieller Differentialgleichungen auf Hochleistungsrechnern
wissenschaftlich besonders ausgewiesen hat. Bewerber aus anderen Bereichen
des wissenschaftlichen Rechnens koennen ebenfalls beruecksichtigt werden.
Es wird die Beteiligung an der Ausbildung der Studenten der Mathematik und
anderer Fachrichtungen, sowie die Beteiligung an Aufgaben der
Selbstverwaltung erwartet. Habilitation fuer das Fach Mathematik oder
habilitationsadaequate Leistungen werden vorausgesetzt. Im uebrigen richten
sich die Einstellungsvoraussetzungen nach Paragraph 49 WissHG des Landes
Schwerbehinderte Bewerber oder Bewerberinnen mit gleicher Eignung werden
bevorzugt behandelt.
Die Universitaet Dortmund strebt eine Erhoehung des Anteils von Frauen in
Forschung und Lehre an und bittet deshalb Wissenschaftlerinnen
nachdruecklich um ihre Bewerbung.
Bewerbungen werden mit den ueblichen Unterlagen erbeten bis zum 5. Oktober
1992 an den Dekan des Fachbereichs Mathematik, Universitaet Dortmund,
Postfach 50 05 00, 4600 Dortmund 50, Tel. (0231) 755(1)-3050.
Bitte benutzen Sie nur den brieflichen Weg fuer Ihre Bewerbung,
der Dekan.
From: Christine Pluta <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Aug 92 09:02:50 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis
Tentative Table of Contents
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
December 1992, Vol. 29, Number 6
The Convergence Rate of Approximate Solutions for Nonlinear Scalar
Conservation Laws
Haim Nessyahu and Eitan Tadmor
Convergence of Spectral Methods for Burgers' Equation
Weinan E
Optimum Positive Linear Schemes for Advection in Two and Three
P.L. Roe and D. Sidilkover
On Maximum Norm Convergence of Multigrid Methods for Two-Point
Boundary Value Problems
Arnold Reusken
Analysis and Convergence of the MAC Scheme I. The Linear Problem
R.A. Nicolaides
Viscous Shock Profiles and Primitive Formulations
S. Karni
Hierarchical Conforming Finite Element Methods for the Biharmonic
P. Oswald
The Pseudospectral Method for Third-Order Differential Equations
Weizhang Huang and David M. Sloan
Noniterative Approximations to the Solution of the Matrix Riccati
Differential Equation
M.C. Delfour and A. Ouansafi
Differential/Algebraic Equations as Stiff Ordinary Differential
Michael Knorrenschild
On the Representation of Operators in Bases of Compactly Supported
G. Beylkin
Numerical Solution of a Functional Equation on a Circle
Anne C. Morlet and Jens Lorenz
Fast Algorithms for Nonsmooth Compact Fixed-Point Problems
M. Heinkenschloss, C.T. Kelley, and H.T. Tran
Reduced SQP Methods for Parameter Identification Problems
K. Kunisch and E.W. Sachs
End of NA Digest