NA Digest Sunday, March 1, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 9

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Francoise Chatelin <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 92 17:50:55 GMT
Subject: New Address for Francoise Chatelin

Effective March 2, 1992, I can be reached at:
Laboratoire Central de Recherches
Groupe Mathematiques Appliquees et Informatique
91404 ORSAY cedex

Ph: (33) 1 60 19 70 00
Fax: (33) 1 60 19 71 20
Email: [email protected]


From: David Simmon <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 24 Feb 92 14:43:42 MST
Subject: Computational Sciences Workshop

Computational Science Workshop
June 15, 1992 - August 14, 1992
Call For Participants

The Advanced Computing Laboratory at Los Alamos National Laboratory
invites scientists and engineers to participate in the 1992 Workshop
on Computational Science. This full-time immersion workshop provides
an enriched environment that allowfs professionals and students to
explore the application of high performance computing to current
scientific problems.

Los Alamos National Laboratory offers a research environment designed
to foster high performance computing methodologies and innovative
multidisciplinary collaboration. Los Alamos has always been a leader
in high performance computing; many of the nation's scientific grand
challenges, fundamental problems with broad economic and scientific
impact, are being addressed by researchers at Los Alamos. Collaboration
between participants and these scientists is encouraged through the
workshop seminar series and a workshop mentorship program as well as
through the Laboratory's numerous technical colloquia.

The centerpiece of the workshop is a seminar series on high performance
computational methods, environments and tools. The series will begin with
a two week intensive seminar to present numerical and computational
methodologies as they relate to high performance computing. The initial
seminar will also provide an overview of a variety of specific technologies
and environments. Emphasis in the initial seminar will be placed on
enabling participants to capably pursue more specific areas of interest
through applied research and collaboration.

The initial phase of the workshop will examine topics in the following areas:

* Numerical Methods and Applied Mathematics
* Advanced Architectures and Operating Systems
* Distributed Computing
* High Speed Networks
* Parallel Algorithms
* Benchmarking and Performance Analysis
* Scientific Visualization

Additional seminars throughout the workshop will highlight selected
visualization tools such as AVS and Khoros; provide detailed descriptions
of specific machines such as the Thinking Machines Connection Machine and
the Intel Delta Touchstone; contrast several language paradigms; and provide
in-depth coverage of debugging, optimizing and executing parallel codes on
specific parallel architectures.

In addition, the workshop provides an excellent computing environment for
participants. Through the Advanced Computing Laboratory, participants will
have access to high performance workstations and innovative computer
architectures including leading technologies from Thinking Machines, Intel,
IBM, Cray, SGI, Convex, and Motorola.

Participants will be selected from industry, academia and government.
Participation is limited to 40 participants. The seminar series constitutes
a 33% time commitment. Remaining time is dedicated to research and computing
activities. Thus, high motivation, self discipline and initiative are critical
for a participant to optimally benefit from the workshop.

Prerequisites are:

* FORTRAN or C programming experience or coursework
* familiarity with UNIX
* a strong foundation in physical or engineering sciences

Application Process:

The application process requires a one page abstract of proposed research
for participants who wish to continue their own research or a one page
statement of research interests for those participants who wish to work
with a Laboratory mentor. Three letters of reference and a curriculum vitae
are also required. Students should also include a list of relevant coursework
with grades and GPA information.

Electronic submission of application materials is strongly encouraged.

There are no tuition fees associated with the workshop or the workshop
facilities. Travel and research assistant stipends are available for a
limited number of graduate and undergraduate participants whose research
interests and capabilities complement existing Laboratory initiatives.


Please send application information (PostScript or ASCII) to David Simmons.

Email: [email protected]
Voice: (505) 665-5636
Fax: (505) 665-5638
Surface: David Simmons
Computational Science Workshop
Mail Stop M996
Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545


From: Willard Miller <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 26 Feb 92 08:19:11 CST
Subject: IMA Mathematical Modeling Course


University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church Street S.E.
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55455
FAX (612) 626-7370 telephone (612) 624-6066

[email protected]

IMA Summer Program for Graduate Students
August 3 - 28, 1992


(1) To expose 30 graduate students in mathematics and
applied mathematics to mathematical modeling of problems which
come from industry and engineering sciences, and to impact on them
the excitment of solving real-world problems.

(2) To create an environment whereby the students will get to know
each other and will develop contacts which will enhance their
future research.


Each Monday morning 3 problems will be posed to the whole class by the 3 tutors,
with brief general background. Then the students will be organized into 3 groups
and each will concentrate on one of the problems for the rest of the week.
The students will develop a mathematical model as independently as possible,
with guidance as needed. Then they will work on the mathematical analysis of the
problem, including numerical methods. Team work will be encouraged and
each group will be guided by a tutor. By Friday afternoon, each group will report
to the whole class on their progress and possible future directions. There will
be 3 new problems weekly. Students are expected to participate in the entire
four week program.


Mary Brewster, University of Colorado
Donald S. Cohen, California Institute of Technology
Julian D. Cole, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Donald Drew, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Patrick Hagan, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Ash Kapila, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Joseph B. Keller, Stanford University
Colin Please, Southampton University, England


Graduate students in mathematics and in applied mathematics can be nominated
for this program by their department chairpersons. A letter of recommendation
from the chairperson and from each student's advisor is required, as is a
Prerequisite skills: some ODE and PDE, computational experience and some
physics background. The IMA will cover local living expenses but students
will be expected to finance their travel from other sources.
(IMA Participating Institutions may use their PI funds for this purpose.)
All correspondence should be sent to MATHEMATICAL MODELING, C.O. AVNER FRIEDMAN,
DIRECTOR at the above IMA address before March 10, 1992.


From: David Mostardi <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 92 13:05:46 PST
Subject: Head of Mathematical Computing, MSRI, Berkeley CA


Head of Mathematical Computing
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute
Berkeley, California

The Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI) in Berkeley is seeking
a talented and dedicated person to encourage and facilitate the wise use of
computers by research mathematicians. We encourage applications from
established mathematicians who are able to provide leadership to
mathematicians in the use of computers for research and teaching.

Most visitors to MSRI are involved in research in pure mathematics and may not
yet have realized the potential benefit of computers to their work. The Head
of Mathematical Computing will be expected to assist current users and to
inspire potential users of MSRI's computing facilities. In addition, this
person will be expected to develop and maintain a number of resources to serve
the greater mathematical community. Examples of such activities include:

* give presentations about discoveries and insights in mathematics made
possible with the help of computers
* design and participate in joint projects to develop computer-aided
course materials
* promote creative and efficient uses of computing tools in the
mathematical workplace
* create and maintain archives of mathematical software, together with a
convenient way to access them over the Internet
* critically evaluate and compare software, and publish the results
* give demonstrations to industrial representatives to build relationships
with potential industrial sponsors

The successful candidate will have a Ph.D. (or equivalent) in mathematics and
have broad mathematical interests. This person will have stature within the
research mathematical community as demonstrated by significant research
accomplishments. Demonstrated quality in teaching will be expected, as well as
the ability to communicate effectively with a wide range of people, both
individually and in groups. Necessary skills include familiarity and expertise
with the hardware and software environments appropriate for mathematicians.

This position is envisaged to be a full-time commitment for at least ten
months of each year, for a period of three to five years, with the possibility
of renewal. Salary will be commensurate with experience and qualifications.

MSRI provides an especially pleasant working environment. Situated in the
hills above the University of California at Berkeley campus, it combines
spectacular views of San Francisco and the Bay with a friendly atmosphere.
In addition, as one of the world's foremost mathematical research centers,
it offers a unique opportunity to interact with many leading mathematicians.

Interested applicants should send resumes and salary requirements to:
Arlene Baxter, Manager, MSRI, 1000 Centennial Drive,
Berkeley, CA 94720

Please note: applications cannot be accepted by electronic mail nor by FAX.

Applications will be accepted until April 15, 1992. The position will
begin mid-August. For further information call (510) 642-0143.

The Institute is committed to the principles of Equal Opportunity and
Affirmative Action.



From: Jeremy Du Croz <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 16:18 GMT
Subject: Position at NAG Ltd

NAG Ltd.

The Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) Ltd. is seeking to fill the post of
Parallel Algorithms Group Leader, to manage the Parallel Algorithms Group,
whose responsibilities include algorithmic development, co-ordination of
parallel projects, contacts with manufacturers and taking an active role in
defining and implementing the Company's parallel computing strategy.

For over 10 years, NAG has been undertaking research and development work to
improve the performance of its numerical software on modern high-performance
computers, with an increasing emphasis on the exploitation of parallelism. NAG
is participating in various research projects, including LAPACK 2 and the
ESPRIT project, Supernode II.

The ideal candidate will have extensive experience in numerical
high-performance computing, with a relevant post-graduate qualification. The
post will be appointed within the National Academically Related Salary Scale
Grade II/III (14,740 - 23,427 pounds p.a., under review).

For an application form and further details, please contact:
Frances Wilson, NAG Ltd., Jordan Hill Road, Oxford OX2 8DR, England;
telephone +44 865 511245; fax +44 865 310139; email [email protected].
Candidates who wish to discuss the post are welcome to contact Sven Hammarling
([email protected]) or Jeremy Du Croz ([email protected] nag.vax), phone number as

Closing date: 27 March 1992.


From: Arieh Iserles <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 25 Feb 92 09:23:08 GMT
Subject: New Publication, Acta Numerica


A new publication is just about to hit the streets and I wish to use
this opportunity to tell the NA-net community about it.

The goal of ACTA NUMERICA is to present important developments
in numerical mathematics and scientific computation, developments that
are important and enduring enough to be of interest to all the workers
in the broad subject -- not just to a narrow group of specialists. It
will appear once a year and contain 7--9 long survey articles on
different numerical topics. The idea is not to add to the growing
number of journals that publish research papers. To the contrary! As
the sheer number of papers grows, we have proportionally less and less
time and opportunity to learn of the goings-on outside our immediate
areas of interest. The purpose behind ACTA NUMERICA is to provide a
relatively painless opportunity to shortcircuit this learning process.

The topics and the authors are chosen by the Editorial Board -- Carl
de Boor (Wisconsin, USA), Franco Brezzi (Pavia, Italy), John Butcher
(Auckland, New Zealand), Phillippe Ciarlet (Paris VI, France), Gene
Golub (Stanford, USA), Herb Keller (Clatech, USA), Heinz Kreiss (UCLA,
USA), Bill Morton (Oxford, England), Mike Powell (Cambridge, England)
and Roger Temam (Paris Sud, France), with me as the Managing Editor.
The contents of the first volume, just about to appear, are

R.A. DeVore & B.J. Lucier, Wavelets

R.W. Freund, G.H. Golub & N.M. Nachtigal, Iterative solution of
linear systems

H.-O. Kreiss, Problems with different time scales

R. Maerz, Numerical methods for differential algebraic equations

J. Nocedal, Theory of algorithms for unconstrained optimization

J.M. Sanz-Serna, Symplectic integrators for Hamiltonian problems:
an overview

I.H. Sloan, Error analysis of boundary integral methods

M.H. Wright, Interior methods for constrained optimization

You can order ACTA NUMERICA (ISBN 410266) from the publishers,
Cambridge University Press:

* In USA and Canada write to Peter-John Leone, Cambridge University Press,
40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011-4211, phone 800-872-7423
or fax 212-691-3239. The price is $40 ($30 for SIAM members).

* Outside USA and Canada write to Tom Woodruffe-Peacock, Cambridge
University Press, The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 2RU, England,
phone (44)223-325782 or fax (44)223-315052. The price is 20 pounds
(for institutions) or 15 pounds (for individuals only).

* Electronic mail devotees may contact [email protected] or
[email protected].

Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics
University of Cambridge
Silver Street
Cambridge CB3 9EW
(email: [email protected] or [email protected])


From: J. C. Baltzer <[email protected]>
Date: Tue Feb 25 12:04:26 1992
Subject: Contents: Numerical Algorithms

Contents, new journal, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS

Editor-in-Chief: Claude Brezinski
Laboratoire d'Analyse Numerique et d'Optimisation
UFR IEEA - M3, Universite de Lille 1, France
fax: +33 - 20 43 49 95
e-mail: [email protected]

Volume 1, no. 1

W.R. Feng, G.H. Golub and R.J. Plemmons
Adaptive Lanczos methods for recursive condition estimation

D.L. Boley, S. Elhay, G.H. Golub and M.H. Gutknecht
Nonsymmetric Lanczos and finding orthogonal polynomials associated with
indefinite weights

R. Kulkarni and P.-J. Laurent

C.A. Micchelli
Using the refinement equation for the construction of pre-wavelets

Volume 1, no. 2

P.J. Barry and R.N. Goldman
Shape parameter deletion for Plya curves

M.A. Barkatou
Characterization of regular singular linear systems of difference equations

J.M. Carnicer
On best constrained interpolation

P. Sablonniere
Comparison of four algorithms accelerating the convergence of a subset of
logarithmic fixed point sequences

C. Brezinski and H. Sadok
Avoiding breakdown in the CGS algorithm

C. Brezinski and M. Redivo Zaglia
A new presentation of orthogonal polynomials with applications to their

Volume 1, no. 3

A. Le Mehaute
Taylorian fields and subdivision algorithms

A.C. Matos
Acceleration results for the vector E-algorithm

C. Brezinski, M. Redivo Zaglia and H. Sadok
Avoiding breakdown and near-breakdown in Lanczos type algorithms

M. van Barel and A. Butheel
The computation of non-perfect Pade-Hermite approximants

G. Csordas, A. Ruttan and R.S. Varga
The Laguerre inequalities with applications to a problem associated
with the Riemann Hypothesis

Volume 1, no. 4

C.A. Micchelli, C. Rabut and F.I. Utreras

Using the refinement equation forthe construction of pre-wavelets III:
elliptic splines

M. Berry and G. Golub
Estimating the largest singular values of large sparse matrices via
modified moments

G. Mhlbach and M. Gasca
Multivariate polynomial interpolation under projectivities Part I:
Lagrange and Newton interpolation formulas

F. Cordellier
On the use of Kronecker's algorithm in the generalized rational interpolation

Requests for sample copies and orders are to be sent to J.C. Baltzer
AG, fax: +41-61-692 42 62, e-mail: [email protected]


From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 92 14:15:20 -0500
Subject: Contents: International Journal of Supercomputer Applications

International Journal of Supercomputer Applications
Table of Contents Volume 6.1 spring 1992

J.L. Martin

Science and Engineering at the Texas A&M University
Supercomputer Center
by B. Nassersharif

Large-Scale Sparse Singular Value Computations
by M. W. Berry
University of Tennessee

Management and Analysis of Large Scientific Datasets
by L. Sirovich and R. Everson
Brown University

Parallel Block Matrix Factorizations on the
Shared-Memory Multiprocessor IBM 3090 VF/600J
by K. Dackland, E. Elmroth, B. Kagstrom, C. Van Loan*
University of Umea, Sweden
*Cornell University

An Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Extreme
Eigenvalues of Sparse Nonsymmetric Matrices,
By S.K. Kim and A.T.Chronopoulos
University of Minnesota

What Should We Expect from Parallel Language Standards
by C.M. Pancake
Auburn University


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 15:44:34 EST
Subject: Contents: SIAM Computing

SIAM Journal on Computing

June 1992, Volume 21, Number 3

On the Exact Complexity of String Matching: Upper Bounds
Zvi Galil and Raffaele Giancarlo

Probably Approximate Learning over Classes of Distributions
B.K. Natarajan

The Complexity of the Lin--Kernighan Heuristic for the Traveling Salesman
Christos H. Papadimitriou

Optimal Parallel Randomized Algorithms for Three-Dimensional Convex Hulls and
Related Problems
John H. Reif and Sandeep Sen

Processor Efficient Parallel Algorithms for the Two Disjoint Paths Problem and
for Finding a Kuratowski Homeomorph
Samir Khuller, Stephen G. Mitchell, and Vijay V. Vazirani

Algorithms for Splicing Systems
R. W. Gatterdam

Relating Equivalence and Reducibility to Sparse Sets
Eric Allender, Lane A. Hemachandra, Mitsunori Ogiwara, and Osamu Watanabe

Ray Shooting and Other Applications of Spanning Trees with Low Stabbing Number
Pankaj K. Agarwal

The Nilpotency Problem of One-Dimensional Cellular Automata
Jarkko Kari

Learning Monotone Boolean Functions by Uniformly Distributed Examples
Qian Ping Gu and Akira Maruoka


From: Richard A. Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 28 Feb 92 16:43:32 CST
Subject: Contents: Linear Algebra and its Applications

Table of Contents of LAA volumes 165 and 166

Contents Volume 165, March 1, 1992

Georg Heinig (Leipzig, Germany)
Inverse Problems for Hankel and Toeplitz Matrices

M. Gasca and J. M. Pena (Zaragoza, Spain)
Total Positivity and Neville Elimination

Scott J. Beslin (Thibodaux, Louisiana)
Cofactor Matrices

W. Sun (Windsor, Ontario, Canada)
The Interior and Closure of Strongly Stable Matrices

K. Manjunatha Prasad (Bangalore, India) and R. B. Bapat (Delhi, India)
The Generalized Moore-Penrose Inverse

Leonid Faybusovich (Cambridge, Massachusetts)
Reduction to Generalized Hessenberg Form and Inverse Spectral Problems

Ulrike Flaschka (Bielefeld, Germany), Wen-Wei Lin, and Jy-Liang Wu
(Hsinchu, Taiwan)
A KQZ Algorithm for Solving Linear-Response Eigenvalue Equations

Jerzy K. Baksalary and Tarmo Pukkila (Tampere, Finland)
A Note on Invariance of the Eigenvalues, Singular Values, and Norms of
Matrix Products Involving Generalized Inverses

John Corning Carey (Santa Barbara, California)
The Riemann Hypothesis as a Sequence of Surface to Volume Ratios

Gi-Sang Cheon and Suk-Geun Hwang (Suwon, Republic of Korea)
Maximization of a Matrix Function Related to the Dittert Conjecture

LeRoy B. Beasley (Logan, Utah) and Norman J. Pullman (Kingston, Ontario, Canada)
Polynomials Which Permute Matrices Over Commutative Antinegative Semirings

James K. Knowles (Pasadena, California)
On a Minimization Problem Associated With Linear Dynamical Systems

Michael P. Drazin (West Lafayette, Indiana)
Extremal Definitions of Generalized Inverses

Ruey-Jen Jang and Harold Dean Victory, Jr. (Lubbock, Texas)
On Nonnegative Solvability of Linear Integral Equations

B. E. Cain and S. A. Nelson (Ames, Iowa)
Solutions to x_axb=w

D. J. Hartfiel (College Station, Texas)
Tracking in Matrix Systems

Stanley S. Chang and Chi-Kwong Li (Williamsburg, Virginia)
Certain Isometries on Rn

Book Reviews

Youcef Saad (Minneapolis, Minnesota)
Review of ABS Projection Algorithms by J. Abaffy and E. Spedicato

LeRoy B. Beasley and Debra A. S. Beasley (Logan, Utah)
Review of Linear Algebra and Its Application, Volume 1:
A First Course and Linear Algebra and Its Application,
Volume 2: More Advanced by D. H. Griffel

Contents Volume 166, March 15, 1992

Wandi Wei and Benfu Yang (Chengdu, China)
Finite Orthogonal Geometries With Characteristic =2 and PBIB Designs. II

Marc A. Berger and Yang Wang (Atlanta, Georgia)
Bounded Semigroups of Matrices

Frank Hansen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Functions of Matrices With Nonnegative Entries

Miron Tismenetsky (Heidelberg, Germany)
Factorizations of Hermitian Block Hankel Matrices

Vlastimil Ptak (Prague, Czechoslovakia)
The Infinite Companion Matrix

W. Ledermann and S. Vajda (Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom)
On a Problem in Population Structure

Che-Man Cheng (Hong Kong, China)
Independence of Eigenvalues and Independence of Singular Values of Submatrices

L. Brugnano and D. Trigiante (Bari, Italy)
Tridiagonal Matrices: Invertibility and Conditioning

Kimmo Eriksson (Stockholm, Sweden)
Convergence of Mozes's Game of Numbers

Josep E. Peris and Begona Subiza (Alicante, Spain)
A Characterization of Weak-Monotone Matrices

Ning Lu (Houston, Texas)
A Simple Presentation of the Siegel Modular Groups

Helena Albuquerque (Coimbra, Portugal) and Alberto Elduque (Zaragoza, Spain)
On the Nullity of Lie Algebras

Lucas Jodar (Valencia, Spain)
Explicit Solutions for Second-Order Operator Differential
Equations With Two Boundary-Value Conditions. II

Ronald J. Evans (La Jolla, California) and Gerald A. Heuer (Moorhead, Minnesota)
Silverman's Game on Discrete Sets

Edward Spence (Glasgow, Scotland)
Eigenvalues of a Class of (0, +_1) Symmetric Matrices

J. P. Dauer and O. A. Saleh (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
A Representation of the Set of Feasible Objectives in Multiple Objective Linear

Book Review

Bostwick F. Wyman (Columbus, Ohio)
Review of Mathematical Control Theory: Deterministic Finite
Dimensional Systems by Eduardo D. Sontag


End of NA Digest
