NA Digest, V. 18, # 51
NA Digest Monday, December 24, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 51
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- New Book, Ordinary and Fractional Approximation by Non-Additive Integrals
- New Book, The GLOBAL optimization algorithm
- Hierarchical Matrices, Germany, Mar 2019
- Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, USA, Mar 2019
- British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Apr 2019
- Optimization and Applications, Morocco, Apr 2019
- ETNA 25/Advances in Scientific Computation, Italy, May 2019
- IMA Dense Granular Flows, UK, Jul 2019
- SPARS Signal Processing, France, Jul 2019
- Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Germany, Aug 2019
- Faculty Position, Applied Statistics, Kent State Univ
- Faculty Position, Scalable Analyses, Univ Jena, Germany
- Postdoc Position, Algorithmic Optimization, Trier Univ
- Postdoc Position, Mathematical Fellowships, SISSA
- Postdoc Position, Mathematician or Geophysicist
- Postdoc Position, Micromagnetic Modelling
- Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Edinburgh
- Postdoc Position, for female researchers, TU Wien, Austria
- Graduate Fellowship Positions, Mathematics, Virginia Tech
- PhD Position, Direct Solvers for Elliptic Problems, Boise State Univ
- PhD Position, ML-assisted Hyperspectral Imaging, Edinburgh
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: George Anastassiou [email protected]
Date: December 24, 2018
Subject: New Book, Ordinary and Fractional Approximation by Non-Additive Integrals
Springer series: Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 2019
Book title: Ordinary and Fractional Approximation by Non-Additive
Integrals: Choquet, Shilkret and Sugeno Integral Approximators
Ordinary and fractional approximations by non-additive integrals,
especially by integral approximators of Choquet, Silkret and Sugeno
types are a new trend in approximation theory. These integrals are
only subadditive and only the first two are positive linear, and they
produce very fast and flexible approximations based on limited
data. We present both the univariate and multivariate cases. The
involved set functions are much weaker forms of the Lebesgue measure
and they were conceived to fulfill needs of economic theories and
other applied sciences. The presented approaches are original, and
chapters are self-contained and can be read independently. We exhibit
to the maximum our approximation methods to all possible
directions. The book's results are expected to find applications in
many areas of pure and applied mathematics, especially in
approximation theory, numerical analysis and mathematical economics in
both ordinary and fractional sense. As such this monograph is suitable
for researchers, graduate students, and seminars of the above
disciplines, also to be in all science and engineering libraries.
From: Tibor Csendes [email protected]
Date: December 18, 2018
Subject: New Book, The GLOBAL optimization algorithm
The GLOBAL optimization algorithm - Newly Updated with Java
Implementation and Parallelization by Balazs Banhelyi, Tibor Csendes,
Balazs Levai, Laszlo Pal, and Daniel Zombori
This book explores the updated version of the GLOBAL algorithm which
contains improvements for a local search algorithm and new Java
implementations. Efficiency comparisons to earlier versions and on the
increased speed achieved by the parallelization, are detailed.
Examples are provided for students as well as researchers and
practitioners in optimization, operations research, and mathematics to
compose their own scripts with ease. A GLOBAL manual is presented in
the appendix to assist new users with modules and test functions.
GLOBAL is a successful stochastic multistart global optimization
algorithm that has passed several computational tests, and is
efficient and reliable for small to medium dimensional global
optimization problems. The algorithm uses clustering to ensure
efficiency and is modular in regard to the two local search methods it
starts with, but it can also easily apply other local techniques. The
strength of this algorithm lies in its reliability and adaptive
algorithm parameters. The GLOBAL algorithm is free to download also in
the earlier Fortran, C, and MATLAB implementations.
2018 / ix + 111 pages / softcover / 978-3-030-02375-1 / Electronic
copy 44 Euro
See more details at:
From: Steffen Boerm [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: Hierarchical Matrices, Germany, Mar 2019
We would like to announce the next winter school on hierarchical
Date: 4th to 8th of March, 2018
Place: Kiel University, Kiel, Germany
Organizers: Wolfgang Hackbusch, Lars Grasedyck, Steffen Boerm
Hierarchical matrices offer an efficient approach to handling
non-local operators resulting, e.g., from the discretization of
integral equations or the inversion of elliptic partial differential
equations. They rely on a decomposition of the given matrix into
sub-matrices of low numerical rank that can be represented in
factorized form. This particular representation allows us to perform
operations like the matrix-vector multiplication, the matrix
multiplication, inversion, or LR factorization in almost linear
During the winter school, we give an introduction into fundamental
concepts, algorithms, and the theoretical background, combined with
practical exercises allowing the participants to get acquainted with
the basic algorithms. The exercises rely on the open-source library
H2Lib (
Participation is free of chargqe, familiarity with the C programming
language is helpful. Please address questions and registration
requests to [email protected]
From: Maxwell Hayes [email protected]
Date: December 19, 2018
Subject: Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, USA, Mar 2019
Conference Name: SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational
Issues in the Geosciences (GS19)
Location: Houston Marriott Westchase, Houston, Texas, U.S.
Dates: March 11-14, 2019
Invited Speakers:
Gregoire Allaire, Ecole Polytechnique, Paris, France
Anatoly Baumstein, ExxonMobil, U.S.
Patrick Heimbach, University of Texas at Austin, U.S.
Elizabeth Hunke, Los Alamos National Laboratory, U.S.
Yunyue Elita Li, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Alfio Quarteroni, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
Registration and Program:
Registration and the conference program are now posted at
Twitter hashtag: #SIAMGS19
For additional information, contact the SIAM Conference Department at
[email protected].
From: Alexander Brune [email protected]
Date: December 24, 2018
Subject: British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium, UK, Apr 2019
The British Young Mathematicians' Colloquium (BYMC) will be hosted for
the 4th time at the University of Birmingham. It will be a one-day
event taking place on the 17th of April.
The conference is aimed at mathematicians from all areas at early
stages in their careers (postgraduate students, postdocs, etc.). There
will be 6 invited speakers but the majority of the conference will be
made up of talks contributed by participants. It is a great
opportunity for young researchers to give talks and meet peers.
For more information, please visit or
From: Hanaa Hachimi [email protected]
Date: December 23, 2018
Subject: Optimization and Applications, Morocco, Apr 2019
ICOA2019: International Conference on Optimization and Applications
Kenitra, Morocco, April 25-26, 2019
From: Lothar Reichel [email protected]
Date: December 22, 2018
Subject: ETNA 25/Advances in Scientific Computation, Italy, May 2019
We cordially invite you to attend the conference "Recent Advances in
Scientific Computation", which is planned on the occasion of the 25th
anniversary of the Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis
(ETNA). The conference will take place on May 27-29, 2019, at Santa
Margherita di Pula outside Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy. A focus of the
conference will be new developments in large-scale computation. Many
areas will be covered, including image restoration, Krylov subspace
iterative methods, preconditioning, matrix functions, the solution of
partial differential equations, network analysis, and the solution of
ill-posed problems. The conference also will celebrate Fiorella
Sgallari's 65th birthday. Further information about the conference,
including plenary speakers, special sessions, and how to register, can
be found at the web site
On behalf of the organizing committee
Ronny Ramlau, Lothar Reichel, and Giuseppe Rodriguez
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: December 19, 2018
Subject: IMA Dense Granular Flows, UK, Jul 2019
Monday 1 - Thursday 4 July 2019
Centre for Mathematical Sciences, University of Cambridge, UK
Flows involving solid particulates are ubiquitous in nature and
industry alike. Such flows are found in pharmaceutical production, the
chemical industry, the food and agricultural industries, energy
production and the environment. Many unsolved problems remain,
however. In order to be able to solve problems, granular flows need to
be understood so that their behaviour can be controlled and
predicted. We are able to describe rapid granular flows, where the
particles are highly agitated and there has been some success
describing static systems. The intermediate regime, where these two
phases meet and coexist, is not as well understood and yet is the most
commonly observed behaviour of granular flow. The objective of this
meeting will be to interface the two ends of the particulate flow
spectrum - those working to understand the fundamentals of granular
flows and those attempting to control particulate flows in an
industrial setting - to develop solutions to the complex problems
presented by dense granular flows. Themes will include dense granular
flow, biological systems, self- propelled particles and geological
flows, exploring new developments in theoretical analysis and
experimental techniques. All attendees will be provided with an
opportunity to present recent work and there will be substantial time
for discussion, both during the workshop and during the evening!
Postgraduate and PhD students are particularly welcomed and oral
presentations will reflect the breadth of the field.
Invited Speakers: Professor Kimberly Hill (University of Minnesota);
Dr Chris Johnson (University of Manchester); Professor Ken Kamrin
(MIT); Lydie Staron (Institut le Rond d'Alembert, Paris)
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 500 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be submitted
by 31 January 2019 via Please indicate whether
your title is intended for oral or poster presentation.
For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:
From: Cédric Févotte [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: SPARS Signal Processing, France, Jul 2019
The 2019 Signal Processing with Adaptive Sparse Structured
Representations (SPARS) workshop will be held on the campus of the
engineering school ENSEEIHT, in the city center of Toulouse, on July
1-4, 2019. The SPARS workshop will bring together people from
statistics, engineering, mathematics, and computer science, working on
the general area of sparsity-related techniques and computational
methods, for high dimensional data analysis, signal processing, and
related applications.
In addition to contributed talks, posters & demos, we are pleased to
announce the following plenary speakers: Yuejie Chi, Carnegie Mellon
University; Emilie Chouzenoux, University Paris-Est; Mark Davenport,
Georgia Institute of Technology, Monika Dorfler, University of Vienna,
Pier Luigi Dragotti, Imperial College London; Bhaskar Rao, UC San
Diego; Simon Thorpe, CNRS; Lenka Zdeborova, CNRS; supplemented by a
special talk by Michael Jordan, UC Berkeley.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to): Compressive
sensing & learning; Representation learning (sparse coding, dictionary
& deep learning); Low-rank approximation, matrix & tensor
decomposition; Phase retrieval, inverse problems with sparsity;
Sparsity in approximation theory, information theory, and statistics;
Bayesian sparse modeling & inference; Optimization theory & algorithms
for sparsity; Sparse graph & network analysis;
Low-complexity/low-dimensional models; Applications
For further information, please visit
- Submission deadline: March 13, 2019
- Notification of acceptance: May 15, 2019
- Early-bird registration deadline: June 1, 2019
- Workshop: July 1-4, 2019
From: Cecilia Bonetti [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT), Germany, Aug 2019
We cordially invite you to participate in the Sixth International
Conference on Continuous Optimization (ICCOPT). The ICCOPT 2019 will
take place on the campus of the Technical University (TU) of Berlin,
August 3-8, 2019. The ICCOPT is a flagship conference of the
Mathematical Optimization Society (MOS), and preceding editions were
organized in Tokyo (2016), Lissabon (2013), Santiago, Chile (2010),
Hamilton, Canada (2007), Troy, USA (2004).
ICCOPT 2019 is hosted by the Weierstrass Institute for Applied
Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS) Berlin. It will include a Summer
School (August 3-4) and a Conference (August 5-8) with a series of
plenary and semi-plenary talks, organized and contributed sessions,
and poster sessions.
For more details and online registration, please visit our webpage
We look forward to receiving your contributions and seeing you in
Berlin next year!
From: Lothar Reichel [email protected]
Date: December 21, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Statistics, Kent State Univ
Kent State University's Department of Mathematical Sciences invites
applications for a full-time, tenure-track, open rank position in
Applied Statistics. The appointment is to begin August 21, 2019. The
salary and other conditions of employment are competitive.
Qualifications include a Ph.D. in Statistics, or a closely related
degree program. Preference will be given to candidates with expertise
in Applied Statistics, including Data Science, Large-Scale Data
Analysis, Computational Statistics, Actuarial Science, and related
areas. Candidates are expected to support the established research
strengths of the department as well as to contribute to the
interdisciplinary outreach of the department through active
collaborations with other disciplines to develop new undergraduate and
graduate programs in Statistics. Further details of the position can
be found at
The individual hired for this position will be expected to establish
an extramurally funded research program, engage in collaborative
research and direct theses and dissertations, and exhibit a commitment
to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education. funded
research program. For further information about the department,
please visit the web site
To apply for this position, fill in an application at,
and attach a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a publication list, a
research statement, and a teaching statement. In addition, please send
at least three (3) letters of reference to: [email protected].
Questions regarding this position may be also be sent to
[email protected]. Screening of applicants will begin
immediately and will continue until the position is filled.
Kent State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Employer with a strong commitment to the achievement of excellence and
diversity among its faculty, staff, and students.
From: Martin Buecker [email protected]
Date: December 23, 2018
Subject: Faculty Position, Scalable Analyses, Univ Jena, Germany
The Institute of Computer Science at Friedrich Schiller University
Jena, Germany, invites applications for a tenured professorship in
scalable data- and compute-intensive analyses endowed by the Carl
Zeiss Foundation. The successful applicant will be appointed as a W2
professor comparable with an associate professor in other
systems. There is a tenure track option to W3 (full professorship).
Our aim is to bring together data-driven science and computational
The official announcement (in German) with more details is available
The closing date for applications is January 31, 2019.
From: Martin Schmidt [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Algorithmic Optimization, Trier Univ
The Research Training Group (RTG) 2126 "Algorithmic Optimization",
funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), is accepting
applications for a Postdoctoral position (TVL 13, 100%) at Trier
University for the period of 1,5 years, starting as soon as possible.
The research topics of the RTG are devoted to all mathematical aspects
of algorithmic optimization with an emphasis on applications, in
particular in large and big data as well as systems models from
economics. The candidate has just finished her/his PhD and can
demonstrate research ability in the research fields of the RTG in
combination with its application fields. She/he is expected to build
up a strong publication record and to shape the RTG's research
framework actively.
Applicants must hold a PhD degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a
strongly related field at the time of hiring. They should be able to
communicate in English and should document their interest in the
scientific goals of the research program of the research training
group (Graduiertenkolleg). Excellent programming skills are a plus.
Applications should include:
- letter of motivation and a description of the research interests
- outline of a lecture series and a workshop proposal
- curriculum vitae
- two recent letters of reference (in English or German) to be sent
directly to the address given below
- contact information of at least one additional reference
- copies of earned degrees (in German or English translation)
- a mathematical writing sample (PhD thesis or preferably a published
Applications from researchers of all nationalities are welcome. Trier
University strives to increase the share of women in research and
strongly encourages women to apply. Trier University is a certified
family friendly employer. Provided equal qualifications are
demonstrated, applicants with disabilities will be preferred.
Please compile all application material into one pdf or zip-file and
forward it via e-mail to:
Graduiertenkolleg Algorithmische Optimierung Mathematik - FB IV
Universitat Trier
54286 Trier, Germany
Email: [email protected]
For full consideration, applications will be accepted until January
15, 2018, or until the position is filled.
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematical Fellowships, SISSA
SISSA started a new post-doctoral program in Mathematics: the SISSA
Mathematical Fellowships. Every year there will be a yearly call for
two 3-years fellowships.
The 2019 is now open and the deadline to present the applications is
the 8-01-2019 at 1.00 PM Rome time.
Appointments will start in September/October 2019 (but different
arrangements are possible)
The fellowships are not restricted to a specific research theme but
are intended to attract promising candidates in all fields of
mathematics by providing them with the opportunity to independently
pursue their own research as well as to enlarge their research profile
by interacting with top- leading scientists.
The appointments will last up to three years and will be provided with
a competitive salary together with a small research grant that can be
autonomously used by the successful candidate.
More information can be found here: mathematical-fellowships
From: Nicolas Neuss [email protected]
Date: December 21, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Mathematician or Geophysicist
The Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg is looking for a
mathematician or geophysicist within the project TAPE "Tapping the
Potential of Earth Observation". The project is funded by the
University of Erlangen-Nurnberg within its Emerging Field Initiative
(EFI). The position is a collaboration between the Institut fur
Geographie (Remote Sensing & GIS, Prof. Braun) and the Department of
Mathematics (Applied Mathematics, Prof. Bansch).
The intended starting date is April 1st, 2019. The employment is
limited to 24 months due to availability of project funds with a
possibility of extension depending on successful project
completion/prolongation or other third-party funding. The employment
is full time with 100% of the regular working load. Depending on
qualification and personal requirements this position is grouped into
Entgelt-/Bes.Gr. E13.
Details about the position, the necessary qualification, and the
application process can be found here:
From: Wyn Williams [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Micromagnetic Modelling
Postdoctoral Research Associate in Micromagnetic Modelling
School of GeoSciences, The University of Edinburgh
Grade 7
Salary 33,199 to 39,609 GBP
Applications are invited for a 30 month post-doctoral research
associate (PDRA) with extensive computational experience to join the
mineral magnetism group at the School of GeoSciences, The University
of Edinburgh. The position is funded by the Natural Environmental
Research Council award "Determining ancient magnetic field strengths
from the Earth and Solar System", which is a collaborative project
between Prof Wyn Williams (Edinburgh Univ.), Dr. Adrian Muxworthy
(Imperial College), and Prof. John Tarduno (Univ. Rochester). The aim
of the project is to better understand the magnetic recording fidelity
of 'non-ideal' magnetic domain states and their ability to hold
accurate recordings over periods of billions of years. Using the
finite-element micromagnetic modelling software MERRILL
( you will develop detailed models of magnetic
recording characteristics of particles of iron oxides and sulphides.
These models will be compiled into a relational data-base and used to
simulate 'whole-sample' magnetic recording properties of standard and
single crystal paleomagnetic samples. The numerical models will be
validated using high-resolution magnetic, mineralogical and
tomographic experimental observations from project partners at
Imperial College and University of Rochester. You will have a PhD (or
near completion) in a physical or computational science with extensive
experience of numerical modelling, preferably finite-element modelling
and ideally micromagnetic modelling. You should have knowledge of
FORTRAN and Python or similar. Experience in parallel programming and
database management would be useful but not essential. You should also
have a track-record of publishing peer-reviewed research articles in
international journals and demonstrate enthusiasm to contribute to the
aims of the overall project as part of a wider team. You will also
have excellent communication, planning, and team working skills.
The position is open from January 2019 with a latest possible start
date of April 2019.
Please apply at:
Closing date: 3 Jan 2019
From: John Pearson [email protected]
Date: December 19, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Univ of Edinburgh
Applications are invited for a 3-year postdoctoral position as part of
an EPSRC project in the area of numerical linear algebra for
PDE-constrained optimisation problems, with applications to data
science. The successful candidate will join the research group of Dr
John Pearson in the School of Mathematics, University of Edinburgh.
The project is funded by the EPSRC Grant "Modern Linear Algebra for
PDE-Constrained Optimisation Models for Huge-Scale Data Analysis", and
by the University of Edinburgh. The successful candidate will
contribute to the development of numerical methods and iterative
solvers for huge-scale matrix systems arising from optimisation
problems with PDE constraints, and will apply their techniques to
cutting-edge problems from data science. Experience with
PDE-constrained optimisation/inverse problems, and/or numerical
methods for PDEs (including numerical linear algebra for solving
matrix systems), is desirable. Expertise in a relevant programming
language (e.g., Python, C++, MATLAB) is essential.
The position should be taken up in September 2019, or an alternative
date by mutual agreement. Further particulars, as well as the
application link, may be found at
Informal enquiries are encouraged, and may be made to John Pearson at
[email protected]. The closing date for applications is 5pm on 22
January 2019.
From: Dirk Praetorius [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, for female researchers, TU Wien, Austria
As part of its endeavor to increase the number of female scientists in
mathematics, the Faculty of Mathematics and Geoinformation of TU Wien
invites applications for a full-time assistant position (40 hours per
week, immediate start, fixed duration of 6 years) for the broad
subject "Mathematics". The tasks of the job holder include research
and teaching (4 hours per week). The minimum gross salary is 3700 EUR
per month (14 times per year)
Depending on the research orientation (e.g., analysis and/or numerics
of PDEs), the successful candidate will be assigned to Institute for
Analysis and Scientific Computing to work with, e.g., Profs. Anton
Arnold, Ansgar Juengel, Jens Markus Melenk, Dirk Praetorius, Joachim
Schoeberl, or Peter Szmolyan.
For further information, please contact one of the named professors by
Formal requirements: Doctoral degree in the field of mathematics or
related subject.
The application documents should include a comprehensive curriculum
vitae and a research statement (achievements, research plan, relation
to current research at TU Wien) of max. 5 to 7 pages.
Please send applications by mail or email to Ms. Triebl-Kraus
[email protected] (TU Wien, Personaladministration,
Fachbereich wissenschaftliches Personal, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien,
Closing date: January 31, 2019
From: Eileen Martin [email protected]
Date: December 18, 2018
Subject: Graduate Fellowship Positions, Mathematics, Virginia Tech
The Virginia Tech Department of Mathematics is announcing several new
fellowships to support research activities of exceptional incoming
graduate students. All applicants to the graduate program will be
automatically considered. Virginia Tech has a wide variety of active
research programs in mathematics: inverse problems, analysis, applied
numerical analysis, mathematical biology, numerical linear algebra,
mathematics education, control and dynamical systems, algebra, high
performance computing, mathematical physics, differential equations,
fluid dynamics, cryptography, numerical differential equations,
geometry, and topology. The application deadlines are January 1
(university-wide graduate school) and January 15
(department-specific). More information on the graduate program can be
found here:
programID=002d14431ce38e83011ce38e94040020&nocache=153686709 7477 and
on the application here:
From: Donna Calhoun [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Direct Solvers for Elliptic Problems, Boise State Univ
I am seeking a talented, highly motivated and independent student
interested in pursuing a PhD in Computing, with an emphasis in
Computational Science and Engineering, at Boise State University. The
potential doctoral candidate would work in Donna Calhoun's group in
the Department of Mathematics at Boise State. The proposed project
offers an interested candidate the opportunity to work directly at the
intersection of the latest developments in numerical methods
development, scientific computing, and geophysical hazards modeling.
The aim of the proposed project is to develop a parallel, direct
solver for elliptic problems on adaptively refined Cartesian
meshes. The targeted numerical model is the dispersive correction
terms to the shallow water wave equations and the application domain
is geophysical modeling for tsunamis generated from landslides, or
other mechanisms where short wave lengths are a dominant and
significant feature. The numerical approach to be taken uses a
block-structured adaptive mesh refinement (AMR) where logically
Cartesian grids are used as patches in the AMR hierarchy. On each
patch, finite volume schemes based on the wave propagation algorithms
in Clawpack ( are used for hyperbolic terms.
The elliptic solver will be based on the low-rank
Hierarchical-Poincare-Stekhlov (HPS) method developed by
P. G. Martinsson and A. Gillman (SIAM J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 36 (4)
2014). The parallel adaptive framework for this project is based on
the ForestClaw code (, developed by D.
Calhoun. The interested candidate should have a background in applied
mathematics and scientific computing, and should demonstrate
experience and/or a strong desire to work on development of numerical
methods and software in a C/C++/Fortran programming environment.
Strong candidates from other areas (computer science, physics
geophysics and so) will also be considered. Familiarity with parallel
programming paradigms such as MPI (for distributed computing), OpenMP
(for shared memory) or CUDA (for GPU programming) is a plus. A
successful candidate who completes a PhD with this project would be
well- positioned for employment opportunities in academics, national
labs and government agencies (such as the US Geological Survey) which
make use of geophysical modeling. This position is a National Science
Foundation funded project "Parallel, adaptive Cartesian grid
algorithms for natural hazards modeling", under the Division of
Mathematical Sciences and will be funded for 3 years. Women and
under-represented groups in the STEM fields are especially encouraged
to apply.
Please contact Donna Calhoun ([email protected]) if you are
interested, or go directly to the BSU PhD in Computing website at
Applicant deadline for full consideration is January 5th, 2019.
From: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
Date: December 20, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, ML-assisted Hyperspectral Imaging, Edinburgh
Spectral/hyperspectral tomography aims to improve standard Computed
Tomography by taking advantage of additional information in the form
of energy-resolved measurements. The objective is to use spectral
information to reduce artifacts and improve the image reconstruction
in cases of limited-angle projections. This project will explore the
application of machine/deep learning methods in combination with
classical and Bayesian inversion methods. Applications will include
non-destructive testing of materials and security screening. This
project will run in collaboration with Harris Corporation and
colleagues at the Alan Turing Institute.
Enquiries: Nick Polydorides [email protected]
More info:
End of Digest