From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Mon 05-18-1992 11:16:58.33p
Subject: This Week's Digest
The guys at Oak Ridge had a little trouble over the weekend
with one of the disc drives on the venerable old Sequent computer
used for NETLIB and NA Net. We probably lost some mail with
submissions to the Digest. So, if you sent something in late last
week, and it's not here, please send it again. Thanks.
-- Cleve
From: Martin Maechler <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 May 92 11:05:39 +0200
Subject: Processing NA Digest with GNU EMACS' Rmail
You, dear NA-digest reader,
may have become aware of the new e-mail header line
To: [email protected]
that is now used for this na.digest. One useful application of this is that
you can apply "un-digestify / de-digestify" utilities more conveniently
for this digest.
My "mail reader" (GNU Emacs RMAIL) provides a command "undigestify mail message"
[Type M-x undi <RETURN> or even <ESC> x undi <RET> from WITHIN rmail]
[[To find out about "rmail" from within emacs, type (no spaces)
C-h i m emacs <RET> m rm <RET> ]]
which "unpacks" the digest into individual messages.
I then can easily read, reply to, skip, save or print out,..., these messages,
instead of having to cut them out of the long digest message, manually
-- really convenient.
These "individual messages" have as "From:" the real author(s) that had
submitted it to na.digest, originally,
and now also have a reasonable "To:", namely the one mentioned above,
such that you still easily see that the message came through na.digest
(and NOT as "private" e-mail to you).
I assume that other mail reader software allows similar undigestifying.
From: Robert Plemmons <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 8 May 92 13:55:19 CDT
Subject: Sameh Replaces Kuck as Head of CSRD
May 8, 1992
Urbana, Illinois.
CSRD announced today the retirement of Dr. David. J. Kuck as Director of
the Center for Supercomputing Research and Development at the University of
Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Dr. Kuck plans to spend time writing a book
about CEDAR, the supercomputer and software system developed at the Center,
and to work more closely with his company, Kuck and Associates, Inc., of
Champaign, Illinois.
Replacing Dr. Kuck as Director of CSRD will be Dr. Ahmed H. Sameh,
currently Head of the Computer Science Department at the University of
Minnesota, and former Associate Director of CSRD.
From: Matthew Witten <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 May 92 15:50:22 CDT
Subject: Help with Software Review
I have been asked to compare a number of different software
a review in SUNWORLD. I am interested in what people feel
necessary coverage in a review of this nature. I am also
interested in people's suggestions for benchmark problems.
Please respond to me at the address below. Thanks for the
Matthew Witten, Ph.D. MED
Director, Applications Research & Development
Associate Director,
UT System Center For High Performance Computing
Balcones Research Center, 1.154 CMS
10100 Burnet Road, Austin, TX 78758-4497 USA
Phone: (512) 471-2472 FAX: (512) 471-2445
E-MAIL [email protected]
[email protected]
From: Helen Ruddy <[email protected]
Date: Fri, 15 May 92 16:31:24 EDT
Subject: Scientific Databases
Scientific Databases
Does anyone know of a database geared to scientific data rather than
commercial data such as names, addresses, order numbers etc.
I am doing some research involving the collection and storage of
physiological data obtained from the visual cortex and I would like to
store this data in a database. The data is mainly numerical (position
coordinates, pupil dimensions, etc) but also will include hardware
control data (bit or byte values), channel (neuron) numbers, possibly
video data, free form text and shape data. I may wish to analyse this
data in terms of connections to particular neurons (channels).
Any ideas will be much appreciated.
Helen Ruddy
Please email to:
[email protected]
From: Gerry Hedtrom <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 15 May 92 10:46:50 +0100
Subject: Summer Position at Lawrence Livermore Labatory
One of my colleagues may have a postdoc position for a project
involving optimization with inequality constraints. The project is
mathematically quite similar to the one that Pat Worley worked on here
one summer. That is, there is a Fredholm integral equation of the
first kind, and we know that the solution is positive.
The problem comes from x-ray tomography of crystals. At the moment
he is doing only small crystals, with a few hundred unknowns. He is
really interested in biological molecules, however, and those problems
could get very large.
U. S. citizenship is easier to deal with, but it is not necessary.
Gerry Hedtrom
Lawrence Livermore Laboratory
[email protected]
From: Chaogun Liu <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 10 May 92 11:29:09 -0600
Subject: Multigrid Short Course
The University of Colorado at Denver is sponsoring the Third
Multigrid Short Course on campus from March 31 to April 4, 1993.
The basic components of the course include
. fundamental principles and algorithms
. practical applications
. software demonstration and distribution
Suggestions about contents, arrangements, and other aspects of the
course are encouraged. For example, people interested in having other
topics included, or those interested in only attending part of the course
(possibly for a reduced price), please indicate so. Such suggestions and
comments should be sent to Chaoqun Liu either by e-mail at
[email protected]
or by regular mail at
Chaoqun Liu
Computational Mathematics Group
Campus Box 170
University of Colorado at Denver
P.O. Box 173364
Denver, CO 80217-3364
Following is the tentative program:
March 31 - April 4, 1993
Chairman : Chaoqun Liu
Lecturers : Achi Brandt
Williams Briggs
Chaoqun Liu
Steve McCormick
John Ruge
Monday - Tuesday
1. Elementary Multigrid
Basic Approach
Elliptic Equations
Adaptive Methods
Wednesday - Thursday
2. Computational Fluid Dynamics
Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations
Compressible Flows
Grid Generation
Two-Phase Porous Media Flows
Flow Transition
3. Multiscale Methods
in Particle Simulation
4. Software Demonstration and Distribution
The registration fee will be $475 ($175 for students), which will include
refreshments, computer laboratory access, and materials. Also, a block of
reduced-rate rooms will be arranged in the neighboring Executive Tower Inn.
Please Contact Chaoqun liu as indicated above for further information
when it becomes available.
From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 May 92 11:16:11 CDT
Subject: IMA Workshop on Linear Algebra for Control Theory
IMA Workshop on
June 1 -- 5, 1992
Organizer: Paul Van Dooren
During the past decade the interaction between control theory
and linear algebra has been ever increasing, giving rise to new
results in both areas. The purpose of this workshop is to further
develop and nurture this cross-fertilization by bringing
together control theorists and linear algebraists for an exchange
of problems, ideas and techniques. The cross-fertilization between
control and linear algebra is reflected in the following ``theme
sessions'' to be held during the workshop: numerical linear algebra
for control (organized by A. Bunse-Gerstner and V. Mehrmann),
canonical forms and invariants (organized by D. Hinrichsen),
ring-theoretic methods in linear control (organized by E. Sontag
and B. Wyman), matrix theory in control (organized by L. Rodman)
and control (organized by A. Ran).
For each of these themes, we will have 3-4 ``formal speakers''
focussing on the specific linear algebra problems that arise in the
area. During the day, ample time will be reserved for discussion
and interaction between the participants. There will also be an
opportunity for the participants to organize ``informal'' evening
sessions and sessions of contributed talks.
Most of the workshop talks will be held in Conference Hall 3-180
on the entry floor of the Electrical Engineering/Computer Science
Building. This building is located on the corner of Washington
Avenue and Union Street, a block from the IMA Main Office.
The conference hall is on the Ethernet and has a projection system
for display of computer output.
Cochairs : A. Bunse-Gerstner and V. Mehrmann
Alan J. Laub Frequency response calculation
Ralph Byers Distances and conditioning in computational control
Nancy Nichols Numerical methods for the regularization of descriptor
systems by output feedback
Paul Van Dooren Numerical linear algebra techniques for large scale
matrix problems in systems and control
Chair : A. Ran
Joseph A. Ball Stability and McMillan degree for rational matrix interpolants
Edmond Jonckheere The obstruction to extending the Nyquist map beyond a
subset of uncertainties
D. J. N. Limebeer Minimax estimation and H-infinity filtering
Madanpal Verma A classical circuit theory approach to H-Infinity control
Chair : B. Wyman
E. W. Kamen The block form of linear systems over commutative rings
G. (Pino) Conte Algebraic and geometric methods for systems over rings
Daniel Cobb On the minimal realization of generalized state equations
over a commutative ring
James W. Brewer Any PID is FC - 1 and C[X] is FC
Chair : L. Rodman
L. Lerer To be announced
Chair : D. Hinrichsen
O. Pratzel-Wolters Minimal bases for behaviour systems in AR-representation
Uwe Helmke Classification of binary forms and partial realization theory
Raimund Ober Balanced realizations and parameterization of linear systems
Chair : D. Hinrichsen
A. C. Antoulas On deterministic modeling
Paul A. Fuhrmann The shift realization and canonical forms
Ming-Yee Chiu Siemens Image analysis
Chair : L. Rodman
Volker Mehrmann Regularization of descriptor systems by output feedback
and matrix completion problems
Ion Zaballa Matrix polynomial methods for assigning invariants under
state feedback
University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
FAX (612) 626-7370 telephone (612) 624-6066
ima_staff%[email protected]
[email protected]
From: E. Gallopoulos <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 May 92 13:27:15 CDT
Subject: International Conference on Supercomputing
1992 ACM International Conference on Supercomputing
Sponsored by ACM SIGARCH
in association with CSRD, INRIA/IRISA, IPSJ, and KFA
July 19-23, 1992
Hyatt Crystal City Hotel, Washington D.C
General Chair
Ken Kennedy, Center for Research on Parallel Comp., Rice University
Program Chair
C. D. Polychronopoulos, CSRD, University of Illinois
Program Committee
F. Allen (IBM, T.J. Watson), R. Allen (Kubota Pacific),
Arvind (MIT), J. L. Baer (U. Washington), D. Bailey (NASA Ames),
J. C. Browne (U. Texas-Austin), R. Cytron (Washington U.),
D. DeGroot (Texas Inst.), R. Esser (KFA), E. Gallopoulos (CSRD),
J. R. Gurd (U. Manchester), F. Hossfeld (KFA), E. Houstis (Purdue U.),
W. Jalby (U. Rennes), Y. Jegou (INRIA-IRISA), C. Koelbel (Rice U.),
J. McGraw (LLNL), Y. Muraoka (Waseda U.), A. Nicolau (UC Irvine),
T. Papatheodorou (U. Patras), J. Riganati (SRC), A. J. Smith (UC Berkeley),
H. Terada (Osaka U.), A. Veidenbaum (CSRD), S. Wallach (Convex),
H. Wijshoff (Utrecht, Region Chair, Europe and Africa),
T. Yuba (ETL, Region Chair, Japan and Far East)
Local Arrangements Chair: Duncan Buell, SRC
Finance Chair: A. Veidenbaum, CSRD
Publicity Chair: E. Gallopoulos. CSRD
Conference Information: Contact
Sheree Waltz, CSRD, University of Illinois,
104 S. Wright St., Urbana, IL 61801-2932, USA.
Tel: (217) 333-6773. FAX: (217) 244-1351.
E-mail: [email protected]
The 6th ACM International Conference on Supercomputing covers
state-of-the-art research in the development and use of
supercomputer systems and their implications for future supercomputer
development. The program includes invited talks, contributed presentations,
panel discussions, tutorials and exhibits. The sessions have been
scheduled around the areas of architectural design, compilers,
software tools and environments, performance evaluation,
numerical algorithms and applications.
The full ICS'92 Advance Program and Registration can be obtained
by sending E-mail to "[email protected]"
with the request "send ics.program-ps from reports"
for the PostScript version or "send ics.program-ascii from reports"
for the ASCII version. These announcements are also available via
anonymous ftp from sp2.csrd.uiuc.edu ( in pub/ics.program-ps
and pub/ics.program-ascii.
From: Per Christian Hansen <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 May 92 12:40:55 +0200
Subject: Workshop on Parallel Computing in Denmark
August 24 - 25
Technical University of Denmark
The Danish Center for Parallel Computer Applications is organizing
a two-day workshop on numerical methods for parallel computers.
During the two days, there will be talks on the following subjects:
- numerical linear algebra
- domain decomposition methods
- parallel preconditioners
In particular, we want to emphasize the interplay between these
subjects when solving large-scale PDE problems on today's massively
parallel computers. There will also be time for discussions.
The tentative list of speakers includes:
Aake Bjorck, Linkoping University, Sweden
Lennart Johnsson, TMC + Harvard University, USA
David Keyes, Yale University, USA
Stig Skelboe, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Barry Smith, Argonne National Laboratory, USA
Henk A. van der Vorst, Univ. of Utrecht, Nederland
Zahari Zlatev, Dept. of Environmental Sciences, Denmark
The workshop takes place at UNI-C, the Danish Computing Center for
Research and Education, located at the Technical University of Den-
mark, 10 km. north of Central Copenhagen.
There will be a fee of 500,- kr. for participation in the workshop.
This includes lunch both days.
For accomodation, we recommend Hotel Eremitage which is located in
Lyngby close to the Technical University. Room rates are 400,- kr.
when booked through the organizing committee for the workshop.
The participants should register before Monday, August 3.
Please contact:
Anne Esbjorn
UNI-C, Building 305
Technical Univ. of Denmark
DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark
Tel. +45
Fax +45
Email: [email protected]
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 13 May 92 16:57:34 EST
Subject: ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms
Sponsored by ACM-SIGACT and SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics
January 25-27, 1993, Radisson Plaza Hotel, Austin, Texas
Call for Papers and Registration Information
The fourth annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA), jointly
sponsored by ACM-SIGACT and the SIAM Activity Group on Discrete Mathematics,
will be held January 25-27, 1993 in Austin, Texas.
This symposium is for those interested in the use, design, and analysis of
algorithms, with special emphasis on questions of efficiency. Papers about
algorithms (sequential, parallel, distributed, randomized, etc.) in all areas
of application are invited.
Although the symposium is not intended to focus on any particular application
area or algorithm type, it will emphasize a particular mode of analysis.
Papers are solicited that, by mathematical or experimental analysis, address
the ways in which resource usage grows with increasing problem size for
realistic machine models, with "resource" interpreted broadly to include, for
instance, "nearness to optimality" as well as such traditional measures as
running time, storage, number of processors, and amount of communication.
Mathematical analysis may be worst-case or probabilistic. (Lower bound results
are appropriate if they apply to real algorithmic problems.) Experimental
papers can address a variety of issues, but special consideration will be
given to those that put theoretical results into practical perspective or
suggest new avenues for theoretical investigation.
In addition, this year we especially solicit papers on the application of
advanced algorithmic techniques to real world problems. Such papers will be
judged on the interest and novelty of the application, and on the significance
of the practical lessons learned.
Areas of Application (Partial)
Combinatorial Algorithms
Computational Geometry
Data Structures
Graph and Network Algorithms
Mathematical Programming
Number Theory and Algebra
Numerical and Scientific Computing
On-Line Algorithms
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Pattern Matching Algorithms
Symbolic Computation
Program Committee
Vijaya Ramachandran University of Texas, Austin
Jon Bentley AT&T Bell Laboratories
Richard Cole Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
William H. Cunningham University of Waterloo
Leo Guibas Stanford University and Digital Equipment Corporation
Valerie King NEC Research Institute
Eugene Lawler University of California, Berkeley
Arjen Lenstra Bellcore
Ketan Mulmuley University of Chicago
Daniel D. Sleator Carnegie Mellon University
Mihalis Yannakakis AT&T Bell Laboratories
Invited Speakers
Donald E. Knuth Stanford University
Eva Tardos Cornell University
Papers will be selected for presentation based on extended abstracts. Authors
wishing to submit a paper should send twelve copies of an extended abstract
(not a full paper) by July 14, 1992 to:
SIAM Conference Coordinator
3600 University City Science Center
Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688, U.S.A.
From: Benito Chen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 14 May 1992 08:40 MDT
Subject: Wyoming Numerical Analysis Day
The Department of Mathematics of the University of Wyoming is organizing
is to have an informal meeting of interested people to discuss
problems, share ideas and have a good time with colleagues.
Presentations of finished work, work in progress and even tentative
projects are welcome. Presentations should be about
20 minutes in length and there will be ample time for comments and
questions. The date is Wednesday August 26th and the place is the
Department of Mathematics. If you or any of your colleagues are
interested in participating, please send a note with a title, a brief
abstract, your name and address. There is no registration fee.
Benito Chen Eli Isaacson Jack George
Math Department Math Department Math Department
Ross Hall 211 Ross Hall 214 Ross Hall 202
University of Wyoming University of Wyoming University of Wyoming
Laramie, Wy 82071 Laramie, Wy 82071 Laramie, Wy 82071
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]
(307)766-2280 (307)766-5172 (307)766-4221
From: Iain Duff <ISD%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 May 92 08:42:44 BST
Subject: Contents: IMA Numerical Analysis
B Christianson Automatic Hessians by reverse accumulation.
M R Osborne An effective method for computing regression quantiles.
J Saranen and Quadrature methods for logarithmic-kernel integral
I H Sloan equations on closed curves.
M Omladic Average quadrature formulas of Gauss type.
L Angermann An a posteriori estimation for the solution of elliptic
boundary value problems by means of upwind FEM.
A Chalabi Stable upwind schemes for hyperbolic conservation
laws with source terms.
V L Bakke and Stability analysis of multilag and modified multilag
Z Jackiewicz methods for Volterra integrodifferential equations.
C A Hall and Approximation methods in the computer numerically
T A Porsching controlled fabrication of optical surfaces, Part 2:
P Dierckx, Algorithms for surface fitting using Powell-Sabin
S Van Leemput and splines.
T Vermeire
R M M Mattheij Decoupling of bidiagonal systems involving singular
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 11 May 92 09:17:41 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Discrete Mathematics
Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics
Vol. 5, No. 3, August 1992
On the Position Value for Communication Situations
Peter Borm, Guillermo Owen, and Stef Tijs
Polyhedra of the Equivalent Subgraph Problem and Some Edge Connectivity Problems
Sunil Chopra
Almost Safe Gossiping in Bounded Degree Networks
Krzysztof Diks and Andrzej Pelc
Galois Groups and Factoring Polynomials Over Finite Fields
Lajos Ronyai
A Polynomial Al;gorithm for the 2-Path Problem for Semicomplete Digraphs
Jorgen Bang-Jensen and Carsten Thomassen
Another Way of Counting NN
Arthur T. Banjamin and Fritz Juhnke
Infinite Graphs with Nonconstant Dirichlet Finite Harmonic Functions
Donald I. Cartwright and Wolfgang Woess
Mean Passage Times and Nearly Uncoupled Markov Chains
Refael Hassin and Moshe Haviv
Comparing Queues and Stacks as Mechaninsms for Laying Out Graphs
Lenwood S. Heath, Frank Thomas Leighton, and Arnold L. Rosenberg
A Combinatorial Approach to Biorthogonal Polynomials
Dongsu Kim
The Problem of Compatible Representatives
Donald E. Knuth and Arvind Raghunathan
Short Encodings of Evolving Structures
Daniel D. Sleator, Robert E. Tarjan, and William P. Thurston
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 12 May 92 11:12:54 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Optimization
SIAM Journal on Optimization
August 1992 Volume 2, Number 3
An O(nL)-Iteration Large-Step Primal-Dual Affine Algorithm for
Linear Programming
C. C. Gonzaga and M. J. Todd
Transfer Method for Characterizing the Existence of Maximal
Elements of Binary Relations on Compact or Noncompact Sets
Jianxin Zhou and Guoqiang Tian
On the Choice of the Regularization Parameter in Nonlinear Inverse
K. Ito and K. Kunisch
Second Derivatives of a Convex Function and of its Legendre--
Fenchel Transformate
Alberto Seeger
On the Convergence of the Products of Firmly Nonexpansive Mappings
Paul Tseng
On Implementing Mehrotra's Predictor--Corrector Interior-Point
Method for Linear Programming
Irvin J. Lustig, Roy E. Marsten, and David F. Shanno
An Interior-Point Algorithm for Linearly Constrained Optimization
Stephen J. Wright
Facets for Polyhedra Arising in the Design of Communication
Networks with Low Connectivity Constraints
Martin Grotschel, Clyde Monma, and Mechthild Stoer
Convergence of Broyden's Method in Banach Spaces
D. M. Hwang and C. T. Kelley
End of NA Digest