NA Digest Sunday, December 29, 1992 Volume 92 : Issue 1

Today's Editor:

Cleve Moler
The MathWorks, Inc.
[email protected]

Submissions for NA Digest:

Mail to [email protected].

Information about NA-NET:

Mail to [email protected].


From: Franklin Luk <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 92 18:26:42 EST
Subject: New Address for Franklin Luk

I have moved to the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Starting January 1, 1992, my new address is

Franklin Luk
Computer Science Department
Amos Eaton Hall
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Troy, New York 12180

[email protected]
518-276-8291 (office)
518-276-4033 (fax)


From: Bob Plemmons <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 91 09:17:30 EST
Subject: Temporary Address Change for Bob Plemmons

Beginning January 8 I will be visiting the University
of Minnesota IMA for about six months. Until June please
address any correspondence to

R.J. Plemmons
Institute for Mathematics & Applications
University of Minnesota
Vincent Hall, Office 505
206 Church Street SE
Minneapolis, MN 55455

Phone: (612) 624-0518
Fax: (###) ###-#### deleted in na-digest archive due to fax spam

E-mail: [email protected]

-- Bob Plemmons


From: Fred Kus <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 1992 11:07 EDT
Subject: Biharmonic Solver Wanted


I am looking for any programs that solve the biharmonic equation.
I have already checked the netlib routine bihar. I am particularly
interested in programs that use the boundary element method to
handle a general region. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


Fred W. Kus INTERNET: [email protected]
Computing & Information BITNET: [email protected]
Services PHONE: (416) 525-9140 ext.4160
Mcmaster University FAX (416) 528-3773
Hamilton, Canada L8S 4K1

From: Piet Wesseling <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 3 Jan 92 10:21:19 MET
Subject: New Book on Multigrid


I am pleased to announce the publication of the following book:

An Introduction to Multigrid Methods by P.Wesseling
John Wiley & Sons, Chichester, 1992. ISBN 0 471 93083 0
284 pages. Price: $105

Table of contents:
1. Introduction
2. The Essential Principle of Multigrid Methods for Partial Differential
1. Introduction 2. The Essential Principle 3. The Two-Grid Algorithm
4. Two-Grid Analysis
3. Finite Difference and Finite Volume Discretization
1. Introduction 2. An Elliptic Equation 3. A One-Dimensional Example
4. Vertex-Centered Discretization 5. Cell-Centered Discretization
6. Upwind Discretization 7. A Hyperbolic System
4. Basic Iterative Methods
1. Introduction 2. Convergenc of Basic Iterative Methods
3. Examples of Basic Iterative Methods: Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel
4. Examples of Basic Iterative Methods: Incomplete Point LU
Factorization 5. Examples of Basic Iterative Methods: Incomplete Block
LU Factorization 6. Some Methods for Non-M-Matrices
5. Prolongation and Restriction
1. Introduction 2. Stencil Notation 3. Interpolating Transfer Operators
4. Operator-Dependent Transfer Operators
6. Coarse Grid Approximation and Two-Grid Convergence
1. Introduction 2. Computation of the Coarse Grid Matrix with Galerkin
Approximation 3. Some Examples of Coarse Grid Operators 4. Singular
Equations 5. Two-Grid Analysis; Smoothing and Approximation Properties
6. A Numerical Illustration
7. Smoothing Analysis
1. Introduction 2. The Smoothing Property 3. Elements of Fourier
Analysis in Grid-Function Space 4. The Fourier Smoothing Factor
5. Fourier Smoothing Analysis 6. Jacobi Smoothing 7. Gauss-Seidel
Smoothing 8. Incomplete Point LU Smoothing 9. Incomplete Block
Factorization Smoothing 10. Fourier Analysis of White-Black and Zebra
Gauss-Seidel Smoothing 11. Multistage Smoothing Methods
12. Concluding Remarks
8. Multigrid Algorithms
1. Introduction 2. The Basic Two-Grid Algorithm 3. The Basic Multigrid
Algorithm 4. Nested Iteration 5. Rate of Convergence of the Multigrid
Algorithm 6. Convergence of Nested Iteration 7. Non-Recursive
Formulation of the Basic Multigrid Algorithm 8. Remarks on software
9. Comparison with conjugate gradient methods
9. Applications of Multigrid Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics
1. Introduction 2. The Governing Equations 3. Grid Generation
4. The Full Potential Equation 5. The Euler Equations of Gasdynamics
6. The Compressible Navier-Stokes Equations 7. The Incompressible
Navier-Stokes and Boussinesq Equations 8. Final Remarks


From: David K. Kahaner <[email protected]>
Date: Tue, 31 Dec 91 11:07:39 JST
Subject: Numerical Algorithms WS at RIMS, Kyoto, Nov. 91

I was out of the country during this period. I gratefully accept the
summary below, provided to me by
Dr. Mei Kobayashi
IBM Japan Ltd
5-19 Sanbancho Chiyoda-ku Tokyo 102 Japan
Tel: 81+3-3228-8287, Fax: 81+3-3265-4251
Email: [email protected]

Kyoto RIMS Workshop on Numerical Algorithms ( Nov. 20-22, 1991 )
Prof. Taketomo Mitsui
Nagoya university
Dept of Information Engineering
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku
Nagoya 464-01 Japan
Tel: +81-52-781-5111, ext 5808 or 5810, Fax: +81-52-782-9143
Email: [email protected]

This workshop in one of a series of six sponsored annually by
the Research Institute of Mathematical Sciences (RIMS) of Kyoto
University during the fall-winter period.

S.-R. Zhan, S. Fujino (Inst. Comp. Fluid Dynamics):
The residual polynomials of Bi-CGSTAB method

S. Fujino, S.-R. Zhan (Inst. Comp. Fluid Dynamics),
M. Mori (Univ of Tokyo):
Visualization of convergence behaviour of Bi-CGSTAB method

M. Mori (Univ of Tokyo), N. Takahashi (Nomura Res. Inst.),
S. Fujino (Inst. Comp. Fluid Dynamics):
A finite element analysis of a free boundary problem in the
blast furnance and its visualization

M. Kobayashi (IBM Japan, Tokyo Res. Lab.):
Wavelets and their applications to image processing

Y. Ushiro (Hitachi Ltd.):
Iterative method for vector and parallel computers
of linear systems with FEM

N. Osako, M. Nakashima (Kagoshima Univ):
On numerical methods for differential-algebraic equations

Y. Saito, T. Mitsui (Nagoya Univ):
Stability of discrete numerical solution for stochastic
differential equations

K. Ozawa (Tohoku Univ):
Attainable order of Adams type linear multistep methods
with nonnegative coefficients

W.-Y. Li (Computing Center, Academia Sinica, Beijing):
On the adaptive solver for initial value problems of
O.D.E.s and its effectiveness

Y. Hokari, M. Tanaka, S. Yamashita (Yamanashi Univ):
On the characteristics of implicit Runge-Kutta methods

J. Amemiya (Univ of Tokyo):
Technical problems of accuracy-guaranteed numerical methods
for initial value problems of ordinary differential equations

T. Torii, T. Sakurai, H. Sugiura (Nagoya Univ):
Numerical factorization of polynomials by Pade expansion

M. Igarashi (Nihon Univ):
The relationship between the iteration times and the
convergence order of some Newton-Raphson like methods
for algebraic equations

S. Yamashita (Fujitsu Ltd):
On the calculation of the second Mathieu functions
fe_m(z,q), ge_m(z,q)

N. Osada (Nagasaki Sogo-Kagaku Univ):
Extrapolation methods and singular fixed point problems

N. Yamaki (System Planning Inst.), S. Hongo (Senshu Univ),
M. Miyata (Aoyama Gakuin Women's College):
Database of mathematical programming methods

T. Nodera (Keio Univ):
AMS-LaTeX and its related macros

T. Hasegawa, S. Okumura (Fukui Univ):
TeX macro package for Springer journals

H. Ogata, M. Sugihara, M. Mori (Univ of Tokyo):
The DE-rule for evaluating Hadamard finite-part integrals

K. Hatano (Aichi Inst. of Tech.):
On the remainder terms of the composite quadrature rules

Final remark: most Japanese workshops are "open", however call for
abstracts tend to be mailed to prospective speakers by the organizers (
as opposed to posting announcements in newsletters ). For foreign
scientists who plan to visit Japan, it would not be unwise to ask a
Japanese colleague about workshops, conferences and special seminars
during their planned period of stay. Word of mouth may open the doors to
participation and fruitful discussion at number of "unposted" meetings.
Foreigners are also advised to inquire about fees and hotel
accomodations in advance to avoid any misunderstandings and unfortunate
situations. Special discounts are often available for university-related


From: SIAM <[email protected]>
Date: Mon, 30 Dec 91 09:12:48 EST
Subject: Contents, SIAM Computing

SIAM Journal on Computing
April 1992 Volume 21, Number 1

Partitioning Planar Graphs
Thang Nguyen Bui and Andrew Peck

A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for the Equivalence of Probabilistic Automata
Wen-Guey Tzeng

Subgroup Refinement Algorithms for Root Finding in GF(q)
A. J. Menezes, P. C. van Oorschot, and S. A. Vanstone

Learning Integer Lattices
David Helmbold, Robert Sloan, and Manfred K. Warmuth

Efficient Point Location in a Convex Spatial Cell-Complex
Franco P. Preparata and Roberto Tamassia

A Heuristic of Scheduling Parallel Tasks and Its Analysis
Qingzhou Wang and Kam Hoi Cheng

Heuristic Sampling: A Method for Predicting the Performance of Tree Searching
Pang C. Chen

Counting Classes Are at Least as Hard as the Polynomial-Time Hierarchy
Seinosuke Toda and Mitsunori Ogiwara

Lower Bounds for Threshold and Symmetric Functions in Parallel Computation
Yossi Azar

Convex Decomposition of Polyhedra and Robustness
Chanderjit L. Bajaj and Tamal K. Dey

Fast Gossiping for the Hypercube
David Krumme

A Linear-Time Recognition Algorithm for P4-Sparse Graphs
B. Jamison and S. Olariu


End of NA Digest
