Wat is AVSecure?	
A Delphi Component for application protect and making trial 
application versions. 

With AV Secure you can register applications avoiding 
unauthorized use. 

With AV Secure you can create applications trials time limited 
puting a period of days between two dates of authorized use.

With AV Secure come a wizard RegWizard.exe. With the wizard you
can register applications either runing it in the target computers 
(where the application run) or register it from your own computer
generating the registration code to send later to your users via
email, phone, and so on.

You can register applications in temporal way (255 days max.)
or permanently.

You can enable/disable up to 8 modules in the aplication.

How AVSecure work
When your application run in the user PCs, AVSecure calculate a four
digits hexadecimal number called INSTAL CODE, distinct one for each 
PC and calculated in basis of serial number from the hardware Hard 
Disk. This code must be send to you from the users so you can 
generate with the wizard RegWizard.exe the apropiate REGISTRATION 
CODE for each user.
Together with the component come a demo application so you can learn
how to use it.

Next enumerate the properties and methods needed to implement 
registration of applications with AVSecure.

AppCode: Decimal number from 1 to 12 digits assigned for you an must
         be unique for each application. From this number and the 
         install code the component calculate the entry in the Windows 
         registry where to be stored the registration data. This 
         insure to coexist many applications on same one computer.
         NOTE: Important! This property must be assigned before any 
		  other action from the component.

BeginDate: Initial date in the range of authorized use.

Days: Number of days of authorized use starting with BeginDate.

EndDate: Final Date in the range of authorized use.

Expired: Boolean value. When it's TRUE means that application use 
         is not authorized, for example, when the system date is out 
         of authorized range.   

Registered: Boolean value. It's TURE when the application is 
         registered in permanently way.

Modules: Array of boolean values (m1, m2, ..) establish the modules
         that are enabled. This is optional, only applicable when you 
         want enable/disable features in the application from the
         registration code.

Error:   Numeric value. This value indicate the component status and
         his values means: 

         -1 the application is first time running.
          0 not errors, normal operation
          1 registration code length mismatch 
          2 instal code bad
          3 registration code bad
procedure Read;
	Read from the Windows registry the registration data and put
   it in the AVSecure object properties.	

procedure Write(RCode:string); 
   Store in the Windows registry the registration data from the
	registration code pased in the string parameter with the 

function Make:string;
	This function calculate and return a registration code based 
	in the content of properties in the AVSecure object. 

function check(RCode:string):boolean;
	This function evaluate the registration code pased in his 
	parameter, returning TRUE if it's correct. In addition this
	put the corresponding values in the Error property.  

procedure clear;
	Clear the content of the AVSecure object properties.

procedure Erasereg;
	Delete the Windows registry entry with the registration
	data for the application.

If you have any comments, suggestions and bug-reports, please forward
it to avalega@softhome.net or avalega@mailroom.com

Name    : Alcides Valega
Address : Santa Cruz 1468, 3400-Corrientes, Argentina
E-mail  : avalega@softhome.net
URL     : http://delphisoft.itgo.com