NA Digest Sunday, August 9, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 31

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: James Gentle <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 92 18:56:27 CDT
Subject: Change of Address for Jim Gentle

My new addresses are
James Gentle
[email protected]

Center for Computational Statistics
George Mason University
Fairfax, VA 22030-4444


From: Jerzy Wasniewski <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 92 12:06:48 MET DST
Subject: Professor Leslie Fox

On behalf of the numerical analysts at Danish Computer
Center for Research and Education (UNI-C) and the Institut
for Numerical Analysis at the Technical University of Denmark,
I would like to express our sorrow at the death of Professor
Fox, and extend our sympathy and condolences to his family.

Yours sincerely

Jerzy Wasniewski


From: Annie Cuyt <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 4 Aug 92 11:52:23 +0200
Subject: Computer Arithmetic

A question on Computer Arithmetic:

Does anyone know of a review paper discussing to what extent compilers
(for Turbo-Pascal, C, C++, Fortran, Prolog, Mathematica, Lisp, ...)
support the IEEE standard for floating-point computations (hidden bit,
gradual underflow, NaNs, ...)? All info is welcome at the following address:

Annie CUYT
Dept Mathematics & Computer Science Tel (32)3/820.24.07
University of Antwerp (UIA) Fax (32)3/820.22.44
Universiteitsplein 1 Email [email protected]
B-2610 Wilrijk-Antwerp (Belgium) (do not use Reply)

Thanks a lot in advance!


From: Amit Bhaya <COE10027%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 06 Aug 92 10:36:34 BRA
Subject: Seeking Global Optimum of Nonconvex Problem

I'm trying to solve a nonconvex problem
that arises in the control of uncertain systems and
that involves finding an optimum (preferably global)
of a function that is nonlinear subject to constraints
that are also nonlinear.

At the risk of committing heresy on a NA-NET, I'd like
to know whether there exists any general purpose "global
optimization" software (of the genetic or simulated annealing
variety?) that I can try out on this problem.

Thanking you in advance,
Amit Bhaya
[email protected]


From: Ulrich Ruede <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 8 Aug 1992 17:28:39 +0200
Subject: Workshop on C++ for Scientific Computing

Workshop on C++ for Scientific Computing

On April 14th, at the Copper Mountain SIAM conference on iterative
methods, a workshop was held to present C++ as a useful language for
Scientific Computing. The workshop was organized by Dan Quinlan and
included a panel of seven participants: Dinshaw Balsara, from Johns
Hopkins University; Doug Clarkson, president of Dyad Software
Corporation (developers of the M++ array class library); Carl
Kesselman, from Caltech; James S. Peery, from Sandia National
Laboratory; Daniel Quinlan, from University of Colorado at Denver;
Allen C. Robinson, from Sandia National Laboratory; and Ulrich Ruede,
from Technische Universitaet Muenchen.

C++ as a language for scientific computing has recently been gaining
increased attention. Besides providing the programming concepts of an
advanced language it can be highly efficient, is widely available and
is very portable. Its features make it almost ideally suited for the
tasks in mathematical and scientific software development. The class
concept and operator overloading make the language extensible so that
user defined data structures can be handled the same way as built-in
data types. Thus all the FORTRAN-90 array language functionality can be
provided on the library level. Similarly, most standardization problems
for numerical libraries in FORTRAN would be much easier in C++, because
the abstraction mechanisms of C++ allow more natural interfaces
that are not obscured by work-arounds for language deficiencies.

A brief summary of the workshop is available by ftp from the mgnet server
in the directory mgnet/papers/Ruede.

Ulrich Ruede


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 92 12:37:16 EST
Subject: SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications


August 28, 1992 --- Deadline for hotel reservations
September 4, 1992-- Deadline for preregistration
September 17-19, 1992 Conference dates

The SIAM Conference on Control and Its Applications will be
held at the Radisson Hotel Metrodome, Minneapolis,
Minnesota. For those of you who have already sent in your
preregistration, thank you very much. If you have not
preregistered, please do it now before the due dates. SIAM
welcomes registration via e-mail, fax, or by telephone.
Payments by VISA, MC or AE are accepted. The
preregistration fees are:
$120.00 SIAM Activity Group on Control and Systems
Theory members
$125.00 SIAM regular members
$155.00 Non-members
$25.00 Students

When you register via e-mail or fax, include your name,
affiliation, address, type of credit card, credit card no.,
expiration date, and registration amount.

e-mail: [email protected] Fax: 215-386-7999
telephone: 215-382-9800

SIAM, 3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA


From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 04 Aug 92 13:36:47 EST
Subject: SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing


Sixth SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for
Scientific Computing
March 22-24, 1993
Norfolk Waterside Marriott Hotel, Norfolk, Virginia

Contributed presentations in lecture and poster format are
invited in all areas consistent with the following
conference themes: GRAND CHALLENGE PROBLEMS ---
A. Applications: aerodynamics, biological simulations and
computations, climate and ocean modeling, ground water
transport and remediation. B. Infrastructure: distributed
computing, large-scale data analysis, visualization,
parallel environments and tools, and scalable parallel
algorithms and libraries.

SIAM welcomes submissions via electronic mail. To help in
formatting your submission, plain TeX or LaTeX macros are
available. If you are not using TeX, submissions can be
made as plain text e-mails, but no embedded symbols from
mathematics editor.

To obtain plain TeX or LaTeX macros, contact SIAM now.

E-Mail: [email protected] Telephone: 215-386-7999
Fax: 215-386-7999

When submitting your 100-word abstract, be sure to
indicate the type of presentation for which you wish to be
considered --- a 30-minute presentation, a 20-minute
presentation, or a poster presentation. If you wish to be
considered for a 30-minute presentation, you must also
submit a 750-1000-word extended abstract in addition to the
100-word abstract.

The conference organizing committee looks forward to
receiving your abstracts. Avoid the rush. Submit now.


From: Horst Gerlach <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 6 Aug 92 18:04:20 NZS
Subject: Conference in New Zealand on Scientific Computation


Auckland, New Zealand
4 - 8 January 1993
"SCADE 93"

This conference continues the series of meetings on numerical ordinary
differential equations held in recent years in Toronto, London and Helsinki.
The scope will be widened on this occasion to include other related
areas of applied mathematics and scientific computation. It is also a
celebration of the 60th birthday of John Butcher of the University of Auckland,
who has taken a lifetime interest in the subjects of the conference.

The conference is being organised by the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics of the University of Auckland and the venue is within the
University campus.

Registration is requested as soon as possible. The registration fee is
$NZ300 if paid by 15 September 1992 and $NZ350 if paid at a later date.
Because of the need to make final arrangements in good time, it is recom-
mended that all registrations be made by 31 October 1992.

A lower registration fee will be charged to student participants.

Further information is available on request. In particular, an electronic
copy of an information brochure together with a registration form is available
by e-mail. Included in this material is a call for papers.

Dr Horst Gerlach
Department of Mathematics & Statistics
University of Auckland
Private Bag 92019
New Zealand

Telephone: +64 9 373 7999, extension 8816
E-mail: [email protected]
FAX: +64 9 373 7457


From: John Mason <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 7 Aug 92 11:59 BST
Subject: New Journal: Advances in Computational Mathematics




Charles A. Micchelli - Academic Editor
Mathematical Sciences Department
IBM Research Center
PO Box 218
Yorktown Heights NY 10598

e-mail: cam@YKTVMZ (Bitnet)

John C. Mason - Managing Editor
Applied & Computational Mathematics Group
Royal Military College of Science
Swindon SN6 8LA

e-mail: [email protected]


J.C. Baltzer AG
Scientific Publishing Company
Wettsteinplatz 10
CH-4058 Basel


D. Arnold (USA), C.T.H. Baker (England), D. Braess (Germany),
J.H. Bramble (USA), C. Brezinski (France), K. Burrage (Australia),
C.K. Chui (USA), M.G. Cox (England), G. Cybenko (USA), W. Dahmen (Germany),
R.A. De Vore (USA), D. Donoho (USA), C. Douglas (USA),
S.W. Ellacott (England), W.H. Enright (Canada), R. Fletcher (Scotland),
W. Freeden (Germany), T.L. Freeman (England), M. Gasca (Spain),
K.O Geddes (Canada), R.N. Goldman (USA), G.H. Golub (USA),
T.N.T. Goodman (Scotland), J.A. Gregory (England), E. Grosse (USA),
S.J. Hammarling (England), C. Hoffman (USA), A. Iserles (England),
R.-Q. Jia (Canada), S.L. Lee (Singapore), T. Lyche (Norway), S. Mallat (USA),
J.C. Mason (England), C.A. Micchelli (USA), T. Poggio (USA),
A. Quarteroni (Italy), L. Reichel (USA), J.M. Sanz-Serna (Spain),
R. Schaback (Germany), L.L. Schumaker (USA), S. Seatzu (Italy),
T.W. Sederburg (USA), I.H. Sloan (Australia), E. Tadmoor (Israel),
G. Wahba (USA), W.L. Wendland (Germany).

Software Editor: R. Reuter, IBM Deutschland GmbH, Heidelberg, Germany.
E-mail: [email protected]

Advances in Computational Mathematics is an interdisciplinary journal of
high quality, driven by the computational revolution and emphasising
innovation, application and practicality. This journal will be of
interest to a wide audience of mathematicians, scientists and engineers
concerned with the development of mathematical principles and practical
issues in computational mathematics. Publication areas include
computational aspects of algebraic, differential and integral equations,
statistics, optimization, approximation, spline functions and wavelet
analysis. Submissions are especially encouraged in modern computing
aspects such as parallel processing and symbolic computation and
application areas such as neural networks and geometric modelling.

All contributions should involve novel research. Expository papers are
also welcomed provided they are informative, well-written and shed new
light on existing knowledge. The journal will consider the publication
of lengthy articles of quality and importance. From time to time
special issues of the journal devoted to meetings or topics of
particular interest to the readers will be published with the guidance
of a guest editor. Ideas for such special issues can be communicated to
the Editors-in-Chief.

Software of accepted papers will be tested and be made available to
readers. Short announcements, a problem section and letters to the
Editor will also appear in the journal at regular intervals. Advances
in Computational Mathematics will be published quarterly.


Authors are cordially invited to submit their manuscripts in triplicate
to the Managing Editor or sent in duplicate to any member of the
editorial board, together with one copy to the Managing Editor and a
copy of the covering letter.

All the manuscripts will be referred. The decision for publication will
be communicated by the Managing Editor. After acceptance of their
paper, authors who can should send a diskette with the TEX (or LATEX or
AMS-TEX) source of their paper together with a hard copy of it and the
letter of acceptance to the Managing Editor. For papers concerning
software an ASCII diskette is needed.


End of NA Digest
