From: David H. Bailey <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 92 09:26:00 -0800
Subject: Fast Hartley Transform
Readers of the NA Net Digest may have noted the recent posting of a
seminar on the Hartley transform.
It is widely believed, and sometimes stated or implied in print, that
for purely real inputs the fast Hartley transform (FHT) is twice as
fast as the fast Fourier transform (FFT), since the FHT operates with
real data instead of complex data.
However, there exist well-known variants of the FFT that compute the
discrete Fourier transform (DFT) on real input data in only half the
operations required for the standard complex FFT. One way is to
employ formulas that convert an FFT on real input data into a complex
FFT of half the size. An even more efficient scheme is to use Edson's
algorithm, which computes the DFT result using real arithmetic, and
which does not require a pre- or post-processing step. Almost all
vendor FFT libraries include efficient implementations of such
schemes, and these routines usually run faster than implementations of
the FHT.
Thus the FHT is not fundamentally more efficient than well-known
variants of the FFT, even for real data, and the Hartley transform
itself has no known physical significance. Also, the FHT software as
developed at Stanford is patented, and commercial usage requires
consent from Stanford.
In summary, we frankly do not understand the continuing interest in
the FHT. Can anyone offer solid scientific reasons for using the FHT
in place of the real-to-half complex FFT?
David H. Bailey, NASA Ames
Paul N. Swarztrauber, NCAR
From: Stephen Vavasis <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 92 14:43:48 -0500
Subject: Mesh Generation Bibliography
Over two years ago in this forum I posted a notice that I was
interested in writing a bibliography on automatic mesh generation for
finite elements. The task quickly overwhelmed me, and I never
finished it.
The good news is that Marshall Bern of Xerox PARC and David Eppstein
of U.C. Irvine have written a very nice illustrated summary of
automatic mesh generation. Their summary is in the form of an
annotated book chapter, and is also available as a Xerox technical
report. The summary looks at the problem primarily from the computer
science viewpoint (rather than from the applications viewpoint).
The title of the report is "Mesh Generation and Optimal
Triangulation"; if you are interested please contact Marshall Bern
directly: [email protected].
-- Steve Vavasis
From: John Coleman <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 15:30:57 GMT
Subject: Who Solves ODEs of the form y''=f(x,y)?
I would like to hear from you if you solve second-order differential
equations of the special form y''=f(x,y), where y and f may be vectors, or
if you know of anyone who does.
Many numerical methods have been proposed for these equations, in papers
which may contain one or two simple problems for which method n+1 is 'better'
than method n. I would like to make contact with people who solve such
problems to find an answer rather than to test a method. I am particularly
interested in the sub-class of problems having oscillatory solutions --
such as orbit problems in classical mechanics, quantum mechanical scattering
problems governed by the radial Schrodinger equation, and perhaps others
about which I know nothing.
In your response please tell me:
(a) the form and the origin of the problem,
(b) the numerical method or methods currently used,
(c) the accuracy required and how you know if you have got it,
(d) what difficulties (if any) arise in the solution process,
(e) how satisfactory you consider your present approach to be,
(f) any relevant references.
I believe that the information I seek would be of interest to several people
involved in the numerical analysis of ODEs. If I get a good response I intend
to submit a summary to the NA Digest.
My thanks in advance to all who can contribute in any way.
John Coleman.
E-mail: John.Coleman @ durham.ac.uk
na.jcoleman @ na-net.ornl.gov
From: E.V.Glushkov <[email protected]>
Date: 26 Mar 92 16:02:58 GMT
Subject: Three Dimensional Singular Elements
Hello from Russia,
As is well-known, use of so-called singular elements
in a 2-dim. finite element method improves the convergence
and accuracy very much. But it is very difficult to find the
order of singularity at the 3-dim. corner points, and therefore
to construct the singular elements.
In our lab there was eleborated, realized as a computer
program and tested a method of the singularity orders at a top
of an arbitrary elastic polihedron extracting. The method is
based on the spectral points of some integral operators seaching.
We are not specialists in FEM and, being restricted in our com-
puter's output, cannot carry out a regular and thorough numerical
analysis. Untill now we've obtained results for a top of a cube
with one fixed side and for some other geometries.
So, if somebody is interested in employing 3-dim. singularities,
please contact us and we'll discuss how a co-operation could be
Drs. E.V.Glushkov & N.V.Glushkova E-mail: [email protected]
Kuban State University
Institute of Mechanics and
Applied Mathematics
Krasnodar 350640, Russia
From: James R. Bunch <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 11:53:23 -0800
Subject: Temporary Change of Address for Jim Bunch
I will be at the IMA during April 3 - June 6, 1992:
Prof. James R. Bunch
IMA, Univ. of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church St SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455-0436
[email protected]
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 24 Mar 92 10:25:37 EST
Subject: New Jersey Section of SIAM Spring Meeting
New Jersey Section of SIAM: Spring Meeting
The spring meeting of the New Jersey Section of SIAM will be held
on Saturday morning, April 25, 1992 from 8:30 to noon. It will
be held on the Busch Campus of Rutgers University in Piscataway.
There will be two distinguished speakers who will provide an
excellent mix of applied mathematics and computer science:
o Diane Souvaine of the Computer Science Department and
DIMACS, Rutgers University, on "Finding Maximum Inscribed
Triangles and Shortest Aquarium Keeper Tours Using Shortest
o Bruce L. Bush of the Molecular Systems Department, Merck
Research Laboratories, Rahway, NJ, on "Some Headaches in
Biomolecular Modeling: Are Mathematical Remedies on the
Mathematicians in industry are encouraged to attend the meeting.
The meeting will provide a unique opportunity for applied
mathematicians in local industries, research laboratories, and
academic institutions to meet and share problems, methods, and
solutions. The meeting is not only for SIAM members but is open
to all interested people. You are encouraged to bring along your
colleagues. Graduate and undergraduate students are most
For a copy of the schedule of the meeting, titles and abstracts
of the talks, and detailed directions, send your mailing address
and request for same to [email protected].
Richard B. Pelz
President, New Jersey Section of SIAM
From: George Anastassiou <[email protected]>
Date: 24 Mar 92 16:54:59 CDT
Subject: Conference on Approximation and Probability
The following is of concern primarily to approximation theory and
probability people, but some people from numerical analysis might
be interested.
An international conference on "Approximation,Probability & Related Fields"
Place: Univ. California at Santa Barbara
Dates: 20,21,22 May 1993
Days: Thurs.,Friday,Saturday
George Anastassiou
Dept. Mathematical Sciences
Memphis State University
Memphis TN 38152
E-mail [email protected]
Dept. Statistics & Applied probability program
University of california at Santa Barbara
Santa Barbara CA 93106 U.S.A
E-mail [email protected]
From: D. Sloan <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 10:47 GMT
Subject: 35th British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium
35th British Theoretical Mechanics Colloquium
5th - 8th April 1993
Venue: University of Strathclyde in Glasgow
Start Time: Approx. 4.00pm on Monday 5th April 1993
Finish Time: Lunch on Thursday 8th April 1993
Invited Speakers
Computational Mathematics
Professor Bengt Fornberg (Exxon Corporate Research, NJ, USA
& University of Strathclyde)
Mathematical Biology
Professor Bob May, FRS (University of Oxford)
Solid Mechanics
Professor Ingo Muller (Technische Universitat Berlin)
Differential Equations
Professor Larry Payne (Cornell University)
Professor Ken Walters, FRS (University College of Wales, Aberystwyth)
Stewartson Memorial Lecture
Professor Alex Craik (University of St Andrews)
Mini- Symposia
Liquid Crystals Industrial Mathematics
Inverse Problems Nonlinear Dynamical Systems
Office Bearers
Chairman Professor Frank Leslie Tel: 041 552 4400 EXT 3655
Secretary Dr. Ian Murdoch Tel: 041 552 4400 EXT 3657
Treasurer Dr. John Parkes Tel: 041 552 4400 EXT 3720
E-mail address [email protected]
Postal Address:
British Applied Mathematics Colloquium
Department of Mathematics
University of Strathclyde
Glasgow G1 1XH
U. K.
From: James R. Bunch <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 12:04:13 -0800
Subject: Parlett-Kahan Meeting
A conference will be held at MSRI in Berkeley on Saturday, October 17,
1992, in honor of the 60th birthdays of Beresford Parlett and William Kahan.
The Organizing Committee consists of:
James Bunch, UC San Diego, [email protected] (March 28-midJune: [email protected])James Demmel, UC Berkeley, [email protected] (after midJune: demmel@
Horst Simon, NASA Ames, [email protected]
The speakers at the conference will be:
Scott Baden, UC San Diego
James Bunch, UC San Diego
James Demmel, UC Berkeley
Gene Golub, Stanford
Anne Greenbaum, Courant
Larry Nazareth, Washington State
Bahram Nour-Omid, San Francisco
John Reid, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, England
David Scott, Intel
G. W. Stewart, Maryland
Peter Tang, Argonne
There will be a banquet on the evening of October 17. The banquet
speaker will be Richard Lau, ONR.
There will be a Special Issue of the Journal of Numerical Linear Algebra
with Applications dedicated to Parlett and Kahan. The deadline for manuscripts
will be October 17, 1992. James Bunch will be the editor of the Special Issue.
Anyone interested in submitting a manuscript should obtain a copy of
"Guidelines for Contributors" from James Bunch.
HOTEL INFORMATION: We have been able to reserve only 40 rooms for the
conference. Some other departments are having conferences that same weekend.
You must make your own reservation directly with the hotel, but mention the
20 single rooms reserved: Durant Hotel, 2600 Durant Ave, Berkeley 94704;
at the campus; 510-845-8981. $75/single. (Only singles are available.)
20 rooms reserved: Marriott Hotel, 200 Marina Blvd., Berkeley; at the
Berkeley Marina, 1 1/2 miles from campus, city bus service is convenient.
510-548-7920. $85 flat rate per room for a single double, triple, or quad.
Other possibilities:
The Women's Faculty Club, 510-642-4175, on campus.
The Men's Faculty Club, 510-642-1993, on campus.
The Shattuck Hotel, 510-845-7300, downtown Berkeley. (They weren't willing to
reserve a block of rooms.)
There are various motels in the area. We will get a list later.
From: Gene Golub <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 20:52:42 CST
Subject: XI Parallel Circus
XIth Parallel Circus
sponsored by the Department of Computer Science, Cray Research, Inc.,
and the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute April 24-25, 1992
The Department of Computer Science, Cray Research, Inc., and the
Minnesota Supercomputer Institute, continuing the tradition started at
Yale University in 1986, will be hosting the XIth Parallel Circus at
the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute in Minneapolis, MN on Friday and
Saturday, April 24-25, 1992.
The Parallel Circus is an informal meeting which emphasizes parallel
algorithms for scientific computing. There is no set agenda. At the
beginning of each session the attendees reach a consensus as to each
day's program of presentations. This format allows attendees to
discuss the very latest results as well as interesting work in
progress. (The Tenth Circus is described in the NA Digest, v 92, # 10,
March 8, 1992.)
Graduate students are especially welcome to attend.
There is modest support from the National Science Foundation for
student travel to the Parallel Circus XI. Those students requesting
support should give reasons for attending the meeting, and a budget
for expenses. The student(s) should indicate their research interests
and plans. A letter verifying that the student is in good standing
should be sent independently by a faculty adviser. This letter should
give the student's GPA. We will be pleased to consider joint
proposals which would include the expenses of several students.
The dealine for application has been extended to April 1, 1992.
Correspondence by e-mail is desirable.
FAX: (612) 625-0572 (Write "Student Support" on Fax.)
E-mail: [email protected]
To register for XIth Parallel Circus, contact:
Michael Olesen Symposium Administrator Minnesota Supercomputer
Institute 1200 Washington Avenue South Minneapolis, MN 55415
Tel: (612) 624-1356 FAX: (612) 624-8861
e-mail: [email protected]
The registration fee of $25 includes lunches on both days of the
symposium as well as a banquet the evening of Friday, April 24, 1992.
Registration is required by April 10, 1992. Post deadline
registrations will be accepted on a space available basis.
Special conference airfares are available through Daisy Travel of St.
Paul, MN. For details or to make reservations call toll free (800)
553-1660 (8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. CST) and mention that you are
participating in the XIth Parallel Circus at the Minnesota
Supercomputer Institute.
Arrangements have been made for a block of discount rooms at the Days
Inn University, 2407 niversity Avenue S.E., Minneapolis, MN 55414,
for April 23, 24, and 25. The price per night is $39 for single
occupancy and $45 for double. To receive these rates contact them at
(612) 623-3999 and mention that you are participating in the XIth
Parallel Circus at the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute.
Each presentation will be about 30 minutes long, 25 minutes plus 5
minutes for questions and discussions. Their actual length will
depend on the number of participants wishing to make presentations.
The Circus will begin on Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. Although the
program is not yet set, it will probably conclude early Saturday
Organizers: Gene Golub, Bill Harrad, Ahmed Sameh, Apostolos Gerasoulis
Local Committee: Don Truhlar, Michael Olesen
From: U. Vermont <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 22:08:07 GMT
Subject: Positions at University of Vermont
Applications are invited for two tenure-track faculty positions in Computer
Science at the level of Assistant Professor beginning in the l992-93 academic
year. Responsibilities will include instruction in mainstream computer
science and the development of a quality research program. Candidates should
show promise of excellence in both teaching and research; have demonstrable
expertise in networks and distributed systems, parallel algorithms and
systems, or database and knowledge base systems; and have a strong interest in
interdisciplinary research in the mathematical sciences. Faculty are
encouraged to supervise graduate students in related fields as well as in
computer science. A doctorate in computer science or a closely related field
is required.
Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. Please submit
resume and description of current research interests, and have three letters
of recommendation sent directly to Dr. Richard Foote, Search Committee
Chairperson, 101 Votey Building, College of Engineering & Mathematics,
University of Vermont, Burlington, VT 05405. Inquiries may be made by mail to
the above address or by email to [email protected].
The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer
and encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.
Applications are sought in Computer Science for the Dorothean Chair in the
College of Engineering and Mathematics beginning in the 1992-93 academic year.
It is anticipated that the position will be filled at the level of Full
Professor. The successful candidate is expected to assume a leadership role,
teach mainstream computer science, and develop an externally funded research
program. An established record of excellence in teaching and research in
computer science is required. Candidates should have demonstrable expertise
in networks and distributed systems, database and knowledge base systems, or
parallel algorithms and systems, together with a strong interest in
interdisciplinary research in the mathematical sciences. Faculty are
encouraged to supervise graduate students in related fields as well as in
computer science. A doctorate in computer science or a closely related field
is required.
Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Please submit
resume and description of current research interests, and have three letters
of recommendation sent directly to Dorothean Search Committee, 101 Votey
Building, College of Engineering & Mathematics, University of Vermont,
Burlington, VT 05405. Inquiries may be made by mail to the above address or
by email to [email protected].
The University of Vermont is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer
and encourages applications from women and members of minority groups.
From: Hans Mittelmann <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 92 17:15:20 mst
Subject: Visiting Positions at Arizona State
There is some chance that the Department of Mathematics at Arizona
State University may be able to support one or more visiting
faculty for the 1992/93 academic year (8/16/92-5/15/93). While
these visitors are needed to cover the department's teaching obli-
gations and probably will teach 3-4 courses during the year,
preference will be given to those candidates that contribute also
to the department's research efforts.
In particular, anyone interested in cooperation with members of
the Computational Mathematics Group (Feldstein, Jackiewicz,
Mittelmann, Ringhofer, Welfert; Renaut will be on leave) should
send their vita to my attention. By e-mail (TeX, LaTeX, ASCII):
na.mittelmann or [email protected]
or by FAX (602) 965 8119.
Hans D. Mittelmann
Department of Mathematics
Arizona State University
Tempe, AZ 85287-1804
From: Beth Gallagher <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 23 Mar 92 12:22:15 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computing
SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing
July 1992 Volume 13, Number 4
Parallel Methods for Solving Nonlinear Block Bordered Systems of Equations
Xiaodong Zhang, Richard H. Byrd, and Robert B. Schnabel
Solution of Structured Geomotric Programs in Sample Survey Design
Faiz A. Al-Khayyal, Thom J. Hodgson, Grant D. Capps, James A. Dorsch,
David A. Kriegman, and Paul D. Pavnica
An Efficient Scheme for Unsteady Flow Past an Object with Boundary
Conformal to a Circle
Mo-Hong Chou
Block M-Matrices and Computation of Invariant Tori
Luca Dieci and Jens Lorenz
Analysis of Initial Transient Deletion for Parallel Steady-State Simulations
Peter W. Glynn and Philip Heidelberger
An Implementation of the Fast Multipole Method without Multipoles
Christopher R. Anderson
On the Spectrum of a Family of Preconditioned Block Toeplitz Matrices
Takang Ku and C.-C. Jay Kuo
Domain Decomposition with Local Mesh Refinement
William D. Gropp and David E. Keyes
An O(n log n) Time Algorithm for the Minmax Angle Triangulation
Herbert Edelsbrunner, Tiow Seng Tan, and Roman Waupotitsch
Which Cubic Spline Should One Use?
R. K. Beatson and E. Chacko
Integrating Products of B-Splines
A. H. Vermeulen, R. H. Bartels, and G. R. Heppler
End of NA Digest