NA Digest, V. 17, # 24

NA Digest Monday, September 11, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 24

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

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Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Daniel B Szyld [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: Rembering Ivo Marek

With deep sorrow we inform the community that Ivo Marek, Professor
Emeritus at Charles University and at the Czech Technical University
in Prague, passed away on August 18, 2017 at the age of 84. Ivo Marek
was an outstanding mathematician, who contributed over 170 papers and
3 monographs on a wide range of topics. Among those we highlight
neutron transport theory and related problems of nuclear reactor
theory, numerical methods for many types of iterative methods for
linear and non-linear operator equations, and especially for singular
problems, including stochastic matrices. His knowledge was remarkably
broad and deep, and this can be glanced for example in his use of
functional analysis tools in applied linear algebra problems. He
served as editor of several journals. Among his honors we mention
that he was the recipient of the Czechoslovak National Prize in
Science and the Bolzano Medal (Mathematical Sciences). Two conferences
were organized in his honor, and three special issues of Numer. Linear
Algebra Appl. (10) 2003, (16) 2009, and (22) 2015, were dedicated to
him. His colleagues and friends will remember him for his
extraordinary enthusiasm for science and education, for his friendly
and generous personality, his sense of humor, his important role in
integrating Czech computational mathematicians into the international
community, and for his love of music, especially Mozart. Ivo will be
sorely missed. We remember him with gratitude and respect.

Radim Blaheta, Zdenek Strakos, and Daniel Szyld

From: Changqing Xu [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: New Book, Tensor Analysis and Spectral Tensors

We are very pleased to announce a new book
"Tensor Analysis: Spectral Theory and Spectral Tensors"
published by SIAM (Authors: Liqun Qi and Ziyan Luo).

It is the first book on the spectral theory of tensors and the theory
of special tensors, including nonnegative tensors, positive
semidefinite tensors, completely positive tensors, and copositive
tensors; and the spectral hypergraph theory via tensors.

From: Andrei Draganescu [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2017
Subject: Finite Element Circus, USA, Oct 2017

The Fall 2017 Finite Element Circus will be held at the University of
Baltimore County (UMBC) on October 20-21, 2017. For registration and
further details please visit .

From: Phan Thanh An [email protected]
Date: September 10, 2017
Subject: High Performance Scientific Computing, Vietnam, Mar 2018


Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Complex Processes
March 19-23, 2018
Hanoi, Vietnam

Detailed information can be found at the conference websites and
(Participants can register, reserve hotel and submit data needed for
applying for a Vietnamese visa by using these conference websites.)

Deadline for registration and submission of abstracts: September
29, 2017.
Notification of acceptance for presentation: December 22, 2017.
Deadline for applying a business visa through the organizers:
January 19, 2018.
Deadline for hotel reservation: January 19, 2018.

Contact address: [email protected]

From: Stephen Becker [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: Faculty Position, Univ of Colorado

The Department of Applied Mathematics at the University of Colorado at
Boulder invites applications for a tenure track faculty position at
the Assistant Professor level to begin August 2018. The position is in
the area of high dimensional data analysis (big data), with possible
areas of emphasis including nonlinear optimization, analysis in
high-dimensional spaces, randomized projections, probabilistic
numerics, harmonic analysis, theoretical deep learning, and related
areas. However, exceptional candidates in all fields of Applied
Mathematics may be considered.

For the full advertisement as well as instructions on how to apply,
please see:

We start considering applications October 16, 2017, so the deadline is
coming up quickly.

From: Greg Fasshauer [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2017
Subject: Faculty Positions, Colorado School of Mines

The Applied Mathematics and Statistics Department at the Colorado
School of Mines is looking to fill several tenure-track/tenured
faculty positions. We are especially interested in people whose
research interests lie at or near the interface of computational and
applied mathematics with statistics.

To find out more or to apply for one of the positions, please use
MathJobs: The deadline to
ensure full consideration is December 1, 2017.

Given this unique opportunity to hire multiple people at once we are
keeping our eyes open for candidates who have a personal, professional
or research connection with another candidate. If you have such a
connection, please let us know about it in your application.

If you have any questions about these positions please don't hesitate
to contact Paul Martin ([email protected]) or Greg Fasshauer
([email protected]).

From: Joinel Flores [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2017
Subject: Faculty Positions, Cornell Univ

Cornell University's School of Operations Research and Information
Engineering (ORIE) seeks to fill multiple tenured/tenure-track faculty
positions for its Ithaca campus. We will primarily consider applicants
with research interests in the areas of integer programming and
financial engineering, though we welcome strong applicants from all
research areas represented within ORIE, especially those in resonance
with the College of Engineering Strategic Areas: Requisite is a strong
interest in the broad mission of the School, exceptional potential for
leadership in research and education, an ability and willingness to
teach at all levels of the program, and a Ph.D. in operations
research, mathematics, statistics, or a related field by the start of
the appointment. Salary will be appropriate to qualifications and
engineering school norms. Cornell ORIE is a diverse group of
high-quality researchers and educators interested in probability,
optimization, statistics, simulation, and a wide array of applications
such as e-commerce, supply chains, scheduling, manufacturing,
transportation systems, health care, financial engineering, service
systems and network science. We value mathematical and technical depth
and innovation, and experience with applications and practice. Ideal
candidates will have correspondingly broad training and interests.
Please apply online at
with a cover letter, CV, statements of teaching and research
interests, sample publications, at least three reference letters and,
for junior applicants, a doctoral transcript. We strongly encourage
applicants attending the INFORMS annual meeting to submit all
application materials by October 15, 2017. All applications completed
by November 15, 2017 will receive full consideration, but we urge
candidates to submit all required material as soon as possible. We
will accept applications until we fill the positions.

ORIE and the College of Engineering at Cornell embrace diversity and
seek candidates who can contribute to a welcoming climate for students
of all races and genders. Cornell University seeks to meet the needs
of dual career couples, has a Dual Career program, and is a member of
the Upstate New York Higher Education Recruitment Consortium to assist
with dual career searches. Visit to see positions
available in higher education in the upstate New York area. Diversity
and Inclusion are a part of Cornell's heritage. We are a recognized
employer and educator valuing AA/EEO, Protected Veterans, and
Individuals with Disabilities. We strongly encourage qualified women
and minority candidates to apply.

Apply Here:

From: Daniel Reynolds [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2017
Subject: Assistant Professor Position, Computational and Applied Math, SMU

Southern Methodist University
Department of Mathematics

Position No. 00006031: Applications are invited for a tenure-track
Assistant Professorship in Computational and Applied Mathematics to
begin in the fall semester of 2018. The department is searching for
junior scholars with outstanding records of research in computational
and applied mathematics, with a commitment to interdisciplinary
research and teaching. We are seeking candidates whose interests align
with those of the department and who would contribute in a substantial
way to the university's initiatives in high performance computing,
data science and interdisciplinary research. Our faculty are currently
working in emerging areas such in computational applied mathematics,
neuroscience and electric power grid.

The Department of Mathematics offers graduate degrees in Computational
and Applied Mathematics and includes 17 tenured or tenure-track
faculty researchers, all of whom work in application areas. Visit for more information. Interested applicants
need to submit a curriculum vitae, a list of publications, research
and teaching statements, and request three references to be addressed
to the Faculty Search Committee, Department of Mathematics, Southern
Methodist University, P.O. Box 750156, Dallas, Texas, 75275-0156.

Additional information regarding the position, as well as details on
the application process are available at

From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: Lectureship Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Bath

The Department of Mathematical Sciences at Bath is advertising a
Lectureship (roughly equivalent to Assistant Professor) in Applied
Mathematics to strengthen the activities in its Centre for Doctoral
Training in Statistical Applied Mathematics at Bath (SAMBa).

We particularly encourage applications from within the fields of
control theory, imaging, inverse problems, multi-scale problems,
networks and their applications, optimisation, uncertainty
quantification, as well as from those working in the application
driven areas of mathematical biology, mathematical geosciences,
nonlinear mechanics and other interdisciplinary or industrial areas.

For more details see

From: Petra Trapp [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2017
Subject: Junior Professorship Position, Mathematical Optimization

The Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science at the Georg August
University Gottingen, Germany, invites applications for a
Junior-professorship for Mathematical Optimization (salary W1 NBesO)
to begin on April 1st, 2018 on a temporary basis, at the Institute for
Numerical and Applied Mathematics. Qualified candidates will be
recruited as a civil servant on temporary basis for the initial period
of three years with an extension for another three years based on
positive evaluation. The Institute is seeking candidates with a
profile in an area of mathematical, in particular, continuous,
optimization that provides links to research groups throughout the
Faculty of Mathematics. Applicants are expected to demonstrate
excellence in their research activities and experience in
teaching. Experience in winning third party funding will be viewed as
an advantage. The duties include research and teaching in the fields
of expertise as well as participation in teaching within the scope of
the mathematical bachelor's / master's programme. The general duties
and responsibilities and preconditions for recruitment are prescribed
by Section 30 of the current Lower Saxony Higher Education Act. The
period being employed as graduate assistant or research assistant
before or after the doctorate should not exceed a total of six
years. For further information, please contact the office of the
Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics, phone 0551/39-4502,
[email protected] .

Applications with pertinent documentation like CV, list of
publications, research grant activities, research and teaching records
are to be sent to the Institute for Numerical and Applied Mathematics
of the Georg-August University Gottingen, Lotzestrasse 16-18, 37083
Gottingen, Germany by October 15, 2017 exclusively by using the
following online portal:

From: Michael Parks [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Fellowship Position, Sandia National Laboratories

Sandia National Laboratories invites outstanding candidates to apply
for the 2018 John von Neumann Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in
Computational Science. This prestigious fellowship is partially
supported by the Applied Mathematics Research Program in the
U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced Scientific Computing
Research. The fellowship provides an exceptional opportunity for
innovative research in computational mathematics and scientific
computing on advanced computing architectures with application to a
broad range of science and engineering problems of national
importance. Applicants must have or soon receive a Ph.D. in
applied/computational mathematics or related computational science and
engineering disciplines. Applicants must have less than three years of
postdoctoral experience. This appointment is for one year, with a
possible renewal for a second year, and includes a highly competitive
salary, moving expenses and a generous professional travel allowance.

Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Complete applications
received by December 1, 2017 will receive full consideration.

For more information, including application instructions, please see
our web page at

Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V.

From: Keita Teranishi [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, HPC, Sandia National Laboratories, California

Job Title: Postdoctoral Appointee - High Performance Computing
Job ID: 657441
Location: Livermore, CA

Qualifications We Require: Ph.D. degree in computer science, computer
engineering or related field; Experience in implementation and
programming of task parallel runtime systems such as StarPU and
Charm++; Parallel programming with OpenMP, MPI and CUDA; Extensive
knowledge in C++ programming. Qualifications We Desire: Experience
with computer hardware simulators; Code generation using LLVM
compiler; Knowledge in parallel scientific computing, including
differential equation solvers and numerical linear algebra.

This postdoctoral position is a temporary position for up to one year,
which may be renewed at Sandia's discretion up to five additional
years. The PhD must have been conferred within five years prior to
employment. Individuals in postdoctoral positions may bid on regular
Sandia positions as internal candidates, and in some cases may be
converted to regular career positions during their term if warranted
by ongoing operational needs, continuing availability of funds, and
satisfactory job performance.

The Computer Sciences and Information Systems Center is the home of
computer science and information systems work and capabilities at
Sandia's California site. We have capabilities that span across
multiple computer science and information systems disciplines. Our
activities include computational science and mathematics research,
high performance computing, visualization systems research and
development, problem solving environments, information security
research and operations, and network operations.

How to Apply
Go to
Click on Careers, Click on View All Jobs, Search on Job ID#s: 657441

From: Shuchin Aeron [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Machine Learning for Cognitive Sciences

Applications are invited for a postdoctoral position in the Tufts
Information and Networked Systems (TINS) lab in collaboration with the
recently established Center for Applied Brain and Cognitive Sciences
(CABCS) at Tufts University and the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Systems
Center at Natick., MA This appointment would be for 12-18 months with
an estimated start date of October 2017.

The primary project is entitled 'Real time prediction of individual
and team performance metric from neurophysiological measurements and
team interaction data'. Under this project, the fellow will work with
Tufts ECE faculty, Dr. Shuchin Aeron and Dr. Eric Miller, as well as
CABCS scientists to develop supervised and semi-supervised machine
learning algorithms that are capable of predicting cognitive state
(e.g., stress level and alertness) and task performance metrics (e.g.,
target identification and marksmanship) from a wide assortment of
physiological sensor data (both labeled and unlabeled) including
information collected continuously as a function of time (EEG, FNIRS,
Heart Rate) as well as data at a relatively few points in time before,
during, and after a specific task (saliva and urine samples). In
addition to assessing individuals, data will be collected to support
the characterization of team and intergroup dynamics. We anticipate
the effort will require the use of several classical as well as recent
developments in machine learning and in particular recursive neural
networks, manifold learning, and social network analysis.

While previous experience in theoretical and applied machine learning
would be ideal, we welcome applicants with significant experience in
related fields including information theory, statistical signal
processing, sparse signal or image processing, compressive sensing,
and distributed convex optimization.

Interested applicants should send a cover letter detailing their
research interests and career goals, CV, and names and contact
information of 3 references to Dr. Shuchin Aeron
([email protected]).

From: Andreas Kleefeld [email protected]
Date: September 07, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Analysis, Juelich Supercomputing Centre

2 year post-doc position at Forschungszentrum Juelich, Institute for
advanced simulation, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany under my
guidance in the field of 'eigenvalue optimization' as part of the
Helmholtz - OCPC - Program 2017-2021 for the involvement of Postdocs
in bilateral collaboration projects with China partially funded by the
Office of the China Postdoctoral Council (OCPC) of the Ministry of
Human Resources and Social Security (MoHRSS).

From: Milan Mihajlovic [email protected]
Date: September 08, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing, Univ of Manchester

The University seeks to appoint a research associate in the School of
Computer Science for a period of 12 months to work on an
interdisciplinary project related to the development and
implementation of a simulation tool for the analysis of thermal
stability in emerging 3-D Integrated Circuit technologies with liquid

The specific tasks within the simulator design related to this post
include development of the internal liquid cooling and the external
free and forced convection cooling models and development of parallel
adaptive time integration methods.

Specific skills: specialist knowledge in computational science and
engineering, strong mathematical skills, knowledge of the finite
element method (experience with deal.II desirable), solution of
initial value problems, Krylov methods, multigrid, strong C++
programming skills.

Further details about the post can be found at:

(the application deadline extended until 26/9/17)

From: saul Buitrago [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: Contents, Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics, 5 (1)

Table of Contents
Bulletin of Computational Applied Mathematics, Vol. 5, No. 1

Linear programming model for solution of matrix game with payoffs
trapezoidal intuitionistic fuzzy number, D. Hunwisai, P. Kumam

Legendre collocation method and its convergence analysis for the
numerical solutions of the conductor-like screening model for real
solvents integral equation, E. Hesameddini, M. Shahbazi

A convex optimization approach for solving large scale linear systems,
D. Cores, J. Figueroa

On solution of a nonlocal problem with dynamic boundary conditions for
a loaded linear parabolic equation by straight-line methods,
Z. Khankishiyev

A positive spectral gradient-like method for large-scale nonlinear
monotone equations, H. Mohammad, A.B. Abubakar

Fitting of parameters for a temperature control model by means of
continuous derivative-free optimization: a case study in a broiler
house, B.H. Cervelin, D. Conti, D.T. Detsch, M.A. Diniz-Ehrhardt, J.M.

End of Digest