NA Digest, V. 22, # 6
NA Digest Sunday, February 13, 2022 Volume 22 : Issue 6
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Alan Feldstein, 1945-1922
- New Book, Iterative Methods and Preconditioners for Systems
- Hyperbolic Equations/Structure Preserving Methods, ONLINE, Feb-May 2022
- SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, ONLINE, Feb 2022
- East Coast Optimization Meeting, ONLINE, Mar-Apr 2022
- Numerical Linear Algebra, UK, Apr 2022
- High-order Time Discretization Methods for PDEs, Italy, May 2022
- Preconditioning Meeting, Germany, Jun 2022
- Global Optimization/EURO-2022, Finland, Jul 2022
- High Order Methods, NAHOMCon, USA, Jul
- MIUA 2022, UK, Jul 2022
- GAMM Annual Meeting, Germany, Aug 2022
- Faculty Position, Linear Algebra/Optimisation, France
- Professor Position, Quantum Algorithms, Michigan State Univ
- Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics, KTH
- Lecturer/Assistant Professor Position, Univ of Cyprus
- Postdoc Position, NA Elastic Turbulence, Leicester/Bath UK
- Postdoc Position, Computational Hydrology, Univ of Oslo
- Postdoc Position, Deep Data-Driven Computing, BCAM
- Postdoc Position, Empirical Wavelets and Deep Learning
- Postdoc Position, Galerkin Methods in Turbulence, UK
- Postdoc Position, Innovative Semiconductor Devices, WIAS, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Machine Learning, UBC Okanagan
- Postdoc Position, Scientific Comp/Comp Cosmology, Durham Univ
- PhD Position, Mathematical Sciences, Stevens Inst of Technology, USA
- PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Leicester
- Contents, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(1)
- Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 17 (2)
- Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 27 (1)
- Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 89 (3)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Rosemary Renaut mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 31, 2022
Subject: Alan Feldstein, 1945-1922
We are sad to report that Alan Feldstein, Emeritus Professor at
Arizona State University passed away on January 29, 2022. He was a
prolific and highly cited scholar who published dozens of
peer-reviewed articles in mathematics journals, conducted national
security research for the government, recruited high-caliber
professors to the ASU Mathematics Department, organized conferences on
the numerical solution of Volterra equations, and mentored doctoral
students in the field of applied mathematics. His scientific activity
was mostly dedicated to the numerical solution of delay differential
equations and computer arithmetic, where he made many important and
highly cited contributions.
In the late 1950s, Alan worked on classified projects at the Los
Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, which designed nuclear
weapons, and was exposed to radioactive fallout during atomic testing
on the Pacifica toll Eniwetok in the Marshall Islands. He later worked
as a research consultant on classified projects for the Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory in California and the Naval Research
Laboratory in Washington, DC. Alan earned a PhD in mathematics from
UCLA in 1964, then served on the faculties at UCLA, Brown University
and the University of Virginia. Alan became a professor of
mathematics at Arizona State University in 1970 and served for 31
years, until his 2001 retirement.
From his colleagues: Zdzislaw Jackiewicz, Hans Mittelman, Rosemary
Renaut, Christian Ringhofer, Stefania Tracogna, and Bruno Welfert
From: Kris ONeill mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 08, 2022
Subject: New Book, Iterative Methods and Preconditioners for Systems
of Linear Equations
Iterative Methods and Preconditioners for Systems of Linear Equations
by Gabriele Ciaramella and Martin J. Gander
Iterative methods use successive approximations to obtain more
accurate solutions. This book gives an introduction to iterative
methods and preconditioning for solving discretized elliptic partial
differential equations and optimal control problems governed by the
Laplace equation, for which the use of matrix-free procedures is
crucial. All methods are explained and analyzed starting from the
historical ideas of the inventors, which are often quoted from their
seminal works. Iterative Methods and Preconditioners for Systems of
Linear Equations grew out of a set of lecture notes that were improved
and enriched over time, resulting in a clear focus for the teaching
methodology, which: presents historical background, derives complete
convergence estimates for all methods, illustrates and provides MATLAB
codes for all methods, and studies and tests all preconditioners first
as stationary iterative solvers.
This textbook is appropriate for undergraduate and graduate students
in need of an overview or of deeper knowledge about iterative
methods. It can be used in courses on Advanced Numerical Analysis,
Special Topics on Numerical Analysis, Topics on Data Science, Topics
on Numerical Optimization, and Topics on Approximation
Theory. Scientists and engineers interested in new topics and
applications will also find the text useful.
2022 / x + 275 pages / Softcover / ISBN: 978-1-611976-89-2 / List
Price $79 / SIAM Member Price $55.30 / FA19
From: Christian Klingenberg mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 10, 2022
Subject: Hyperbolic Equations/Structure Preserving Methods, ONLINE, Feb-May 2022
Our online series of seminar lectures "Hyperbolic equations, structure
preserving methods and other topics" will continue im 2022, see here
The speakers are:
Feb. 25: Alina Chertok (Raleigh, NC, USA)
Mar. 4: Maria Lukacova (Mainz, Germany)
Mar. 11: Eitan Tadmor (College Park, MD, USA)
Mar. 18: Li Wang (Minneapolis, USA)
Mar. 25: Jingwei Hu (Seattle, USA
Apr. 1: Barbara Re (Torino, Italy)
Apr. 8: Giacomo Dimarco (Ferrara, Italy)
Apr. 15: no seminar, spring break
Apr. 22: James Glimm (Stony Brook, NY, USA)
Apr. 29: Alexander Kurganov (Shenzhen, China)
May 6: Randall LeVeque (Seattle, USA)
May 13: Martin Frank (Karlsruhe, Germany)
All are welcome to join the lectures via Zoom. Email Christian
Klingenberg at mailto:[email protected] to obtain the Zoom
From: Suzanne Shontz mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 09, 2022
Subject: SIAM International Meshing Roundtable, ONLINE, Feb 2022
Registration for SIAM IMR 2022 is now open. Attendance at SIAM IMR
2022 is free. The conference will be hosted in MS Teams.
Please register here:
During registration, you will be asked to suggest meshing sub-
disciplines you will like addressed during the discussion forums. This
session will be an opportunity for all attendees to share their
thoughts, current challenges, and outlook of specific topics. Please
contribute your suggestions!
Conference schedule: The conference will run from the February 22
until February 25. Each day will start at 7am Pacific time/3pm GMT/4pm
CET/11pm Beijing. A detailed agenda and updates, will be published on
the website: in due
From: Harbir Antil mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 30, 2022
Subject: East Coast Optimization Meeting, ONLINE, Mar-Apr 2022
We plan to host the third
East Coast Optimization Meeting (ECOM) 2022
in a virtual format on March 31 - April 1, 2022
Everyone is welcome to attend, but registration is mandatory. ECOM is
an annual two day workshop hosted at George Mason University in
Fairfax VA, which is in the Washington DC Metropolitan area. The goal
of ECOM is to introduce students and early-career researchers to
current trends in optimization as well as to provide a strong
networking environment between academia, industry, and the national
ECOM 2022 will consist tutorials, public lectures, invited and
contributed talks.
Contributed talks are requested in broad area of optimization.
Everyone is welcome to submit a title and abstract, but a slight
preference will be given to early career researchers. We hope to see
you at the workshop.
From: Jemima Tabeart mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 07, 2022
Subject: Numerical Linear Algebra, UK, Apr 2022
A workshop on "Recent Advances in Numerical Linear Algebra for PDEs,
Optimization, and Data Assimilation" will be held on 11th-13th April
2022, anticipated to be at the International Centre for Mathematical
Sciences (ICMS) in Edinburgh. This workshop will consist of
presentations from a number of leading researchers from academia and
industry, and is aimed to encourage an exchange of ideas to further
advance the state of the art in the application of numerical linear
algebra to PDEs, optimization, and data assimilation.
Participation is free of charge, but registration is required by 31st
March for catering and organizational purposes; to apply please follow
the link at We
highlight that in person participation may be capped due to COVID
restrictions including social distancing requirements at the time, in
which case we will prioritise applications made by 3rd
March. Following the completion of the application form, we will let
participants know in good time whether they can be accommodated by
ICMS. Talks will also be live-streamed on the conference website.
A limited amount of funding is available to support travel and
accommodation for UK-based PhD students coming to Edinburgh for the
workshop. Please indicate your interest in being considered for this
funding on the application form (deadline 3rd March).
For further information or questions please contact
mailto:[email protected]
From: Giovanni Russo, Lorenzo Pareschi, Sebastiano Boscarino, Giuseppe
Izzo mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 02, 2022
Subject: High-order Time Discretization Methods for PDEs, Italy, May 2022
We are glad to announce that the Second Edition of the international
workshop "Efficient high-order time discretization methods for PDEs"
(PDETD22) will be held in Anacapri, Italy, on May 11-13, 2022.
The aim of this workshop is to bring together young researchers and
leading scientists interested in high-order time discretization
methods for the solution of evolutionary partial differential
equations, with special emphasis on implicit-explicit (IMEX),
semi-implicit, strong stability preserving (SSP) and asymptotic
preserving (AP) methods.
All the information about invited speakers, abstract submission,
registration and important dates can be found on the web site:
If you want to keep up to date with the workshop, please sign up here:
Please, note that, due to logistic reasons, a maximum number of 50
in-person participants will be admitted.
From: Martin Stoll mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 31, 2022
Subject: Preconditioning Meeting, Germany, Jun 2022
The Preconditioning 2022 will be held in Chemnitz, Germany from June
8th to June 10th. This is the week prior to the Householder XXI in
We are happy to announce that the registration for Preconditioning2022
will open on the 1st of March and that we now accept proposals for
minisymposia to mailto:[email protected] (please send a short
description of the topic and a list of tentative speakers as multiples
of 4).
We are happy to announce a fantastic list of invited speakers
- Hartwig Anzt (KIT, Germany)
- Erin Carson (Charles University, Czech Republic)
- Eric Cyr (Sandia National Laboratories, USA)
- Selime Gurol (Cerfacs, France)
- John Pearson (University of Edinburgh, Scotland)
- Jennifer Scott ( University of Reading, United Kingdom)
- Rasmus Tamsdorf (Disney Research, USA)
- Yuanzhe Xi (Emory University, USA)
Further information can be found here
If you have any questions, contact Martin Stoll
(mailto:[email protected])
From: Dmitri Kvasov mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 08, 2022
Subject: Global Optimization/EURO-2022, Finland, Jul 2022
EURO 2022 - 32nd European Conference on Operational Research
Espoo, Finland, July 3-6, 2022,
We warmly invite you to take part in the "Stochastic and Deterministic
Global Optimization" stream at the 32nd EURO Conference to be
organized in Espoo, Finland on 3-6 July, 2022.
This stream is devoted to an important field of operations research -
global optimization. The aim of the stream is to create a
multidisciplinary discussion platform focused on new computational,
theoretical, and applied results dealing with multiextremal
optimization problems. Talks devoted to sequential/parallel and
deterministic/stochastic/metaheuristic methods are very
welcome. Researchers who intend to propose special sessions should
contact the stream chairs: mailto:[email protected] ,
mailto:[email protected]
Abstract submission system is available online, via the Conference
Abstracts: max. 1500 characters; submission deadline: March 4, 2022.
Abstract submission deadline: Friday, March 4, 2022
Early registration deadline: Friday, March 25, 2022
Author registration deadline: Friday, April 8, 2022
From: Jose E Castillo mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 12, 2022
Subject: High Order Methods, NAHOMCon, USA, Jul
The 2nd North American High Order Methods Conference (NAHOMCon) will
be held July 18 and 19 of 2022 at the San Diego State University.
Based on the success of the first conference in 2019, NAHOMCon aims to
provide a North American forum for computational scientists,
mathematicians, scientists and engineers to share ideas and techniques
on, and further the state of the art of, high order methods (order
three or higher) for the solution of partial differential equations
with applications to a broad range of scientific and engineering
applications. Please join us in July to advance the state of the art
in the development and application of high-order methods!
This year's NAHOMCon will be organized within the Theory and Modeling
Society for Modeling and Simulation International (SCS):
For more information and submission of abstracts:
From: Guang Yang mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 05, 2022
Subject: MIUA 2022, UK, Jul 2022
You are invited to submit your abstract paper to MIUA 2022
( which will be held in Cambridge, UK. The
abstract paper submission system is now open.
The full paper submission deadline will be 23:59, Greenwich Mean Time
(GMT), on 1st April 2022. The abstract paper submission deadline will
be 23:59, Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), on 31st May 2022.
Selected extended papers will be invited for publication in two
special issues in:
High-quality papers are requested, containing original contributions
to the topics within the scope of MIUA.
Regular papers: Authors are invited to submit full papers of length
between 8 and 15 pages (1 column - the LNCS template) showing original
research contributions under the topics of the conference. All
submissions will be double-blind peer-reviewed and accepted articles
will be published as MIUA Proceedings by the Springer Publishing
Group. Conference abstracts: Authors are invited to submit short
papers of length up to 3 pages excluding references (1 column the
LNCS template) showing proof-of-concept research contributions under
the topics of the conference. All submissions will be peer-reviewed
and accepted articles will be published as MIUA Abstract Proceedings
on the MIUA website.
From: Robert Beinert mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 11, 2022
Subject: GAMM Annual Meeting, Germany, Aug 2022
The GAMM 92nd Annual Meeting will be held at the RWTH Aachen
University, Germany, August 15-19, 2022. The abstract submission for
section S21 'Mathematical Signal and Image Processing' is now open.
The topical speakers of the section are
- Kristian Bredies (University of Graz)
- Christoph Schnorr (University of Heidelberg)
Over the last decades mathematics has become the cornerstone in signal
and image processing ranging from various methods for signal
reconstruction to modelling of imaging modalities over its classical
disciplines compression, denoising, segmentation, and registration to
feature extraction. The used methodologies include such diverse fields
as harmonic analysis, inverse problems, variational analysis,
mathematical statistics, partial differential equations, optimization,
approximation theory and sampling theory.
The aim of this section is to gather scientists working on the theory
and applications of mathematical signal and image processing in order
to present their research, exchange ideas, and start new
- Opening of online registration/abstract submission: February 1, 2022
- Closure of early online registration (Early fee): June 10, 2022
- Closure of online registration: July 31, 2022
Further information about the conference are available at
From: Jbilou Khalide mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 05, 2022
Subject: Faculty Position, Linear Algebra/Optimisation, France
Faculty Position (Maitre de Conferences) in Linear Algebra and
Optimisation at Mathematics Laboratory, University Littoral Cote
d'Opale Calais, France
The Laboratory of Mathematics (LMPA) at the University of Littoral
Cote d'Opale in Calais France is seeking to hire an associate
professor (Maitre de Conferences position in France) position in
Linear Algebra and Optimisation with Applications. The successful
candidate will be expected to establish a high-quality research. The
candidate must be dedicated to the teaching and mentoring of students
at the graduate and undergraduate levels. The candidate will teach in
the engineering school EILCO at the University of Littoral Cote
d'Opale in Calais. The candidate should teach general mathematics,
statistics, linear algebra and optimization for graduate and
undergraduate levels. Applicants are expected to have good
understanding in linear algebra and optimization for machine learning.
It is desirable that candidates have interest and research experience
and solid computational background in Matlab, Python...The language
for teaching is French for undergraduate or French-English for
graduate students.
Requirements: An earned doctorate in applied mathematics: linear
algebra and optimization.
Employment: Evidence of excellence in research; potential for teaching
and an ability to contribute to the engineering school (EILCO)
Preferred: Potential to obtain, external funding; Experience in
conducting collaborative research; Good computational experience in
teaching and research; Candidates that already had Postdoc positions.
Candidates should first send a cv to Pr. Khalide Jbilou at
mailto:[email protected]
From: Daniel Appelo mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 01, 2022
Subject: Professor Position, Quantum Algorithms, Michigan State Univ
Assistant/Associate/Full Professor Tenure System
Position Summary: The Department of Computational Mathematics, Science
and Engineering (CMSE), in partnership with the Department of
Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at Michigan State University
(MSU) invites applications for a tenure-system faculty position at the
rank of Assistant Professor in the broad area of Quantum Algorithms
with an anticipated start date of August 16, 2022. Candidates must
hold a PhD in engineering, or closely related areas, such as computer
science, applied mathematics, physics, or chemistry. The candidate is
expected to establish a sustainable research program, make significant
scholarly contributions to their discipline, be an effective teacher
and mentor of both undergraduate and graduate students, engage in
institutional and professional service, and support MSU's diverse
student population. We are seeking a candidate working in the area of
computational/theoretical quantum computing, quantum information
science or related fields with an emphasis on quantum algorithms and a
broad perspective on quantum computing. MSU is committed to expanding
into the area of Quantum Information Science, and this position is the
first in a series of additional hires in the area of Quantum
Computing. In this direction, MSU has founded an interdisciplinary
Center for Quantum Computing Science and Engineering (MSU-Q), which
provides opportunities for collaboration across multiple disciplines
and departments at MSU.
Minimum Requirements: Candidates must hold a PhD in engineering, or
closely related areas, such as computer science, applied mathematics,
physics, or chemistry. at the time of appointment.
Required Application Materials: Interested individuals should submit
an application for this position through
professortenure-system (if direct link does not work, try go to and search for posting # 759268.) Reference
letters will not be solicited for the initial evaluation of
candidates; however, applicants should ensure that letters will be
submitted promptly upon request.
From: Anna-Karin Tornberg mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 08, 2022
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics, KTH
The Mathematics Department at KTH is announcing a tenure track
Assistant professor in Mathematics with specialization in mathematical
foundations of artificial intelligence. The subject comprises
foundational mathematics and applied mathematics for artificial
intelligence with specialization in control theory, game theory and/or
partial differential equations. This means that someone with a
numerical analysis background with a focus on relevant AI challenges
can apply.
The employment is part of an initiative within the program on
mathematics for artificial intelligence within the Wallenberg AI,
Autonomous Systems and Software program (WASP-AI/MATH), which gives
resources to start building a research group.
For details see:
Application deadline: March 14, 2022.
From: Christos Xenophontos mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 08, 2022
Subject: Lecturer/Assistant Professor Position, Univ of Cyprus
The University of Cyprus invites applications for one (1) tenure-track
academic position at the rank of Lecturer or Assistant Professor in
the Department of Mathematics and Statistics, in the field of
"Numerical Analysis/Scientific Computing" or "Stochastic PDEs" or
For more information please see
From: Emmanuil Georgoulis mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 10, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA Elastic Turbulence, Leicester/Bath UK
A joint 30-month postdoc position (15 months at the University of
Leicester and 15 months at the University of Bath, UK) has just been
advertised. The topic is the development, analysis and implementation
of structure-preserving Galerkin methods for non-Newtonian flows in
the context of elastic turbulence.
This post is funded through a Leverhulme Trust Research Project Grant
between Gabriel Barrenechea (Strathclyde - PI), Emmanuil Georgoulis
(Leicester/NTUA) and Tristan Pryer (Bath) (co-Is).
More details at:
Applicant Profile: A PhD (or equivalent) in Numerical Analysis,
Scientific Computing, Computational PDEs. Experience with computer
implementation of high order Galerkin methods is desired.
Informal enquiries are welcome and should be made to Professor
Emmanuil Georgoulis at mailto:[email protected].
From: Kent-Andre Mardal mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 31, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Hydrology, Univ of Oslo
We are searching for a highly motivated candidate with a strong
background in scientific computing (mathematics/physics/machine
learning) and a passion to work on the intersection of physics,
numerics and machine learning with application to sustainability and
hydro power.
The Postdoctoral Fellow position is a part of the Computational
Hydropower project
that aims to develop a new generation of modeling and learning tools
for applications in sustainable energy applications - with particular
focus on hydro power. The project is a collaboration between Expert
Analytics, NTNU, Statkraft and UiO.
From: Idoia Hernandez mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 31, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Deep Data-Driven Computing, BCAM
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM is offering a
Postdoctoral position in the framework of Ikur strategy promoted by
the Education Department of the Basque Government to boost the
Scientific Research in specific strategical areas and to position them
at international level.
The selected candidate will work on solving Partial Differential
Equations (PDEs) and Inverse problems governed by PDEs using Deep
Learning (DL) techniques. He/she will develop methods for solving
these problems, implement them in Tensorflow and/or Pytorch, evaluate
the results, and publish them in top-ranked journals. Based on the
candidate's experience and skills, his/her scientific developments
will be more focused on his/her previous expertise.
He/she will be immersed in a group with experience on all these
topics, as well as in specific industrial applications, mainly in the
area of geophysics and renewable energies. Thus, the selected
candidate will be assisted by other professors and postdoctoral
fellows with experience in the area. He/she will work within a
collaboration program between the Basque Center for Applied
Mathematics (BCAM) and the technological center Tecnalia, also with
the participation of other research centers and universities located
within the Basque Country.
Contract: 12 months contract, with a possibility of renewal for 12
additional months based on performance and available funds; Deadline:
28 February 2022; Applications:
Requirements: Applicants must have their PhD completed before the
contract starts Skills: Good interpersonal skills. A proven track
record in quality research, as evidenced by research publications in
top scientific journals and conferences. Demonstrated ability to work
independently and as part of a collaborative research team. Ability
to present and publish research outcomes in spoken (talks) and written
(papers) form. Ability to effectively communicate and present
research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with different
backgrounds. Fluency in spoken and written English
The preferred candidate will have: Strong background in the numerical
solution of Partial Differential Equations and/or Deep Learning
techniques. Background in Inverse Problems. Good programming skills
in Python and preferably, also Tensorflow. Interest and disposition
to work in interdisciplinary groups.
From: Jerome Gilles mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 31, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Empirical Wavelets and Deep Learning
A postdoc position is available in the Department of Mathematics &
Statistis at San Diego State University under the supervision of Prof.
Jerome Gilles.
The hired postdoc will be working on the use of empirical wavelets
within the framework of neural networks. A full description is
available here:
One year contract will be proposed, renewable a maximum three years.
Please follow the instructions on the above link to submit your
From: Emmanuil Georgoulis mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 02, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Galerkin Methods in Turbulence, UK
A joint 30-month postdoc position (15 months at the University of
Leicester and 15 months at the University of Bath, UK) has just been
advertised. The topic is the development, analysis and implementation
of structure-preserving Galerkin methods for non-Newtonian flows in
the context of elastic turbulence.
More info at:
This post is funded through a joint grant between Gabriel Barrenechea
(Strathclyde, UK), Tristan Pryer (Bath, UK) and E. Georgoulis
(Leicester, UK and NTU Athens, Greece)
From: Heike Sill mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 04, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Innovative Semiconductor Devices, WIAS, Germany
At WIAS the Leibniz group "Numerical Methods for Innovative
Semiconductor Devices" (Head: Dr. P. Farrell) for the period
01.04.2022 a position as Research Assistant (m/f/d) (Reference number
22/02) In the Math+ project Identifying and Efficiently Computing
Band-Edge Energies for Charge Transport Simulations in Strained
Materials to be filled.
The candidate will work on the efficient implementation of eigenvalue
strategies for strained semiconductors, whose applications play a key
role in photonics and quantum computing. Required are a scientific
university degree (Master or Diploma) as well as a PhD in mathematics,
physics or another related field. Furthermore, the candidate should
have worked with at least one programming language (such as
e.g. Julia, Matlab, Python) and have a decent command of the English
language. It is desirable if the candidate has experience with team
work and an interest in interdisciplinary research. Please direct
your scientific queries to Dr. Costanza Manganelli
(mailto:[email protected]), Dr. Christian Merdon
(mailto:[email protected]) and Dr. Patricio Farrell
(mailto:[email protected]). For questions concerning the application
process please direct your inquiries to Heike Sill
(mailto:[email protected]). The appointment is limited for one year
until March 31, 2023. The work schedule is 39 hours per week, and the
salary is according to the German TVoeD Bund scale. The Institute
aims to increase the proportion of women in this field, so
applications from women are particularly welcome. Among equally
qualified applicants, disabled candidates will be given preference.
Please upload your complete application documents (motivation letter,
detailed CV, certificates) via the applicant portal as soon as
possible but not later than February 24th, 2022 using the button
"Apply online".
See here for more information:
From: Yves Lucet mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 02, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Machine Learning, UBC Okanagan
A Postdoc position is available at the University of British Columbia,
Okanagan campus in the field of machine learning for a project on
predicting when cleanup of oil and gas wells will occur. The project
is funded by an NSERC grant and is starting immediately.
More information on the project, the position, and how to apply is
available at .
From: Tobias Weinzierl mailto:[email protected]
Date: January 31, 2022
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Comp/Comp Cosmology, Durham Univ
We are searching for a PostDoc to join us in the two ExCALIBUR
projects Task-based Parallelism and PAX-SPH.
The successful applicant will be expected to extract task execution
codes from running supercomputing applications without a major
performance penalty, and to investigate into algorithms and heuristics
how these task graphs can be scheduled optimally. The candidate should
study to which degree such a posteriori knowledge about optimal
scheduling can be fed into state-of-the-art or upcoming runtimes
(schedulers) and which heuristics are particularly relevant to the
domain of SPH and/or particular application areas and benchmarks. The
work has to built upon and feed back into existing supercomputing
codes such as Otter (task tracing), SWIFT (SPH) and ExaHyPE (Eulerian
simulation). In the ideal case, the candidates help both SWIFT and
ExaHyPE to migrate their runtime to the latest OpenMP standard, while
they also assess to which degree all concepts can be transferred into
the SYCL/oneAPI paradigm.
(the deadline will be extended till the end of February)
From: Kathrin Smetana mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 07, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematical Sciences, Stevens Inst of Technology, USA
Applications are invited for a Ph.D. research position starting in
Fall 2022 in the group of Kathrin Smetana in the Department of
Mathematical Sciences, Stevens Institute of Technology, New Jersey,
In this project we will design multiscale methods/localized reduced
order models to approximate heterogeneous problems that take place at
multiple scales; one example is the deformation of wind turbines. To
build the multiscale ansatz functions or localized reduced basis
functions, we will use the technique of randomization, which is, for
instance, widely applied in data science. Please contact
mailto:[email protected] for more details.
Interested candidates should send an email to Kathrin Smetana with
their CV and a short motivation letter, apply to the Pure and Applied
Mathematics PhD program of the Stevens Institute of Technology
and indicate in their application that they wish to work in the group
of Kathrin Smetana.
Applications will be reviewed immediately. Applications received prior
to February 28, 2022, will receive full consideration, but
applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Admissions
to the Ph.D. program will be made by the respective committee for
graduate admissions.
From: Alberto Paganini mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 10, 2022
Subject: PhD Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Leicester
The University of Leicester invites applications for a fully funded
3.5-year PhD studentship to work on the project "Going stealth:
magnetic cloaking via shape optimization of superconductors" under the
supervision of Dr Alberto Paganini, Prof Emmanuil Georgoulis, and Dr
Harold Ruiz.
This project lies at the interface of numerical analysis and
computational electromagnetics. The project will involve developing
new numerical algorithms and high-performance computing software to
discover novel magnetic cloaking designs.
The application deadline is 11th March 2022.
For informal inquiries, please contact
Dr Alberto Paganini at mailto:[email protected]
For a full project description and application details, visit
From: Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 11, 2022
Subject: Contents, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation, 4(1)
Preface to Focused Issue on Discontinuous Galerkin Methods Jan
S. Hesthaven, Jennifer Ryan, Chi-Wang Shu, Jaap van der Vegt, Yan Xu,
Qiang Zhang, Zhimin Zhang
Comparison of Semi-Lagrangian Discontinuous Galerkin Schemes for
Linear and Nonlinear Transport Simulations, Xiaofeng Cai, Wei Guo,
Jing-Mei Qiu
Conservative Discontinuous Galerkin/Hermite Spectral Method for the
Vlasov-Poisson System, Francis Filbet, Tao Xiong
An Adaptive Multiresolution Ultra-weak Discontinuous Galerkin Method
for Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Zhanjing Tao, Juntao Huang, Yuan
Liu, Wei Guo, Yingda Cheng
A Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method with Generalized Alternating
Fluxes for 2D Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, Hongjuan Zhang, Boying
Wu, Xiong Meng
A Wavelet-Free Approach for Multiresolution-Based Grid Adaptation for
Conservation Laws, Nils Gerhard, Siegfried Muller, Aleksey Sikstel
Goal-Oriented Anisotropic hp-Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Method
for the Euler Equations, Vit Dolejsi, Filip Roskovec
Superconvergence Study of the Direct Discontinuous Galerkin Method and
Its Variations for Diffusion Equations, Yuqing Miao, Jue Yan, Xinghui
A Uniformly Robust Staggered DG Method for the Unsteady
Darcy-Forchheimer-Brinkman Problem, Lina Zhao, Ming Fai Lam, Eric
Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Novel Basis for Fractional
Diffusion Equations with Non-smooth Solutions, Liyao Lyu, Zheng Chen
Negative Norm Estimates for Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equations, Qi
Tao, Yan Xu , Xiaozhou Li
The Direct Discontinuous Galerkin Methods with Implicit-Explicit
Runge-Kutta Time Marching for Linear Convection-Diffusion Problems,
Haijin Wang, Qiang Zhang
A Compatible Embedded-Hybridized Discontinuous Galerkin Method for the
Stokes-Darcy-Transport Problem, Aycil Cesmelioglu, Sander Rhebergen
Superconvergence Analysis of the Runge-Kutta Discontinuous Galerkin
Method with Upwind-Biased Numerical Flux for Two-Dimensional, Linear
Hyperbolic Equation Yuan Xu, Qiang Zhang
Maximum-Principle-Preserving Local Discontinuous Galerkin Methods for
Allen-Cahn Equations, Jie Du, Eric Chung, Yang Yang
From: Professor Badih Ghusayni mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 02, 2022
Subject: Contents, Intl J Mathematics and Computer Science, 17 (2)
The following papers can be downloaded for free via
Sudarat Nidsunkid, Boonorm Chomtee, The Average Run Length Performance
of Shewhart Control Chart when the Process Data are Sampled from
Finite Population
WonTae Hwang, Kyunghwan Song, On the integer part of the reciprocal of
the Riemann zeta function tail at s=3D6
Cemil Tunc, An application of Lyapunov functions to properties of
solutions of a perturbed fractional differential system
Apisit Pakapongpun, Jutarat Kongson, Three combined sequences related
to k-Fibonacci sequences
Areerak Chaiworn, On Some Absolute Matrix Trace Inequalities
Natthinee Deetae, Pannawit Khamrot, Application of Fuzzy TOPSIS for
Multiple criteria decision-making based on interval bipolar fuzzy sets
Alvaro H. Salas, Jairo H. Castillo, Lorenzo J. Martinez, The Duffing
Equation-A Trigonometric Point Of View
M. Chiangpradit, P. Busababodhin, N. Chutiman, P. Guayjarernpanishk,
B. Kong-ied, Probability Analysis for Maximum Temperature in Northeast
of Thailand
Kanint Teerapabolarn, The Exact Formula for the Supremum of
Poisson-Poisson Binomial Relative Error
Asim Patra, Gopal Krishna Panda, Kritkhajohn Onphaeng, Phakhinkon
Phunphayap, Tammatada Khemaratchatakumthorn, Subsequences and Exact
Divisibility by the Powers of the Balancing Numbers
Waseem Al-Mashaleh, Haitham Qawaqneh, Hassan Al-Zoubi, Some results on
traces of the generalized products and sums of positive semidefinite
Vicente Jara-Vera, Carmen Sanchez-Avila, A simple proof of a
relationship among the Zeta, Polygamma, and Clausen functions for the
case pi/2
Mena Lao, Sudarat Nidsunkid, John J. Borkowski, A Regression Estimator
in Path Sampling
Nicholas Gaubatz, Peter Johnson, Friends in Z_n
Napassanan Srisarakham, Geometric construction of third order
iterative method for solving nonlinear equations
Areej Almuhaimeed, Applications on Fuzzy Translation and Fuzzy
Multiplication of KU-algebras
Alvaro H. Salas, Jairo H. Castillo, Lorenzo J. Martinez, Analytical
Solution to the Lagrange Top
Bader S. Almohaimeed, Moment conditions for the periodic integer-
valued autoregressive model
Ashwaq Almohaimeed, Ali Allahem, A study of a Hamiltonian system with
potential surface energy posses one channel and two potential wells
Apisit Pakapongpun, Bunthita Chattae, On the Diophantine Equation
Tammatada Khemaratchatakumthorn, Duangpon Siriwan, Pasting Lemmas for
b-Metric Preserving and Related Functions II
Nuchanat Tiprachot, Nareupanat Lekkoksung, Bundit Pibaljommee,
Regularities of ordered semigroups in terms of (m,n)-ideals and
n-interior ideals
Thanatporn Bantaojai, Cholatis Suanoom, Jirayu Phuto, Aiyared Iampan,
On Bd-algebras
Pannawat Eakawinrujee, Nantapath Trakultraipruk, Paired Dominating
Graphs of Paths
Areej M. Abduldaim, Anwar Khaleel Faraj, Combining Algebraic GSVD and
Gravitational Search Algorithm for Optimizing Secret Image Watermark
Sharing Technique
Uraiwan Jittburus, Pongpun Julatha, inf-hesitant fuzzy interior ideals
of semigroups
Ramadan Mahmood Ramo, Suhair Abd Dawwod, Digital image compression by
using intelligence swarm
Alvaro H. Salas, Solution to a Forced and Damped Gardner equation by
means of Cubic B-splines
Panuwat Luangchaisri, Thawhat Changphas, Jatuporn Sanborisoot,
Semigroups in which the radical of every (m,n)-ideal is a subsemigroup
Ghazwa F. Abd, Radhi A. Zaboon, Parametrization Approach for Solving
Index-4 Linear Differential-Algebraic Control Systems
Domingo Quiroz, David Coronado, Zero-sum Ramsey number for non-cyclic
Boonyong Sriponpaew, Apichat Neamvonk, On The Norms of Circulant
Matrics with the Gaussian Pell Numbers
Darien DeWolf, Balakrishnan Viswanathan, Extending Fibonacci's Method
for Computing Pythagorean Triples
Patchara Muangkarn, Cholatis Suanoom, Anuphap Yodkheeree, Aiyared
Iampan, Derivations induced by an endomorphism of BG-algebras
Sri Winarni, Sapto Wahyu Indratno, Kurnia Novita Sari, Gaussian
process regression using partition resampling model
Eman Rawshdeh, Heba Adel Abdelkarim, Edris Rawashdeh, On the
Eigensharp of Corona Product
Jirapron Noiyai, Chokchai Viriyapong, Chawalit Boonpok, w(k,l)-semi-
open sets in bi-weak structure spaces
Aveya Charoenpol, Udom Chotwattakawanit, The Relationship of Modular
Lattice with Maximum Pre-period Property and Minimum Pre- period
Timothy Eller, Jakub Kraus, Yuki Takahashi, Zhichun (Joy) Zhang,
Frobenius templates in certain 2x2 matrix rings
Mohammad Nazrul Islam Khan, Complete lifts of a semi-symmetric metric
P-connection on a Riemannian manifold to its tangent bundle
Khaled Samiea Munshid, Mohanad Farhan Hamid, Jehad Ramadan Kider,
Principally Pure Submodules
Galina Bogdanova, Todor Todorov, On the construction of of q-ary
constant-weight lexicodes
M. O. Oluwayemi, K. Vijaya, On a study of a class of functions
associated with a multiplier transformation
Musab Hijazi, Akram Zeki, Amelia Ismail, Arabic Text Classification
based on Semantic Relation
Abd El Fattah El Atik, Mohammed S. Badr, Closure operators in terms of
chromosomal mutations
From: Raimonds Ciegis mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 08, 2022
Subject: Contents, Mathematical Modelling and Analysis, 27 (1)
The Baltic Journal on Mathematical Applications, Numerical Analysis
and Differential Equations, ISSN 1392-6292, ISSN 1648-3510 online,
Electronical edition:
Raimondas {\v{C}}iegis (Editor) Volume 27, Issue 1, 2022 (p.1-178)
Anthony Sofo, Evaluating Log-Tangent Integrals via Euler~Sums
Haniye Dehestani, Yadollah Ordokhani and Mohsen Razzaghi, A Spectral
Approach for Time-Fractional Diffusion and Subdiffusion Equations in a
Large Interval
Bing Tan and Xiaolong Qin, Self Adaptive Viscosity-Type Inertial
Extragradient Algorithms for Solving Variational Inequalities with
Amit K. Verma and Nazia Urus, Well Ordered Monotone Iterative
Technique for Nonlinear Second Order Four Point Dirichlet BVPs
Mindaugas Jasas, Antanas Laurin{\v c}ikas, Mindaugas Stoncelis and
Darius {\v S}iau\-{\v c}i{\=3D u}\-nas, Discrete Universality of
Absolutely Convergent Dirichlet Series
Aidas Bal{\v c}i{\=3D u}nas, Virginija Garbaliauskien{\. e}, Violeta
Luk{\v s}ien{\. e}, Renata Macaitien{\. e} and Audron{\. e} Rimkevi{\v
c}ien{\. e}, Joint Discrete Approximation of Analytic Functions by
Hurwitz Zeta-Functions
Sachin Kumar and Divya Jyoti, Generalised Two-Component Modified
Weakly Dissipative Dullin-Gottwald-Holm System: Invariance Analysis
and Conservation Laws
Algimantas Birbilas and Alfredas Ra\v{c}kauskas, Functional Modelling
of Telecommunications Data
Ramiro Acevedo, Christian G\'omez and Bibiana L\'opez-Rodr\'{\i}guez,
Fully-Discrete Finite Element Approximation for a Family of Degenerate
Parabolic Problems
Olga Lavrova and Viktor Polevikov, Numerical Study of the Shielding
Properties of a Ferrofluid Taking into Account Magnetophoresis and
Particle Interaction
From: Claude Brezinski mailto:[email protected]
Date: February 06, 2022
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 89 (3)
Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 89, No. 3
Towards a reliable implementation of least-squares collocation for
higher index differential-algebraic equations-Part 2: the discrete
least-squares problem, Michael Hanke, Roswitha Marz
A two-parameter block triangular preconditioner for double saddle
point problem arising from liquid crystal directors modeling, Jun-Li
Zhu, Yu-Jiang Wu, Ai-Li Yang
On a fast deterministic block Kaczmarz method for solving large-scale
linear systems, Jia-Qi Chen, Zheng-Da Huang
A new self-adaptive algorithm for solving the split common fixed point
problem with multiple output sets in Hilbert spaces, Simeon Reich,
Truong Minh Tuyen, Nguyen Thi Thu Thuy, Mai Thi Ngoc Ha
An efficient Gauss-Newton algorithm for solving regularized total
least squares problems, Hossein Zare, Masoud Hajarian
Global error estimation for explicit general linear methods, Ali Abdi,
Gholamreza Hojjati, Giuseppe Izzo, Zdzislaw Jackiewicz
A posteriori error estimations of the Petrov-Galerkin methods for
fractional Helmholtz equations, Wenting Mao, Yanping Chen, Huasheng
A quasi-Newton type method for equilibrium problems, Leonardo
A. Sousa, Susana Scheimberg, Pedro Jorge S. Santos, Paulo Sergio
M. Santos
Analysis of Schwarz waveform relaxation for the coupled Ekman boundary
layer problem with continuously variable coefficients, Sophie Thery,
Charles Pelletier, Florian Lemarie, Eric Blayo
Stability analysis of the method of fundamental solutions with smooth
closed pseudo-boundaries for Laplace's equation: better
pseudo-boundaries, Li-Ping Zhang, Zi-Cai Li, Ming-Gong Lee, Hung-Tsai
Perturbation analysis and condition numbers of mixed least
squares-scaled total least squares problem, Pingping Zhang, Qun Wang
A posteriori error estimates for the time-dependent
convection-diffusion-reaction equation coupled with the Darcy system,
Nancy Chalhoub, Pascal Omnes, Toni Sayah, Rebecca El Zahlaniyeh
Numerical algorithms for inverse Sturm-Liouville problems, Xiaoying
Jiang, Xiaowen Li, Xiang Xu
An efficient algorithm for solving piecewise-smooth dynamical systems,
Nicola Guglielmi, Ernst Hairer
A numerical method for the approximation of stable and unstable
manifolds of microscopic simulators, Constantinos Siettos, Lucia Russo
Dai-Liao extensions of a descent hybrid nonlinear conjugate gradient
method with application in signal processing, Zohre Aminifard, Saman
Using Gauss-Jacobi quadrature rule to improve the accuracy of FEM for
spatial fractional problems, Zongze Yang, Jungang Wang, Zhanbin Yuan,
Yufeng Nie
Correction to: On the unitary block-decomposability of 1-parameter
matrix flows and static matrices, Frank Uhlig
End of Digest