NA Digest Sunday, August 2, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 30

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Nancy K. Nichols <[email protected]>
Date: 2nd August 1992 12:09:08 BST
Subject: Leslie Fox

It is with very great sorrow that I make the following announcement:

Leslie Fox died last night, August 1, 1992 in the John Radcliffe Hospital
in Oxford. A funeral service will be held at the Old Marston Parish
Church, Oxford, on Thursday or Friday August 5 or 6.

His wife Clemency and his brother Roy have asked me to make this
announcement on e-mail and to inform as many of his friends and
colleagues as possible. We shall all miss him.

Nancy Nichols


From: Roger A. Horn <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 1992 23:59 EST
Subject: Change of Address for Roger Horn

My new email and mailing addresses are:

Roger Horn
[email protected]

Department of Mathematics
University of Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah 84112


From: D. P. Young <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 07:46:20 -0700
Subject: Two David Youngs

As several people noticed last week, there seem to be two people
named David Young who are members of na-net or at any rate are
having email intended for them sent through na-net. We are
David M. Young (University of Texas, Austin) and David P. Young

As of this morning (Monday, July 27) my na-net Key is dpyoung.
My email address is [email protected]. I apologize
for any inconvenience this inadvertant confusion of identities
may have caused.

David P. Young


From: Chuck Lawson <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 11:36:57 PDT
Subject: LINPACK in C

In response to the recent query about the availability of
LINPACK in C: Such a package is available at no charge
on a PC diskette from MICROTOOLS, P.O. Box 2745,
Santa Clara, CA 95055-2745, Phone: (408)296-3478. Ask for
Andy Chan. MICROTOOLS markets a Fortran to C conversion
processor and other software tools. The LINPACK in C is
offered as a demonstration of a conversion done with their
processor. Other companies that market conversion
processors may have similar offers.
-- Chuck Lawson


From: David Gay <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 31 Jul 92 00:42 EDT
Subject: Fortran-to-C Converter

Some readers of the NA Digest seem unaware that netlib offers source
for a Fortran-to-C converter, f2c. Thus one answer to the question
"Are C-versions of LINPACK or LAPACK available in public domain?"
is that you can get Fortran for LINPACK and LAPACK from netlib and
use f2c to get corresponding C.

For more on f2c, send the E-mail message
send index from f2c
to [email protected] . (Updates to f2c appear first on and eventually propagate to [email protected] ,
[email protected] , [email protected] and perhaps elsewhere.)

-- dmg


From: Jim Goldman <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 29 Jul 92 12:06:28 EST
Subject: VAX Fortran to SQL Translator

Objective: Convert VAX Fortran programs to use Oracle databases.

SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) is
looking for information on the availability of an
automated translator to convert VAX Fortran source code
to something which can make use of Oracle-compatible
embedded SQL, with minimal hand coding.

Any references or leads to such a product would be greatly
appreciated. Thank you very much.

Jim Goldman

James L. Goldman, CDP, CSP Director, Information Management Systems
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM)
3600 University City Science Center, Philadelphia PA 19104-2688
Phone: 215-382-9800 FAX: 215-386-7999 e-mail: [email protected]


From: Kermit Sigmon <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 92 17:27:32 EDT
Subject: MATLAB Primer, 2nd Edition

The Second Edition of the MATLAB Primer is now available.

The plain TeX source of the latest version of the Primer will always
be available via

---Anonymous ftp from as the file
primer.tex in the directory pub/matlab, and

---Listserv: Send an email message to [email protected]
containing the single line: send matlab/primer.tex

It should soon be available from NetLib by sending an email message to
[email protected] containing the single line:
send primer.tex from matlab/teaching
However, I cannot assure you that this file will be the latest version.
It can also be obtained by sending a request to the author at the
address below.

The Matlab Primer is intended to help students---and others---learn to
use Matlab. Extensive experience has shown that the Primer, along
with the on-line help facility, usually suffice for the students to
use MATLAB in a classroom setting. It is not intended to replace the
complete MATLAB User's Guide which is assumed to be available for
review at certain locations as a source of more in-depth information.

The second edition retains the character of the first as described
above. The primary changes from the first edition are inclusion of
more informative examples of M-files and a much more complete section
on graphics.

While the Primer is based on version 3.5 of MATLAB, it is compatible
with version 4.0 with the fundamental differences noted. An edition
of the Primer based on version 4.0 is under development.

The most convenient method of distribution seems to be through a local
copy center where the student can purchase it spiral bound for about $3.

Kermit Sigmon [email protected]
Department of Mathematics
University of Florida 904-392-6719 (my office)
Gainesville, FL 32611 904-392-0281 (message)


From: Anne C. Elster <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 92 23:36:37 -0400
Subject: On-line Info. from NSF (STIS)

Below is some info. on STIS -- the on-line info. system from NSF
(The National Science Foundation -- U.S. government funding agency):

The NSF now has an electronic publishing system called STIS -- The Science and
Technology Information System. Anyone can use it to get fast, 24-hour data on
many NSF activities. It has been around for at least a year.

You may also subscribe to a mailing list that will send you weekly NSF
announcement updates as follows (replace my name with your own):

mail [email protected]
Subject: <empty/ignored>

subscribe STSSUM-L Anne C. Elster

STSFUL-L will send you the whole documents rather than summaries.


With STIS, you need only....personal computer and a modem or access to
Internet... You can electronically search keywords, topics or phrases, then
read and print out the materials you want. They cover science, mathematics,
engineering, and technology activities supported by NSF, with new materials
added weekly. STIS has online "help" screens, and up to 10 people can be on
the system at the same time.... THERE ARE NO CHARGES.


- NSF program announcements and "how-to" grants booklets
- grant lists and summaries
- press releases, feature stories, tipsheets for the media
- newsletter & periodicals (e.g. NSF Bulletin, NSF Directions)
- catalogs & directories (annual guide to programs, NSF tel. book)
- vacancy announcements, NSF organizational information
- news on international science & technology
- NSF Annual Report, National Science Board special reports


Bitnet : access by email

Internet: type "telnet" or "telnet"
At a login-prompt type "public".

From a UNIX host, type "rlogin -l public"

Modem: 1200, 2400 or 9600 baud. Even parity, 7 data bits, full
duplex, VT100 emulation. On "connect" press [enter] [.] [enter]
At "login: type "public"

Personal observations/comments:

The same info. can be retrieved via WAIS (Wide Area Information Service)
for those with access to such systems. WAIS has a nicer interface and more
features, but can be very slow.

All documents can be ftp-ed by loggin in as "anonymous" to

STIS prompts you for terminals such as "sunkbd3, vt100, etc", but from
my Sun X-term window "vt100nkp" seems to work best. (Problems with scrolling
when using the others.)

The "Documents" menu currently lists 302 documents including updated NSF
announcements and surveys.


Anne C. Elster (607) 254-8784 [off] 255-6236 [FAX]
School of Electrical Engineering (607) 272-2986 [home/answ.mach]
Cornell University, 351 Theory Ctr.
Ithaca, NY 14853 e-mail: [email protected]
USA [email protected]


From: Jim Bunch <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 92 13:42:56 -0700
Subject: Registration for Parlett/Kahan Meeting

Three Decades of
Numerical Linear Algebra at Berkeley:
A Conference in Honor of the Sixtieth Birthdays of
Beresford Parlett and William Kahan

A conference will be held at MSRI in Berkeley on Saturday, October 17,
1992, in honor of the 60th birthdays of Beresford Parlett and William Kahan.
There will be a banquet on the evening of October 17. The banquet
speaker will be Richard Lau, ONR.

If you wish to attend, please obtain the registration form from
Prof. James Demmel, Computer Science Division, University of California,
Berkeley CA 94720. Email can be sent to [email protected],
and phone calls to (510)643-5386.


From: Jinchao Xu <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 28 Jul 92 16:22:41 -0400
Subject: 7-th Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods

The Seventh International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
will be held at Penn State during the four-day period October 27--30, 1993.
If you want to receive further information, please contact: R. Manning
(secretary), Dept. of Math., Penn State Univ., University Park, PA 16802.
Tel: 814-865-7527; Fax: 814-865-3735; Email: [email protected].


From: Rainer Bacher <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 10:54:09 MET DST
Subject: Tutorial in Power System Optimization

Invitation to the SVOR/ASRO - Tutorial in Thun, October 1992:
SVOR/ASRO - Optimization in Planning and Operation of Electric
October 15-16, 1992, Hotel Seepark, Seestrasse 47, CH-3602 Thun, Switzerland

Organizers: Prof. Dr. Hans Glavitsch, Dr. Rainer Bacher, ETH Zuerich
Dr. Karl Frauendorfer, University Zuerich

Increasing requirements in power supply necessitate efficient control of
electric power systems. An emerging subject of importance is
optimization which is the challenging principal theme of the announced
tutorial. Modelling aspects of unit commitment and optimal power flow
will provide the introduction to power systems control and to its
associated problem statement. Due to the nature of the underlying
optimization problems recent developments in advanced and
well-established mathematical programming methodologies will be
presented, illustrating in which way dynamic, separable, continuous and
stochastic features might be exploited. In completing the various
methodologies a number of presentations will state experiences with
optimization packages currently used for unit commitment and optimal
power flow calculations. One of the interesting objectives of this
tutorial is the fruitful communication - to be expected - between
operations research experts, analysts of the application's side and
users in the power industry.

We should be very pleased if you accept to participate at the tutorial.

Looking forward to meeting you in Thun,

yours sincerely

Karl Frauendorfer
Hans Glavitsch
Rainer Bacher
(Organizing Committee)

Please send questions to:

Dr. Rainer Bacher
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
ETH Zuerich
CH-8092 Zuerich

Tel.: +41-1-256 41 94
FAX.: +41-1-251 21 72

or send an email to:
[email protected]


From: Per Christian Hansen <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 92 11:24:19 +0200
Subject: Workshop in Denmark on Parallel Algorithms

August 24 - 25
Technical University of Denmark

The Danish Center for Parallel Computer Applications is organizing
a two-day workshop on numerical methods for parallel computers.

During the two days, there will be talks on the following subjects:

- numerical linear algebra
- domain decomposition methods
- parallel preconditioners

In particular, we want to emphasize the interplay between these
subjects when solving large-scale PDE problems on today's massively
parallel computers. There will also be time for discussions.

The talks are presented at the workshop:

"Solution of Large Sparse Least Squares Problems"
Aake Bjorck, Linkoping University, Sweden

"Domain Decomposition and Parallel Conmputing"
Petter Bjorstad, University of Bergen, Norway

-- title to be announced --
Lennart Johnsson, TMC + Harvard University, USA

"Domain Decomposition: A Bridge Between Nature and
Parallel Computers"
David Keyes, Yale University, USA

"Data-Level Parallelism for the Solution of
Multicommodity Flow Problems"
Mustafa C. Pinar, Technical University of Denmark

"Parallel Integration of Stiff Systems of ODEs"
Stig Skelboe, Copenhagen University, Denmark

"Domain Decomposition and
Distributed-Memory Parallel Computing"
Barry Smith, Argonne National Laboratory, USA

"Parallel Aspects of Iterative Methods"
Henk A. van der Vorst, Univ. of Utrecht, Nederland

"A Parallel Preconditioned Orthomin Algorithm for
General Sparse Matrices"
Zahari Zlatev, National Environmental Res. Inst., Denmark

The workshop takes place at UNI-C, the Danish Computing Center for
Research and Education, located at the Technical University of Den-
mark, 10 km. north of Central Copenhagen.

There will be a fee of 300,- kr. for participation in the workshop.
This includes lunch both days.

The participants should register before Monday, August 10.

Please contact:

Anne Esbjorn
UNI-C, Building 305
Technical Univ. of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark

Tel. +45
Fax +45
Email: [email protected]


From: Philippe Caussignac <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1992 14:40:57 +0200
Subject: Position at the EPF-Lausanne


>From January 1993, a "research assistant" position will be available
at the Mathematics Department of the Swiss Federal Institute of
Technology in Lausanne (EPFL). This position is granted by the Na-
tional Science Foundation during 18 months with a possible continu-
ation for 2 years. The research consists in numerical simulation of
field effect transistors with hydrodynamic models.

Applicants should preferably have a PhD in numerical analysis, have
some interest and experience in finite element methods, PDE's and
modeling, both from the practical and theoretical viewpoints. They
will be able to work independently as well as in a small research

For further informations, please contact:

Ph. Caussignac
Dept de Mathematiques

E-mail: [email protected]
Fax: 41 21 693 43 03
Phone: 41 21 693 25 78/ 41 21 693 25 55
41 21 24 52 21 (home)


End of NA Digest
