BLAS (Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms)

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This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. ASC-9313958 and DOE Grant No. DE-FG03-94ER25219. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation (NSF) or the Department of Energy (DOE).

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#       BLAS Index (Levels 1, 2, and 3)                             #
#                                                                   #
#       NOTE:  All BLAS routines are listed in the order in which   #
#              they appear on the BLAS Quick Reference Guide.       #
#                                                                   #
#       Organization of this index:                                 #
#           Documentation and Test Suites                           #
#           Miscellaneous and Auxiliary Routines                    #
#           Level 1 BLAS routines                                   #
#           Level 2 BLAS routines                                   #
#           Level 3 BLAS routines                                   #
#           Extended precision Level 2 BLAS routines                #

file	faq.html
for	List of frequently asked questions about blas

file	blas.tgz
for	Fortran77 reference implementation of the LEVEL 1, 2, and 3
,	BLAS routines in all precisions
,	(If only a specific precision or level is desired, please
,	see the appropriate section of this index for details.)
prec	single, double, complex, doublecomplex
lang	fortran
LAST UPDATE: Tuesday Apr 19th 2011

file	blast-forum/cblas.tgz
for	C interface to the BLAS
prec	single, double, complex, doublecomplex
lang	C
LAST UPDATE: Thursday Jan 20th 2011

ref     <a href="">ACML AMD Core Math Library</a>
ref     <a href="">Intel Math Kernel Library</a>
,       The AMD Core Math Library (ACML) and the Intel Math Kernel Library 
,       (Intel MKL) includes BLAS, LAPACK, and ScaLAPACK, which are designed 
,       to be used by a wide range of software developers to obtain excellent 
,       performance from their applications running on AMD and Intel platforms.

file	blast-forum/
file	blast-forum/cinterface.pdf
for	Documentation for the C interface to the BLAS

lib	gemm_based
for	Level 3 BLAS tuned for single processors with caches
by	Kagstrom B., Ling P., and Van Loan C.
title	High Performance GEMM-Based Level-3 BLAS
ref	High Performance Computing II, 1991, North-Holland
lang	Fortran

lib	../atlas
for	Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS)
by	R. C. Whaley and J. J. Dongarra
lang	C

lib	blast-forum
for	BLAS Technical Forum Standard
,	Document, Reference Implementations, and Minutes from
,	the BLAST Technical Forum meetings


for	quick reference guide for the BLAS.
lang	postscript

for	details on the Level 3 BLAS
lang	PostScript

for	details on the Level 2 BLAS
lang	PostScript

file	blas2test.f
for	original test driver for the real level two blas

file	sblat1
for	Level 1 BLAS Test Suite
prec	single
lang	fortran

file	dblat1
for	Level 1 BLAS Test Suite
prec	double
lang	fortran

file	cblat1
for	Level 1 BLAS Test Suite
prec	complex
lang	fortran

file	zblat1
for	Level 1 BLAS Test Suite
prec	doublecomplex
lang	fortran

file	sblat2
for	Level 2 BLAS Test Suite
prec	single
lang	fortran

file	dblat2
for	Level 2 BLAS Test Suite
prec	double
lang	fortran

file	cblat2
for	Level 2 BLAS Test Suite
prec	complex
lang	fortran

file	zblat2
for	Level 2 BLAS Test Suite
prec	doublecomplex
lang	fortran

file	sblat2d
for	Data file required by the Level 2 BLAS Test Suite

file	dblat2d
for	Data file required by the Level 2 BLAS Test Suite

file	cblat2d
for	Data file required by the Level 2 BLAS Test Suite

file	zblat2d
for	Data file required by the Level 2 BLAS Test Suite

file	sblat3
for	Level 3 BLAS Test Suite
prec	single
lang	fortran

file	dblat3
for	Level 3 BLAS Test Suite
prec	double
lang	fortran

file	cblat3
for	Level 3 BLAS Test Suite
prec	complex
lang	fortran

file	zblat3
for	Level 3 BLAS Test Suite
prec	doublecomplex
lang	fortran

file	sblat3d
for	Data file required by the Level 3 BLAS Test Suite

file	dblat3d
for	Data file required by the Level 3 BLAS Test Suite

file	cblat3d
for	Data file required by the Level 3 BLAS Test Suite

file	zblat3d
for	Data file required by the Level 3 BLAS Test Suite


file	i1mach.f
gams	r1
for	integer machine constants (like Fortran units for standard input)

file	r1mach.f
gams	r1
for	real machine constants (like "machine epsilon" and "biggest number")

file	d1mach.f
gams	r1
for	double precision machine constants

file	old1mach
gams	r1
for	machine constants for obsolete computers

file	machar.f
gams	r1
prec	single, double
,	precisions can be extracted from the supplied source
,	code with simple editing changes.  NOTE: at least one
,	version MUST be extracted before the source will compile.
for	MACHAR is an evolving subroutine for dynamically determining thirteen
,	fundamental parameters associated with floating-point arithmetic.  The
,	original version was published in Cody and Waite, Software Manual for
,	the Elementary Functions, Prentice-Hall, 1980.  The present version has
,	been modified to operate correctly with IEEE floating-point arithmetic.
,	It will malfunction on many CRAY and most CYBER systems, however.  See
by	W. J. Cody
ref	"MACHAR: dynamically determine machine parameters," TOMS 14, Dec 1988

file	machar.c
gams	r1
for	C source for machar and a driver.  Float and  double  
,	versions are selected with compiler directives.

file	smach.f
for	computes machine parameters of floating point
,	arithmetic for use in testing only.
prec	single

file	dmach.f
for	computes machine parameters of floating point
,	arithmetic for use in testing only.
prec	double

file	cmach.f
for	computes machine parameters of floating point
,	arithmetic for use in testing only.
prec	complex

file	zmach.f
for	computes machine parameters of floating point
,	arithmetic for use in testing only.
prec	doublecomplex

file	slamch.f
for 	LAPACK routine to determine machine parameters
prec	single

file	dlamch.f
for 	LAPACK routine to determine machine parameters
prec	double

file	dgelu.f

file	dgelub.f
for	LU factorization of an m-by-n matrix A
prec	double

file	dmr
prec	double
for	DGEMM for IBM RS/6000 by Dongarra, Mayes, and Radicatti
gams	D1b6
lang	Fortran

file	scabs1.f
for	computes absolute value of a complex number
,	(Auxiliary Routine for a few Level 1 BLAS routines)
prec	complex

file	dcabs1.f
for	computes absolute value of a doublecomplex number
,	(Auxiliary Routine for a few Level 1 BLAS routines)
prec	doublecomplex

file	lsame.f
for	Test if the characters are equal.
,	(Auxiliary Routine in Level 2 and 3 BLAS routines)

file	xerbla.f
for	error handler for the Level 2 and 3 BLAS routines.
,	(Auxiliary Routine)


file	blas1.tgz
for	Level 1 BLAS routines in all precisions
prec	single, double, complex, doublecomplex
gams	D1a

file	sblas1.f
for	all the Level 1 BLAS for this type
prec	single
gams	D1a

file	dblas1.f
for	all the Level 1 BLAS for this type
prec	double
gams	D1a

file	cblas1.f
for	all the Level 1 BLAS for this type
prec	complex
gams	D1a

file	zblas1.f
for	all the Level 1 BLAS for this type
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a

file	srotg.f
for	setup Givens rotation
prec	single
gams	D1b10

file	drotg.f
for	setup Givens rotation
prec	double
gams	D1b10

file	crotg.f
for	setup Givens rotation
prec	complex
gams	D1b10

file	zrotg.f
for	setup Givens rotation
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b10

file	srotmg.f
for	setup modified Givens rotation
prec	single

file	drotmg.f
for	setup modified Givens rotation
prec	double

file	srot.f
for	apply Givens rotation
prec	single
gams	D1a8, D1b10

file	drot.f
for	apply Givens rotation
prec	double
gams	D1a8, D1b10

file	csrot.f
for	apply Givens rotation
prec	complex
gams	D1a8, D1b10

file	zdrot.f
for	apply Givens rotation
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a8, D1b10

file	srotm.f
for	apply modified Givens rotation
prec	single

file	drotm.f
for	apply modified Givens rotation
prec	double

file	sswap.f
for	swap x and y
prec	single
gams	D1a5

file	dswap.f
for	swap x and y
prec	double
gams	D1a5

file	cswap.f
for	swap x and y
prec	complex
gams	D1a5

file	zswap.f
for	swap x and y
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a5

file	sscal.f
for	x = a*x
prec	single
gams	D1a6

file	dscal.f
for	x = a*x
prec	double
gams	D1a6

file	cscal.f
for	x = a*x
prec	complex
gams	D1a6

file	zscal.f
for	x = a*x
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a6

file	csscal.f
for	x = a*x
prec	complex
gams	D1a6

file	zdscal.f
for	x = a*x
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a6

file	scopy.f
for	copy x into y
prec	single
gams	D1a5

file	dcopy.f
for	copy x into y
prec	double
gams	D1a5

file	ccopy.f
for	copy x into y
prec	complex
gams	D1a5

file	zcopy.f
for	copy x into y
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a5

file	saxpy.f
for	y = a*x + y
prec	single
gams	D1a7

file	daxpy.f
for	y = a*x + y
prec	double
gams	D1a7

file	caxpy.f
for	y = a*x + y
prec	complex
gams	D1a7

file	zaxpy.f
for	y = a*x + y
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a7

file	sdot.f
for	dot product
prec	single
gams	D1a4

file	ddot.f
for	dot product
prec	double
gams	D1a4

file	sdsdot.f
for	dot product with extended precision accumulation

file	dsdot.f
for	dot product with extended precision accumulation and result

file	cdotu.f
for	dot product
prec	complex
gams	D1a4

file	zdotu.f
for	dot product
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a4

file	cdotc.f
for	dot product, conjugating the first vector
prec	complex
gams	D1a4

file	zdotc.f
for	dot product, conjugating the first vector
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a4

file	snrm2.f
for	Euclidean norm
prec	single
gams	D1a3b

file	dnrm2.f
for	Euclidean norm
prec	double
gams	D1a3b

file	scnrm2.f
for	Euclidean norm
prec	complex
gams	D1a3b

file	dznrm2.f
for	Euclidean norm
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a3b

file	sasum.f
for	sum of absolute values
prec	single
gams	D1a3a

file	dasum.f
for	sum of absolute values
prec	double
gams	D1a3a

file	scasum.f
for	sum of absolute values
prec	complex
gams	D1a3a

file	dzasum.f
for	sum of absolute values
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a3a

file	isamax.f
for	index of max abs value
prec	single
gams	D1a2,D1a3c,N5a

file	idamax.f
for	index of max abs value
prec	double
gams	D1a2,D1a3c,N5a

file	icamax.f
for	index of max abs value
prec	complex
gams	D1a2,D1a3c,N5a

file	izamax.f
for	index of max abs value
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a2,D1a3c,N5a


file	blas2.tgz
for	Level 2 BLAS routines in all precisions
prec	single, double, complex, doublecomplex
gams	D1a

file	sblas2.f
for	all the Level 2 BLAS for this type
prec	single
gams	D1a

file	dblas2.f
for	all the Level 2 BLAS for this type
prec	double
gams	D1a

file	cblas2.f
for	all the Level 2 BLAS for this type
prec	complex
gams	D1a

file	zblas2.f
for	all the Level 2 BLAS for this type
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a

file	sblas2time.f
for	timing the Level 2 BLAS
prec	single

file	dblas2time.f
for	timing the Level 2 BLAS
prec	double

file	cblas2time.f
for	timing the Level 2 BLAS
prec	complex

file	zblas2time.f
for	timing the Level 2 BLAS
prec	doublecomplex

file	sgemv.f
for	matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dgemv.f
for	matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

for	matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4
file	cgemv.f

file	zgemv.f
for	matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	sgbmv.f
for	banded matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dgbmv.f
for	banded matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	cgbmv.f
for	banded matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4

file	zgbmv.f
for	banded matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	chemv.f
for	hermitian matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b6

file	zhemv.f
for	hermitian matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b6

file	chbmv.f
for	hermitian banded matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4

file	zhbmv.f
for	hermitian banded matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	chpmv.f
for	hermitian packed matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4

file	zhpmv.f
for	hermitian packed matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	ssymv.f
for	symmetric matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dsymv.f
for	symmetric matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	ssbmv.f
for	symmetric banded matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dsbmv.f
for	symmetric banded matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	sspmv.f
for	symmetric packed matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dspmv.f
for	symmetric packed matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	strmv.f
for	triangular matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dtrmv.f
for	triangular matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	ctrmv.f
for	triangular matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4

file	ztrmv.f
for	triangular matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	stbmv.f
for	triangular banded matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dtbmv.f
for	triangular banded matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	ctbmv.f
for	triangular banded matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4

file	ztbmv.f
for	triangular banded matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	stpmv.f
for	triangular packed matrix vector multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b4

file	dtpmv.f
for	triangular packed matrix vector multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b4

file	ctpmv.f
for	triangular packed matrix vector multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b4

file	ztpmv.f
for	triangular packed matrix vector multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b4

file	strsv.f
for	solving triangular matrix problems
prec	single
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	dtrsv.f
for	solving triangular matrix problems
prec	double
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	ctrsv.f
for	solving triangular matrix problems
prec	complex
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	ztrsv.f
for	solving triangular matrix problems
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	stbsv.f
for	solving triangular banded matrix problems
prec	single
gams	D2a3,D2a2,D2c2,D2c3

file	dtbsv.f
for	solving triangular banded matrix problems
prec	double
gams	D2a3,D2a2,D2c2,D2c3

file	ctbsv.f
for	solving triangular banded matrix problems
prec	complex
gams	D2a3,D2a2,D2c2,D2c3

file	ztbsv.f
for	solving triangular banded matrix problems
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D2a3,D2a2,D2c2,D2c3

file	stpsv.f
for	solving triangular packed matrix problems
prec	single
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	dtpsv.f
for	solving triangular packed matrix problems
prec	double
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	ctpsv.f
for	solving triangular packed matrix problems
prec	complex
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	ztpsv.f
for	solving triangular packed matrix problems
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	sger.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y' + A,
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dger.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y' + A,
prec	double
gams	D1b5

file	cgeru.f
for     performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y' + A
prec	complex
gams	D1a5

file	zgeru.f
for     performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y' + A
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a5

file	cgerc.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + A
prec	complex
gams	D1a5

file	zgerc.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + A
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1a5

file	cher.f
for     hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg(x') + A
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zher.f
for     hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg(x') + A
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	chpr.f
for	hermitian packed rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x' ) + A
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zhpr.f
for	hermitian packed rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x' ) + A
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	cher2.f
for     hermitian rank 2 operation
,       A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + conjg( alpha )*y*conjg( x' ) + A
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zher2.f
for     hermitian rank 2 operation
,       A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + conjg( alpha )*y*conjg( x' ) + A
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	chpr2.f
for     hermitian packed rank 2 operation
,       A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + conjg( alpha )*y*conjg( x' ) + A
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zhpr2.f
for     hermitian packed rank 2 operation
,       A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + conjg( alpha )*y*conjg( x' ) + A
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	ssyr.f
for     performs the symmetric rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*x' + A
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dsyr.f
for     performs the symmetric rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*x' + A
prec	double
gams	D1b5

file	sspr.f
for	symmetric packed rank 1 operation  A := alpha*x*x' + A
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dspr.f
for	symmetric packed rank 1 operation  A := alpha*x*x' + A
prec	double
gams	D1b5

file	ssyr2.f
for	performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
,	A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dsyr2.f
for	performs the symmetric rank 2 operation
,	A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A
prec	double
gams	D1b5

file	sspr2.f
for	performs the symmetric packed rank 2 operation
,	A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dspr2.f
for	performs the symmetric packed rank 2 operation
,	A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A
prec	double
gams	D1b5


file	blas3.tgz
for	Level 3 BLAS routines in all precisions
prec	single, double, complex, doublecomplex
gams	D1b

file	sblas3.f
for	all the Level 3 BLAS of this type
prec	single
gams	D1b

file	dblas3.f
for	all the Level 3 BLAS of this type
prec	double
gams	D1b

file	cblas3.f
for	all the Level 3 BLAS of this type
prec	complex
gams	D1b

file	zblas3.f
for	all the Level 3 BLAS of this type
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b

file	sblas3time.f
for	timing the Level 3 BLAS
prec	single

file	dblas3time.f
for	timing the Level 3 BLAS
prec	double

file	cblas3time.f
for	timing the Level 3 BLAS
prec	complex

file	zblas3time.f
for	timing the Level 3 BLAS
prec	doublecomplex

file	sgemm.f
for	matrix matrix multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b6

file	dgemm.f
for	matrix matrix multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b6

file	cgemm.f
for	matrix matrix multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b6

file	zgemm.f
for	matrix matrix multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b6

file	ssymm.f
for	symmetric matrix matrix multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b6

file	dsymm.f
for	symmetric matrix matrix multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b6

file	csymm.f
for	symmetric matrix matrix multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b6

file	zsymm.f
for	symmetric matrix matrix multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b6

file	chemm.f
for	hermitian matrix matrix multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b6

file	zhemm.f
for	hermitian matrix matrix multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b6

file	ssyrk.f
for	symmetric rank-k update to a matrix
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dsyrk.f
for	symmetric rank-k update to a matrix
prec	double
gams	D1b5

file	csyrk.f
for	symmetric rank-k update to a matrix
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zsyrk.f
for	symmetric rank-k update to a matrix
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	cherk.f
for	hermitian rank-k update to a matrix
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zherk.f
for	hermitian rank-k update to a matrix
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	ssyr2k.f
for	symmetric rank-2k update to a matrix
prec	single
gams	D1b5

file	dsyr2k.f
for	symmetric rank-2k update to a matrix
prec	double
gams	D1b5

file	csyr2k.f
for	symmetric rank-2k update to a matrix
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zsyr2k.f
for	symmetric rank-2k update to a matrix
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	cher2k.f
for	hermitian rank-2k update to a matrix
prec	complex
gams	D1b5

file	zher2k.f
for	hermitian rank-2k update to a matrix
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b5

file	strmm.f
for	triangular matrix matrix multiply
prec	single
gams	D1b6

file	dtrmm.f
for	triangular matrix matrix multiply
prec	double
gams	D1b6

file	ctrmm.f
for	triangular matrix matrix multiply
prec	complex
gams	D1b6

file	ztrmm.f
for	triangular matrix matrix multiply
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D1b6

file	strsm.f
for	solving triangular matrix with multiple right hand sides
prec	single
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	dtrsm.f
for	solving triangular matrix with multiple right hand sides
prec	double
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	ctrsm.f
for	solving triangular matrix with multiple right hand sides
prec	complex
gams	D2a3,D2c3

file	ztrsm.f
for	solving triangular matrix with multiple right hand sides
prec	doublecomplex
gams	D2a3,D2c3


file	ecblas2.f
for	all the Level 2 BLAS for this type, with extended
,	precision accumulation
prec	complex
gams	D1a

file	ecgbmv.f

file	ecgemv.f
for	performs one of the matrix-vector operations:
,	y := alpha*A*x + beta*y, or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y, 
,	or y := alpha*conjg( A' )*x + beta*y

file	ecgerc.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + A

file	ecgeru.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*y' + A

file	echemv.f

file	echbmv.f

file	echpmv.f
for	performs the matrix-vector operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y

file	echer.f
for	performs the hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x' ) + A

file	echer2.f
for	hermitian rank 2 operation 
,	A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + conjg( alpha )*y*conjg( x' ) + A

file	echpr.f
for	hermitian rank 1 operation A := alpha*x*conjg( x' ) + A

file	echpr2.f
for	hermitian rank 2 operation 
,	A := alpha*x*conjg( y' ) + conjg( alpha )*y*conjg( x' ) + A

file	ectrmv.f

file	ectbmv.f

file	ectpmv.f
for	performs one of the matrix-vector operations
,	x := A*x,   or   x := A'*x,   or   x := conjg( A' )*x

file	ectrsv.f

file	ectbsv.f

file	ectpsv.f
for	solves one of the systems of equations
,	A*x = b,   or   A'*x = b,   or   conjg( A' )*x = b

file	esblas2.f
for	all the Level 2 BLAS for this type, with extended
,	precision accumulation
prec	single
gams	D1a

file	esgbmv.f

file	esgemv.f
for	performs one of the matrix-vector operations
,	y := alpha*A*x + beta*y,   or   y := alpha*A'*x + beta*y

file	esger.f
for	performs the rank 1 operation  A := alpha*x*y' + A
,	where alpha is a scalar, x is an m element vector, y is an n element
,	vector and A is an m by n matrix.

file	essymv.f

file	essbmv.f

file	esspmv.f
for	performs the matrix-vector  operation y := alpha*A*x + beta*y

file	essyr.f

file	esspr.f
for 	performs the symmetric rank 1 operation  A := alpha*x*x' + A
,	where alpha is a real scalar, x is an n element vector and A is an
,	n by n symmetric matrix.

file	essyr2.f

file	esspr2.f
for	performs the symmetric rank 2 operation  
,	A := alpha*x*y' + alpha*y*x' + A, where alpha is a scalar, x and
,	y are n element vectors and A is an n by n symmetric matrix.

file	estrmv.f

file	estbmv.f

file	estpmv.f
for	performs one of the matrix-vector operations x := A*x, or x := A'*x
,	where x is n element vector and A is an n by n unit, or non-unit,
,	upper or lower triangular matrix.

file	estrsv.f

file	estbsv.f

file	estpsv.f
for	solves one of the systems of equations  A*x = b, or A'*x = b,
,	where b and x are n element vectors and A is an n by n unit, or
,	non-unit, upper or lower triangular matrix.