triadis engineering GmbH - TrDBCtrls

TrDBCtrls Version 1.0

Included Components


TrDBCtrls is a suite of visual components specifically designed to give professional CS database frontend developers unmatched power in their Delphi  applications.


Included Components:




The TrDBLookupComboBox visual component provides your end-users with the ability to enter, edit or select a value for a field from a lookup list of values that is populated from a lookup query or value list.

  • Component holds data in internal lookup list.
  • Internal lookup list can be filled with tree different kinds of data sources: Value List, Query, or parametrized Query even Stored Procedures
  • You can define any number of columns (fields) to be displayed in the drop-down list along with defining their display width and alignment.
  • The components support the 'Quicken' style display of the matching value, by simultaneously searching and displaying the matching text in the search control.
  • Support for all dataset types to fill a drop-down list.
  • Support of parametrized queries to fill up the lookup list.
  • Support of stored procedures to fill up the lookup list and fetch the lookup value.
  • Minimize the lookup list size by using parametrized queries or stored procedures and 'Quicken' style searching. This is a great advantage when lookup query based on a table that contain thousands or even ten thousands of records. This is a very important feature in CS applications.
  • Component automatically detects when a user’s entry is not in the lookup list, and allows you to perform any action, such as add the entry to the lookup list.
  • End-users can incrementally search through the lookup list by directly typing into the combo control while the lookup list is displayed.
  • TrDBLookupComboBox works great in modal dialogs, it handles CR and ESC key strikes only if needed.
  • Over 2500 lines of source code is included.
  • Full support of Delphi's TDBCtrlGrid.
  • TrDBLookupComboBox is a descendant of TCustomEdit.


The TrDBMemo visual component is a direct descendant of TDBMemo.

  • It sets the right and left margins to 1 if borderstyle is bsNone.
  • Same caret size as in DBEdit controls.
  • SelectAll on entering the control and Autoselect is true.


The TrDBEdit visual component is a direct descendant of TDBEdit.

  • It sets the right and left margins to 1 if borderstyle is bsNone.


The TrDBCtrlGrid visual component is a direct descendant of TDBCtrlGrid

  • Correct tab order handling by calling FindComponent on the Form.

More features like:

  • Record state indicator.
  • Record level copy and paste.
  • Multi row select.
  • etc.

are planed for the future.


The TrDBRichEdit visual component is a direct descendant of TDBRichEdit.

  • Can be placed in TDBCtrlGrid, but shows correct rich text only on current record.

More is planed for the future.




To download unregistred copy of TrDBCtrls.

Demo program is in included!




The ShareWare versions of TrDBCtrls can be used for evaluation purposes only.The Registered versions of TrDBCtrls can be used, royalty free, in any way not in competition with TrDBCtrls. The file LICENCE.TXT contains complete licencing information on TrDBCtrls.

The ShareWare versions of TrDBCtrls is not crippled in any way. It is identical to the registered version, except it runs only if Delphis IDE is running.

Registration fee is USD 40 for one Developer licence.

Registred users gets:

  • Full source code (over 2500 lines).
  • Support via e-mail.
  • Minor updates.

For pricing and registration details of TrDBCtrls, see ORDER.TXT or e-mail for information.

Print out and fax the file ORDER.TXT to order TrDBCtrls.




If you have a registred version, you can e-mail with questions, problems experienced, suggestions and feedback.

triadis engineering GmbH
Eichholzstrasse 7
CH-3254 Messen

� 1998 triadis engineering GmbH

Telefon: +41 (31) 768 15 15
Telefax: +41 (31) 768 15 16
