From: Jill Mesirov <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 92 10:21:38 EST
Subject: CRA Database on Female Computer Scientists
The Computing Research Association (CRA) Committee on the Status of Women
is compiling a database of female computer scientists. In this initial
stage of the database project, we wish to keep its size manageable. For
this reason, we are restricting attention to PhD-level computer scientists.
The scope of the database may be expanded later.
To be eligible for inclusion in the database, a woman must fall into
one of the following three categories:
(1) Has a PhD in computer science or computer engineering
(2) Has a PhD in a related field (such as mathematics or
electrical engineering), holds a full-time research and/or
teaching position, and identifies her primary area of interest
as computer science or computer engineering
(3) Is a graduate student currently enrolled in a PhD program in
computer science or computer engineering
If you fall into one of these categories, please complete the enclosed
questionaire and send it, preferably by electronic mail, to:
Joan Feigenbaum
AT&T Bell Laboratories
Room 2C-473
600 Mountain Avenue
P. O. Box 636
Murray Hill, NJ 07974-0636
[email protected]
The CRA will maintain a complete database at its offices in Washington.
In addition, our committee will put together a more concise, public
version of the database and distribute it widely, either in book form
or on floppy disks or both. You have the option of marking any of your
answers to the following questions PRIVATE. If you say that you want
an answer to remain private, it will be stored only in the central database
at the CRA offices and used only for statistical purposes. If you do not
mark an answer PRIVATE, it may be included in your record in the publicly
distributed form of the database.
The last question of the questionaire asks you to indicate for which purposes
your answers may be used. Broadly speaking, we foresee two general categories
of uses for the database: statistical (e.g., people doing studies of women in
computing or women in science in general may use the central database for
large scale searches) and recruiting (e.g., organizations that want to hire
someone, program chairs who want to find committee members, awards committees,
etc. may look for plausible candidates in either the central or the public
version of the database). Your record in the database will not be given to
people who plan to use it for a purpose that you have not approved. However,
we think that it is very important to realize that there are undoubtedly many
legitimate and interesting uses of these data that we are unaware of at this
point and that we probably won't become aware of until the data are collected.
For this reason, we hope that you'll answer the last question by saying that
you grant permission to use your record in the database to ``all users
approved by the committee.''
Finally, you may wonder why the second question of the questionaire
asks for ``gender'' when all of the people in the database will be women.
We have included this question because the scope of our database project
may be expanded in the future, and men may be included at some future
====================== Begin Questionaire ============================
1. Name
2. Gender
3. Birthdate
4. Citizenship
5. Affiliation
If university or college, is it PhD-granting?
If your department has more than one ``division'' (e.g., it is a CS/EE
department with a CS division and an EE division), what are the names of
the division, and which one are you in?
6. Title
If PhD student, what is your expected graduation date?
7. Postal address
8. Email address
9. Phone number
10. FAX number
11. PhD
If the department had more than one ``division,'' what were the names of
the divisions, and which one were you in?
12. Bachelors degree
If the department had more than one ``division,'' what were the names of
the divisions, and which one were you in?
13. Technical area: Select one or two of the following
(A) Architecture
(B) Artificial intelligence
(C) Computer-aided design
(D) Databases
(E) Distributed computing
(F) Graphics and modelling
(G) Hardware
(H) Networks and communications
(I) Numerical analysis
(J) Parallel computing
(K) Programming languages
(L) Robotics or vision
(M) Software engineering
(N) Software systems
(O) Theory of computation
(P) Other -- please specify
In addition, for each of the areas that you selected, you may supply
up to three ``subareas'' of your own description.
14. Publications: Supply complete references for up to five
representative publications. AVOID ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS.
15. Are you willing to have your name listed in our speakers database?
If so, please indicate which of the following types of audiences
you are willing to address. Supply up to three representative talk
titles; for each title, include the letter(s) of the appropriate
audience type(s) and a one-or-two-sentence abstract.
(A) Kindergarten through 6th grade
(B) 7th - 9th grades
(C) 10th - 12th grades
(D) Undergraduates
(E) Computer scientists, general
(F) Computer scientists, specializing in my field
(G) General scientific audiences
(H) Business audiences (indicate specific type, e.g., ``marketing,''
``management'', if desired)
(I) Other -- please specify
16. Are you a member of one of the following groups?
(A) African American
(B) Female Asian Pacific Islander
(C) Hispanic
(D) Native American
(E) Other -- please specify
(F) Prefer not to identify
17. The database may be used by the following categories of people and
organizations. Check each one to which you grant access to your record.
If you are willing to grant access to all users approved by the committee,
then simply check category (F). The answers that you have marked PRIVATE
may only be accessed by users in category (E), even if you grant general
access to users in other categories.
(A) Employment search committees
(B) Conference organizers, program chairs, journal editors-in-chief, and
similar project leaders
(C) Awards committees
(D) Service committees (such as ours)
(E) Scholars and committees studying women in computing
(F) All users approved by the committee
-- Thanks,
Jill Mesirov
From: Uli Scharffenberger <SCHARFFE%[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 92 14:24:21 CET
Subject: Good Random Numbers, Response to Jeffrey Dunn
I can offer some information on RNGs for independent, uniformly
distributed RNs on (0,1).
Important issues in generating such RNs are:
- Uniformity
- Independence (small correlations)
- Long periods (10 to 100 or more)
- Splitting facilities (the possibility to generate statistically
independent streams on parallel processors)
Not all issues are equally important for every application, and the
quality of an RNG has to be evaluated with respect to a particular
Good literature (in my subjective view) is:
S.L. Anderson: RNGs on Vector Supercomputers and other advanced architectures
SIAM Review Vol.32, June 1990
F. James: A Review of RNGs, Computer Physics Communication 1990 or 1991
(I do not know the exact issue). Code can be obtained from
G. Marsaglia: A Current View of RNGs, in "Computer Science and Statistics:
the interface", L. Billard(ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers
1985. Is particularly important for testing RNGs.
Multiplicative Congruential RNGs with modulus (2 to 31 - 1):
G.S. Fishman, L.R. Moore: An Exhaustive Analysis of Multiplicative
Congruential RNGs with Modulus (2 to 31 - 1).
SIAM Journ. Sci. Stat. Comp. Vol 7, 1986
It has become quite fashionable to combine two RNGs to obtain better ones.
On this subject the bible is:
P. L'Ecuyer: Efficient and Portable Combined RNGs, Comm. of the ACM,
Vol 31, 1988.
P. L'Ecuyer, S. Cote: Implementing a Random Number Package with Splitting
Facilities, ACM Transact. on Math. Software, Vol. 17, 1991
I also have two interesting preprints of which I do not know where they will
S. Tezuka, P. L'Ecuyer: Efficient and Portable Combined Tausworthe RNGs
(Tezuka is from IBM Research, Tokyo; L'Ecuyer's
address can be found in the quoted papers)
S. Fillipone, P. Santangelo, M. Vitaletti: A Vectorized Long Period
Shift-Register RNG, IBM European Center for
Scient. and Engin. Comp., Via Giorgione 159,
I-00147 Rome, Italy.
This generator can be easily implemented on any
vector computer.
I apologize in advance for all those excellent contributions with I did
not mention since I do not know them.
Hope it helps,
Uli Scharffenberger (SCHARFFE at DHDIBM1.BITNET)
alt.: na.scharffenberger at na-net.ornl.gov.
From: Jim Kirkpatrick <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1992 20:44 MST
Subject: Re: Good Random Number Generators
Jeffrey Dunn asks about good random number generators. A very good
survey article on this topic is:
Random Number Gnerators: Good Ones are Hard to Find
Stephen K. Park and Keith W. Miller
CACM, V31 #10 (October 1988)
Of course there have been a few advances in the years since that was
published. See for example:
A New Class of Random Number Generators
George Marsaglia and Arif Zaman
Annals of Applied Probability, 1991, V 1 #3 page 462-480
I think the Park/Miller article would be an excellent starting point.
Jim Kirkpatrick [email protected]
From: Herman J. Woltring <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 92 00:57 MET
Subject: 3-D Attitude "Vectors"
Dear na-net readers,
Last year, I submitted a manuscript "3-D Attitude Parametrization: a Stan-
dardization Proposal" for publication in a major journal in the Biomechanics
field, in view of current discussions on how to standardize 3-D attitude and
rotation descriptions for body segments and joints. At present, Cardan/Euler
angles are advocated by many as being useful -- despite a number of drawbacks
described in the manuscript. Interested na-netters may retrieve the LaTeX
manuscript from [email protected] or from [email protected] on the
Internet, by sending the one-line request SEND ATTJOB TEX (Subj.: line is
irrelevant) in the body of an email note.
In the manuscript, I propose to use the rotation "vector" THETA = theta N,
where N is the unit length eigenvector (with real eigenvalue) of a 3*3, pure
rotation matrix, and where theta is the angle needed to rotate an object
about N from the reference attitude (I) to the actual one (R), according to
the right-handed rule. There is very little literature on this compact and
non-singular attitude descriptor: Craig (1986) as quoted in the manuscript,
and yesterday I came across the following reference:
Alain Li'egeois (1985), Performance and Computer-Aided Design (Series Robot
Technology, Vol. 7), Hermes Publishing, London-Paris-Lausanne [translated
from the original 1984 french edition]
which describes it on the basis of a French research report "A Programming
Language for Robotics (LM)" from the Laboratoire de Mathe'matiques Appliqu'ees
et Informatique in Grenoble by J.-C. Latombe & J. Mazer (RR 197, March 1980).
I have unconfirmed information that the rotation "vector" was already described
one century ago by Paul Volkmann in Germany, and I would be grateful for any
comments from the na-net readership on the history of this rotation/attitude
Thanks in advance -- Herman J. Woltring, Eindhoven, The Netherlands
Moderator, [email protected]
<[email protected]>
From: Dan Sorensen <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 1992 14:11:42 -0400
Subject: Graduate Computational S & E Degree at Rice University
Rice University has recently established a new graduate degree
program in Computational Science and Engineering. We are soliciting
applications for the Fall '92 semester. Please pass this information
along to any students who might be interested. Unfortunately, there
is not much time remaining for students to send in applications.
Interested students should contact us within the next month to
be considered.
Dan Sorensen
As a consequence of the rapid increase in computing power over the past
decade, modern science and engineering disciplines have become increasingly
reliant upon computation as an aid to research, development, and design.
This new degree program has been designed to provide education in using the
newest and most powerful computers and computational techniques. Topics of
study include parallel-vector processing, scientific visualization,
networking, compiler technology, programming environments, parallel
algorithms, numerical methods, and modeling with an emphasis on application
(e.g. computational biology/physics/chemistry, etc).
The degree program will consist of two degree tracks: one will lead to a
Ph.D. and the other to a Professional Masters Degree. The Masters Degree
does not require a thesis.
Interested applicants are encouraged to write to:
Rice University
CITI - Computational Science and Engineering Degree Program
P.O. Box 1892
Houston, TX 77251
or send e-mail to: [email protected] (Ms. Theresa Chatman) 713-527-6077
Applicants to the Computational Science and Engineering program must
fulfill the admission requirements and be admitted to one of the
participating departments. Currently the participating departments are
Mathematical Sciences, Computer Science, Chemical Engineering, and
Electrical Engineering.
First year Graduate fellowships are provided by the Center for Research on
Parallel Computation (an NSF Science and Technology Center) for students
accepted to the Ph.D. program. Subsequent funding will be provided through
participation in sponsored research activities.
The official deadline for application is 1 Feb 92. However, applications
received within two weeks from that date will receive full consideration.
From: Brent Lindquist <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 92 17:32:24 EST
Subject: Postdoc at SUNY, Stony Brook
One or more postdoctoral positions may be available for
work in computational fluid dynamics and hyperbolic conser-
vation laws. Diverse applications including environmental
remediation, oil reservoir modeling, gas dynamics and fluid
instabilities are being studied using parallel computing,
front tracking, grid refinement and related methods.
To apply for these positions please send a vita, resume
and a statement of scientific interests to James Glimm at
The Department of Applied Mathematics and Statistics
SUNY at Stony Brook,
Stony Brook, NY 11794-3600.
Applicants should also list three references, who have
been requested to send letters of recommendation to the
above address.
From: Paul Concus <[email protected]>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 92 06:33:03 PST
Subject: Postdoc Position at Lawrence Berkeley Lab
A position is available for a postdoctoral research fellow in
computational and applied mathematics at the University of California
Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory. The fellow would work in a group whose
interests include, but are not limited to, computational fluid
mechanics, turbulence theory, many-body systems, percolation theory,
Monte-Carlo methods, grid generation, combustion, interface problems,
and parallel computing. The position is for one year, beginning in the
summer or fall of 1992, with possibility of renewal for a second year.
Support is provided primarily by special funds from the Department of
Energy Applied Mathematical Sciences Research Subprogram, for which
there is a stipulation that the recipient be a U.S. citizen or
permanent resident. Interested persons should send a curriculum vitae
and the names of three references before March 15, 1992 to Prof.
Alexandre Chorin, 90-1042 (A6561), Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory,
University of California, Berkeley, CA 94720. Affirmative
Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
From: Karen Hahn <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 92 18:26:01 EST
Subject: IMACS Conference on Computer Methods for PDE's
(formerly known as the Lehigh Conferences)
June 22-24, 1992, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ 08903, USA
Manuscripts are solicited on all aspects of the numerical solution of
partial differential equations. While special emphasis will be placed
on those aspects that are related to applications of new computing
architectures and to questions that are related to computational wave
propagation in fluid dynamics, contributions to other areas will be
equally considered.
Manuscripts received no later than April 15 and accepted for
presentation will be listed in the final program announcement.
Submissions received after that date will be considered if space in
the program remains available. All papers presented at the Conference
will be included in a Book of Proceedings that will be published.
The program will consist of "Organized Sessions" and "Contributed
Papers Sessions". The list of organized sessions and of their
organizers follows:
J.R. Rice (Purdue) Parallel Methods for PDEs.
W.F.Ames (Ga. Tech.) Splitting Methods for PDEs.
M. Mu (Purdue)Performance of Parallel Sparse Matrix Algorithms.
J.G. Verwer (CWI- Amsterdam) Adaptive Grid Methods for Time-Dependent PDEs.
M.J. Fritts (SAIC) and D. Knight (Rutgers) Fluid Dynamics Calculations
on Unstructured Meshes.
M.J. Fritts (SAIC) and D. Knight (Rutgers) Gridding Accuracy
Estimation and Adaption for the Navier-Stokes Equations.
J.E. Flaherty (RPI) Adaptive Methods for Time-Dependent PDEs.
M.J. Buckingham (Scripps Inst.) Computational Ocean Acoustics.
V.A. Dougalis (NTU Athens Greece) Modelling and Computational Methods in Underwater Acoustics.
W.E. Schiesser (Lehigh) and G.D. Byrne (Exxon) Methods of Lines.
S. Steinberg (UNM) Symbolic Computation in the Numerical Solution of PDE's
R.S. Falk (UNM) Finite-Element Methods for PDEs.
G.Vichniac (Kendall Square Res. Corp) Lattice-Gases and PDEs.
R. Vichnevetsky (Rutgers) Discrete Wave Propagation in CFD.
S.K. Dey (Eastern Ill. U.) Recent Algorithms for Nonlinear PDEs.
T.R.Taha (U. of Georgia) Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Schroedinger Equation
K. Jordan (Thinking Mach. Corp.) Solutions of PDEs with Connections Machines.
E.J. Kansa (Lawrence L. Nat. Labs) A. Law (U. of Regina) Advances in
Grid Free, Scattered Data Radial Basis Function Approximations.
C. Ribbens (Va. Tech.) Future Directions in Mathematical Software for PDEs.
R. Weiss, W. Schoenauer (U. Karlsruhe) Black-Box Solvers and Special
Purpose Programs for the Solution of PDEs on Supercomputers.
R.P. Gilbert (U. of Del) Inverse Problems .
P. Fischer, Nonlinear Galerkin Methods and Parallel Computers.
Send all Correspondence to: Karen Hahn
IMACS PDE7 Conference Secretary
Rutgers University
Dept. of Computer Science
New Brunswick, NJ 08903 USA
FAX: 908 932 5530
e-mail: [email protected]
From: Lothar Reichel <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 92 16:13:42 EST
Subject: Conference at Kent State on Linear Algebra and Computing
The Institute of Computational Mathematics at Kent State University in
conjunction with the Western Pennsylvania / Eastern Ohio secion of SIAM
is sponsoring a conference on Numerical Linear Algebra and Scientific
Date: March 13-14, 1992
Place: Kent, OH
A preliminary list of speakers includes:
G.S. Ammar, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL
M. Eiermann, University of Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe, Germany
R.W. Freund, RIACS, Moffett Field, CA
W.B. Gragg, Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA
M.H. Gutknecht, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Y. Saad, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN
G.W. Stewart, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
P. Van Dooren, Univerity of Illinois, Urbana, IL
A limited number of contributed presentations are solicited. Please contact
the organizers below regarding contributed papers and accomodation as soon as
possible but no later than March 1. Talks will be scheduled from 9 a.m. on
Friday to 5 p.m. on Saturday. Participants can fly into either Akron/Canton or
Cleveland and should contact the organizers about transportation from airports
to Kent.
Organizing committee:
L. Reichel e-mail: [email protected] phone: (216) 672-2547
A. Ruttan e-mail: [email protected] phone: (216) 672-2073
R.S. Varga e-mail: [email protected] phone: (216) 672-2145
Institute for Computational Mathematics
Kent State University
Kent, OH 44242
From: Heinz W. Engl <[email protected]>
Date: Wed, 15 Jan 92 09:45:40 CET
Subject: Contents, Surveys on Mathematics for Industry
(springer verlag vienna-new york)
Vol. 1 no.3, 1991, Table of Contents:
Obituary Hansjoerg Wacker (1939-1991)
P.Neittaanmaeki, Computer aided optimal structural design
M.Jung, U.Langer, Applications of multilevel methods to practical problems
Prof.Dr.Heinz W. Engl
Institut fuer Mathematik
From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 92 09:46:25 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Control and Optimization
Table of Contents
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization
Vol. 30, No. 3, May 1992
Controle optimal dans les equations elliptiques
R. Tahraoui
$H\infty$ Controller Synthesis by $J$-Lossless Coprime
Michael Green
Rate-Preserving Discretization Strategies for Semi-Infinite
Programming and Optimimal Control
Elijah Polak and Limin He
On Robust PI-Control of Infinite-Dimensional Systems
Martmut Logeman and Hans Zwart
Stochastic Discrete Optimization
Di Yan and H. Mukai
Investment-Consumption Models with Transaction Fees and Markov-
Chain Parameters
Thaleia Zariphopoulou
Estimation of Unknown Variable Parameters in Moving Boundary
K. A. Murphy
A Linear Programming Approach to the Search Game on a Network
with Mobile Hider
Edward J. Anderson and Miguel Aramendia
Minimal Length Curves that are not Embeddable in an Open Planar
Set: The Problem of a Lost Swimmer with a Compass
R. Hassin and A. Tamir
Finite-Dimensional Approximations of Unstable Infinite-
Dimensional Systems
G. Gu, P. P. Khargonekar, E. B. Lee, and P. Misra
Some Remarks on the Riccati Equation Arising in an Optimal
Control Problem with State- and Control-Dependent Noise
Gianmarco Tessitore
For further information contact Laura B. Helfrich, Managing
Editor, SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 3600 University
City Science Center, Philadelphia, PA 19104-2688. Phone: (215)
382-9800. e-mail: [email protected]
From: Richard A. Brualdi <[email protected]>
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 92 12:04:58 CST
Subject: Contents, Linear Algebra and Applications
Contents of Volumes 162-164 of LAA, February 1992
MARCH 20-23, 1990
Special Editors: David H. Carlson and Frank Uhlig
Ky Fan (Santa Barbara, California)
Some Aspects of the Development of Linear Algebra in the Last Sixty Years
Robert C. Thompson (Santa Barbara, California)
High, Low, and Quantitative Roads in Linear Algebra
Richard A. Brualdi (Madison, Wisconsin)
The Symbiotic Relationship of Combinatorics and Matrix Theory
P. A. Fuhrmann (Beer Sheva, Israel)
Functional Models in Linear Algebra
Lothar Reichel (Kent, Ohio) and Lloyd N. Trefethen (Ithaca, New York)
Eigenvalues and Pseudo-eigenvalues of Toeplitz Matrices
John Drew, Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia), and
P. van den Driessche (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada)
Strong Forms of Nonsingularity
Thomas J. Laffey (Dublin, Ireland)
A Structure Theorem for Some Matrix Algebras
Chi-Kwong Li (Williamsburg, Virginia) and Nam-Kiu Tsing (College Park, Maryland)
Linear Preserver Problems: A Brief Introduction and Some Special Techniques
Stephen Pierce (San Diego, California)
Linear Maps on Algebraic Groups
E. Anderson (Eagan, Minnesota), Z. Bai (Lexington, Kentucky),
and J. Dongarra (Knoxville, Tennessee)
Generalized QR Factorization and Its Applications
H. Lev-Ari and T. Kailath (Stanford, California)
State-Space Approach to Factorization of Lossless Transfer
Functions and Structured Matrices
Graciano de Oliveira (Macau)
Interlacing Inequalities. Matrix Groups
George Poole and Larry Neal (Johnson City, Tennessee)
Gaussian Elimination: When Is Scaling Beneficial?
D. R. Farenick (Toronto, Ontario, Canada)
Krein-Milman-Type Problems for Compact Matricially Convex Sets
Bryan L. Shader (Madison, Wisconsin)
On Tournament Matrices
Ahmad Muchlis (Madison, Wisconsin)
On The Extremal Points of a Class of Polytopes of Matrices
Eric Kostlan (Honolulu, Hawaii)
On the Spectra of Gaussian Matrices
A. I. Tovbis (Odessa, USSR)
Normal Forms of Holomorphic Matrix-Valued Functions and
Corresponding Forms for Singular Differential Operators
Dennis Bernstein (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
Some Open Problems in Matrix Theory Arising in Linear Systems and Control
S. Galanis, A. Hadjidimos, D. Noutsos, and M. Tzoumas (Ioannina, Greece)
On the Optimum Relaxation Factor Associated With p-Cyclic Matrices
Jean-Claude Evard and Frank Uhlig (Auburn, Alabama)
On the Matrix Equation f(X)=A
A. C. M. Ran (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Unitary Solutions of a Class of Algebraic Riccati Equations and Factorization
Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia) and Michael Lundquist (Prova, Utah)
An Inertia Formula for Hermitian Matrices With Sparse Inverses
Julian Laderman, Victor Pan (Bronx, New York),
and Xuan-He Sha (New York, New York)
On Practical Algorithms for Accelerated Matrix Multiplication
LeRoy B. Beasley and Sang-Gu Lee (Logan, Utah)
Linear Operators Strongly Preserving r-Potent Matrices Over Semirings
Charles R. Johnson (Williamsburg, Virginia) and
Erik A. Schreiner (Kalamazoo, Michigan)
Explicit Jordan Form for Certain Block Triangular Matrices. II
Gin-Hor Chan (Singapore) and Ming-Huat Lim (Malaysia)
Linear Preservers on Powers of Matrices
Walter Morris (Fairfax, Virginia)
The Connected Components of the Set of R0-Matrices
Thomas H. Pate (Auburn, Alabama)
Descending Chains of Immanants
Jean H. Bevis and Frank J. Hall (Atlanta, Georgia)
LDLT Factorizations of Adjacency Matrices Where D Is Block Diagonal
Yiu Tung Poon (Ames, Iowa)
The Convexity of a Generalized Matrix Range
Wayne W. Barrett and Tyler J. Jarvis (Provo, Utah)
Spectral Properties of a Matrix of Redheffer
Elena Sanchez, Vicente Hernandez, and Rafael Bru (Valencia, Spain)
Minimal Realizations for Discrete-Time Linear Periodic Systems
Frank Uhlig, Tin-Yau Tam (Auburn, Alabama), and
David Carlson (San Diego, California)
REPORT: Directions in Matrix Theory, Auburn
End of NA Digest