NA Digest Sunday, March 22, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 12

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Cleve Moler <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 15 Mar 92 15:27:46 PST
Subject: Today's Topics for Last Week's Digest

I forgot the Todays' Topics list in last week's Digest. For those
of you that keep around copies, you might want to replace last
week's header with:

| |Subject: NA Digest, V. 92, # 11
| |
| |NA Digest Sunday, March 15, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 11
| |
| |Today's Editor:
| |
| | Cleve Moler
| | The MathWorks, Inc.
| | [email protected]
| |
| |Today's Topics:
| |
| | Change of Address for Cleve Moler
| | New Address for Siamak Hassanzadeh
| | Address Change for C. A. de Moura
| | Bracewell on the Hartley Transform
| | Errata for Strikwerda's Textbook
| | Conference on Applications of Dynamical Systems
| | Short Course on Numerical Optimization and Software
| | Scalable High Performance Computing Conference
| | IMA Workshop on Linear Algebra for Signal Processing
| | Visiting Positions at RIACS
| | Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications
| |
| |Submissions for NA Digest:
| | Mail to [email protected].

| |
| |Information about NA-NET:
| | Mail to [email protected].

| |


From: Carl deBoor <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 19 Mar 92 08:14:22 CST
Subject: Approximation Theory Network

Dear Colleagues,

We are very pleased to announce the formation of AT-NET (Approximation
Theory Network). AT-NET is intended as a ready means for distributing
information to the Approximation Theory community. The more people know
about it and sign on, the better for the community.

It was started by Allan Pinkus and Carl de Boor, and is looking for
volunteers to help run it.

If you have something of general interest to the Approximation Theory
community, such as
o announcement of a meeting
o a question about a technical point
o a reference you cannot find
o the table of contents of the most recent issue of
the AT journal you run
o a short description of the great AT book you have just written
o announcement of a new result or of availability of reports
o and the like
send it to [email protected] (or [email protected])
for possible distribution to the net.

To sign on to AT-NET, do one of the following from the e-mail address
you wish to have all messages sent from:
a) If you have the "tell" option, simply type:
TELL [email protected] SUB AT-NET <given_name> <surname>
b) For those without the "tell" option, send an e-mail message to:
[email protected]
with the body of the message consisting of the one line:
SUB AT-NET <given_name> <surname>

Your subscription should be automatically accepted. You will receive
notice of this fact, along with additional information. If you have
problems, write to Allan Pinkus at [email protected]
or Carl de Boor at [email protected]

AT-NET is not an "interactive" list. That is, users cannot post messages
directly to all other users. Messages for distribution should be sent
to [email protected]

Please help spread the word, and pass this message on to others who
you think might be interested.

Carl de Boor, Allan Pinkus


From: Karel in 't Hout <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1992 16:10 MET
Subject: Delay Differential Equations

I am very much interested in stiff initial value problems for delay
differential equations which arise in practise.

In recent years many numerical methods for solving stiff initial value
problems for delay differential equations have been developed. It is
not clear to me, however, to what extend these problems actually arise
in practise. Therefore, I would appreciate any suggestion. All those
who respond will receive a summary of all contributions.

Karel in 't Hout
University of Leiden
The Netherlands


From: Martin Hermann <[email protected]>
Date: 16 Mar 92 10:53
Subject: Software Available for Boundary Value Problems

The actual versions of our program packages RWPM and RWPKV can be obtained
on 3 discettes from

Martin Hermann ([email protected])
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
Mathematical Faculty
UHH, 17,OG
D - (O)6900 JENA

for a nominal handling charge.
Both packages are implemented in MS-Fortran 5.0 and can be run on a PC.
The computation process is graphically depicted.

RWPM: Shooting code for nonlinear two-point boundary value problems;
boundary conditions r(y(a),y(b))=0: multiple shooting
boundary conditions rp(y(a))=0, rq(y(a),y(b))=0, p+q=n: nonlinear
stabilized march method

RWPKV: Path-following, automatic detection and computation of simple
singular points. The code is based on RWPM.
(Ref.: Appl.Math.Letters 5(1992), pp.57-62)


From: Venkataramanan Balakrishnan <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 92 17:04:48 PST
Subject: Preprints/Software Available via Anonymous FTP.

Some technical preprints and research software from Stephen Boyd's
research group at the Electrical Engineering Department at Stanford
University are now available via anonymous ftp to
The files are organized more or less along the lines suggested by Pete
Stewart in a recent NANET message.

/pub/boyd contains, among other things:

book: Errata for "Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance",
by Boyd and Barratt.
msd: Matlab and C source for minimum stability degree of parameter
dependent linear systems via a branch and bound algorithm
(described in a paper in the reports directory). Also C
source for a generic branch and bound algorithm.
qdes: Sun 3 & 4 binaries for qdes (a simple proof-of-concept code
for controller design convex optimization using the Q (ie
Youla) parametrization), supporting Matlab scripts, lots of
documentation, and many examples (including the qdes source
for all examples that have appeared in publications).
reports:Postscript preprints on topics such as: global optimization in
control system design & analysis; closed-loop convex
formulation of singular value loop shaping; optimization and
control of rapid thermal processing systems; 1992 ACC
preprints dealing with systems with structured perturbations;
computing the worst-case peak gain of a system with structured
perturbations ...

Ragu Balakrishnan
Elec. Eng. Dept.
Stanford University
110 Durand Bldg.
Stanford CA 94305
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Claudine Schmidt-Laine <gerbi%[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 16 Mar 92 16:20:52 +0100
Subject: Mathematical Circus at Ecole Nationale Superieure de Lyon, France.

Location: Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon, France
Dates: April 3-4 1992


The "RENCONTRES MATHEMATIQUES", Mathematical Circus, is an informal
meeting of mathematicians to gather around a principal speaker and a
leading subject. It always takes place at ENSL, about every month. The
previous ones were about homogeneisation theory, bifurcation theory,
kinetics equations ...

This time the leading speaker is H. BERESTYCKI, University of Paris VI.
He will give three talks covering various aspects of flame theory, free
boundary problem, qualitative aspects of elliptic equations and stability.
He will be surrounded by:

C-M BRAUNER: University of Bordeaux, France
G. JOULIN: ENSMA Poitiers, France
W. DOLD: University of Bristol, England

The circus is unique in that it is VERY informal, and thus allows
us to talk about the very latest results as well as interesting work
in progress. In our previous meetings there has been lots of informal
discussion and a very healthy mix of industrial and academic participants.


We have arranged special conference train fares with SNCF. Ask just
for a "Congress Ticket".
A restricted number of uncharged rooms are at our disposal on Campus.
There is also some hotels a few minutes' ride from ENSL campus.

To register, please send e-mail to Claudine Schmidt-Laine at the
adress below. As usual, there is no registration fee.

The circus will begin on Friday morning and will end on Saturday noon.

For further information please contact:

Claudine Schmidt-Laine
Unite de Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees
Ecole Normale Superieure de Lyon
46, Allee d'Italie
F-69364 LYON Cedex 07
Phone: (33)
Fax: (33)
e-mail: [email protected]


From: Joe Flaherty <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 17 Mar 92 14:48:49 EST
Subject: Workshop on PDEs at RPI

U.S. Army Research Office-Sponsored
Workshop on Adaptive Methods for
Partial Differential Equations

May 17-20, 1992

Scientific Computation Research Center
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, New York

The workshop will emphasize new ideas and innovations in adaptive numerical
methods for solving partial differential equations. Themes include solution
reliability, a posteriori error estimation, parallel computation, software
environments, and applications. The workshop will consist of a one-day
tutorial session (on Sunday May 17), approximately fifteen invited lecturers,
contributed papers sessions, demonstrations, and technical discussions.

Organizing Committee: Joseph E. Flaherty and Mark S. Shephard, Rensselaer
Polytechnic Institute.

Invited Speakers to date include

Ivo Babuska University of Maryland
H. Thomas Banks University of Southern California
Ted Belytschko Northwestern University
Marsha Berger RIACS
Peter Deuflhard Conrad Zuse Zentrum
Richard Ewing University of Wyoming
William Gropp Argonne National Laboratory
J. M. Hyman Los Alamos National Laboratory
Stephen McCormick University of Colorado, Denver
Ahmed Noor University of Virginia
J. Tinsley Oden University of Texas
Barna Szabo Washington University

For further information or to submit a one-page abstract contact:

Pam Paslow, Conference Secretary
Department of Computer Science
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Troy, NY 12180
(518) 276-8114
Fax: (518) 276-4033
E-mail: [email protected]


From: [email protected]
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1992 15:42:20 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing

Fifth NN & PDP CONFERENCE PROGRAM - April 9, 10 and 11,1992

The Fifth Conference on Neural Networks and Parallel Distributed Processing
at Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne will be held April 9,
10, and 11, 1992. Conference registration is $20 (on site). Students and
members or employees of supporting organizations attend free. Some limited
financial support might also be available to allow students to attend.

Inquiries should be addressed to:

US mail:

Pr. Samir Sayegh
Physics Department
Indiana University-Purdue University
Fort Wayne, IN 46805-1499

email: [email protected]
FAX: (219)481-6880
Voice: (219) 481-6306 OR 481-6157

All talks will be held in Kettler Hall, Room G46:
Thursday, April 9, 6pm-9pm; Friday Morning & Afternoon (Tutorial Sessions),
8:30am-12pm & 1pm-4:30pm and Friday Evening 6pm-9pm; Saturday, 9am-12noon.

Parking will be available near the Athletic Building or at any Blue A-B
parking lots. Do not park in an Orange A lot or you may get a parking
violation ticket.

Special hotel rates (IPFW corporate rates) are available at Canterbury Green,
which is a 5 minute drive from the campus. The number is (219) 485-9619.
The Marriott Hotel also has corporate rates for IPFW and is about a 10 minute
drive. Their number is (219) 484-0411.
Another hotel with corporate rates for IPFW is Don Hall's Guesthouse (about 10
minutes away). Their number is (219) 489-2524.


From: Laura Helfrich <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 92 09:20:11 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Control and Optimization

Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Vol. 30, No. 4, July 1992

Regularized Maximum Likelihood Estimate for Infinite-Dimensional Parameter
in Stochastic Parabolic Systems
Shin Ichi Aihara

Algebraic Riccati Equations and the Distance to the Nearest Uncontrollable Pair
P. Gahihnet and A. J. Laub

Wellposedness and the Lavrentiev Phenomenon
Tullio Zolezzi

Parameter Convergence and Uniqueness in Nonminimal Parameterizations for
Multivariable Adaptive Control
Yosef Willner, Michael Heymann, and Marc Bodson

Overtaking Optimal Regulation and Tracking of Piecewise Diffusion Linear
Alain Haurie and Arie Leizarowitz

Acceleration of Stochastic Approximation by Averaging
B. T. Polyak and A. B. Juditsky

Strongly and Weakly Relaxed Controls for Time Delay Systems
Javier F. Rosenblueth

Unmixed Solutions of the Discrete-Time Algebraic Riccati Equation
H. K. Wimmer

On the Existence of Control Lyapunov Functions: Generalizations of
Vidyasagar's Theorem on Nonlinear Stabilization
John Tsinias

Parameter Estimation for Distributed Equations in Parameter-Dependent
State Spaces: Applications to Shape Identification
Patricia K. Lamm

Some Properties of Distributed Control Systems with Finite-Dimensional
Input Space
Luciano Pandolfi

On the Continuous Dependence with Respect to Sampling of the Linear Quadratic
Regulator Problem for Distributed Parameter Systems
I. G. Rosen and C. Wang

On the Principle of Smooth Fit for a Class of Singular Stochastic Control
Problems for Diffusions
Jin Ma


End of NA Digest
