NA Digest, V. 17, # 6
NA Digest Monday, March 06, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 6
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- KaHiP v2.00, Karlsruhe High Quality Graph Partitioning
- New Book, Advances in Metaheuristics: Applications in Engineering Systems
- Octave Conference, Switzerland, Mar 2017
- Women in PDEs, Germany, Apr 2017
- AMiTaNS'17, Bulgaria, Jun 2017
- IMA Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, UK, Jun 2017
- Variational/Hemivariational Inequalities, China, Jun 2017
- Call Extended, USNCCM14, Canada, Jul 2017
- Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Spain, Jul 2017
- Nonlocal School on Fractional Equations, USA, Aug 2017
- Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Austria, Sep 2017
- Extended Deadline, SIAM GS, Germany, Sep 2017
- Hybrid Computing, Poland, Sep 2017
- Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Aachen
- Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics
- Postdoc Position, A Posteriori Error Control and Adaptivity, IFPEN France
- Postdoc Position, Institute of Mathematics, Prague
- Postdoc Position, Membrane Modeling, Univ of Oslo
- Postdoc Positions, Analysis/Numerics of Stochastic PDEs
- PhD Position, HPC and Reservoir Simulation
- PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics, Vienna
- Contents, J Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 7 (1)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Christian Schulz [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2017
Subject: KaHiP v2.00, Karlsruhe High Quality Graph Partitioning
We are proud to announce the release of a major update of our graph
partitioning framework KaHiP (Karlsruhe High Quality Graph
Partitioning). KaHiP is a family of high quality graph partitioning
programs. It contains various graph partitioning algorithms that can
be configured to either achieve the best known partitions for many
standard benchmark instances or to be a good tradeoff between
partition quality and running time. Since the last major release we
- ParHIP: distributed memory parallel partitioning techniques designed
to partition hierarchically structured networks such as web graphs
or social networks.
- Mapping Algorithms: new algorithms to map the blocks of a partition
onto a specified processor network in order to minimize overall
communication time.
The software is released under the GPL 2.0 License.
- open source implementation/website:
- github:
We are glad for any comments and error reports (or even bug fixes)
that you send us.
Henning Meyerhenke, Peter Sanders, Christian Schulz, Jesper Larsson
From: Pandian Vasant [email protected]
Date: February 27, 2017
Subject: New Book, Advances in Metaheuristics: Applications in Engineering Systems
Advances in Metaheuristics: Applications in Engineering Systems
provides details on current approaches utilized in engineering
optimization. It gives a comprehensive background on metaheuristic
applications, focusing on main engineering sectors such as energy,
process, and materials. It discusses topics such as algorithmic
enhancements and performance measurement approaches, and provides
insights into the implementation of metaheuristic strategies to
multi-objective optimization problems. With this book, readers can
learn to solve real-world engineering optimization problems
effectively using the appropriate techniques from emerging fields
including evolutionary and swarm intelligence, mathematical
programming, and multi-objective optimization. The ten chapters of
this book are divided into three parts. The first part discusses three
industrial applications in the energy sector. The second focusses on
process optimization and considers three engineering applications:
optimization of a three-phase separator, process plant, and a
pre-treatment process. The third and final part of this book covers
industrial applications in material engineering, with a particular
focus on sand mould-systems. It also includes discussions on the
potential improvement of algorithmic characteristics via strategic
algorithmic enhancements. This book helps fill the existing gap in
literature on the implementation of metaheuristics in engineering
applications and real-world engineering systems. It will be an
important resource for engineers and decision-makers selecting and
implementing metaheuristics to solve specific engineering problems.
November 23, 2016 by CRC Press
Reference - 213 Pages
ISBN 9781498715485 - CAT# K25345
From: Andrea Latina [email protected]
Date: February 28, 2017
Subject: Octave Conference, Switzerland, Mar 2017
We are happy to announce the upcoming Octave Conference 2017 to be
held at CERN [1], near Geneva, Switzerland, from March 20th until
March 22nd. Octave [2] is a fundamental tool of analysis and research
for hundreds of CERN scientists and, like CERN, promotes values of
openness, cooperation, diversity, quality and commitment.
The three-day event will be an opportunity for sharing experiences,
planning the future of Octave and promoting its use among the CERN
scientific community and beyond. There will two open sessions in the
CERN Main Auditorium, on Monday and Tuesday, showcasing Octave and
some interesting and successful Octave stories.
We are working out the details of the programme, and the call for
contributions and abstract is still open. You are all invited to
submit an abstract and present your experience with Octave at the
We are hopeful that the key members of the Octave development team
will make it, both from oversea and from Europe.
You can find more updated information on the programme in the CERN's
OctConf webpage [3] and in the Octave Wiki page [4]. Please visit the
official page of the conference [3] to register your attendance. Early
registrations are preferable to help us on the logistics side. Please
contact us with recommendations and if you have any further ideas,
recommendations or particular wishes.
From: Marlis Hochbruck [email protected]
Date: March 04, 2017
Subject: Women in PDEs, Germany, Apr 2017
On April 27-28, 2017 the CRC "Wave Phenomena: Analysis and Numerics"
hosts our first workshop "Women in PDEs @ Karlsruhe" at Karlsruhe
Institute of Technology. The aim of this workshop is to provide a
platform to bring together female and male students of mathematics,
young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) and established female
mathematicians from academia and industry working on partial
differential equations (PDEs).
Our plenary speakers are
- Martina Chirilus-Bruckner (Univ. Leiden, Netherlands)
- Maria Lopez-Fernandez (La Sapienza Univ. Rome, Italy)
- Marie Rognes (Simula Research Laboratory, Norway)
- Claire Scheid (Cote d'Azur Univ., France)
- Birgit Schorkhuber (Univ. Vienna, Austria)
- Susanna Terracini (Univ. Turin, Italy)
- Chrysoula Tsogka (Univ. Crete, Greece)
Besides the talks we will organize a panel discussion on questions
about career choices/management as well as family interests and invite
our female participants to present posters.
Free registration is required until 31.03.2017. We also have some
limited resources for travel support. More information can be found on
From: Michail Todorov [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2017
Subject: AMiTaNS'17, Bulgaria, Jun 2017
The Euro-American Consortium for Promoting the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Ninth Conference AMiTaNS'17 to be held in the Black-Sea resort of
Albena, Bulgaria, June 21-26, 2017. The conference is organized in
cooperation with Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
(SIAM). The conference will be scheduled in plenary and keynote
lectures followed by special and contributed sessions. The accents of
the conference will be on Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport
Processes, Numerical Methods, Scientific Computing, Continuum
Mechanics, Applied Analysis, Applied Physics, Biomathematics, which
will be complemented by two special sessions and one symposium. The
deadline for submission of abstracts and registration is March 31,
2017. Currently confirmed speakers: A. Aceves (USA), N. Papanicolaou
(Cyprus), A. Fedoseev (USA), V. Gerdjikov (Bulgaria), L. Fauci (USA),
N. Trayanova (USA), I. Barashenkov (South Africa), M. Sorensen
(Denmark), P. Minev (Canada), I. Farago (Hungary), M. Neytcheva
(Sweden), M. Stehlik (Austria), H. Kojouharov (USA), S. Tsynkov (USA),
P. Rupsys (Lithuania), M. Nikolo (USA), R. Ivanov (Ireland),
H. Arevalo (Norway), J. Bayer (France), etc.
For more detailed information please visit the conference website at
URL: and/or contact the conference
coordinator at e-mail: [email protected].
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2017
Subject: IMA Nonlinearity and Coherent Structures, UK, Jun 2017
Call for Papers – extended deadline
Monday 19 – Wednesday 21 June 2017
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
Nonlinearity plays an important role in many fields of Science,
Engineering and Technology. The aim of this conference is to bring
together researchers working on aspects of nonlinear phenomena and to
encourage interaction between experts from different areas such as
Applied Mathematics, Mathematical Analysis, Fluid Dynamics,
Engineering and Physics. Recent theoretical developments, new
computational methods and experimental findings will be presented and
discussed. We plan to avoid parallel sessions and foster as much as
possible communication across the different communities.
Conference topics: Integrable systems; Nonlinear waves in fluids;
Soliton theory; Nonlinear evolution PDEs; Orthogonal polynomials;
Mathematical biology; Coherent structures in shear flows and
transition to turbulence.
Call for Papers – extended deadline
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 200 word
abstract on any of the above topics for oral or poster presentation.
Abstracts should be submitted by Friday 10 March via Please state whether your title is intended
for oral or poster presentation.
Further information
From: Fei Wang [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2017
Subject: Variational/Hemivariational Inequalities, China, Jun 2017
International Workshop on Recent Advances in
Variational/Hemivariational Inequalities and Applications will be held
at Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, China, June 24-26, 2017.
Variational and hemivariational inequalities form an important and
very useful family of nonlinear problems arising in diverse
application areas of physical, engineering, financial, and management
sciences. The goal of this workshop is to bring mathematicians,
engineers, and financiers together to exchange recent advances in the
field of variational and hemivariational inequalities on theory,
numerical analysis, optimization techniques, and applications, to
discuss the frontiers of related subjects, and to promote
collaborations among participants. The main topics of the workshop
include, but are not limited to, analysis of problems leading to
variational and hemivariational inequalities, properties of solutions
of inequalities, numerical analysis of inequalities, optimization
techniques, and applications.
Important Dates:
- Abstracts submission open on: March 15, 2017
- Notification of acceptance of the abstracts (for contributed talks):
May 5, 2017
- Registration and accommodation deadline: May 15, 2017
More information can be found in
From: Serge Prudhomme [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2017
Subject: Call Extended, USNCCM14, Canada, Jul 2017
14th US National Congress on Computational Mechanics (USNCCM14)
Palais des Congres de Montreal
July 17-20, 2017
We are pleased to invite you to submit an abstract to one of the 98
minisymposia (MS) that will be organized at USNCCM14, July 17-20,
2017, to be held in the Convention Center of Montreal, Canada. The
congress covers a large variety of topics and the list of MS,
organized according to the following themes, is available at:
100 Biological Systems; 200 Computational Fluid Dynamics; 300
Computational Methods and Applications; 400 Fracture, Failure, and
Damage; 500 Fluid-structure Interaction, Contact and Interface
Problems; 600 Inverses Problems, Optimization and Design; 700
Materials and Manufacturing; 800 Multiscale and Multiphysics Problems;
900 Numerical Methods; 1000 Software and Algorithms; 1100 Uncertainty
Quantification and Error Estimation
Please submit the abstract online at:
Deadline: March 7, 2017
Note that the abstract is limited to 400 words and should be
submitted to
one of the MS of your choice.
From: Angela Kunoth [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2017
Subject: Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Spain, Jul 2017
The next Foundations of Computational Mathematics conference will take
place at the University of Barcelona, Spain, between July 10th - 19th,
Registration is now open at
Accommodation in Barcelona can be found at
(July is high season in Barcelona and it is highly recommended that
the participants make their reservations well in advance.)
Call for poster presentations is open at
Deadline March 31st, 2017.
Call for NSF financial support is open at
Deadline: March 17th, 2017.
From: Harbir Antil [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2017
Subject: Nonlocal School on Fractional Equations, USA, Aug 2017
We would like to bring your attention to the following school we are
organizing at Iowa State University from August 17-19, 2017.
Nonlocal School on Fractional Equations - NSFE 2017
[email protected]
The school topics are Modeling, Regularity Theory, and Numerical
Analysis of fractional nonlocal PDEs. There will be two mini courses,
each with 3 lectures, aimed at graduate students, postdocs, and early
career researchers by
- Luis A. Caffarelli (The University of Texas Austin), and
- Ricardo H. Nochetto (University of Maryland, College Park).
In addition, there will be seven invited research talks. Limited funds
are available to support graduate students to attend the
school. Students are encouraged to apply in advance. The application
deadline for funding request is May 1, 2017.
On behalf of the Organizing Committee:
Harbir Antil, George Mason University
Paul Sacks, Iowa State University
Pablo Raul Stinga, Iowa State University
From: Michael Weise [email protected]
Date: March 02, 2017
Subject: Chemnitz FEM Symposium, Austria, Sep 2017
30th Chemnitz FEM Symposium
On Tour at Strobl / St. Wolfgang (Austria)
September 25 - 27, 2017
Scientific Topics: Finite Elements, including (but not limited to)
adaptive methods, parallel implementations, high order methods.
This year special emphasis is placed on:
- High Order FEM and Isogeometrical Analysis
- PDEs with Fractional Derivatives
- Computational Fluid Mechanics
Invited Speakers:
- Mark Ainsworth (Brown University)
- Volker John (WIAS and FU Berlin)
- Ricardo H. Nochetto (University of Maryland)
- Gabriel Wittum (Goethe University Frankfurt and KAUST)
Deadlines, Registration and further Information:
Contact: [email protected]
From: Romy Held [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2017
Subject: Extended Deadline, SIAM GS, Germany, Sep 2017
The abstract deadline for the SIAM Conference on Mathematical and
Computational Issues in the Geosciences 2017 will be extended to March
17, 2017.
Please click here to submit your abstract to the following areas:
- Atmosphere/Climate/Weather Models
- Ocean/Estuarine/Nearshore Models
- Subsurface Models (Cryoshpere, Hydrosphere, Lithosphere, Pedoshpere)
with respect to one of the following aspects:
- Applications
- Mathematical and Numerical Methods
- Model Data and Parameter
Please note that the organizers will try to allocate contributed talks
to minisymposia with matching subjects, in order to guarantee an
interested audience for all speakers.
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nurnberg
Cauerstrasse 11
91058 Erlangen, Germany
September 11-14, 2017 (scientific program)
Please visit the conference website ( for
detailed submission information. In case of any questions, please
contact Ms. Cyntia Rammel from the professional conference organizer
Conventus via [email protected]
From: Marco Lapegna [email protected]
Date: March 06, 2017
Subject: Hybrid Computing, Poland, Sep 2017
Workshop on Models, Algorithms and Methodologies for Hybrid
Parallelism in new HPC Systems
September 10-13, 2017, Lublin, Poland
MAMHYP17 is the Fourth workshop after the first three held in Torun,
Warsaw and Krakow in 2011, 2013 and 2015 respectively, jointly to the
Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics (PPAM) conferences. Since
then, the development of efficient algorithms for HPC systems with
multiple forms of parallelism, is still a challenging problem. This
workshop focuses specifically on Models, Methodologies, Algorithms and
Environments to exploit all forms of parallelism and their combination
at the all levels in the emerging HPC multicomputers, with the goal of
gathering the current state of knowledge in the field.
- Submission of Papers: Apr 21, 2017
- Notification of Acceptance: May 31, 2017
- Conference: September 10-13, 2017
- Camera-Ready Papers: Nov 15, 2017
More Informations:
From: Lars Grasedyck [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2017
Subject: Professor Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ of Aachen
Full Professor (W3) in Applied Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics, Computer Science and Natural Science
We are seeking qualified applicants for teaching and research in this
area. The starting date is as soon as possible. Relevant research
topics include numerical analysis, partial differential equations,
mathematical foundation of signal processing, inverse problems and
optimization. Excellent applications from other areas of applied
mathematics are explicitly welcome. The profile of the successful
applicant should complement the research themes within the department
of mathematics and enable a strengthening of interdisciplinary
cooperations. A track record of successful aquisition of third party
funds is required. An adequate participation in covering the teaching
obligations of the department of mathematics is part of the duties of
this professorship. A Ph.D. degree is required; additionally,
Habilitation (post-doctoral lecturing qualification), an exemplary
record of research achievement as an assistant / an associate / a
junior professor or university researcher and/or an outstanding career
outside academia are highly desirable. Ability in and commitment to
teaching are essential. The application should include supporting
documents regarding success in teaching. German is not necessary to
begin but will be expected as a teaching language within the first 5
years. Please send a cover letter stating research aims and a CV to:
Dekan der Fakultat fur Mathematik, Informatik und Naturwissenschaften
der RWTH Aachen, Stefan Schael, 52056 Aachen. You can also send your
application via email to [email protected] Please note,
however, that communication via unencrypted e-mail poses a threat to
confidentiality as it is potentially vulnerable to unauthorized access
by third parties.
The deadline for applications is March 31, 2017.
This position is also available as part-time employment per request.
RWTH Aachen University is certified as a family-friendly university
and offers a dual career program for partner hiring. We particularly
welcome and encourage applications from women, disabled people and
ethnic minority groups, recognizing they are underrepresented across
RWTH Aachen University. The principles of fair and open competition
apply and appointments will be made on merit.
From: Michael Hintermüller [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2017
Subject: Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics
The Weierstrass-Institute for Applied Analysis and Stochastics (WIAS,
Leibniz Institute in Forschungsverbund Berlin e.V.) and the
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin (HU) invite applications for the
following position to be filled as soon as possible: Professorship in
Applied Mathematics - analytical, statistical and stochastical
modelling. The position is at the rank of a German full professorship
(W3-S according to the cooperation agreement between WIAS and HUB),
and it includes heading a research group at WIAS with a
correspondingly reduced teaching load of 2 hours per week at HU. The
successful candidate will have an internationally outstanding research
record in a modern field of mathematical modeling and analysis,
statistical or stochastic modeling, respectively, involving partial
differential equations and dynamical systems. Possible application
areas of interest include energy technology, nano- and
optoelectronics, biomedicine, or thermodynamics and phase transition.
The research focus of the candidate will be suited to enforce the
strategic scientific orientation of WIAS in cooperation with the other
research group leaders. The research focus of the candidate will
further facilitate cooperation with the mathematics-oriented and
related interdisciplinary projects in Berlin. Experience in
successful research grant applications is expected. Applicants have
to meet the requirements of an appointment as professor according to
Section 100 of the Berlin University & College Act. (or Higher
Education Act). The Weierstrass-Institute for Applied Analysis and
Stochastics as well as the Humboldt-Universitat zu Berlin are
committed to gender equality, and therefore strongly encourage women
to apply. Applications by women with equivalent qualification will be
given preference. Severely disabled applicants with equivalent
qualification will equally be given preferential treatment.
Please send your written application and the usual documents
(including a curriculum vitae and a description of research plans)
quoting the reference number PR/006/17, until 22.03.2017 to the
Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin, Dekanat der
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultaet, Prof. E. Kulke, Unter
den Linden 6, 10099 Berlin, Germany. For further inquiries please
contact Prof. M. Hintermuller (Director of WIAS), WIAS Berlin (email:
[email protected])
From: Soleiman Yousef [email protected]
Date: March 01, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, A Posteriori Error Control and Adaptivity, IFPEN France
Post-doc position, IFP Energies Nouvelles
Rueil-Malmaison - 92500, France
A posteriori error control and adaptivity for flow in porous media
containing faults
IFPEN is pleased to offer a one year postdoctoral position (ideally
starting in April 2017), with a possibility of prolongation up to 1,5
years, related to flow in porous media containing faults. The
candidate will be member of the Applied Mathematics Department of IFP
New Energies at Rueil-Malmaison (France). In particular, the focus of
this position will be on the study of a posteriori error estimation
for flow in porous media containing faults to assess the overall error
of a numerical simulation, identify its different components, and
develop and analyze fully adaptive strategies. The work will be in
collaboration with the project-team SERENA (ex POMDAPI) of INRIA
(Martin Vohralik).
The missions of the successful candidate will be:
- To study the model of flow in porous media containing faults
described by systems of unsteady nonlinear (degenerate) partial
differential equations.
- To undertake theoretical a posteriori error analysis dealing with
the supplement difficulty due to the presence of the faults.
- To use the theory of a posteriori error estimation to assess the
overall error of a numerical simulation, identify its different
components, and develop and analyze fully adaptive strategies.
- To perform implementation into an academic scientific calculation
- To address practical applications to current geoscience problems
like reservoir simulations or the simulation of sedimentary basins.
To apply, send CV highlighting your background in numerical analysis,
scientific computing, and programming, a list of peer-reviewed papers,
a very brief motivation letter, and recommendation letter(s) to
Soleiman Yousef [email protected]
From: Tomas Vejchodsky [email protected]
Date: March 02, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Institute of Mathematics, Prague
The Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,
calls for applications for a Postdoctoral position, see
Strong candidates interested in numerical analysis are especially
Feel free to contact me for more information.
From: Andreas Carlson [email protected]
Date: March 02, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Membrane Modeling, Univ of Oslo
A 3-year post-doctoral research fellowship is available at the
Department of Mathematics, Section for Mechanics at the University of
The project is funded by the Research council of Norway, lead by
Associate Professor Andreas Carlson and focuses on the development of
mathematical models and numerical simulations of cell membrane
dynamics. More specifically, it will address the basic mechanochemical
processes that regulate one of the most fundamental communication
pathways in cell biology - the encapsulation and internalization of
liquid and transmembrane cargo at intracellular membranes. The project
work will be conducted in close collaboration with experimental cell
biologists at Oslo University Hospital (Professor Harald A. Stenmark).
Experience in multidisciplinary research and knowledge of basic
methods in membrane modelling, biophysics, numerical simulations of
PDE's and/or fluid mechanics is highly beneficial.
Further details about the position and the application procedure is
found at:
research-fellowship-in-modeling-of-intracellular-membranes Enquires
about the position can be made to Associate Professor Andreas Carlson
([email protected])
From: Ansgar Jüngel, Anton Arnold [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Analysis/Numerics of Stochastic PDEs
We are looking for two postdoctoral researchers (full-time) in the
analysis and/or numerics of stochastic (partial) differential
equations from 01 May 2017 or later at Vienna University of Technology
(Austria) for 2 and 2.5 years. The candidate should have a PhD in
Mathematics with an excellent background in stochastic analysis and/or
stochastic numerics. The successful candidate will collaborate in
research and teaching with members of the doctoral school "Dissipation
and Dispersion in Nonlinear PDEs" (see She/he is expected to apply or participate
in applications for external funding during the term of the
position. Teaching duties involve exercise classes as well as
independent teaching (e.g. lectures in English language) for
mathematics students, in particular for the PhD students of the
doctoral school. The salary is according to the rules of the
university (ca. 3600 Euro/month before tax 14 times per year) and
includes full social security.
A complete application should include letter/statement of interest;
curriculum vitae; list of publications; description of PhD research
(max 1 A4 page); research statement (max 1 A4 page); and teaching
statement (max 1 A4 page).
Suitable female applicants will be given preference.
For further information on the position please contact Prof. Anton
Arnold ([email protected]) or Prof. Ansgar Jüngel
([email protected]). Interested candidates are invited to send
their application (one single pdf file) to Ms Pietsch-Brousek
([email protected])
Until 24 April 2017.
From: Xing Cai [email protected]
Date: March 02, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, HPC and Reservoir Simulation
Simula Research Laboratory, Norway, invites applications for a 3-year
PhD position on the subject of High-Performance Scientific Computing &
Reservoir Simulation.
Detailed info:
Start time: As soon as possible.
Applications will be evaluated on a rolling basis (closed on April
From: Ansgar Jüngel, Ulisse Stefanelli [email protected]
Date: March 05, 2017
Subject: PhD Positions, Applied Mathematics, Vienna
We are looking for ambitious, excellent PhD students in Applied
Mathematics or related fields for the Doctoral Program (DK)
"Dissipation and dispersion in nonlinear partial differential
equations",, and the Special Research Program
(SFB) "Taming complexity in partial differential systems",, at TU Wien, Universitaet Wien, and IST
- Topics: mathematical modeling, analysis, numerics, and simulation of
dissipative and dispersive nonlinear PDEs as well as stochastic
processes, applications in physics, biology, finance.
- Number of positions: 23 (working contracts for up to 4 years).
- Benefits: exciting and dynamic scientific environment, structured
PhD program, intensive supervision, international network.
- Applications can be submitted anytime. The next selection will be
made starting from 18 April 2017.
- More information:
From: Liwei Ning [email protected]
Date: March 03, 2017
Subject: Contents, J Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization, 7 (1)
Numerical Algebra, Control and Optimization (NACO)
Volume: 7, Number: 1 March 2017
1. Singular infinite horizon zero-sum linear-quadratic differential
game: Saddle-point equilibrium sequence, Valery Y. Glizer and Oleg
2. A two-echelon inventory model with stock-dependent demand and
variable holding cost for deteriorating items, Magfura Pervin, Sankar
Kumar Roy and Gerhard Wilhelm Weber
3. Homogenization of optimal control problems on curvilinear networks
with a periodic microstructure -- Results on S-homogenization and
\Gamma-convergence, Erik Kropat
4. Effective approximation method for solving linear Fredholm-Volterra
integral equations, Z. K. Eshkuvatov, M. Kammuji, Bachok M. Taib and
N. M. A. Nik Long
5. The soft landing problem for an infinite system of second order
differential equations, Gafurjan Ibragimov, Askar Rakhmanov, Idham
Arif Alias and Mai Zurwatul Ahlam Mohd Jaffar
6. Adaptive order of block backward differentiation formulas for stiff
ODEs, Z. B. Ibrahim, N. A. A. Mohd Nasir, K. I. Othman and
N. Zainuddin
7. Rank-based inference for the accelerated failure time model in the
presence of interval censored data, Mostafa Karimi, Noor Akma Ibrahim,
Mohd Rizam Abu Bakar and Jayanthi Arasan
End of Digest