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NA Digest, V. 20, # 20

NA Digest Monday, May 25, 2020 Volume 20 : Issue 20

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives: http://www.netlib.org/na-digest-html/faq.html

Submissions for NA Digest:


From: Christopher Vincent Rackauckas [email protected]
Date: May 21, 2020
Subject: SciML: Open Source Software for Scientific Machine Learning

We are pleased to announce SciML, an umbrella organization for the
development of open source scientific machine learning software.
SciML is a rebranding of the JuliaDiffEq organization and its
DifferentialEquations.jl software suite in order to include the larger
space of automated model discovery, uncertainty quantification, and
neural surrogates which are utilized throughout modern
applications. This organization covers methods such as adaptive
stochastic differential equation solvers, GPU-compatible adjoints,
Hessian-free Newton-Krylov optimization, graph-based stochastic
simulation algorithms, (and many more!) and allows for combining and
composing these models and tools. Some highly relevant links are:

- DifferentialEquations.jl:

- DiffEqFlux.jl: Neural Networks in Differential Equations
https://diffeqflux.sciml.ai/dev/ and https://arxiv.org/abs/2001.04385

- DataDrivenDiffEq.jl: Koopman and SInDy methods

- DiffEqBenchmarks.jl: Differential equation benchmarking

That is a selection of the >50 scientific computing software packages
in this domain. For more details, consult our introduction blog post:


From: Irune Diaz Gonzalez [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2020
Subject: Research Technician Position, Machine Learning, BCAM

Description: In the framework of the BCAM "Maths & Artificial
Intelligence" strategy, a series of projects in this field have been
launched in different areas of Applied Mathematics.

Contract and offer: 6 months
Deadline: June 5th 2020, 14:00 CET (UTC+1)
Apply in: http://www.bcamath.org/en/research/job/ic2020-05-research-technician-in-

Requirements: Promising young researchers. Applicants must have their
MsC preferable in Computer Science or related fields.

Skills and track-record: Good interpersonal skills. Demonstrated
ability to work independently and as part of a collaborative research
team. Ability to present and publish research outcomes in spoken
(talks) and written (papers) form. Ability to effectively communicate
and present research ideas to researchers and stakeholders with
different backgrounds. Fluency in spoken and written English.

Scientific Profile: The preferred candidate will have: Strong
background in Machine Learning. Demonstrated knowledge in image
processing techniques and deep learning Good programming skills in
Python, R Research experience in interdisciplinary applications, such
as the health sector.

From: Markus Rampp [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC/NA, Max Planck Computing and Data

Facility, Germany

The Max Planck Computing and Data Facility (MPCDF) is looking for a
HPC application expert (m/f/d). The successful candidate will be
associated with the applications group at the MPCDF (based on the
research campus Garching near Munich, Germany) and will work on the
high-performance eigenvalue-solver library ELPA. The main task will be
to port and optimize the ELPA library for upcoming Exascale computer
architectures, in the context of the European Horizon 2020 Center of
Excellence "NOMAD2".

The applicant should hold a PhD in Physics, Computer Science, applied
Mathematics, or a similar subject. A strong background in the parallel
programming models MPI and OpenMP and in scientific software
development is mandatory. Ideally, the candidate offers a background
in numerical linear algebra and has a profound knowledge of the
Scalapack library, complemented with some familiarity of major
high-performance eigenvalue solver libraries and algorithms.

The full-time position starts as soon as possible and is initially
limited for a maximum period of three years. Salary will be based on
experience according to the German TVoD. For detailed information
please visit http://www.mpcdf.mpg.de/about-mpcdf/career/jobs/

From: Esmond G. Ng [email protected]
Date: May 21, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Ice Sheet Modeling, Berkeley Lab

Berkeley Lab's Computational Research Division has an opening for a
Postdoctoral Scholar to work on the BISICLES Ice Sheet Model.

The Applied Numerical Algorithms Group (ANAG), in partnership with the
Universities of Bristol and Swansea in the UK, is a home of BISICLES,
an open-source adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) ice sheet model under
development as a part of the U.S. Department of Energy-funded ProSPect
SciDAC partnership (see http://bisicles.lbl.gov). You will join an
interdisciplinary team of scientists and engineers in extending the
current BISICLES capabilities while applying the model to a range of
idealized and realistic problems.

ANAG develops advanced numerical algorithms and software for partial
differential equations integrated with the application of the software
to problems of independent scientific and engineering interest. The
primary focus of our work is in the development of high-resolution and
adaptive finite difference methods for partial differential equations
in complex geometries with applications to DOE-mission applications
including porous media flows, magnetohydrodynamics, industrial
problems, climate, and fusion energy.

Details, including how to apply, can be found here:

From: Bartosz Protas [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Math Modelling and Scientific Computing, McMaster

Applications are invited for a one-year postdoctoral position in the
Department of Mathematics and Statistics at McMaster University. This
fellowship provides an opportunity to engage in research in close
collaboration with Dr. Protas and his group (more information
available at http://www.math.mcmaster.ca/bprotas ) with a limited
amount of teaching. The focus of this industry-cofunded position will
be research on mathematical and computational modelling of
nonequilibrium electrochemical and thermodynamic processes occurring
in Li-ion batteries. This position is intended for an applied
mathematician interested in exploring a rapidly developing application
area, or for a mathematically-minded chemist with a solid background
in theoretical and computational chemistry. In either case, knowledge
of multiscale modelling (especially homogenization), electrochemistry,
PDEs and scientific computing will be an asset. This research project
also involves close collaboration with chemists and material
scientists as well as research scientists with our Industrial Partner.

The fellowship is open to candidates of any nationality and selection
will be based on the candidate's research potential and fit with
Dr. Protas' research group. The fellowship starts on September 1, 2020
or earlier, and provides an annual salary of $45,000 CAD plus a $2,000
CAD research grant. Candidates are required to apply for this
fellowship by using the MathJobs website (see our advertisement with
ID McMaster-PDFMMSC [#15960] at www.mathjobs.org). We will begin
reviewing applications on June 8, 2020. Applications received after
this date will be accepted until the position is filled, but to ensure
full consideration applicants are advised to submit all supporting
materials by the above deadline.

From: Niall Madden [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2020
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Modelling, NUI Galway, Ireland

National University of Ireland Galway is seeking a postdoctoral
researcher for a 30 month position in "Next Generation Ocean
Modelling". This interdisciplinary project is led by PI, Dr Indie
Olbert (Civil Engineering) and Co-PI, Dr Niall Madden
(Mathematics). It is is funded by the Marine Institute.

Candidates should have a PhD in Mathematics, Physical Oceanography,
Engineering or a related area. Experience of numerical modelling is
essential, and knowledge of data assimilation would be very valuable.

Details at: http://nuigalway.ie/about-us/jobs/researchjobs/
Post number: NUIG 76-20.

For more details contact Indiana Olbert ([email protected])
or Niall Madden ([email protected]).

NUI Galway is an equal opportunities employer, and holds an Athena
SWAN Bronze Award.

From: Francesco Tudisco [email protected]
Date: May 22, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics, GSSI, Italy

Call for 8 scholarships for the PhD program in "Mathematics in
Natural, Social and Life Sciences", at GSSI (Gran Sasso Science
Institute), L'Aquila, Italy.

The deadline for applications is June 11, 2020
To apply: https://applications.gssi.it/phd/

The school of Mathematics is characterized by four large macro-areas:
Applied Partial Differential Equations, Stochastic Analysis, Numerical
Methods and Continuum Mechanics. Within these sectors there is a
shared interest in designing mathematical models and numerical methods
for problems related to fluid dynamics, quantum mechanics, statistical
mechanics and data science.

Successful candidates will be offered a four-year PhD scholarship with
competitive salary and generous financial support for research.

More info about the PhD program:

From: Luca F. Pavarino [email protected]
Date: May 18, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational Math and Decision Sciences,


We are seeking highly motivated graduate students for our
international PhD program in Computational Mathematics and Decision
Sciences, jointly organized by the University of Pavia (UNIPV), Italy
and the Universita della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Lugano, Switzerland.

We have openings for 6 new PhD positions, fully funded with a
competitive salary and an additional research budget for the second
and third year. The PhD research areas are Computational Mathematics,
Computational Physics, Scientific Computing, Statistics, Decision
Sciences, Optimization, Machine Learning, with an interdisciplinary
view of Applied Mathematics, Physics and decision processes under
uncertainty. For details, see the program webpage

The application procedure can be found at http://phd.unipv.it/call-36/
Application deadline is June 24, 2020.

From: Dimitri Breda [email protected]
Date: May 19, 2020
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Udine

Ph.D. Course in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics - University
of Udine.

The call for admission 2020/21 is now open, applications are invited
for 8+2 positions.

Information at

Deadline July 22, 2020 - 02.00 p.m. (Italian time).

From: John Grue [email protected]
Date: May 25, 2020
Subject: PhD Research Fellow, Fluid Mechanics, Univ of Oslo

PhD Research Fellow, computation of internal waves (fluid mechanics)
at Univ. of Oslo, Norway:

Contact: [email protected] (John Grue)

Deadline 15 June 2020

From: Brezinski Claude [email protected]
Date: May 21, 2020
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 84 (2)

Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 84, No. 2

Spectral-Galerkin approximation and optimal error estimate for
biharmonic eigenvalue problems in circular/spherical/elliptical
domains, Jing An, Huiyuan Li, Zhimin Zhang

Three-step alternating iterations for index 1 and non-singular
matrices, Ashish Kumar Nandi, Jajati Keshari Sahoo, Debasisha Mishra

A gradient-type algorithm with backward inertial steps associated to a
nonconvex minimization problem, Cristian Daniel Alecsa, Szilard Csaba
Laszlo, Adrian Viorel

Chebyshev-Legendre spectral method and inverse problem analysis for
the space fractional Benjamin-Bona-Mahony equation, Hui Zhang, Xiaoyun
Jiang, Rumeng Zheng

A new modified three-step iteration method for G-nonexpansive mappings
in Banach spaces with a graph, Damrongsak Yambangwai, Sukanya
Aunruean, Tanakit Thianwan

Global uniqueness and solvability of tensor complementarity problems
for H + H_+ tensors, Xuezhong Wang, Maolin Che, Yimin Wei

Numerical solution of Ito-Volterra integral equation by least squares
method, M. Ahmadinia, H. Afshari A., M. Heydari

Further comment on another hybrid conjugate gradient algorithm for
unconstrained optimization, Andrei Xiuyun Zheng, Xiaoliang Dong,
Jiarong Shi, Wei Yang

On the global convergence of an inexact quasi-Newton conditional
gradient method for constrained nonlinear systems, M. L. N. Goncalves,
F. R. Oliveira

Preconditioned quasi-compact boundary value methods for
space-fractional diffusion equations, Yongtao Zhou, Chengjian Zhang,
Luigi Brugnano

Interval methods of Adams-Bashforth type with variable step sizes,
Andrzej Marciniak, Malgorzata A. Jankowska

Optimal subsets in the stability regions of multistep methods, Lajos

Low-rank updates and divide-and-conquer methods for quadratic matrix
equations, Daniel Kressner, Patrick Kuerschner, Stefano Massei

Fractional collocation boundary value methods for the second kind
Volterra equations with weakly singular kernels, Junjie Ma, Huilan Liu

Parallelization, initialization, and boundary treatments for the
diamond scheme, Stephen Marsland, Robert I. McLachlan, Matthew
C. Wilkins

The global convergence of the BFGS method under a modified Yuan-Wei-Lu
line search technique, Alireza Hosseini Dehmiry

Weak and strong convergence theorems for solving pseudo-monotone
variational inequalities with non-Lipschitz mappings, Duong Viet
Thong, Yekini Shehu, Olaniyi S. Iyiola

End of Digest