NA Digest, V. 17, # 5
NA Digest Monday, February 27, 2017 Volume 17 : Issue 5
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Masatake Mori, 1937-2017
- Philip S. Wolfe
- Khwarismi International Award to Professor Sergeyev
- IFORS Developing Countries OR Resources Website
- Scientific Software Days, USA, Apr 2017
- BEM on the Saar, Germany, May 2017
- RegML: Machine Learning at Simula, Norway, May 2017
- ADMOS 2017, Italy, Jun 2017
- FEniCS Conference 2017, Luxembourg, Jun 2017
- Polynomials, Kinematics, and Robotics, USA, Jun 2017
- REU on HPC at UMBC, USA, Jun-Aug 2017
- Computational Engineering Science, Germany, Jul 2017
- Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, UK, Sep 2017
- Variational Methods, UK, Sep 2017
- Basilisk/Gerris Users' Meeting, USA, Nov 2017
- Call for Panels, SC17, USA, Nov 2017
- Computer Science and Engineering, Thailand, Nov 2017
- Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics, Munster
- Instructorship Position, Applied/Computational Mathematics, EPFL
- Research Positions, Programming Models Group, BSC-CNS
- Research Positions, SISSA mathLab, Trieste, Italy
- Research Fellow Position, Institute of Mathematics, Prague
- Postdoc Position, ERC-Advanced Grant
- Postdoc Position, NA, Alexander Grothendieck Institute in Montpellier
- Postdoc Position, Numerical Simulation, KIT
- Postdoc Position, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Arizona State
- Postdoc Position, Univ of Graz
- Postdoc Positions, Analysis and Numerics of PDEs, Vienna
- Postdoc Positions, Graz Center of Computational Engineering
- PhD or Postdoc Position, Univ of Stuttgart
- PhD Position, Image and Data Analysis, Univ of Kaiserslautern
- PhD Position, NA/Scientific Computing, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
- PhD Position, Philipps Univ of Marburg
- Call, Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
- Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 16 (1)
- Contents, Numer Analysis and Approximation Theory, 45 (2)
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Tom Mitsui [email protected]
Date: February 27, 2017
Subject: Masatake Mori, 1937-2017
It is with deep sadness that I report the passing of Prof. Masatake
Mori on Feb 24 in his home at Tokyo. Born on Aug 26, 1937 in Tokyo,
graduated from Department of Applied Physics, University of Tokyo in
1961, got the doctoral degree on the topic of nuclear physics from the
university in 1967, he turned his academic interest to numerical
analysis, in particular to numerical integrations and application of
complex analysis. His world-known achievement to establish the
double-exponential transformation and its application to highly
accurate and efficient numerical integration can be seen in
M. Mori, Discovery of the double exponential transformation and its
developments, Publ.the Res. Inst. for Math. Sci., 41 (2005) (4),
897-935 doi:10.2977/prims/1145474600, ISSN 0034-5318.
For long time Prof, Mori was engaged with Faculty of Engineering of
University of Tokyo, Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences
(RIMS) of Kyoto University, Institute of Information Sciences and
Electronics of University of Tsukuba and Tokyo Denki University, where
he advised many students and researchers. During 1998 to 2001, he
served as Director of RIMS and at the same time since 1998 to 1999
President of JSIAM (Japan Society for Industrial and Applied
Mathemaics), whose establishment in 1990 he gave all the efforts for.
He conrtributed much to developments of mathematical sciences in
Japan, and at the same time greatly served the international community
of applied mathematicians.
Prof. Mori is survived by his wife Namiko, the son Taketoshi and two
daughters Michiko and Hiroko.
For almost half century he is my dearest senior colleague. We missed a
respected numerical analyst.
From: Andrew R Conn [email protected]
Date: February 27, 2017
Subject: Philip S. Wolfe
Dr. Philip Starr Wolfe died on December 29, 2016. He was one of the
founding fathers of optimization as a subject in its own right. His
interests were broad, including game theory, computational economics,
linear and nonlinear optimization. At the beginning of his career he
interned with George Dantzig at the Air Force's Project SCOOP in the
Pentagon. After receiving his PhD from UC Berkeley in 1954 he accepted
a position at Princeton University where he and Marguerite Frank did
pioneering research on quadratic programming^*. In 1957 Philip joined
RAND's computing group a along with George Dantzig, Ray Fulkerson, and
Lloyd Shapley. In particular, with George Dantzig he developed an
influentially important decomposition method to solve linear
programming problems that had only a few constraints linking variables
of several smaller LP problems. In addition, they developed a method
that only needed to generate LP matrix columns as they were required
in the computation, which was fundamental in scaling to large
structured problems. In 1964 Ralph Gomory, then Director of
Mathematical Sciences at IBM's T. J. Watson Research Laboratory in
Yorktown Heights, NY, encouraged him to join IBM research, where he
spent the rest of his career.
Philip Wolfe published many important articles on optimization, both
on the practical and theoretical side. In 1970 he and a group of
distinguished colleagues were instrumental in starting the journal
Mathematical Programming and the Mathematical Programming Society and
shaping its formative years. Both are now pillars for the field of
optimization (Philip later served as chairman of the society).
In 1992, Philip and his friend and colleague Alan Hoffman were awarded
the John von Neumann Theory Prize by ORSA and TIMS as recognition for
their contributions to the intellectual foundations of mathematical
programming. On presenting the prize, George Nemhauser praised Wolfe
for the sixty-plus papers on mathematical programming that he
published. Wolfe served as an adjunct professor at Columbia
University and, following his retirement in 1996, taught courses at
the New York Polytechnic Institute, Columbia University, and the City
University of New York.
He is survived by his wife, Hallie Flanagan Wolfe, his daughter Sarah
of Whitehorse, Canada, and grandchildren Duncan and Sidney.
From: Dmitri Kvasov [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2017
Subject: Khwarismi International Award to Professor Sergeyev
Distinguished Professor Yaroslav D. Sergeyev, University of Calabria
(Italy) has been awarded the prestigious 2017 Khwarismi International
Award for his work on the Infinity Computing and Global Optimization
From: Gerhard-Wilhelm Weber [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2017
Subject: IFORS Developing Countries OR Resources Website
On IFORS Developing Countries OR Resources Website, its regular
updates - and your possible own submission of "free" (not copyright
protected) material, you might occasionally visit
From: Damon McDougall [email protected]
Date: February 13, 2017
Subject: Scientific Software Days, USA, Apr 2017
Registration is open for the 8th Annual Scientific Software Days
conference. Register here:
The 8th Annual Scientific Software Days Conference (SSD) targets users
and developers of scientific software. The conference will be held at
the University of Texas at Austin Thursday Apr 27 - Friday Apr 28,
2017 and focuses on two themes: a) sharing best practices across
scientific software communities; b) sharing the latest tools and
technology relevant to scientific software.
This year's list of speakers is still growing. So far these speakers
have confirmed: Beatrice Riviere (keynote, Rice); Mark Hoemmen
(keynote, Sandia National Laboratories); Sherry Li (Lawrence Berkeley
National Laboratory); Wolfgang Bangerth (Colorado State University);
Dan Negrut (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
Questions can be directed to [email protected]. Limited
travel funding is available for students and early career researchers.
Register online here:
From: Steffen Weißer [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2017
Subject: BEM on the Saar, Germany, May 2017
Fifth "BEM on the Saar" Workshop
May 29-31, 2017
at the Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany.
The focus of this meeting will be on numerical methods for
Electrodynamics, Acoustics, Diffusion, etc. In particular,
contributions covering topics like fast solution techniques, BEM-based
FEM, Domain integral equations methods, Fundamental solution methods,
adaptivity and high-order discretisations are very welcome.
The following invited speakers have confirmed their participation:
Sergey Mikhailov, Brunel University London, UK; Naoshi Nishimura,
Kyoto University, Japan; Martin Schanz, TU Graz, Austria; Olaf
Steinbach, TU Graz, Austria; Ernst P. Stephan, Leibniz University
Hannover, Germany; Wolfgang Wendland, Stuttgart University, Germany
Deadline for registration with and without talk is May 7, 2017.
More detailed information can be found on the workshop website:
From: Valeriya Naumova [email protected]
Date: February 26, 2017
Subject: RegML: Machine Learning at Simula, Norway, May 2017
Regularisation Methods for Machine Learning (RegML) is a 22 hours
advanced machine learning course including theory classes and
practical laboratory sessions. The course covers foundations and
recent advances in Machine Learning with emphasis on high dimensional
data and a core set techniques, namely regularization methods.
The course is to be organised by Simula Research Laboratory, Norway,
jointly with the University of Genova, Italy, and MIT, USA, and
co-funded by the Research Council of Norway's IKTPLUSS initiative. In
many respects the course is compressed version of the 9.520 course on
Machine Learning at MIT. The course is free of charge, but
participants will have to cover their own accommodation and travel.
Sign up at the course webpage:
From: Simona Perotto [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2017
Subject: ADMOS 2017, Italy, Jun 2017
We wish to draw your attention on ADMOS 2017, the VIII International
Conference on Adaptive Modeling and Simulation. Main goal of ADMOS
2017 conference is to provide a forum for presenting and discussing
the current state of the art achievements on Adaptive Modeling and
Simulation, including theoretical models, numerical methods,
algorithmic strategies and challenging engineering applications.
ADMOS is one of the conferences that launched the ECCOMAS series of
thematic events, in 2003. It is a medium-size conference (an average
of about 80-100 delegates), which allows for dynamic and fruitful
exchanges between participants.
After seven successful editions (held in Göteborg in 2003, Barcelona
in 2005, Göteborg in 2007, Bruxelles in 2009, Paris in 2011, Lisbon in
2013, and Nantes in 2015), the eighth edition of ADMOS will take place
at Verbania (Italy) on June 26-28, 2017.
ADMOS 2017 is jointly organized by Politecnico di Milano, Universitat
Politècnica de Catalunya and CIMNE and it is promoted by the European
Committee in Solids and Structural Mechanics (ECSSM) of ECCOMAS.
Deadline for presenting a one page abstract is March 13, 2017
For further information (and list of mini-simposia), please visit the
conference webpage
From: Jack S. Hale [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2017
Subject: FEniCS Conference 2017, Luxembourg, Jun 2017
The FEniCS Conference 2017 will take place on 12-14 June at the
University of Luxembourg.
The FEniCS'17 conference ( is an
opportunity for all those interested in the FEniCS Project
( and related projects to exchange ideas,
communicate their results and network with the automated scientific
computing community. We welcome developers, existing and potential
users of the FEniCS ecosystem as well as mathematicians, computer
scientists and application domain specialists interested in numerical
methods, their implementation and applications.
The FEniCS'17 conference will emphasise an open and inclusive
atmosphere, contributed talks from a diverse range of scientific
areas, and dedicated time for discussions and coding.
Registration and abstract (talk and poster) are now open. See for further details.
From: Jonathan Hauenstein [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2017
Subject: Polynomials, Kinematics, and Robotics, USA, Jun 2017
Conference dates: June 5 - 7, 2017
Location: University of Notre Dame (Notre Dame, IN USA)
Plenary speakers: Danny Baker, General Motors; Manfred Husty,
University of Innsbruck; Tim Kelley, North Carolina State University;
Mike McCarthy, University of California, Irvine; Alec Morgan, General
Motors; Andrew Sommese, University of Notre Dame; Haijun Su, Ohio
State University; Mark Verbrugge, General Motors
Registration is now open at for this
conference in honor of Charles Wampler's 60th birthday which will
provide a forum for mathematicians and engineers from both academia
and industry to discuss successful applications and current challenges
involving the interplay between solving systems of polynomial
equations, kinematics, and robotics. The foundational methods in
numerical algebraic geometry were motivated by the solving of
polynomial systems arising from kinematics and robotics. For example,
versions of homotopy continuation implemented on computers were
already being used to solve kinematics problems in the early
1960s. This interplay continues over 50 years later with new
algorithms being developed motivated by kinematics and robotics, and
novel problems solved using these algorithms.
The first two days will feature prominent speakers, both academics and
practitioners in industry, who will highlight successes and challenges
from different viewpoints. The last day will feature a poster session
in which all attendees are strongly encouraged to present their
research to the community.
Early bird registration deadline: March 31, 2017
From: Matthias K Gobbert [email protected]
Date: February 26, 2017
Subject: REU on HPC at UMBC, USA, Jun-Aug 2017
We are very excited to announce the 2017 edition of our REU Site on
High Performance Computing with interdisciplinary application projects
of mathematics and statistics. We highly appreciate your forwarding of
this announcement to your undergraduate students with an interest in
scientific, statistical, or parallel computing!
The program is conducted in 8 weeks from June 19 to August 11, 2017.
For all information and to apply, please visit
All activities are conducted in teams, each supported by dedicated
graduate assistants and faculty mentors. The instruction includes
lectures and hands-on computer labs on C, MPI, Matlab/Octave, R,
Linux, and LaTeX, using the state-of-art cluster maya with more than
300 nodes in the UMBC High Performance Computing Facility
( The research projects using scientific, statistical,
and parallel computing are posed by application researchers from
industry and government agencies.
The program's webpage offers a detailed schedule and a comprehensive
description of the activities from a student viewpoint. For specific
questions, please e-mail [email protected]
From: Martin Grepl [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2017
Subject: Computational Engineering Science, Germany, Jul 2017
The AICES Graduate School at RWTH Aachen University organizes the
Aachen Conference on Computational Engineering Science 2017 (AC.CES)
in honour of Wolfgang Dahmen to celebrate his numerous contributions
in Applied Mathematics. The conference takes place at RWTH Aachen
University, Germany, from July 27 - 28, 2017.
AC.CES brings together national and international leading experts in
theory, method development, and applications related to problems in
computational engineering.
For further information on invited lectures and themes, please visit
our web page
From: Pamela Bye [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2017
Subject: Inverse Problems from Theory to Application, UK, Sep 2017
Tuesday 19 - Thursday 21 September 2017
Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge, UK
An inverse problem denotes the task of computing an unknown
physical quantity from indirect measurements. The corresponding
forward problem maps the physical quantity to the measurements. In
most realistic situations the solution of the inverse problem is
challenging, complicated by incomplete and noisy measurements, as
well as non-invertible forward operators which render the inverse
problem ill-posed (that is lack of stability and/or uniqueness of
solutions). Inverse problems appear in many practical applications in
biology, medicine, weather forecasting, chemistry, engineering,
physics, to name but a few, and their analysis and solution presents
considerable challenges in mathematics and statistics. This
conference will bring together mathematicians and statisticians,
working on theoretical and numerical aspects of inverse problems, and
engineers, physicists and other scientists, working on challenging
inverse problem applications. We welcome industrial representatives,
doctoral students, early career and established academics working in
this field to attend.
Conference topics: Imaging; Regularisation theory; Statistical inverse
problems; Sampling; Data assimilation; Inverse problem applications
Papers will be accepted for the conference based on a 300 word
abstract for oral or poster presentation. Abstracts should be
submitted by 30 April via
For further information on this conference, please visit the
conference webpage:
From: Isaac Newton Institute for Mathematical Sciences [email protected]
Date: February 24, 2017
Subject: Variational Methods, UK, Sep 2017
Attend this workshop at the Isaac Newton Institute and interact and
engage while working on the review, exchange and promoting of recent
advances in variational models for imaging and vision, new theories,
and fast algorithms as well as discuss the outstanding challenges in
the fast growing field. Topics such as nonlinear PDEs, nonlinear,
nons-mooth, non-convex or combinatorial optimization problems and
their analysis and algorithms, as well as imaging and vision
applications will be covered.
This is the first event and part of the activities for a long term
programme on Variational methods and effective algorithms for imaging
and vision (1 Sept-- 31 Dec 2017) organised by Ke Chen, Andrew
Fitzgibbon, Michael Hintermuller, Carola-Bibiane Schonlieb, and
Xue-Cheng Tai.
List of invited and confirmed speakers includes (to expand): J-F
Aujol; M Berger; A Bruckstein; R H Chan; J Fadili; G Gilboa; T
Goldstein; D Jerome; S H Kang; V Kolmogorov; B Kristian; J Lellmann; M
Ng; A Repetti; S Soatto; M Teboulle; P Weiss; H M Zhou.
This workshop is open for registration but closes shortly. Deadline
for Oral/Poster presentation: 1 April 2017. Deadline for participation
(only): 1 June 2017. Participation remotely is possible.
From: Stephane Popinet [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2017
Subject: Basilisk/Gerris Users' Meeting, USA, Nov 2017
I am pleased to announce that the Basilisk/Gerris Users' Meeting 2017
will be held at Princeton University on the 15-16th November
2017. Dates were chosen so that participants can combine their visit
in Princeton with attendance of the APS-DFD meeting in Denver,
Colorado from the 19th-21st November 2017.
Please see the meeting page for more information and for registration:
From: Lois Curfman McInnes [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2017
Subject: Call for Panels, SC17, USA, Nov 2017
We solicit panel proposals for SC'17, the ACM/IEEE International
Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage, and
Analysis. Panels bring a rare opportunity for mutual engagement of
community leaders and broad mainstream contributors in a face-to-face
exchange through audience participation and questioning. Surprises are
the norm at panels, which makes for exciting and energetic
hour-and-a-half sessions. Panels explore topics in-depth by capturing
the opinions of a wide-range of people active in the relevant
fields. Panels represent state of the art opinions, and can be
augmented with social media technologies including Twitter, LinkedIn,
video feeds, and even real-time audience polling. Please plan on
actively participating in one or more of the panel offerings at
SC17. We look forward to your help, through your participation, in
making panels at SC17 a major success and lots of fun.
Important Dates:
Submissions Open: February 16, 2017
Submission Deadline: April 24, 2017 (hard deadline - no extension)
Web Submissions:
Email Contact:
[email protected]
Important Note: The SC conference series is dedicated to promoting
equality and diversity and recognizes the role that this has in
ensuring the success of the conference series. We welcome submissions
from all sectors of society. SC17 is committed to providing an
inclusive conference experience for everyone, regardless of gender,
sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race,
or religion.
From: Sinziana Vieriu [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2017
Subject: Computer Science and Engineering, Thailand, Nov 2017
Call for Papers - COMPSE 2017, Bangkok, Thailand
The topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited
to: Computer Science: Information Technology, Green Computing, Machine
Learning, Smart Computing, Predictive Analysis, Mobile Programming,
big data, Computer architecture, Computational & Synthetic Biology,
Computer Graphics, Vision, Animation, Game Science, Computing for
Development, Data Management, Human Computer Interaction, Natural
Language Processing, Programming Languages and Software Engineering,
Robotics, Security & Privacy, Systems and Networking, Theory of
Computation, Ubiquitous Computing, Wireless and Sensor Systems, Using
IT to reduce carbon emissions, Energy-aware computing, Smart grid and
micro grids, Sustainable computing. Optimization: Mathematical
Programming, Continues optimization, Combinatorial optimization,
Discreet optimization, Ant colony optimization, Fuzzy logic, Genetic
algorithm, Genetic programming, variable neighbourhood search, Support
vector machine, Cuckoo search, Simulated annealing, Bat algorithm,
Differential evolution, robust solutions and robust optimization,
online optimization Holistic optimization, meta-heuristics and
stochastic optimization, optimization in (video) games,
surrogate-assisted optimization, dynamic optimization, Network design
optimization, Optimization of energy- efficient protocols..
Contributions should be submitted electronically as PDF in Confy
Contact: Ms. Sinziana Vieriu, EAI
E-mail: [email protected]
From: Carolin Gietz [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2017
Subject: Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics, Munster
Applied Mathematics Munster at the Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat
Munster invites applications for a W1-professorship in mathematical
optimization starting in winter term 2017. The position is at the
level of an assistant professorship and is appointed for three years
plus another three years extension after a positive evaluation.
The successful candidate will have a strong background and research
record in mathematical optimization (or a related field of applied
mathematics such as calculus of variations and inverse problems), and
he will have expertise in analysis as well as numerics.
The department is looking for a candidate who complements the
different applied mathematics groups in Munster and expects a strong
research activity, participation in the department's research
projects, as well as contribution to teaching in applied mathematics.
Requirements for an application are a PhD and adequate subsequent
further scientific qualification (for instance as a postdoc) as well
as an adequate teaching experience.
The Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Munster is an equal opportunity
employer and is committed to increasing the proportion of female
academics. Consequently, we actively encourage applications by
women. Female candidates with equivalent qualifications and academic
achievements will be preferentially considered within the legal
framework. We also welcome applications from candidates with severe
disabilities. Disabled candidates with equivalent qualifications will
be preferentially considered.
To apply for this position, please send a letter of application
(including a Curriculum Vitae, relevant certificates, a list of
publications, a summary of the research and teaching experience) in a
single PDF file to: [email protected] The application deadline
is April 15th, 2017.
From: Daniel Kressner [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2017
Subject: Instructorship Position, Applied/Computational Mathematics, EPFL
The School of Basic Sciences at EPFL invites applications for a
full-time instructorship in applied and computational mathematics,
starting from 1 September 2017. The term of the position is two years,
with the possibility of extension for another two years. Instructors
will be expected to fulfill the standard teaching load of the
Mathematics Section and to carry out an independent research
program. EPFL salaries for instructors are highly competitive. In
addition, instructors receive a substantial yearly budget for travel
expenses and other expenditures.
Instructors are expected to be able to teach courses in English and in
Applications may be submitted in English or in French, at
The deadline for application is 31 March 2017.
From: Barcelona Supercomputing Center [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2017
Subject: Research Positions, Programming Models Group, BSC-CNS
BSC-CNS (Barcelona Supercomputing Center- Centro Nacional de
Supercomputacion) is the National Supercomputing Facility in Spain and
was officially constituted in April 2005. The Programming Models (PM)
group at the Computer Science Department, with more than 30 PhD
students, support engineers, postdocs and senior researchers, has a
strong background on parallel and distributed programming models,
domain specific languages (DSLs), compilers and accelerators. The PM
group is involved in many EU project such as Mont-Blanc 2 & 3,
DEEP-ER, AXIOM and INTERTWinE, as well as, industrial projects with
Repsol, IBM, Intel, Microsoft, NVIDIA and LG. The successful applicant
will be based at BSC, but will also interact with our academic and
industrial partners. The PM group is looking for scientists and
engineers from the national and international community who wish to
develop his/her career in a stimulating environment, rich in
technological resources and campus life. We encourage applications
from highly motivated engineers and computer scientists with
outstanding qualifications. Successful candidates will join the PM
research groups to carry out their research in cutting-edge areas of
parallel and distributed programming models, including compilers,
runtimes, accelerators, DSLs, etc. This position is for undergraduate
students, MSc students or PhD students.
Key Duties: Developing of Linear Algebra routines for parallel
architectures using parallel programing models such as OmpSs, OpenMP,
CUDA, among others. Debugging and maintenance of codes. Writing of
articles/reports about the implementations/optimizations carried out.
Requirements. Education: BSc or MSc in Computer Sciences, Computer
Engineering, Telecommunication Engineering or equivalent. Skills:
Good skills in programming in C, OpenMP, CUDA and MPI; knowledge about
runtimes- OpenMP task/data-dependent. Competences: Good written and
verbal communication skills; Ability to take initiative, prioritize
and work under set deadlines and pressure; Ability to work
independently and in a team.
All applications must be applied in
1. A motivation letter detailing the position you are applying for
(undergraduate, MSc, PhD, Postdoc or Junior/Senior developer) and
your background, experience and interests.
2. A full CV including contact details
3. BSc and MSc academic records
From: Gianluigi Rozza [email protected]
Date: February 19, 2017
Subject: Research Positions, SISSA mathLab, Trieste, Italy
In addition to the two positions already announced we have a further
open research position between SISSA, International School for
Advanced Studies, Mathematics Area, mathLab, Trieste, Italy
( and FINCANTIERI spa, worldwide leader in ship
constructions. The researcher will be mostly based in FINCANTIERI
Trieste under the scientific responsability of Prof. Gianluigi Rozza
with the project "Prow and stern hull shape optimisation by
parameterised algorithms in an open source environment"
Deadline March 20, 2017 -info:
The two further positions are below:
Deadline March 6, 2017 - info:
Deadline March 10, 2017 - info:
These positions are in the framework of FSE program HEaD (Higher
Education and Developments) and POR-FESR, both sponsored by Regione
Friuli Venezia Giulia. Topics: computational fluid dynamics,
fluid-structure interactions, multi- physics, free-surface flows,
turbulence, optimisation, control, reduced order methods.
Competences: mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, scientific
computing and programming, CFD, Open Foam.
From: Tomáš Vejchodský [email protected]
Date: February 27, 2017
Subject: Research Fellow Position, Institute of Mathematics, Prague
The Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague,
calls for applications for the research fellow position, see
Applications are invited from candidates actively performing research
in mathematics for at least three years after completing their
PhD. Less and more senior candidates will be judged with respect to
the stage of their career. Strong candidates interested in numerical
analysis are especially welcome.
Feel free to contact me for more information.
From: Thomas Russold [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, ERC-Advanced Grant
"From Open to Closed Loop Optimal Control of PDEs"
Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing
University of Graz
About the project: The project addresses a broad spectrum in optimal
control of PDEs and focusses on some of the most pressing topics:
Non-smooth, non-convex optimal control and computational techniques
for feedback control. Applications include the bidomain equations,
which are the established model to describe the electrical activity of
the heart.
Professional qualifications: Doctoral degree in a mathematical branch
of study. Solid knowledge in applied mathematics, including PDEs, with
specialization in either analytical or computational
techniques. Specialization in optimal control, calculus of variations,
or optimization is very welcome.
Contact person and grant holder:
Prof. Karl Kunisch, University of Graz and Radon Institute,
Austrian Academy of Sciences, E-mail: [email protected]
Applications with a detailed CV including a publication list and a
compact statement of past achievements and research interests should
be sent to: [email protected].
Application Deadline: March 15, 2017
From: Daniele Di Pietro [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, NA, Alexander Grothendieck Institute in Montpellier
The Alexander Grothendieck Institute in Montpellier (IMAG, has an opening for a postdoctoral
researcher in Numerical Analysis. The goal is to extend the recently
developed Hybrid High-Order technology [1,2] to advanced problems in
fluid mehcanics.
The successful candidate has a Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics or related
subjects and a strong theoretical background on standard and new
generation discretization methods for PDEs. Implementation and
numerical testing on scientific platforms will also be required. The
initial duration of the post-doc is 12 months. Should the obtained
results exceed the expectations, a prolongation may be envisaged. To
apply, please send a CV including a full list of publications along
with a motivation letter to Daniele A. Di Pietro
([email protected]). This address can also be used
for inquiries. The deadline for applications is March, 20th. Later
applications may however be considered for upcoming positions.
[1] D. A. Di Pietro, A. Ern, and S. Lemaire, An arbitrary-order and
compact- stencil discretization of diffusion on general meshes based
on local reconstruction operators, Comput. Meth. Appl. Math., 2014,
14(4):461- 472. DOI: 10.1515/cmam-2014-0018
[2] D. A. Di Pietro and A. Ern, A hybrid high-order locking-free
method for linear elasticity on general meshes,
Comput. Meth. Appl. Mech. Engrg., 2015, 283:1-21. DOI:
From: Prof. Dr. W. Doerfler [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Numerical Simulation, KIT
We offer a postdoc position for simulations in the new DFG Research
Training Group SiMET - Simulation of Mechanical, Electrical, and
Thermal Processes in Lithium-ion Batteries. Expertise is expected in
numerical methods of partial differential equations, especially
finite-element methods in continuum mechanics, multiscale methods and
reduced models.
The contract is limited for 3 years. The starting date is 01.04.2017
Application up to 17.03.2017
For details see
From: Rodrigo Platte [email protected]
Date: February 17, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Arizona State
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences (SoMSS) at Arizona
State University (ASU) invites applications for a postdoc position
starting in the fall 2017 in association with our NSF-funded Research
Training Group (RTG) in Applied Mathematics and Statistics.
The goal of this RTG is to address the challenges of rigorous analysis
of data, particularly with very large data sets, by integrating three
crucial areas: (i) statistics, (ii) computational mathematics, and
(iii) applied harmonic analysis. Examples of research questions to be
addressed by the synergy of these disciplines include (but are
certainly not limited to): 1) finding and analyzing efficient and
adaptive data collection strategies in sequential experimental design,
2) reconstructing a signal or image from incomplete or noisy data
sources, 3) devising measurement and other data collection strategies
that optimize the value of the data in subsequent statistical tests or
estimators, and 4) developing new computationally efficient
mathematical and statistical models and procedures for exploring and
analyzing very large data sets. Summer research support is provided
for the first two summers of the appointment along with an allowance
for professional travel. The duties of this position involve research
in an area of statistics and/or applied mathematics that is consistent
with the goals of the RTG along with a teaching load that is two
courses per year. Consistent with NSF's eligibility guidelines for
the RTG award, the successful candidate must be a citizen, national,
or permanent resident of the United States by the time of appointment.
To apply and for additional details, please visit the mathjobs
From: University of Graz, Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing [email protected]
Date: February 22, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Position, Univ of Graz
The Institute of Mathematics and Scientific Computing at the
University of Graz offers a two-year post-doctoral research position
within the FWF/CDG "Partnership in research" project on Mathematical
methods for motion-aware medical imaging.
The position is available immediately and the Application Deadline is
March 31st, 2017.
Further information:
From: Ulisse Stefanelli [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Analysis and Numerics of PDEs, Vienna
We invite applications for 11 postdoctoral positions in Analysis and
Numerics of PDEs at the University of Vienna, the Vienna University of
Technology, and the Institute of Science and Technology Austria,
starting from June 2017 or as soon as possible thereafter.
The positions are funded by the Special Research Programme (SFB)
Taming Complexity in Partial Differential Systems
Details on the project, calls, and online submissions tools are
available through the website. We will start reviewing applications
from March 31, 2017.
From: K. Ellermann [email protected]
Date: February 16, 2017
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Graz Center of Computational Engineering
The recently founded Graz Center of Computational Engineering (GCCE)
is a research center for simulation techniques in science and
engineering. It is an interdisciplinary initiative of researchers from
five faculties and eight institutes of Graz University of Technology.
The center announces two openings for researchers with PhD experienced
in computational engineering and model order reduction. Further
knowledge in applications of science and engineering is welcome, such
as flow acoustics, fluid-structure interaction or sediment
transport. The persons will work on research projects and support the
development of the center. The positions are available for four years
each, with an option for a habilitation.
Applications with the usual documents should be sent electronically to
[email protected].
Deadline: March 31, 2017
From: Jan [email protected]
Date: February 15, 2017
Subject: PhD or Postdoc Position, Univ of Stuttgart
Applications are invited for a three year position at the Institute of
Applied Analysis and Numerical Simulation, University of Stuttgart,
Germany. The position includes research and teaching responsibilities
(in German). It is open to PhD students and PostDocs.
The successful candidate will conduct fundamental research in analysis
and numerical methods for hyperbolic partial differential equations.
A focus will be on data assimilation in numerical methods (finite
volume or discontinuous Galerkin) for hyperbolic conservation laws.
The highly motivated candidate should hold an MSc degree in
mathematics or a related subject and have a background in analysis,
modeling or numerical methods for PDEs. Good programming skills
(MATLAB or C++) are beneficial. The position is fixed for a term of 3
years. The preferred starting date is May 1st 2017 or as soon as
possible thereafter. Salary will be paid in accordance with the German
TVL, salary group E13 (50%) which can possibly be extended to 100%.
The University of Stuttgart aims to increase the number of female
employees. Qualified women are therefore especially encouraged to
apply. Handicapped applicants will be preferred if applicability and
qualification are equivalent.
Applications with the usual documents (letter of motivation,
curriculum vitae, certificates, contact information of two referees)
should be sent electronically as a single PDF file to Dr. Jan
Giesselmann ([email protected]). The position is
open until filled. First review date of applications is March 10,
For further information, please contact Dr. Jan Giesselmann
([email protected]).
From: Gabriele Steidl [email protected]
Date: February 14, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Image and Data Analysis, Univ of Kaiserslautern
A PhD Position (100% TV-L E13) within the DFG Research Training Group
1932 "Stochastic Models for Innovations in the Engineering Sciences"
at the TU Kaiserslautern starting at 01.09.2017 for the duration of 3
years is available.
For detailed information about the Training Group see
The position is associated to the AG "Mathematical Image Processing
and Data Analysis" and requires a cooperation with the Institute of
Materials Science and Engineering at the TU Kaiserslautern.
Interested candidates should hold a master degree in Mathematics,
Physics or Computer Science (when starting in the Research Training
group) with a background in nonlinear optimization and numerical
analysis. Very good programming skills are required. The TU
Kaiserslautern seeks to increase the number of female scientific
faculty members and therefore strongly encourages qualified women to
apply for the position. The university is committed to providing a
family-friendly workplace. Applicants with disabilities
(Schwerbehinderte) will be given preferential consideration in case of
equal qualification. Applications including a cover letter, a detailed
curriculum vitae and a Bachelor certificate should be sent by email to
Prof. G. Steidl ([email protected]).
From: Marie E. Rognes [email protected]
Date: February 21, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, NA/Scientific Computing, Simula Research Laboratory, Norway
Applications are invited for a PhD candidate position in Numerical
Analysis/Scientific Computing at Simula Research Laboratory, Oslo,
This 3-year PhD fellowship is part of the Waterscales: Mathematical
and computational foundations for modeling cerebral fluid flow
project, funded by the European Research Council Starting Grant
#714892 and lead by Chief Research Scientist Marie E. Rognes. The
overall ambition of Waterscales is to establish the mathematical,
numerical and computational foundations for predictively modelling
fluid flow and solute transport through the brain across
spatiotemporal scales - from the cellular to the organ level. For more
information about the Waterscales project, see
The official announcement with full details of the position and online
application instructions can be found here:
Applicants are evaluated on a rolling basis, with preference to
applications submitted before April 1 2017.
From: Thomas M. Surowiewc [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2017
Subject: PhD Position, Philipps Univ of Marburg
The research group on optimization at the Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science at the University of Marburg is currently
accepting applications for a research assistant (PhD student). The
position includes both research and teaching duties and is funded for
three years. See the link for more information:
From: Pedro Valero-Lara [email protected]
Date: February 24, 2017
Subject: Call, Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations
CFC - Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations:
Call for Chapters: Analysis and Applications of Lattice-Boltzmann
Proposals Submission Deadline: March 30, 2017
Full Chapters Due: June 16, 2017
Submission Date: June 16, 2017
Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following:
Parallel Programming/Implementations of LBM; LBM on parallel
architectures, multicore, hardware accelerators, distributed memory
computers; Programming optimizations for LBM simulations; Numerical
optimizations for LBM simulations; Numerical Analysis for LBM; CFD
Applications using LBM; LBM models; Fluid-Solid Interaction on LBM;
LBM extensions; LBM+Multiphysics; LBM+Mesh-Refinement;
LBM+Free-Surface; LBM+Shallow-Waters.
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before
February 17, 2017, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly
explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed
chapter. Authors will be notified by March 17, 2017 about the status
of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines. Full chapters are
expected to be submitted by May 16, 2017, and all interested authors
must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at
prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a
double-blind review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve
as reviewers for this project.
From: Fikret Aliev [email protected]
Date: February 23, 2017
Subject: Contents, Applied and Computational Mathematics, 16 (1)
Applied and Computational Mathematics an International Journal
Vol.16, No.1, February 2017
On Two Laplacian -Spectrum-Based Graph Invariants and their Relation:
A Review, I. Gutman
Exact Solution of Perturbed KDV Equation with Variable Dissipation
Coefficient, H. Demiray
Merit Functions for Quasi Variational Inequalities , M.A. Noor,
K.I. Noor, A.G. Khan
A Generalized Statistical Convergent Functions via Ideals in
Intuitionistic Fuzzy Normed Spaces, Ekrem Savas
The Least Square Homotopy Perturbation Method for Boundary Value
Problems, C. Bota, B. Caruntu, C. Lazureanu
Design of First Order Controllers for a Flexible Robot Arm with Time
Delay, Gokce Kuralay, Hitay Ozbay
Inequalities for the Riemann-Stieltjes Integral of s-Dominated
Integrators with Applications (II), S.S. Dragomir
On Periodic Solution of Generalized Sylvester Matrix Equations,
F.A. Aliev, V.B. Larin, N.I. Velieva, K.G. Gasimova
From: J. Numer. Anal. Approx. Theory [email protected]
Date: February 18, 2017
Subject: Contents, Numer Analysis and Approximation Theory, 45 (2)
Journal of Numerical Analysis and Approximation Theory
published since 1972
vol. 45 (2016) no. 2
R. Akgun: Characterization of mixed modulus of smoothness in weighted
Lp spaces
I.K. Argyros, S.K. Khattri: An improved semilocal convergence analysis
for the midpoint method
S.S. Dragomir: Inequalities of Jensen type for AH -convex functions
Z. Finta: A generalization of the Lupas q -analogue of the Bernstein
Z. Kebbiche, H. Roumili: Combined approach to solve linear
complementarity problem
X.Z. Krasniqi: On alpha-convex sequences of higher order
End of Digest