     ZipCopy for Windows 95/NT 
     Shareware release version

ZipCopy is a utility for synchronizing files in different drives/directories,
particularly between a hard disk and IOMega Zip disk or equivalent. It is
particularly targetted at users who wish to keep subsets of the folders 
on 2 machines fully synchronised (eg home & office PC, or desktop & laptop).

It features the ability to specify source & target folders, mask out file
types to be excluded from the synchronisation process. Operation can
range from a competely visual mode with tree-display of files & folders
to be updated to a completely silent mode suitable for background operation.
ZipCopy incorporates a project manager that allows collections of synchronisation
projectsa to be managed as a group, and is suitable for control by a
scheduling program such as Windows Scheduler.

ZipCopy has a wide range of customisation options that allow you to
tailor the application to your own preferred method of working.

It has been in use by the author and colleagues for over 18 months, and 
extensively in the context of program development. 


PC running Windows 95 or NT Workstation version 4.0 or later.
About 1 Mb disk space.


If you have obtained the .ZIP distribution file ZipCpyxx.ZIP, unzip this 
in a temporary directory and run the setup program SETUP.EXE using Windows 
Explorer. After installation, delete the unzipped files from the temporary 

Getting Help

Online help is available through the Help Menu when ZipCopy is 
running. There is no printed manual.


This is not free software! See the file LICENSE.TXT for details of 
licensing conditions. A shareware license costs $US 25.