NA Digest, V. 17, # 23

NA Digest Wednesday, September 06, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 23

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: August 28, 2017
Subject: Gordon Bell participants

We would like to contact the participants of the Gordon Bell Prize.
If you were a Gordon Bell participant please send me your name, email
address, and title and year of your submission. Please send this to
Jack Dongarra [email protected].

From: Nick Trefethen [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: New Book, Exploring ODEs, freely available

We are very pleased to announce the completion of a new textbook,
"Exploring ODEs", to be published by SIAM and freely available at This book is unlike
others in being computer-enabled (based on Chebfun) but not about
algorithms. Check out Appendix B!

Nick Trefethen, Asgeir Birkisson, and Toby Driscoll

From: Larry Nazareth [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2017
Subject: Two Freely-Available Supplements to DLP and Extensions

This announcement concerns two freely-available supplements to a
previously-published monograph, Nazareth, J.L. (2001), DLP and
Extensions: An Optimization Model and Decision Support System
(Springer-Verlag, Berlin and Heidelberg, xvii+207 pgs.), which is
currently distributed in whole, or individually by chapter, on
Springer Link ( and other outlets. These
two supplements are as follows:

1. A complete listing of the source code for the prototype
implementation of optimization techniques developed in the above
monograph has now been published in the form of an E-Book as follows:
Nazareth, J.L. (2017), DLPEDU: A Fortran-77 Open-Source Prototype
Implementation of the DLP Optimization System (vii+207 pgs.), which is
freely available at

2. A companion to this E-Book titled "A DLP Primer" (2017, 18 pgs.)
is freely available at and
it has two main aims: firstly, to provide an elementary introduction
to the DLP decision-support system by means of a simple, illustrative
application to viticulture; and secondly, to facilitate and promote
use of DLPEDU, the prototype implementation listed in the foregoing
E-Book, as a platform for further research, application, and product
development by interested researchers and entrepreneurs.

Feedback on these two DLP supplements, sent by email to either
[email protected] or [email protected] would be

From: Sophie Zeugner [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2017
Subject: SIAM Geosciences, Germany, Sep 2017

It is our great pleasure to announce the final program for the SIAM
Conference on Mathematical and Computational Issues in the Geosciences
(GS17) scheduled from September 11–14, 2017 at the University
Erlangen-Nuremberg in Erlangen, Germany.

In case of any questions, we are glad to be at your service via
[email protected]. Further information is available on our website .

From: Marta Betcke [email protected]
Date: September 03, 2017
Subject: Variational Methods Meet Machine Learning, UK, Sep 2017

On the 18th of September 2017 in Centre of Mathematical Sciences at
the University of Cambridge we are going to hold a workshop
"Variational Methods Meets Machine Learning". This workshop is a part
of the Inverse Days series and is jointly sponsored by CANTAB Capital
Institute for the Mathematics of Information (CCIMI) and London
Mathematical Society (LMS).

Only recently machine learning algorithms came into focus of inverse
problems and more general computational mathematics community. The
early publications include both attempts to provide theoretical
underpinning of the methods e.g. analysis of deep network framework
both more general as well as through construction of dedicated
"interpretable" layers or analysis of stochastic gradient methods, as
well as proposals of how the methods could be used in inverse problems
context: e.g. unsupervised learning of parameters of variational
models or training deep neural networks to provide approximate
solutions of variational problems. The goal of this one day workshop
is to bring together researchers working on variational methods in
inverse problems and machine learning to identify the parallels
between the fields as well as discover new research avenues. This
will be facilitated by two discussion sessions.

For further details please refer to the workshop's website

There is no fee. To register please email Marta Betcke
m.betcke[at] by 14th of September. Poster competition will be
held during lunch session. If you want to give a poster please include
the title and the abstract in your email.

From: Ben Adcock [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: SIAM PNW Conference, USA, Oct 2017

This is a reminder that you may submit a presentation and apply for
travel funding for the 1st Biennial Meeting of the SIAM Pacific
Northwest Section on October 27-29, 2017 in Corvallis, Oregon. The
deadline to submit an oral presentation or poster and to apply for
travel funding is September 25.

You can submit an oral presentation or poster and request travel
support through the online submission system:

If you will be attending the SIAM PNW conference, you will need to
register through the online registration site. This site will become
available in mid-September, with a registration deadline of October 13.

The SIAM Pacific Northwest conference will bring together applied
mathematicians in academia and industry located across the Pacific
Northwest. The meeting will be co-located with the Pacific Northwest
Numerical Analysis Seminar.

Additional information about the conference, including other important
deadlines, can be found on the conference website:

If you have any questions, please contact the Local Organizing
Committee ([email protected]).

From: Leo Liberti [email protected]
Date: August 30, 2017
Subject: Distance Geometry, Germany, Nov 2017

GOR Bad Honnef meeting on Distance Geometry (23-24 november 2017)

The 99th meeting of the Gesellschaft fuer Operations Research (GOR)
working group on "Real World Mathematical Optimization" will take
place at the Physikzentrum Bad Honnef (near Bonn, Germany) on 23-24
november 2017 (thu-fri). This year's workshop is titled

Distance Geometry: Inverse problems between geometry and optimization

INVITED SPEAKERS: Alexander Barvinok (University of Michigan, USA);
Claudia D'Ambrosio (CNRS and Ecole Polytechnique, France); Ivan
Dokmanic (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA); Philip Duxbury
(Michigan State University, USA); Douglas Goncalves (Univ. Federal
Santa Catalina, Brazil); Carlile Lavor (University of Campinas,
Brazil); Therese Malliavin (CNRS and Institut Pasteur, France); Nelson
Maculan (Univ. Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil); Antony Man-Cho-So
(Chinese University of Hong Kong, China); Antonio Mucherino
(University of Rennes I, France); Maks Ovsjanikov (CNRS and Ecole
Polytechnique, France); Pierre-Louis Poirion (Huawei Research,
France); Bernd Schulze (Lancaster University, UK); Ky Vu (Chinese
University of Hong Kong, China); Bradley Worley (Institut Pasteur,

Please register at you wish to attend,
and please also drop me an email at liberti at lix polytechnique fr
. Fitting a talk in the program is not as easy as attending but if you
just made an interesting discovery in distance geometry and wish to
announce it, please let me know -- I'll make some efforts to try and
fit you in (no guarantees).

From: Dieter Moser [email protected]
Date: September 04, 2017
Subject: GAMM Activity Group on Numerical Analysis, Nov 2017

We are pleased to announce that as part of the foundation of the GAMM
( Activity Group on Numerical Analysis a
workshop will take place in Aachen, Germany, on November 1-2, 2017.

Our goal is to gather young researchers from the field of Numerical
Analysis and foster the exchange of knowledge and abilities, necessary
for the analysis of modern numerical methods. For the first workshop
we will offer a short course on the history, analysis and application
of Adaptive Finite Element methods. This course is held by Gerhard
Starke (University Duisburg-Essen) and Carsten Burstedde (University

Each participant may contribute a talk or a poster. For the
registration please provide your name, affiliation and research topic.
The abstracts and registration details should be submitted to
[email protected].

The registration and abstract submission deadline is October 15, 2017.

The preliminary program is available online an will be updated

From: Tamás Terlaky [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: Optimization Methods and Software, Cuba, Dec 2017

The 4th Conference on Optimization Methods and Software
December 16-20, 2017, Havana, Cuba
It is organized in relation to the 25th anniversary of the journal
Optimization Methods and Software (OMS)

The conference aims to review and discuss recent advances and
promising research trends in optimization theory, methods,
applications and software development.

Topics include, but are certainly not limited to the following
subjects: Linear and Nonlinear Optimization; Integer and Combinatorial
Optimization; Convex and Nonsmooth Optimization; Global Optimization;
Semi-definite Optimization; Semi-infinite Optimization;
Multi-objective Optimization; Stochastic Optimization; Complementarity
and Variational Inequality Problems; Derivative-free Optimization;
Network Optimization; Scheduling Problems; Optimal Control; Inverse
Problems; Automatic Differentiation; Optimization Software.

Abstracts should not exceed 400 words. Details of the submission are
available on the conference web
site. . Papers
presented at the conference will be considered for peer-reviewed
publication in a special issue of the journal Optimization Methods and

Proposals of organizing sessions are welcome and can be sent to
Tamas Terlaky by email terlaky[at]

Abstract submissions: October 15, 2017

From: Christian Vergara [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2017
Subject: Mathematical Modeling of the Cardiovascular System, Italy, Apr 2018

We announce the INdAM Workshop "Mathematical and Numerical Modeling of
the Cardiovascular System" that will be held in Rome, Italy, on April
16-19, 2018 (the venue will be the "Istituto Nazionale di Alta
Matematica" (INDAM), located at the Mathematics Department of the
University of Rome). The workshop aims at creating a meeting point
for the researchers devoted to the mathematical and numerical study of
the vascular and cardiac systems in order to provide a scientific
exchange of the recent developments on such topics. The abstracts
should be submitted before January 31, 2018.

Accepted plenary lectures by: Marek Behr, RWTH Aachen University,
Germany; Dominique Chapelle, INRIA - Ecole Polytechnique - CNRS -
Universite' Paris-Saclay, France; Piero Colli Franzone, University of
Pavia, Italy; Luca Dede', Politecnico di Milano, Italy; Alejandro
Frangi, University of Sheffield, UK; Rolf Krause, USI - Universita'
della Svizzera italiana, Switzerland; Alexander V. Panfilov, Ghent
University , Belgium; Gernot Plank, Medical University of Graz, Austria

See for more details

The organizers: L. Pavarino, G. Rozza, S. Scacchi, C. Vergara

From: Pavel Solin [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: ESCO 2018, Czech Republic, Jun 2018

ESCO 2016 - 6th European Seminar on Computing
3 - 8 June 2018, Pilsen, Czech Republic
Abstract submission deadline: January 1, 2018

ESCO 2018 is the 6th event in a successful series of
interdisciplineary international conferences. It promotes modern
technologies and practices in scientific computing and visualization,
and strengthens the interaction between researchers and practitioners
in various areas of computational engineering and sciences. The
meeting takes place in the beautiful historic city of Pilsen whose
origins date back to the 13th century. Pilsen's rich history is
summarized on Wikipedia

Thematic areas of ESCO 2018: Computational electromagnetics and
coupled problems, Fluid-structure interaction and multi-phase flows,
Computational chemistry and quantum physics, Computational civil and
structural engineering, Computational biology and bioinformatics,
Computational geometry and topology, Mathematics Education and
Outreach, Petascale and exascale computing, Hydrology and porous media
flows, Wave propagation and acoustics, imate and weather modeling,
Uncertainty quantification, Computational statistics, GPU and cloud
computing, Open source software.

Theoretical results as well as applications are welcome. Application
areas include, but are not limited to: Computational electromagnetics,
Civil engineering, Nuclear engineering, Mechanical engineering,
Nonlinear dynamics, Fluid dynamics, Climate and weather modeling,
Computational ecology, Wave propagation, Acoustics, Geophysics,
Geomechanics and rock mechanics, Hydrology, Subsurface modeling,
Biomechanics, Bioinformatics, Computational chemistry, Stochastic
differential equations, Uncertainty quantification, and others.

From: IABEM 2018 [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: IABEM 2018, France, Jun 2018

The next IABEM Symposium will take place on June 26-28 2018, on the
campus of University Paris 6 at Jussieu in the heart of Paris latin

Abstract submission deadline: November 15, 2017

The IABEM symposium provides a forum for researchers and engineers
around the world to discuss recent developments in the Boundary
Element Method (BEM) and new challenges ahead. This event focuses on
boundary integral equations, and aims at gathering all scientists
interested in this subject, both from a theoretical and applied point
of view.

The topics of the IABEM Symposium include, but are not limited to
- Integral equations
- Potential theory
- Fast Boundary Element Methods
- Domain Decomposition
- Efficient Solution Methods
- A Posteriori Error Estimates and Adaptive Methods
- Transient Boundary Value Problems
- Coupled Field Problems
- Optimization and Inverse Problems
- Industrial and Engineering Applications

Further informations are posted on the website

From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: Modelling in Industrial Maintenance and Reliability, UK, Jun 2018

13 – 15 June 2018, Manchester Conference Centre, Manchester, UK

This event is the premier maintenance and reliability modelling
conference in the UK and builds upon a very successful series of
previous conferences. It is an excellent international forum for
disseminating information on the state-of-the-art research, theories
and practices in maintenance and reliability modelling and offers a
platform for connecting researchers and practitioners from around the
world. Abstract and paper submission deadlines are listed below. All
submissions are subject to rigorous review before an acceptance
decision is made. We hope you can attend and we will provide a warm
welcome in Manchester in 2018. For further information on the
conference, including instructions for authors, please visit the
conference webpage:

Papers on Engineering Economy and Cost Analysis; Life
cycle/performance analysis; Maintenance and Reliability Modelling;
Prognostics and Health Management; Reliability and Maintenance
Engineering; Safety, Security and Risk Management; Spare Parts Supply
Chain Management; Warranty Management and Data Analysis; and theory or
applications of Autonomous Systems; Data Mining and Machine Learning;
Decision Analysis and Methods; Human Factors; Information Processing
and Engineering; Manufacturing Systems; Expert Elicitation;
Operational Research; Production Planning and Control; Quality Control
and Management; Sustainability; and Systems Modelling and Simulation
in maintenance and reliability will be presented in oral and poster

Abstracts of 100-200 words via by 1 February 2018

From: Omar Ghattas [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Italy, Jun 2018

The 2018 SIAM Conference on Imaging Science (IS18) is sponsored by the
SIAM Activity Group on Imaging Science (SIAG/IS) and the Bologna
Committee for IS Conference 2018 (BCIS18), and held in cooperation
with the IEEE Signal Processing Society and GAMM. Below are important
upcoming deadlines and other information.

Location: University of Bologna, Bologna, Italy
Dates: June 5-8, 2018
Conference website:

October 01, 2017 - Minisymposium proposals
November 05, 2017 - Contributed and minisymposium presentations
November 05, 2017 - Poster Abstracts
April 04, 2018 - Early registration deadline

Awards: IS18 best poster (2000 Euros) and best challenging application
from among posters and MS presentations (1000 Euros)

Submission information:
Additional information: email [email protected]

From: Carolin Gietz [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2017
Subject: Associate Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics

University of Munster, Germany Associate Professorship (W2-Position)
for Applied Mathematics at the Department of Mathematics and Computer
Science We are looking for a dynamic and committed personality with a
strong research potential, who is able to link different fields of
applied mathematics in research and teaching. The applicant's
research should ideally combine different mathematical
disciplines. Connections to the Institute for Analysis and Numerics
and/or the Institute for Mathematical Stochastics are essential.
Intra- and interdisciplinary cooperations and collaboration with
existing and planned research centres are expected, as well as
participation in our teaching programs, including Bachelor- and
Master-courses and the respective theses. Prerequisite for the
application are scientific achievements as a junior professor, from a
postdoctoral lecturer qualification (habilitation), as a research
scientist at a school of higher education/university, non-university
institute, industry administration, or other fields of society within
or outside Germany. Applications of academically young researchers
are particularly invited.

The University of Munster is an equal opportunity employer and is
committed to increasing the proportion of women in academics.
Consequently, we actively encourage applications by women. Female
candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic achievements
will be preferentially considered within the framework of the legal
possibilities. We also welcome applications from candidates with
disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will
be preferentially considered.

Applications, including CV, list of publications, research plan, and
teaching experience should be submitted electronically in a single
pdf-file until 30.09.2017 to:
[email protected]
Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat
Dekan Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik
Einsteinstr. 62, 48149-Munster, Germany

From: kevin burrage [email protected]
Date: September 01, 2017
Subject: Positions, Mathematical Sciences, Queensland Univ of Technology

The School of Mathematical Sciences at QUT, Brisbane, Australia has

a position for a Lecturer (Level B) in the discipline of Applied and
Computational Mathematics It has an annual remuneration range of
$AUD108,796 to $AUD 129,209 pa. This is inclusive of an annual salary
range of $AUD91,934 to $AUD109,183 pa,17% superannuation and 17.5%
recreation leave loading and

a position for a Professor (Level E) in Statistical Data Science. It
has an annual remuneration range starting at $AUD206,729 pa. This is
inclusive of an annual salary of $AUD174,688 pa,17% superannuation and
17.5% recreation leave loading.


From: Karen Devine [email protected]
Date: August 30, 2017
Subject: Computer Scientist Position, Sandia National Laboratories

The Center for Computing Research at Sandia National Laboratories in
Albuquerque, NM, is seeking an R&D Computer Scientist to develop
numerical and combinatorial algorithms to meet the challenges posed by
next-generation high-performance computing hardware.

On any given day, this Computer Scientist may be called on to:
- Conduct innovative research and software development in
high-performance graph and hypergraph algorithms; algorithms for
sparse/dense/graph kernels; linear solvers and preconditioners;
performance-portable, architecture-aware implementations using MPI,
Kokkos, OpenMP and/or CUDA; and integration of algorithms with
physics-based and data-centric applications
- Execute and optimize your software on state-of-the-art testbed
computers and supercomputers at Sandia and other DOE facilities
- Integrate your software with large code bases and national security
applications in support of Sandia's mission
- Collaborate with engineers, mathematicians and scientists across a
variety of disciplines
- Develop new ideas, publish in journals and conferences, and present
at national and international venues
- Develop, improve, and support the Trilinos project (,
Sandia's software base for research, development and deployment of
new algorithms

You can view a more detailed description of this position and apply
for this job by:

1) going to
2) Click on "view all jobs"
3) search for position 658365

From: Professor Barry Hughes [email protected]
Date: August 31, 2017
Subject: Lecturer Position, Computational and Applied Mathematics, Univ of Melbourne

Position available:

From: Jan-Frederik Pietschmann [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2017
Subject: Research Positions, Univ of Munster

At the University of Munster, we offer two research positions (75%),
funded within the cluster of excellence Cells in Motion for an initial
period of 14 month. Both positions require a master in mathematics.

The first position focuses on the mathematical modelling and
simulation of transport in neurons, based on partial differential
equations. The second position is about image and motion analysis of
fluorescence microscopy image sequences obtained from developing
zebrafish embryos.

The deadline for both positions is already 31.9.2017, however we
accept applications until the position is filled.

For the first position, please send your application to
[email protected] and to [email protected] for the second.

From: Sven Leyffer [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2017
Subject: Wilkinson Fellowship Position, Scientific Computing, Argonne

The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division of Argonne
National Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for the
J. H. Wilkinson Fellowship in Scientific Computing. The appointment
is for one year and may be renewed for a second year. The Wilkinson
Fellowship is intended to encourage scientists actively engaged in
state-of-the-art research in scientific computing. Candidates must
have received a recent Ph.D. prior to the beginning of the
appointment. The benefits of the appointment include a highly
competitive salary, moving expenses, and a generous professional
travel allowance. For additional details, including past recipients,
fellowship-scientific-computing .

The application must include a curriculum vitae (including
publications, significant presentations, and links to preprints and
software); a statement of research interests; and contact information
for three non-Argonne scientists who will be submitting letters of
recommendation. Letters may be submitted directly to
[email protected]. In order to receive full consideration,
applications and letters should be submitted by December 8,
2017. Please see
for more details on how to apply.

The 2018 Wilkinson Fellowship Committee
Anthony Austin, Prasanna Balaprakash, Julie Bessac,
Emil Constantinescu, Anshu Dubey, Sven Leyffer (chair),
Misun Min, Barry Smith, and Stefan Wild.

From: Adrian Turner [email protected]
Date: August 28, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Discrete Element Method

Postdoctoral Research Position, Developing a next generation Discrete
Element Method sea-ice model for climate applications

Overview: Los Alamos National Laboratory is a multidisciplinary
research institution engaged in science and engineering on behalf of
national security. The postdoc position is within the Climate, Ocean
and Sea-Ice Modeling (COSIM) project which develops advanced ocean and
ice models for the study of climate and climate change, and the T3
(Fluid Dynamics and Solid Mechanics) group, a part of the Theoretical
Division. Detailed Description: The COSIM group seeks a postdoc to
help develop a next generation sea-ice model for global climate
applications. The model will use the Discrete Element Method (DEM) and
the successful candidate will develop methods to account for element
distortion, destruction and creation caused by both dynamical and
thermodynamical effects, as well as have the opportunity to work on
other aspects of the model development, including the development of
history dependent contact force laws appropriate for sea ice dynamics.
Minimum Job Requirements: Experience and knowledge of developing high
performance fluid dynamics/solid mechanics simulation codes that use
the Discrete Element Method or other particle methods. The applicant
should have experience of the C++ programming language and have
demonstrated the ability to work in a team setting. Education: A
Ph.D. in computational fluid dynamics/solid mechanics, or closely
related field.

Note to Applicant: Send a curriculum vitae, digitized copies of
transcripts, names of three references, and a cover letter detailing
qualifications and research interests to Adrian Turner at
[email protected]. Please include "Sea-ice DEM postdoc" in the email
subject line. Applications will be reviewed as received with the
intent of filling the position before November, 2017. Start date can
be no later than the end of 2017.

For general information related to the Postdoc Program go to

From: Daniel Kressner [email protected]
Date: August 31, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Linear Algebra, EPFL (CH)

The Chair of Numerical Algorithms and High-Performance Computing
( is inviting applications for a postdoctoral
researcher. The research project focuses on the development,
analysis, and application of low-rank matrix and tensor methods.

Candidates are expected to have a strong background in numerical
linear algebra. Preference will be given to candidates with
demonstrated experience in low-rank approximation, randomized
algorithms and/or high-performance computing.

The position is available from January 1, 2018 but there is
flexibility. The initial appointment is for two years with the
possibility of extension. Some minor teaching responsibilities will be

Applications will be considered until the position is filled.

Applicants should prepare a CV and a list of 3 references that can be
contacted. This should be forwarded as a single PDF file to Mrs
Samantha ([email protected]).

Questions about the position or requests for further information can
directed to Prof Daniel Kressner ([email protected]).

EPFL is an equal opportunities employer and places particular emphasis
on fostering career opportunities for women. Qualified women are
therefore strongly encouraged to apply.

From: Jan S Hesthaven [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Reduced Order Methods, EPFL/Akselos

In the framework of an exciting industrial grant between Prof. Jan
Hesthaven's group at EPFL and the company Akselos, we are looking for
a postdoctoral computational scientist/applied mathematician to work
at EPFL on R&D problems that are relevant to Akselos customers.

Akselos is an MIT spin-off that is providing a revolutionary new
cloud- based approach for large-scale engineering simulations.

Job description: The component-based reduced basis technology combines
the strengths of domain decomposition and model reduction techniques
in order to reach unprecedented simulation speed (around 1000 times
faster than traditional finite element methods). The successful
candidate will join a 2 year project focused on extending the current
technology in the context of methods for uncertainty quantification
and for non-linear problems.

The ideal candidate will have the following skills: Solid
understanding of mathematical foundations of Finite Element Analysis
(FEA); Previous development of FEA software; Software engineering
practices (revision control, continuous integration, agile
development, etc); C++ and/or Python expertise; Experience with
implementation of numerical methods; Experience with open source C++
FEA or CFD libraries is a plus (e.g. libMesh, Deal.II, DUNE,
OpenFOAM, PETSc, etc); Experience with model reduction techniques is a
plus; Experience with methods for uncertainty quantification is a plus.

There will be some teaching responsibilities at EPFL as part of the
position. Start date at 1/1/2018 is preferred but this is negotiable.

Send resume and cover letter to [email protected], or
[email protected]

From: Jeffrey Larson [email protected]
Date: August 30, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Numerical Optimization, Argonne National Laboratory

The Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne
National Laboratory invites outstanding candidates to apply for
postdoctoral positions in the following areas.

- Developing and implementing algorithms at the intersection of
optimization and statistics:

- PDE-constrained optimization:

- Other areas of optimization (e.g., multiobjective, discrete),
applied mathematics, and statistics:

The appointments will be in the MCS Division (, which
is a leader in the design of numerical algorithms, development of
software tools and technology, and simulation of applications of
interest to the U.S. Department of Energy. Argonne is located in the
southwestern Chicago suburbs, offering the advantages of affordable
housing, good schools, and easy access to the cultural attractions of
the city.

Please email Jeffrey Larson ([email protected]) and Todd Munson
([email protected]) with any questions.

Flexibility is available in start dates.

From: Paul Ledger [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Swansea Univ

Applications are invited for a UK/EU PhD studentship in the
Zienkiewicz Centre for Computational Engineering (ZCCE), College of
Engineering, Swansea University. Swansea University is a UK top 30
institution for research excellence (Research Excellence Framework
2014), and has been named as Welsh University of the Year 2017 by The
Times and Sunday Times Good University Guide. A new 3-year project on
improving metal detection for the identification of security threats
will begin soon and this PhD studentship will form part of a team that
will also include post-doctoral researchers and collaborators in the
Department of Mathematics, University College London (UCL) and the
Schools of Mathematics and Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the
University of Manchester (UoM). The successful candidate's first
supervisor will be Dr P.D. Ledger in ZCCE who is also the principal
investigator of the project. The aim of the PhD will be to improve the
characterisation and location of hidden conducting security threats
using scientific computing algorithms. The student will have access to
the College of Engineering's new high performance computer cluster
which has 73 nodes, each comprising 28 cores. It is expected that the
student will work closely with the other team members and attend
research meetings as well as presenting at conferences and
workshops. The student will also write technical reports describing
their research progress in form that can be submitted to peer reviewed
academic journals. The position is open EU/UK candidates only and
applicants should have a master's degree (MEng, MMath, MPhys, MSc or
MSci) in Engineering, Mathematics of Physics. Candidates should have
obtained either a 1st or 2.1 undergraduate degree and a distinction at
postgraduate level (if appropriate). Expertise in numerical algorithms
for the solution of partial differential equations (e.g. Finite
elements, boundary elements) and be proficient in programming in one
or more of the following MATLAB, Python, Fortran, C/C++. Knowledge and
experience of (computational) electromagnetics is also desirable. The
ideal candidate should also be an effective team worker and
enthusiastic about working closely with end users and industry.

To find out more and apply see the advert at

From: Murtazo Nazarov [email protected]
Date: September 05, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Scientific Computing, Uppsala Univ

Division of Scientific Computing of Uppsala University announces a phd
student position on numerical simulation of micromagnetism. The topic
of the PhD project is to construct, analyze and refine a framework for
numerical simulation of magnetization processes. The focus
particularly will be to develop goal oriented adaptive multiscale
finite element methods to solve magnetization dynamics. The project
will involve numerical analysis, mathematical and computational
modeling, and programming in finite element methods, in particular in
the framework of the FeniCS project ( A
more detailed description of the project is available at

Application deadline: September 30, 2017.

For further information about the position contact Murtazo Nazarov,
[email protected].

From: Raymond Spiteri [email protected]
Date: August 28, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Numerical Methods for Hydrological Models

Qualified candidates are invited to apply for Global Water Futures PhD
Excellence Scholarships to carry out their dissertation research at
the Global Institute for Water Security at the University of
Saskatchewan under the supervision of Raymond Spiteri in the area of
numerical methods and software for the simulation of large
hydrological models.

For full details, please see


For January 2018 intake, the closing date for receipt of applications
is September 15, 2017

For September 2018 intake, the closing date for receipt of
applications is February 15, 2018

From: irena lasiecka [email protected]
Date: August 29, 2017
Subject: Contents, Evolution Equations and Control Theory, 6 (3)

Evolution Equations and Control Theory (EECT)
American Institute of Mathematical Sciences
Volume 6, Number 3, September 2017

On the Frechet differentiability in optimal control of coefficients in
parabolic free boundary problems, Ugur G. Abdulla, Evan Cosgrove and
Jonathan Goldfarb

The varepsilon-entropy of some infinite dimensional compact ellipsoids
and fractal dimension of attractors, Maria Anguiano and Alain Haraux

Local exact controllability to trajectories of the magneto-micropolar
fluid equations, Cung The Anh and Vu Manh Toi

Null controllability for parabolic equations with dynamic boundary
conditions, Lahcen Maniar, Martin Meyries and Roland Schnaubelt

Lp-solutions of the stochastic Navier-Stokes equations subject to Levy
noise with Lm(Rm) initial data, Manil T. Mohan and Sivaguru
S. Sritharan

Sensitivity analysis in set-valued optimization under strictly minimal
efficiency, Zhenhua Peng, Zhongping Wan and Weizhi Xiong

Long-time dynamics for a class of extensible beams with nonlocal
nonlinear damping, Marcio Antonio Jorge da Silva and Vando Narciso

Approximate controllability of Sobolev type fractional evolution
systems with nonlocal conditions, Jinrong Wang, Michal Feckan and Yong

From: Charis Edworthy [email protected]
Date: September 06, 2017
Subject: Contents, Information and Inference, 6 (3)

Information and Inference: A Journal of the IMA
This issue is available at

Jump-penalized least absolute values estimation of scalar or
circle-valued signals, Martin Storath; Andreas Weinmann; Michael

Dimensionality-reduced subspace clustering, Reinhard Heckel; Michael
Tschannen; Helmut Bolcskei,

Weighted l1-minimization for sparse recovery under arbitrary prior
information, Deanna Needell; Rayan Saab; Tina Woolf,

Adapting to unknown noise level in sparse deconvolution, Claire Boyer;
Yohann De Castro; Joseph Salmon,

End of Digest