NA Digest, V. 18, # 36

NA Digest Sunday, September 09, 2018 Volume 18 : Issue 36

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Ding Rujuan [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2018
Subject: Feng Kang Prize Announcement

The Committee of Feng Kang Prize of Scientific Computing is seeking
applications and nominations for 2019 year. The prize is awarded every
other year to young Chinese Scientists under the age of fifty in China
and abroad for their outstanding researches in numerical analysis and
scientific computing. The prize winners will be announced in September
of 2019. Application forms can be obtained by anonymous ftp from

Deadline for applications and nominations is MARCH 15, 2019.

Please send all materials to

Ms. Ru-Juan Ding
Institute of Computational Mathematics
No.55, East Road, Zhong-Guan-Cun, Beijing 100190, CHINA
Email: [email protected]

From: Siegfried Rump [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2018
Subject: INTLAB Version 11 - Reliable Computing in Matlab

Version 11 of INTLAB, the Matlab/Octave toolbox for Reliable
Computing, is now available at . The main
addition are verified ODE solvers for initial value problems. The ODE
toolbox including a large (internal) test library was entirely written
by Florian Buenger from my institute. It comprises of
- The AWA toolbox implementing Lohner's algorithm, and
- The Taylor model toolbox including improvements and corrections.

Results computed by INTLAB are verified to be correct in a completely
rigorous mathematical sense. That includes all possible computational
inaccuracies, from the input to the output of data. In particular,
input data, e.g. initial conditions, may be afflicted with
tolerances. In that case error bounds for the solution of all problems
for data within the tolerances are computed. Florian Buenger has gone
to much trouble to diminish the interpretation overhead. As a result,
his Matlab/INTLAB implementation of the Taylor model approach is
sometimes faster than existing C and Fortran implementations. That
could not be achieved for the AWA toolbox. Users may also enjoy the
clearly readable code of the AWA and the Taylor model toolbox with
many detailed explanations. To get familiar with the ODE and other
INTLAB toolboxes and for some timings, see the demos at .

INTLAB is entirely written in Matlab/Octave. It runs on the
forthcoming Matlab 2018b and is downward compatible down to R2016b.

From: Shayne Waldron [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: New Book, An Introduction to Finite Tight Frames

An introduction to finite tight frames.
Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis. Birkhauser/Springer,
New York, 2018. xx+587 pp. ISBN: 978-0-8176-4814-5;

This book is an introduction to the theory and applications of finite
tight frames (redundant orthonormal bases), an area that has developed
rapidly in the last decade. Stimulating much of this growth are the
applications of finite frames to diverse fields, such as signal
processing, quantum information theory, multivariate orthogonal
polynomials, and remote sensing.

In addition to being a great reference for the basic theory, many
areas of current research interest are presented. These include: the
variational characterisation of tight frames and its relation to
spherical designs, the algebraic variety of tight frames, the
classification of tight frames up to unitary and projective unitary
equivalence, group frames (including harmonic frames and various
constructions of tight frames from nonabelian groups), sets of real
and complex equiangular lines, mutually unbiased bases, Zauner's
conjecture on SICs (including the Clifford and Galois actions, and a
list of the known SICs), tight frames of orthogonal polynomials on a
simplex, and continuous tight frames for finite dimensional spaces.

The book is self contained, with solutions to all the exercises given.

From: Eun-Jae Park [email protected]
Date: September 09, 2018
Subject: Computational Mathematics, South Korea, Sep 2018

As a CSE conference series, the Department of Computational Science &
Engineering is organizing the International Conference on
Computational Mathematics - Advances in Computational PDEs during
September 29 - October 2, 2018. The conference aims to provide a
platform to disseminate recent developments in finite element methods
and related methods for various PDEs. enable in-depth technical
discussions on a wide variety of major computational efforts in
science and engineering, and foster the interdisciplinary culture
required to meet recent challenges in CSE. Further, it is planned to
provide a good exposure for students and young researchers and
encourage them to pursue their research career in these areas. Funded
by National Research Foundation of Korea through the Center for
Mathematical Analysis & Computation (CMAC), Yonsei University.

Please visit for more information:

From: Michele Ruggeri [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications, Austria, Nov 2018

"Micromagnetics: Analysis, Numerics, Applications (MANA 2018)" will be
held on November 8-9, 2018 at TU Wien (Vienna, Austria). The aim of
the workshop is to bring together some of the leading researchers
working in micromagnetics to give an overview of the active research
interests in the field, encourage intensive idea exchanges, and
possibly initiate new collaborations. The workshop consists of 9
invited talks and a poster presentation.

Confirmed speakers:
- Francois Alouges (Ecole Polytechnique)
- Sergio Conti (University of Bonn)
- Massimiliano D'Aquino (Parthenope University of Naples)
- Riccardo Hertel (University of Strasbourg)
- Stavros Komineas (University of Crete)
- Felix Otto (MPI-MIS Leipzig)
- Andreas Prohl (University of Tuebingen)
- Valeriy V. Slastikov (University of Bristol)
- Dieter Suess (University of Vienna)

Abstract submission deadline for contributed posters: September 14, 2018
General registration deadline: September 30, 2018

More information can be found on the workshop webpage:

From: Peter Kritzer [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: RICAM Multivariate Algorithms and IBC, Austria, Nov 2018

Workshop 2, "Multivariate Algorithms and Information-Based Complexity"
in the RICAM Special Semester on "Multivariate Algorithms and their
Foundations in Number Theory", Nov 5-9, 2018 in Linz, Austria.

Information on speakers and further details are given on the Workshop

Registration is free of charge but mandatory, and can be done at

A tutorial with an introduction to Information-Based Complexity will
be given by Aicke Hinrichs (University of Linz) and Peter Kritzer
(RICAM Linz) in the week preceding the workshop.

Fred J. Hickernell (Illinois Institute of Technology)
Peter Kritzer (RICAM Linz)

From: Raphael Kruse [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Stochastic Evolution Equations, Germany, Dec 2018

We are organizing a workshop on "Nonlinear Stochastic Evolution
Equations: Analysis, Numerics and Applications".

The event takes place on December 6-8, 2018, at TU Berlin.

The list of invited speakers includes: L'ubomir Banas, Charles-Eduard
Brehier, Evelyn Buckwar, Franco Flandoli, Benjamin Gess, Martina
Hofmanova, Christian Kuhn, Annika Lang, Bohdan Maslowski, Annie
Millet, Martin Ondrejat, Andreas Prohl, Marco Romito, David Siska,
Wilhelm Stannat, Mechthild Thalhammer, Guy Vallet, Julien Vovelle,
Petra Wittbold


Registration is open until October 31st and participation is free of
charge. Please contact pde_conf(at)

This workshop is financially supported by the German Research
Foundation (DFG) through FOR 2402, Einstein Center for Mathematics
(ECMath) and the Einstein Foundation Berlin.

Etienne Emmrich, Eduard Feireisl, Raphael Kruse

From: Sandra Malta [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2018
Subject: Computational Modeling and Numerical Analysis, Brazil, Feb 2019

The Workshop on Computational Modeling and Numerical Analysis (WCMNA
2019) will be held February 25 - 28, 2019 at that the National
Laboratory of Scientific Computing (LNCC) in Petropolis, Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil.

The Program is composed by 09 plenary lectures and the following 02
- Hybrid High-Order Methods, Alexandre Ern - Universite Paris-Est,
- Finite Element Methods for Incompressible Flows , Volker John -
Weierstrass Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics.

Poster presentations will be also included in program.
Abstract submission deadline is October 31, 2018.

Additional information can be found at

From: Mathias J Krause [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Lattice Boltzmann Methods, OpenLB Software Lab, Germany, Feb 2019

Registration is now open for the spring school Lattice Boltzmann
Methods with OpenLB Software Lab that will be held in Mannheim,
Germany, from 18th to 22nd of February 2019. The spring school
introduces scientists and applicants from industry to the theory of
LBM and trains them on practical problems. The first half of the week
is dedicated to the theoretical fundamentals of LBM up to ongoing
research on selected topics. Followed by mentored training on case
studies using OpenLB in the second half, where the participants gain
deep insights into LBM and its applications. This educational concept
is probably unique in the LBM community and offers a comprehensive and
personal guided approach to LBM. Participants also benefit from the
knowledge exchange during poster session, coffee breaks and the
excursion. We look forward to your participation.

More information:

On behalf of the spring school executive committee, Natascha
Hess-Mohr, Mathias J. Krause, Matthias Radle, Robin Trunk

From: khalide jbilou [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2018
Subject: Mathematical Modeling with Applications, Morocco, Apr 2019

Mathematical Modeling with Applications M2A19
Mohammed V University, Rabat, Morocco
April, 1--4, 2019.

The conference is dedicated to Gerard Meurant for his 70th Birthday

MAIN TOPICS: Large linear systems and preconditioning, eigenvalue
problems. Linear algebra and control, model reduction. Ill-posed
problems, Image processing. Numerical methods for PDEs.
Approximation,Optimisation. Applied Statistics. Applications: Signal
processing, financial computation, learning machine.

PLENARY SPEAKERS: C. Brezinski, France; G. Meurant, France;
L. Reichel, USA; Y. Saad, USA; H. Sadok, France; P. Van Dooren,

Important Dates:
January 15, 2019 - Deadline for submission of titles and abstracts
February 15, 2019 - Deadline for registration

The proceedings of the conference will appear as a special volume of
the journal " Numerical Algorithms", subject to a regular refereeing

For more informations, please refer to the web page:

or contact us at: [email protected]

From: Yousef Saad [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Preconditioning 2019, USA, Jul 2019

The 2019 International Conference on Preconditioning Techniques for
Scientific and Industrial Applications (Preconditioning 2019)

Date: July 1 -- 3, 2019

Location: University of Minnesota, Twin cities

Preconditioning 2019 is the 11th edition of the series of meetings
(one every two years) that address issues related to preconditioning
methods for solving general sparse matrix problems in large-scale
applications and in industrial settings. The conference is a forum for
exchanging ideas on the latest developments in preconditioning
techniques for sparse linear systems of equations, and to a lesser
extent for eigenvalue problems. Preconditioning 2019 will mark the
20th anniversary of this series of conferences which started in 1999
at the University of Minnesota.

Additional details, including the list of invited speakers, the
scientific committee, and important dates, can be found at the
conference web-site:

Yousef Saad (Chair), University of Minnesota
Andy Wathen, Oxford University
Esmond Ng, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

From: Jennifer Scott [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Software Engineering Position, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK

Permanent Position in Computational Mathematics at the STFC Rutherford
Appleton Laboratory, UK

Are you a Software Engineer who has a passion for mathematics? The
Computational Mathematics Group at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
carries out mathematical research by developing and analysing
innovative algorithms. We are looking for a Software Engineer to join
the Group. You will help develop, support and maintain the software
within the Group's projects. Our software, including HSL, GALAHAD and
SPRAL, is highly regarded and widely used throughout the world. You
will be the first point of contact for the users of the Group's
software and you will set the standard for best practice in on-going
development in the Group.

To succeed in this role, you will be a highly motivated and proactive
Software Developer with a mathematical background and experience of
software engineering in a production environment. For further details,
please visit

Please contact us ([email protected], [email protected])
by email for specific queries.

The closing date for applications is 7 October.

From: Tobias Weinzierl [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2018
Subject: Professor Position, Scientific Computing and HPC, Durham Univ

The Department of Computer Science at Durham University is rapidly
growing, notably in the area of scientific computing and HPC. We are
thus looking for up to 5 new members of staff:

From: Patricio Jara [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Tenure-Track Position, Applied Mathematics, Tennessee State Univ

Tenure-Track Position -- Applied Mathematics, Tennessee State

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Tennessee State University
seeks applicants for a tenure-track position to begin January
2019. Special consideration will be given to candidates with expertise
in Applied Mathematics. Strong candidates from all areas of
mathematics are encouraged to apply.

Candidates must demonstrate the potential for excellence in engaging
students through teaching and undergraduate mentoring. Faculty
members typically teach twelve credit hours per semester. In
addition, candidates must demonstrate a record of, or potential for
outstanding research, and a commitment to department service.

Minimum Qualifications/Experience: Must have a PhD in Mathematics or
Applied Mathematics or related area.

Open Date: 08-22-2018
Close Date: 10-01-2018
Position Number: 005480

Quick link:

From: Min Hyung Cho [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Mathematics, UMass Lowell

The Mathematical Sciences Department at the University of
Massachusetts Lowell invites applications for a full-time tenure-track
faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor to start on
September 1, 2019. Preference will be given to mathematicians working
in analysis and its applications, including (but not limited to)
operator theory, differential equations, scientific computing, signal
processing, and optimization.The successful candidate will be expected
to initiate and participate in funded research programs and to
contribute to the department's teaching mission in the candidate's
area of specialty. UMass Lowell has a diverse group of faculty who
utilize mathematical research tools. Candidates interested in
establishing collaborations with faculty across the University are
strongly encouraged to apply. UMass Lowell is located about 25 miles
northwest of Boston in the high- tech corridor of Massachusetts.

- Minimum Qualifications (Required): Earned Doctorate in Mathematics
by September 1, 2019, Record of quality research, Ability to work
effectively with diverse groups
- Additional Considerations: Demonstrated excellence in teaching at
the undergraduate and Master's levels
- Special Instructions to Applicants: To apply, please submit a CV,
cover letter, teaching statement/philosophy, and research statement to:

Contact information for three references will be required at the time
of application. References will be contacted for a letter of reference
immediately after application submission. Review of applications will
begin on Oct 1, 2018, and will continue until the position is filled.
However, the position may close when an adequate number of qualified
applications is received. The University of Massachusetts Lowell is
committed to increasing diversity in its faculty, staff, and student
populations, as well as curriculum and support programs, while
promoting an inclusive environment. We seek candidates who can
contribute to that goal and encourage you to apply and to identify
your strengths in this area. The University of Massachusetts Lowell is
an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action, Title IX employer. All
qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without
regard to race, sex, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, age
over 40, protected veteran status, disability, sexual orientation,
gender identity/expression, marital status, or other protected class.

From: Victorita Dolean [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2018
Subject: Research Associate Position, Scientific Computing, Glasgow, UK

Applications are invited for a 3-year full-time Postdoctoral Research
Associate (PDRA) position on the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council-funded project: "Fast solvers for frequency domain
wave scattering problems and applications", (see
the related grant page for a full description

This project is concerned with the formulation, analysis,
implementation and applications of fast solvers for partial
differential equations arising in acoustic, electromagnetic and
elastic wave problems, modelled in the frequency domain. It will be
particularly concerned with parallel domain decomposition methods for
solving the large ill-conditioned linear systems that arise from
typical applications, especially in seismic inversion and in

This appointment is part of a collaboration with University of Bath
and EPSRC funding provides for the appointment of two linked PDRAs,
one at Strathclyde (Glasgow) and one with our partners at University
of Bath.

The post has a start date of 1 January 2019 for a 3-year period,
should candidates wish to have an earlier or later start date this can
be considered.

Candidates are encouraged to apply for both this position:

and the position at Bath university:

Informal enquiries about the post can be directed to Dr. Victorita
Dolean, Department of Mathematics and Statistics
([email protected]).

From: Andreas Adelmann [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, Computational Science, PSI Switzerland

approach, which means that the candidate and fellowship sponsors would
work on the research proposal together.

The purpose of this research project is to investigate the potential
of sparse grids approaches for relativistic particle in cell
algorithms. with a focus on tensor core implementation, reduced
precision arithmetic, numerical stability and error estimation. The
new algorithm resulting from this work will be implemented in an
massively parallel open source software framework for charged particle
simulation. Validation will be done on beam and plasma physics

The duration of the fellowship will be 24 months. In addition to its
highly innovative scientific environment, PSI offers great
opportunities for continuous education and training in areas such as
project management, presentation-techniques and improvement of
language skills, etc. The combination of the scientific qualifications
with managerial skills will strengthen the career opportunities of the
experienced scientists in academia or in the private sector. This
research is in close collaboration with Prof. A. Cerfon of the Courant
Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University, in New York.
In the course of this fellowship, you will be encouraged to spend time
in Prof. A. Cerfon's research group.

If you would be interested in the PostDoc position at PSI
( described above, starting between May 1st and
September 1st 2019, please check if you fulfil the following points:
1) You have not worked, studied or lived in Switzerland more than 12
months in the 36 months preceding the employment at PSI (civil /
military service or holidays are not taken into account)
2) You will hold your PhD degree by the starting date of the
3) You have written a publication from your PhD/PostDoc work
Ideally, you would be planning to finish your PhD some time early in
2019, or you would be currently holding your first PostDoc position.

Call Start: 1. September 2018
Call End: 30. November 2018
Evaluation Start: 15. December 2018
Evaluation End: 31. January 2019
Interviews: 25. February - 08. March 2019
Final Decision: March 2019

- Dr. sc. math. Andreas (Andy) Adelmann
Head a.i. Labor for Scientific Computing and Modelling
[email protected]
- Prof. Dr. Antoine Cerfon
[email protected]

From: Joe Vallino [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2018
Subject: Postdoc Position, Ocean Biogeochemistry Modeling

A postdoctoral scientist position in Ocean Biogeochemical Modeling is
available at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole. This
position is part of a large Simons Foundation collaborative project on
Computational Biogeochemical Modeling of Marine Ecosystems (CBIOMES)
that involves multiple investigators from seven universities: Mick
Follows at MIT leads the CBIOMES project. The MBL component of the
project focuses on developing metabolic representations of marine
microbial food webs and their associated biogeochemistry. The goal of
the MBL team is to leverage information gleaned from genome- scale
models to improve understanding and modeling of marine
ecosystems. Consequently, we are seeking applicants with expertise or
familiarity in either systems biology modeling or marine
biogeochemistry modeling, or individuals with interest in exploring
this new area of research. The successful candidate will have the
opportunity to work collaboratively with members of the CBIOMES team
and have significant flexibility in research direction. Applications
will be reviewed as received until the position is filled. Funding
support is available for up to four years, and salary is negotiable.

To Apply: Applications consisting of 1) Cover letter, 2) Research
interests, 3) Curriculum vitae and 4) Contact information of 3
references must be submitted on-line at to be considered for the

Information regarding the SC-CBIOMES project can be found here:
modeling-of-marine-ecosystems/ Contact Joe Vallino ([email protected])
for additional information or discuss possible research directions.

Basic qualifications: A Ph.D. in Ocean Sciences, Engineering, Systems
Biology or related field is required.

Preferred qualifications: Applicants with experience in computer
modeling of marine food webs, biogeochemistry or systems biology are
desired, but individuals with computational modeling expertise in
other fields are encouraged to apply.

From: Thomas Takacs [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Geometry/Numerics, JKU Linz, Austria

The Institute of Applied Geometry ( at Johannes Kepler
University Linz, Austria, announces the opening of a PhD position
(fixed-term contract with a duration of 3 years) within the research
project P 30926 by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, entitled "Weak and
approximate C1-smoothness in isogeometric analysis". We encourage
candidates with a background in computational or applied mathematics
to apply. Expertise on numerical analysis and/or geometric modeling as
well as programming experience are required. The tasks include
performing creative research, both independently and within a group,
development and implementation of methods, as well as following the
PhD curriculum at JKU. Our working language is English.

A master's degree (or equivalent) in mathematics or a closely related
field is required. The degree has to be obtained before the start of
the contract (scheduled to be in Fall/Winter of 2018/19). We offer a
yearly gross salary of Euro 29,573.60 (working time 30 hours/week),
conforming with the standard rates of the FWF for doctoral
candidates. See for more details.

Please apply in English and include: Motivation letter; CV; Contact
details of two to three references; Electronic version of master's
thesis (if possible) - or - title, abstract and summary of thesis.

Compile your application in a single PDF file and send it to the
project leader Dr. Thomas Takacs, using the E-mail address:
[email protected]

The deadline for application is October 15th 2018.

Johannes Kepler University ( offers an excellent research
and study environment. It is one of the leading institutions in the
field of isogeometric analysis and hosts several related FWF and EU
projects. The Johannes Kepler University wishes to increase the
proportion of academic female faculty and, for this reason, especially
welcomes applications by qualified women. If applicants are equally
qualified, a woman will be given preference for this position. The
university welcomes applications from qualified applicants who have
physical disabilities. These applications will be given special

From: Tristan van Leeuwen [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2018
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Imaging, Utrecht Univ

We have a PhD position in the scientific computing group at Utrecht
University, the Netherlands. You will be part of a team of
mathematicians and geophyscists from both academia and industry
working on developing methods for reduction of both the model (number
of unknowns) and data (number of data points) to allow for targeted
seismic imaging of subsurface reservoirs.

A detailed description of the project can be found here:

We are looking for a candidate with a strong background in mathematics
(e.g., numerical analysis, dynamical systems, scientific computing,
mathematical physics, inverse scattering, model order reduction) and
an interest in interdisciplinary research.

We offer a full-time PhD position for 4 years for which the candidate
will be provided with funding for research and training costs. You
will be employed by the University and given a salary in accordance
with the Collective Employment Agreement of the Dutch
Universities. You will be expected to help teach courses in (applied)

Interested? Send a letter of motivation, your curriculum vitae
(including references) and (if possible) a sample of your academic
work (such as a thesis or paper) to:

Tristan van Leeuwen.
Hans Freudenthalgebouw, Room 609
Budapestlaan 6 3584 CD UTRECHT

phone: +31 30 253 1458
e-mail: [email protected]

The deadline for applying is October 5th 2018.

From: Boehnstedt, Cornelia [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2018
Subject: PhD Positions, PharMetrX, Germany, Berlin/Potsdam

Call for applications within the interdisciplinary PhD program
PharMetrX. The Graduate Research Training Program PharMetrX:
Pharmacometrics & Computational Disease Modelling is an
interdisciplinary PhD program bridging pharmacy and mathematics. It
aims at understanding the drug-patient-disease interaction by
analysing data of drug concentration, effect and disease profiles of
pre-clinical/clinical trials and of therapeutic care.

We are currently inviting applications to start the PharMetrX
Research+ Program or the PharMetrX Training+ Program. The PharMetrX
Research+ Program (Research + Training + Network) comprises an
excellent research environment in the vibrant Berlin/Potsdam area,
fascinating and innovative research projects in a highly relevant
field, truly transdisciplinary supervision, an individual mentorship
from one of the industry partners, a specifically tailored training
program of compact modules, a network of peers and a highly
competitive 3.5 years fellowship. The PharMetrX Training+ Program
(Training + Network) offers a specifically tailored training program
of compact modules that convey the foundations in pharmacokinetics &
pharmacodynamics, systems biology, statistics etc. as well as a
network of peers. It is open for PhD students who have already started
their PhD in the field of pharmacometrics or will do so soon. Both
programs are open to candidates with a university degree in pharmacy,
mathematics/ statistics, bioinformatics, life sciences or
medicine. See for further details.

Deadline for applications: September 15th, 2018.

PharMetrX is a joint program of Freie Universitat Berlin and the
Universitat Potsdam, supported by a consortium of global
research-driven pharmaceutical companies.

From: Edward B. Saff [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2018
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 48 (2)

Constructive Approximation
Volume 48, Issue 2, October 2018
Table of Contents

Inhomogeneous Jacobi Matrices on Trees, Ryszard Szwarc

Vector Orthogonal Polynomials with Bochner's Property, Emil Horozov

Associated Legendre Functions and Spherical Harmonics of Fractional
Degree and Order, Robert S. Maier

Improved Lower Bound for the Mahler Measure of the Fekete Polynomials,
Tamas Erdelyi

Spectral Properties of Block Jacobi Matrices, Grzegorz Swiderski

The Marcinkiewicz-Type Discretization Theorems, V. N. Temlyakov

Constructive Approximation
An International Journal for Approximations and Expansions
Published by Springer

From: Romas Baronas [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2018
Subject: Contents, Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, 23 (5)

Nonlinear Analysis: Modelling and Control, ISSN 1392-5113,
Volume 23, Number 5, 2018


Hongzheng Quan, Xueyong Zhou, Jianzhou Liu, Global exponential
stability of positive periodic solutions for a cholera model with
saturated treatment.

Shan Peng, JinRong Wang, Xiulan Yu, On the center-stable manifolds for
some fractional differential equations of Caputo type.

Muhammad Nazam, Muhammad Arshad, Mihai Postolache, Coincidence and
common fixed point theorems for four mappings satisfying

Yanqin Wang, Ling Yang, Jie Yan, Dynamics in a delayed diffusive cell
cycle model.

Mohamed A. Abdelkawy, Omar H. El-Kalaawy, Rasha B. Al-Denari, Anjan
Biswas, Application of fractional sub-equation method to nonlinear
evolution equations.

Wasfi Shatanawi, Fixed and common fixed point theorems in frame of
quasi metric spaces under contraction condition based on ultra
distance functions.

Xin Wei, Junjie Wei, The effect of delayed feedback on the dynamics of
an autocatalysis reaction-diffusion system.

Rodica Luca, Positive solutions for a system of fractional
differential equations with p- Laplacian operator and multi-point
boundary conditions.

A free on-line edition is available at:

End of Digest