July 1, 1998

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Product Announcement
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Soletta is pleased to announce the open beta test of the Standard Delphi Library (SDL), a sophisticated data structure, object persistence, and algorithm library designed for the Delphi environment.  

SDL is based on the mature design of the Standard Template Library, which is the container-library
standard for C++.  SDL is an adaptation of these ideas to Delphi.

For more information, or to download the beta version, please visit:


or, email


More detailed information follows:

The Standard Delphi Library (SDL) by Soletta is a powerful library of reusable container classes, generic algorithms, and an easy to use persistence mechanism.  SDL is designed for intermediate to advanced Delphi programmers who have a need for sophisticated data structures or who wish to take advantage of SDL’s large library of generic algorithms.  SDL is also highly appropriate for programmers who are experienced with the C++ STL (Standard Template Library), or ObjectSpace’s JGL (Java Generic Library).  SDL is an adaptation of Stepanov and Lee’s concepts to the Delphi environment.  

SDL offers a number of features not found in any other Delphi class library:

- Powerful underlying methodology.  SDL is the first data structure and algorithm library for Delphi to be based on generic programming with reusable algorithms and data structures.  It is based on a mature and sophisticated model (STL).

- Natural and easy to use storage of atomic data types.  This means that SDL containers can be used to hold any Delphi data type (such as Integers, Strings, Extended values) with no special syntax.  SDL is the first container library to take advantage of Delphi’s array of const feature, which lifts a significant burden from the programmer.

- Generic algorithms.  Like STL and JGL, SDL comes with over 60 generic algorithms.  The set of algorithms was originally chosen by Stepanov; SDL provides implementation of many of the algorithms found in STL.  Thus, an STL programmer will be immediately familiar.  SDL’s container classes follow the interface/iterator model; the consequence is that most generic algorithms will work on any container class.

- Integrated persistence.  SDL’s companion library, SuperStream (included with SDL Source Edition, and also available separatelyl), provides a capable, easy to use method for storing and retrieving objects in Delphi.  SDL comes complete with the integration code necessary to use SuperStream and SDL together.  SuperStream and SDL are based on many of the same techniques, so programmers who become familiar with one will be immediately familiar with the other.

- Complete set of data structures.  SDL includes arrays, double-linked lists, maps, and sets.  The mapping structures are available both in red-black tree and hashing form.  There are at least ten different data structures available, with more being developed.

- Atomic, associative data structures.  SDL is the first data structure library for Delphi to provide natural, atomic storage of associations.  For example, adding to a map is as simple as map.putPair([10, ‘hello’]).  This places the value ‘hello’ at key 10 in the map.  Note that the values are specified without any object wrappers.  We can also just as easily add objects to the map:  map.putPair([‘Ross Judson’, objTest]).