bug141 LAPACKE dlantr causes memory corruption
CORRECTED, rev 1602
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Dan Kortschak on LAPACK forum on Sep 6th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4788
Confirmed by Julien on Oct 7th
Corrected by Julie on Oct 21th rev 1602 (apply patch submitted by Dan Kortschak)
bug139 xSTEDC eigenvalues not sorted
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported on Oct 6th by Christoph Conrads on lapack mailing list
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/archives/lapack/msg01713.html
Confirmed by Julien on Oct 7th
Corrected by Julie on Oct 21th rev 1601 (apply patch submitted by Christoph Conrads)
bug138 :: LAPACKE_dtr_nancheck not working for trapezoidal matrix
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Dan Kortschak on LAPACK forum on Oct 5th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4810
Confirmed by Julie on Oct 5th
Corrected by Julien on Oct 5th rev 1598
bug 137 :: Dlange gives inconsistent/incorrect results for RowMajor
CORRECTED, rev 1602
Bug reported by Dan Kortschak on Sep 16th
Link: https://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4789&p=0#p0
Assigned to Julien on Sep 16th
Confirmed by Julien on Sep 16th
Corrected by Julie on Oct 21th rev 1602 (apply patch submitted by Dan Kortschak)
bug 135 :: LAPACKE_dlansy et al cause segfault with 1-norm
CORRECTED, rev 1587
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by kortschak on Sep 10th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4793
Confirmed by Julie on Sep 10th
Corrected by Julie on Sep 10th
bug 133 :: Dormlq C interface error check
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by btracey on Aug 10th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4771
Assigned to Julie on Aug 11th 2015
Confirmed by Julie on Aug 25th
Corrected by Julie on Sep 2nd
bug 132 :: dsyevr bug
Bug reported by osirpt on Aug 4th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4767
Assigned to Osni on Aug 4th 2015
Osni not able to reproduce issue - unconfirmed on Sep 24th
bug 131 :: Possible bug in DORGR2
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by hrautila on Aug 3rd
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4765
Unconfirmed by Julie on Sep 2nd 2015
Julien to send explanation
bug 129 :: LAPACK_?syconv interface problem - Work is used to return values
CORRECTED, rev 1581
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Victor Kostin (INTEL) on July 9th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4747
Confirmed by Julie on July 9th 2015
Corrected by Julie on Aug 25th 2015
bug 128 :: lapacke_?laset has limitations - pb if initialize the matrix with NaNs (Matrix assumed to be initialized by this functions)
CORRECTED, rev 1580
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Victor Kostin (INTEL) on July 9th
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4746
Confirmed by Julie on July 9th 2015
Corrected by Julien on Aug 25th 2015
bug 127 :: LAPACKE interface to ?ORCSD / ?UNCSD is not fully functional - Work is used to return values
CONFIRMED on July 9th 2015
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Victor Kostin (INTEL) on July 9th
Link http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4745
Confirmed by Julie on July 9th 2015
bug125 :: xLAHQR v3.5 does not converge on some matrices while xLAHQR v2 converges
CORRECTED, rev 1537
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Yoshihide Okimi on July 16, 2014
Link: https://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4566
and, independently, by Marco Caliari (Università di Verona) on February 11, 2015.
Involved in bug fix: Yoshihide Okimi, Marco Caliari (Università di Verona),
Meiyue Shao (LBL), Julien Langou, and Daniel Kressner (EPFL).
Confirmed and Corrected by Julien Langou on Mar 25th 2015.
bug124 :: dpstf2 returns incorrect value of rank
CORRECTED, rev 1536
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Victor (INTEL) on the LAPACK forum on December 26th 2014
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4643&p=11162#p11162
Confirmed by Julie Langou on Mar 17th 2015
Corrected by Julien Langou on Mar 25th 2015. Involved as well Nick Higham, Sven Hammarling and Craig Lucas.
bug123 :: csytrf_rook test fails for dimensions 127, 260
CORRECTED, rev 1571
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug reported by Alex (INTEL) on the LAPACK forum on September 26th 2014
Assigned to Igor (UC Berkeley) on Feb 11th 2015
Link: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4590
Confirmed by Igor on Apr 7th 2015
Corrected by Igor on Aug 11th 2015
bug122 :: Wrong Info code when checking input parameter QSIZ in SLASD7 and DLASD7
CORRECTED, rev 1504
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug report by Elena Ivanova (Oracle) directly to Julie on Oct 2nd 2014
Corrected by Julie Langou on October 6th
bug121 :: Bugs in DLASD8 and DLASD6
CORRECTED, rev 1505, 1525
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug report by forswg on the Forum - Sep 18th 2014
Links: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4586&p=11035#p11035
Seems to be related to bug 115
Corrected by Osni Marques on Oct 1st 2014
bug120 :: Workspace query return too small value for xGESDD
CORRECTED, rev 1503
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug report by Rasmus Munk Larsen, Google Knowledge & Research, Mountain View. on the Forum - Sep 18th 2014
Links: https://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4587&p=11036#p11036
Corrected by Julie Langou on September 22nd
bug119 :: CBLAS - missing the floating point constant argument in sdsdotsub
CORRECTED, rev 1493
Present in CBLAS
Bug report by by Shandong Lao fron Oracle on LAPACK Mailing List - Aug 11th 2014
bug118 :: ZLANHF and CLANHF Norm Calculation
CORRECTED, rev 1483
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug report by Themos Tsikas fron NAG Ltd on LAPACK Forum - June 16th 2014
Links: http://icl.cs.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4558
bug117 :: NSPLIT unitialized; N=2 code wrong
CORRECTED, rev 1432, 1463
Present in LAPACK 3.4.0
Bug report by Lawrence Mulholland, NAG on LAPACK Forum - July 26th 2013
Links: http://icl.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=4331
Bug fix by Ake Sandgren and Lawrence Mulholland
bug115 :: DSYEVD fails to converge
CORRECTED, rev 1505
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug report by Duncan Po on LAPACK Forum - September 12th 2013
Links: http://icl.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4391
Corrected by Osni Marques on Oct 1st 2014
bug114 :: (C, Z)GESVD stack corruption issue
CORRECTED, rev 1455
Present in LAPACK 3.5.0
Bug report by Alex Zotkevich on LAPACK Forum - September 16th 2013
Links: http://icl.utk.edu/lapack-forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=4392
Corrected by Julien Langou on Nov 26th
bug113 :: DLARRB() infinite loop bug
CORRECTED, rev 1540, rev 1603
Present in LAPACK 3.4.2
Bug report by Aleksey Vorona on LAPACK Mailing - September 11th 2013
Assigned to Osni (UC Berkeley) on Feb 11th 2015
Links: https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/show_bug.cgi?id=15211
The patch is attached to the bug: https://bugs.r-project.org/bugzilla3/attachment.cgi?id=1478
Confirmed by Osni on Mon, 06 Apr 2015
Corrected by Osni on Mon May 4th 2015
Corrected by Osni on Oct 26th 2015
Prevention fix to avoid enter into an infinite loop in some rare cases.
Fix: set the variable NOFAIL to .false.
bug111 :: incorrect RWORK size for ZGESDD
CORRECTED, rev 1535 (LAPACK), rev 1541 (LAPACKE)
Present in LAPACK 3.4.2
Bug report by Kevin Squire on LAPACK Mailing - August 15th 2013
From Kevin: We were following the recommendation for RWORK size calculation from the ZGESDD header here ( http://netlib.org/lapack/complex16/zgesdd.f), and were finding that when INFO=N, the size was insufficient, and generally led to a segmentation fault.
The current definition says that "If JOBZ = N, LRWORK >= 5*min(M,N)", but we found that the minimum size needed to be at least 7*min(M,N). This was through experimentation and comparison with code from Numpy and Octave, so you may wish to verify this through the code.
Assigned to Julie (U Tennessee) on Feb 11th 2015
Relevant Julia links:
Confirmed and Corrected by Julie Langou on Mar 17th 2015
bug0057 :: Non-eigenvectors from DGEEV, problem in balancing
CORRECTED, rev 1413
bug report sent by Numpy team on April 22nd, 2010
see forum topic 1818
see follow-up on lapackers on April 22nd from Jim "bug in DGEHRD" "The balancing is choosing to scale some rows/columns by factors like 1e18, which rather amplifies tiny rounding errors in the (presumably correctly) computed eigenvectors of the balanced matrix, when balancing is undone at the end. The expert driver interface dgeevx would let the user disable balancing, until we figure out whether this is a bug or a feature, I’m not sure which."
Corrected by Bradley Lowery, Rodney James, Julien Langou on May 26 2013
bug0056 :: Non-orthogonal eigenvectors returned from DSYEVR
CORRECTED, rev 1540
bug report sent by Scipy team on April 22nd
Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 17 Feb 2011
" I can reproduce similar problems that the user encountered with non-orthogonal eigenvectors when only
a few eigenvalues are requested. This also happens with SSYEVR. If I set ABSTOL to SLAMCH(Safe minimum),
the problem goes away in SSYEVR, and improves with DSYEVR but does not completely go away."
Assigned to Osni (UC Berkeley) and Julien (UC Denver)? on Feb 11th 2015
Corrected by Osni on Mon May 4th 2015
bug0033 :: failure of zheevd on a specific matrix
CORRECTED, rev 1505
bug report sent by Cezary Sliwa (Instytut Fizyki PAN, Poland) on Thu 2 Jul 2009 to "[email protected]".
see Cezary Sliwa’s test code, Cezary Sliwa’s matrix, and Cezary Sliwa’s email.
Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 17 Feb 2011
Corrected by Osni Marques on Oct 1st 2014
bug0032 :: matrix splitting problem with dstebz and sstebz
CORRECTED, rev 1540
bug report sent by Phil DeMier (IBM) on Mon 29 Jun 2009 to "[email protected]". "matrix splitting problem with dstebz and sstebz"
Confirmed by Rodney on Tue, 08 Feb 2011
Corrected by Osni on Mon May 4th 2015