NA Digest Monday, April 20, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 16

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Wlodek Proskurowski <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Apr 92 10:14:55 PDT
Subject: Introduction to Parallel Computing Sought

A colleague of mine asked me to post the following request:

Is there a simple book, that a mathematician could read, to use in
conjuction with the standard text, e.g. Burden and Faires, to intoduce juniors
to parallel computing? How about one that even I could understand? Thanks
in advance for your answer.


From: Antonio Navarra <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 92 13:12:04 EDT
Subject: Out-of-core SVD

I am developing an application of SVD to a weather forecasting problem. THe
application requires finding the SVD of a very large matrix and it is often
impossible to use some of the standard in-core algorithms. I would like to
have informations on out-of-core algorithms for SVD in CRAY environments.
Thank you very much in advance.
Antonio Navarra, GFDL, Princeton University
(609) 452-6538
email: [email protected]


From: Yin Zhang <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Apr 92 11:39:41 -0400
Subject: Preprints Available for FTP from UMBC

These days more and more people are using anonymous ftp to distribute
preprints. It's efficient and economical. Joining their rank, I have
made technical reports authored or co-authored by myself available for
anonymous ftp from my site __""__. The files are
compressed .dvi files in the directory __"pub/zhang"__. Binary option
is needed to "get" them and "uncompress" is needed before printing.

The latest report is "On the Convergence of an Exterior-Point
Algorithm for Linear Programming and Other Problems", stored in the
file __"pub/zhang/extp.dvi.Z"__. See "List.readme" for other titles.

Yin Zhang
[email protected]


From: [email protected]
Date: Sat, 18 Apr 92 15:58:43 -0400
Subject: Mathematical Software Archive at Washington University

and other
for the

wuarchive at the Washington University at St. Louis is now a site
for the storage of public domain and shareware software which can be
utilized in the teaching of mathematics at the college and university
levels. In addition, other materials such as, for example, news-
letters about calculus reform and information about software, news-
letters, reprints, etc. which can be obtained by FTP or electronic
mail from other sites will be made available.
Use anonymous FTP to, switch to the subdirectory
/edu/math/msdos and choose the subject area for which you would like
to obtain software. In each subject area there is a file 00info.txt
which contains a listing of all programs in the area together with a
short abstract. At the present time, only software which will run
on IBM-compatibles is available. We hope to expand the service for
Macintoshes and Sun workstations in the near future.

Other materials, as they become available, will be in subdirectories
of /edu/math.

The moderator for this area of the site at wuarchive is Larry Husch,
Department of Mathematics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
37996. Email address: [email protected]. Contact Larry Husch
if there are any problems with the software you download. If you are
unfamiliar with FTP and/or file compression programs and would like to
receive information on either downloading or uncompressing programs,
again contact Husch. If you would like to submit program(s) and/or
other appropriate material then get in contact with Larry Husch for
details. Similarly, if you have any suggestions of material for
inclusion or about this area of the site, send them to Larry Husch.

If you would like to be informed about new additions to the archives,
again contact Larry Husch to be placed on a mailing list.

General questions about the archives should be directed to
[email protected]


From: Alan Edelman <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 11 Apr 92 21:05:06 PDT
Subject: The 2nd Annual Large Dense Linear Algebra Survey

Alan Edelman, Dept of Mathematics, University of California,
Berkeley, CA 94720

My calendar file tells me that it is now time for the second
annual large dense linear algebra survey. This year, I hope to
cover two subjects:

1. Large dense linear systems (like last year)
2. Large dense eigenvalue problems

It is not within my resources to print out and mail letters to
every science department at universities and industries, so I beg
readers to spread my survey by word of mouth, and strongly urge
you and your colleagues to participate. Readers interested in
last year's survey are invited to obtain it by anonymous FTP
from in /pub/edelman/survey1991.

In order to confine the topic of discussion, we do not consider
any matrix that can be parameterized by significantly fewer than n^2
elements to be dense. Thus a Toeplitz matrix or a matrix of the form
A*A' where A is sparse are not considered dense in this context.
I will allow matrices generated for Panel Methods and Moment Methods
to be considered dense.

Table of Contents:
Part 1: Linear Systems
Part 2: Eigenvalue Problems


Response to question (from the questions below, e.g. 1B or 2A):

How big is your matrix?
What kind of matrix? (Symmetric, complex, double precision?)
What is the solution method?
What is the time for solution?
On which machine?
How accurate was your solution? (Explain how you know)
What is your confidence in this accuracy?
Could the newly released LAPACK be used for your problem?
(LAPACK replaces LINPACK and EISPACK as the current best linear algebra
software library. Information is available through netlib.)
Please describe your application area:

1. If appropriate please refer to the publication most closely related
to your particular problem. In most cases this will be an article
authored by you or a member of your group.

2. Please suggest an expository article or book that would be
most accessible to a non-specialist trying to understand your

Responders are invited to answer on any of the questions below.

Part 1: Linear Systems

A. Largest LU or QR factorization
Has anyone solved a system of size bigger than 60,000 using
traditional LINPACK or LAPACK style methods? If so, please
tell me the time it took, why you solved the problem,
how accurate the solution was, and how you know.
Have you tried a condition estimator for your problem?
Did you consider a Krylov space based iterative method for
your problem?

B. I an interested in the solutions to any dense matrix
bigger than 20,000 for purposes other than Panel Methods
and Moment Methods.

Part II: Eigenvalue Problems

A. I am interested in all eigenvalues problems for dense square matrices
of order at least 5,000. Please carefully describe
where you are in the range of wanting all eigenvalues and all
eigenvectors to merely wanting one eigenvalue. Do your
eigenvalues fall along a curve or cluster or are they scattered
and well separated? Have you evaluated the conditioning of your problem,
and if so, how?

B. Would you like to solve a large dense eigenvalue problem of
order greater than 50,000 if you had the resources? How large


From: Heinz W. Engl <K310773%[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 92 11:21:20 CDT
Subject: Postdoctoral Positions at Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet

At the Johannes-Kepler-Universitaet, Linz, Austria, an industry-funded
research institute "Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation" will
be founded in a few months. At that institute, some postdoctoral positions
will be available for an intial period of 2 years. The main
emphasis of the institute, whose head is Prof. Heinz W. Engl, will be on
research in inverse and ill-posed problems with industrial applications.
this is not yet an official job announcement, but notices of interest
and inquiries are welcome at the addresses given below.

Prof. Dr.Heinz W. Engl
Institut fuer Mathematik
Altenbergerstrasse 69
A-4040 Linz
Oesterreich / Austria
E-Mail: [email protected]
[email protected]
Telephone: +43-(0)732-2468, ext. 9219 or 693, secretary: ext. 9220
Home Phone: +43-(0)732-245518
Telefax: +43-(0)732-246810, attn.:Prof.Engl
Telex: 2-2323 uni li a


From: Rob Corless <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 92 11:52:13 EST
Subject: Southern Ontario NA-Day '92

Tenth Annual Southern Ontario Numerical Analysis Day
Saturday, May 2, 1992
University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario,
Room 240, Western Science Centre, 8:55am to 5:00pm

Cleve Moler (The MathWorks), invited paper,
"What's New in Matlab".

Steve Thomas, University of Montreal,
"Krylov Subspace Approximations of the Exponential operator exp(At)v".

Serge D'Alessio, University of Western Ontario,
"A Velocity-Vorticity Formulation of the Navier-Stokes Equations".

Min Hu, Memorial University of Newfoundland,
"On A-contractivity properties of Linearly Implicit Multistep Methods".

Nolan Evans, University of Guelph,
"Normal Form for Generalized Hopf Bifurcation with Non-Semisimple

Mark Kent, Integrated Systems, Inc.,
"Object-Oriented Numerical Programming in C++".

Henning Rasmussen, University of Western Ontario, invited paper,
"*Real* mathematics: a selection of industrial problems".

Edward Lang, University of Windsor, "Numerical Study of
Flow in a Cylindrical Cavity with a Rotating Cover".

Changhai Chen, University of Western Ontario, "Numerical
Simulation of Nonisothermal Capillary Surfaces".

J. Rokicki, University of Western Ontario,
"Compact Algorithm for the Navier-Stokes Equations in
Streamfunction-Vorticity Formulation".

Ping Tak Peter Tang, Argonne, "On the Orthogonality of
Eigenvectors and Stability of Divide-and-Conquer Techniques".

Keith Geddes, University of Waterloo, invited paper,
"Hybrid Symbolic-Numeric Algorithms in MAPLE".

Sponsors: The Information Technology Research Centre of Ontario,
The Faculty of Science and the Department of Applied Mathematics,
The University of Western Ontario.

Information: Rob Corless, Dept. Applied Math, U.W.O.
E-Mail: [email protected], Phone: 1-(519)-661-3649.

Please send e-mail to me to register for the day (there is no registration
fee). If you can attend the wine and cheese on Friday night, please send
e-mail indicating this *soon*, as we are now planning the amounts. Directions
and parking information are available on request.


From: Volker Mehrmann <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 92 15:23:05 MET DST
Subject: Short Course on Large Scale Scientific COmputation

Interdisciplinary Short Course

August 31 -- September 4, 1992
Universitaet Bielefeld

LSSC in Mechanics U. Langer (Techn. Univ. Chemnitz)

LSSC in Chemistry J. Hinze, H.J. Werner (Univ. Bielefeld)

LSSC in Physics F. Karsch (Univ. Bielefeld/ KFA Juelich)

LSSC in Aerodynamics D. Haenel (Univ. Duisburg)

LSSC in Hydrology A. Peters (IBM Heidelberg)

LSSC in Telecommunication U. Krieger (Bundespost-Telekom, Darmstadt)

Iterative Methods G.H. Golub (Stanford Univ.)
(Symmetric Systems)

Iterative Methods R. Freund (Bell Labs)
(Unsymmetric Systems)

Direct Methods I. Duff (Rutherford Labs)

Iterative Methods B. Parlett (Univ. Calif. Berkeley)
(Eigenvalue Problems)

Multigrid Methods G. Wittum (Univ. Heidelberg)

Semi-Iterative Methods M. Eiermann (Univ. Karlsruhe)

LAPACK Ch. Bischof (Argonne Ntl. Laboratory)

Parallel Architectures J.F. Hake (KFA Juelich)

Scientific Coordination:

A. Bunse-Gerstner V. Mehrmann

Fachbereich fuer Mathematik Fakultaet fuer Mathematik
und Informatik
Universtaet Bremen Universitaet Bielefeld


FSP Mathematisierung
Universitaet Bielefeld, Postfach 8640, D-4800 Bielefeld 1, FRG
Tel.: (0521) 106-4764, Fax.: (0521) 106-4743,
e-mail: [email protected]

no registration fee


From: Peter P. M. de Rijk <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 11:24:05 METDST
Subject: Announcement of the Third EuroBen Workshop

Announcement of the Third EuroBen Workshop

The EuroBen Benchmarking Group has been founded in 1990. The
group promotes rationalisation and standardisation of benchmarking
procedures for scientific high-performance computing.

After two very successful workshops in Paris and Utrecht, the
EuroBen Benchmarking Group would like to draw your attention
to the third Euroben Workshop. It will be held in Regensburg,
Germany, at 28-29 September 1992. Subjects that will be discussed
there, are:

- The contents of the EuroBen benchmark modules 1-4.
- Issue of the throughput bencmark based on the programs from
module 4 and the interactive benchmark.
- Discussion of recent benchmark results.
- Standard (re)presentation of benchmark results.
- Rigorous interpretation.
- Further opportunities for cooperation with other benchmark groups
in Europe, Japan and the USA.
- Any other issue that could improve benchmarking of scientific
high-performance computers.

As in the earlier workshops, the upperbound for participation is
35-40 people, because of the desired interaction and discussion
between participants. For more information, participation and/or
proposals for contributions, please contact:

Prof. Wolfgang Gentzsch or Aad J. van der Steen
Genias Software GmbH EuroBen
and FH Regensburg c/o Academic Computer Centre Utrecht
Erzgebirgstrasse 2b Utrecht University
D-8402 Neutraubling Budapestlaan 6
Germany 3584 CD Utrecht, The Netherlands
Tel. +49-9401-80440 Tel. +31-30-531444 / 1436
Fax. +49-9401-80540 Fax. +31-30-531633


From: Moss Sweedler <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Apr 92 15:58:59 EDT
Subject: ISSAC '92, Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation


July 27-29, 1992 Berkeley, California

The annual International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
(ISSAC), sponsored by the ACM Special Interest Groups on Symbolic and
Algebraic Manipulation and on Numerical Mathematics, will be held on the
campus of the University of California at Berkeley, July 27-29, 1992.

Symposium keynote speakers are Professor John R. Rice of Purdue
University, whose lecture title is What is an Answer? and Professor
William M. Kahan of the University of California, Berkeley, whose
lecture is titled A Fear of Constants.

Papers presenting original research in all aspects of symbolic and
algebraic computation will be given. Typical, but not exclusively
topics include: combined symbolic/numeric methods; algorithms for
problems in algebra, number theory, group theory, algebraic geometry,
differential algebra, and differential equations; languages and systems
for symbolic computation; parallel symbolic computation; automatic
theorem proving and programming; applications of symbolic computation to
mathematics, science, engineering, and education.

For further information regarding the 1992 ISSAC symposium, please send
your name, address, and electronic mail address to:

Professor Katherine Yelick
571 Evans Hall
Computer Science Division
University of California
Berkeley, California 94720

The above requested information may also be sent electronically to:
[email protected]. Please indicate in your message if you would
prefer to receive information via electronic mail or postal mail.

Conference Chair: Erich Kaltofen

Conference Officers: Richard Fateman Robert Grossman Daniel Lazard
Moss Sweedler Barry Trager Paul Wang

Program Committee: Bruce Char Henri Cohen James Davenport
Jean Della Dora John Gilbert Lakshman Y. N.
Daniel Lazard Gerhard Michler Michael Monagan
Jean-Jacques Risler Horst Simon Stanly Steinberg
Barry Trager Carlo Traverso Richard Zippel

Local Arrangements Committee: John Canny James Demmel
Richard Fateman Kathy Yelick


From: George Anastassiou <[email protected]>
Date: 13 Apr 92 14:53:55 CDT
Subject: Contents: Papers from Southeastern Approximation Theory Conference


(Lecture Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series/138)

This valuable resource contains the papers presented at the Sixth
Southeastern Approximation Theorist Annual Conference, held in
April of 1991 at Memphis State University, Tennessee, edited by
George Anastassiou, 552 pages. ISBN: 0-8247-8708-0.


Moment Problems and Their Applications to Characterization of
Stochastic Processes, Queueing Theory, and Rounding Problems.
George A. Anastassiou and S.T. Rachev.

Bivariate Probabilistic Wavelet Approximation. George Anastassiou
and Xiang Ming Yu.

Sampling Designs for Estimating Integrals of Stochastic Processes
Using Quadratic Mean Derivatives. Karim Benhenni and Stamatis

Para-Orthogonal Laurent Polynomials. Catherine M. Bonan-Hamada,
William B. Jones, and Arne Magnus.

A General Alternation Theorem. Bruno Brosowski and Antonio R. da

Functional Analytic Methods in the Solution of the Fundamental
Theorems on Best-Weighted Algebraic Approximation. P.L. Butzer,
S. Jansche, and R.L. Stens.

A Strategy for Proving Extensions of the 4/3 Conjecture. B.L.
Chalmers, K.C. Pan, and B. Shekhtman.

When is the Adjoint of a Minimal Projection also Minimal.
B.L. Chalmers, K.C. Pan, and B. Shekhtman.

On Kernels and Approximation Orders. E.W. Cheney, W.A. Light, and
Yuan Xu.

Iterative Methods for Nonlinear Operator Equations. A.T.
Chronopoulos and Z. Zlatev.

On the A.A. Markov Inequality for Polynomials in the L^p Case.
Zibigniew Ciesielski.

On the Degree of Approximation by Periodic Approximants of Boolean
Sum Type. Claudia Cottin.

Constrained N-Convex Approximation. Frank Deutsch.

Kemp's Conjecture on Existence in Discrete Rational Chebyshev
Approximation. C.B. Dunham.
On Butzer's Problem Concerning Approximation by Algebraic
Polynomials. Heinz H. Gonska and Jia-ding Cao.

Conditioning of Birkhoff Interpolation. Gary W. Howell.

The p-Limit Selection in Uniform Approximation. Robert Huotari.

Asymptotic Properties of J-Fractions and Related Orthogonal
Polynomials. William B. Jones, W.J. Thron, and Nancy J. Wyshinski.

Szego Polynomials and Frequency Analysis. William B. Jones and
E.B. Saff.

Simultaneous Approximation of Derivatives. T. Kilgore.

Best Approximants in Musielak-Orlicz Spaces. Shelby J. Kilmer.

On the Approximation Through Polyharmonic Operators. Ognyan Iv.

Inqualities for Some Special Functions. Andrea Laforgia.

Best Approximation in Polyhedral Spaces and Linear Programs.
Wu Li.

Nonexistence of a Riesz Basic of Translates. T.E. Olson and R.A.

On Interpolation and Best One-Sided Approximation by Splines in
L^p. J. Prestin and E. Quak.

Sidon-Type Inequalities. Ferenc Schipp.

Norm Convergence and Summability of Fourier Series with Respect to
Certain Product Systems. F. Schipp and W.R. Wade.

Monotone Approximation with First-Order Linear Differential
Operators. O. Shisha and C. Yang.

Generalized Painleve Formulation and Variational Symmetries of the
Lorenz Equation. Bhimsen K. Shivamoggi and Ram N. Mohapatra.

Spectral Analysis of Second-Order Difference Equations. Dale T.

Lacunary Interpolation Modified (0,1,4) Case. A.K. Varma, A.
Saxena, and R.B. Saxena.

Degree Reduction of Bezier Curves by Approximation and
Interpolation. Stanly E. Weinstein and Yuesheng Xu.

The Solution of Matrix Approximation Problems in C_p Norms.
G.A. Watson.


End of NA Digest
