NA Digest, V. 16, # 39
NA Digest Monday, October 17, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 39
Today's Editor:
Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]
Today's Topics:
- Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2016
- AMiTaNS'17, Bulgaria, Jun 2017
- Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization, France Sep 2017
- Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ Maryland Baltimore County
- Professor Positions, Univ of Nevada, Reno
- Junior Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics, TU Dresden
- Academic Positions, Univ of Strathclyde
- Postdoc Position, Computational and Applied Mathematics
- Postdoc Position, John von Neumann Fellow, Sandia National Labs
- Postdoc Position, Parallel Multigrid Algorithms, Sandia National Labs
- Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, Univ of Utah
- Postdoc Position, Seismic Imaging, Brazil
- Postdoc Positions, Wake Forest Univ
- PhD Position, Applied Math/Computational Science, King Abdullah Univ Of S&T
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Submissions for NA Digest:
From: Jianlin Xia [email protected]
Date: October 14, 2016
Subject: Fast Direct Solvers, USA, Nov 2016
Purdue CCAM (Center for Computational & Applied Mathematics) will be
hosting a Workshop on Fast Direct Solvers on Saturday and Sunday, Nov
12-13, 2016. The organizers are Jie Shen and Jianlin Xia. The program
is now available from the workshop webpage:
The purpose of the workshop is to discuss and exchange ideas on topics
related to fast direct solvers, structured matrices, sparsity and data
sparsity, structured preconditioning, high performance computing, fast
PDE and IE solutions, high order discretizations, related
applications, and other relevant subjects.
To attend, please email Jianlin Xia to register. There is no
registration fee. However, please register so that we can plan the
space, refreshments, etc.
From: Michail D Todorov [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2016
Subject: AMiTaNS'17, Bulgaria, Jun 2017
The Euro-American Consortium for Promotion of the Application of
Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences is pleased to announce
its Ninth Conference AMiTaNS'17 to be held in Congress Centre in the
Black-Sea resort of Albena, Bulgaria. The conference is organized in
cooperation with Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics. It
will be scheduled in plenary and keynote lectures followed by special
and contributed sessions. The accents of the conference will be on
Applied and Mathematical Physics, Solitons and Transport Processes,
Numerical Methods and Scientific Computing, Continuum Mechanics,
Applied Analysis, Biomathematics, which can be complemented by some
specific topics in contributed special sessions. You are welcomed to
announce and organize special sessions that should be within the
general topic of the conference. Coordinator and contact person:
Prof. Michail Todorov, URL:, e-mails:
[email protected] or [email protected]
Currently confirmed speakers: A. Aceves (USA), N. Papanicolaou
(Cyprus), V. Shaydurov (Russia), A. Fedoseev (USA), V. Gerdjikov
(Bulgaria), L. Fauci (USA), N. Trayanova (USA), I. Barashenkov (South
Africa), N. Alexeeva (South Africa), M. Sorensen (Denmark), P. Minev
(Canada), I. Farago (Hungary), M. Neytcheva (Sweden), M. Stehlik
(Chile and Austria)
From: Luis F. Zuluaga [email protected]
Date: October 15, 2016
Subject: Algorithms, Graphs and Optimization, France Sep 2017
LAGOS'17 - IX Latin and American Algorithms, Graphs and
Optimization Symposium
CIRM, Marseille, France.
September 11-15, 2017
Web site :
Themes include, but are not limited to: Algorithms: analysis of
algorithms; approximation algorithms; randomized algorithms;
computational geometry. Operations Research and Mathematical
Programming: combinatorial optimization; integer programming;
polyhedral combinatorics; operations research and management science.
Graph Theory: cliques, dominating and independent sets; coloring of
graphs and hypergraphs; covering and packing, factorization, matching;
digraphs, tournaments; graph algorithms; graphs and matrices;
hypergraphs; perfect graphs; random graphs; structural
characterization of types of graphs. Applications: mathematical
programming, combinatorial optimization, continuous optimization,
heuristics, and metaheuristics, applied to real-world problems.
Submission deadline: March 10, 2017 (23h59 GMT).
Notification of acceptance: June 05, 2017.
Registration opening: June 12, 2017.
From: Andrei Draganescu [email protected]
Date: October 12, 2016
Subject: Faculty Position, Applied Mathematics, Univ Maryland Baltimore County
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics at the University of
Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) invites applications for one tenure-
track faculty position in Applied Mathematics at the rank of Assistant
Professor starting in the fall of 2017. The successful candidate
should have a PhD in mathematics or a related field, have an active,
independent research program, strong potential for obtaining external
funding, and a commitment to excellence in teaching. Preference will
be given to candidates who are able to interact with existing groups
in the Department, conduct interdisciplinary research, as well as
those who could continue to strengthen connections with research
groups across the university. Applicants with postdoctoral experience
are encouraged to apply. The Department offers BS, MS and PhD degrees
in applied mathematics and in statistics. For more information, see
our website at Current research areas in the
Department include applied analysis, numerical analysis and scientific
computing, differential equations, optimization and optimal control,
mathematical modeling, mathematical biology and stochastic
processes. The departmental culture encourages significant
interdisciplinary research collaboration outside the department, with
a strong emphasis to involve undergraduate, as well as graduate
students, in the research activities. UMBC is a public research
university which integrates teaching and research, and has a strong
emphasis on science and engineering at the graduate level. UMBC is
located between Baltimore and Washington, and is in close proximity to
several federal research agencies.
A complete application should include a cover letter, C.V., summary of
current research program, teaching statement, and three letters of
reference. All application materials should be submitted through
MathJobs. Screening of applicants will commence December 1, 2016, and
will continue until the position is filled.
Applications from minorities, women, veterans, and individuals with
disabilities are especially encouraged. UMBC is an NSF-ADVANCE
institution and an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.
From: Lana Byrge [email protected]
Date: October 14, 2016
Subject: Professor Positions, Univ of Nevada, Reno
Three Tenure-Track Faculty Positions in Mechanical Engineering
University of Nevada, Reno The University of Nevada, Reno Mechanical
Engineering Department has three tenured/tenure-track faculty
openings. Two of the positions are at any rank with expertise in
Thermal/Fluid Science; System Dynamics and Control; Advanced
Manufacturing; Materials Processing; and Solid Mechanics. For a
complete position description or to apply please go to: The third position is at the
Assistant professor level, with expertise in any Mechanical
Engineering High Performance Computing field For a complete position
description or to apply please go to: The positions will be
available July 1, 2017. Full consideration will be given to candidates
who apply by January 16, 2017. In the last five years, the College of
Engineering has witnessed an unprecedented growth in student
enrollment and number of faculty positions. The College is positioned
to further enhance its growth of its students, faculty, staff,
facilities as well as its research productivity and its graduate and
undergraduate programs. The University of Nevada, Reno recognizes
that diversity promotes excellence in education and research. We are
an inclusive and engaged community and recognize the added value that
students, faculty, and staff from different backgrounds bring to the
educational experience. EEO/AA Women, under-represented groups,
individuals with disabilities, and veterans are encouraged to apply.
From: Axel Voigt [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2016
Subject: Junior Professorship Position, Applied Mathematics, TU Dresden
The Faculty of Science, Department of Mathematics invites applications
for a Junior Professorship (W1) in Applied Mathematics at the
Institute of Scientific Computing starting at April, 1, 2017 for a
duration of 4 years. The junior professor will be appointed as a
fixed-term civil servant. Provided that her or his performance will be
evaluated positively, employment may be extended to a total of 6
years. The applicant should primary teach lectures in the area of
Applied Mathematics. Teaching responsibilities are first 4 hours of
instruction per week. We expect acquisition of third-party funds and
cooperation within the Department of Mathematics and other academic
units of the TU Dresden. The participation in academic
self-administration is required. The applicant should be able to
represent the area of mathematical modeling and numerical simulation
(for example on the basis of partial differential equations) in one of
the topics of research profile lines of the TU Dresden. A willingness
and ability to conduct classes in English is expected. Applicants must
fulfil the employment qualification requirements according to Section
63 of the Act Governing Academic Freedom in Higher Education in the
Free State of Saxony (Sachsisches Hochschulfreiheitsgesetz -
SachsHSFG). TU Dresden offers a programme that is tailored towards
the specific needs of junior professors. Junior professors will find
network meetings, mentoring programmes and also training packages and
individual coaching particularly helpful. TU Dresden seeks to employ
more women professors. Hence we particularly encourage women to
apply. Applications from disabled candidates or those with additional
support needs are very welcome. Questions will be answered by
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Axel Voigt (axel- [email protected]). Please
send your application including a CV with academic background and
scientific development, a list of publications and third-party funds,
a list of teaching activities, results of evaluations (if available)
and copies of certificates as well as an electronic version on CD
until 03.11.2016 (stamped arrival date of the university central mail
service applies) to: TU Dresden, Dekan der Fakultat Mathematik und
Naturwissenschaften, Herrn Prof. Dr. rer. nat. habil. Clemens
Kirschbaum, 01062 Dresden.
From: Des Higham [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2016
Subject: Academic Positions, Univ of Strathclyde
The Strathclyde Chancellor's Fellowship Scheme will appoint up to 20
new, early career, academic staff members in areas of strategic
- numerical analysis & scientific computing, and
- complexity, big data & network analysis.
Further details at
From: David Pardo [email protected]
Date: October 17, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Computational and Applied Mathematics
We offer a postdoctoral fellow position in computational and applied
Title: Efficient simulation of geophysical electromagnetic measurements
using a dimensionally adaptive high-order finite element method.
Abstract: An accurate assessment of the material properties of the
Earth's subsurface is fundamental to many important societal
endeavours, such as to increase hydrocarbon extraction, improve the
design of geothermal energy systems, monitor subsurface CO2-
sequestration, predict earthquakes, and estimate seismic hazards. This
subsurface assessment is obtained via computer simulations, which are
used to (a) design proper measurement acquisition systems and (b)
solve the so-called "inverse problem". The postdoctoral fellow will
work on the development of a parallel implementation of a
dimensionally adaptive high-order finite element software that is
capable of efficiently combining 1D, 2D, and 3D subdomains within the
same wave propagation problem.
Supervisor: David Pardo (University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU,
Place: Department of Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Operational
Research, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). Leioa, Bizkaia,
Starting Date: Nov-Dec. 2016.
For applications and additional info, contact as soon as possible to
David Pardo ([email protected]), and send him an email with your CV
in Spanish or English. Selection process started and open until the
position is filled.
From: Denis Ridzal [email protected]
Date: October 15, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, John von Neumann Fellow, Sandia National Labs
The Center for Computing Research and the Computer Sciences and
Information Systems Center at Sandia National Laboratories invite
outstanding candidates to apply for the 2017 John von Neumann
Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Computational Science. This
prestigious fellowship is supported by the Applied Mathematics
Research Program in the U.S. Department of Energy's Office of Advanced
Scientific Computing Research. The fellowship provides an exceptional
opportunity for innovative research in computational mathematics and
scientific computing on advanced computing architectures with
application to a broad range of science and engineering problems of
national importance. Applicants must have or soon receive a Ph.D. in
applied/computational mathematics or related computational science and
engineering disciplines. Applicants must have less than three years
of postdoctoral experience. This appointment is for one year, with a
possible renewal for a second year, and includes a highly competitive
salary, moving expenses and a generous professional travel allowance.
Applications will be reviewed upon receipt. Complete applications
received by December 1, 2016 will receive full consideration; the
position will remain open until filled.
For more information, including application instructions, please see
our web page at
Equal Opportunity Employer. M/F/D/V.
From: Jonathan Hu [email protected]
Date: October 12, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Parallel Multigrid Algorithms, Sandia National Labs
The Scalable Algorithms Department in the Center for Computing
Research at Sandia National Labs is seeking one or more postdoctoral
appointees to conduct cutting-edge research and development in
parallel multigrid algorithms. The research performed in these
positions is motivated by difficult problems arising from applications
in energy, climate, and national security and focused on overcoming
computational challenges posed by high-performance next-generation
scientific computing architectures.
Possible topics include high performance multithreaded C++ multigrid
solver development on advanced manycore architectures, and multigrid
algorithm development for computationally challenging problems
involving high order discretizations, structured and semistructured
meshes, and/or highly varying coefficients.
For more information, please visit, or search for job
opening 655076 at, or contact
one of us directly.
Jonathan Hu ([email protected])
Ray Tuminaro ([email protected])
Chris Siefert ([email protected])
From: Mike Kirby [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute, Univ of Utah
The Scientific Computing and Imaging (SCI) Institute at the University
of Utah and the Center for Multiscale Modeling of Electronic Materials
(MSME) invites applications for one post-doctoral researcher for
interdisciplinary work spanning applied mathematics, computer science
and material sciences. The successful candidate will perform research
in the development, implementation and application of computational
and applied mathematic methods to multiscale algorithms developed at
both the continuum level and molecular dynamics level, and will work
closely with SCI Institute researchers and external collaborators to
integrate research into SCI Institute software applications and apply
this software to compelling problems in science and
engineering. Previous postdocs who have held this position benefited
from its interdisciplinary nature: placing individuals with strong
applied mathematics and computing skills at the interface of realistic
and compelling engineering problems involving electronic storage
devices (batteries and fuel cells) and electronic devices and
methodologies (such as optimization of plasmonic nanoparticles).
This position has three main responsibilities:
1) Development of applied mathematics (kirgging and surrogate surface
modeling, approximation theory, reduced-order modeling, uncertainty
quantification, numerical methods, etc.) techniques for various
multiscale systems.
2) Implementation and evaluation of these methodologies within
collaborative codes bases.
3) Scientific interaction between the Applied and Computational
Mathematics and Uncertainty Quantification Group and other engineering
areas within our Multiscale Modeling Center (MSME).
Being self-motivated and having good organizational, communication,
and teamwork skills is essential.
Preferences on Start Date: As soon as possible, preferably before
December 1, 2016.
From: Martin Tygel [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Seismic Imaging, Brazil
A postdoctoral position (one year) in seismic imaging in anisotropic
media is available at Center for Computational Engineering & Sciences
(CCES) at the University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas-Brazil. This
project is funded by the Research Foundation of the State of Sao
Paulo (Fapesp) in the framework of the Research, Innovation and
Dissemination Centers (RIDC) program. It will focus on the development
of algorithms for processing and imaging of seismic reflection data,
so as to extend the Common-Reflection-Method to anisotropic media. We
are seeking an individual with a PhD in Applied Mathematics,
Computing, Geophysics and related areas and skills in numerical
methods and seismic processing with interest in interacting with other
partners of the oil and gas industry. The successful candidate will be
expected to work collaboratively with academics and industry teams and
will be based at the Center for Petroleum Studies (CEPETRO-Unicamp).
Review of applications will begin October 14th 2016 and continue until
October 29th 2016. Funding support from CCES available for one year.
Applications should be submitted through [email protected]
From: Jennifer Erway [email protected]
Date: October 13, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Wake Forest Univ
pplications are invited for one or more openings as Teacher-Scholar
Postdoctoral Fellows in all areas of Mathematics and Statistics
including Mathematics, Applied Mathematics, Computational Mathematics
and Statistics beginning July 2017. We seek highly qualified
candidates who have a commitment to excellence in both teaching and
research. Primary consideration will be given to candidates whose
research interests overlap with existing faculty. A Ph.D. in
Mathematics, Statistics or a related area is required. The department
has twenty-four members and offers both a B.A. and a B.S. in
Mathematics, a B.A. and a B.S. in Mathematical Statistics, a B.S. in
Mathematical Economics, a B.S. in Mathematical Business, and a B.S. in
Interdisciplinary Mathematics. The department has a graduate program
offering an M.A. with a track in each of Mathematics and Mathematical
Statistics. A complete application will include a letter of
application, curriculum vitae, teaching statement, research statement,
graduate transcripts, and three letters of recommendation. The letter
of application should explain why the teaching and research
environment at Wake Forest is a good fit for the
candidate. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled,
but to guarantee full consideration they should be received by January
1, 2017. Applicants are encouraged to post materials electronically at Hard copy can be sent to Dr. Edward
E. Allen, Wake Forest University, Department of Mathematics and
Statistics, P.O. Box 7388, Winston-Salem, NC 27109 ([email protected], ). Wake Forest University is an AA/EO employer
and values an inclusive and diverse learning community and campus
From: Pietro Orciuolo [email protected]
Date: October 16, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Applied Math/Computational Science, King Abdullah Univ Of S&T
We are inviting applications for a Ph.D. position that is open in the
"Computational aero and gas dynamics" research group at the King
Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Extreme Computing
Research Center. The project will involve developing and using robust
massively parallel high-fidelity and high accuracy simulation
capabilities to uncover complex flow patterns into the structure of
dense gas flows for studying real gas effects and nonclassical gas
dynamics phenomena in complex flows. The student will work on novel
implementation strategies for targeting the emerging heterogeneous
computing hardware using a large supercomputer and computing clusters
equipped with CPUs and GPUs (multicore hardware). The successful
candidate will be involved in the publication of journal articles and
conference presentations of the research results obtained in this
projects. The research will involve collaborations with the research
group "Laboratory of Compressible-fluid dynamics for Renewable Energy
Applications at Politecnico di Milano", and other top- tier
institutions in USA. The student will learn about cutting-edge
high-order/variable-order accurate CFD algorithms for unstructured
grids, currently under development at the King Abdullah University of
Science and Technology, NASA Langley, Sandia National Lab, and the
University of Bergen.
The qualified candidate must have:
- a MS/MSc in Aerospace or Mechanical Engineering or Physics with
a strong background in computer and computational sciences
(knowledge of c, or c++, and/or Fortran).
- a good command of English and technical writing skills.
Candidates with background in Applied Mathematics, Computer Science,
and High Performance Computing are encouraged to apply. Hands-on
experience in code development and CUDA knowledge is welcome.
Application Material: Informal enquires regarding the position can be
made to Pietro Orciuolo ([email protected]) and should
include a complete professional CV, with information on educational
background, experience, and a list of publications if any.
Appointment, salary and benefits: The PhD student is entitled a free
tuition and will receive a competitive stipend. Sponsored
accommodation on campus, medical insurance coverage, and free access
to various on-campus recreational facilities are also provided.
End of Digest