NA Digest, V. 16, # 37

NA Digest Tuesday, October 04, 2016 Volume 16 : Issue 37

Today's Editor:

Daniel M. Dunlavy
Sandia National Labs
[email protected]

Today's Topics: Subscribe, unsubscribe, change address, or for na-digest archives:

Submissions for NA Digest:

From: John Reid [email protected]
Date: October 02, 2016
Subject: John Mason (1941-2016)

It is with great sadness that I report the death of John Mason,
Emeritus Professor at the University of Huddersfield and formerly
Professor at Shrivenham. Over recent years, he has been increasingly
afflicted by Parkinson's disease and was finally unable to cope with
an infection.
John had a distinguished career working in approximation theory,
particularly using Chebyshev polynomials, admirably collected in his
book with David Handscomb, published in 2002. He published over 100
papers, 9 other books, and supervised many students.
John's career began at the University of Maryland (1965-1967) and
the University of Toronto (1967-1972). Believing in living life to the
full, a part-time activity was writing and performing in satirical
revues. This was very successful and he decided in 1972 that he wanted
to return to England and switch to the stage as his principal
activity. For 18 months, he wrote for Week Ending on BBC Radio 4. He
mounted a review at the 1976 Edinburgh Festival Fringe that among
others featured Douglas Adams (later of Hitch-hiker's Guide to the
Galaxy) and John Lloyd (later of Blackadder and Spitting Image).
Most of John's career was at Shrivenham where he was promoted to
Professor soon after the merger with Cranfield University. He was a
very skilful subject leader, identifying opportunities to expand the
range of mathematical and computational activities and fostering
graduate students. He moved to the University of Huddersfield in
1994. There, too, he was very successful in building up the
postgraduate programs.
John may be remembered particularly for his brilliant after-dinner
speeches. He applied all his revue-writing skills to the topic in
John is survived by his wife Moya, who has devotedly looked after
him as his illness progressed, and his son Chad, who has inherited his
father's taste for the stage.

From: Guntram Berti [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2016
Subject: Call for HPC-Cloud-based Application Experiments

On the 21st of September 2016 the Fortissimo-2 consortium announced
the launch of its Second Open Call for proposals. The Fortissimo-2
project (EU Horizon 2020 contract 680481) is funding a set of
application experiments (sub-projects) to extend and demonstrate the
business potential of an ecosystem for HPC-Cloud services,
specifically for applications involving the simulation of coupled
physical processes or high-performance data analytics for engineering
or manufacturing.

Experiments are at the core of Fortissimo-2 and its forerunner project
Fortissimo. Additional application experiments are sought to
complement the current set of nearly 80 experiments in both
projects. These application experiments should be driven by
requirements from the end-users (SMEs or mid-caps who are first-time
HPC users) and bring together all actors in the value chain, from
cycle providers to domain experts, leading to new and improved design
processes, products or services.

Up to 175000 EUR funding is available for each experiment selected.
The call will close on December 7th, 2016. Detailed information on
the call and the Fortissimo projects is given at

From: Carol Woodward [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: New SUNDIALS Release, v 2.7.0

The SUNDIALS Team announces a new release, version 2.7.0, of the
SUNDIALS suite of ODE, DAE and nonlinear integrator/solver software
with sensitivity analysis. To access the code and further information,
please go to:

Summary of major changes in SUNDIALS v.2.7.0:
- Two new NVECTOR modules added: for Hypre ParVector and PETSC. These
can be used by users wishing to invoke a hypre or PETSc linear
solver. Later SUNDIALS releases will include interfaces for
accessing solvers from these libraries.
- In vector API, added new required function, N_VGetVectorID.
- Upgrades to sparse solver interfaces; now support CSR matrix type
with KLU solver.
- In all packages, fixed memory leak in banded preconditioner
- Additional example programs added throughout.
- Numerous bug fixes throughout.
- In IDA and IDAS: added optional input function IDASetMaxBacksIC to
limit number of linesearch backtrack operations in IDACalcIC. User
guides amended accordingly.
- In ARKode:
-- implicit predictor algorithms were updated: methods 2 and 3 were
improved, a new predictor approach was added, and the default
choice was modified.
-- revised handling of integer codes for specifying built-in Butcher
-- maximum number of Butcher table stages was increased from 8 to 15
to accommodate very high order methods, and an 8th-order adaptive
ERK method was added.

More details of changes for each package can be found at:

From: Linda Petzold [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2016
Subject: StochSS Version 1.8 Release

StochSS: Stochastic Simulation Service, is an integrated development
environment for modeling and simulation of discrete stochastic
biochemical systems. An easy to use GUI enables researchers to
quickly develop and simulate biological models on a desktop or laptop,
which can then be expanded or combined to incorporate increasing
levels of complexity. As the demand for computational power
increases, StochSS is able to seamlessly scale up by deploying cloud
computing resources. The software currently supports simulation of
ODE and well-mixed discrete stochastic models, parameter estimation of
discrete stochastic models, and simulation of spatial stochastic

New capabilities of Version 1.8 include:
- Parameter Sweep tool facilitates 1D/2D parameter sweeps for all
- Integration of Jupyter Notebooks on job result pages for
post-processing analysis
- Status page updates for filtering and automatic forwarding of
running->finished jobs

For more details and instructions on how to obtain the code, visit us

Linda Petzold and Chandra Krintz University of California Santa Barbara
Per Lotstedt and Andreas Hellander Uppsala University

From: Stephan Rave [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2016
Subject: pyMOR 0.4 Released

The pyMOR development team is happy to announce the release of version
0.4 of pyMOR (, a modern Python-based open source
library of model order reduction algorithms that can be easily
integrated with third-party partial differential equation solvers.

Highlights of this release are:

- Support for the FEniCS and deal.II PDE solver libraries.
- Parallelization of pyMOR's reduction algorithms.
- Support classes for MPI distributed PDE solvers.
- Adaptive greedy basis generation.
- Generic reduction error estimation for parabolic problems.
- Copy-on-write semantics for VectorArrays.
- Multiple improvements to pyMOR's discretizaion tookit.
- Improved cache backend.

The full release notes can be found under the following address:

From: Alessandro Veneziani [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: Mathematical Modeling in Cardiovascular Healthcare, USA, Oct 2016

The Office of Science and Technology of the Embassy of France and The
Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Emory University,
Atlanta (GA) USA present a two-day workshop on

Mathematical Modeling in Cardiovascular Healthcare
October 20-21 2016 - 9.30AM-4.30PM
Emory University
Dept. Math & CS and Emory University Hospital

Cost: Free, registration required at

Mathematicians and computer scientists have been working closely with
physicians to improve the comprehension of heart diseases, helping
design new therapies and devices, and ultimately enhancing the
decision-making process in cardiovascular healthcare. This two-day
scientific workshop will focus on clinical challenges in coronary and
aortic diseases, exploring current advanced tools of numerical
modeling in computational mechanics for cardiovascular diseases, and
discussing quantitative patient-specific analysis. French and American
researchers in mathematical modeling and physicians will present their
latest results and exchange on current developments in the field. The
objective of this event is to foster new opportunities for scientific
collaborations between France and the U.S. Southeast.

SPEAKERS: J.F. Gerbeau (INRIA, Paris); F. Nicoud (Univ Montpellier);
R. Chopard (Besancon Hospital); H. Samady (Emory University Hospital,
Interventional Cardiology); F. Tong (Emory University Hospital,
Neuroradiology); A. Veneziani (Math&CS, Emory University)

Welcome address by Spencer King III

Remote connection will be possible

From: Michele Ruggeri [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2016
Subject: Nonlinear PDEs and Gradient Flows, Vienna, Nov 2016

Nonlinear PDEs and Gradient Flows: Analytical and Numerical Aspects
November 21, 2016 - TU Wien, Vienna, Austria

The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working on
nonlinear PDEs, gradient flows and related problems, either from a
modeling, analytical or numerical point of view.

Confirmed speakers:
- Nadia Ansini (Sapienza University of Rome) "Gradient flows with
wiggly potential: a variational approach to the dynamics"
- John W. Barrett (Imperial College London),"Stable parametric finite
element approximations for Willmore-type flows"
- Soeren Bartels (University of Freiburg), "Gradient flows for
constrained geometric partial differential equations"
- Bertram Duering (University of Sussex), "Lagrangian schemes for
Wasserstein gradient flows"
- Jan Maas (IST Austria), "Gradient flows and entropy inequalities for
quantum systems with detailed balance"
- Riccarda Rossi (University of Brescia), "Singular perturbations and
balanced viscosity solutions of gradient flows in Hilbert spaces"
- Martin Rumpf (University of Bonn), "A constrained optimization
approach for the evolution of thin films on curved surfaces"

Registration deadline: October 31, 2016

For more information (workshop program, abstracts, registration),
please refer to the workshop webpage:

From: Mehiddin Al-Baali [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2016
Subject: Numerical Analysis and Optimization, Oman, Jan 2017

NAOIV-2017 (Numerical Analysis and Optimization: Theory, Methods,
Applications and Technology Transfer) is the 4th conference in a
series organized every three years. It will be held at Sultan Qaboos
University, Muscat, Oman, on January 2-5, 2017. The website is

Registration is required for all those wishing to attend the
conference (available places, particularly for those outside Oman, are
limited). If a participant wishes to contribute a talk for 20 minutes,
an abstract should be submitted either online via the website or by email to
[email protected] or [email protected].

Abstract Submission Deadline: November 28, 2016.
Registration Deadline: December 12, 2016.

Invited Speakers: Adil Bagirov (University of Ballarat, Australia),
Oleg Burdakov (Linkoping University, Sweden), Andrew R. Conn (IBM
Research Center, USA), Yu-Hong Dai (Chinese Academy of Science,
China), Iain Duff (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK), Mahmoud
M. El-Alem (Alexandria University, Egypt), Messoud Efendiyev
(Helmholtz Center Munich, Germany), Francesca Guerriero (Calabria
University, Italy), Michael Hintermuller (Humboldt-Universitaet zu
Berlin, Germany), Nezam Mahdavi-Amiri (Sharif University of
Technology, Iran), John Miller (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland),
Hans Mittelmann (Arizona State University, USA), Dominique Orban
(Ecole Polytechnique de Montreal, Canada), Amiya Kumar Pani (Institute
of Technology Bombay, India), Florian A. Potra (University of
Maryland, USA), Cornelis Roos (Delft University of Technology, The
Netherlands), Ekkehard W. Sachs (University of Trier, Germany),
Michael Saunders (Stanford University, USA), Philippe L. Toint
(University of Namur, Belgium), Maria Teresa Vespucci (Bergamo
University, Italy).

From: James Nagy [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: Householder Symposium, USA, Jun 2017

The Householder Symposium XX on Numerical Linear Algebra will be held
at The Inn at Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA, USA, 18-23 June 2017.

Web page:
Application deadline: 31 October 2016
Notification of acceptance: 15 February 2017

Attendance at the meeting is by invitation only. Applications are
welcome from researchers in numerical linear algebra, matrix theory,
and related areas such as optimization, differential equations, signal
processing, and control. Each attendee will be given the opportunity
to present a talk or a poster. Some talks will be plenary lectures,
while others will be shorter presentations arranged in parallel

The Symposium is very informal, with the intermingling of young and
established researchers a priority. Participants are expected to
attend the entire meeting. It is expected that partial support will be
available for some students, early career participants, and
participants from countries with limited resources.

The sixteenth Householder Award for the best PhD thesis in numerical
linear algebra (PhD earned between 1 January 2014, and 31 December
2016) will be presented. Nominations for the Householder Award are due
by 31 January 2017.

The Householder Symposium takes place in cooperation with the Society
for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM) and the SIAM Activity
Group on Linear Algebra.

From: David Chappell [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2016
Subject: Boundary Integral Methods, UK, Jul 2017

UKBIM11: The 11th UK Conference on Boundary Integral Methods
10th-11th July 2017, Nottingham, UK

Call for Papers:
Mathematicians, scientists and engineers who are interested in the
theory and application of boundary integral methods are invited to
submit papers relating to all aspects of boundary integral methods for
presentation at the conference. The deadline for the submission of
abstracts is Monday 30th January 2017.

More information can be found on the conference website

For general enquiries please e-mail: [email protected]

From: David Chappell [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2016
Subject: Innovations in Wave Modelling 2017, UK, Jul 2017

InnoWave 2017: Innovations in Wave Modelling 2017
12th-14th July 2017, Nottingham, UK

Call for abstracts:
Mathematicians, scientists and engineers who are interested in the
theory and application of numerical modelling tools for complex
wave dynamics are invited to submit an abstract for a contributed
talk at InnoWave 2017. The deadline for the submission
of abstracts is Friday 3rd March 2017. The conference is sponsored
by the EU through the InnoWave 2017: Innovations in Wave Modelling 2017
12th-14th July 2017, Nottingham, UK

Call for abstracts: Mathematicians, scientists and engineers who are
interested in the theory and application of numerical modelling tools
for complex wave dynamics are invited to submit an abstract for a
contributed talk at InnoWave 2017. The deadline for the submission of
abstracts is Friday 3rd March 2017. The conference is sponsored by the
EU through the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Industry-Academia Partnerships
and Pathways FP7 grant Mid-to-High Frequency Modelling of Vehicle
Noise and Vibration (MHiVec), and will include a number of invited
plenary talks.

More information can be found on the conference website

For general enquiries please e-mail: [email protected]

Partnerships and Pathways FP7 grant Mid-to-High Frequency Modelling
of Vehicle Noise and Vibration (MHiVec), and will include a number
of invited plenary talks.

More information can be found on the conference website

For general enquiries please e-mail: [email protected]

From: Ned Nedialkov [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2016
Subject: Scientific Computing and Numerical Analysis, Canada, Jul 2017

The 3rd Canadian Symposium on Scientific Computing and Numerical
Analysis will take place during the Annual Meeting of the Canadian
Society of Applied and Industrial Mathematics (CAIMS 2017) from July
17 to 21, 2017 at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Nova Scotia; url

The goal of this symposium is to provide a forum for the presentation
of recent developements on theory, algorithms, software and
applications in scientific computing. Graduate students are
particularly encouraged to participate, and there will be an award for
best graduate student presentation.

The plenary speaker is Patrick Farrell, Mathematics Institute,
University of Oxford, UK.

We would like to invite abstract submissions by e-mail (at most 200
words) to any of the organizers
Alexander Bihlo (Memorial University), [email protected]
Ned Nedialkov (McMaster University), [email protected]
Sander Rhebergen (University of Waterloo), [email protected]

From: Kim Knudsen [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2016
Subject: Computational Inverse Problems, Denmark, Aug 2017

PCH60: Computational Inverse Problems - Insight and Algorithms A
workshop on the occasion of Per Christian Hansen's 60th birthday
Copenhagen, Denmark, August 23-25, 2017


The workshop aims at bringing together researchers who are interested
in computational aspects of inverse problems, including regularization
methods, parameter-choice methods, matrix computations, iterative
methods, and software.

The invited speakers are:
- Joost Batenburg, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica
- Martin Hanke, University of Mainz
- Misha E. Kilmer, Tufts University
- Klaus Mosegaard, Copenhagen University
- James G. Nagy, Emory University
- Lothar Reichel, Kent State University

The workshop will take place at IDA Modecenter, beautifully located in
the center of Copenhagen at the waterfront.

Martin S. Andersen, Yiqiu Dong and Kim Knudsen, DTU Compute

From: Melina Freitag [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: SciCADE 2017, UK, Sep 2017

Registration for SciCADE 2017 is now open:

SciCADE 2017 will be held at the University of Bath, UK, September
11-15, 2017.

There is a call for minisymposia proposals with deadline 15th November

Invited minisymposia are listed on the website.

Those interested in giving a contributed talk should submit an
abstract through the web page of the conference.

Confirmed invited speakers are:
Martin Burger (University of Muenster, Germany)
Martin Gander (University of Geneva, Switzerland)
Anne Gelb (Arizona State University, USA)
Patrick Joly (ENSTA ParisTech, France)
Rachel Kuske (UBC Vancouver, Canada)
Hans Munthe-Kaas (University of Bergen, Norway)
Anne-Karin Tornberg (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)

From: Fang Hu [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2016
Subject: Tenured/Tenure-Track Position, Computational Math/Data Science

Applications are invited for a tenure-track/tenured position at the
Associate or Full Professor level in the Department of Mathematics and
Statistics at Old Dominion University, starting in Fall 2017. The
department is seeking an outstanding scholar and leader in some of the
new emerging areas of data science in computational mathematics with a
demonstrated excellence in research, a strong record in peer- reviewed
research grant funding, and commitment to teaching and mentoring
undergraduate and graduate students. The successful person will have a
Ph.D. in mathematics, high performance computing/data science or a
related field and serve the university new initiative in Big Data
Analytics and Data Science. Salary is competitive and commensurate
with qualification and experience. It is anticipated that the new
faculty will expand the department course offerings, mentor junior
faculty and graduate students. The Department of Mathematics and
Statistics is one of seven degree- granting departments in the College
of Sciences and currently has 44 full-time faculty members, including
24 on the tenured/tenure track and 20 lecturers. The Department has
robust undergraduate and graduate programs: a B.S. degree program in
Mathematics with more than 170 undergraduate majors; and M.S. and
Ph.D. degrees programs in Computational and Applied Mathematics with
options in Applied Mathematics, Statistics, and Biostatistics with
approximately 40 graduate students. A B.S. concentration in Big Data
Analytics is being proposed. The Department ranks in the top 16% of
NSF's total and federally financed higher education R&D expenditures
in the Mathematical Sciences. The Department receives substantial
state support and peer-reviewed research grant support, from NSF,
NASA, NIA, VDEQ, VSGC and other agencies. It is also supported by
endowment funds. Many opportunities exist for collaboration and
interaction with faculty members in the Department, other Departments
of the College of Sciences and the University, the Virginia Modeling,
Analysis and Simulation Center (VMASC) of the University and at nearby
institutions: Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS); the National
Institute of Aerospace (NIA); the NASA-Langley Research Center; and
the Jefferson Laboratory. Further information regarding the Department
may be obtained at

Interested individuals should submit a letter of interest, a copy of
curriculum vitae, a research statement, a statement of teaching
philosophy, and contact information for three or more professional
references to Review of the applications will
begin December 15, 2016 and continue until the position is filled.

Old Dominion University is an equal opportunity, affirmative action
institution. Minorities, women, veterans and individuals with
disabilities are strongly encouraged to apply.

From: Kristjan Onu [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2016
Subject: Physical Scientist Position, Environment Canada

Research and development projects within the Meteorological Service of
Canada and the Science & Technology Branch in Dorval (Quebec).

Essential qualifications:
- Master's or Doctorate degree in meteorology, atmospheric sciences,
oceanic sciences, physics, applied mathematics or another closely
related science.
- Significant participation in scientific projects linked to
atmospheric, oceanic, surface or hydrologic numerical modeling
- Significant participation in computer programming
- Significant participation in scientific data analysis or data

Restricted to persons residing in Canada and Canadian citizens
residing abroad.

From: Christian Clason [email protected]
Date: October 04, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Inverse Problems, Univ Duisburg-Essen

The Faculty of Mathematics at the University of Duisburg-Essen is
inviting applications for a position (wissenschaftliche(r)
Mitarbeiter(in), 100% TV-L 13, three year contract) in the research
project "Parameter identification in models with sharp phase
transition" within the priority programme SPP 1962

The successful candidate will have a Master's degree in mathematics,
solid knowledge of inverse problems, nonsmooth optimization and/or
optimization of partial differential equations or variational
inequalities as well as experience in the numerical realization of
algorithms and their application to concrete problems. Applications
including a CV and copies of relevant certificates should be sent to

Christian Clason
Universitat Duisburg-Essen
Fakulty of Mathematics
45117 Essen

or via email to [email protected]

The deadline is October 24, 2016.

As an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer, the
university explicitly encourages applications from women as well as
from all others who would bring additional diversity dimensions to the
university's research and teaching strategies. Preference will be
given within the framework of legal possibilities to such candidates
with essentially the same qualifications.

For more details, please see the official announcement of the
university at (PDF, in German). Information
about the research group and the faculty can be found at

From: Sarah Dance [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Position, Data Assimilation, Reading, UK

PDRA in Data Assimilation for Urban Flood Inundation Modelling

Full-time, fixed term (up to 48 months), Department of Meteorology,
University of Reading, UK

We seek an enthusiastic research scientist for a postdoctoral research
position, funded by the EPSRC project "Data Assimilation for the
Resilient City" (DARE). Data assimilation (DA) is an emerging,
mathematical technique fusing complex computational models with
heterogeneous observations. The objective for the post is to use
advanced DA to create a step-change in skill for numerical predictions
of urban flooding. The post holder will undertake research in data
assimilation for flood inundation modelling, using synthetic aperture
radar data alongside datasets of opportunity such as smartphone
photographs and CCTV.

For more information visit

From: Stefan Wild [email protected]
Date: September 28, 2016
Subject: Postdoc Positions, Optimization, Argonne National Laboratory

The Mathematics and Computer Science Division at Argonne National
Laboratory seeks well-prepared candidates for postdoctoral fellow
positions in nonlinear optimization algorithms.

The positions will include software development and/or theory in
support of algorithms for robust optimization and design under
uncertainty in areas of interest to the applied mathematics and
numerical software group. Current optimization areas of interest
include derivative-free, mixed-integer nonlinear, parallel/concurrent,
PDE-constrained, robust, multi-objective, and simulation-based

Applicants should have comprehensive experience/expertise in
computational mathematics, optimization, or statistics, and
programming in C, Matlab, Python, or another scientific programming
language. Considerable knowledge is desired at least one of
theory/analysis of optimization algorithms or parallel computing.

Candidates should apply at

Openings are available immediately, but there is flexibility in start
dates for highly qualified candidates. More information can be
obtained from Sven Leyffer ([email protected]), Todd Munson
([email protected]), and Stefan Wild ([email protected]).

From: Thanos Antoulas [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: PhD Position, Data-driven Model Order Reduction

Applicants are sought for the PhD position described next:

From: Kris Garrett [email protected]
Date: October 03, 2016
Subject: Student Position, Parallel Computing, Los Alamos National Lab

We're excited to let you know we are accepting applications for the
2017 Parallel Computing Summer Research Internship at Los Alamos
National Laboratory. This summer program allows students to learn
about high-performance computing with research projects applied to
real scientific applications on cutting edge architectures. You can
get more information at the website
with information about 2016 students, mentors, and projects. The
application deadline submission is January 27, 2017. If you have any
questions, don't hesitate to direct them to
[email protected].

From: Piotr Matus [email protected]
Date: September 30, 2016
Subject: Contents, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 4


1. Numerical Approximation of Multi-Phase Penrose-Fife Systems,
Graser, Carsten / Kahnt, Max / Kornhuber, Ralf. Pp, 523-542

2. Tailored Finite Point Method for Parabolic Problems, Huang, Zhongyi
/ Yang, Yi, Pp, 543-562

3. A Weakly Penalized Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Radiation in
Dense, Scattering Media, Kanschat, Guido / Lucero Lorca, Jose Pablo,
Pp, 563-578

4, Robust Numerical Upscaling of Elliptic Multiscale Problems at High
Contrast, Peterseim, Daniel / Scheichl, Robert, Pp. 579-604

5. Chinese-German Computational and Applied Mathematics, Hoppe, Ronald
H. W. / Hu, Jun / Peter, Malte A. / Rannacher, Rolf / Shi, Zhongci /
Xu, Xuejun. Pp. 605-608

6. Functional A Posteriori Error Control for Conforming Mixed
Approximations of Coercive Problems with Lower Order Terms, Anjam,
Immanuel / Pauly, Dirk. Pp. 609-633

7. Super-Exponentially Convergent Parallel Algorithm for Eigenvalue
Problems with Fractional Derivatives, Demkiv, Ihor / Gavrilyuk, Ivan
P. / Makarov, Volodymyr L.Pp. 633-652

8. A Nonconforming Finite Element Approximation for Optimal Control of
an Obstacle Problem, Dond, Asha K. / Gudi, Thirupathi / Nataraj,
Neela. Pp. 653-666

9. Construction of Scalar and Vector Finite Element Families on
Polygonal and Polyhedral Meshes, Gillette, Andrew / Rand, Alexander /
Bajaj, Chandrajit. Pp. 667-684

10. Optimal Control for the Thin Film Equation: Convergence of a
Multi-Parameter Approach to Track State Constraints Avoiding
Degeneracies, Klein, Markus / Prohl, Andreas. Pp. 685-702.

From: Kathryn Roberts [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: Contents, IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 36 (4)

IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis
Links to all articles in this issue are available online at:

Eduard Feireisl, Trygve Karper, and Antonin Novotny, A convergent
numerical method for the Navier-Stokes-Fourier system

V. Bonnaillie-Noel, J. A. Carrillo, T. Goudon, and G. A. Pavliotis,
Efficient numerical calculation of drift and diffusion coefficients in
the diffusion approximation of kinetic equations

Yanlai Chen, Bernardo Cockburn, and Bo Dong, A new discontinuous
Galerkin method, conserving the discrete H2- norm, for third-order
linear equations in one space dimension

Fritz Kretzschmar, Andrea Moiola, Ilaria Perugia, and Sascha M.
Schnepp, A priori error analysis of space-time Trefftz discontinuous
Galerkin methods for wave problems

Jerome Droniou, Robert Eymard, and Pierre Feron, Gradient Schemes for
Stokes problem

Nicholas Hale and Alex Townsend, A fast FFT-based discrete Legendre

Jan Giesselmann and Tristan Pryer, Reduced relative entropy techniques
for a posteriori analysis of multiphase problems in elastodynamics

Alejandro Allendes, Francisco Duran, and Richard Rankin, Error
estimation for low-order adaptive finite element approximations for
fluid flow problems

Miguel A. Fernandez and Jimmy Mullaert, Convergence and error analysis
for a class of splitting schemes in incompressible fluid-structure

Martin Grothaus and Nicole Marheineke, On a nonlinear partial
differential algebraic system arising in the technical textile
industry: analysis and numerics

Guillaume Dujardin and Pauline Lafitte, Asymptotic behaviour of
splitting schemes involving time-subcycling techniques

Mariano De Leo, Diego Rial, and Constanza Sanchez de la Vega,
High-order time-splitting methods for irreversible equations

Amanda E. Diegel, Cheng Wang, and Steven M. Wise, Stability and
convergence of a second-order mixed finite element method for the
Cahn-Hilliard equation

Flore Nabet, Convergence of a finite-volume scheme for the
Cahn-Hilliard equation with dynamic boundary conditions

Weifeng Qiu and Ke Shi, A superconvergent HDG method for the
incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on general polyhedral meshes

From: Gamar Mammadova [email protected]
Date: September 29, 2016
Subject: Contents, TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 7 (2)

TWMS Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 7, No.2, 2016
ISSN 2076-2585


Some Families of Mittag-Leffler Type Functions and Associated
Operators of Fractional Calculus (survey), H.M. Srivastava

Software Algorithms for Low-Cost Strapdown Inertial Navigation Systems
of Small UAV, V.B. Larin, A.A. Tunik

Adjoint Problem for the Laplace Equation under a Nonlocal Boundary
Condition, N.A. Aliyev, A.M. Guliyeva, S.M. Gusein-Zade

Using Elzaki Transform to Solving the Klein-Gordon Equation,
H. Alimorad D., E. Hesameddini, A. Fakharzadeh J.

Second Hankel Determinant for Bi-Univalent Analytic Functions,
B.A. Frasin, K. Vijaya, M. Kasthuri

On Ebe-Algebras, A. Rezaei, A. Borumand Saeid, A. Radfar

On Weighted Ostrowski Type Inequalities for Functions of Two Variables
with Bounded Variation, H. Budak, M.Z. Sarikaya

Method of Determining the Coefficient of Hydraulic Resistance in
Different Areas of Pump-compressor Pipes, F.A. Aliev, N.A. Ismailov

End of Digest