From: Alan Karp <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 13:04:54 -0700
Subject: New Address for Alan Karp
After nearly 15 years with IBM I have moved on. My new address is
Alan Karp
HP Labs 3U-7
Hewlett-Packard Company
1501 Page Mill Road
Palo Alto, CA 94304
415-857-6766 - office
415-857-3991 - fax
[email protected]
From: Cliff Addison <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 23 Jun 92 11:09:16 +0200
Subject: LINPACK benchmark on PCs
Recently a colleague and I have been running the LINPACK benchmark on a
range of local machines as part of a course we are developing on modern
single processor architectures. Our results on Sun workstations match the
reported figures in the latest LINPACK benchmark report, but we have been
unable to match the reported performance on a 33 MHz 486DX system. We
would appreciate any advice on what we are missing in our machine
configuration or in our compiler set-up.
The reported performance on a Compaq DeskPRO 486/33l-120 using the
Salford compiler is listed with a respectible 1.3 Mflop/s. Similar
results on the same machine with different compilers are also given.
The best performance we have obtained on a 33MHz 486DX machine with
256 KB cache and 70 ns memory was 0.8 Mflop/s with the Salford compiler,
using the optimise parameter. Why the difference? The speed of the cache
memory seems to be the only major unknown variable. Would down market
machines contain 50 ns cache?
Readers might be interested in the impact that the presence of cache
has on 486 and 386/387 machines. We have obtained the following results,
again using the Salford compiler, version 2.51. The units are Mflop/s.
Full caching internal only no cache
33 Mhz 486 0.8 0.6 0.4
40 MHz 386/387 0.4 --- 0.25
20 Mhz 386/387 --- --- 0.14
I would appreciate hearing from those with top-end 486DX machines
performing similar experiments. The linpackd.f file required for the
benchmark is available from netlib via >send linpackd.f from benchmark<.
Thanks very much.
Cliff Addison
Centre for Mathematical Software Research
Victoria Building, Brownlow Hill
University of Liverpool
Liverpool L69 3BX
E-mail via na-net or [email protected]
From: Ian Gladwell <H5NR1001%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 25 Jun 92 10:53:43 CST
Subject: Availability of RKSUITE
Announcement of the availability of RKSUITE
RKSUITE Release 1.0 November 1991
R.W. Brankin (*), I. Gladwell(**), and L.F. Shampine (***)
(*) Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd.
[email protected]
[email protected]
(**) Dept. of Math., SMU
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
(**) Dept. of Math., SMU
[email protected]
[email protected]
RKSUITE is a suite of codes implementing Runge-Kutta methods. It solves
numerically the initial value problem for a first order system of ordinary
differential equations. RKSUITE supersedes very widely used codes written
by the authors and their coauthors: the subroutine RKF45 available from
many sources including several books (and RKF45's descendent DDERKF in the
SLATEC library), and the subroutine D02PAF and associated codes in the NAG
Fortran library. With RKSUITE comes extensive machine-readable
documentation, and a number of templates demonstrating the use of the
software on a variety of problems and for a number of tasks. These
templates are accompanied by corresponding output files. RKSUITE is
written in standard FORTRAN 77 and is distributed in source form.
RKSUITE including associated documentation, templates and output files is
available, at no cost, by electronic file transfer. It resides in the
"ode" directory of the netlib collection of mathematical software (at
[email protected]). (Within a few weeks the software will filter
through to the other netlib sites.) RKSUITE may also be obtained by
anonymous ftp from seas.smu.edu where it resides, in compressed form, in
the /pub directory. It is available in both zip and tar.Z formats, in
files with names rksuite.zip and rksuite.tar.Z respectively.
RKSUITE is also available on a 3.5" high density diskette in MS-DOS
format. To obtain a diskette contact the second author at the address in
the reference below (send $10 US to defray costs):
R.W. Brankin, I. Gladwell, and L.F. Shampine (1992)
RKSUITE: a suite of Runge-Kutta codes for the initial value problem for
ODEs, SoftReport 92-S1, Department of Mathematics, Southern Methodist
University, Dallas, TX 75275, U.S.A.
This softreport (which is the RKSUITE diskette) is a suitable citation for
anyone publishing material making substantial use of the software.
Enhancements to RKSUITE are planned for a future release. Requests for
additional functionality are sought. Please send ordinary mail to the
second author at the SMU address above or email to any of the authors.
From: George P. H. Styan <MT56%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 09:53:29 EDT
Subject: Auckland Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics
International Workshop on Matrix Methods for Statistics
Auckland, New Zealand: 4-5 December 1992
An International Workshop on Matrix Methods for
Statistics will be held on Friday-Saturday,
4-5 December 1992 at the University of Auckland,
Auckland, New Zealand. The purpose of this Work-
shop is to foster the interaction, in an informal set-
ting, of researchers in the interface between matrix
theory and statistics. Co-sponsored by the Institute
of Mathematical Statistics (IMS) and the Interna-
tional Linear Algebra Society (ILAS), this Workshop
is a satellite to, and almost immediately precedes,
the International Biometric Conference-IBC92, to be
held in Hamilton, New Zealand, 7-11 December 1992
[The IMS Bulletin 20(1991):518-519, 597;
21(1992):86]; there will be several other satellite
The International Organizing Committee for this
Workshop comprises Harold V. Henderson (Ruakura
Agricultural Centre, Hamilton), Jeffrey J. Hunter
(Massey University, Palmerston North), Bryan F. J.
Manly (University of Otago, Dunedin), Simo Puntanen
(University of Tampere), Alastair J. Scott
(University of Auckland), and George P. H. Styan
(McGill University, Montreal).
We expect Bill Farebrother to show that the Gauss-
Markov Theorem is due to (Johann) Carl Friedrich
Gauss (1777-1855) alone and how the formalisation of
matrix algebra in the 1850s and 1860s was preceded
by Gauss's identification of a linearly dependent
system of equations, implicit LU decomposition of a
square matrix, definition of a generalised inverse,
and derivation of an LDL' decomposition of a real
symmetric matrix.
For further information, please contact George P.H. Styan,
Dept. of Mathematics and Statistics, McGill University,
Burnside Hall 1240, 805 ouest, rue Sherbrooke Street West,
Montreal, Quebec, Canada H3A 2K6.
e-mail: [email protected], FAX (1-514) 398-3899.
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 92 17:13:13 EST
Subject: SIAM National Meeting
July 20-24, 1992
SIAM 40th Anniversary Meeting
Century Plaza Hotel & Tower, Los Angeles, CA
June 28, 1992 --- Deadline for hotel reservation.
Call 310-277-2000 for reservation.
July 8, 1992 --- Deadline for advance registration.
800-447-7426 (toll free U.S. only)
215-382-9800 (elsewhere)
Fax 215-386-7999
E-Mail: [email protected]
VISA, MC, or AE credit cards are
welcomed. Have your credit card ready
when you call 800-447-7426 (for
registration ONLY). For request for
information, call 215-382-9800.
If you are registering via fax or e-mail,
please include in your message your full
name, affiliation and address, type of
credit card, number and expiration date.
We look forward to seeing you in LA!
The Organizing Committee
40th Anniversary Meeting
From: Trini Flores <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 10:04:24 EST
Subject: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Sponsored by ACM-SIGACT and SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics
January 25-27, 1993
Omni Austin Hotel, Austin, Texas
SIAM wishes to remind you that the DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSION
of extended abstracts is JULY 14, 1992.
Papers will be selected for presentation based on extended
abstracts. Authors wishing to submit a paper should send
twelve (12) copies of an extended abstract (not a full
paper) to reach SIAM, Conference Department, 3600 University
City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688 on or
before July 14, 1992. The entire extended abstract must
not exceed ten (10) double-spaced typed pages (about 12,000
This year, the program committee is especially soliciting
papers on the application of advanced algorithmic techniques
to real world problems, Such papers will be judged on the
interest and novelty of the application, and on the
significance of the practical lessons learned.
We look forward to receiving your submissions and your
participation in SODA 93.
Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
Telephone: 215-382-9800 Fax: 215-386-7999
E-Mail: [email protected]
From: Hans Schneider <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 18:01:32 CDT
Subject: Special Issue of LAA
A special issue of "Linear Algebra and its Applications" will be
devoted to papers presented at the third ILAS Conference to be held
in Pensacola, FL, 17-20 March 1993.
This issue will contain only papers that meet the publication
standards of the journal, and that are approved by normal refereeing
procedures. The special editors of this issue are Professors
Dianne P. O'Leary, Leiba Rodman and Helene Shapiro to whom papers for
the issue should be submitted. The submission deadline is 30 June 1993.
Dianne P. O'Leary
Computer Science Department
University of Maryland
College Park, MD 20741
[email protected]
Leiba Rodman
Department of Mathematics
College of William and Mary
Williamsburg, VA 23187-8795
[email protected]
Helene Shapiro
Department of Mathematics
Swarthmore College
500 College Avenue
Swarthmore, PA 19081-1397
[email protected]
From: Dugald Duncan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 26 Jun 92 14:16:21 BST
Subject: Scottish Computational Mathematics Symposium 92
One Day Conference on
Monday 14th September 1992
University of Strathclyde
R. Fletcher (University of Dundee)
Aspects of numerical optimization
I.S. Duff (RAL, CERFACS & University of Strathclyde)
Recent developments in sparse matrix software
D.J. Silvester (UMIST)
Krylov subspace methods for solving the (Navier-)Stokes equations
A. Spence (University of Bath)
Numerical detection of Hopf bifurcations
D.M. Sloan (University of Strathclyde)
Spectral methods for solving PDEs
D.C. Heggie (University of Edinburgh)
Computing the gravitational N-body problem
Dr. D.B. Duncan or Prof. D.M. Sloan
Department of Mathematics Department of Mathematics
Heriot-Watt University University of Strathclyde
Edinburgh EH14 4AS Glasgow G1 1XH
[email protected] [email protected]
From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 27 Jun 92 21:57:21 +0200
Subject: Frontiers '92 Meeting
The Fourth Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
October 19-21, 1992 McLean Hilton, McLean, VA
Sponsored by
The IEEE Computer Society NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
with support from Cray Research, Inc.
Digital Equipment Corporation
Intel Supercomputer Systems Division
MasPar Computer Corporation
Thinking Machines Corporation
The Virginia Center for Innovative Technology
This symposium is the fourth in a series of biennial meetings on
massively parallel computation, focusing on research related to,
or adaptable for, systems scalable to 1,000 or more processors.
52 original research papers about aspects of the design, analysis,
development, and use of massively parallel computers will be
presented, including papers relating to high performance computing
and communications. Conference highlights include two preconference
tutorials, a preconference workshop, parallel machine exhibits, a
keynote panel on the U.S. HPCC program, a poster session reception,
conference banquet with speaker Gordon Bell, four panels, industrial
viewpoint presentations, invited "perspective" presentations, and
a closing social event.
General Chair Pearl Wang, George Mason Univ.
Program Chair H. J. Siegel, Purdue Univ.
Program Vice-Chairs Architecture - Ken Batcher, Kent State Univ.
Applications - Jack Dongarra, Univ. of Tenn. and
Oak Ridge Nat'l Lab.
Algorithms - Leah Jamieson, Purdue Univ.
Software - Andre van Tilborg, ONR
For a copy of the advance program, please contact:
James Fischer, Frontiers '92
NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center
Code 930.7
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Dieter Kraft <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 92 16:16:25 +0200
Subject: IFAC Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization
September 2-4, 1992, Munich
Sponsored by
IFAC-International Federation of Automatic Control
Technical Committee on Mathematics of Control
Working Group on Control Applications of Optimization
Cosponsored by
Gesellschaft fuer Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
Supported by
Bayerisches Staatsministerium fuer Wirtschaft und Verkehr
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft
Bayerische Motorenwerke (BMW)
Bayerische Vereinsbank
International Buisiness Machines (IBM)
Linde Verfahrenstechnik und Anlagenbau
Motorenwerke Augsburg-Nuernberg (MAN)
Wacker Chemie
Organized by
FHM-Fachhochschule Muenchen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Laboratory of Control and Automation
Registration Fees:
before August 10 after August 10
Regular fee DM 200, US $ 125 DM 300, US $ 190
Student fee DM 50, US $ 30 DM 75, US $ 45
Please pay fees in Deutsche Mark (DM) by direct bank transfer and
free of any banking changes to:
Bank: Stadtsparkasse Muenchen
Bank sort code: 701 500 00
Account Number: 41/129 685
Account Name: Fachhochschule Muenchen
Lothstrasse 34
D-8000 Muenchen 2
Verwendungszweck: TG 72 / Dieter Kraft (don't miss this line)
Hotel Accommodation:
1) Fremdenverkehrsamt Muenchen,
Sendlingerstraae 1,
8000 Muenchen 2
Tel. 089 2391-1
Fax. 089 2391-313
2) The Organizers have booked a number of rooms in suburbian hotels.
If you wish to book in one of these please contact Dr. Kraft
before August 1.
3) It is urgently recommended to book as early as possible,
because the ISPO (world's greatest sports article fair)
takes place on September 1-4 in Munich
Workshop Program
Invited Lectures:
Gill, P.E.:
Large-scale SQP-Methods and their
Application in Trajectory Optimization.
Chernousko, F.L.:
Optimization in Control of Robots.
Clarke, F.H.:
A Survey on Nonsmooth Analysis and its Applications.
Betts, J.T.:
Issues in the Direct Transcription of Optimal Control Problems
to Sparse Nonlinear Programs.
Sachs, E.:
Newton-Type Methods for Optimal Control.
Pesch, J.:
Solving Optimal Control Problems of High Complexity.
Contibuted Sessions on:
SQP-Based Methods
Maximum Principle
Feedback Systems
Nonsmooth Systems
Games and Uncertainty
Semi-Symbolic Algorithms
Aerospace Systems
Mechanical Systems
Robotic Control
Power Systems
Economic and Ecologic Systems
Minisymposium: AnDeCS -- A Coherent Technology
Maxisymposium: Andechs -- A Cultural Event
Round Table Discusion:
Transferring Optimal Control to Industrial Environments.
For further INFORMATION and REGISTRATION contact:
Dr. Dieter Kraft
Fachhochschule Munich
Dachauerstrasse 98 b
D-8000 Munich 2
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel. 0049 89 1265 1108
or 0049 8153 2493
Fax. 0049 89 1265 1392
e-Mail: [email protected]
From: Biswa Datta <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 18 Jun 92 15:27:11 CDT
Subject: Position at Northern Illinois University
Anticipated visiting assistant professorship with a specialization in
numerical analysis or optimization theory. Ph.D. and strong potential
in research and teaching required. Application (vita), transcripts,
plus three letters of reference and description of research program
should be sent to :
Temporary Numerical Analysis Position
c/o Professor William Blair, chair
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Northern Illinois University
Dekalb, Illinois 60115
by JULY 15, 1992.
Northern illinois University EO/AAE.
From: Yadong Yang <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1992 18:05 EST
Subject: Post-doctoral Position at University of North Carolina
A post-doctoral position involving applied mathematics is available at the
Center for Environmental Medicine, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill,
North Carolina. The work is of a biomedical engineering nature. Specifically,
the research involves the development of theoretical models describing the
behavior and fate of inhaled particles and gases for applications to inhalation
toxicology and aerosol therapy. The related computer codes will simulate the
fluid dynamics of human airways and associated thermodynamic processes (i.e.,
heat and mass transfer between particles, fluids and lung passages). The ideal
candidate will have a doctoral degree in numerical analysis or computational
mathematics and be familiar with partial differential equations and related
boundary value problems, and computer simulation techniques. It wlill be highly
desirable if the candidate has experience with Navier-Stokes equations.
Some key parameters of the position are listed below:
Salary: The approximate range is $22,558 - $26,878.
Starting Date: Oct. 1, 1992.
Duration: The stipend is guaranteed for one year, with the possibility
of renewal for up to 3 years.
Any one who is interested in this position should contact Dr. Ted Martonen at:
Environmental Toxicology Division
Mail Drop 74
Health Effects Research Laboratory
Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711
Tel (919)541-7875
Fax (919)541-4324.
or email to
[email protected]
From: Richard A. Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 07:14:04 CDT
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
Linear Algebra and its Applications
Contents Volume 173, August 1992
Miron Tismenetsky (Haifa, Israel)
Some Properties of Solutions of Yule-Walker Type Equations 1
Robert L. Ellis and David C. Lay (College Park, Maryland)
Factorization of Finite Rank Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices 19
Tomasz Szulc (Poznan, Poland)
On a Criterion for the Nonsingularity of Complex Matrices 39
Aleksander Simonic (Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada)
Matrix Groups With Positive Spectra 57
Ji-guang Sun (Umea, Sweden)
Rounding-Error and Perturbation Bounds for the Cholesky and LDLT
Factorizations 77
Aurelian Gheondea (Bucharest, Romania)
One-Step Completions of Hermitian Partial Matrices With Minimal Negative
Signature 99
Miroslav Fiedler (Praha, Czechoslovakia) and Thomas L. Markham (Columbia,
South Carolina)
A Classification of Matrices of Class Z 115
V. Hussin, P. Winternitz (Montreal, Quebec, Canada), and H. Zassenhaus
(Columbus, Ohio)
Maximal Abelian Subalgebras of Pseudoorthogonal Lie Algebras 125
Ivo Marek (Praha, Czechoslovakia)
Collatz-Wielandt Numbers in General Partially Ordered Spaces 165
Russell Merris (Hayward, California)
Unimodular Equivalence of Graphs 181
B. Beckermann, A. Neuber, and G. Muhlbach (Hannover, Germany)
Shanks's Transformation Revisited 191
A. J. Pryde (Clayton, Victoria, Australia)
A Bauer-Fike Theorem for the Joint Spectrum of Commuting Matrices 221
R. B. Bapat (New Delhi, India) and G. Constantine (Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania)
An Enumerating Function for Spanning Forests With Color Restrictions 231
Larry Neal and George Poole (Johnson City, Tennessee)
REPORT: A Geometric Analysis of Gaussian Elimination. II 239
Raphael Loewy (Haifa, Israel)
Review of Perturbation Bounds for Matrix Eigenvalues by R. Bhatia 265
Bryan L. Shader (Laramie, Wyoming)
Review of Combinatorial Matrix Theory by Richard A. Brualdi and Herbert J.
Ryser 273
Author Index 277
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 19 Jun 92 11:35:30 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Numerical Analysis
Tentative Contents
SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
October 1992, Vol. 29, No. 5
Finite Element Approximation of Viscous Flows with Varying Density
Christine Bernardi, Frederic Laval, Brigitte Metivet, and Bernadette Pernaud-
Numerical Wave Propagation in an Advection Equation with a Nonlinear Source Term
D. F. Griffiths, A. M. Stuart, and H. C. Yee
On Locking and Robustness in the Finite Element Method
I. Babuska and Manil Suri
Adaptive Dimensional Reduction Numerical Solution of Monotone Quasilinear
Boundary Value Problems
Soren Jensen
A Calculus of Difference Schemes for the Solution of Boundary-Value Problems on
Irregular Meshes
Thomas A. Manteuffel and Andrew B. White, Jr.
Numerical Quadratures for Layer Potentials Over Curved Domains in R3
Jean-Luc Guermond
Grid Independent Convergence of the Multigrid Method for First-Order Equations
Per Lotstedt
Asymptotic Mesh Independence of Newton-Galerkin Methods via a Refined Mysovskii
Peter Deuflhard and Florian A. Potra
Fixed-Point Quasi-Newton Methods
Jose Mario Martinez
Multivariate Divided Differences I: Basic Properties
M. Neamtu
An Optimal Order Regularization Method Which Does Not Use Additional Smoothness
Markus Hegland
Perturbation Theory for the Rank-Deficient Equality Constrained Least Squares
Musheng Wei
On the Stability of Transform-Based Circular Deconvolution
Elliot Linzer
Bounding the Solution of Interval Linear Equations
E. R. Hansen
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 22 Jun 92 10:33:52 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Applied Mathematics
Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Vol. 52, No. 5, October 1992
Simplified Asymptotic Equations for the Transition to Detonation in
Reactive Granular Materials
Pedro Embid, John Hunter, and Andrew Majda
Weakly Nonuniform Thermal Effects in a Porous Catalyst: Asymptotic
Models and Local Nonlinear Stability of the Steady States
Francisco J. Mancebo and Jose M. Vega
Nonlinear Resonance in Systems of Conservation Laws
Eli Isaacson and Blake Temple
Pulsatile Instability in Rapid Directional Solidification: Strongly
Nonlinear Analysis
G. J. Merchant, R. J. Braun, K. Brattkus, and S. H. Davis
Numerical Simulations of Unsteady Crystal Growth
K. Brattkus and D. I. Meiron
A New Variational Principle and Its Application to Nonlinear
Heterogeneous Systems
P. Ponte Castaneda
A Class of Moving Boundary Problems Arising in Drying Processes
M. Ilic
On Drying of Laundry
Erik B. Hansen
The Core of the Spiral
James P. Keener
Ion Flow through Narrow Membrane Channels I
Victor Barcilon
Ion Flow through Narrow Membrane Channels II
Victor Barcilon, D. P. Chen, and R. S. Eisenberg
On the Relationship between Cell Balance Equations for Chemotactic
Cell Populations
Roseanne M. Ford and Peter T. Cummings
On the Distribution of Dominance in Populations of Social Organisms
Eva Jager and Lee A. Segel
Lock Detection in Phase-Locked Loops
John Stensby
Time Averages for Heteroclinic Attractors
Andrea Gaunersdorfer
The X-Ray Transform and Its Inversion for the Series Expansion Basis
Functions in Three Dimensional Tomography
Ling Wang
End of NA Digest