NA Digest, V. 23, # 21
NA Digest Tuesday, October 17, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 21
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Laurence Dixon
- Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Austria, Oct-Dec 2023
- CUQIpy Training Course, DTU, Denmark, Dec 2023
- Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction, Germany, Mar 2024
- SIAM Imaging Science, USA, May 2024
- Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL), Spain, Jun 2024
- Preconditioning 2024, USA, Jun 2024
- Sparse Days 2024, Cerfacs, France, Jun 2024
- Faculty Positions, Comp Applied Math and OR, Rice Univ
- Faculty/Postdoc Positions, Computational Math, Emory Univ
- Tenure-Track Position, Data Science, Univ of Kentucky, USA
- Tenure-Track Positions, Applied Math and Data Science, UNC, USA
- Assistant Professor Position, Scientific Computing, Belgium
- Research Assistant Position, WIAS Berlin, Germany
- Research Position, NLA, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
- Postdoc Position, Dyn Systems and Control, U Magdeburg, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Loughborough Univ, UK
- Postdoc Position, WIAS Berlin, Germany
- Doctoral/Postdoc Positions, Mathematics Munster, Germany
- PhD Position, Data Assimilation/ROM, TU Eindhoven
- PhD Position, Data-driven Imaging, Queen Mary Univ of London
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Michael Bartholomew-Biggs [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: Laurence Dixon
I am sad to be passing on news of the death, in August 2023, of
Professor Laurence Dixon, formerly of the Numerical Optimisation
Centre at the University of Hertfordshire in the UK.
Between 1970 and the early 2000s Laurence made many important
contributions to the theory and application of optimisation techniques
-- at that time a new and rapidly developing subject area. The result
which probably attracted most attention was his 1972 proof that if
exact line searches are used then all quasi-Newton methods are
equivalent -- which put rather a damper on some lively ongoing debates
about the merits of rival algorithms!
Laurence's numerous research publications spanned both constrained and
unconstrained optimisation applied to smooth and non-smooth problems.
He-was involved in many industrial and scientific projects, mainly in
the field of aerospace; and he played an important pioneering role in
the introduction of automatic differentiation techniques and in the
early applications of neural networks.
Laurence was also an excellent teacher and an encouraging and patient
research supervisor. Many of his PhD students have gone on to their
own distinguished academic careers.
Laurence's deep Christian faith led him to study for ordination as a
minister in the United Reformed Church and for the last few years
before his final retirement from academic life his time was split
between his research and his role as pastor at a local fellowship..
Laurence will be much missed by friends, collaborators and former
colleagues both in England and also around the world.
From: Annette Weihs [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023
Subject: Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Austria, Oct-Dec 2023
Special Semester on Mathematical Methods in Medicine
Linz, Austria, October 23-December 8, 2023
Details and registration:
The Special Semester on Mathematical Methods in Medicine will be held
at the Johann Radon Institute for Computational and Applied
Mathematics (RICAM).
Training school, October 23-27, 2023: Uncertainty Quantification in
Biomedical applications
Workshop 1, October 30-November 3, 2023: Epidemics modeling
Workshop 2, November 13-17, 2023: Cardiovascular Modeling and
Workshop 3, November 20-24, 2023: Tumor Modeling and simulation
Workshop 4, November 27-December 1, 2023: Modeling and simulation of
ablation treatments
Workshop 5, December 4-8, 2023: ML and AI for medical applications
From: Per Christian Hansen [email protected]
Date: October 15, 2023
Subject: CUQIpy Training Course, DTU, Denmark, Dec 2023
We organize a 2-day training course at the Technical University of
Denmark (DTU) focusing on our python software package CUQIpy for
Computational uncertainty quantification (UQ) for inverse problems.
After completing the course, participants will be able to use CUQIpy
to model statistical inverse problems and perform UQ on them.
CUQIpy is developed as part of the CUQI project, funded by the Villum
Foundation, see Both the software and the
course are aimed at non-experts in Bayesian inverse problems. For more
details, see
In the course, we give a brief introduction to statistical inverse
problems and UQ. This is followed by hands-on tutorials (bring your
laptop!) on the software and its capabilities for modeling and
performing UQ on inverse problems, with examples from image deblurring
and X-ray CT as well as inverse problems based on PDEs. The rest of
the course is devoted to working on a small use-case with CUQIpy and
participants are encouraged to bring their own case and data.
The course takes place at DTU's campus in Lyngby, north of Copenhagen.
We start Thursday, Dec. 7 at 9am and finish around 3pm Friday, Dec. 8.
There is no registration fee. Participants will cover their own travel
and accommodation. A convenient option is the Zleep Hotel Lyngby
across from campus:
To register for the course, please send an email message to us.
Jakob Sauer Jorgensen [email protected], Per Chr. Hansen [email protected]
From: Mattia Manucci [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2023
Subject: Young Mathematicians in Model Order Reduction, Germany, Mar 2024
We are pleased to announce that the third Young Mathematicians in Model
Order Reduction Conference (YMMOR 2024) will be held in the
University of Stuttgart (Campus Vaihingen) from the 4th to the 8th of March
The conference is designed for master's students, doctoral students, and
early-stage postdocs. It provides an excellent opportunity to discuss one's
research work with like-minded individuals. Presenting a completed work is
not required; open questions are welcome.
For further information and registration, please visit our homepage:
Should you have any questions, feel free to email us at
[email protected].
Registration is now open (until the15th of December), and early
registration is recommended due to limited capacity.
We eagerly anticipate your presence in Stuttgart.
From: Kui Ren [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023
Subject: SIAM Imaging Science, USA, May 2024
The next SIAM Conference on Imaging Science will be held in May 2024
in Atlanta, USA. More information on the conference can be found here:
We strongly encourage the NA community to participate in the
conference as many themes of the conference align well with interests
in numerical analysis. The deadline for minisymposium submission is
October 30, 2023.
From: Maria Gonzalez Taboada [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023
Subject: Boundary and Interior Layers (BAIL), Spain, Jun 2024
We are pleased to announce the next celebration of the Boundary and
Interior Layers (BAIL) 2024 Conference in A Coruna (Spain). The
congress will take place from June 10-14, 2024. You will find
additional information on the webpage
Looking forward to seeing you in A Coruna.
From: Edmond Chow [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: Preconditioning 2024, USA, Jun 2024
The 13th International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for
Scientific and Industrial Applications will be held June 10-12, 2024,
in Atlanta, USA, on the campus of Georgia Institute of Technology.
For more information on themes and invited speakers:
Mini-symposia and contributed talks are very welcome. Information for
submitting such proposals will be available in early 2024.
From: Iain Duff [email protected]
Date: October 14, 2023
Subject: Sparse Days 2024, Cerfacs, France, Jun 2024
The annual Sparse Days meeting will be held at Cerfacs, Toulouse,
France on 17th and 18th June 2024.
The meeting will follow the pattern of previous years and further
details will be broadcast around the turn of the year.
For now, this is a Save the Date (17-18 June 2024).
From: Shiqian Ma [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2023
Subject: Faculty Positions, Comp Applied Math and OR, Rice Univ
The Department of Computational Applied Mathematics and Operations
Research (CMOR) at Rice University now invites applicants for the
following Faculty Openings at Rice University George R. Brown School
of Engineering. When applying, you will be prompted to select one
department of interest. Please be sure to choose CMOR if you wish to
be considered by the CMOR department. Please click the following links
for details.
- Assistant Professor of Energy & Sustainability
- Assistant Professor of Future Computing
- Open Rank Faculty Positions in Advanced Materials
- Open Rank Faculty Positions in Resilient & Adaptive Communities
From: Matthias Chung [email protected]
Date: October 16, 2023
Subject: Faculty/Postdoc Positions, Computational Math, Emory Univ
The Department of Mathematics at Emory University seeks to expand and
diversify its faculty through an ambitious recruitment plan, which
includes an open rank Tenure Track Faculty position (Assistant,
Associate, or Full Professor) in Computational Mathematics for AI and
Postdoc Fellowship positions for an NSF-funded Research Training Group
in Computational Mathematics for Data Science
For further details on these positions, including desired
qualifications and required application materials, please see:
Applications can be submitted using one of the following links:
- TTF Position in Computational Math for AI:
- RTG Postdoc Fellowship Position:
Screening of Applications will begin on October 1. Applications
received by November 1 will be given full consideration, and review
will continue until the position is filled. Faculty positions are
expected to start on August 1, 2024. RTG Postdoc positions can have a
starting date of either August 1, 2024, or January 1, 2025.
Emory University is a top-ranked private institution recognized
internationally for its outstanding colleges, graduate and
professional schools, and one of the world's leading healthcare
systems. Emory scholars and experts generate more than $894 million in
research funding annually while also highly valuing excellence in
teaching. Emory University is an equal employment opportunity and
affirmative action employer. Women, minorities, people with
disabilities, and veterans are strongly encouraged to apply.
From: Ye, Qiang [email protected]
Date: October 16, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Data Science, Univ of Kentucky, USA
The Department of Mathematics in the College of Arts Sciences at the
University of Kentucky in Lexington, KY seeks to fill a
tenure-eligible faculty position at the Assistant Professor level in
Applied Mathematics. This is a 9-month position in the regular title
series with an anticipated start date of August 1, 2024. The
successful candidate is expected to pursue a vigorous research program
and to deliver high quality teaching to both graduate and
undergraduate students. We encourage candidates with research
interests in machine learning and mathematical data science, including
their theory, algorithms, and applications. The Department will also
consider applicants with other research interests that are compatible
with those of the faculty. A Ph.D. in Mathematics or related filed is
required. In order to be considered a candidate, applicants will need
to complete the following two steps:
1. Submit your job market materials to Applications must
include the following: 1) cover letter 2) CV, 3) Research Statement,
4) Teaching Statement, 5) Evidence of Teaching Excellence, and 6) a
statement on their contribution toward inclusive excellence in
teaching, research, professional activities, and/or service. In
addition, please provide the names and contact information of three
references with letters of reference addressing the applicant's
research and one (1) letter of reference addressing the applicant's
teaching. All application materials must be submitted online at
2. Complete an application within the University of Kentucky
employment system by visiting
The University of Kentucky provides comprehensive benefits which are
fully described at
Questions about this search should be addressed to Dr. Bert Guillou,
Search Committee Chair, Department of Mathematics, University of
Kentucky ([email protected]).
Review of applications will begin on November 3rd, 2023, and will
continue until the position is filled.
From: Jingfang Huang [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: Tenure-Track Positions, Applied Math and Data Science, UNC, USA
The UNC-CH School of Data Science and Society and the Department of
Mathematics invite applications for a joint Assistant Professor
(tenure-track) position effective July 1, 2024. This search focuses on
candidates with expertise at the intersection of applied mathematics
and data science. We welcome candidates that develop and apply
expertise in data-driven mathematical modeling and computation in
diverse areas (e.g., biology, chemistry, engineering, fluid mechanics,
medicine, physics). The data-driven emphasis aims to incorporate
computational data-science tools such as mechanistic AI and machine
learning, optimization, geometric data analysis, network science,
imaging, mathematical modeling, solutions of inverse problems, etc.
Priority will be on candidates whose work both develops core data
science and applied mathematics machinery and establishes
interdisciplinary collaborations across the UNC campus. A Ph.D. in
Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, or a closely related field is
required. Postdoctoral experience, outstanding research promise, and
dedication to excellent teaching are expected. Duties of this
position will include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate
levels, service, mentoring students, and continued strong and
independent research.
Applicants must apply online at In addition to the
information requested by the UNC website, applicants should post the
following at (1) the AMS Standard Cover Sheet
(online form), (2) a separate cover letter, (3) a curriculum vitae,
(4) a research statement that includes a description of current
research and a plan for future research, (5) a statement of teaching
credentials and goals, and (6) four letters of recommendation: three
research letters and one letter addressing teaching.
Note that candidates must apply at both the UNC website and MathJobs
in order to be considered for the position. The UNC website will
request a list of references. Letters of recommendation only need to
be uploaded to MathJobs. Applications received by November 12th, 2023
will receive full consideration. Review of applications will continue
until the position is filled.
For further information on the School of Data Science and Society,
please visit our website at and for the
Department of Mathematics, please visit For
further information about this position, please contact Professor
Jeremy Marzuola at [email protected].
From: Marnix Van Daele [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2023
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Scientific Computing, Belgium
The Department of Applied Mathematics, Computer Science and Statistics
of Ghent University is seeking expressions of interest for a
tenure-track assistant professor position in Scientific Computing, to
be covered starting from (at the earliest) September 1 2024. We invite
all interested researchers to express their interest as soon as
possible, possibly by November 18 2023. Successful candidates will be
expected to contribute to the activities of the department, in
particular by doing research, teaching and management.
We are looking for candidates conducting (possibly interdisciplinary
oriented) scientific research in areas of applied mathematics,
computer science or related fields that ties with or is complementary
to the expertise of our current professional staff and which can
provide support for the teaching duties. The research involves the
analysis of advanced computational techniques to address complex
scientific questions. The candidate will have the possibility to
establish and lead an independent research group in scientific
computing within the department, responsible for defining the research
direction, mentoring graduate students, and seeking external research
funding to support the group's activities. The HPC infrastructure
available at the university can be used to expand scientific research.
Interested candidates are kindly requested to submit (via the email
address of the chair, marnix dot vandaele at ugent dot be) (i) a
curriculum vitae and (ii) a list of publications. All correspondence
and expressions of interest will be kept strictly confidential. More
information about the position, the department and Ghent University
can be found at
From: Marie Stöbe [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023
Subject: Research Assistant Position, WIAS Berlin, Germany
The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB
comprises eight non-university research institutes in Berlin which are
funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes
are members of the Leibniz Association. At WIAS in the Research Group
"Thermodynamic Modeling and Analysis of Phase Transitions" (acting
Head: Dr. Barbara Wagner) as of 01.01.2024 a position as a Research
Assistant (m/w/d) (Ref. 23/24) is to be filled.
The position is embedded within the DFG Excellence Cluster MATH+ and
is linked to Project PaA-2: Modeling Battery Electrodes with
Mechanical Interactions and Multiple Phase Transitions upon Ion
Insertion. Building upon a framework for modeling and simulating
electrochemical systems developed at WIAS based on non-equilibrium
thermodynamics, this project aims to derive and numerically compute
various mathematical models for lithium-ion batteries. The research
plan encompasses three main aspects: (i) modeling individual
particles, taking into account mechanical effects, (ii) representing
phase transitions, and (iii) homogenizing the derived models into a
porous electrode or battery cell.
The job responsibilities include: Thermodynamically consistent
modeling using partial differential equations. Advancing models for
battery electrodes, particularly regarding mechanical effects and
phase transformation. Simulating the derived models, for example,
using COMSOL, FEniCS, or similar software. Homogenizing particle
models using asymptotic methods. Developing validation strategies and
validating the models with appropriate data. Collaborating with other
research groups at WIAS and project partners from academia and
industry. Participating in and contributing to events organized by
the DFG Excellence Cluster MATH+. Strengthening existing and fostering
new collaborations in the field of mathematical modeling of
lithium-ion batteries and their applications. We are looking for:
candidates with a Ph.D. in mathematics, scientific computing,
theoretical physics, or related fields with the relevant
qualifications for the tasks mentioned above. This includes: In-depth
scientific experience in modeling with partial differential equations.
Strong knowledge of simulating partial differential equations, for
example, using COMSOL, FEniCS, or similar software. Published
original research contributions in peer-reviewed journals. For
specific inquiries regarding the position, please contact Dr. M.
Landstorfer ([email protected]) or Dr. M. Liero (liero@wias- This is a full-time position initially limited to two
years (01.01.2024- 31.12.2025).
Please upload your complete application documents, including a cover
letter, CV, certificates, and a copy of the Ph.D. thesis through our
applicant portal ( by clicking the "Apply
online" ( button as soon as possible.
The application deadline starts immediately and will end only when the
position is filled.
From: Hussam Al Daas [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023
Subject: Research Position, NLA, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
The Computational Mathematics Group is
part of the Scientific Computing Department at STFC's Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory. We carry out mathematical research by developing
and analysing innovative algorithms working alongside our scientists
at STFC to identify and overcome numerical bottlenecks in their
The Computational Mathematics Group invites applications for a
permanent research position in numerical linear algebra and its
applications to inverse problems. This post will appeal to ambitious
and highly motivated numerical analysts who wish to work in a research
environment as part of one of the UK's leading computational
mathematics groups where you will have the opportunity to work in both
mathematics and numerical software development at the highest
levels. An interest, and most desirably some experience, in
developing, analysing and implementing algorithms for numerical linear
algebra is essential.
The deadline for application submission is 9 November 2023.
More details can be found at:
Contact: Hussam Al Daas
Email: [email protected]
From: Jan Heiland [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Dyn Systems and Control, U Magdeburg, Germany
We are looking for a colleague postdoc for a 2+ years project on LPV
approximations of nonlinear systems for controller design.
The basic idea is to design linear-parameter varying approximations of
nonlinear systems, include model order reduction and control theory,
and develop a general purpose method for nonlinear feedback control of
large-scale or even infinite-dimensional systems.
This project has received its funding from the DFG which in particular
means that we can rely on a well-outlined, positively reviewed and
promising path to success.
A successful candidate comes with a PhD degree in math or in a related
field and with basic knowledge or sound interest in one or more of the
fields systems and control, differential equations, linear matrix
inequalities, numerical linear algebra, or modelling and simulation of
dynamical systems.
This position is intended to be part of a transition phase towards a
fully independent researcher and the candidate will receive every
possible support with that. Furthermore, the candidate is more than
welcome to take over teaching duties (for additional payments) on the
way to acquire a postdoctoral university lecturing qualification
(german: Habilitation).
Optionally, the candidate can get associated with our research
training group *MathCoRe* or with the CSC department of the *MPI of
Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems*, Magdeburg, and become an
integral part of these lively research environments.
To apply and for more information, refer to or just contact Prof. Jan Heiland at
[email protected]
From: Marco Discacciati [email protected]
Date: October 10, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematics, Loughborough Univ, UK
A one-year Research Associate position in Numerical Analysis is
available at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of Loughborough
University (UK) from January 2024.
The position will focus on computational methods based on domain
decomposition techniques and model order reduction methods for
parametric partial differential equations.
Deadline for applications: 27 October 2023.
For further details and applications see
From: Marie Stöbe [email protected]
Date: October 11, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, WIAS Berlin, Germany
The Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS)
is an institute of the Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V. (FVB). The FVB
comprises eight non-university research institutes in Berlin which are
funded by the federal and state governments. The research institutes
belong to the Leibniz Association. WIAS invites applications for a
PostDoc position (f/m/d) (Ref. 23/23) in the Leibniz Junior Research
Group "Probabilistic Methods for Dynamic Communication Networks"
(Head: Prof. Dr. B. Jahnel) starting as soon as possible.
Field of work: The aim of the position is to perform rigorous
probabilistic and analytic mathematical work on dynamical spatial
random geometric systems as models for future telecommunication
networks, in collaboration with other group members and our partners
at WIAS, in industry and in academia. The research results shall be
published in scientific journals and technical reports, and presented
at conferences.
We are looking for: A applicant must at a minimum hold a master's
degree in mathematics or related fields with high emphasis on
probability. The PhD in mathematics should be completed or very close
to completion and assumption of project responsibility is desired.
Knowledge in statistical physics, interacting particle systems, or
stochastic geometry will be important. Please direct scientific
queries to Prof. Dr. B. Jahnel (Jahnel@wias-
This is a full-time position and initially limited to two years. The
salary is according to the TVoD scale.
Please upload complete application documents including cover letter,
curriculum vitae, and transcripts as soon as possible via our online
job-application facility using the button "Apply online".
The advertisement is open with immediate effect and will remain open
until the position will be filled.
From: Mario Ohlberger [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2023
Subject: Doctoral/Postdoc Positions, Mathematics Munster, Germany
Dive into your own research project and benefit from the excellent
research environment at the University of Munster, Germany. Doctoral
and postdoctoral positions at the Cluster of Excellence Mathematics
Munster are open for application.
Doctoral Positions. Join the Mathematics Munster Graduate School and
profit from the active and demanding research environment for talented
and motivated doctoral researchers aiming to become the next
generation of leading scientists.
- Fully funded positions (75% FTE, salary level E13 TV-L) for three
- In all mathematical fields related to the work being undertaken at
Mathematics Munster.
- Benefit from financial support for conference travel or summer
schools and opportunities to co-organise academic events and
participate in numerous networking opportunities and events.
- The expected starting date is no later than July 2024.
- Application deadline: 1 November 2023.
Postdoctoral Positions. Establish your own research profile in our
stimulating research environment amongst internationally renowned
scientists and benefit from the career development opportunities to
foster your scientific independence.
- Full positions (100% FTE, salary level E13 TV-L) for three years.
- In all mathematical fields related to the work being undertaken at
Mathematics Munster.
- Benefit from financial support for conference travel, attendance of
summer schools, hosting guest researchers, and organising academic
- The expected starting date is no later than October 2024.
- Application deadline: 1 November 2023.
Find more information on positions, requirements and the online
application forms at:
From: Olga Mula [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Data Assimilation/ROM, TU Eindhoven
There is an open PhD position on "Data assimilation of systems with
hysteresis. Application to 3D printing." at the Applied Mathematics
department of TU Eindhoven. The focus is on the development and
analysis of data assimilation schemes, and on the control of processes
involving hysteresis, and geometrical changes. An application will be
3D printing.
Further details about the project and instructions to apply:
Application deadline: December 1st.
From: Kostas Papafitsoros [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Data-driven Imaging, Queen Mary Univ of London
We are inviting applications for a fully-funded PhD studentship at the
School of Mathematics, Queen Mary University of London under the
project "Data-driven Image Processing Methods with Applications to
Wildlife Conservation". The aim of this PhD project is to develop deep
learning-based image processing methods (e.g. super-resolution), in
order to enhance low quality images of wild animals, facilitating
their individual identification. The ideal candidate should possess a
masters degree in applied mathematics or computer science. Familiarity
with optimisation, deep learning, imaging and computer vision
techniques is highly desirable. Strong programming skills
(e.g. Python) are essential. For more information and how to formally
apply, please see:
The funding is available to both UK home and international students.
Interested candidates are encouraged to contact Kostas Papafitsoros
[email protected] for an informal discussion about the
research project and this PhD opportunity.
Deadline: December 1st, 2023
End of Digest