From: Franklin Luk <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 25 Jan 92 17:16:42 EST
Subject: Joseph Flaherty Honored
At an annual Trustee-Faculty Dinner on Friday, January 24,
at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Joseph Flaherty was
formally awarded an Amos Eaton Professorship. This is one of
the most prestigious positions at Rensselaer; indeed,
the Computer Science Department itself is housed in Amos Eaton Hall.
This professorship recognizes Joe's leadership and success
in computer science education and research at Rensselaer.
The honor is particularly significant in that it is
the only endowed chair awarded this year.
Congratulations, Joe!
Frank Luk
From: James Demmel <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 92 07:42:11 CST
Subject: Temporary Change of Address for Jim Demmel
Along with so many others, I have temporarily relocated until mid-May 1992 to:
Institute for Mathematics and Its Applications
University of Minnesota
514 Vincent Hall
206 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455
Phone: (612) 624-5552
Fax: (###) ###-#### deleted in na-digest archive due to fax spam
E-mail: [email protected]
Jim Demmel
[Ed. Note: Maybe we should just list the people who are
NOT spending the winter in Minnesota. -- Cleve]
From: K. Veselic <MA704%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 17 Jan 92 15:40:45 SET
Subject: Phone Number Change for Kresimir Veselic
My office phone number has been changed as follows
Old number: (West Germany) 2331-804-2721
New number: (West Germany) 2331-987-2721
The analogous change took place with all the other numbers in my
University, Fernuniversitaet Hagen.
Kresimir Veselic.
From: Zahari Zlatev <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 92 17:51:48 EST
Subject: Reference to an Old Paper Sought
Many years ago (probably in 70's) I read a paper the title of
which was: "Do not kill the oscillations, they are telling you
something". I do not remember the author. I do not remember the
journal either. I would be very grateful if anybody could inform
me about the names of the author and/or the journal. My e-mail
address is [email protected] (na.zlatev can be used). Thank
you very much in advance.
Zahari Zlatev
From: Uli Scharffenberger <SCHARFFE%[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 92 10:38:47 CET
Subject: Parallel Assembly of FEM Stiffness Matrices
I am currently investigating potential for parallelism in finite
element applications. In particular, there is the problem of
write access conflicts when assembling different element stiffness
matrices into the total stiffness matrix. This problem can be cured
by pre-sorting the elements into groups such that two elements in a
group have no node in common.
Sorting this way is equivalent to a graph coloring problem:
each element represents a vertex in the graph, and two
elements are joined by an edge if and only if they have
a node in common. The vertices are then colored such that
no two elements of the same color are joined by an edge.
All vertices having the same color represent a group in the
above sense.
In the literature I found solutions to the minimum color problem:
find a coloring with the lowest possible number of different colors.
However, in the context of parallel assembly this need not be the
primary issue. It is as important to obtain groups that are roughly
equally sized (for good load balancing). This need not always be
possible, and it is far from clear how a criterion for an optimal
solution should look like.
It is fairly easy to design a heuristic algorithm for the grouping
problem that works satisfactory. However, I could not find a
definite reference in the literature, and I suspect that there
might more sophisticated solutions than what one finds after an
hour of thinking.
Can anybody give me a pointer (or a pointer to a pointer) to
such a reference? I'm not looking for code, but rather want to
understand the algorithmic aspects of this problem.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Uli Scharffenberger (scharffe at dhdibm1.bitnet)
alt.: na.scharffenberger at na-net.ornl.gov
From: Mahn-Ling Woo <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 92 16:41:57 mst
Subject: Radix-4 and Radix-8 FFTs on Hypercubes
I am currently looking at radix-4 and -8 ffts for parallel computers as a
generalization of some work I have done for radix-2 fft. I have not been
able to find any references in the literature for hypercube architectures.
I would appreciate it if I could have any references that you know of.
e-mail : [email protected]
From: Daniel Johnson <[email protected]?
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1992 08:52:15 -0600
Subject: Re: 3-D Attitude "Vectors"
Herman J. Woltring asks about references to representing rotations as a
three-dimensional vector where the direction is the axis of rotation, and
the length is the amount of rotation. As a navigation house, we tend to
collect different ways of parametrizing rotations. We refer to his
suggestion as the "Bortz Rotation Vector", based on a paper by John Bortz
in 1971:
A New Mathematical Formulation for Strapdown Inertial Navigation
John E. Bortz
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electyronic Systems
January 1971, Vol. AES-7, No. 1, pp61-66
He refers to a report by J. Laning in 1949 which I have not looked at:
The vector analysis of finite rotations and angles
J. H. Laning, Jr.
MIT/IL Special Rept. 6398-S-3, 1949
Mass. Inst. of Tech., Cambridge
Somw more recent references are
A New Strapdown Attitude Algorithm
Robin B. Miller
J. Guidance, Vol. 6, No. 4, July-Aug 1983, pp 287-291
An Accurate Strapdown Direction Cosine Algorithm
J. W. Jordan
NASA TN D-5384, Sept, 1969
The Bortz formulation is nice in that it has no singularities, has exactly
three free parameters, and has a closed form differential equation for the
rotation angle as a function of angular velocity. By taking lower order
approximations of that equation, it is possible to generate simple
algorithms of acceptable error for updating attitude given the angular
velocity. Typically it is used only for deriving the algorithms, however.
The actual attitude representations used internally in navigation systems
are still either the direction cosine matrix or quaternions.
Dr. Daniel P. Johnson Honeywell Systems and Research Center
e-mail: [email protected] phone: 612-782-7427
US mail: MN65-2500, 3660 Technology Drive, Minneapolis, MN 55418
From: Eildert Groeneveld <[email protected]>
Date: 23 Jan 92 7:32
Subject: Very Large Optimization Problem
Our field of interest is estimation of variance components in the area of
animal breeding. This entails setting up large sparse systems of mixed model
equations which are closely related to least squares. We would like to be
able to handle systems that have millions of equations. So far we are able
to handle systems up to 200000. The procedure used for estimation is
Restricted Maximum Likelihood (REML), optimazation is performed by some
numerical procedure like Downhill Simplex, Powell, Rosenbrock or Quasi-
Newton. To be able to do this we need the solution to the system and its
determinant. To date we use the Yale Sparse Matrix Package SMPAK. The
algorithm is iterative i.e. the system of equations has be set up and solved
repeatedly (thousends of times). As this blows the lid off any uniprocessor
system (including CRAYS) parallization seems to be the only way out
(presenty we are in the process of buying a parallel machine).
Thus the following questions:
- are there faster packages around than SMPAK for serial code
- does anybody have parallel sparse matrix solvers
- are there efficient and robust numerical optimization routines around
that would have an advantage where each function to be evaluated is
very costly.
Any comments that could help with the problem would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
Eildert Groeneveld
Address: Dr. Eildert Groeneveld
Direktor und Professor
Institute of Animal Husbandry
and Animal Behaviour
Federal Agricultural Research Centre (FAL)
W-3057 Neustadt 1
Hoeltystr. 10
Tel : 05034 871 155
Fax : 05034 871 143
e-mail : [email protected]
From: C. Brezinski <[email protected]>
Date: Lu, 20 Jan 92 17:31:28 +0100
Subject: Book and Software on Extrapolation
We would like to point out a missing information in the software contained
in the newly published book
Extrapolation Methods. Theory and Practice
North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1991
In the floppy disk sold with the book (which contains many extrapolation
algorithms in Fortran), the subroutine BLBORD works only for systems of
linear equations with A(1,1)=1.0D0. If it is not the case of the system
to be solved then you can either divide its first equation by A(1,1) so
that the condition is fulfilled or add the instruction
A(1,1) = 1.0D0 / A(1,1)
AFTER the instruction Z(1) = D(1) / A(1,1) at the beginning of the
C. Brezinski , M. Redivo Zaglia
From: Fred Fritsch <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 16:01:47 PST
Subject: Fortran Tools Sought
I am interested in knowing of the existence of portable software for
manipulating Fortran programs. Specific abilities we will need
(1) Converting nH... Hollerith strings to Fortran 77 '...' strings.
(2) Producing a double precision version of a single precision routine.
This should include change of names of intrinsic functions and
converting all floating point constants to double precision.
I am sure that such programs have been written many times over and
at many places. We are trying to avoid re-reinventing the wheel.
Thanks for any information you can provlde.
Fred N. Fritsch Commercial: (510)422-4275
Computing & Mathamatics Research Division FTS: 532-4275
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Fax: (510)423-2993
P. O. Box 808 (L-316) e-mail: [email protected]
Livermore, CA 94550 OR [email protected]
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 92 14:44:15 EST
Subject: Deadline for SIAM Conference on Control
Dear Colleague:
Just a friendly reminder...the deadline for submitting a
contributed abstract to the SIAM Conference on Control and
Its Applications is February 14, 1992. You can submit your
100-word abstract by fax to: 215-386-7999, or by e-mail to:
[email protected]
The Conference Organizing Committee
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 92 10:45:20 EST
Subject: Deadline for SIAM National Meeting
Dear Colleague:
Due to several requests we received, the DEADLINE to submit
contributed abstracts of papers to SIAM's 40TH Anniversary
Meeting, July 20-24, 1992, Los Angeles, CA
Your 100-word abstracts are welcome. You can submit them by
e-mail to:
[email protected]
or by fax to: 215-386-7999
Thank you and we look forward to your participation.
The Program Committee
From: Dieter Kraft <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 92 12:59:08 +0100
Subject: Workshop on Control Applications of Optimization
September 2-4, 1992, Munich
Sponsored by
IFAC-International Federation of Automatic Control
Technical Committee on Mathematics of Control
Working Group on Control Applications of Optimization
Organized by
FHM-Fachhochschule Muenchen
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Laboratory of Control and Automation
on behalf of
Gesellschaft fuer Mess- und Automatisierungstechnik
International Program Committee:
R. Bulirsch (D, Chairman) H.G. Bock (D)
J.F. Bonnans (F) A.E. Bryson (USA)
L.C.W. Dixon (UK) G. Feichtinger (A)
H.P. Geering (CH) T. Glad (S)
J.L. de Jong (NL) F.M. Kirillova (GUS)
D.Q. Mayne (UK) A. Miele (USA)
H.J. Oberle (D) G. di Pillo (I)
J.L. Speyer (USA) Ph. Toint (B)
I. Troch (A) K.H. Well (D)
Resources should be used sparingly both from a point of view of economy and
ecology. Thus in controlling industrial, economical and social processes
optimization is the tool of choice.
The objective of the workshop is to bring together experts in control and
optimization from research and industry to exchange ideas, experiences and
future developments in control applications of optimization. There should be a
genuine feedback loop between mathematicians, computer scientists, engineers,
and software developers including design and application of algorithms and
implementations. Therefore industrial appliers are especially invited.
* Nonlinear Programming
- Interior Point Methods
- Large Structured Problems
- Nonsmooth Problems
- Vector-Valued Criteria
* Optimal Control
- Boundary Value Problems
- State and Control Constraints
* Optimization-Based Control System Design
* Applied to Models and Systems from the Field of
- Control Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Process Control
- Path Planning and Control of Robots
- Transportation Systems Engineering
The workshop is the ninth one in a series of very successful biennial meetings
starting at a JACC Conference in Denver in 1978. The succeeding meetings took
place either in important metropoles or in marvelous countrysides: London,
Oberpfaffenhofen, San Francisco, Capri, Tbilisi, Paris.
Deadline for Abstracts ..................... March 31, 1992
Notification of Selected Presentation ...... April 30, 1992
Preliminary Program and Registration ....... May 31, 1992
4th IMACS Symposium on Systems Analysis and Simulation,
Berlin Aug. 27-Sept. 2, 1992
12th IFAC Symposium on Automatic Control in Aerospace,
Ottobrunn Sept. 7-11, 1992
4th IFAC Workshop on Spacecraft Automation and Mission Control,
Darmstadt Sept. 14-16, 1992
Dr. Dieter Kraft
Fachhochschule Munich
Dachauerstrasse 98 b
D-8000 Munich 2
Federal Republic of Germany
Tel. 0049 89 1265 1108
or 0049 8153 2493
Fax. 0049 89 1265 1392
e-Mail: [email protected]
From: M. Moonen < [email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 17:02:28 GMT
Subject: NATO Institute in Belgium on Linear Algebra Applications
NATO Advanced Study Institute
Linear Algebra for Large Scale and Real-Time Applications
Leuven - Belgium
August 3-14 1992
The Institute aims to bring together leading researchers involved in the
design of large scale and real-time computations, and practitioners from
industry and academia. It seeks to provide a forum to address and discuss
the state of the art, as well as the needs for the future. The Institute
will feature invited tutorial sessions as well as contributed papers, with
ample time for informal workshops and discussion.
This meeting is a successor to a previous ASI, `Numerical Linear Algebra,
Digital Signal processing and Parallel Algorithms', Leuven,
Belgium, August 1988.
Invited Lecturers:
P. Bjorstad, Universitetet i Bergen, Norway
S. Boyd, Stanford University, U.S.A.
G. Cybenko, Univ. of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
J. Demmel, University of California Berkeley, U.S.A
E. Deprettere, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
P. Dewilde, Technische Universiteit Delft, The Netherlands
R. Freund, RIACS, U.S.A.
M. Gentleman, National Research Council, Canada
S. Haykin, McMaster University, Canada
B. Kagstrom, University of Umea, Sweden
N. Kalouptsidis, University of Athens, Greece
F. Luk, RPI, U.S.A.
P. Toint, Universite de Namur, Belgium
M. Wright, AT \& T, U.S.A.
C. Van Loan, Cornell University, U.S.A.
The Institute will be held at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven,
Belgium. Leuven can be easily reached from Brussels International Airport.
For the participants, dormitory rooms will be available on campus.
All attendees are expected to stay for the full duration of the Institute.
Participation is by invitation only. Persons wishing to make an application
to attend the Institute are invited to send five copies of a short vita
to the address given below. In addition, five copies of a one page abstract
are requested from those wishing to contribute a short paper. Application
forms can be obtained by E-mail or regular mail at the address given below.
The deadline for application is March 1st, though earlier applications are
especially welcomed. Notification will be given by April 15th.
Participants will be drawn from both NATO and non-NATO countries.
Organizing Committee:
B. De Moor, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium, director
G.H. Golub, Stanford University, U.S.A., co-director
A. Bunse-Gerstner, Universitat Bremen, Germany
S. Hammarling, Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd, Oxford, U.K.
J. Meinguet, Universite Catholique de Louvain, Belgium
J. Vandewalle, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Correspondence Address:
M. Moonen, ESAT - K.U. Leuven, K. Mercierlaan 94, 3001 Heverlee, Belgium.
E-mail : [email protected] FAX 31/16/22 18 55
From: John Gilbert <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 92 14:58:21 WET
Subject: Lancaster NA Summer School
SERC Numerical Analysis Summer School
Lancaster University
19 - 31 July, 1992
The fifth SERC sponsored Numerical Analysis Summer School is to be held at
Lancaster next summer. The meeting will comprise two one-week modules each of
which can `stand alone' though it is hoped that many participants will stay for
longer periods. SERC will contribute towards the subsistence costs of a limited
number of participants each week. The meeting is open to all interested
researchers, but only those currently employed in the UK will be eligible for
SERC support.
In each week there will be three five-lecture courses given by the invited
instructors, additional activities organised by the local expert and a programme
of current research seminars given by participants. The outline programme for
the meeting is:
Large Scale Matrix Problems (20-24 July)
J. Dongarra (Tennessee) Block algorithms for dense matrix computations
P.J. Plemmons (Wake Forest) Parallel algorithms
H. Elman (Maryland) Iterative methods for linear systems
N. Higham (Manchester) Local expert
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations (27-31 July)
R. Bank (San Diego) Preconditioners for Elliptic PDEs
J. Jerome (Northwestern) Semiconductor device modelling
M. Pandolfi (Politecnico di Torino) Hyperbolic systems
A. Wathen (Bristol) Local expert
The lectures will take place from Monday to Friday each week and there will be a
substantial amount of time available for research and discussion with the
assembled experts. The aim of the specialist courses is to enable people with
initially only a nodding acquaintance with a topic to concentrate on it and end
up feeling quite competent in it, thus broadening their research horizons. It
is hoped that a participant with a good initial knowledge may be enabled to work
on significant problems in the area.
It is expected that there will be exhibitions of books and of computer equipment
during the meeting.
University holiday flats will be available, so that
participants can combine the meeting with a family holiday on the edge of the
Lake District and the Yorkshire Dales National Parks.
Further details and application forms will be available in October from John
Gilbert, Department of Mathematics, Lancaster University, Fylde College,
Lancaster LA1 4YF, UK.
Email: [email protected]
From: Jeff Almoney <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 23 Jan 92 11:31 EST
Subject: IBM Supercomputing Conference
SUPER! 1992
Supercomputing by University People for Education Research
April 5-8, 1992
University Park, Pennsylvania
SUPER! announces its fifth annual national conference for University people
involved in IBM-based high-performance computing. Following our successes at
Cornell University (1988), the University of Kentucky (1989), the University of
Florida (1990), and the University of Utah (1991), we are looking forward to
seeing you at our 1992 National Conference, hosted by Penn State. Running from
2:00 p.m. on April 5th through 12 noon on April 8th, this conference will be
held at the Keller Conference Center on Penn State's University Park campus in
State College, Pennsylvania.
Preliminary Agenda
Networking Concepts for Supercomputing Environments
IBM Strategies for OSF/2
Parallel AIX/370 Superclustering
The Scientist's Workbench: A Tool for Distributed Computing
Strategies in Providing High-Performance Computing in a Campus Environment
Applications in Computational Biology
Computational Chemistry and Molecular Modeling
Applications in Computational Chemistry
Scientific Visualization with Limited Resources: A Case Study
Driving Computer Graphics Animation from a Musical Score
IBM Highly Parallel Computing
Social Sciences: Changes in the Statistical Computing Environment and
Statistical Software
DB2 and the U.S. Census in a General Purpose Supercomputing Environment
Computational Sciences in Secondary Schools
Heterogeneous Network Computing Environments: Trends and Issues
PAT: An Interactive Tool for Parallelizing Fortran Programs
The Global Basins Research Network
ICADS: An Intelligent Computer-Aided Design System
Software Support for Machine-Independent Parallel Programming
Application Trends for Emerging Parallel Architectures
Power Visualization System
For more information, contact:
Jerri Milsom
The Pennsylvania State University
University Park, PA 16802-1304 USA
Phone: (814)865-5141 FAX: (814)865-8749
From: Jack Dongarra <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 92 09:01:28 -0500
Subject: Symposium on the Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
FRONTIERS '92: The 4th Symposium on the
Frontiers of Massively Parallel Computation
October 19-21, 1992
McLean Hilton McLean, Virginia
This symposium is the fourth in a series of biannual meetings on massively
parallel computation, focusing on research related to, or adaptable for,
systems with 1,000 or more processors. Submissions of original research
papers about any aspects of the design, analysis, development, and/or use
of massively parallel computers are solicited. Papers relating to high
performance computing and communications are of particular interest.
The corresponding author is requested to include in a cover letter the
following information: (1) complete postal address; (2) electronic mail
address; (3) phone number; (4) fax number; (5) key phrases that characterize
the paper's topic; (6) whether the manuscript should be considered for poster
presentation if it is not accepted as a regular paper; (7) a statement that
the manuscript is unpublished and is not under review for another conference.
Please submit SIX (6) copies of a summary of original work, in English, to:
Professor H. J. Siegel
Program Chair, Frontiers '92
School of Electrical Engineering
1285 Electrical Engineering Building
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1285, USA
so that they arrive by MARCH 2, 1992. The summary text should be restricted
to TEN double-spaced (i.e., point size 12, vertical spacing 24) 8.5" x 11"
pages. References, figures, tables, etc., may be included in addition to
the ten pages of text. Submissions received after the due date or exceeding
the length limit may be returned and not considered. Submissions will be
acknowledged promptly by electronic mail and decisions sent by May 29, 1992.
Camera-ready copy for the proceedings (for both papers and posters) will be
due July 1, 1992. Submission related questions should be sent to the
internet address: [email protected]
Selected papers will be eligible for publication in a dedicated issue of the
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, to be guest-edited by Joseph
JaJa, University of Maryland, and David Schaefer, George Mason University.
Proposals are solicited for organizing half-day workshops that will be held
on the first day of the symposium. Please send your proposal by February 3,
1992 to:
Professor Isaac D. Scherson
Workshops Chair, Frontiers '92
Department of Information & Computer Sciences
University of California- Irvine
Irvine, CA 92717, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
fax: (714) 856-4056
Proposals are solicited for organizing full or half-day tutorials that will
be held on the first day of the symposium. Please send your proposal by
February 3, 1992 to:
Ms. Judy Devaney
Tutorials Chair, Frontiers '92
Building 225, Room B-146
Gaithersburg MD 20899-0001, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (301) 975-2882
For information, please contact:
Professor Abdou Youssef
Exhibits Chair, Frontiers '92
Department of EE and CS
School of Engineering and Applied Science
George Washington University
Washington, DC 20052, USA
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: (202) 994-5513
GENERAL CHAIR - Pearl Wang, George Mason University
PROGRAM CHAIR - H.J. Siegel, Purdue University
Algorithms - Leah Jamieson, Purdue University
Architecture - Ken Batcher, Kent State University
Applications - Jack Dongarra, Univ Tenn/ORNL
Software - Andre van Tilborg, ONR
Fran Berman, UC - San Diego Tom Blank, Maspar Computer
Jim Browne, Univ Texas-Austin Tom Casavant, Univ Iowa
Janice Cuny, Univ Massachusetts Larry Davis, Univ Maryland
Doug DeGroot, Texas Instruments Hank Dietz, Purdue Univ
John Dorband, NASA GSFC John Feo, Lawrence Livermore Nat Lab
Jeanne Ferrante, IBM TJ Watson Raphael Finkel, Univ Kentucky
Geoffrey Fox, Syracuse University Richard Freund, NOSC
John Gustafson,Ames Lab/Iowa St. Susanne Hambrusch, Purdue Univ
Mary Jane Irwin, Penn State Univ Anita Jones, Univ Virginia
Russ Miller, SUNY - Buffalo Dennis Parkinson, AMT
Donna Quammen, George Mason U John Riganati, SRC
Sartaj Sahni, Univ Florida Thomas Schwederski,
Inst. Microelectronics Stuttgart
Marc Snir, IBM TJ Watson Ted Tabloski, Thinking Machines
Stephen Taylor, Caltech Patricia Teller, NM State Univ
Elizabeth Williams, SRC Michael Wolfe, Oregon Grad Inst.
Pen-chung Yew, Univ Illinois Abdou Youssef, Geo Washington U
Ken Batcher, Kent State Univ Jerry Brackbill, LANL
Harold Breaux, BRL Mel Ciment, NSF
Hank Dardy, NRL Larry Davis, Univ Maryland
Marvin Denicoff, TMC John Dorband, NASA GSFC
Milt Halem, NASA GSFC R. Michael Hord, GE
Gregory McRae, CMU Paul Messina, Caltech
Tor Opsahl, CIT David Schaefer, George Mason U
Bill Scherlis, DARPA Paul Schneck, SRC
Francis Sullivan, NIST Charles Taylor, UCLA
Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
If you would like an advance program and registration information
for FRONTIERS '92, please send your name and address, either
electronic or postal, to:
James Fischer
Frontiers '92
Code 932.1
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Greenbelt, MD 20771 USA
or email: [email protected]
From: J. C. Diaz <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 1992 16:36:19 -0600
Subject: Positions at The University of Tulsa
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Applied Mathematics
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at
the University of Tulsa invites applications for tenure
track positions in Mathematics beginning in Fall 1992.
Salary is open and competitive. Responsibilities include
teaching 6 hours per semester at the undergraduate and gra-
duate levels and continuing scholarly activity. Minimum
qualifications are a Ph.D. in Mathematical Sciences or a
related discipline, and a strong commitment to teaching and
research. The Department has research programs in Numerical
Analysis, Statistics, and Scientific Computing and is seek-
ing candidates in applied mathematics who will support these
research areas, however, outstanding candidates in other
related areas will also be considered.
The mathematics faculty offers B.S. amd B.A. degrees in
Mathematics, an M.S. degree in Applied Mathematics, and col-
laborates in the Ph.D. program in Computer Science. In
addition to campus and college computing facilities, the
departmental research computing facilities include desktop
computing for each faculty member, a network of 18 Sun
servers and workstations, 2 DEC workstations, a BBN But-
terfly, an Intel Hypercube, and a high-resolution 24-bit
color graphics system on an Alliant FX-40. The department
is also a member of NSFnet.
The department also has strong Computer Science
research efforts in Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge
Based Systems, Numerical Learning Systems, Parallel Comput-
ing, Scientific Computing, Databases, and Computer Graphics.
The department is housed in the College of Engineering and
Applied Mathematics, creating a strong opportunity for
interdisciplinary collaborations.
Applications will be evaluated beginning February 1,
1991. Late applications will be accepted until the position
is filled. Send vitae, transcripts (for recent graduates),
and three letters of reference to:
Dr. Richard A. Redner
Search Committee Chairman
Mathematical and Computer Sciences
University of Tulsa
600 S. College; Tulsa, OK 74104-3189
(email: [email protected])
Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
Computer Science
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences at
the University of Tulsa invites applications for tenure
track positions in Computer Science beginning in Fall 1992.
Salary is open and competitive. Responsibilities include
teaching 6 hours per semester at the undergraduate and gra-
duate levels, continuing scholarly activity, and pursuit of
extramural funding. Minimum qualifications are a Ph.D. in
Computer Science, and a strong commitment to teaching and
research. The Department has strong research programs in
Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Based Systems, Numeri-
cal Learning Systems, Parallel Computing, Scientific Comput-
ing, Databases, and Computer Graphics. We are seeking can-
didates that will strengthen these research areas, however,
outstanding candidates in other related areas of computer
science will also be considered.
The Department of Mathematical and Computer Sciences
offers B.S. degrees in Computer Science and in Computer
Information Systems, the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Computer
Science. The B.S. in Computer Science is accredited by the
CSAB. In addition to campus and college computing facili-
ties, the departmental research facilities include a network
of 18 Sun servers and workstations, 2 DEC workstations, a
BBN Butterfly, an Intel Hypercube, and a high-resolution
24-bit color graphics system on an Alliant FX-40. The
department is also a member of NSFnet.
Applications will be evaluated beginning February 1,
1992. Applications will be accepted until the position is
filled. Send vitae, transcripts (for recent graduates), and
three letters of reference to:
Dr. Roger Wainwright,
Computer Science Search Committee Chairman;
Mathematical and Computer Sciences;
University of Tulsa;
600 S. College,
Tulsa, OK 74104-3189
email: [email protected]
The University of Tulsa, an equal
opportunity/affirmative action employer, is committed to
diversifying its faculty and staff. Members of under-
represented groups (people of color, people with disabili-
ties, women, veterans, etc.) are strongly urged to apply.
From: Bill Harrod <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 24 Jan 92 14:42:05 CST
Subject: Positions at Cray Research
The Mathematical Software Group at Cray Research, Inc. located in
Eagan, Minnesota has immediate openings for several numerical analysts
to conduct algorithm development and implementation of numerical software
for both current and future Cray computers. This will include Cray's
new MPP system.
The Mathematical Software Group does research on algorithm development,
develops, optimizes, and supports numerical software for Cray Research's
scientific library, and works with application programmers to provide
highly optimized computation kernels and libraries for use as building
blocks in application programs.
Preference will be given to candidates with an M.S. or Ph.D. in
computer science or applied mathematics, with
1) Experience with numerical algorithms in the following areas:
numerical linear algebra, sparse matrix methods, numerical PDEs,
signal processing, and optimization.
2) A good understanding of high-performance computer architectures and
the issues involved in optimizing algorithms for these architectures.
3) Fortran or C programming experience on modern high-performance
vector/parallel computers. Experience with massively parallel MIMD
computers is a definite plus.
Cray Research offers an excellent compensation plan that includes profit
sharing, flexible career paths, stock purchase plan, relocation
assistance and more. For consideration, send your resume to:
Human Resources, Cray Research, Inc., 655F Lone Oak Drive, Eagan MN 55121.
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 92 10:24:46 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Scientific and Statistical Computing
SIAM Journal on
Scientific and Statistical Computing
May 1992 Volume 13, Number 3
Computation of Constants in the Strengthened Cauchy Inequality
for Elliptic Bilinear Forms with Anisotropy
P. S. Vassilevski and Maya H. Etova
Approximation of the Invariant Manifold in the Josephson Equation
M. van Veldhuizen
A Generalized Prime Factor FFT Algorithm for Any N=2p3q5r
Clive Temperton
A Method of Smooth Bivariate Interpolation for Data Given on a
Generalized Curvilinear Grid
David W. Zingg and Maurice Yarrow
Iterative Solution of Linear Systems Arising from the Boundary Integral Method
Kendall E. Atkinson and Ivan G. Graham
Modification of the Householder Method Based on the Compact WY Representation
Chiara Puglisi
Some Applications of the Rank Revealing QR Factorization
Tony F. Chan and Per Christian Hansen
Stable Parallel Algorithms for Two-Point Boundary Value Problems
Stephen J. Wright
Three-Dimensional Delauney Triangulations for Finite Element
Approximations to a Second-Order Diffusion Operator
Frank W. Letniowski
Solution of Nonlinear Least-Squares Problems on a Multiprocessor
Thomas F. Coleman and Paul E. Plassman
Well-Conditioned Iterative Schemes for Mixed Finite-Element
Models of Porous-Media Flows
M. B. Allen, R. E. Ewing, and R. Lu
Efficient High Accuracy Solutions with GMRES(m)
Kathryn Turner and Homer F. Walker
A Grid-Based Subtree-Subcube Assignment Strategy for Solving
Partial Differential Equations on Hypercubes
Mo Mu and John R. Rice
End of NA Digest