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NA Digest, V. 20, # 42
NA Digest Tuesday, November 03, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 42
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Charles Broyden Prize
- Call for 8th BGCE Student Paper Prize
- MFEM Version 4.2
- New Book, Krylov Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
- Exascale continuum mechanics software, ONLINE, Nov 2020
- SIAM CSE21, Travel Awards/Caregiving Support, ONLINE, Mar 2021
- Faculty Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Alabama
- Professor Position, Optimization, MLU Halle-Wittenberg
- Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Univ of Minnesota
- Postdoc Position, Krylov Methods, Charles Univ, Czech Rep
- Postdoc Position, Math Bio/Data Science, Univ of Kentucky
- Special Issue, UQ and Scientific Machine Learning
- Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 19 (2)
- Contents, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. (ETNA), 52
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Oleg Burdakov [email protected]
Date: October 28, 2020
Subject: Charles Broyden Prize
The Charles Broyden prize for the best paper published in Optimization
Methods and Software (OMS) in 2019 was awarded to:
"Quasi-Newton methods: superlinear convergence without line searches
for self-concordant functions" by Wenbo Gao & Donald Goldfarb OMS
(2019), Volume 34, Issue 1, pp. 194-217.
It is in free access till the end of 2020:
The award was established by the OMS Editorial Board and Taylor &
Francis in 2009, with a cash prize of 500 GBP.
The Broyden Prize Committee:
Mihai Anitescu, Xiaojun Chen (Committee Chair), Karl Kunisch,
Tamas Terlaky and Stefan Ulbrich.
From: Tobias Neckel [email protected]
Date: October 29, 2020
Subject: Call for 8th BGCE Student Paper Prize
The 8th BGCE Student Paper Prize will be awarded at the 2021 SIAM CS&E
Conference, March 1-5, for outstanding student work in the field of
Computational Science and Engineering.
Founder of the prize is the Bavarian Graduate School of Computational
Engineering (BGCE, http://www.bgce.de/ ). The prize winner will be
invited to spend one week in Bavaria, Germany, visiting BGCE sites in
Erlangen and Munich. The main objective is to promote excellent
students in CS&E and to foster international exchange at an early
career stage. Eligible for the prize will be undergraduate and
graduate students prior to receiving their PhD (at date of
Candidates are required to summarize their work in a short 4-page
paper. The prize finalists will be asked to present their work at SIAM
CS&E 2021 at a special "CS&E Student Prize Minisymposium". The papers
and talks will be evaluated by an international prize
committee. Excluded from the competition are only students from our
own universities, FAU and TUM. Deadline for submissions to the BGCE
Student Paper Prize is December 6, 2020. Submissions should be sent in
pdf format via email to [email protected]
Since we are interested in a broad and high-level competition, as in
2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019, we ask you to encourage
suitable candidates to submit a paper and to support their
participation in SIAM CS&E 2021.
Please see https://www.bgce.de/news/8th-bgce-student-paper-prize/ for
further details.
Hans-Joachim Bungartz, Dietmar Fey, Alexander Ditter, Ivana Jovanovic
and Tobias Neckel for BGCE
From: Tzanio Kolev [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2020
Subject: MFEM Version 4.2
Version 4.2 of MFEM, a lightweight, general, scalable C++ library for
finite element methods, is now available at: https://mfem.org
The goal of MFEM is to enable high-performance scalable finite element
discretization research and application development on a wide variety
of platforms, ranging from laptops to exascale supercomputers.
Some of the new additions in version 4.2 are:
- Extended partial assembly algorithms and device support, including
specific improvements for HIP and CUDA.
- AMG preconditioning on GPUs via NVIDIA's AmgX.
- Element-level and full sparse matrix assembly on GPUs.
- Support for explicit vectorization on Intel and IBM platforms.
- Improved mesh optimization and discretization algorithms.
- Support for matrix-free geometric h- and p-multigrid.
- New integrations with CVODES, MKL CPardiso, SLEPc and ADIOS2.
- libCEED, FindPoints, KINSOL, Gmsh, Gecko, ParaView improvements.
- 18 new examples and miniapps.
The MFEM library has many more features, including:
- 2D and 3D, arbitrary order H1, H(curl), H(div), L2, NURBS elements.
- Parallel version scalable to hundreds of thousands of MPI cores.
- Conforming/nonconforming adaptive mesh refinement (AMR), including
anisotropic refinement, derefinement and parallel load balancing.
- Galerkin, mixed, isogeometric, discontinuous Galerkin, hybridized,
and DPG discretizations.
- Support for triangular, quadrilateral, tetrahedral and hexahedral
elements, including arbitrary order curvilinear meshes.
- Scalable algebraic multigrid, time integrators, and eigensolvers.
- Lightweight interactive OpenGL visualization with the MFEM-based
GLVis tool.
MFEM is being developed in CASC, LLNL and is freely available under a
BSD license. For more details, see the interactive documentation and
the full CHANGELOG at https://github.com/mfem/mfem.
From: Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2020
Subject: New Book, Krylov Methods for Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
Krylov methods for nonsymmetric linear systems - From theory to
computations, by Gerard Meurant and Jurjen Duintjer Tebbens, Springer
Series in Computational Mathematics, volume 57, October 2020. ISBN
978-3-030-55250-3, 686 pages,
This book gives an overview of the state-of-the-art of Krylov subspace
iterative methods for solving nonsymmetric systems of algebraic linear
equations. The mathematical properties of the methods are described
and analyzed including convergence results, along with their behavior
in finite precision arithmetic. A number of numerical examples
demonstrate the properties and the behavior of the described methods.
Also considered are the methods' implementations and coding as
Matlab-like functions. Methods which became popular recently are
considered in the general framework of Q-OR (quasi-orthogonal )/Q-MR
(quasi-minimum) residual methods.
This book can be useful both for practitioners and for readers who are
more interested in theory. It presents a number of recent theoretical
results of the authors, some of them unpublished, as well as a few
original algorithms. Some of the derived formulas might be useful for
the design of possible new methods or for future analysis.
For the Table of Contents, please see
From: David Ham [email protected]
Date: November 02, 2020
Subject: Exascale continuum mechanics software, ONLINE, Nov 2020
Online, 24-25 November. Register at:
United Kingdom Research and Innovation will be investing 45m GBP in
exascale software over the coming years. They have commissioned 10
working groups to formulate plans for significant software investment
over the coming 4 years. This workshop is an opportunity for users
and developers of simulation software to have input into these plans.
The GenX working group specialises in fluid and solid mechanics
software, for applications across science and industry. This
interactive workshop will answer these key questions:
- What new science and engineering could exascale continuum mechanics
simulation deliver?
- What component processes do each science or engineering application
depend on?
- What needs to change in each component process to make exascale
simulation a reality?
This workshop is centred around your input. There will be no lectures,
but a kick-off panel discussion and then a series of moderated
interactive workshop sessions to draw on community expertise in
helping answer these questions.
From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2020
Subject: SIAM CSE21, Travel Awards/Caregiving Support, ONLINE, Mar 2021
The SIAM Conference on Computational Science and Engineering (CSE21)
has pivoted to a virtual format.
We encourage you to still apply for a student or early career travel
award for CSE21. If you are selected to receive an award, registration
fees for the conference will be waived and you will be registered
automatically by our office. Please do not make travel arrangements
for this conference.
Apply by Tuesday, December 1, 2020, 11:59pm US ET at
Support to offset conference-related caregiving costs are also
available. See
and apply by January 4, 2021.
If you have any questions, please write to [email protected].
From: Shan Zhao [email protected]
Date: October 27, 2020
Subject: Faculty Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Alabama
The Department of Mathematics at The University of Alabama invites
applications for one tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor
level in scientific computing, beginning on August 16, 2021. The
department is seeking applicants in the areas of numerical PDEs and
computational modeling. Research of ideal candidates should have
specific applications in a field of natural science or engineering,
which may involve, but not limited to, machine learning or uncertainty
quantification. Candidates must possess a doctoral degree in
mathematics or a very closely related field by August 16,
2021. Applicants are expected to show solid evidence of research
productivity beyond the doctoral dissertation.
Applicants should complete the online application at
https://facultyjobs.ua.edu/postings/47548. The application should
include a letter of application, a current curriculum vita, a research
statement, and a teaching statement. Separately, three letters of
recommendation (one of which concerns teaching) should be submitted
electronically through MathJobs (www.mathjobs.org) or should be sent
electronically to: [email protected]. (No other application materials should
be submitted to MathJobs). Applications will be reviewed on an ongoing
basis starting December 1 and will continue until the position is
filled. We plan to conduct interviews remotely to limit travel.
The University of Alabama is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees. Women,
Hispanic, African-American and other minority candidates are strongly
encouraged to apply and self-identify.
From: Raphael Kruse [email protected]
Date: October 28, 2020
Subject: Professor Position, Optimization, MLU Halle-Wittenberg
We have an opening for a professorship (level W2) at
Martin-Luther-Universitat Halle-Wittenberg in the general area of
optimization, in particular, with a link to mathematical modelling,
analysis and simulation of complex deterministic or stochastic
Applications from candidates with an (additional) background in
numerical analysis and/or probability are very welcome.
For the full advertisement see
German version:
English version:
From: Douglas Arnold [email protected]
Date: October 29, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational Science, Univ of Minnesota
The School of Mathematics at the University of Minnesota invites
applications for a post-doctoral position in computational science and
mathematics under the supervision of Douglas Arnold beginning Fall
2021 or earlier. The position is supported by the Simons Collaboration
on Localization of Waves and will center on the research projects of
the Collaboration. We seek a candidate with strong background in the
numerical solution of partial differential equations and eigenvalue
problems. Strength in both implementation and analysis are
required. Prior experience with eigenvalue problems, wave propagation,
and/or quantum physics is desirable. The salary will be commensurate
with qualifications and experience. The preferred start date is no
later than the start of the Fall semester of 2021 and could be
sooner. The duration is two years, with a possibility of extending to
the third year depending on funding and performance. Applications will
be reviewed starting December 1, 2020 and will continue until the
position is filled. Please contact Douglas Arnold ([email protected])
with any additional inquiries about the position. Applicants should
submit an AMS cover sheet, complete curriculum vitae, a description of
their research and teaching, and at least three letters of
recommendation at the Mathjobs website
https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/16621. A cover letter relating the
applicant's research goals and qualifications to the projects would
enhance the application.
The University of Minnesota is an Equal Opportunity Educator and
From: Stefano Pozza [email protected]
Date: October 29, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Krylov Methods, Charles Univ, Czech Rep
Postdoc Position, Krylov methods and ODE approximation, Charles Univ,
Czech Rep
A postdoc position is available within the framework of the Primus
Research Programme "A Lanczos-like Method for the Time-Ordered
Exponential" at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles
University, Prague.
The appointment period is two years, with the possibility of
extension. The anticipated start date is January 2021, although this
is negotiable.
We are looking for candidates with a strong background in numerical
linear algebra. In particular, we seek applicants with expertise in
matrix function approximation, Krylov subspace methods, and finite
precision analysis. The applicant must hold a Ph.D. degree by the
start date.
Application deadline: November 9, 2020.
More information and application instructions:
From: Duc Nguyen [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math Bio/Data Science, Univ of Kentucky
Applications are invited for a Postdoctoral Scholar position in the
Department of Mathematics at the University of Kentucky in Lexington,
Kentucky beginning in Fall 2021. The successful candidate is expected
to conduct research in machine learning/deep learning with an emphasis
on drug design and discovery associated with Prof. Duc Nguyen's
research group. The teaching expectation is three courses per academic
year, normally two courses during one semester and one course the
other semester. The initial appointment will be for one year and is
expected to be renewed for a total of three years, subject to
satisfactory performance. An ideal candidate should have a strong
experience with recent computational learning technologies such as
Pytorch or TensorFlow, excellent knowledge of High Performance
Computing, and a solid background in mathematics.
Applicants must have a Ph.D. degree in mathematics or closely related
fields by the time the appointment begins and are expected to present
evidence of excellence in research and teaching.
In order to be considered a candidate, submit your job market
materials to https://www.mathjobs.org/jobs/list/16642. These materials
should include: the standard AMS Cover Sheet for Academic Employment,
a curriculum vitae, a statement about current and future research, a
statement on teaching experience and quantitative assessments of
teaching, a statement on inclusion, diversity, and equity (described
below), and at least three (3) letters of reference addressing the
applicant's research and one (1) letter of reference addressing the
applicant's teaching.
Applications will be reviewed as they are received. Applications
submitted by December 4, 2020 will receive full consideration.
From: Marta D'Elia [email protected]
Date: October 29, 2020
Subject: Special Issue, Uncertainty Quantification and Scientific
Machine Learning
We would like to draw your attention to a special issue on Uncertainty
Quantification and Scientific Machine Learning:
Uncertainty quantification and scientific machine learning can be
essentially motivated by a range of vital applications, such as
life-threatening events (e.g., pandemics, disease propagation, global
warming, wildfires, hurricanes, in addition to limited water and food
resources) and medical applications (e.g., cancer growth, digital
surgery, precision medicine, informed medical decision making, tissue
synthesis/engineering), and, more in general, in engineering
applications such as plasma physics, subsurface transport, turbulence,
additive manufacturing for complex multiscale materials, aging
electrical systems and power grids, failure processes in mechanical
structures, and more.
The main challenges in such applications include (but are not limited
to): ill-posedness, necessary-to-sufficient training data/cost, lack
of rigorous mathematical theories for learning paradigms, lack of a
priori estimates for predictability, curse of dimensionality,
noisy/gappy/sparse data, large and multimodal/physics/scale data,
model form learning, overfitting/underfitting, lack of fidelity and
generalization of surrogate models, long-time integration/learning,
reliable data assimilation, and model calibration away from the
proximity of observables.
This Special Issue welcomes the submission of creative manuscripts
that address the aforementioned challenges either theoretically or
computationally in a novel fashion in the context of stochastic
integer-to-fractional differential equations in addition to uncertain
local-to-nonlocal mathematical models with the ultimate purpose of
developing the new generation of AI-enabled science and engineering.
From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: October 30, 2020
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 19 (2)
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal,
Vol.19, No.2, October 2020
Stopping Criteria Based on the Reciprocity Gap Concept for Data
Boundary Recovering, B. Achchab, A. Ben Abda, A. Sakat
A Novel Deep Learning Based Architecture for Facial Gesture Analysis,
Busra Emek Soylu, Mehmet Serdar Guzel, I.N. Askerzade
Numerical Solution for Diffusion Equations with Distributed-Order in
Time Based on Sinc-Legendre Collocation Method, Nasrin Moshtaghi and
Abbas Saadatmandi
Dynamics Analysis of an Impulsive Stochastic Model for Spruce Budworm
Growth, Weiming Ji, Hui Wang, Meng Liu
Complete Dynamics in a Nonlocal Dispersal Two-Strain SIV Epidemic
Model with Vaccinations and Latent Delays, W. Chen, W.X. Wu, Z.D. Teng
6th Order Runge-Kutta Pairs For Scalar Autonomous IVP, T.E. Simos,
Ch. Tsitouras
Gruss Type Inequalities for Fractional Integral Operator Involving the
Extended Generalized Mittag-Leffler Function, Erhan Set, Ahmet Ocak
Akdemir, Filiz Ozata
Algorithm for Solving the Identification Problem for Determining the
Fractional-Order Derivative of an Oscillatory System, Aliev Fikret A.,
Aliev N.A., Mutallimov M.M., Namazov A.A.
Final Report on COIA 2020, F.A. Aliev, T. Basar, A.H. Hajiyev,
V.B. Larin, N.I. Mahmudov, N.A. Safarova
From: Lothar Reichel [email protected]
Date: October 31, 2020
Subject: Contents, Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. (ETNA), 52
C. Xenophontos and I. Sykopetritou, Isogeometric analysis for
singularly perturbed problems in 1-D: error estimates
A. Archid, A. H. Bentbib, and S. Agoujil, A block J-Lanczos method for
Hamiltonian matrices
A. Klawonn, M. Kuhn, and O. Rheinbach, Coarse spaces for FETI-DP and
BDDC methods for heterogeneous problems: Connections of deflation and
a generalized transformation-of-basis approach
H. Leszczynski, M. Matusik, and M. Wrzosek, Leap-frog method for
stochastic functional wave equations
C. Ferreira, J. L. Lopez, and E. P. Sinusia, The swallowtail integral
in the highly oscillatory region II
Z. Lu, F. Huang, L. Li, X. Zuo, and J. Li, An empirical study of
transboundary air pollution of the Beijing-Tianjin region
J. Zhai, Z. Zhang, and T. Wang, Fractional Hermite interpolation for
non-smooth functions
V. Kalantzis, A spectral Newton-Schur algorithm for the solution of
symmetric generalized eigenvalue problems
O. Steinbach and M. Zank, Coercive space-time finite element methods
for initial boundary value problems
M. Bello-Hernandez, Incomplete beta polynomials
J. Li, T. Wang, and Y. Hao, The series expansions and Gauss-Legendre
rule for computing arbitrary derivatives of the Beta-type functions
S. W. Fung, S. Tyrvainen, L. Ruthotto, and E. Haber, ADMM-Softmax: an
ADMM approach for multinomial logistic regression
R. Acevedo, E. Alvarez, and P. Navia, A boundary and finite element
coupling for a magnetically nonlinear eddy current problem
N. Derevianko and J. Prestin, Approximation of Gaussians by spherical
Gauss-Laguerre basis in the weighted Hilbert space
A. Gil, J. Segura, and N. M. Temme, Asymptotic inversion of the
binomial and negative binomial cumulative distribution functions
A. Linke, C. Merdon, and M. Neilan, Pressure-robustness in
quasi-optimal a priori estimates for the Stokes problem
S. H. Lui and S. Nataj, Chebyshev spectral collocation in space and
time for the heat equation
R. M. Asharabi and F. M. Al-Abbas, Error analysis for regularized
multidimensional sampling expansions
Y. Coudiere, C. D. Lontsi, and C. Pierre, Rush-Larsen time-stepping
methods of high order for stiff problems in cardiac electrophysiology
S. M. Rump, On recurrences converging to the wrong limit in finite
precision and some new examples
Sk. S. Ahmad and P. Kanhya, Perturbation analysis on matrix pencils
for two specified eigenpairs of a semisimple eigenvalue with
multiplicity two
C.-H. Cho and H. Okamoto, Finite difference schemes for an
axisymmetric nonlinear heat equation with blow-up
K. Nedaiasl, Approximation of weakly singular integral equations by
sinc projection methods
A. Koskela and H. Mena, Analysis of Krylov subspace approximation to
large-scale differential Riccati equations
T. P. Barrios and R. Bustinza, An a-priori error analysis for
discontinuous Lagrangian finite elements applied to nonconforming
dual-mixed formulations: Poisson and Stokes problems
D. Camps, T. Mach, R. Vandebril, and D. S. Watkins, On pole-swapping
algorithms for the eigenvalue problem
S. Mazurenko, J. Jauhiainen, and T. Valkonen, Primal-dual
block-proximal splitting for a class of non-convex problems
X. Tu, B. Wang, and J. Zhang, Analysis of BDDC algorithms for Stokes
problems with hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin discretizations
S. M. Rump, Addendum to "On recurrences converging to the wrong limit
in finite precision and some new examples"
L. Shangerganesh and J. Manimaran, Mathematical and numerical analysis
of an acid-mediated cancer invasion model with nonlinear diffusion
End of Digest