NA Digest, V. 17, # 17
NA Digest Monday, July 03, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 17
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- How important is Monte Carlo?
- Stratclyde NA Conference: SIAM UKIE Prizewinners
- célérité: O(N) Gaussian Process Regression in one dimension
- New book, High-Gain Observers in Nonlinear Feedback Control
- Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Austria, Sep 2017
- Optimization Support Specialist Position, NEOS
- Research Associate Position, Imperial College
- Postdoc Position, Optimal Control of PDEs, ERC-Advanced Grant
- Postdoc Position, Uncertainty Quantification
- Postdoc Position, Univ of Tennessee SW libraries
- Postdoc Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester
- Postdoc and PhD Position, NA and PDE, Univ of Bielefeld
- PhD Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of New South Wales
- PhD Position, Mathematics, Umeå Univ
- PhD Positions, Computational and Applied Marine Science, Bergen
- PhD Positions, Univ of Udine
- Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2017 (3)
- Contents, Constructive Approximation, 45 (2)
- Contents, Constructive Approximation, 45 (3)
- Contents, Intl J of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12 (2)
- Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 75 (3)
- Contents, Proc Institute of Applied Mathematics, 6 (1)
- Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 19 (2)
- Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 19 (3)
- Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 20 (1)
- Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 20 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Joseph Grcar [email protected]
Date: June 27, 2017
Subject: How important is Monte Carlo?
Hello NA Digest,
"Monte Carlo methods were among the most important and widely adopted
techniques in the transformation of scientific practices made possible
by computer simulation."
(This from a recent article on the history of computing.)
Does anyone agree?
From: Ivan Graham [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2017
Subject: Stratclyde NA Conference: SIAM UKIE Prizewinners
The 27th Biennial Conference on Numerical Analysis took place at the
University of Strathclyde from June 27-30th 2017. The three best
student presentations at the conference were recognized through prizes
sponsored by the UK and Ireland section of SIAM.
We are delighted to announce that the prize winners this year were
Denis Devaud, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, "Exponential convergence in
H^1/2 of hp-approximation for parabolic equations"
James Rynn, University of Manchester, UK, "Using Surrogate Models to
Accelerate Bayesian Inverse Uncertainty Quantification"
Florian Wechsung, University of Oxford, UK, "Shape Optimization with
Geometric Constraints Using Moreau-Yosida Regularization"
Judging panel: Ivan Graham, Natalia Kopteva and John Mackenzie
From: Sivaram Ambikasaran [email protected]
Date: June 25, 2017
Subject: célérité: O(N) Gaussian Process Regression in one dimension
celerite ( is a library for
fast Gaussian Process (GP) Regression (scaling as O(N)) in one
dimension with implementations in C++, Python, and Julia. The Python
implementation is the most stable and it exposes the most features but
it relies on the C++ implementation for computational efficiency.
The celerite API is designed to be familiar to users of george
( and, like george, celerite is
designed to efficiently evaluate the marginalized likelihood of a
dataset under a GP model. This is then meant to be used alongside your
favorite non-linear optimization or posterior inference library for
best results.
celerite is being actively developed in a public repository on GitHub
( so if you have any trouble, open an
issue there.
From: Bruce Bailey [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2017
Subject: New book, High-Gain Observers in Nonlinear Feedback Control
High-Gain Observers in Nonlinear Feedback Control
Hassan K. Khalil
viii+324 pages / Hardcover / 978-1-611974-85-0 / List Price $89.00 /
SIAM Member Price $62.30 / Order Code DC31
This is a clear, unified treatment of the theory of high-gain
observers and their use in feedback control. Also provided is a
discussion of the separation principle for nonlinear systems; this
differs from other separation results in the literature in that
recovery of stability as well as performance of state feedback
controllers is given. The author provides a detailed discussion of
applications of high-gain observers to adaptive control and regulation
problems and recent results on the extended high-gain observers. In
addition, the author addresses two challenges that face the
implementation of high-gain observers: high dimension and measurement
noise. Low-power observers are presented for high-dimensional
systems. The effect of measurement noise is characterized and
techniques to reduce that effect are presented. The book ends with
discussion of digital implementation of the observers.
The book is intended for engineers and applied mathematicians who
design or research feedback control systems.
To order or for more about this book, including links to its table of
contents, preface, and index, please visit .
From: Michael Weise [email protected]
Date: June 27, 2017
Subject: Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Austria, Sep 2017
30th Chemnitz FEM Symposium
On Tour at Strobl / St. Wolfgang (Austria)
September 25 - 27, 2017
The scientific topics of the FEM symposium are all aspects of finite
elements. This year special emphasis is placed on
- High Order FEM and Isogeometrical Analysis
- PDEs with Fractional Derivatives
- Computational Fluid Mechanics
Invited Speakers:
- Mark Ainsworth (Brown University)
- Volker John (WIAS and FU Berlin)
- Ricardo H. Nochetto (University of Maryland)
- Gabriel Wittum (Goethe University Frankfurt and KAUST)
- July 15th, 2017: submission of abstracts via WWW
- August 15th, 2017: registration via WWW (including room reservation)
The registration form and further information can be found under
From: Michael Ferris [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2017
Subject: Optimization Support Specialist Position, NEOS
The NEOS (Network-Enabled Optimization System, https://neos- Server and NEOS Guide ( is a free
internet-based service for solving numerical optimization problems
hosted at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. We are hiring an
Optimization Support Specialist who will be able to work online and
The position will be responsible for assisting with first line contact
and administration of the NEOS server. In addition this position will
provide and manage a mechanism for content update for the NEOS guide,
help implement and enhance a collection of case studies for
optimization that link to the NEOS Solver, and assist in establishing
documentation of practices and FAQs for the position. We expect this
person to work approximately 10 hours per week. Interested applicants
should flow up using the online application at:
From: George Constantinides [email protected]
Date: June 26, 2017
Subject: Research Associate Position, Imperial College
Please see
approximate-computing-with-application-to-machine-learning/ for an
opportunity to join the Imperial College team. I'd be grateful if you
could spread the word to your PhD students. I'd also be keen to talk
to good Masters students too.
From: mathunigraz [email protected]
Date: June 27, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Optimal Control of PDEs, ERC-Advanced Grant
POSTDOC POSITION within the ERC-Advanced Grant "From Open to Closed
Loop Optimal Control of PDEs", Institute of Mathematics and Scientific
Computing, University of Graz, Austria
About the project: The project addresses a broad spectrum in optimal
control of PDEs and focusses on some of the most pressing topics: Non-
smooth, non-convex optimal control and computational techniques for
feedback control, possibly based on high-dimensional Hamilton Jacobi
Bellman equations. Applications include the bidomain equations, which
are the established model to describe the electrical activity of the
heart. Professional qualifications: Doctoral degree in a mathematical
branch of study. Solid knowledge in applied mathematics, including
PDEs, with specialization in either analytical or computational
techniques. Specialization in optimal control, calculus of
variations, or optimization is very welcome.
Contact person and grant holder:
Prof. Karl Kunisch, University of Graz and Radon Institute, Austrian
Academy of Sciences:
Applications with a detailed CV including a publication list and a
compact statement of past achievements and research interests should
be sent to: [email protected].
Application Deadline: September 15, 2017
From: Mike Kirby [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Uncertainty Quantification
The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University
of Utah invites applications for one post-doctoral researcher for
interdisciplinary work spanning applied mathematics and, computer
science, with particular application to and the interface between
multiscale modeling of materials and. The successful candidate will
perform research in the development, implementation and application of
computational and applied mathematics methods to multiscale algorithms
developed at various scales (i.e. continuum, mesoscale, microscale,
etc.), and will work closely with SCI Institute researchers and
external collaborators to integrate research into SCI Institute
software applications and apply this software to compelling problems
in science and engineering. Previous postdocs who have held this
position benefited from its interdisciplinary nature: placing
individuals with strong applied mathematics and computing skills at
the interface of realistic and compelling engineering problems.
1) Development of applied mathematics (kriirgging and surrogate
surface modeling, approximation theory, reduced-order modeling,
uncertainty quantification, numerical methods, etc.) techniques for
various multiscale systems.
2) Interaction with engineering partners on various multiscale
modeling design problems.
3) Implementation and evaluation of these methodologies within
collaborative codes bases.
Complete details:
From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of Tennessee SW libraries
The Innovative Computing Lab (ICL, of the
University of Tennessee is looking for a bright, motivated person(s)
to join as a staff researcher. The primary duties of this position
are: to assist in the design, development and maintenance of numerical
software libraries for solving linear algebra problems on large
distributed memory machines with multicore processors and hardware
accelerators; write research papers documenting research findings;
present material at conferences; direct students and research team in
their research endeavors as related to ongoing and future
projects. There will be opportunities for publication, travel, and
high profile professional networking in academia, labs, and industry.
Education: PhD in Computer Science or related field with demonstrable
background in applied mathematics and computer science, in particular
distributed computing, multicore computing, GPU computing; or MS in
Computer Science or related field + 3-5 years relevant research or
work experience.
Experience: Background in applied mathematics, technical experience in
parallel computing, distributed computing, multithreading; familiarity
with numerical software libraries; experience with performance
diagnostics and optimization techniques, tracing,
profiling. Experience with developing mathematical software
desired. Track record of contributing to open source projects a
plus. Experience with GPU computing highly desired.
Job Skills Required: background in applied mathematics, familiarity
with numerical software; extensive knowledge of programming
techniques, highly proficient in C/C++, basic understanding of Fortran
language; proficiency with MPI and OpenMP, familiarity with CUDA or
OpenCL; technical writing and presentation skills, excellent
communication skills and a strong publication record.
For consideration, send CV to Jack Dongarra [email protected]
From: Jack Dongarra [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra, Univ of Manchester
Postdoc Positions, Numerical Linear Algebra, University of Manchester
Two postdoctoral posts are available in the School of Mathematics at
the University of Manchester on the European Commission project
"Numerical Linear Algebra for Future and Emerging Technologies
The project is a collaboration between University of Manchester,
INRIA, Umea University, and STFC/RAL.
The research at Manchester will focus on research on dense and sparse
linear algebra solvers aiming at a significant reduction of
communication and thus suitable for future and emerging large-scale
For details, see
Closing date: July 31, 2017.
Informal enquiries should be directed to
Professor Jack Dongarra ([email protected]).
From: Lars [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2017
Subject: Postdoc and PhD Position, NA and PDE, Univ of Bielefeld
We are looking for PostDoc and a PhD student in Numerical Analysis
and/or Analyis of PDEs.
The full details of the two advertisements can be found at:
PhD position (75% parttime)
PostDoc position (fulltime):
The application deadline is August 5th. Please send you applications
to [email protected] indicating the position that you apply.
From: Thanh Tran [email protected]
Date: July 02, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Computational Mathematics, Univ of New South Wales
Applications are invited to the prestigious UNSW Scientia PhD
Scholarship to work on the project "Numerical methods for optimal
control problems with uncertainties". The scholarship includes,
besides tuition fees, a stipend of AUD 40,000 per annum for 4 years
and a grant of up to AUD 10,000 each year for career development and
support of international research collaborations.
Details can be found at
Deadline for expression of interest: July 21st, 2017.
Supervisory team: Thanh Tran, Michael Feischl, Josef Dick.
For more information, please contact:
Associate Professor Thanh Tran
School of Mathematics and Statistics
University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +61 2 9385 7041
From: David Cohen [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Mathematics, Umeå Univ
The Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics at Umea
University, Sweden, invites applications for one PhD position in
Mathematics with focus on the numerical analysis of stochastic partial
differential equations.
Deadline for applications: August 11, 2017.
For more information, please visit the link
From: Talal Rahman [email protected]
Date: June 27, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Computational and Applied Marine Science, Bergen
Applications are invited from highly motivated candidates for two PhD
research fellowship positions in computational and applied marine
science, jointly funded by the newly formed Western Norway University
of Applied Sciences (HVL, and the Institute of
Marine Research (IMR, as part of a research
collaboration between the two institutes.
The successful candidates will work on a cross-disciplinary research
project which seek to develop cutting edge methodologies to support a
framework for modelling and prediction of fish stock's population
dynamics and uncertainty quantification (, The principal areas of research will include
elements of computational modeling, optimization, parameter
estimation, image processing, and numerical solutions to space-time
ordinary, partial, and delay differential equations.
A master's degree in mathematics, computational sciences, mathematical
biology, or a related field is required. Graduate thesis and courses
must cover one or several of the elements mentioned. Excellent grades
in the graduate level, and strong programming skills in Matlab, C/C++
or Python, are also expected. Preference will be given to candidates
with demonstrated ability to work independently, good English language
skills and a potential to carry out high-quality research.
Initial salaries will be offered at pay grade 50 (code 1017) on the
governement salary scale (currently NOK 436 900 gross p.a.).
For more information on the positions and application, contact: Talal
Rahman ([email protected]) or Sam Subbey ([email protected])
From: Dimitri Breda [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Univ of Udine
Ph.D. Course in Computer Science, Mathematics and Physics, University
of Udine. Applications are invited for 13+1 positions.
All information can be found at
The deadline is July 17, 2017 at 2pm (Italian time).
From: Piotr Matus [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2017
Subject: Contents, Computational methods in applied mathematics, 2017 (3)
One Hundred Years of the Galerkin Method, Repin, Sergey
An hp-Hybrid High-Order Method for Variable Diffusion on General
Meshes, Aghili, Joubine / Di Pietro, Daniele A. / Ruffini, Berardo
Weakly Imposed Symmetry and Robust Preconditioners for Biot's
Consolidation Model, Baerland, Trygve / Lee, Jeonghun J. / Mardal,
Kent-Andre / Winther, Ragnar
Numerical Methods for Simulating the Motion of Porous Balls in Simple
3D Shear Flows under Creeping Conditions, Guo, Aixia / Pan,
Tsorng-Whay / He, Jiwen / Glowinski, Roland
On Finite Element Formulations for the Obstacle Problem - Mixed and
Stabilised Methods, Gustafsson, Tom / Stenberg, Rolf / Videman, Juha
Block Circulant and Toeplitz Structures in the Linearized Hartree-Fock
Equation on Finite Lattices: Tensor Approach, Khoromskaia, Venera /
Khoromskij, Boris N.
Rank Structured Approximation Method for Quasi-Periodic Elliptic
Problems, Khoromskij, Boris / Repin, Sergey
Error Analysis of Randomized Runge-Kutta Methods for Differential
Equations with Time-Irregular Coefficients, Kruse, Raphael / Wu, Yue
On Well-Posedness for a Piezo-Electromagnetic Coupling Model with
Boundary Dynamics, Picard, Rainer
A Posteriori Modelling-Discretization Error Estimate for Elliptic
Problems with L\infty-Coefficients, Weymuth, Monika / Sauter, Stefan /
Repin, Sergey
From: Edward Saff [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2017
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 45 (2)
Constructive Approximation
Volume 45 Number 2
Table of Contents
Nonlinear Nonnested 2-d Spline Approximation, M. Lind and P. Petrushev
Chebyshev-Type Quadratures for Doubling Weights, Shoni Gilboa and Ron
From Schoenberg Coefficients to Schoenberg Functions, Christian Berg
and Emilio Porcu
Solution to the Khavinson Problem Near the Boundary of the Unit Ball,
Marijan Markovic
Construtive Solutions for Systems of Iterative Functional Equations,
Cristina Serpa and Jorge Buescu
A Determinantal Approach to Irrationality, Wadim Zudilin
Construction of Quasi-Monte Carlo Rules for Multivariate Integration
in Spaces of Permutation-Invariant Functions, Dirk Nuyens, Gowri
Suryanarayana, and Markus Weimar
From: Edward Saff [email protected]
Date: June 28, 2017
Subject: Contents, Constructive Approximation, 45 (3)
Constructive Approximation
Volume 45 Number 3
Table of Contents
Infinite-Dimensional $ell^1$ Minimization and Function Approximation
from Pointwise Data, Ben Adcock
Block-Sobolev Spaces and the Rate of Almost Everywhere Convergence of
Bochner-Riesz Means, Dashan Fan, Fayou Zhao
ERRATUM to: Block-Sobolev Spaces and the Rate of Almost Everywhere
Convergence of Bochner-Riesz Means, Dashan Fan, Fayou Zhao
Estimates for the Bohr Radius of a Faber-Green Condenser in the
Complex Plane, P. Lassere and E. Mazzilli
Fractional Laplace Operator and Meijer G-Function, Bartlomiej Dyda,
Alexey Kuznetsov, and Mateuse Kwasnicki
On Sharp Constants in Bernstein-Nikolskii Inequalities, Michael
I. Ganzburg and Sergey Yu. Tikhonov
Constructive Sparse Trigonometric Approximation for Functions with
Small Mixed Smoothness, Vladimir Temlyakov
Discrete Least-Squares Approximations Over Optimized Downward Closed
Polynomial Spaces in Arbitrary Dimension, Albert Cohen, Giovanni
Migliorati, and Fabio Nobile
From: Badih Ghusayni [email protected]
Date: June 29, 2017
Subject: Contents, Intl J of Mathematics and Computer Science, 12 (2)
Contents, Vol. 12, no. 2
International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
1) A. I. Enagi, M. Bawa, A. M. Sani, Y. A. Badegi, Stability Analysis
of a Deterministic Compartmental Model of Tuberculosis with Effect of
HIV/AIDS on the Progression from Latent Class to Infectious Class.
2) A. I. Enagi, M. O. Ibrahim, N. I. Akinwande, M. Bawa, A. A. Wachin,
A Mathematical Model of Tuberculosis Control Incorporating
Vaccination, Latency and Infectious Treatments (Case Study of
3) R. Farhadian, N. Asadian, On the Helmert Matrix and Application in
Stochastic Processes.
4) 6L. Heller, A. Sack, Unexpected Failure of a Greedy Choice
Algorithm Proposed by Hoffman.
From: Claude Brezinski [email protected]
Date: June 26, 2017
Subject: Contents, Numerical Algorithms, 75 (3)
Table of Contents
Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 75, No. 3
An embedded 3(2) pair of nonlinear methods for solving first order
initial-value ordinary differential systems, Higinio Ramos, Gurjinder
Singh, V. Kanwar, Saurabh Bhatia
A new numerical approach for solving a class of singular two-point
boundary value problems, Pradip Roul, Dipak Biswal
On the convergence of Newton-like methods using restricted domains,
Ioannis K. Argyros, Santhosh George
Numerical simulation of a Finite Moment Log Stable model for a
European call option, H. Zhang, F. Liu, I. Turner, S. Chen, Q. Yang
Cooperative concurrent asynchronous computation of the solution of
symmetric linear systems, Amit Bhaya, Pierre-Alexandre Bliman,
Fernando Pazos
Asymptotic behavior and finite element error estimates of Kelvin-Voigt
viscoelastic fluid flow model, Sudeep Kundu, Saumya Bajpai, Amiya
K. Pani
Accurate polynomial interpolation by using the Bernstein basis, Ana
Marco, Jose-Javier Martinez, Raquel Viana
A numerical algorithm for blow-up problems revisited, C.-H. Cho
A Fast and Stable Algorithm for Linear Parabolic Partial Differential
Equations, Jun Liu, Yao-Lin Jiang, Yan Wang
Unique discrete harmonic continuation and data completion problems
using the fading regularization method, Franck Delvare, Alain
An adaptive Filon-type method for oscillatory integrals without
stationary points, Longbin Zhao, Chengming Huang
On interval predictor-corrector methods, Andrzej Marciniak, Malgorzata
A. Jankowska, Tomasz Hoffmann
A fractional step method for 2D parabolic convection-diffusion
singularly perturbed problems: uniform convergence and order
reduction, C. Clavero, J. C. Jorge
Best L 1 approximation of Heaviside-type functions from Chebyshev and
weak-Chebyshev spaces, Laurent Gajny, Olivier Gibaru, Eric Nyiri,
Shu-Cherng Fang
From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: June 30, 2017
Subject: Contents, Proc Institute of Applied Mathematics, 6 (1)
Proceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.6, N.1, 2017
ISSN 2225-0530,
Asymptotic method for defining the coefficient of hydraulic resistance on
the different parts of the tubing in the oil extraction
F.A. Aliev, N.A. Ismailov, A.A. Namazov
Generalized class of p –valent functions with higher order derivatives
and negative coefficients
M.K. Aouf, A.O. Mostafa and W.K. Elyamany
Sweep method for the solution of optimization problem with three-point
boundary conditions with inseparabilities at the internal and end points
М.М. Mutallimov, N.I. Velieva, Sh.A. Faradjova
Mathematical model of service life of parties of machine-building
products and its analysis
N.M. Rasulov, U.M. Nadirov
Design of grid services for running virtual machines as computing task
based on transition systems
S.L. Kryvyi, Yu.V. Boyko, S.D. Pogorilyy, O.F. Boretskyi, M.M. Glibovets
The inverse scattering problem for the discrete Dirac system on the
whole axis
A.Kh. Khanmamedov, R.I. Aleskerov
The frequency high accuracy algorithm for the solution of continuous
linear-quadratic optimal synthesis problem by output variable
N.I. Velieva
About solution of constrained matrix Sylvester equation
F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin
The inverse scattering problem for the one-dimensional Schrodinger
operator with an additional linear potential
H.M. Huseynov, A.F. Mamedova
Improvement operation of sucker-rod pump
Sh.I. Mustafayev, K.G. Gasimova
Common coupled fixed-point theorem for generalized compatible pair of
mappings under generalized Mizoguchi-Takahashi contraction
Bhavana Deshpande
On an uniform estimation in domain of the modulus of eigenfunctions
for the elliptic equation containing the large parameter on a part of the
S.T. HuseynovProceedings of the Institute of Applied Mathematics, V.6, N.1, 2017
ISSN 2225-0530,
Asymptotic method for defining the coefficient of hydraulic resistance
on the different parts of the tubing in the oil extraction,
F.A. Aliev, N.A. Ismailov, A.A. Namazov
Generalized class of p-valent functions with higher order derivatives
and negative coefficients, M.K. Aouf, A.O. Mostafa and W.K. Elyamany
Sweep method for the solution of optimization problem with three-point
boundary conditions with inseparabilities at the internal and end
points, M.M. Mutallimov, N.I. Velieva, Sh.A. Faradjova
Mathematical model of service life of parties of machine-building
products and its analysism N.M. Rasulov, U.M. Nadirov
Design of grid services for running virtual machines as computing task
based on transition systems, S.L. Kryvyi, Yu.V. Boyko, S.D. Pogorilyy,
O.F. Boretskyi, M.M. Glibovets
The inverse scattering problem for the discrete Dirac system on the
whole axis, A.Kh. Khanmamedov, R.I. Aleskerov
The frequency high accuracy algorithm for the solution of continuous
linear-quadratic optimal synthesis problem by output variable,
N.I. Velieva
About solution of constrained matrix Sylvester equation, F.A. Aliev,
V.B. Larin
The inverse scattering problem for the one-dimensional Schrodinger
operator with an additional linear potential, H.M. Huseynov,
A.F. Mamedova
Improvement operation of sucker-rod pump, Sh.I. Mustafayev,
K.G. Gasimova
Common coupled fixed-point theorem for generalized compatible pair of
mappings under generalized Mizoguchi-Takahashi contraction, Bhavana
On an uniform estimation in domain of the modulus of eigenfunctions
for the elliptic equation containing the large parameter on a part of
the domain, S.T. Huseynov
From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2017
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 19 (2)
CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 19, No. 2, 2016
For information to contributors and about subscriptions
Babicheva G.A., Kargapolova N.A., Ogorodnikov V.A., Special algorithms
for simulation of homogeneous random fields (in Russian)
Zhitnikov V.P., Sherykhalina N.M., Muksimova R.R., The peculiarities
of error accumulation in solving problems for simple equations of
mathematical physics by finite difference methods (in Russian)
Kabanikhin S.I., Krivorotko O.I., A numerical algorithm for computing
tsunami wave amplitude (in Russian)
Kansal M., Kanwar V., Bhatia S., Optimized mean based second
derivative-free families of Chebyshev-- Halley type methods (in
Korneev V.D., Sveshnikov V.M., Parallel algorithms and domain
decomposition technologies for solving three-dimensional boundary
value problems on quasi-structured grids (in Russian)
Monakhov O.G., Monakhova E.O., Pant M., Application of differential
evolution algorithm for optimization of strategies based on financial
time series (in Russian)
Stepanova L.V., Yakovleva E.M., Asymptotics of eigenvalues of the
nonlinear eigenvalue problem arising from the near mixed-mode
crack-tip stress-strain field problems (in Russian)
Favorskaya A.V., Petrov I.B., The study of increased order
grid-characteristic methods on unstructured grids (in Russian)
From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2017
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 19 (3)
CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 19, No. 3, 2016
For information to contributors and about subscriptions
Averina T.A., Using of randomized method of maximum cross-section for
simulation of systems with random structure with independent
distributed transitions, (in Russian)
Zorkaltsev V.I., The search of feasible solutions by interior point
algorithms, (in Russian)
Krukier L.A., Martynova T.S., Preconditioning of GMRES by the
skew-Hermitian iterations, (in Russian)
Owolabi Kolade M., Mathematical study of two-variable systems with
adaptive numerical methods, (in Russian)
Platov G.A., The influence of the shelf zone relief and the coastline
geometry on coastal trapped waves, (in Russian)
Plotnikov M.Yu., Shkarupa E.V., Evaluation of statistical error when
calculating velocity and temperature components by the direct
simulation Monte Carlo method, (in Russian)
Rozhenko A.I., Fedorov E.A., On an algorithm of bilateral restrictions
smoothing with spline, (in Russian)
From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2017
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 20 (1)
CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 20, No. 1, 2017
For information to contributors and about subscriptions
Averina T.A., Rybakov K.A., An approximate solution of the prediction
problem for stochastic jump- diffusion systems, (in Russian)
Galashov A.E., Kel'manov A.V., On pseudopolynomial-time solvability of
a quadratic Euclidean problem of finding a family of disjoint subsets,
(in Russian)
Marchuk An.G.,The assessment of tsunami heights above the parabolic
bottom relief within the wave-ray approach, (in Russian)
Mahato H.S., Numerical simulations for a two-scale model in a porous
medium, (in Russian)
Namm R.V., Tsoy G.I., A modified dual scheme for solving an elastic
crack problem, (in Russian)
Prashanth M., Motsa S., Semilocal convergence of a continuation method
in Banach spaces, (in Russian)
Rudoy E.M., Kazarinov N.A., Slesarenko V.Yu., Numerical simulation of
the equilibrium of an elastic two-layer structure with a crack, (in
Choubey N., Jaiswal J.P., Two- and three-point with memory methods for
solving nonlinear equations, (in Russian)
Shumilov B.M.,About semi-orthogonal spline-wavelets with derivatives,
and the algorithm with splitting, (in Russian)
From: Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics [email protected]
Date: July 03, 2017
Subject: Contents, Siberian J of Numerical Mathematics, 20 (2)
CONTENTS, Siberian Journal of Numerical Mathematics
Volume 20, No. 2, 2017
For information to contributors and about subscriptions
Ayupova N.B., Golubyatnikov V.P., Kazantsev M.V., On existence of a
cycle in one asymmetric model of a molecular repressilator, (in
Blatov I.A., Zadorin A.I., Kitaeva E.V. , About the uniform
convergence of parabolic spline interpolation on the class of
functions with large gradients in the boundary layer, (in Russian)
Voronin K.V., Grigoriev A.V., Laevsky Yu.M., On an approach to
modeling wells, (in Russian)
Jaiswal J.P., Analysis of semilocal convergence in Banach spaces under
relaxed condition and computational efficiency, (in Russian)
Monakhov O.G., Monakhova E.A., A parallel algorithm of the
multivariant evolutionary synthesis of nonlinear models, (in Russian)
Sabelfeld K.K., Kablukova E.G., A stochastic model of the nanowires
growth by molecular beam epitaxy, (in Russian)
Singh Swarn, Singh Suruchi, Arora R., Numerical solution of second
order one dimensional hyperbolic equation by exponential B-spline
collocation method, (in Russian)
Hou T., Wang K., Xiong Y., Xiao X., Zhang Sh., Discrete maximum-norm
stability of a linearized second order finite difference scheme for
Allen-Cahn equation, (in Russian)
End of Digest