NA Digest, V. 23, # 15

NA Digest Thursday, July 06, 2023 Volume 23 : Issue 15

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Laurence Halpern [email protected]
Date: June 23, 2023
Subject: Call for Nominees, Olof B. Widlund Prize 2024

The Scientific Committee of is pleased to announce the second
issue of the Olof B. Widlund Prize for Excellence in Domain
Decomposition Methods, which will be awarded at DD28 in KAUST in
January 2024. The naming of the prize honors a great pioneer of the
theory, algorithms, and applications of domain decomposition, a mentor
of numerous productive contributors to the field -- both at his own
institution and internationally, and a builder of bridges between
theorists and practitioners in academic, industry, and government labs
on multiple continents. It can be awarded for advances in the theory,
algorithmic innovation, scalable implementation, or application of
domain decomposition methods, service to the domain decomposition
community, or any combination thereof. The Olof Widlund Prize awardee
will give a plenary lecture at the DD28 conference and will receive a
certificate and a cash award of 2500 Euros from the Scientific

Nominations for the 2024 Olof Widlund prize are sought with a deadline
of August 30, 2023. A nomination packet consists of: (1) a citation
of 25 words or fewer on the key contributions of the nominee,
beginning with the word "For ... ", (2) a statement of 1000 words or
fewer putting the contributions of the nominee in context and
expanding on their cumulative influence, (3) a bibliography of the
nominee's papers relevant to domain decomposition methods, (4) a list
of the nominee's most notable public presentations of domain
decomposition methods, and (5) the name and short CV of the nominator.

Nomination materials should be in English and bound together in a
single pdf file. No endorsement letters are required. No
self-nominations are permitted. Please send nominations to the
president of the selection committee, Prof. Petter Bjorstad at
[email protected]. More information can be found at

From: Jennifer Pestana [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2023
Subject: Biennial NA Conference, SIAM UKIE Student Prizes

The 29th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis took place at the
University of Strathclyde on June 27-30. The three best student
presentations at the conference were recognized through prizes
sponsored by the UK and Ireland section of SIAM.

We are delighted to announce that the prize winners this year were

Jeremias Arf, RPTU Kaiserslautern-Landau, Germany, "Isogeometric
Analysis and second-order complexes"

Thomas Round, University of Birmingham, UK, "Goal-oriented adaptivity
for stochastic collocation finite element methods"

Philipp Zilk, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany,
"Approximating Laplace eigenvalues of circular sectors using
isogeometric mesh grading"

Congratulations to Jeremias, Thomas and Philipp!

We would also like to sincerely thank the prize committee, comprising
Hussam Al Daas, Scott MacLachlan and Jemima Tabeart, for their
efforts. As always, their task was made very difficult by the high
standard of student presentations!

From: Tyrone Rees [email protected]
Date: June 14, 2023
Subject: HSL 2023, Mathematical Software Library

The Computational Mathematics Group at the UKRI-STFC Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory is pleased to announce the latest release of the
internationally renowned HSL Mathematical Software Library.

This year marks the 60th anniversary of the first release in 1963 of
what was then the Harwell Subroutine Library. Although originally a
general- purpose mathematical library, in recent times HSL has
specialised in providing state-of-the-art routines for handling
large-scale sparse matrix calculations efficiently and reliably. A
brief historical account of HSL@60, of general interest, can be found

Highlights of HSL 2023 include:
- HSL_MA85 - Solve large-scale diagonally-weighted linear least-
squares problems.
- HSL_MI35 - An incomplete factorization preconditioner for weighted
sparse linear least-squares problems.
- HSL_MC81 - Use randomized algorithms to compute a low-rank matrix
approximation for SPD or general m x n matrices.
- New C interfaces are available for HSL_MA57 (solve sparse symmetric
system via a multifrontal method) and HSL_MI28 (incomplete Cholesky
factorization preconditioner).
- All MATLAB interfaces are now also available on Windows and MacOS.
- JuliaHSL - an interface to HSL packages from Julia.
- CoinHSL - improved support for non-Linux users of the HSL solvers
within IPOPT.

HSL 2023 is freely available to academic staff and students for
personal use in teaching and research. Commercial licences are also

A complete set of release notes, with links to download the software,
are available at

From: Mitch Graham [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2023
Subject: New Book, Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization, Second Edition

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization: Theory, Algorithms, and
Applications with Python and MATLAB, Second Edition by Amir Beck

Built on the framework of the successful first edition, this book
serves as a modern introduction to the field of optimization. The
author's objective is to provide the foundations of theory and
algorithms of nonlinear optimization as well as to present a variety
of applications from diverse areas of applied sciences.

Introduction to Nonlinear Optimization gradually yet rigorously builds
connections between theory, algorithms, applications, and actual
implementation. The book contains several topics not typically
included in optimization books, such as optimality conditions in
sparsity constrained optimization, hidden convexity, and total least
squares. Readers will discover a wide array of applications such as
circle fitting, Chebyshev center, the Fermat-Weber problem, denoising,
clustering, total least squares, and orthogonal regression. These
applications are studied both theoretically and algorithmically,
illustrating concepts such as duality. Python and MATLAB programs are
used to show how the theory can be implemented. The extremely popular
CVX toolbox (MATLAB) and CVXPY module (Python) are described and used.

2023 / xii + 354 / softcover / 978-1-61197-761-5 / List $84.00 / SIAM
Member $58.80 / MO32

Bookstore link:

From: Mitch Graham [email protected]
Date: June 20, 2023
Subject: New Book, Moment and Polynomial Optimization

Moment and Polynomial Optimization by Jiawang Nie

Moment and polynomial optimization is an active research field used to
solve difficult questions in many areas, including global
optimization, tensor computation, saddle points, Nash equilibrium, and
bilevel programs, and it has many applications. The author synthesizes
current research and applications, providing a systematic introduction
to theory and methods, a comprehensive approach for extracting
optimizers and solving truncated moment problems, and a creative
methodology for using optimality conditions to construct tight
Moment-SOS relaxations. This book is intended for applied
mathematicians, engineers, and researchers entering the field. It can
be used as a textbook for graduate students in courses on convex
optimization, polynomial optimization, and matrix and tensor

2023 / xvi + 467 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-61197-759-2 / List $94.00 /

Bookstore link:

From: Alfio Borzi [email protected]
Date: June 26, 2023
Subject: New Book, The Sequential Quadratic Hamiltonian Method

The Sequential Quadratic Hamiltonian Method
Solving Optimal Control Problems
by Alfio Borzi

The sequential quadratic hamiltonian (SQH) method is a novel numerical
optimization procedure for solving optimal control problems governed
by differential models. It is based on the characterisation of optimal
controls in the framework of the Pontryagin maximum principle (PMP).
The SQH method is a powerful computational methodology that is capable
of development in many directions. The book discusses its analysis and
use in solving nonsmooth ODE control problems, relaxed ODE control
problems, stochastic control problems, mixed-integer control problems,
PDE control problems, inverse PDE problems, differential Nash game
problems, and problems related to residual neural networks. This book
may serve as a textbook for undergraduate and graduate students, and
as an introduction for researchers in sciences and engineering who
intend to further develop the SQH method or wish to use it as a
numerical tool for solving challenging optimal control problems and
for investigating the Pontryagin maximum principle on new optimisation

Provides insight into mathematical and computational issues concerning
optimal control problems, while discussing many differential models of
interest in different disciplines. Suitable for undergraduate and
graduate students and as an introduction for researchers in sciences
and engineering. Accompanied by codes which allow the reader to apply
the SQH method to solve many different optimal control and
optimisation problems.

ISBN 9780367715526, 266 Pages 61 B/W Illustrations
Published May 26, 2023 by Chapman & Hall / CRC Press

From: Simon Praetorius [email protected]
Date: June 26, 2023
Subject: Dune User Meeting 2023, Germany, Sep 2023

We are pleased to announce the upcoming 7th Dune User Meeting, which
will take place on September 18-19 at the Technische Universitat
Dresden. The goal of this meeting is to bring together Dune users from
different domains to foster collaboration, share experiences, and
provide valuable input for the future development of Dune.

The 7th Dune User Meeting will maintain an informal atmosphere,
encouraging attendees to present their work and engage in general
discussions about Dune. We welcome contributions from other frameworks
such as DuMuX, AMDiS, and OPM that also use Dune.

We are also pleased to announce our two distinguished invited speakers
for this year's meeting: Christophe Geuzaine (from GMsh) and Luca
Heltai (from deal.ii).

Please visit our website or contact
us directly via [email protected] for more detailed
information regarding registration, submission of presentations, and
the event schedule.

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: June 22, 2023
Subject: Induction Course for New Lecturers, UK, Sep 2023

Monday 18th September- Tuesday 19th September 2023, 9am-5pm
Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences, Cambridge

Through a community initiative supported by the Institute of
Mathematics and its Applications, the Isaac Newton Institute for
Mathematical Sciences and the Heads of Departments of Mathematics
Sciences (HoDoMS) and endorsed by the Royal Statistical Society, the
London Mathematical Society, and the Edinburgh Mathematical Society,
we are delighted to announce that in September 2023 the two-day
Induction Course for lecturers new to teaching mathematics and
statistics within Higher Education will once again take place. The
Induction Course is delivered as an in-person only activity to
maximise the opportunities for informal networking and discussion that
have long formed a highly-valued part of this meeting. The Induction
Course for New Lecturers in the Mathematical Sciences has been
designed by the mathematics community so that it is ideally suited for
anyone who is new to or has limited experience teaching mathematics or
statistics within UK higher education. It will be delivered by
individuals with significant experience of teaching in the
mathematical sciences and will focus upon the specific details and
issues that arise in mathematics and statistics teaching and learning
within higher education including topics such as: Lecturing;
Supporting student learning; Making teaching interactive; Assessment,
examinations and feedback; Linking teaching & research; Using
technology to enhance teaching and learning; Using examples and
mathematical problem solving; Teaching statistics and its
applications. Additionally, there will be significant opportunities
for delegates to discuss their own ideas, challenges and experiences
with the session facilitators so that individual queries can be


A full programme for the Induction Course will be released in August
2023, but for questions or queries about the academic content or
structure of the Induction Course please contact: Michael Grove:
[email protected] . For general conference queries please contact:
[email protected] .

From: Lars Grasedyck [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2023
Subject: Matrix Equations & Tensor Techniques, Germany, Sep 2023

It is our pleasure to announce the 10th workshop on Matrix Equations
and Tensor Techniques (METT) for Sept. 13-15, 2023.

The workshop takes place at the RWTH in Aachen, Germany, starting at
13:00 on Sept. 13 and ending at 14:00 on Sept. 15. Topics range from
matrix equations in control theory all the way to tensor techniques
for high-dimensional and multi-parametric problems. All participants
are invited to present their own work at the workshop by either a talk
or a poster presentation. There is no conference fee but free coffee

The deadline for submitting an abstract is August 13th,
2023. Proceedings will appear in a special issue of ETNA.

Invited speakers are Laura Grigori (INRIA Paris) and Davide Palitta

Further information is available at:

From: Kathryn Lund [email protected]
Date: June 22, 2023
Subject: Matrix Functions and Exponential Integrators, Germany, Sep 2023

The submission and registration deadlines for "The f(A)bulous workshop
on matrix functions and exponential integrators" have been extended
one final time! Please submit abstracts by 25 August 2023.
Registration is open until 8 September 2023.

The workshop will be held in-person only at the Max Planck Institute
in Magdeburg, Germany and will take place 25-27 September 2023. It
will feature expert speakers, contributed talks, and ample discussion

A special volume entitled "f(A)bulous progress on matrix functions and
exponential integrators" is also being organized, to be published by
Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis (ETNA). Andreas
Frommer, Stephane Gaudreault, Kathryn Lund, Marcel Schweitzer, and
Daniel B. Szyld will be serving as editors. Submissions are due 21
January 2024 and are open to everyone, including those who will not
have attended the workshop.

For more information on the workshop, travel, venue, and special
volume, please visit

From: Benjamin Uekermann [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2023
Subject: Summer School, RSE with Julia, Germany, Oct 2023

You are at the beginning of your PhD and want to start with a solid
foundation in Research Software Engineering? Or you simply always
wanted to learn more about Julia?

Join us in Stuttgart October 9-13, 2023 for a SimTech Summer School on

Research Software Engineering with Julia: Basics, Visualization, and
- Healthy mix of keynotes from invited lecturers and hands-on sessions
- Small course fee of only 250 due to financial support by the
Cluster of Excellence EXC 2075 "Data-Integrated Simulation Science
- Surrounded by a welcoming social program

- RSE Basics: advanced Git, testing and CI, reproducible environments,
- Visualization: interactivity, Makie, Pluto
- Statistics: regression and resampling using bootstrap and
- Bring your own project

Apply until July 16:

From: Daniel B Szyld [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2023
Subject: Mid-Atlantic NA-Day, USA, Nov 2023

The Mid-Atlantic NA Day 2023 will take place at Temple University,
Philadelphia on Friday 10 November 2023.

The purpose of this one-day meeting is to provide a forum for Graduate
Students and Postdoctoral Fellows, i.e., researchers and practitioners
at the very beginning of their careers, from the Mid-Atlantic region,
to exchange ideas in numerical analysis, scientific computing,
computational mathematics, and related application areas. More
established scientists are encouraged to attend as well. Talks start
at 10 AM to facilitate same-day travel.

Keynote speaker: Lois Curfman McInnes, Argonne National Laboratory
"Scientific software ecosystems and communities: Why we need them and
how each of us can help them thrive"

Please encourage your students and postdocs to attend. You can print
the NA Day poster available here:

Abstract submission deadline is 6 October 2023. There will be no
registration fee, but we ask participants to please register.

Submissions, registration, and more at:

Questions? write to us at [email protected]

From: David Keyes [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2023
Subject: Domain Decomposition Methods, Saudi Arabia, Jan-Feb 2024

The 28th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods
(DD28), a.k.a. the KAUST Research Conference on Divide, Conquer and
Combine Methods in Large-scale Simulation and Analytics, will be held
at the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, on the Red
Sea in Saudi Arabia, from 28 January to 1 February 2024.

Targeted participants are mathematicians, computer scientists, and
computational scientists and engineers interested in massively
parallel computational modeling, simulation, analytics, and
learning. The international conferences on domain decomposition
methods were originated by the late Roland Glowinski in January 1987
and the previous 27 such meetings are archived with their proceedings
at The meeting has evolved beyond its early PDE centricity
to large-scale scientific computing generally, with the same emphases
on optimal bases, optimal convergence rates with respect to problem
size, and optimal parallel scalability.

For more and developing information, please visit the conference
website at

From: Zoran Tomljanovic [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2023
Subject: Model Reduction for Optimization and Control, Croatia, Feb 2024

We are organizing winter school on "Model Reduction for Optimization
and Control". The winter school is held on 19 - 23 February 2024 in
Dubrovnik, Croatia.

The school aims to provide a coherent set of lectures that will
elucidate the mathematical foundations of the control of dynamical
systems, with particular emphasis on optimization and computational
methods for large-scale systems based on model reduction. It is
particularly aimed at PhD students, but not limited to.

Lecturers: Tobias Breiten (Berlin), Melina Freitag (Potsdam), Serkan
Gugercin (Blacksburg), Olga Mula (Eindhoven), and Martin Stoll

For details and registration (open until 30 September 2023), please
visit the website:

From: Michael Bader [email protected]
Date: June 15, 2023
Subject: CFP, SIAM PP24, USA, Mar 2024

SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing -
SIAM PP24 (March 5-8, 2024 - Lord Baltimore Hotel, Baltimore, MD)

The SIAM Conference on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing
(SIAM PP24) and the SIAM Activity Group on Supercomputing (SIAG-SC)
invite research paper submissions (extended deadline: July 15) on
parallel algorithms, scalable scientific computing, simulation,
visualization, and machine learning. The SIAM PP conference series
focuses on the design of numerical and discrete algorithms in the
context of modern parallel computer architectures, covering both
theory and practice.

Full Call for Papers:

The research papers will be peer-reviewed. We will use a rigorous
academic peer-review process and single-blind reviewing (resembling a
journal-style review process, with a short single revision phase).

Accepted papers will be published online, in the SIAM Proceedings
Series on Parallel Processing for Scientific Computing, will be DOI
indexed, and will be presented at SIAM PP24 in special sessions in
addition to the standard conference program (minisymposia, posters,
contributed talks, etc.).

Please follow the submission instructions (e.g., 10 pages without
references, supplementary material will be allowed) provided on

Submission site:

Papers due: July 15, 2023 (extended)

From: Giovanni Samaey [email protected]
Date: June 22, 2023
Subject: Faculty Position, Computational Neurosciences, Belgium

The Science, Engineering & Technology Group of KU Leuven and the
Flemish Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) have a joint vacancy for a
full-time academic position in computational neuroscience. We are
looking for internationally oriented candidates with an excellent
research record, and with a solid background and teaching experience
in computational neuroscience. The position is a shared appointment
between the NERF Department of the Flemish Institute for Biotechnology
(VIB) on the one hand, and the Departments of Computer Science
(research unit NUMA) and of Electrical Engineering (ESAT) (research
unit STADIUS) of KU Leuven on the other hand. Besides the teaching,
all other tasks related to this position are primarily localized and
carried out at the VIB facilities in Leuven. Active presence at those
facilities is required.

NERF is an academic research institute founded by imec, VIB and KU
Leuven, and is becoming one of the research departments of the Flemish
Institute of Biotechnology (VIB). NERF's goal is to reveal principles
of brain and neuronal circuit function and the neural basis of
behavior and health and disease. The institute is a pioneer and world
leader in large-scale recording and imaging techniques. Its work
provides insights into the mechanistic foundation of nervous system
function and behavior, and paves the way to better diagnostics and
treatments. NERF is a member of Leuven's vibrant neuroscience
community around the Leuven Brain Institute, the VIB Center of Brain,
the KU Leuven Departments of Neuroscience, Biology, Computer Science
and Electrical Engineering, the University Hospitals and imec.

As a member of the senior academic staff of KU Leuven, you will be
appointed in the Faculty of Engineering Science within the Science,
Engineering & Technology Group of KU Leuven. As a researcher, you will
be appointed as (junior or senior) group leader in the
Neuro-Electronics Flanders (NERF) department of VIB. For further
information, contact information and the application procedure
(deadline July 6, 2023), follow the link:

From: Ilaria Perugia [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2023
Subject: Professor Position, Computational PDEs, Vienna Univ

The Faculty of Mathematics of the University of Vienna (Austria)
invites applications for a full professor position in Computational
Partial Differential Equations.

In filling this position, we are looking for individuals with an
exceptional research profile in theory and methods in Computational
Partial Differential Equations and Scientific Computing.

The application deadline is October 18, 2023.

The detailed announcement can be found here:

From: Dietmar Gallistl [email protected]
Date: June 14, 2023
Subject: Lecturer Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ Jena, Germany

We have an open fixed-term position for a lecturer (3 years
"akademischer Rat a.Z.") in Numerical Analysis at the University of
Jena (Germany) starting from 1st October 2023. We support the
development of an independent research line and will equip the
position with a budget for travel and guests. Teaching in German will
be expected.

The full opening can be found under the following URL

From: Amos Lawless [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2023
Subject: Lectureship Position, Mathematics, UK

We are seeking to appoint a candidate with an excellent research
record to a permanent Lectureship in the Mathematics of Environmental
Data Science (equivalent to North American assistant professorship) at
the University of Reading, U.K. Applications are welcome from
candidates working in any area of mathematics for environmental data
science, including data assimilation and deep learning. The post is a
joint position between the Department of Mathematics and Statistics
and the Department of Meteorology. The closing date for applications
is 31 August 2023. Further details are available at

From: Aretha Teckentrup [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2023
Subject: Chancellor's Fellowship Positions, Univ of Edinburgh, UK

The School of Mathematics of the University of Edinburgh invites
applications for Chancellor's Fellowships. These are 5-year tenure
track fellowships designed to provide talented early career
researchers with the support required to develop into leading
research-active academics. The positions are part of a University-wide
initiative that prioritises the themes:
- AI and Data Science,
- Health and Life,
- Climate and Environmental Sustainability.

for details. Applications close at 5 pm (UK) on 28th August 2023.

From: Laurette Lauffer [email protected]
Date: June 19, 2023
Subject: Doctoral Researcher Positions, KIT, Germany

We are currently seeking to recruit, as soon as possible, Doctoral
Researchers (m/f/d - 75 - 100 %) at Karlsruhe and Bonn in the
Collaborative Research Center (CRC) 1173 "Wave phenomena: analysis and

The full announcement can be found at

The remuneration is based on the wage agreement of the civil service
in TV-L E13 (75-100%). Funds for travel and guests are available
through the CRC. Contract duration is 3 years with a possibility of

Applications (cover letter including a list of preferred CRC projects,
CV, and certificates in one pdf file) should be submitted online to
[email protected] by July 15th, 2023.

From: Min Hadler [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2023
Subject: Doctorate Research Position, Mathematics, Univ of Vienna

Within the FWF-funded Hertha-Firnberg-Program Photoacoustic
Tomography: Analysis and Numerics, we offer a Doctorate Research
Position (20 Months with a possible extension of up to 4 years) at the
Faculty of Mathematics, University of Vienna

The position is available from August 15th, 2023. The duties concern
research in inverse problems related to photoacoustic tomography,
regularization methods and mathematical modeling. Publications in high
quality journals, networking with partners in applied sciences is
desired. The salary is as suggested by the FWF according to a
doctorate position. The working load for the project is 30 hours per

Candidates have a MSc degree (or equivalent) in Mathematics or a
closely related field and have an interest in interdisciplinary
mathematics. They are open minded, active, and have a good command of
the English and/or German language. Applications (including letter of
motivation, curriculum vitae, copies of academic certificates, and a
letter of recommendation) and inquiries on the position should be send
to: [email protected].

The Computational Science Center (CSC) at the Faculty of Mathematics,
University of Vienna is a research group, headed by Otmar
Scherzer. The core research topics of the CSC are on Inverse Problems
and Image Analysis. More information can be found on

From: Vincent Acary [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data-driven Modellng, INRIA, France

You will find on this link [1] an offer for a 20-year post-doc at
INRIA centre of Grenoble-Alpes University on the following topic:
Data-driven modelling for gravity flows and rockfall protection
structures. The subject is fairly open-ended, but includes a large
section on quantifying the uncertainties in the numerical models used
to simulate phenomena linked to mountain gravity hazards.


From: Laurette Lauffer [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, KIT, Germany

The CRC 1173 "Wave phenomena - analysis and numerics" is inviting
applications, as soon as possible, for the position of a Postdoctoral
Researcher (f/m/d) within Project A5 or A6 at Collaborative Research
Center 1173 at Karlsruhe Institute for Technology in Karlsruhe.

We welcome applications if you are a postdoctoral researcher with a
strong interest in nonlinear PDEs. For Project A5
( your interest lies in wellposedness
theory, dispersive estimates, and the long-time behavior of nonlinear
wave-type equations. For Project A6 your expertise lies in the area of
the calculus of variations, spectral theory, and/or bifurcation
methods (Project A6). If your interest fits into both projects you are
especially encouraged to apply.

For further information please see:

From: Robert Altmann [email protected]
Date: July 05, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, OvGU Magdeburg, Germany

The "Numerical Mathematics" group at the Otto von Guericke University
Magdeburg is currently seeking a postdoctoral researcher (f/m/d -
100%). This full-time employment includes both research and
teaching. The salary is on German level 13 TV-L in science. The
position is available from October 2023 and is initially limited to
three years.

Questions can be sent to: Prof. Dr. Robert Altmann
([email protected])

Deadline for applications: July 26, 2023

For more details (and the online application) please visit:

From: Nail Yamaleev [email protected]
Date: June 25, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Old Dominion Univ, USA

Applications are invited for a post-doctoral research associate
position in the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Old
Dominion University (R1 university in Norfolk, VA, USA). The selected
candidate will receive an annual salary of up to $65,000 (depending on
the experience), health insurance, and travel funds for participation
in scientific conferences and meetings. The initial appointment is for
a period of 1 year. The position is renewable annually for a period of
up to 4 years subject to performance and funding availability. The
position is available immediately, though a later start date is

This position will provide a unique opportunity to work on a
cutting-edge project in close collaboration with research scientists
of NASA Langley Research Center. The focus of this project is on the
development of new positivity-preserving entropy stable spectral
collocation schemes for simulation of 3-D compressible viscous flows
on unstructured grids. Our group has a history of producing
exceptionally successful, independent, and productive postdocs and PhD
students. More information about our research can be found at:

We are looking for an enthusiastic and highly motivated candidate with
a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics, Computer Science, Engineering or a
closely related field. A solid background in numerical methods for
PDEs, strong hands-on experience with large codes written in Fortran
90 or C++ and programming in MPI, and effective communication skills
(written/spoken English) are required.

Interested candidates should send a CV, a copy of undergraduate and
graduate transcripts, a summary of recent work and research interests,
and arrange for three letters of recommendation. All applications
should be submitted electronically as a single PDF file (not exceeding
20 Mb) to [email protected]. Note that only those candidates who are
selected for further consideration will be contacted. Review of
applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is

From: J. Lu [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimization/Tensor/Wavelet/ML, China

Job Type: Full-Time for Research Scientist / PostDoc
Duration: 2 years
Number of Position: 2 Positions
Salary for Postdoc: about 340,000 RMB (about 46880 US dollars) --
420,000RMB (about 57910 US dollars) per year.
Closing Date: Open Until Filled.

Description: We have projects that are looking for Research
Scientists/Postdoc in Optimization/Tensor Computation/Wavelet/Machine
Learning, Image/Video/Signal Processing/Analysis, Matrix theory, etc.

We have no teaching tasks.

Promotors: Prof. Jian Lu (Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Advanced Machine
Learning and Applications, College of Mathematics and Statistics,
Shenzhen University, Shenzhen, China. email: [email protected];
[email protected])

Those who are interested in Research Scientist/Postdoc please send
their C.V. to Prof. Dr. Jian Lu (email: [email protected];
[email protected] ).

From: Heiko Gimperlein [email protected]
Date: June 27, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ Innsbruck

Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position in
scientific computing and numerical analysis. The successful candidates
will contribute to the research activities of the group in engineering
mathematics: .

A strong background and excellent track record of accomplishments is
expected in scientific computing, numerical analysis or an application
area. Candidates must have obtained a PhD in mathematics or a related
subject preceding the start date of appointment.

The position is partly financed by a project of the Austrian Science
Fund FWF to develop fast and highly accurate finite and boundary
element methods for parabolic equations arising in soft matter physics
, in collaboration with theoretical physicists: The successful applicant
should contribute to the wider research activities of our group and
pursue their own research program.

Contact: Heiko Gimperlein ([email protected]), Thomas
Franosch ([email protected]).

From: Christophe Geuzaine [email protected]
Date: July 04, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Liege, Belgium

A postdoctoral position in scientific computing is available in
Prof. C. Geuzaine's group at the University of Liege in Belgium. The
project involves the development of algorithms and computational
models to improve the accuracy and efficiency of frequency-domain Full
Waveform Inversion techniques, specifically focusing on their
applications to high- resolution imaging of elastic properties of the
ground for geotechnical applications in near- or offshore

You can find more details and information on how to apply here:

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until
the position is filled.

For enquiries about the position, please contact Prof. C. Geuzaine
([email protected]).

From: Michael Herbst [email protected]
Date: June 20, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, UQ of Materials Simulations, EPFL

The mathematics for materials modelling group (MatMat, at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne
(EPFL) invites applications for a postdoctoral researcher position. We
seek an outstanding candidate with a PhD in mathematics or a related
subject and with considerable experience in Bayesian regression,
multi-fidelity methods or inverse problems on applications in physics
or engineering.

The activities of the MatMat group revolve around understanding modern
materials simulations from a mathematical point of view =13 and to come
up with ways to make such simulations faster, quantify their errors or
make them more reliable. You will become part of a young and energetic
team, fully integrated with both the mathematics and the materials
institutes as well as cross-disciplinary initiatives. The goal of this
project will be to investigate the opportunities for uncertainty
quantification in materials modelling enabled by modern tools such as
algorithmic differentiation (AD). Due to the rather unexplored nature
of this topic, a variety of research questions could be tackled,
depending on your interests and prior background. As part of the
project you will collaborate with researchers from diverse backgrounds
and acquire the broad skillset required to become an independent
researcher in this exciting field.

Screening of candidates starts 1st August 2023 and continues until the
position is filled.

Further information and details how to apply:

From: George Biros [email protected]
Date: June 21, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of Texas at Austin, USA

The Center for Predictive Engineering and Computational Sciences in
the Oden Institute for Computational Engineering and Sciences at the
University of Texas at Austin is searching for Postdoctoral Scholars
in Computational Science to join a multi-disciplinary research project
on focused on reliable computational simulation of complex physical
systems. The target application is a low-temperature plasma flow.

Topics of research within the center include the following: predictive
simulations of multispecies flow/transport systems; verification and
validation using multifidelity simulations; model reduction;
uncertainty quantification; HPC algorithms for PDEs and
linear/nonlinear algebraic solvers; task-based systems and programming
languages for productivity and performance portability on
heterogeneous HPC architectures.

For more information about the project and team, visit To apply, please send a cover letter describing
your interests, a CV, and a list of two references to pecos
[email protected]

From: Feng [email protected]
Date: July 01, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Chinese Univ of Hong Kong, Shenzhen

The School of Data Science (SDS) at the Chinese University of Hong
Kong, Shenzhen (CUHK-Shenzhen) invites applications for the RS
Postdoctoral Fellowship. The RS Postdoctoral Fellowship provides
outstanding working conditions to young scholars with diverse research
backgrounds such as computer science, mathematics, statistics, and
data science. Applicants must have already successfully finished their
Ph.D. studies or must be close to finishing their Ph.D. studies.

The successful candidates will receive a highly competitive CUHK-
Shenzhen salary of approximately RMB 560,000 per year (USD 80,000 per
year) plus a personal allowance of RMB 180,000 per year (comes through
a national-provincial-city grant, which a candidate needs to submit an
application for), resulting in a total annual income of RMB
740,000. In addition, a start-up fund of RMB 300,000 will be provided
to each RS fellow for scientific travel reimbursements and related

More information on the RS Postdoctoral Fellowship and the SDS
Postdoctoral Prize and the application procedure can be found at

The application deadline for the RS Postdoctoral Fellowship is August
15th, 2023, but applications thereafter will also be considered if not
all RS Postdoctoral Fellowship positions have already been awarded.

From: Emmanuil Georgoulis [email protected]
Date: June 19, 2023
Subject: Postdoc Postition, Heriot-Watt Univ & The Maxwell Institute, UK

A postdoctoral research associate (PDRA) position for a period of 2
years (24 months) is available from September 1st 2023, at Heriot-Watt
University and The Maxwell Institute (,
Edinburgh, UK.

The PDRA will be working for the EPSRC project
"Hypocoercivity-preserving discretisations" under the guidance of
Professor Emmanuil Georgoulis. Relevant skills are a PhD (or near
completion of a PhD) in Numerical Analysis, or Scientific Computing,
or related field. The position requires both good programming skills,
including knowledge of C++ and MPI/OpenMP, as well as a strong
mathematical background in the analysis of finite element
methods. Some understanding of kinetic-type PDE theory and numerical
analysis is highly desirable. Any knowledge of CUDA programming is

More info and application at:

Informal enquiries at: [email protected]

From: Jan Giesselmann [email protected]
Date: June 12, 2023
Subject: PhD/Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Germany

We are offering a three year PhD student or PostDoc position at the
working group Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing at Technical
University of Darmstadt, that is advertised together with other
positions at the department of mathematics of Technical University of

Our group develops and investigates numerical methods for nonlinear
partial differential equations, e.g. hyperbolic conservation laws,
kinetic equations or cross-diffusion systems. Our main goals are to
construct structure preserving numerical schemes and to provide a
priori and a posteriori error estimates.

The ideal candidate has a strong background in numerical analysis as
well as a good understanding of mathematical analysis of PDEs and
programming. An open mind towards challenging and abstract research is

The tasks of the position involve teaching. Being able to teach in
German is not necessary but is considered a plus.

If you are interested in the position or have any questions please
contact Jan Giesselmann: [email protected]

From: Bangti Jin [email protected]
Date: June 20, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, CUHK

The Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
(CUHK) invites the application for one PhD under the supervision of
Prof. Bangti Jin, starting from August 1, 2023. The position is
funded by the international joint supervision of PhD students scheme
of CUHK, with Prof. Simon Arridge at University College London as the
co-supervisor. The studentship is for three years for an appointee
with research MSc degree, and four years for an appointee with the
bachelor degree. The goal of the project is to investigate the use of
deep neural networks for solving inverse problems associated with
partial differential equations, with a focus on developing efficient
numerical algorithms and / or providing theoretical guarantees. The
specific inverse problems of interest include electrical impedance
tomography, current density impedance imaging and conductivity imaging
from partial interior data. The topics deal with the development and
application of neural networks and their integration to inverse
problems, and the main tasks include 1) conduct numerical experiments
on model inverse problems; 2) conduct preliminary theoretical analysis
of the algorithm, e.g., generalization error analysis; 3) perform
comparative study with traditional methods. The deadline for the
application is August 31, 2023, and the application and questions on
the position should be directed to Bangti Jin ([email protected])

From: Yoshihito Kazashi [email protected]
Date: June 20, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Computational UQ, Univ of Strathclyde, UK

Applications are invited for a fully funded 3.5-year PhD position in
Numerical Analysis (high-dimensional computations and UQ) in the Dept
of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of Strathclyde. The
project is concerned with high-dimensional computations with
applications to uncertainty quantification for multiphysics
engineering systems. While this studentship primarily targets UK-based
students, we also welcome applications from strong international
candidates, provided they are able to cover the difference between the
home and international tuition fees on their own.

For more details see

From: Xiaocheng Shang [email protected]
Date: June 17, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Data Science, Univ of Birmingham, UK

The University of Birmingham has recently been announced as new
academic partner of the UK Met Office. As part of the partnership, we
are offering a small number of fully-funded studentships to work on
co- created projects in relevant areas across the two organisations.
The areas are:
- Advancing Observations: Working towards a step change in
observational capabilities, realising the value of third party and
opportunistic observations to address growing needs.
- Fusing Simulation with Data Science: Exploring the use of new and
evolving data science methods such as artificial intelligence,
machine learning and advanced data assimilation for weather and
climate prediction and impact-based services
- Hazard to Decision Making: Using an interdisciplinary approach to
increase understanding of the impacts of hazards and to develop
better impact-based services.
- Capturing Environmental Complexity: Extend applied environmental
prediction capabilities with a focus on cities, air quality, the
water cycle, and carbon and nitrogen cycles.

These are aligned to the latest Met Office research and innovation
strategy. More details on each area can be found here:

We are looking for applicants across these four areas with a
willingness to flexibly shape a PhD to start in Autumn 2023.
Applicants are expected to include a 1000 word (max.) research
proposal focussed on one of the four above areas and aligned to the
Met Office research and innovation strategy as part of their
application. This will form the basis for further discussion and will
be used to assign a supervisory team from the University and the Met
Office. The proposal will then evolve via a co-creation process to
ensure that it is mutually beneficial to all. Please note, that
during this process the proposal could change considerably and
therefore, a willingness to work more generally within the chosen area
is an essential requirement.

Please apply through the following link, choosing the discipline most
relevant to yourself: Maths, Civil Engineering, Environmental Science
(Department of Environmental Health and Risk Management)

The closing date is the 21st July 2023.

Please direct any enquiries to Professor Lee Chapman
([email protected]) or Professor Gregor Leckebusch
([email protected])

From: Heiko Gimperlein [email protected]
Date: June 27, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Univ Innsbruck

Applications are invited for a PhD position in scientific computing
and numerical analysis. The successful candidate will contribute to
the research activities of the group in engineering mathematics: .

A strong background is expected in scientific computing, numerical
analysis or an application area. Candidates must have obtained an
M.Sc. in mathematics or a related subject preceding the start date of

The position is financed by a project of the Austrian Science Fund FWF
to develop fast and highly accurate finite and boundary element
methods for parabolic equations arising in soft matter physics , in
collaboration with theoretical physicists:

Contact: Heiko Gimperlein ([email protected]), Thomas
Franosch ([email protected]).

From: Giancarlo Sangalli [email protected]
Date: June 22, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, Univ of Pavia, Italy

Within the HORIZON-MSCA Doctoral Network "Gecko - Design for IGA- type
discretization workflows" (, University of
Pavia will open the selection procedure for the two PhD positions as
described on the website:

From: Marie St=F6be [email protected]
Date: June 23, 2023
Subject: PhD Position, WIAS, Germany

WIAS invites applications for a PhD Student Position (f/m/d)
(Ref. 23/16) in the Research Group "Nonsmooth Variational Problems and
Operator Equations" (Head: Prof. Dr. M. Hintermuller) starting as soon
as possible.

Field of work: Optimization with partial differential equations under
uncertainty. The position is dedicated to the analysis of these
problems and the design of efficient algorithms for their solution. An
emphasis will be placed on the implementation of the designed
algorithms. Two different areas of focus are possible: Multicriteria
optimization with game-theoretic applications; The design and study of
stochastic algorithms.

Please direct scientific queries to Dr. C. Geiersbach
([email protected]).

The appointment is limited until 30.06.2026. The reduced work schedule
is 29.25 hours per week, and the salary is according to the German
TVoeD Bund scale.

The Weierstrass Institute is an equal opportunity employer. We
explicitly encourage female researchers to apply for the offered
position. Among equally qualified applicants, disabled candidates will
be given preference.

Please upload complete application documents including a cover letter,
curriculum vitae and photocopies of relevant certificates via our
online job-application facility ( using
the button "Apply online" (

The advertisement is open with immediate effect and will remain open
until the position will be filled.

From: Simone Weber [email protected]
Date: June 13, 2023
Subject: PhD Positions, Heidelberg Univ, Germany

The Heidelberg Graduate School of Mathematical and Computational
Methods for the Sciences (HGS MathComp, https://mathcomp.uni- at Heidelberg University is the leading graduate
school in Germany that focuses on the complex topic of Scientific
Computing. Located in a vibrant research environment, the school
offers a uniquely structured interdisciplinary education for PhD
students. HGS MathComp has 18 open PhD positions in the general
research areas of Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Biology,
Chemistry, and Life Sciences.

Scope and duration of the PhD positions:
- Three-year contract with the possibility of extension
- Salary according to TV-L E13 level
salary-calculator/TV-L/E-13/1); contract details depend on research
- Faculty/department affiliation according to research group
- Start: October 1, 2023
- Jobs description and application full details:$.startup?MODUL=3DLS&M1=3D1&M2=3D0&M3=3D0&PRO=3D33376

PhD positions are available for the following PhD project topics:
1. Immersed interface methods for the simulation of cell movement
2. Multiscale Methods and Localized Model Reduction for Convection-
Dominated Problems and Applications in Climate Modelling 3. Modeling
and simulation of thermochemical energy conversion processes for the
flexible use of hydrogen-based renewable fuels 4. Transformer-based
cell tracking in virology 5. Geometric machine learning in quantum
chemistry: learning kinetic energy density functionals 6. Modelling
cytoadhesion of malaria-infected red blood cells 7. Traction force
microscopy for biological cells in three dimensions 8. Domain
Uncertainty Quantification 9.-10. Machine Learning for Programming (2
PhD positions) 11. Model based AI: Physics Informed Neural Networks
(fundamental research) 12. Machine Learning and Model-based controller
(applied research) 13.-14. Biomedical Modeling with PDEs and Machine
Learning (applied research) (2 PhD positions) 15. Magnetic Resonance
Imaging: AI based patient-specific MRI acquisition optimization
16. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Sequence development for a local
breast gradient coil 17.-18. New numerical schemes and parallel
algorithms in scientific computing (2 PhD positions)

All documents must be uploaded as one PDF via our application portal:
Deadline for applications: July 15, 2023

From: amelia sun [email protected]
Date: June 24, 2023
Subject: CFP, Symmetry Special Issue, Symmetry and Graph Theory

We extend a warm invitation to submit original research papers or
reviews for this Special Issue on "Symmetry and Graph Theory",
focusing on recent developments in graph theoretical research,
particularly in relation to symmetry. Graph theory has widespread
applications across various research domains, making this Issue a
platform for valuable contributions to this significant field. The
Issue encompasses a range of topics in graph theory, such as metric
dimension, topological indices, coloring, domination, independence,
Ramsey numbers, and polynomials in graphs, among others. Your valuable
insights in any of these areas are highly encouraged.

More information can be found at:

If you are interested, please contact the Symmetry Editorial Office
([email protected]), or the leading Guest Editor, Dr. Abel Cabrera
Martinez ([email protected]).

From: Dongbin Xiu [email protected]
Date: June 16, 2023
Subject: Contents, JMLMC, 4 (1)

JMLMC (Journal of Machine Learning for Modeling and Computing)
Volume 4, 2023 Issue 1
DOI: 10.1615/JMachLearnModelComput.v4.i1

Using physics-informed neural networks to solve for permeability field
under two-phase flow in heterogeneous porous media, Mingyuan Yang,
John T. Foster

How important are activation functions in regression and
classification? a survey, performance comparison, and future
directions, Ameya D. Jagtap, George Em Karniadakis

Assessment of neuroimaging data and identification of alzheimer's
disease using extreme learning machines, Dharini Raghavan, K. V. Suma,
Puneeth N. Ganesh

A scalable transformer model for real-time decision making in neutron
scattering experiments, Junqi Yin, Siyan Liu, Viktor Reshniak,
Xiaoping Wang, Guannan Zhang

Parameter estimation for the truncated kdv model through a direct
filter method, Hui Sun, Nicholas J. Moore, Feng Bao

End of Digest